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老師: 班級: 座號:______ 姓名:__________

一、字彙填充(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
1. _____________ Since the board of directors raised an o_____n to the expansion project, the
proposal would be suspended.
2. _____________ The law f_____s the sale of cigarettes to people under the age of 18.
3. _____________ The official was suspected of leaking the secret d_____s to the press.
4. _____________ The star baseball player reportedly has agreed to a threeyear c_____t worth 48
million dollars.
5. _____________ Our d_____es with the interviewees were recorded; the data will later be
analyzed by a team of language experts.
6. _____________ A b_____m of pleasure appeared on Jonny’s face after his girlfriend accepted
his proposal.
7. _____________ Many countries have been facing a s_____e of water and medical resources
for a long time.
8. _____________ The m_____l of The Rabbit and the Tortoise in Aesop’s Fables is that never
look down on the weak opponents.
9. _____________ I would like to donate (捐贈) our earnings from the school fair this year to the
charity if no one o_____ts.
10. _____________ The president would like to open a constructive d_____e with the leader of
the opposing party.
11. _____________ My mother b_____med when she heard the good news that I had gotten
admitted to my dream college.
12. _____________ Staring at the d______ts piled on the desk, the secretary sighed, “It will take
ages to organize all of the files.”
13. _____________ Students under 18 years old cannot apply for the program without their
parents’ a_____l.

14. _____________ Starving to death, Christie s_____fed her mouth with whatever food she saw.
15. _____________ The skillful diplomat successfully c_____ted the relationship between the two
16. _____________ The book is interesting, but it lacks artistic m_____t. The wording is too
17. _____________ The economy is booming (迅速發展) and many new businesses are
f_____shing after the economic plan was carried out.
18. _____________ The fever was caused by a v_____s infection; even the doctor can only wait
for the patient’s immune system (免疫系統) to fight it off.
19. _____________ The environmentalists (環保人士) o_____t to storing nuclear waste in the
rural areas of the country
20. _____________ The little girl couldn’t help but p_____k at her birthday present her mom had
wrapped up earlier.
21. _____________ Some people enjoy the process of n_____ting prices with street vendors (攤
22. _____________ The CEO disapproved of the new sales plan and strongly o______ted to the
proposal presented by the sales department.
23. _____________ Lyra’s closet is s_____d with piles of clothes that no longer fit her.
24. _____________ To be frank, I don’t really a_____e of the marriage between Julia and her
fiancé. They often have arguments about little things.
25. _____________ Joel is always s______e to the feelings of the elderly and often offers help to
26. _____________ Without a large number of fans and supporters, it is difficult for the new sport
to f_____h.
27. _____________ The proposal is still under n_____n. The two sides haven’t reached a
consensus yet.
28. _____________ The entrepreneur (企業家) proposed building a huge shopping mall near the
station, but the government refused to g_____t permission for the project.
29. _____________ Food containing a high amount of sugar will easily lead to tooth d_____y.
30. _____________ Make sure that all of these glass bottles are l_____d with patients’ names and
instructions for use.

二、詞類變化(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
31. _____________ My husband prefers a brick wall to a _____(cement) wall, saying that the
former gives more warmth than the latter.
32. _____________ _____(sensitive) and kindness are the qualities that I look for in a potential
spouse (配偶).
33. _____________ Screens of TVs and smartphones emit (發出) _____(beam) of blue light that
might disturb your sleep patterns.
34. _____________ Her request of a pay raise wasn’t _____(disapprove) of by her boss, which
really disappointed her.
35. _____________ Sometimes a joke loses its humor in _____(translate).
36. _____________ This facial cream is mild and made from only natural ingredients, so it’s good
for _____ (sensitive) skin.
37. _____________ The _____(dialogue) in the movie are so funny and humorous that I laughed
so much.
38. _____________ The little boy made no _____(object) when his mother gave his old toys to the
poor girl.
39. _____________ After a long _____(negotiate), a final agreement has been reached.
40. _____________ Ingredients of food products should be clearly _____(label) according to the

