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NINO GORAN: (shouting) Ja vajbam! What the weee is going on out there?!

BUTTSEXER 1: (laughing) We've come to take your tower, Nino!

NINO GORAN: (determined) Oh no you don't! This is my tower and I'll defend it with
my life!

Nino takes a deep breath and charges towards the Buttsexers, staff in hand.

NINO GORAN: (yelling) Ja vajbam! Take that, you naughty buttsexers!

Nino swings his staff wildly, hitting the Buttsexers left and right. They try to
fight back, but Nino's enthusiasm is too much for them.

BUTTSEXER 2: (wincing in pain) Ouch, that hurts!

NINO GORAN: (grinning) Of course it does! I'm Nino Goran, defender of towers and
enemy of buttsexers!

BUTTSEXER 3: (pleading) Please, Nino! We don't want any trouble! We just want your

NINO GORAN: (pausing for a moment) Hmm, well, I guess that's understandable. But
you should have asked nicely first!

Nino puts down his staff and walks towards the Buttsexers.

NINO GORAN: (smiling) Alright, I'll make you a deal. You can have my tower, but
only if you promise to stop being so naughty all the time.

BUTTSEXER 1: (nodding) We promise, Nino! We'll be good from now on!

NINO GORAN: (pleased) That's what I like to hear! Now, let's celebrate with a big,
juicy weee!

Nino grabs a bottle of soda and starts spraying it all over the place. The
Buttsexers join in, laughing and cheering.


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