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N o.14046/41/2022.

%iR9f^R9>R/Government of India
ip? ^T^TcRI/Ministry of Home Affairs

N orth B lock, New Delhi

D ated th e 3 1 st O ctober, 2022

Th e C h ie f S e cre ta ry ,
G o v e rn m e n t o f N CT o f Delhi.
D elhi S e cre ta ria t, I.P. Estate,
New D elhi - 110 001.

Subject: Inter-Cadre Transfer of Ms. Sarjana Yadav, IAS

(AGMUT-.2020) from AGMUT cadre to Madhya Pradesh Cadre on the
grounds o f m arriage to Shri Himanshu Jain, IAS (MP:2020) - reg.

I am directed to re fe r to D oP& T's N otificatio n N O .1 3 0 1 7 /3 0 /2 0 2 2 -A IS -I
dated 2 6 .1 0 .2 0 2 2 (copy enclosed) on the su b je ct m entioned ab o ve and to
say th a t the co m p e te n t a u th o rity has ap p roved the In te r-C a d re T ra n sfe r of
Ms, S a rja n a Y ad av, IAS (A G M U T :2 0 2 0 ) from A G M U T cadre to M adhya
Pradesh C adre on the g rou n d s o f m arria ge to S h ri H im anshu Jain , IAS
(M P:2020),

2. It is, th e re fo re , requested th a t Ms. S a rja n a Y ad av, IA S (A G M U T :2020)

m ay be relieved im m e d ia te ly to e n a b le h er to jo in M adhya Pradesh Cadre
u nd er in tim a tio n to th is M inistry.
Y ou rs fa ith fu lly ,
E n d: as a b o v e .

(Rakesh Kum ar Singh)

U n d er S e c re ta ry to the G ovt, o f India
Tel. 2 3 0 9 2688
Copy to:

1. S h ri Udai Bhan S in g h , US (A IS -I), DoP&T, New Delhi.

2. Ms. S a rja n a Y ad av, IA S (A G M U T :2 0 2 0 ) [through the C h ie f S e cre tary,
G ovt, o f NCT o f D elhi, New D elhi] w ith a re q u e st to rep ort to th e C h ie f
S e cre ta ry , G ovt, o f M adhya Pradesh.
3. S .O .(IT ), M H A-to u p lo ad the o rd e r on th e w eb site o f MHA.
4. G uard F ile -2 0 2 2 .

N o.13017/30/2022-AIS-1
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
'r Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi.

Dated: 26th October, 2022.


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (2) of Rule 5 of the Indian

Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954 and with the concurrence of the Ministry
of Home Affairs and the State Government of Madhya Pradesh, the Central
Government hereby transfers Ms. Sarjana Yadav, IAS (AGMUT:2020) from
AGMUT cadre to. Madhya Pradesh cadre on the grounds of marriage to Shri
Himanshu Jain, iAS (MP:2020),

(Udai Bhan Singh)

Under Secretary to the Governmentof India
Tel. No.23094142


The Manager,
Government of India Press
Minto Road, (
New Delhi.


No. 13017/30/2022-AIS-l Dated: 26.10.2022.

Copy forwarded for necessary action to:

Ministry of Home Affairs, UTS-I, North Block, New Delhi w.r.t. OM

No. 14046/41 /2022.UTS-I dated 23.09.2022.
2. The Chief Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal - 462004 w.r.t.
letter No. f-1/183/2022/5/tJ3T dated 14.10.2022 with the request to provide a copy
of joining report of the officer to this Department.
3. Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi.
4. The Accountant General, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal - 462004.
5. The Director, Lai Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration
(LBSNAA), Musoorie-248179 (Uttarakhand).
6. Ms. Sarjana Yadav, IAS (AGMUT:2020) (through the Ministry of Home Affairs,
UTS-I, North Block, New Delhi).
7. Guard file.

Under Secretary to the Govt, of India

Internal Distribution:

AIS(II)/AIS (III)/ SO (CM)/ EO(PR)/ EO(SM)-l)/NIC (for placing the

notification on official website)/Hindi Section for providing the Hindi version of
the notification at

No. 13017/30/2022-AIS-l Dated: 26.10.2022.

Copy forwarded for necessary action to:

^ ^ T h e Ministry of Home Affairs, UTS-I, North Block, New Delhi w.r.t. OM

! ■ No. 14046/41 /2022,UTS-1 dated 23.09.2022.

2. The Chief Secretary, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal - 462004 w.r.t.

letter No, f-1/183/2022/5AJ^ dated 14.10.2022 with the request to provide a copy
of joining report of the officer to this Department.
3. Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi.
4. The’Accountant General, Government of Madhya Pradesh, Bhopal - 462004.
5. The Director, Lai Bahadur Shastri National .Academy of Administration
(LBSNAA), Musoorie-248179 (Uttarakhand).
6^/Ms. Sarjana Yadav, IAS (AGMUT:2020) (through the Ministry of Home Affairs,
UTS-I, North Block, New Delhi).
7. Guard file.

Under Secretary to the Govt, of India

Internal Distribution:

AIS(II)/AIS (III)/ SO (CM)/ EO(PR)/ EO(SM)-l)/NIC (for placing the

notification on official website)/Hindi Section for providing the Hindi version of
the notification at

No. 13017/30/2022-AIS-l
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

North Block, New Delhi.

Dated: 26th October, 2022.


In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (2) of Rule 5 of the Indian

Administrative Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954 and with the concurrence of the Ministry
of Home Affairs and the State Government of Madhya Pradesh, the Central
Government hereby transfers Ms. Sarjana Yadav, IAS (AGMUT:2020) from
AGMUT cadre to Madhya Pradesh cadre on the grounds of marriage to Shri
Himanshu Jain, IAS (MP:2020).

(Udai Bhan Singh)

Under Secretary to the Governmentof India
Tel. No.23094142


The Manager,
Government of India Press
Minto Road,
New Delhi:


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