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三民 B4L1
老師: 班級: 座號:______ 姓名:__________

一、字彙填充(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ It is much safer for children to play in the s_____w end of this pool, for it is
only kneedeep.
2. _____________ As it was Christmas, Jason i_____d himself in a whole box of chocolates after
3. _____________ Debbie sat on her handbag by accident and c_____d the cookies in it.
4. _____________ During the d_____n, Liz came up with a brilliant idea that could solve all the
difficulties we had encountered.
5. _____________ Our teacher r_____ted that we turn in our assignments on time, or 30 points
would be deducted.
6. _____________ The sheltered workshop provides vocational training for the disabled r_____g
from teenagers to adults.
7. _____________ The film is full of sex and violence and thus not s_____e for the whole family
to watch together.
8. _____________ Knowing that many friends volunteer to a_____t her in moving into the new
apartment, Molly can’t help feeling deeply touched.
9. _____________ The newly opened shopping mall is famous for providing a wide r_____e of
goods and entertainment options for its customers.
10. _____________ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was considered a g_____s because he had shown
extraordinary musical talent that began at the age of four.
11. _____________ I'm too busy to have a conversation right now. Can we _____ this matter
12. _____________ Leonardo da Vinci is generally regarded as a g_____s because he was good at
many things, such as painting, architecture (建築), and so on.
13. _____________ Nathan and his girlfriend enjoyed a r_____c date, walking along the beach
and watching the beautiful sunset.

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14. _____________ The blogger sometimes i_____es his daily life with fun hand-drawn cartoons
on his fan page.
15. _____________ It was o_____s from Jenny’s voice that she felt quite nervous about delivering
a speech in front of the entire school.
16. _____________ A s_____e apology may include a sorry note and a way to make up the
17. _____________ It’s a p_____y that you didn’t attend our class reunion held last weekend.
Many of our old classmates had a wonderful time chatting with each other.
18. _____________ The medical expert made an a_____n that the novel virus can survive outside
human bodies for ten days.
19. _____________ The waiting room in the hospital is crowded with patients. O_____y, I’m
going to wait for quite a while before the nurse calls my name.
20. _____________ The film producer was completely c_____d after the movie received negative
reviews from critics.
21. _____________ The coach was totally c_____hed after the team lost the important game by 40
22. _____________ The doctor’s a_____e to those who want to lose weight is to exercise on a
regular basis and have a balanced diet.
23. _____________ The research team worked very hard on the experiment. It’s a p_____y that
they didn’t get the expected result.
24. _____________ The suite is designed and equipped for two travelers only, and there will be a
c_____e of NT$1,000 if you want to add an extra bed.
25. _____________ When you stay in a hotel, you had better not take any drinks from the
refrigerator in your room because you will be c_____d extra for them.
26. _____________ To protect his own p______y, the actor always refuses to answer any
questions related to his personal life.
27. _____________ The growing popularity of this smartphone advertisement could be a factor in
c_____l success since more and more young people are going to buy it.
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28. _____________ Eric used a few examples to i_____e the complex theory to help his students
better understand it.
29. _____________ Morgan looks exhausted and keeps yawning today. O_____y, he must have
gone to bed very late last night.
30. _____________ With three projects going on, Professor Baker has so much work to do that he
desperately needs an a_____t to help him.

二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
31. _____________ Many people are willing to pay a fee in order to skip annoying _____
(commercial) when watching dramas on the Internet.
32. _____________ The _____ (charge) for admission to this national museum is only NT$50, so
almost everyone can afford it.
33. _____________ The smartphones on display in this section vary in prices, _____ (range) from
under 5,000 dollars to over 30,000 dollars.
34. _____________ After much consideration, David agreed to go into _____ (partner) with
Lucas, and they worked together to set up a new biotechnology (生物科技)
35. _____________ The new president is devoted to promoting his country’s _____ (commercial)
with the United States and some European countries.
36. _____________ As is known to many people, that famous actor always refuses to answer any
questions related to his _____ (privacy) life.
37. _____________ It is _____ (obviously) that Nancy has been suffering ever since her beloved
(親愛的) pet died five months ago.
38. _____________ This controversial (有爭議性的) video game contains too much violent and
bloody scenes; as a result, it is absolutely not _____ (suit) for players under
39. _____________ Sophia has a heart of gold and always takes _____ (pity) on those who are
homeless or in need.
40. _____________ Though the actress had been trying to hide her _____ (romance) with the
young politician from the public, it was exposed at last.

