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1. online 3. Mobile 5. Research 7. qualifications
2. programs 4. Flexible 6. Experts 8. course

7C, exercise 2, page 82.

CHRIS: So Beth, you're responsible for online courses at a British university, right?
BETH: That's correct. We even teach parts of some of our ………2……… over the internet
these days.
CHRIS: It's a popular way to learn then. It's not just universities that have online teaching
programs though. In fact, anyone can create an online ……8……….. these days.
BETH: University learning definitely has its place in the modern world.
However, there are many people who are ………6………… at something, and now they're
sharing their expertise ……1………………...
CHRIS: Aren't you worried about the quality of the courses though?
BETH: I think the key is to do your ……5………. People who create courses usually tell you
what ………7………….. or experience they have.
CHRIS: I see. Do you think the variety is the reason online education is so popular?
BETH: Maybe, but mostly I think it's because online education is ……4………...
With a ………3……… device and Wi-Fi, online courses can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
CHRIS: Well, thank you for your time, Beth.
BETH: Thanks for inviting me.


1. score 3. nutrition 5. department 7. application

2. requirements 4. chemistry 6. Home address 8. surname

Exercise 4, page 82.

SECRETARY: Good morning. How can I help you?
LAURA: Hello. I'd like to apply for an online course, please.
SECRETARY: No problem. I'll just need a few details to complete the ……7………….. form.
First, what's your name and ………8………………?
LAURA: It's Laura Denton. That's D-E-N-T-O-N.
Great. What's your date of birth, Laura?
LAURA: 23rd of April 2003.
SECRETARY: Thank you. Where are you from?
LAURA: The UK. But I live here in the USA now.
Can you tell me your…………6…………………. and phone number?
Yes. I live at ……5…………… 17, 254 Green Walk, Chicago, and my number is 569-693-
SECRETARY: 569-693-7454. Have you got an email address?
LAURA: Yes. It's
SECRETARY: Right. And which online course are you applying for?
LAURA: …3……………….. and health, please.
OK. That's a two-year course. Do you know the ………2…………………?
LAURA: Yes. I'm studying biology, ………………4……… and maths.
SECRETARY: Great. You also need an SAT ………1……….. of over 950.
LAURA: That's OK. I got 1350.
SECRETARY: Well done. Well, then you're all set, Laura.


1. social 3. hurtful 5. content 7. guitar

2. fantastic 4. Vlog 6. professional 8. camera

8C. Exercise 2. Page 90

KATIE : Hi Jamie. I found your ……4………………online last night. I love it. Why didn't
you say anything?
JAMIE: Well, I didn't want my friends to watch it. I want to know all my likes and shares are
real. I know my friends support me, so they'll follow me even if they don't like my …………
KATIE : I see. Is it expensive to make a vlog? Your videos look ……6…………… How did
you afford all the equipment?
JAMIE: Well, actually, I'm using my parents' video ………8………… at the moment. My
uncle gave me an old microphone, and I edit my videos using some cheap software I bought
online. That's the part that takes the longest. Playing my ………7……….. and singing is the
KATIE : Do you ever get any negative comments?
JAMIE: Yeah, sometimes. I know not everyone will like my music, and that's fine. It's just
when people make …………3…………. comments about my clothes or hair. What's the point?
KATIE : You don't need to worry about comments like that. Your vlog is ……2……………….
I've already
shared it on both my ………1…………….. media accounts, and my friends from school love
JAMIE: Really? Thanks, Katie.


1. computer 3. picture 5. camera 7. tablet

2. smartwatch 4. Smartphone 6. E-reader 8. present

Exercise 4, page 90.

CRAIG: Hi Jessica. Have you thought of a ……8………… for George's birthday yet?
JESSICA: No, I haven't decided what to get him.
CRAIG: Well, I know he would like an ……6……………, but his mum has already bought
him a ……………7………. that he can download books on too.
JESSICA: Hmm, I think he'll like that. What's his brother getting him?
CRAIG: Richard's buying him a ……5………………….
JESSICA: I just use my ……4……………… to take pictures.
CRAIG: I know you can use your smartphone for everything, playing games, listening to
music, taking ……………3……….
But George wants a better camera than you can get on your phone.
JESSICA: And what about you? What are you getting him?
CRAIG: I've got him a ………2……. I think it's so cool having a ……1……….. on your
JESSICA: Wow, that's really generous of you Craig. So, what can I get him?
CRAIG: I don't know Jessica. You could just get him a new video game. He loves playing
video games.
JESSICA: Good idea.

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