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Sunflower International School

Academic Year 2022-23

Summative Assessment-1
Science, Year-5

Student’s ID
Time Allowed: 45 minutes
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Type Given Score
Number Area
Section A MCQ 5
Section Scientific
Matching 5
B Enquiry
Section Labelling & short
Biology 5
C answers
Short answers Physics 5
Section E Short answers Biology 5
Total Score
Checked By

For Y5 (Go on to the next page)

Section A

Write the number of the correct answers in the provided brackets. (5x1= 5 marks)

1. Why do flowers pollinated by insects have brightly coloured, scented petals and nectar?

A. The insects only see the bright colours.

B. The scented petals have attractive fragrance for the insects.
C. The sweet taste from the nectar makes the insects hungry.
D. The insects must carry out the gifted duty for pollination.

1.A,B,C,D 3.B,C,D
2.C,D 4.D ( )

2. How can people disperse seeds? wind water sticking to their clothes 4. by exploding ( )

3. Which of the following statements are false?

A. The first shoot starts to grow when the seeds germinate.

B. The seeds need sunlight when they germinate.
C. They need water when they germinate.
D. There are 6 stages at least for seeds germination.

1.A,B 3.B,C

2.C,D 4.None ( )

4. Which of the following statements are true?

A. The higher the pitch of the sound is, the faster the vibration.
B. The lower the pitch of the sound is, the slower the vibration.
C. Liquid is the best material for the sound travels through.
D. Our ear will be damaged when the sound is over 85 dB.

1.A,B,C 3.B,C,D
3.C,D,A 4.A,B,D ( )

For Y5 (Go on to the next page)


5. How do you play these musical instruments? plucking blowing beating shaking ( )

Section B
Match each of the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B. Draw a line to link each
word to its meaning. (5x1=5 marks)

Column A Column B
1. Adaptation a. A hand-held device to
measure sound
2. Conditions b. A hole or tunnel
3. Sound level c. Equipment that makes
metre sounds quieter
4. Amplifier d. The path taken when an
5. Silencer e. The way something is suited
to its function or
f. An electronic device to
increase the volume of
g. An electronic device that
people talk into
h. An instrument to blow down
a tube
i. Things that affect how
something happens

For Y5 (Go on to the next page)


Section C: Labelling and short answers

Label the parts of the flower and answer the questions. (5marks)

1. Label the parts of the flower correctly. (8x0.5=4 marks)


5. 7.



2. Name the process by which the seeds are formed. (1 mark)


For Y5 (Go on to the next page) 5

Section D : Short answers
Amy and Sarah measured the sound volume of a clock ticking through different materials. These
are their results. (5 marks)

Materials Sound in dB
Water 45
Metal 65
Wood 60
Glass 50
Air 40

1. Draw a bar chart of the results.

2. Which material did sound travel through best?


3. Explain why sound travels well through this material.


4. Identify the control, independent and dependent variables in this investigation.


5. Write a conclusion based on the data.


For Y5 (Go on to the next page)

Section: E Short answer (5x1=5 marks)

Adam germinated some seeds. He measured the height of one of the seedlings every two
days. He wrote down his measurements:

Day 2: 10 mm, Day 4: 15 mm, Day 6: 25mm, Day 8: 35 mm, Day 10: 40 mm

1. Present Adam’s results in a table. Remember to give each column a heading.

2. Draw a line graph of Adam’s results.

Height of seedling in mm


3. Where does the seed get the energy it needs for germination?
4. Which part of the germination seed grows first?
5. Suggest a reason for this.
For Y5 (End of paper)

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