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Zbl. Vet. Med.

A, 25, 541-547 (1978)

@ 1978 Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin und Hamburg
ISSN 0300-871 l/ASTM-Coden: ZVRAAX

Department of Animal Biology School of Veterinary Medicine

Pahlavi University, Shiraz-Iran

Blood Characteristics of the Adult Donkey''

D. V. M., Ph. D.

With 3 tables

(Received for publication November 1 5 , 1977)

Whereas there has been considerable study of the haematology of the
horse (STEWART and HOLMAN, 1940; HANSEN and TODD,1951 ; SCHALMet al.,
1975 and ALLENand ARCHER,1976) very little work seems to have been
published on the donkey. The study of NESER(1923) was limited to ery-
throcyte and leucocyte counts. WILDING et a[. (1952) have also reported some
haematological values i n 16 males and 12 female donkeys. The present
investigation was undertaken to study the haematological values and serum
chemistry in female and male donkeys to establish normal values and the
differences between the sexes.

Material and Methods

Blood samples were taken from 100 adult Iranian (Fars province of Iran)
donkeys, 50 of each sex, ranging in age between 2 to 5 years. They were all
apparently healthy and were kept as beasts of burden. Fifteen ml. of blood
was obtained from the jugular vein in the morning. Each sample was divided
into three parts:
Part one: 4 ml. of blood were transferred to the bottle containing
ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic aicd (EDTA) (2 mg./ml.) and was used to deter-
mine the following parameters as described by ANDREW(1972): Hayem's
diluting solution, HCI (0.1 N) and eosin Y 22 were used as diluents for
erythrocyte, leucocyte and eosinophil counts, respectively. Reticulocyte and
leucocyte differential counts were determined by using brilliant cresyl blue
and Wright's solution respectively.
Total platelets and packed cell volume (PCV) were determined by the
methods of REESand ECKER(1923) and DEUBLER and COLE(1957) respecti-
This work was supported by a research grant from Pahlavi University.

U.S. Copyright Clearance Center Code Statement: 0300-871 1 /78/2507-0541$2.50/0

542 D. V. M., Ph. D.

vely. Haemoglobin (Hb) concentration was determined with a Coleman 55

spectrophotometer using a wavelength of 540 pm. Sedimentation rate was
determined by the method of WINTROBE and LANDSBERG (1935).
Part two: 4.5 ml. of blood were transferred to a bottle containing 0.5 ml.
sodium citrate (3.8 O/o) for determining the prothrombin time by the method
of QUICK (1955).
Part three: 5 ml. of blood were allowed to clot to obtain serum in order
to measure its calcium (Ca), cholesterol, inorganic phosphate and glucose, using
the Bio-Dynamics unitest system (Bio-Dynamics, Inc. Indianapolis,
U.S.A.). Serum sodium (Na) and potassium (K) were determined by the
flame photometer technique.
Mean corposcular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH)
and mean corposcular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were calculated
according to the Wintrobe erythrocyte indexes (WINTROBE, 1932).
The diameter of 1000 erythrocytes, 1000 lymphocytes, 1000 neutrophils,
450 eosinophils, 40 monocytes and 10 basophils were measured from 100
Wright's stained blood smears in 50 male and the same number in 50
female donkeys, using a microscope and a calibrated eyepiece.

Table 1 shows means and standard deviations of erythrocyte counts, H b
concentrations, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, sedimentation rates, reticulocyte
counts, and the diameters of 1000 erythrocytes in 50 male and 50 female

Table 1
Erythrocyte parameters in donkeys. Means and standard deviations of normal values of
erythrocyte (RBC), haemoglobin (Hb), padted cell volume (PCV), mean corpuscular volume
(MCV), mean corpuscular haemoglobin (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration
(MCHC), sedimentation rate, reticulocyte and the diameter of 1000 erythrocyte in 50 female
and 50 male donkeys