三、字彙與慣用語選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
41. ( ) Much to Andy’s _____, his proposal to open a new branch in Taipei was accepted by his
boss and would even be carried out soon.
(A)request (B)affection (C)advice (D)delight
42. ( ) The government has not answered to the public's _____ for a stricter law against drunk

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(A)reply (B)request (C)remark (D)recovery
43. ( ) The record company is accused of _____ the singer’s sudden fame by releasing his early
(A)cashing in on (B)winning back (C)coming down with (D)looking forward to
44. ( ) It’s clear that only after Stanley makes a _____ apology to Cindy will she forgive him.
(A)romantic (B) commercial (C)sincere (D)shallow
45. ( ) Unlike others, Peter usually enjoys watching _____ on TV because he finds some of them
not only interesting but also filled with creativity.
(A)requests (B)reservations (C)commercials (D)assumptions
46. ( ) This mattress (床墊) comes with free shipping. That is, you will not be _____ extra
money for having it delivered to your home.
(A)discussed (B)indulged (C)crushed (D)charged
47. ( ) Helen is _____ meeting her favorite idol in person and even taking some photos with
(A)coming down with (B)winning back (C)looking forward to (D)messing up
48. ( ) Frank had made an appointment with a client, but he was so busy that it completely
(A)put behind him (B)won back (C)slipped his mind (D)messed up
49. ( ) This hotel offers its guests a _____ of outdoor activities, such as hiking, beach volley, and
(A)request (B)range (C)discussion (D)fault
50. ( ) In my opinion, it’s not Adam’s _____ that the project failed at last, so it’s not fair for us to
criticize him so harshly.
(A)fault (B)assistant (C)partner (D)reply

四、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
51. ( ) Richard went to a jewelry store for the purpose of _____ a new necklace for his wife.
(A)picked (B)pick (C)picks (D)picking
52. ( ) Mending damaged relations _____ impossible in some cases.
(A)to prove (B)proving (C)prove (D)proves
53. ( ) Not until my daughter was born _____ how much my parents love me.
(A)I did realize (B)did I realize (C)I realized (D)realized I
54. ( ) In front of the house _____. It is full of beautiful flowers.
(A)has a garden (B)is a garden (C)garden has (D)a garden is

