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TAHUN AJARAN 2016/2016
 Teks lisan dan tulis sederhana, untuk memaparkan, menanyakan, dan merespons
pemaparan jati diri
 Fungsi sosial.
Menjalin hubungan dengan guru, teman dan orang lain
 Ungkapan
My name is... I’m... I live in ... I have ... I like ... dan semacamnya.
 Unsur kebahasaan :
1) Kata terkait dengan hubungan kekeluargaan dan kekerabatan, profesi
pekerjaan, hobi.
2) Kata kerja dalam sumple present tens: be, have, dalam simple present tense.
3) Kata tanya What? Who? Which?
4) Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tulisan tangan yang rapi.
5) Rujukan kata
 Topik
Keteladanan tentang prilaku terbuka, menghargai perbedaan, perdamaian.

Listen to some phrases and the responses for formal introduction. Use full name in
business and formal situations. Repeat after it!
I. Formal introduction
1. Good morning. My name is Giffari Akhamad
2. Please, allow mitu introduce my self. I am Chrisnani.
II. Responses
1. Good morning, I am Nurul Putri.
2. How do you do, Nice to meet you.
Listen to some phrases and the responses for in formal introduction. Use first name in
informal situations. Repeat after it!
I. Informal introduction
1. Hello, I am Sadam. Nice to meet you.
2. Are you American ?
II. Responses
1. Hi, I am Radin. Nice to meet you.
2. Yes, I am.

The present tens of “BE” (am, are, is)

Refresh your mind and remember again the present tense of to be!
Positive Negatife interrogative
I am... I am not... Am Iam...
You are... You are not/aren’t... Are you...
He... he...
She... Is not/isn’t... Is she...
It... it...
We are... We are not/aren’t... Are we...
They are... They are not/aren’t... Are they...
Nina/Boy is... Nina/Boy is not/isn’t... Is Nina/Boy...
Tom and Yeni are... Tom and Yeni aren’t... Are Tom and Yeni...

Untuk have :
1. I
2. You
3. Me
4. They
Untuk has :
1. Zahra
2. Nina dan Ami
 Tekslisandantulisuntukmemujibersayap(extended) sertaresponnya
 FungsiSosial

Menjagahubungan interpersonal denganguru,temandan orang lain.

 Ungkapan

“Excellent! You really did it well,Tina.” “that’s nice,Anisa I really like it” “it was great I
like it,thank you”
 UnsurKebahasaan


Listen to the expressions used for giving compliments to others. Practice by saying them
 Yourperformance on the stage is amazing .
 How wonderful to listen to your great voice.
 How marvellous.
 Great! (You look great)/Great for you.
 Terrific! (Hey,that’s terrific!)
 Fantastic!
 Smashing.
 That’s really remarkable ? well done

Now,Listen to the expressions use for responding to the compliments.

 It’s very kind of you to say so
 Thank you
 I can say how pleased (delighted) I am
 I’m delighted to hear that
 Thanks for your compliment
 Tekslisandantulisuntukmenunjukkanperhatian (care)
 Fungsi social

Menjagahubungan interpersonal denganguru,temandan orang lain

 Ungkapan

Ungkapanuntukmemberiperhatiandancarameresponnya : You look pale . Are you OK?

Not,really . I’ve got a headache.
 Unsur kebahasaan:

Ucapan, tekanankata,intonasi

Listen to some expressions to show sympathy and the responses. Repeat after it!
expressions to show sympathy:
 Are you sure, you’re OK?
 Is anything the matter?
 Please, don’t orry about it
 Everything will be fine
 Can I do something for you?
 There’s nothing to worry about
 I’m sorry to hear that
 I’m deeply sorry to hear about it
 What a pity
 Please accept my condolences/sympathy

The responses:
 I’m alright, thank you
 I’m OK, thanks
 Wish me luck
 Please pray for me
 I hope so, thanks sss
 Teks lisan dan tulis pernyataan dan pertanyyan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu
 Fungsi sosial
Menyatakan rencana
 Struktur teks
‘I’d loke to tell my name, ‘I will tell him about my job, I’m going to introduce my
 Unsur kebahasaan
Kata-kata I’d like to.., I will.., I’m going to...; tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata,
intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi.