RBC x los / C. mm. 8.295 2 1.511 7.8332 1.711

*,*Hb (g / d l ) 11.92 t 1.36 13.19 2 1.92
PCV (%) 33.65 t 3.59 35.67 2 4.94
*MCV I c u . ~ ) 41.91 28.17 47.24 tlO.15
**MCH ( p . p g ) 14.88 f 3.07 17.56 f 4.31
MCHC (%) 35.57 i 3.64 36.62 i 5.48
*'**RBC diameter (pml 6.27 t 0.58 6.39 f 0.60
Sedimentation rate rnm / min. 0.93 2 0.096 0.89 2 0.13
Reticuloc ytes 0 0

'} Differences significant at 5 ",b level.

'W Differences significant at 2 O/o level.
':w') Differences significant at 1 O/o level.

donkeys. Female animals showed higher mean values for total erythrocytes
and sedimentation rates and lower values for other parameters compared with
male animals. The differences were significant a t the 5 O / o level for MCV,
2 O/o for MCH, and 1 O/o for H b concentration and erythrocyte diameter.
No reticulocytes were observed in male or female animals.
Table 2 shows means and standard deviations of total number of
leucocytes and the differential count of the various leucocytes. The table also
presents the mean diameters of the leucocytes as well as the prothrombin
Blood Characteristics of the Adult Donkey 543
Tdble 2
Leucocyte parameters in donkeys. Means and standard deviations of normal values of leuco-
cyte (WBC), lymphocyte, eosinophil, monocyte, neutrophil, baso hil, platelet, prothrombin
time and also mean diameter of 1000 lymphoc te, 1000 neutrophif 450 eosinophil, 40 mono-
cyte and 10 basophil in 50 &male and 50 male donkeys
Female Male
WBC x lo3 / c. mm. 13.384 f 3.092 13.703 f 2.682
Lymphocyte (%) 51.33 f 8.18 54.08 f aio
Eosinophil (%) 9.23 t 3.29 7.78 f 3.91
Monocyte (%I 0.38 f 0.67 0.56 t 0.85
Neutrophil (%) 38.71 f 6.89 37.75 f 7.9
Basophil (%I 0.084 2 azi 0.02 t 0.09
Lymphocyte diameter (pml a2 2 1.45 8.98 t 1.82
** Neutrophil diameter Ipm) 12.86 t 1.79 11.76 t 2.25
** Eosinophil diameter (ym) 14.43 f 2.06 13.02 2 2.39
Monocyte diameter (pml 10.21 21.13 10.77 2 1.38
Basophil diameter (ym) 13 f 2.48 12.3 t 1.79
Piatelet x 10' / c. mm. 13.54 t 2.72 13.64 f 2.93
Prothrombin time (sec) 12.68 f 1.82 11.5 t 2.68
" Differences significant at 2 O/o level.
Differences significant at 0.1 O/o level.

time and platelet count. Female animals showed lower values for leucocyte,
lymphocyte, monocyte and platelet counts and monocyte diameter and higher
values for the other parameters compared with male animals. The differences
were significant at a 20/0 level for lymphocytes and 0.1 O / o for neutrophil
and eosinophil diameters.
Table 3 shows means and standard deviations of serum Ca, cholesterol,
glucose, inorganic phosphate, N a and K. Females showed lower values for
cholesterol and inorganic phosphate and higher values for other parameters
compared with males. Differences were significant at a 1 O / o level for serum
C a and 5 O / o for serum K.

Table 3
Serum chemistr in donkeys. Means and standard deviations of normal values of serum
calcium (Ca), iolesterol, glucose, inorganic phosphate, sodium ( N a ) and potassium (K) in
50 female and 50 male donkeys
**Ca Img / dl)
Cholesterol (mg / d l l 187.4 t 28.45 202.8 t 43.5
Glucose (mg / dl) 60.06 2 14.95 59.72 f 12.99
Inorganic Phosphate (mg / dl) 3.29 f 0.99 3.63 f 1.19
Na Im.mol / I ) 103.9 t 26.75 92.1 f 34.16
* K Im.molI1) 2.78 t 0.69 2.30* 0.82
;iDifferences significant at 5 O / o level.
"" Differences significant at 1 O/o level.

