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Student personal space for their belongings

What would you think if you had to put your personal items in a container and they were being
stolen every time you turned around? I believe that students should have lockers for this reason.
They should keep their space clean and safe for their belongings so they won't have to complain
about moving everything at once.

. Lockers should be provided to students since they will deter theft of their belongings. For
example, the kids won't have to be concerned about their books, homework, or other items being
taken. The kids' personal lockers and locks for which only they know the combination will be the
reason for this. Therefore, there will be fewer instances of theft.

Additionally, students need lockers so they have a tidy location to store their books. This is to
say that a lot of desks are rusty and have a lot of writing on them. Additionally, putting items in
crates makes them susceptible to dust accumulation. If kids are given lockers to utilize, their
belongings will be kept very clean in a neat setting, which ties into my advocacy.

The last reasoning I have for believing that kids should have lockers is so they won't complain
about having to take care of everything at once. The burdens they may be carrying around every
day are considerable. This is significant since carrying all of a student's belongings around may
cause health issues. Why carry books around every day when you can put the things you don't
need in a locker to eliminate the pain? Additionally, they always complain about having to carry
all of their books. Everyone would be more content if we had lockers.

Finally, I believe that lockers for kids are a good idea. If schools had lockers, there would be less
stealing, students would have a clean, safe area to store their belongings, and there would be less
complaining and sickness. The school would be a nicer place for everyone if we had lockers.
Contact your principal or student council and request lockers for your school if you don't want
your belongings taken.

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