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55. ( ) On the surface of the pond _____.
(A)to float several fallen leaves (B)several fallen leaves floating
(C)floated several fallen leaves (D)several fallen leaves floated
56. ( ) The biggest problem now is _____ many victims of the earthquake don’t have anything
to eat.
(A)all (B)what (C)that (D)which
57. ( ) On the top of the shelf _____ two trophies that I won in the game.
(A)is (B)are (C)has (D)are there
58. ( ) Inside this wooden box _____ which had been left by a mysterious adventurer.
(A)to lie a treasure map (B)lay a treasure map
(C)lying a treasure map (D)a treasure map lay
59. ( ) Not until the nanny came home _____.
(A)and the baby stopped crying (B)that the baby stopped crying
(C)was the baby stop crying (D)did the baby stop crying
60. ( ) Simon tends to tell lies; therefore, _____ he says, don’t believe him too easily.
(A)not until (B)because (C)no matter what (D)in spite of
61. ( ) Over four hundred cases _____ since the strange disease broke out last month.
(A)were reported (B)are being reported (C)have reported (D)have been reported
62. ( ) I already read the book. Once you start reading it along, like I _____, you won’t feel like
putting it down.
(A)am doing (B)will do (C)do (D)did
63. ( ) Now I know it was my fault, and I regret not _____ to my parents’ advice.
(A)listen (B)listened (C)listening (D)to listen
64. ( ) Choose the correct sentence.
(A)On the table some books are.
(B)Into the classroom rushed a number of students.
(C)Next to the department store a new bakery is.
(D)Many people at the entrance to the park gathered.
65. ( ) Last Saturday, Richard neither _____ nor played online games. He just kept watching TV.
(A)did his homework (B)doing his homework
(C)by doing his homework (D)he did his homework
66. ( ) Pauline will do everything to maintain a close relationship _____ her boyfriend.
(A)from (B)with (C)into (D)upon
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67. ( ) Andy is looking forward to _____ his online friend in person tonight.
(A)met (B)meets (C)meet (D)meeting
68. ( ) The locals tell us that this river is three times _____ of that one.
(A)the length (B)as long (C)longer (D)the long
69. ( ) This country has to live with _____ result comes from the election.
(A)whatever (B)what (C)no matter what
(D)no matter
70. ( ) In front of the building _____ a beautiful garden where there are various flowers.
(A)have (B)has (C)are (D)is
71. ( ) _____ ran the robber, and the police officer couldn’t catch him.
(A)Of the crowd (B)A large crowd (C)Into the crowd (D)On a crowd
72. ( ) Look! On the roof of the house _____.
(A)a cute cat sleeping (B)sleeps a cute cat (C)sleeping a cute cat (D)a cute cat sleeps
73. ( ) _____ is important now is _____ we have to come up with a solution to this problem as
soon as possible.
(A)What; whom (B)Which; when (C)That; what (D)What; that
74. ( ) The boy _____ mobile games on his smartphone over there is my classmate, Jack.
(A)played (B)plays (C)who playing (D)playing
75. ( ) Anthony is watching TV now because he _____ his homework already.
(A)has finished (B)had finished (C)will finish (D)is
76. ( ) People _____ never give up easily are more likely to succeed.
(A)when (B)which (C)whose (D)who
77. ( ) Brendon showed those new workers _____ to operate the machine.
(A)how (B)which (C)that (D)what
78. ( ) By the window _____ who looks happy and excited.
(A)a young man sits (B)sitting a young man
(C)to sit a young man (D)sits a young man
79. ( ) Thomas works out at a gym every day for the purpose of _____ his body.
(A)strengthens (B)strengthening (C)strengthen (D)strengthened
80. ( ) According to experts, it takes time and patience to mend _____ relations.
(A)damage (B)damaging (C)damages (D)damaged
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五、課文綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
81. Name: Einar
Subject: A desperate request for advice from Dr. Amo
My girlfriend, Greta, gave me a handmade Valentine’s Day card that delighted me. Unfortunately,
the occasion __1__ my mind this year, and I forgot to buy her a dozen red roses. What’s worse,
when I tried to make a lastminute reservation to take her out for a candlelit dinner, getting a table
proved impossible. Greta is crushed. She assumes I do not truly love her since I spent neither time
nor money __2__ our
celebrations. I know it’s my fault. What can I do to __3__ her __3__ and show her I really adore
her? I’m looking forward to your reply.
-Einar from Iceland

Dr. Amo
Feb 16, 2021
Let me begin with a Valentine’s Day shoutout to all my readers out there. I hope your day was
overflowing with the love and sweet romance you deserve! Of course, I also hope you singles still
__4__ for true love took full advantage of the occasion to indulge yourselves! After all, until you
meet Mr. or Miss Right, YOU are the special someone in your life __4__ deserves to be spoiled like
a royal! What I'm about to say next is aimed at assisting our friend from Iceland to win back his
love, but it definitely applies to everyone. I’ve changed the couple's names to protect their privacy.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) crushed (B) indulged (C) slipped (D) suited
( 2 ) ( ) (A) on (B) in (C) to (D) with
( 3 ) ( ) (A) cash; in (B) win; back (C) mess; up (D) put; behind
( 4 ) ( ) (A) search (B) are searching (C) have searched (D) searching
( 5 ) ( ) (A) who (B) which (C) whom (D) when
82. Tom messed things up with Mary, and he clearly regrets it. Unfortunately, there's no way
to change the past until some mad genius invents a time machine. The best result Tom can hope for
in this situation is to try to __1__ damaged relations and move forward.
First, I have to say, this case illustrates __2__ a romantic event—Valentine’s Day—has been
turned into a range of commercial activities in so many people's minds. It’s a pity. Tom clearly
adores Mary, but because he didn’t prove it by giving her any gifts, she’s acting like he doesn’t care.
Fair or not, that’s how Mary sees it, so Tom needs to take action to earn back her affection. Mary
__3__ feels hurt. Not until Tom convinces her that he really cares about her __4__ ever forgive him
and put this behind her.
Perhaps Mary is being rather shallow, but let's face it: Valentine's Day is equated with big
business. There is an expectation that people will spend money, and businesses are waiting to
__5__. Flower shops can triple the price of roses since there will be a rush for them. Restaurants

