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Name: Mambulao, Celestine M. Date: February 12, 2023.

Course & Section: BSBIO-2A Subject: Lecture / Biomolecules

Assignment: Identity different type of organelles of plant and animals.

Animal cell organelles.

Nucleus – rounded, darkly-skinned structure separated from the cytoplasm by

double-walled nuclear envelope, the nuclear membrane. Control cell direct cell
division since it contains all hereditary in the form of genes. Control protein

Peroxisomes – similar to lysosomes in that they are membrane bound sacs

which contain enzymes. Involved either in the production of hydrogen peroxide
(product of the reduction of O2) or the destruction of hydrogen peroxide to water.

Centrosome and centrioles – granules structure located just outside the

nucleus and found in all animal cells (neuron, etc.) And primitive plants; a self-
duplicating organelle. Active in the process of cell division (mitosis); in the
formation of cilia.

Plastids – round or oval bodies containing pigments commonly found in plants.

Site of photosynthesis powerhouse unit of plant cells.

Microfilaments and microtubules – long, thin, tiny cylindrical fibrils or tubules

made up predominantly of protein tubulin. Form of spindle fibers. Form of skeletal
elements of motile organelles like cilia, flagella and components of the centriole.
Cytoskeleton. Microtubules are smaller than microfilaments.

Cell membrane – a cytoplasmic boundary or limiting membrane condensed into

a peripheral film. It is a selectively permeable or semi-permeable membrane at
may or may not allow certain ions and molecules to enter or leave the cell. Lipid-
soluble substances can easily pass through the cell membrane.

Cytoplasm – protoplasm that includes all of the protoplasm except the nucleus;
It is the executive center and has a vital reciprocal interdependence with nucleus.

Endoplasmic reticulum – a network of fine, tube-like, unit membrane mirotunnels

that traverse the cytoplasm between the nuclear envelope and the outer plasma

Rough ER – with ribosomes attached to its membrane surface (with a diameter

of 120A to 150 A). Protein synthesis.

Smooth ER – tubular in appearance and without ribosomes attached to its

membrane surface (like the sarcoplasmic reticulum). Site of steroids synthesis,
(hormone of adrenal gland). Lipid or fats synthesis, synthesis of enzymes of
carbohydrate metabolism, intracellular transport system conveying proteins
through canals either to the exterior of the cell or to the golgi complex where they
are packaged and then released from the cell.

Ribosomes – tiny rounded bodies or spherical granule which either: attached to

the ER and synthesize hormones; or free floating in the cytoplasm and
synthesize cytoplasmic proteins like hemoglobin. Site of protein synthesis
( manufacturing units or principal factories).

Golgi complex or dictyosomes – consist of several flattened tubular

membranes stacked upon each other termed cisternae, and dilated terminal
areas at either end of the cisternae called vacuoles. Packaging (surrounded by a
membrane) of protein secretory material formed in the ER and where
carbohydrates synthesized within the golgi complex are added to the proteins as
glycoproteins (major role in the synthesis of glycoproteins).

Mitochondria – spherical, rod – shaped, cigar or sausage – shaped, somewhat

hollow structures. Double walled (unit membrane), water – filled membrane
consisting of, outer membrane which smooth, tightly stretched and completely
surrounds mitochondria. Inner membrane which is extensively invaginated into
folds, forming shelves called cristae which increase the surface for energy
production and enzyme activity. The power house of the cell, or responsible for
the production of energy in the form of ATP (adrenosine triphosphate) that
supports mechanical and chemical work performed by cells.

Lysosomes (suicidal bags or lyctic bodies) – pre-formed, membrane bund,

dense appearing structures or packages of hydrolytic enzymes collectively
known as acid hydrolases. Intracellular digestion.

Plant cell organelles

Cell Membrane - A double layer that supports and protects the cell. Allows
materials in and out.

Lysosome - Contains digestive enzymes that destroy damaged organelles and


Cytoplasm - Jelly-like fluid that surrounds and protects the organelles.

Nucleus - The control center of the cell. Contains the DNA

Nuclear Membrane - Surrounds the nucleus.

Nucleolus - A round structure in the nucleus that makes ribosomes.

Vacuole - Stores food and water.

Golgi Body - Processes and packages materials for the cell.

Mitochondria The “Powerhouse” - Breaks down food to produce energy in the

form of ATP.

Rough E.R. - Builds and transports substances through the cell. Has ribosomes
on it.

Smooth E.R. - Builds and transports substances through the cell. Does not have

Ribosome - Helps make protein for the cell.

Cell Wall -Gives shape and protection to plant cells.

Chloroplast -Changes sunlight into sugar for plant cells. Contains a green
pigment called chlorophyll.

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