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Set: 11.05.

Due: 18.05.18

Spelling the /f/ sound – ‘-ff’, ‘f’, ‘-gh’ or ‘-ph’?

Success Criteria:
1. The sound [f] is usually represented by the consonant F: file, full, faint, flame, flick, flight, fly,
free, fry, prefer, defend, after, safe, scarf, half, beef, roof -F -PH -FF -GH
2. Double F is usually found in the syllable with a short vowel sound: puff, cuff, cliff, riff, traffic.
Double F is also found in cases where the prefix ends in F, and the root starts with F: affair,
affirm, afford, differ, effect, offend, offer, suffer, suffix.

3. The combination PH also has the sound [f]: photograph, physics, phonetics, philosophy,
alphabet, symphony, apostrophe.

4. The combination GH represents the sound [f] at the end of the word: enough, rough, tough,
laugh, cough.

Have a go at filling in as much as the grid as you can – the important

bit is that you are investigating which way you think you should spell
a word.

Try spelling the word with the different variations of the /j/ sound.

Which one do you think is right?

You may use a dictionary at the end to check any spellings, or wait to
check them in class.

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