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This is a classic class with a small group of students focusing on grammar, vocabulary,
and error corrections.

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High Beginner Lesson

she is doing the art of painting
• she is painting a flowers with a brush

• this person is called painter

the people who paint are called painters

my favorite type of art is dance because you can express
with your body many emotions
es kelp cher


ma ti rial

ki ne ryc
melan kaly

pis ful

ik strim
es kelp cher

fo ro graf muving
melan kaly

¿Cuáles son tus tres tipos de arte favoritos?

I think that all forms of art are important because each one helps us
express our emotions, tell stories.

and my favorite are architecture, dance and painting

the dance and painting are my ways of expressing myself
arquitectur simeind
And architecture has always seemed interesting to me, especially
es cai crei pers
hablar sobre el uso de formas verbales en presente perfecto practicar su uso en oraciones respondiendo a las preguntas

en inglés, a veces puedes usar el presente perfecto cuando hablas de eventos en el pasado

tiempo presente tens

1 I don't, but in my parents' house there are art paintings

es col chers drains
2 I have seen paintings, sculpture, drawings
visite musian
3 I haven't visited an art museum in years. the last time was before the pandemic

¿Alguna vez has comprado una obra de arte?

2 ¿Qué has visto en una galería de arte?
¿Has visitado un museo de arte este año?

una imagen vale más que mil palabras

lanf skeip nor der laits

yes, I love landscape photos like the northern lights or a beach at sunset. They are beautiful and I feel very relaxed.


peint pant feint

pintar pantalón debil

bra it lait litt

brillante ligera o luces iluminado

vau drau saa

voto dibujar sierra

ro uf ja uorf berf
valer hogar nacimiento

1 I paint in my pant some the flowers 3 my vow was to draw a saw

vau drau saa
2 The bright lights lit the city yesterday
bra it lait litt

al menos


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