The purpose of the present study was to establish normal blood values of
the donkeys. The investigation also examined differences between female and
male animals.
544 D. V. M.,Ph.D.

SCARBOROUGH (1931) reported that the mean erythrocyte count in the

dairy cow was less than that in bulls. The erythrocyte count was also found to
be higher in the male cat (LEWIS,1941). In sheep, no significant sex differences
were demonstrated (REDAand HATHOUT, 1957). SCHALM et al. (1975) stated
that females of both thoroughbred and quarter-bred horses had somewhat
greater mean values for erythrocytes than males, but these differences were
not significant. In the present study although the differences between male
and female donkeys in the total number of erythrocytes were not significant
at 5 O / o level, the mean value in the female was slightly higher. These findings
are in agreement with those reported on the donkey (WILDING et al., 1952)
and on the horse (SCHALM et al., 1975).
Males of both thoroughbred and quarter-bred horses had a greater H b
concentration than females according to SCHALM et al. (1975). Higher values
were also found in male cats (LEWIS,1941) and cattle (McCAY, 1931), but,
BYERSet al. (1952) reported no significant differences between male arid
female cattle. In the present study in contrast to the findings of WILDING
et al. (1952) the H b concentration in the females was significantly less
than in the male donkeys (P < 0.01).
The total number of erythrocytes in the male was less than in the female
animals but H b concentration, PCV, MCV, M C H and M C H C in the
male were higher than in the female (Tab. 1). This may be because the
diameter of the erythrocytes was greater in the male (Tab. 1).
In horses, the female had a slightly higher mean total leucocyte count
than the male (SCHALM et al., 1975). A higher mean total leucocyte count in
the female cat was reported by LEWIS(1941), but LANDSBERG (1940) and
WINDLE et al. (1940) showed that the male cat had a higher leucocyte count
than the female although the difference was not significant. The present
study showed a slightly higher value for leucocytes in male donkeys but
the differences were not significant at the 5 O / o level. The mean total leucocyte
count for the donkey was considerably higher than the value recorded for
mature hot- (KNILLet al., 1969) or cold- (TRUM,1952) blooded horses. The
present findings are in agreement with those of NESER (1923) and WILDING
et al. (1952).
The differences between lymphocyte, neutrophil, monocyte and basophil
counts in male and female donkeys were not significant at the 5 O / o level.
This is in agreement with NESER(1923) and WILDINGet al. (1952), but the
percentage of monocytes reported by NESER (1923) was almost four times
that in the present study. In horses, TRUM (1952) and HANSEN and TODD
(1951) found that lymphocyte counts were much lower than neutrophil,
whereas in the present study they were present in a higher percentage (Tab. 2).
The difference in the total number of platelets in male and female donkevs
was not significant at the 5 O / o level. It seems that the donkey has a lower
platelet count than other animals. I n horses total numbers of 210,000 and
235,000 platelet were reported by STEWART and HOLMAN (1940) and FINOC-
CHIO et al. (1970) respectively. In goats the total number of platelets reported
by WILKINS and HODGES (1962) was 421,000. In cattle, the count recorded
by MIZUNO et al. (1959) was even higher (800,000).

Blood characteristics of 50 male and 50 female adult donkeys were
examined, as were differences between males and females.
Blood Characteristics of the Adult Donkey 515

Female animals showed higher mean values for total erythrocytes,

sedimentation rate, eosinophil, neutrophil and basophil counts, and for
lymphocyte, neutrophil, eosinophil and basophil diameters,.prothrombin time,
5erum Ca, glucose, N a and K. Male animals showed higher mean values
for H b concentration, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, erythrocyte and monocyte
diameters, total number of leucocyte and platelet, lymphocyte and monocyte
counts and serum cholesterol and inorganic phosphate. The differences were
significant for H b , erythrocyte diameter and serum Ca a t the 1 O/o level,
MCV and serum K a t 5 O/o M C H and lymphocyte diameter a t 2 O/o and
for neutrophil and eosinophil diameters at 0.1 O/o level.