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offering “Lovers Night” dinner packages can charge several times the cost of a comparable meal on
a normal night. Outside the door will be long lines of people who are willing to pay for these
“special” goods.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) assist (B) mend (C) charge (D) discuss
( 2 ) ( ) (A) what (B) which (C) how (D) whether
( 3 ) ( ) (A) sincerely (B) obviously (C) impossibly (D) shallowly
( 4 ) ( ) (A) so she (B) did she (C) has she (D) will she
( 5 ) ( ) (A) cash in (B) mess up (C) look forward to (D) win back

六、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
83. These days, more and more people are finding love online. About 24% of people aged 13 to
18 years old have had a __1__ relationship online, but there are good sides and bad sides to online
On the Internet __2__ a range of platforms where people from across the world gather. The
Internet can help you talk to people far away, allow you to find people who share your interests, and
make it less scary to send a message to your crush. These parts of online dating can encourage love.
However, online dating can also be shallow because it is often first based on someone's looks in
his or her social media photos. Besides, many parents think that online dating is dangerous and
__3__ their children against it. Most parents tend to check their children's social media because they
fear that their children will be taken advantage of or engage in behaviors that would __4__ their
lives. Parents and children should discuss their thoughts and fears to come to an agreement that
allows teenagers both safety and __5__.
As you can see, many people have experienced online dating, but its disadvantages should not be
( 1 ) ( ) (A) triple (B) romantic (C) commercial (D) obvious
( 2 ) ( ) (A) be (B) are (C) is (D) was
( 3 ) ( ) (A) advise (B) charge (C) mend (D) suit
( 4 ) ( ) (A) cash in (B) come down with (C) look forward to (D) mess up
( 5 ) ( ) (A) pity (B) commerce (C) delight (D) privacy
84. In 2017, I had a Valentine’s Day that I will never forget. A few weeks beforehand, I asked a
popular girl at my school out. When she turned me down, I felt crushed. Then, I downloaded a
dating app and sent out many friend requests. I got a message from a girl named Betty. She
explained __1__ she read my profile and noticed we had a lot in common. We had a delightful chat,
so I asked her to be my Valentine’s date. She agreed and I made a __2__ at my favorite restaurant.
__3__, I got a flat tire while riding to the restaurant. I tried to call Betty and explain I’d be late,
but my cellphone battery was dead. I arrived at the restaurant over an hour late. Thankfully, Betty
wasn’t mad at all. We had a wonderful meal and __4__ lots of interesting topics over dinner.
However, at the end of the meal, I spilled the juice all over Betty’s dress by accident. I was so

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embarrassed and thought I had __5__ the evening, but Betty just smiled and told me it was OK.
Luckily, we put this bad start behind us. In fact, Betty and I are still together. Sometimes we still
look back and laugh about our funny, first Valentine’s Day.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) that (B) what (C) which (D) whom
( 2 ) ( ) (A) romance (B) partner (C) commercial (D) reservation
( 3 ) ( ) (A) Hopefully (B) Unfortunately (C) Definitely (D) Recently
( 4 ) ( ) (A) assisted (B) assumed (C) discussed (D) mended
( 5 ) ( ) (A) won back (B) come down with (C) messed up (D) cashed in on

