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CILIA’s Characterisitics

Cilia are small, slender, hair-like structures present on the surface of all mammalian cells. They are
primitive in nature and could be single or many. Cilia play a major role in locomotion. They are also
involved in mechanoreception.

Cilia have several characteristics:

1. Structure: Cilia are long, thin structures with an actin-based core and a tubular membrane covering.

2. Movement: Cilia can undergo rhythmic, coordinated movements that result in the flow of fluids and

3. Directionality: The movement of cilia is unidirectional, meaning that it is directed in one direction only.

4. Function: Depending on the cell type and location, cilia can play a role in a variety of functions,
including the movement of fluids and particles, sensory detection, and cellular signaling.

5. Deficiency: Defects in cilia function can lead to the development of a variety of diseases, including
ciliary dyskinesia, primary ciliary dyskinesia, and some types of polycystic kidney disease.

Flagella’s Characteristics

Bacterial flagella are helically shaped structures containing the protein flagellin. The base of the
flagellum (the hook) near the cell surface is attached to the basal body enclosed in the cell envelope. The
flagellum rotates in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction, in a motion similar to that of a propeller.
Flagella are long, finger-like projections that protrude from the cell membrane of prokaryotic organisms
such as bacteria and archaea, and from some eukaryotic cells such as sperm cells. Flagella are used for
propulsion and for sensory functions in some organisms. Let me list the characteristics of flagella:

1. Structure: Flagella are composed of a single, central rod called the axoneme that is surrounded by a
sheath of fibrilous proteins.

2. Movement: Flagella can undergo metrical and rotational movements that are thought to be controlled
by a complex network of proteins.

3. Shape: Flagella can have different shapes depending on the organism, including straight, curved, or
wavy forms.

4. Function: Flagella play a role in the movement of microorganisms, including swimming and crawling.
They can also function as sensory organs, allowing microbes to sense their environment.

5. Deficiency: Defects in flagellar structure or function can lead to decreased motility or reduced sensory
capabilities in some organisms. This can impact their ability to survive and thrive in certain

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