The Simple Future Tense

When we talk about activitie for the future, we use to be going to or will before the V1.
The time signal of the futures are : to night, tomorrow, the ext day, ext week/ month/
year, next Tuesday, in the coming week/ month/ year, etc.
A. We use will+V1 when we talk about Future Prediction/Plan
For example : It will rain heavily to night.
B. We use to be going to V1 when we talk about Immediate Future.
For example : Are you going to swim this afternoon?
 Teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan mereponsucapan selamat bersayap
 Fungsi sosial
Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman, dan orang lain.
 Sruktur text
Ungkapan baku dari sumber- sumber otentik.
 Unsur kebahasan
1. Kata dan tata bahasa baku
2. Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dan cetak yang jelas dan rapi.
3. Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan
 Topik
Keteladanan tentang perilkau peduli dan cinta damai

Listen to the expressions used for congratulation others for what they have achieved in
their lives.
Pratice by saying them londly.
- Congratulations, you’ve the exams outstandingly
- Congralatulations, you”ve won the singing competition dazzlingly.
- How wonderful to listen to your great voice, fatin. Congratulation.
- How spectacular that you”ve passed the job interview, tom. Congratulation.
- Great for you having a new motorcycle, congratulation,zack
- Very good of you for beatingt all the candidates in the OSIS eletion, rafa,
- Hey tha”s terrfic. You won this swimming competition easily bob. Congratulatioin.
Now, listen to the expressins used for responding to congratulations
- It’s very kind of you to say so
- Thanks for your support
- Ican say how pleased Iam.
- Thank you very much. I”M very happy too
Now practice by saying them loundly
 Tindakan/ kejadian yang dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau yang merujuk
waktu terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada kesudahannya.
(Past Simple dan Present Perfect Tens)
 Fungsi sosial
Menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan?kejadian yang dilakukan/terjadi di
waktu lampau yang merujuk waktu terjadinya dengan yang merujuk pada
 Struktur teks
I hollered farewells to my friend and poured my self into the car
My friend has prepared everythig before we left
 Unsur kebahasaan
1. Past simple, present perfect
2. Tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan tangan dan
cetak yang jelas dan rapi.
 Topik
Berbagai hal tekaid dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selama proses
pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di dalam kelas.

The Simple Past Tens (Revie)

When we talk about our experience, we use the simple pas tense. We use verb2 or the
past form ofthe verbs.
For example :
1. Buy → bought
2. Go → went
3. Read → read
4. Write → wrote
5. Take → took
1. Play → played
2. Cook → cooked
3. Study → studied
4. Listen → listened
5. Work → worked

Refresh your mind, read and translate the sentences below.

These are regular vebres :
1. Walk → I woked to my friend’s flat last night.
2. Watch → we watched a film on television yesterday
These are irregular verbs :
1. Go → My friend and I went to the cinema last night.
2. Meet → They met him outside the cine
 Teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, sederhana, tentang orang, tempat wisata,, dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal
 Fungsi sosial
Membanggakan, mengenalkan, mengidentifikasi, memuji, mengkritik,
mempromosikan, dsd.
 Struktur text
1. Penyebutan nama orang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan
nama bagian- bagiannya yang dipilih untuk dideskripsikan
2. Penyebut sifat orang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal dan
bagianya, dan
3. Penyebut tindakan dari atau terkait dengan orang, tempat wisata, dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal.
Yang semuannya sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak dicapai
Unsur dicapai.
 Unsur kebahasaan :
1. Kata benda yang terkait dengan orang tempat wisata, dan bangunan bersejarah
2. Kata sifat yang terkait dengan orang, tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah
3. Ejaan dan tulisan dan c etak yang jelas dan rapi
4. Ucapa,tekanan kata,, intonasi, ketika mempresentasikan secara lisan.
5. Rujukan kata
 Topik
Keteladanan tentang perilaku toleran kewirausahakan, nasionalisme, percaya diri.

