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Lore for Desdemona:

In addition to anything you and Alexandros (Tom) work on Desdemona has some free
time. There are some unusual things in the media of Entertainment

> A popular Romance/Drama is about a woman who entraps her lover in a false life so
his inheritance can be stolen....or at least thats what he thinks....or would if he
didn't have Amnesia.
> A story of two Heroic princes. One goes mad with power and the other has to kill
> A story about two brothers in exile who unite to fight a third brother in the
absence of their father. One of the Exiled brothers wins but realizes the third
brother was right after all.And he puts the family dynasty at risk.
> A story about a darkling criminal.....Whose soul was hidden in darkness. So the
darkness and light form a tapestry. The show is about him coming to light

You also meet a Spacer who introduces you to the local "street racer" culture. And
tells you that for some one of your skills their is a lot of credits to be made
going into the Orcus Labryinth or to sign up for the Hadean Corp Security teams.
Lots of people have been getting hired for those jobs. 10 people to fight for every
Dwarf or technician

Also the Space Privateers worship your mom under another name. They would like to
do something about the Reavers or look into the missing Star Fleet of Apollo but
the last century and a half hasnt been the best for them.

Legends of the Space Privateers are a lot like Cowboys/ or Horatio Hornblower and
the like on the planet.

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