The author wishes to thank Dr. S. I. MUHAMMED for reviewing the
manuscript and Mrs. S. H. DIUMIERfor her technical assistance.

Das Blutbild des adulten Esels
Von je 50 mannlichen und weiblichen Eseln wurden die Blutbilder unter
besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Geschlechtsunterschiede untersucht.
Folgende Parameter waren bei den weiblichen Tieren hoher:
Erythrozytenzahl, Erythrozytensenkungsgeschwindigkeit, Zahl der Eo-
sinophilen, Neutrophilen und Basophilen pro p l , Durchmesser der Lympho-
zyten, Neutrophilen, Eosinophilen und Basophilen, Prothrombinzeit, Serum-
konzentration von Glucose, Ca, N a und K. Folgende Parameter waren bei den
mannlichen Tieren hoher: Hb-Gehalt, PCV, MCV, M C H , M C H C , Durchmes-
ser der Erythrozyten und Monozyten, Zahl der Leukozyten, Thrombozyten,
Lymphozyten und Monozyten pro pl, Serumkonzentration von Cholesterol und
anorganischem Phosphat. Die Signifikanz der Differenzen betrug: Hb-Gehalt,
Erythrozytendurchmesser und Ca-Gehalt: P < 0,Ol; MCV und K: P < 0,05;
M C H und Lymphozytendurchmesser: P < 0,02; Durchmesser der Neutro-
philen und Eosinophilen: P < 0,001.

Image sanguine d e l ’ h e adulte
On a recherchC l’ima e sanguine chez 50 Snes miles et 50 lines femelles
en mettant l’accent sur la iffCrence due au sexe.
Les parametres suivants furent plus ClevCs chez les femelles: le nombre
d’kythrocytes, la vitesse de ddimentation des globules rouges, le nombre des
Cosinophiles, neutrophiles et ,basophiles par rcl, le diaml.tre des lymphocytes,
neutrophiles, Cosinophiles et basophiles, le temps de prothrombitie, la concen-
tration sCrique du glucose, Ca, N a et K.
Les param2tres suivants furent plus ClevCs chez les miles: le taux
d’hCmoglobine, PVC, MCV, M C H , M C H C , le diamktre des erythrocytes
et des monocytes, le nombre des leucocytes, thrombocytes, lymphocytes et
monocytes par ,141, la concentration sCrique du cholesdrol et du phosphate
Les diffCrences significatives furent les suivantes: taux d’himoglobine,
diamktre des erythrocytes et taux de Ca: P < 0,Ol; MCV et K: P < 0,05;
M C H et diamkre des lymphocytes: P < 0,02; diamkre de neutrophiles et
des Cosinophiles: P < 0,001.
546 G. D. NAYERI,
D. V. M., Ph. D.

El cuadro hemdtico del burro y burra adultos
En cada vez 50 burros y burras se analizaron 10s cuadros hemiticos bajo
la consideracibn especial de las diferencias sexuales.
Los pardmetros siguientes eran mds elevados en las hembras: eritrocitos
totales, velocidad de sedimentacibn de 10s eritrocitos, cantidad de eosinbfilos,
neutrbfilos y basbfilos por p l , diimetro de 10s linfocitos, neutrhfilos, eosinb-
filos y basbfilos, tiempo de protrombina, concentracibn sdrica de glucosa, Ca,
N a y K. Los pardmetros siguientes eran mds altos en 10s machos: contenido en
Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH, MCHC, didmetro de 10s eritrocitos y monocitos,
nhmero total de leucocitos y plaquetas, linfocitos y monocitos o r pl, concen-
tracibn sdrica de colesterol y fosfato inor inico. La signi icancia de las
diferencias importaba: contenido en Hb, di metro de 10s eritrocitos y con-
tenido en calcio: P < 0.01; MCV y K: P < 0.05; M C H y didmetro de 10s
linfocitos: P < 0.02; didmetro de 10s neutrbfilos y eosinbfilos: P < 0.001.