三、文法選擇(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
41. ( ) Making adequate preparations beforehand will _____ bring about higher chances of
success in every situations.
(A)supposedly (B)supposed (C)suppose (D)supposing
42. ( ) _____ repeated failure, Joyce never gave up and kept going on.
(A)Without (B)By (C)Despite (D)Though
43. ( ) Giving up is not _____ a courageous person deals with problems or challenges.
(A)that (B)how (C)what (D)where
44. ( ) Muslim cultures object _____ the idea of displaying affection in public.
(A)for (B)to (C)in (D)with
45. ( ) You can never expect a different result _____ doing any change. So why don't you have a
shot now?
(A)even though (B)without (C)despite (D)only if
46. ( ) Sam never goes swimming _____ warming up his body first.
(A)as (B)to (C)of (D)without

47. ( ) Sherry likes to take hot baths _____ it is cold or not; she always feels relaxed after a hot
(A)except (B)because (C)that (D)whether
48. ( ) You can come join us on our trip to the mountains. One person doesn’t make any
difference _____ our arrangements.
(A)on (B)for (C)about (D)to
49. ( ) The diner finished his lunch, _____ a big tip on his table in appreciation of the good
service provided by the waitress.
(A)left (B)and leave (C)leaving (D)to leave
50. ( ) Jeremy put his time into designing an energy-efficient car _____ to make more money
_____ to become more famous; he did this for the love of the environment.
(A)neither…nor (B)both…and (C)either…or (D)not only…but also
51. ( ) Tainan is known for its various types of delicious cuisine _____ fried shrimp roll, dan zai
noodles and “coffin bread,” or the bread bowl.
(A)aside from (B)except for (C)due to (D)such as
52. ( ) Colors can make a difference _____ one’s mood. While red brings passion, blue brings
(A)on (B)in (C)at (D)to
53. ( ) We are going to finish this project _____ you support or not.
(A)though (B)how (C)when (D)whether
54. ( ) _____ parents _____ their child are invited to the picnic that will take place this weekend.
(A)Either; or (B)Whether; or (C)Both; and (D)Neither; nor
55. ( ) The principal has been delivering his speech for over an hour. The speech seems _____ to
continue for one more hour.
(A)like (B)likable (C)alike (D)likely
56. ( ) Learning to speak the language of the country you’re about to visit is worth doing, _____
the local people the impression that you respect their culture.
(A)giving (B)gives (C)given (D)gave
57. ( ) The company’s best-selling software is an application _____ can correct users’ English
(A)X (B)what (C), which (D)which
58. ( ) Ben is crazy about basketball; he thinks about it all the time _____ he is awake or asleep.
(A)if (B)whether (C)until (D)that
59. ( ) _____ there are police officers around or not, one should always obey traffic rules.
(A)That (B)Which (C)What (D)Whether

60. ( ) Physical punishment for children is viewed as pure violence, _____ may even cause long-
term mental damages well into their adulthood.
(A)which (B)that (C)it (D)what

