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Summer vacation work .

TOPIC – Entrepreneurs.

Homework Task – My Favourite Entrepreneur

I would like you to research your favorite entrepreneur. This can be anyone who has started a business
and who you admire. It could be Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, one of your parents or just
about anyone at all!

Write your findings.

My chosen entrepreneur is ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Write a short paragraph about how they started their business (Look on the internet and find out when
this was and how they did it).

What characteristics does your chosen entrepreneur have and why do you think this has made them

My chosen entrepreneur has the following characteristics:

This makes them successful because:

Pick an entrepreneur
Investigate his/her background to determine the factors that lead to business success.
*Create your Own Design for this Presentation*
Include the following information:
Slide 1 - Title Slide (Entrepreneur’s Name / Your Name –
Slide 2 - Background of Entrepreneur (before they were famous – where they were born)
Slide 3 - pick 2 of the Characteristics from our list of 8 (Persistent, Creative, Responsible, Inquisitive, Goal-
oriented, Independent, Self-confident, Risk taker) and find facts to support how your entrepreneur portrayed
that Characteristic
Slide 4 - pick 2 of the Skills from our list of 6 (Communication skills, Human relations skills, Math skills,
Problem-solving & Decision-making skills, Technical skills, Basic Business skills) and find facts to support
how your entrepreneur portrayed that Skill
*Tell us how the Entrepreneur went through the 4 steps of the Entrepreneurial process…
Slide 5 - Step 1 – Idea generation
Slide 6 - Step 2 - Opportunity evaluation,
Slide 7 - Step 3 - Planning
Slide 8 - Step 4 - Company formation/Launch and Growth

Develop a PowerPoint slide show and be prepared to present orally. Include the background,
characteristics, accomplishments and failures of the entrepreneur, and tell how they started their
business venture .

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