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Slums are informal and unplanned settlements having a large number of urban poor people who
lack access to substandard housing, poor sanitation, insecurity and vulnerability. According to
the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS), there were about 13,751 slums in Bangladesh in
2014, covering an area of 8,046 hectares and accommodating about 2.23 million households.

The employment structure of slum dwellers is an important indicator of their livelihood

conditions and economic opportunities. It can reveal the extent of poverty, inequality,
informality and vulnerability among slum dwellers. (Hossain et al. 2020) investigated the socio-
economic characteristics of slum dwellers in Pabna Municipality found that most of slum
dwellers were young, illiterate or low educated, migrants from rural areas, engaged in low skilled
or informal sector jobs, earning low income, living in rented or squatted houses with poor
facilities, facing various health problems, lacking social security and empowerment etc. (Islam et
al. 2019) analyzed that there was a significant variation in regional economic development
among different upazilas of Pabna district.

The aim of this study is to analyze the employment structure of slum dwellers in Pabna
Municipality in Bangladesh and compare it with the employment structure of the non-slum
population in this municipality, also explore the factors that influence the employment choices
and outcomes of slum dwellers and identify the challenges and opportunities for improving their
employment conditions and prospects.

Study Area:

Pabna is one of the districts of Rajshahi division in Bangladesh, located in between 23°48' and
24°21' north latitudes and in between 89°00' and 89°44' east longitudes with a population of
about 2.5 million people. Pabna district has 9 upazilas (sub-districts), 93 unions, 1,558 villages
and 8 municipalities.

Pabna Municipality is the administrative center and the largest urban area of Pabna district. It has
a population of about 190,392 people and covers an area of 27.43 square kilometers. According
to a report by Slum Development Master Plan (SDMP), there are 13 slums in Pabna
Municipality, covering an area of 9.7 hectares and accommodating about 2,045 households. The
slum population of Pabna Municipality was estimated at about 13,033 people.
Fig 1: Locational Map of Pabna Municipality

Literature review:
A brief review of some relevant studies on slums and employment structure in Bangladesh and
other countries is presented below:

-Hossain et al. (2020) investigated the socio-economic characteristics of slum dwellers in Pabna
Municipality. The study used primary data collected through questionnaire survey from 120
respondents in four selected slums of Pabna Municipality. The study found that most of slum
dwellers were young, illiterate or low educated, migrants from rural areas, engaged in low skilled
or informal sector jobs, earning low income, living in rented or squatted houses with poor
facilities, facing various health problems, lacking social security and empowerment etc. The
study recommended some interventions such as providing legal recognition, ensuring basic
services, creating employment opportunities and enhancing social awareness for improving the
situation of slum dwellers.

-Islam et al. (2019) analyzed the regional economic development of Pabna district in Bangladesh
using a shift-share approach. The study used secondary data from BBS to calculate the shift-
share components for nine upazilas of Pabna district for he period 2001-2011. The study found
that Pabna district had a positive regional share component but a negative national share
component and a negative industrial mix component. The study also found that there was a
significant variation in regional economic development among different upazilas of Pabna
district. The study suggested some policy implications such as promoting industrialization,
diversification, infrastructure development and human capital formation for enhancing regional
economic development in Pabna district.

-Majale (2008) examined the employment creation through participatory urban planning and
slum upgrading in Kitale, Kenya. The study used a case study approach to evaluate a project
implemented by Practical Action (formerly ITDG) that aimed to improve the living conditions
and livelihoods of slum dwellers through community mobilization, infrastructure provision,
housing improvement, and enterprise development. The study found that the project had positive
impacts on employment creation both directly and indirectly by enhancing the physical, social,
and economic capital of slum dwellers. The study also found that participatory planning and
partnership building were key factors for ensuring sustainability and replicability of the project

 To assess the differences and similarities between the employment structure of slum
dwellers and non-slum population in Pabna Municipality.
 To describe the main sectors, occupations and income levels of slum dwellers in Pabna
 To examine the main determinants of employment structure among slum dwellers in
Pabna Municipality.
 To evaluate the main challenges and opportunities for enhancing the employment
opportunities and outcomes of slum dwellers in Pabna Municipality.


The research methodology for this study will consist of the following steps:

Data collection: The primary data for this study will be collected through a household survey
using a structured questionnaire. The survey will cover a sample of 120 households from two
selected slums (60 households from each slum) in Pabna Municipality. The sample will be
selected using a stratified random sampling technique based on gender, age and occupation
criteria. The secondary data for this study will be collected from various sources such as BBS
publications, journal articles, books and reports.

Data analysis: The data analysis for this study will involve both descriptive and inferential
statistics using SPSS software. The descriptive statistics will include frequency distribution,
mean, median, mode, standard deviation, coefficient of variation etc. The inferential statistics
will include chi-square test, t-test, correlation, regression etc. The data analysis will also involve
graphical presentation using charts, tables, maps etc.

Data interpretation: The data interpretation for this study will involve explaining and
discussing the findings from data analysis in relation to the research questions, literature review,
and outcomes. The data interpretation will also involve identifying the limitations, implications,
and recommendations for further research.

Fig 2 : Flow chart of Methodology

Possible outcome:

The expected outcomes of this study are:

 To provide a comprehensive picture of the employment structure of slum dwellers in

Pabna Municipality in terms of sectors, occupations, and income levels.
 To compare and contrast the employment structure of slum dwellers with that of non-
slum population in Pabna Municipality.
 To identify and analyze the factors that influence the employment choices and outcomes
of slum dwellers such as education, skill, gender, age, migration status etc.
 To evaluate the challenges and opportunities for improving the employment conditions
and prospects of slum dwellers such as access to credit, training, market, infrastructure
 To contribute to the existing literature on slums and employment structure in Bangladesh
and other developing countries.
 To provide policy suggestions for enhancing the economic empowerment and social
inclusion of slum dwellers.

BBS (2015). Report on Slum Census 2014: National Volume-I: Analytical Report. Dhaka,
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

BBS (2012). Population & Housing Census 2011: Socio-Economic & Demographic Report,
National Volume4. Dhaka, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

BBS (2017). Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh 2016. Dhaka, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.

SDMP (2018). Slum Development Master Plan of Pabna Municipality: Report On

Socio Economic Survey And Mapping Of Slums In Municipal Area Of PABNA
MUNICIPALITY Dhaka, Slum Development Master Plan.

Bapari MH et al. (2016). Impacts of Unplanned Urbanization on the SocioEconomic Conditions

and Environment of Pabna Municipality, Bangladesh. Available at
Islam MA et al. (2019). Regional Economic Development of Pabna District in Bangladesh: A
Shift Share Approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 9(6):1–7.

Hossain MM et al. (2020). Socio-Economic Characteristics of Slum Dwellers in Pabna

Municipality. Journal of Business Studies 41(1): 1- 16.

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