四、課文綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
61. Nowadays, most cultures object to the practice of bribery for both moral and practical
reasons. More and more countries are forbidding bribery because they claim it is like a social virus
that causes the decay of social welfare. In business, to be exact, a bribe is sharp practice, __1__ a
company an unfair advantage over competitors which might be more reliable for the same deal or
contract. __2__ this company is the best choice on merit or not, the receiver of the bribe is more
likely to take up its offer. In the same way, this ethic applies to other areas, such as the medical
practice mentioned above. In countries __3__ there are severe shortages of doctors, a bribe may
make the difference to getting treated or receiving no medical care at all.
Despite the efforts to control it, the practice of bribery has never stopped. __4__, it still
flourishes in various cultures. Workers such as civil servants, police officers, and medical staff are
sometimes badly paid and are tempted to take bribes to make a better living. In fact, in some parts
of the world, many such workers cannot survive __5__ receiving “tokens of appreciation.” Thus, if
you do business or require a service in these regions, you may face a dilemma. Should you be
“culturally sensitive” and participate in bribery?
( 1 ) ( ) (A) gives (B) gave (C) that gives (D) giving
( 2 ) ( ) (A) Since (B) Whether (C) If (D) Although
( 3 ) ( ) (A) which (B) that (C) where (D) when
( 4 ) ( ) (A) On the contrary (B) To sum up (C) On average (D) As a result
( 5 ) ( ) (A) for (B) as (C) without (D) with
62. In a café, a man and a woman who have finished discussing a document are about to
leave. “We’re looking forward __1__ with you,” says the man, taking an envelope from his jacket
and pushing it across the table. “What’s this?” asks the woman, who seems to be a government
official. “Oh, just a thankyou gift,” beams the man. __2__ inside the envelope, the woman sees it
stuffed with cash. “I can’t accept this,” she replies. “It’s not __3__ we do business here.”
Offering money as portrayed in the dialogue would be similarly disapproved of in many other
countries. In English, “bribery” is the blanket word which labels such incidents and carries negative
associations of dishonesty and corruption.
Nevertheless, the practice is still accepted or even expected elsewhere. In contrast to English,
some other languages employ words and expressions for bribery which reflect different cultural
__4__. These would be translated into phrases such as “giving a token of appreciation,” or
“donating oiling money.” __5__, the businessman above might quite naturally believe his “gift”
would be helpful in negotiating the deal more “smoothly,” supposedly creating a winwin situation.
For example, he might be paying the government official to grant the request for manufacturing a

useful product which was not allowed in her country. The businessman’s company would make it
and then sell it to customers, who also get hold of something they want.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) to work (B) to working (C) for working (D) working
( 2 ) ( ) (A) Peeking (B) To peek (C) Peeked (D) Peek
( 3 ) ( ) (A) what (B) which (C) how (D) that
( 4 ) ( ) (A) consciences (B) contracts (C) shortages (D) attitudes
( 5 ) ( ) (A) Because (B) Hence (C) So (D) However

五、綜合測驗(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
63. If bribery is illegal in most countries, why do so many individuals still accept bribes? People
ignore their wrongdoings and accept bribes for __1__ reasons. A typical reason is the promise of
money. __2__ the money is desperately needed, cash can be an easy temptation. Few can reject in
the face of money that is offered to them. __3__ riches, some accept a bribe for the feeling of self-
importance it may bring. The idea of having the power to influence and control others can reverse
one’s decisions.
It may come as no surprise that positions facing the most bribery are __4__ of judges, lawmakers,
and politicians. In fact, in some examples from history, bribery was __5__ common in the justice
system __5__ it was made legal. Hungarian judges in the 15th century were permitted to accept
what were known as “pre-trial gifts.” Citizens of that time were used to negotiating for a good
Today, however, bribering of anyone in an official position is an illegal interference.
( 1 ) ( ) (A) a variety of (B) a kind of (C) a great deal of (D) a large amount of
( 2 ) ( ) (A) Not only (B) No matter what (C) Whatever (D) Whether
( 3 ) ( ) (A) In return for (B) In spite of (C) In advance of (D) On the contrary to
( 4 ) ( ) (A) those (B) that (C) such (D) these
( 5 ) ( ) (A) not; but (B) too; to (C) so; that (D) such; that
64. The World Cup is the second biggest sporting event after the Olympics, but the 2018 World
Cup in Russia and the 2022 World Cup in Qatar have been surrounded by a huge __1__ issue.
According to documents from the US Department of Justice, five FIFA members were paid to
__2__ their votes to Russia and Qatar. One of these officials, Ricardo Teixeira, is still in Brazil
avoiding US officials. Another, Jack Warner from Trinidad & Tobago, received a “bonus” of 5
million from oil companies __3__ voting for Russia to host the World Cup. Furthermore, 21st
Century Fox have been labeled as bribing officials to have the right to broadcast the games on TV.
Having Qatar host the World Cup has been portrayed as unusual. How can a country with little
sporting history and with summer temperatures over 50 degrees Celsius (攝氏) host the World Cup?
__4__, many people believe it is a chance to increase the popularity of football in the Middle East.
__5__ the country was chosen to host the game or not, the World Cup still has to take place in 2022.
At this stage, it is best for FIFA to try and make Qatar 2022 the best it can be.

