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TOK Journal 1

My first real-life situation is based on the video from TED by Stephanie Busari,

which talks about how fake news affects people’s lives. It discusses The story the

talker was telling was about the news that was about girls getting kidnapped by the

terrorist. However, the government was insisting that the news about the girls was a

hoax which was wrong. If the government did not say it was a hoax or fake news,

more girls would be saved.

The real-life situation is linked to technology and languages. The real-life

situation occurred from the development of technology and the use of language.

Also, it is linked to human science, as fake news is about people telling fake


The video prompts me to ask, “Have technological developments had the

greatest impact on what we know, how we know, or how we store knowledge?” This

question is extremely important because we are all in touch with developed

technology, which means our knowledge is influenced by what we know, how we

know and how we store the knowledge. Technology development, such as SNS is

creating a vast amount of information from many perspectives, which causes the

existence of different opinions and inaccurate information. This affects how we know,

for this reason, we can not state that gaining knowledge from technology is a positive

thing. These issues can make people panic on a large scale, such as in real-life

situations. However, gaining knowledge is very important because it is essential to

communicate with people. Therefore this knowledge question is extremely important.

It is hard to have an answer to this knowledge question because it depends

on what people think about technology development. The reputation of developed

technology has both positive and negative opinions. The positive opinion of gaining

knowledge from technology is that it is easy to get information since there is vast

information from different perspectives. On the other hand, there is a negative

opinion that there might be fake information, illustrated by the real-life situation.


work cited

Busari, Stephanie, director. Stephanie Busari: How Fake News Does Real Harm |

TED Talk,

ranscript. Accessed 30 May 2022.

TOK journal 2

My second-real life situation is the spread of NFT arts. NFT arts are a digital

asset that is collectable and their value may increase in the future. Also, they are

non-transferable and copyable. Therefore, the arts that are on NFT can acknowledge

the value of its uniqueness. NFT art is gradually spreading, especially in Europe and

the United States. There is also expensive NFT art that costs tens of millions of yen

and hundreds of millions of yen. The most expensive NFT art was made by Beeple

and sold for 69million dollars.

The real-life situation links to art as NFT is about the value of art. And the

real-life situation is also linked to indigenous societies. Because NFT is spreading

and can infiltrate society. The value of the NFT art, which can have a very high-cost

value, depends on people’s views, hence, it has a strong link to perspectives.

This leads me to ask the knowledge question, “Who determines what art is

valued, and on what criteria?” This question is important because in society right

now, the NFT art is used as a digital asset and is infiltrating society gradually. Since

art can be used as an asset, the way art is assessed is very important in this modern

society. However, the art

The value and criteria of art are not very clear, because the random art can be

sold for the price of no one as expected. For example, a picture drawn by an 8 years

old boy was traded for a 44million yen. The professional art teacher will assess the

criteria of some themes, skills or background of the art. On the other hand, ordinary

people will view the art very intuitively. Or traders will view how the art is rare from

the timeline, artist or regions. Furthermore, the value of art is changed by who

determines, the drawer or the buyer as an example. This difference is illustrated by

how the art is purchased. For instance, in NFT, the buyer will decide its value. On the

other hand, in an ordinary shop, the drawer decides the value. For different people,

the value of art is very different. For that reason, I think there is no answer to this

knowledge question.


Work cited

“NFTアートとは?作り方や販売方法|売買の仕方を解説 - マネーグロース.” マネーグ

ロース - 貯金・投資などお金に関するお悩みを解決する情報メディア. 13 May 2022.

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