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Inclusive Tourism
Sandra Beatriz Pérez Guadrón
Languages School, Don Bosco University
Writing Style
Iris Carolina Luna Erroa
Wednesday 04, 2023

Inclusive Tourism
“Today's society faces a tolerance deficit. Tourism brings people together, helps us to
open our minds and hearts”. Taleb Rifai (OMT). Currently, Inclusive Tourism is one of the most
remarkable advances in its world, according to the World Tourism Organization (Tour, 2022)
and, it has become a key element for its development. Opponents of this new form of equality
claim that people with disabilities cannot be included in society due to their condition, although
being a person with a disability should not be an impediment to travel and enjoy a good vacation
(lab, 2020). Therefore, opponents require a lot of information to know about the importance of
this topic and how to remove barriers (discrimination, harassment, death, etc.) Inclusive Tourism
is a solution to allow equal opportunities for everyone by creating new strategies and use tools for
equality between people with and without disabilities. Also, it’s important to mention that
inclusivity is implemented in each of the national and foreign tourist destinations.

To start with, equality is one of the most important implementations of inclusive tourism.
Equality is about enjoying the same rights and is the best way to promote a life free of inequality,
discrimination, and violence for all people. There are cases of those with or without disabilities,
all over the world and at all levels of every society. For example: visual impairment, motor
impairment, etc. However, people with these conditions have the same rights and opportunities,
that is why tourism supports in a great manner to avoid inequality. Moreover, society has the duty
to educate people on these important subjects such as: diversity and equality not only of gender,
but also of origin, beliefs, abilities, different cultures that exist in the world, each person has their
own customs and traditions proper of their city, country, or region, that is why it is important to
respect them whether we are in favor or against. Furthermore, the identity of the linguistic
languages of each person, at the national level, the speakers have the right to express themselves
in their native language as any citizen of the country. These rights are part of inclusive tourism,
free from barriers to protect people who do not respect society simply for having a disability,
different culture, or language.

Expansion of inclusive tourism destinations. Inclusive Tourism implements different

services that include all types of people with or without disabilities. It is important that tourist
places obtain inclusivity like specialized hotels for all people, and each of the hotel sites,
products, and services that are usually used by everyone. It is certain that certain activities can be
adapted to the reality of each place and to the specific needs of people to whom they are
addressed; sometimes it’s only thought about them applying empathy when it comes to execute
different activities, for example: karaoke, guess the word, the potato burns, among others. On the
other hand, the good treatment of people to the customer is essential because a good treatment
equals to improve the customer experience, it will help them to have a much more comfortable
and satisfactory stay and to be able to visit the place again. As a result, places like these offer the
best experiences when inclusivity is applied correctly.

Many people don’t understand or don’t believe in inclusivity or accessibility when it

comes to tourism subjects. The 40% of the society doesn’t agree with inclusivity in tourism
destinations. As a consequence of this, many people say that it is not necessary to be inclusive,
and that it would be more difficult to couple facilities, recreational activities, among others when
it comes to tourism. They even have a negative behavior for people who have disability or even
just different cultures and languages, but many studies show that inclusive tourism seeks to adapt
the environments, products and tourism services in a way that allows access, use and enjoyment
for all people, with equal opportunities, in a safe, and comfortable way. The Minister of Tourism
confirms that "being a person with a disability should not be an impediment to travel and enjoy a
good vacation" (Tourism, 2020). To sum up, inclusive tourism is a task for the whole society
without taking advantage of the rights of others.

In summary, when inclusivity is applied in each of the tourist destinations, or there is

equality in specific areas, the expansion of places without barriers are bigger and bigger, seeking
to benefit the person with disability and therefore the company in the sector. In addition, although
a group of the population doesn’t agree with the actions leading to inclusive tourism, this is not
the majority and the surely not the main rule in the country due to the fact that the Ministry of
Tourism of El Salvador take into account people no matter if they have disabilities or not, to have
the right to be able to move around and enjoy their time freely (Tourism, 2020). It’s important to
include these people, and to be able to adapt them all to the circumstances, offering effective
solutions as much as possible. To conclude, there is no doubt that the experience with an
inclusive world is totally different.


lab, A. (2020). inclusive Tourism. España: Creating solutions.

Tour, I. (2022). Inclusive Tourism is a good alternative for the future. España: Baquiaturismo.

Tourism. (2020). Inclusive Tourism. El salvador: Wordpress.

Tourism, M. o. (2020). Inclusive Tourism. El salvador: Innova tour.

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