ALLEN,B. V., and R. K. ARCHER,1976: Some haematological values in English thoroughbred
horses. Vet. Rec. 98, 195-196.
ANDREW,B. L., 1972: Experimental physiology. 9th ed. C h u r d d l Livingstone, Edingburgh
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BYERS,J. H., I. R. JONES, and J. R. HAAG, 1952: Blood hemoglobin values of dairy cattle.
J. Dairy Sci. 31, 661-667.
DEUBLER,M. J., and E. J. COLES,1957: The microhematocrit in the routine hematological
examination of dogs. North Am. Vet. 38, 376-380.
FINNOCCHIO, E. J., J. R. COFFMAN, and G. W. OSBALDISTON, 1970: Platelet counts in horses.
Cornell Vet. 50, 51 8-527.
HANSEN, M. F., and A. C. TODD,1951: Preliminary report on the blood picture in the
Arabian horse. J. Am. Vet. med. Ass. 118, 26-27.
KNILL,L. M., C. MCCONAUGHY, I. CAMARENA, and M. DAY,1969: Hemogram of the Arabian
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LANDSBERG, J. W., 1940: The blood picture of normal cats. Folia Haemat. 64, 160-173.
LEWIS,L. A,, 1941: The blood picture of adrenalectomized animals treated with different
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MCCAY,C. M., 1931 : The hemoglobin and total phosphorous in the blood of cows and bulls.
J. Dairy Sci. 14, 373-377.
MIZUNO,N. S., PERMAN, F. W. BATES,J. H. SAUTTER,and M. 0. SCHULTZE,1959: Life sp.iii
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NESER,C. P., 1923: The blood of equines. 9th and l o t h Rpt., Dir. Vet. Educ. and Res.
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QUICK, A. J., 1955: A problem in blood coagulation. Am. J. clinic. path. 25, 1437-1439.
REDA, H., and A. F. HATHOUT, 1957: The haematological examination of the blood of
normal sheep. Brit. Vet. J. 113, 251-254.
REES, H. M., and E. E. ECKER,1923: An improved method for counting blood platelets.
J. Am. Med. Ass. 80, 621-622.
SCARBOROUGH, R. A., 1931: The blood picture of normal laboratory animals. Yale J. Biol.
Med. 4 , 69-73.
SCHALM,V. W.,N. C. JAIN, and E. J. CARROL, 1975: Veterinary hematology, 3rd ed. Lea
and Febiger, Philadelphia.
STEWART,J., and H. H. HOLMAN,1940: The "blood picture" of the horse. Vet. Rec. 12,
B. F., 1952: Normal variances in horse blood due to breed, age, lactation, pregnancy
and altitude. Am. J. Vet. Res. 13, 514-519.
WILDING,J. L., A. W. KIMBALL, M. W. WHITAKER,B. F. TRUM, and J. H. RUST, 1952: Some
blood values of the south western burro (Equus asinus). Am. J. Vet. Res. 13, 509-513.
Blood Characteristics of the Adult Donkey 547
WILKINS,J. H., and R. B. E. D. H. HODGES, 1962: Observation on normal goat blood. J. R.
Army Vet. Cps. 33, 7-10.
WINDLE,W. F., M. SWEET,and W. WHITEHEAD, 1940: Some aspects of prenatal and postnatal
development of the blood of the cat. Anat. Rec. 78, 321-326.
WINTROBE, M. M., 1932: The size and hemoglobin content of the erythrocyte. Method oi
determination and clinical application. J. Lab a n d clin. Med. 17, 899-890.
WINTROBE, M. M., and J. W. LANDSBERG, 1935: A standardized technique for the blood
sedimentation rate. Am. J. Med. Sci. 189, 102-103.

Author’s address: Dr. G U I T ID. NAYERI, Department of Animal Biology, School of

Veterinary Medicine, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, Iran.

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