七、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
85. Love is a universal feeling. People often __1__ that relationships are the same everywhere.
Although it is true that some parts of romance are similar for everyone, the way that people show
__2__ may be different because of their backgrounds.
In some countries, like South Korea, boyfriends will give their girlfriends a lot of gifts to be
__3__. But in other countries, like England, gifts are only expected for birthdays, and giving too
many gifts might be seen as __4__. Another aspect of relationships that varies from country to
country is expressing love in public. Couples in South America generally show affection in public,
while couples from Middle Eastern countries are often more __5__. Dates are also different, and the
conventions __6__ the country. A restaurant is where the first date takes place for most Italian
people. However, people from Sweden often have their first date in a coffee shop.
These differences can make it difficult for people from a different culture to date and can even
__7__ their relationships. They do not expect the same things, which can affect __8__ and
communication. But whatever the cultural differences are, it is usually __9__ to overcome them.
Both people should __10__ their feelings and the things that they want in a relationship beforehand.
The most important thing is to respect each other.
(A) private (B) affection (C) understanding (D) romantic (E) mess up
(F) possible (G) assume (H) depend on (I) discuss (J) shallow
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (5) ______
(6) ______ (7) ______ (8) ______ (9) ______ (10) ______

八、引導式翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
86. 據說 Blake 已經染上新冠肺炎,因此他現在正在醫院接受治療。
It’s said that Blake has _____________ _____________ _____________ COVID-19, so he is
receiving treatment in a hospital now.
87. Sandra 曾答應她的同事在她去埃及度假時,幫他們買一些紀念品,但是她卻完全忘記了。
Sandra had promised to buy her colleagues some souvenirs from her holiday in Egypt, but it
completely _____________ _____________ _____________. They were a little upset.

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88. 全世界的新聞都在報導人們如何努力從新冠肺炎的疫情中贏回正常生活。(4%)
The news around the world has reported that how people _____________ _____________ a
normal life from COVID-19.
89. Jason 答應昨天下午要打電話給 Cindy,但是後來他完全忘記這件事了。
Jason had promised to make a call to Cindy yesterday afternoon, but it completely _____________
_____________ _____________.
90. Jimmy 直到最後一刻才繳交報告。
Not until the last minute _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
_____________ _____________.
91. 我直到昨天晚上才知道發生了什麼事。
_____________ _____________ last night _____________ _____________ know what had
92. Vivian 和我下個月要去潛水,我們倆都非常期待。
Vivian and I will go diving next month, and both of us are _____________ _____________
_____________ it.
93. 在犯下數次的重大失誤之後,這位球員發現很難重新贏得隊友對他的信心。
After making several serious mistakes, this player finds it hard to _____________ his teammates’
confidence in him _____________.
94. Fred 認為自己搞砸了上大學的機會,因為在面試的時候,他的腦袋一片空白。
Fred thought that he had _____________ _____________ the chance of entering the college, since
his mind just went blank during the interview.
95. 因為我忘記要繳費,所以電被切斷了。
It _____________ my _____________ that I should pay the bills, so my electricity got turned off.

九、單句翻譯(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
( 1 ) 在這家餐廳外面是一長列等著享用美食的人們。
( 2 ) 因此,如果你想在這家餐廳用餐,最好事先預約。
( 1 ) 在 Scott 意外搞砸她的生日派對之後,Rita 感覺極度難過。

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( 2 ) 直到他承認自己的過錯並且向她道歉,她才原諒了他。(Not until . . .)
( 1 ) 雖然 Stanley 既不聰明也不強壯,但是他總是願意盡全力去幫助他人。
( 2 ) 這是因為他認為我們可以藉由互相幫助的方式使世界變得更好。
( 1 ) 在那個美麗的湖旁邊是一間在網路上相當知名的咖啡館。
( 2 ) Charlie 期待和他的伴侶 Tracy 在那兒度過一個浪漫的下午。
( 1 ) 上週六是 David 女友的生日,但是他完全忘記這件事。
( 2 ) 因此,他忘記買花和準備一頓浪漫的晚餐,而他女友感到極度難過。

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