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L : Hello everyone! Today we’re going to introduce an Indian dish which is the
“Gulab Jamun”
A : To start, we’re gonna list the ingredients
L : So, you’re gonna need 75 grams of milk
A : 2 crushed cardamoms
L : 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
A : A bowl of water
L : A bowl of granulated sugar (around 100 grams)
A : 2 to 3 tablespoons of milk
L : 2 tablespoons of butter
A : 1 tablespoon of flour
L : 1 tablespoon of thin semolina soaked in hot water
A : And oil
L : The material you’re gonna need is a pan and a big bowl
A : First and foremost, put the syrup in a saucepan which contains: sugar, water,
cardamom and lemon juice then heat for 10 mins
L : For the Gulab jamun dough, put the powdered milk, a pinch of baking
powder, the flour and the butter in a container then mix
A : When the butter is well mixed, add the semolina and stir. Add the milk and
mix to obtain a paste
L : Leave it to rest for 10 mins
A : Divide the dough into small portions, take each slice, flatten it and make a

L : Put the balls in the oil (not too hot) and when they go up, turn up the gas.
A : Toss them until golden on all sides and when they’re golden brown, take
them out
L : Afterwards, enjoy! We hope that our video helped you
A : And that now, you’ll know how to make Gulab jamun
Together: Apane bhojan ka aanand len

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