Learn the use of there is.....and there are.....

There is used for mentioning one thing.
There are is used for mentioning some/ several thing.
For example:
1. (+) there is a bottle under the table.
(-) there isnt a new book in my bag.
(?) is there a new blackboard in our room?
2. (+) there are some students outside the room.
(-) there arent any children in the kitchen
(?) Are there any cows in the field?

Now, fill in the blank spaces using there is/ there are. In positiv (+), negative(-) or
interrogative(?) based on the sentences below.
1. There are some birds on that tree.
2. Are there any boys in the school playground? No,....there arent boys in
the school playground
3. There is a picture in the wall.
4. Is there a new student in your classrom ? no,...there isnt a new student in
your classroom
 Teksdeskripti flisandantulis, sederhana, tentangorang,
 Fungsi social

 Strukturteks
1. Penyebutannamaorang,temptwisata,danbangunanbersejarahterkenaldannamabagian-
bagiannya yang dipilhunukdideskripsikan
2. Pentebutansifatorang,tempatwisata,danbangunanbersejarahterkenaldanbagiannya
3. Penyebutantindakandariatauterkaitdenganorang,tempatwisata,danbangunanbersejarahterk

Yang semuanyasesuaidenganfungsi social yang hendakdicapai

 Unsurkebahasaan
1. Kata benda yang terkaitdenganorang,tempatwisata,danbangunanbersejarahterkenal
2. Kata sifat yang terkaitdenganorang,tempatwisata,danbangunanbersejarahterkenal
3. Ejaandantulisantangandan c etak yang jelasdanrapi
4. Ucapan,tekanankta,intonasi,ketikamempresentasikansecaralisan
5. Rujukan kata
 Topik
Listen and repeat the adjectives to describe a person’s physical appearance. To find the
meaning,consult your dictionary.
Physical appearances
Height Body Age Hair Face Eyes
Tall Slim Old Long Round Big
Short Thin Young Cut short Oval Blue
Average Plump Teenager Crew cut Square Brown

Listen and repeat the adjectives to describe a person’s characters, qualities &habitual
behavior. ( to find the meaning,consult your dictionary)
Nonphysical appearances
Characters Characters Characters
Careful Careless Active
Diligent Lovely Cheerful
Helpful Polite Humorous
Study the expressions to describe people.
1. What does he /she look like?
 He / she is fairly tall /short
2. How tall is she / he ?
 Around 182 cm I’d say / about 160 cm I think
3. And how much, he /she weight?
 Around 70 kg / about 45 kg
4. How old is the boy / the man /she /he ?
 He is pretty old /young / she is 18 years, I think
 He is more or less 20 years
5. What colour is his/her skin/eyes/hair?
 The eyes are black?brown?blue.
 He has blonde/black hair.
 She has fair / dark skin ( she is fair / dark)
6. What kind of hair does he / she have?
 It’s long and straight
 Short and curly
 Medium length and wavy
7. What does he / she wear ?
 He wears jeans and t-shirt
 She is wearing a pink dress
 He is wearing a black leather coat
 She is wearing a light blue blouse and a dark blue skirt
Uncountable noun dapat dijadikan bentuk countable noun dengan cara menambahkan
“quantifier” atau kata yang menunjukkan kuantitas atau ukurannya misa:
1. A bootle of milk (sebotol susu)
2. A cup of tea ( secangkir teh)
3. A glass of milk (segelas susu)
4. A place of paper (selembar kertas)
5. A bunch of banana (sesisir pisang)
6. A cake of soap (sepotong sabun)
7. A can of butter (sekaleng mentega)
8. A tin of maragrine (sekaleng margarine)
9. A loaf of bread (sepotonng roti)
10. A plate of rice (sepiring nasi)
11. A sheet of paper (sehelai kertas)
12. A slice of meat (sepotong daging)
13. A tube of tooth paste (setube pasta gigi)
14. A pound of flour (satu pound daging)
15. Two cups of coffe (dua cangkir kopi)
16. There glass of milk (tiga gelas susu)
17. Two bottles of water (dua botol air), etc

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