(1)( ) (A) moral (B) desperate (C) medical (D) similar
(2)( ) (A) stuff (B) cement (C) grant (D) peek
(3)( ) (A) in contrast to (B) in advance of (C) in search for (D) in addition to
(4)( ) (A) To be honest (B) Simply put (C) Without doubt (D) On the contrary
(5)( ) (A) That (B) Either (C) Whether (D) If

六、文意選填(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
65. Bribery, a kind of corruption involving money, has many forms and effects on the economy
and the society. Many people bribe government officials to __1__ a deal or speed up a process.
Nevertheless, bribery is very dangerous because it causes __2__ in the morals of the general public.
Then, why do many people still __3__ bribery?
Some of the reasons behind bribery are poor economy, low education level, and insufficient
freedom. These reasons are generally dependent on one another, and they affect the __4__ of the
general public toward bribery. In many countries, these are also the reasons why the few rich people
__5__ more and more, but the many poor people cannot even get hold of the basic needs of life.
This is accompanied by a __6__ of resources in some countries.
Many such countries have laws that __7__ any kind of bribery in their governments. However,
these laws should be stricter. __8__, a law that disapproves any process or deal suspected to have
bribery involved should be established.
__9__, it is important for us to make sure that we do not use bribery in our lives. We all should
__10__ to bribery. Then, it will lead to a better society.
(A) decay (B) shortage (C) negotiate (D) practice (E) In conclusion
(F) For example (G)flourish (H) object (I) forbid (J) attitude
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______ (5) ______
(6) ______ (7) ______ (8) ______ (9) ______ (10) ______

七、篇章結構(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
66. In 1999, teenager Shawn Fanning, bothered by the difficulties of sharing music on the
Internet, created “Napster,” the first peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing program.
__1__ It was not surprising that Napster became popular all over the world almost overnight!
Music cannot be stored on Internet sites without a legal copyright (著作權), and users must
pay a fee to download music from sites that do. However, Napster works against this regulation. It
made music available for free and, therefore, appealed to almost everybody. Some bands even
approved of Napster. __2__ Smaller, less popular bands also used Napster to gain recognition and
boost sales.
However, Napster had the opposite effect on the record sales of more established bands. __3__
A band even filed a lawsuit (訴訟) against Napster for stealing its copyright.

__4__ The court eventually forbade Napster. It reminds us of the ethical dilemma everyone
could face when something desirable is against the moral or more seriously, the law.
(A) This illegal program allowed Internet users to download music directly from another person’s
computer for free.
(B) Famous bands found themselves losing record sales with fans downloading songs and even
entire albums for free.
(C) Initially establishing the program to fulfill his own desire, Shawn Fanning was now troubled
with legal suits and claims.
(D) For them, it was a medium through which songs banned because of offensive lyrics (歌詞)
could reach fans.
(1) ______ (2) ______ (3) ______ (4) ______

八、合併及改寫句子(共 0 分,每題 0 分)
67. The little girl stepped out of her room. She saw a stranger standing in the living room. (用分詞
68. If Ben settles down in the United States, he will buy a house in the suburbs.
If Ben settles down in Taiwan, he will buy a house in the suburbs. (請用 Whether 連接兩個句
69. Although the weather was bad, the fisherman went out fishing fearlessly. (用 Despite 改寫)
70. agrees or not / her father / an actress / not / Rebecca / to / become / Whether / makes up her
mind (重組句子)
71. Her headache hasn’t gone away after taking the medicine. It has gotten worse. (用 on the
contrary 合併)
72. The city government has cleaned up the polluted river.
The clean-up has given rise to tourism.(請將第二句變成形容詞子句來合併兩個句子)
73. asked me / I / whether / would like to / Lucy / go to the movies / have dinner with her / this
Saturday / or (重組句子)
74. the fans / be all / look / forward to / meet / the / superstar / in person. (完成句子)

75. When it rains, Allen rides a bike to work.
When it shines, Allen rides a bike to work. (請用 Whether 連接兩個句子)
76. It seems that the visitor is a government official. (請以 The visitor 為句子開頭)


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