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Our Darling D

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M, Multi
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Fred Weasley/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy/Fred
Weasley, Draco Malfoy/George Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Fred
Weasley & George Weasley, Draco Malfoy & Pansy Parkinson & Blaise
Zabini, Sirius Black & Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Draco
Malfoy & Harry Potter, Hermione Granger & Draco Malfoy & Harry
Potter & Ron Weasley, Dobby & Draco Malfoy
Character: Draco Malfoy, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Pansy Parkinson,
Blaise Zabini, Remus Lupin, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Sirius
Black, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Severus Snape,
Buckbeak (Harry Potter), Dobby (Harry Potter)
Additional Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Owl pen pals, Pen Pals, Quill Pals,
Draco Malfoy Needs a Hug, Good Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins are
awesome, why is that not a tag?, Hogwarts Second Year, Hogwarts
Fourth Year, Not Beta Read, kind of a rewriting on Draco's life, Alternate
Universe - Canon Divergence, Letter Exchange, Pansy Parkinson is a
Good Friend, Blaise Zabini is a Good Friend, Good Pansy Parkinson,
Good Blaise Zabini, Hogwarts Third Year, Hogwarts Fifth Year, Sirius
Black as Padfoot, Werewolf Remus Lupin, Save Lee Jordan 199x,
Pining Draco Malfoy, Mutual Pining, Crushes, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort,
Christmas Holidays, Lucius Malfoy's A+ Parenting, Lucius Malfoy Being
an Asshole, Purebreeding, Pureblood Culture (Harry Potter), Pureblood
Society (Harry Potter), Pureblood Traditions, Hogwarts Era, The Golden
Trio, Hogwarts Letters, Magical Creature Magnet Draco Malfoy, Silver
Trio, Friendship, Protective Fred Weasley, Protective George Weasley,
Severus Snape Has a Heart, Ron Weasley is a Good Friend, Hermione
Granger is a Good Friend, Oblivious Draco Malfoy, Smart Draco
Malfoy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Remus Lupin Needs a Hug, Sirius
Black Needs a Hug, Harry Potter Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A
Hug, BAMF Minerva McGonagall, Manipulative Albus Dumbledore,
Misguided Albus Dumbledore, Peter Pettigrew is a Little Shit, BAMF
Dobby (Harry Potter), Dobby is a Free Elf (Harry Potter), Owl Post
(Harry Potter)
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Our Darling D
Collections: I passed my important exam while writing these
Stats: Published: 2019-08-13 Completed: 2021-03-16 Words: 125,449
Chapters: 35/35

Our Darling D
by ENDisI

It all started with a letter.


Since my Drarry story finished in my head, this came in like a wrecking ball and I've been
in a writing binge for two days now for the first time in years. Engllish is not my first
language so I apologize for some mistakes.

This is set during Draco's second year and the twins' fourth year.

Hope you'll enjoy!

See the end of the work for more notes

It started with a letter

It has always been like this. Most of Hogwarts didn't really know. In fact, only those involved were
just the ones who knew. It started during Draco's second year.

Draco spent a year slowly accepting that Potter rejected his friendship. The feeling of
embarrassment and shame was gone by the time his father finished being disappointed and
drowned him in underhanded statements and hexes during the winter and summer holidays.

Then came a time that Draco couldn't help himself and wrote down what he felt inconspicuously.

Now, that was the start of it all.



September 27, 1992


To tell you the truth, I don't know why I'm writing this. I don't even know if I'm going to send it at
all and to who. I just wanted to write all my thoughts down so i can just get it over with then I can
move on. Maybe it's the teenager in me? Am I being so dramatic?

You see... my father was so disappointed in me. All my life I did everything I could just so he could
not feel any disappointment in me at all. It seems that just one single failure had me going down a
pedestal I didn't even realize I was on. That was such a wake up call, see? I was one of the top
students in my year but when that particular situation reached his ears it's as if my achievements
are all for naught. It hurt.

... Actually, it still does.

I apologize for ever burdening you with my problem, even if I do know it might make your day
horrible. I felt better than I had in weeks after expressing myself.

Thank you.


Draco stared at the letter then tapped it twice while murmuring an advanced spell Severus taught
him during the summer. Within seconds, the contents of his letter transferred to a blank paper with
different handwriting as well, magic signature untraceable.

Letting out a satisfied smile, he silently burned the original letter whilst warily looking over his
shoulder to look over his sleeping mates. It would not do well if he had a weakness other Slytherins
could exploit, after all. With a sigh, he put the letter in an envelope and nodded to himself.



Morning came and Draco woke up early, exactly as soon as he felt the reflected sun rays outside
the lake. He winced, realizing he forgot to draw the curtains. Merlin knows the grindylows like to
mess around the windows. Spotting a mermaid peek curiously outside the window, Draco signed a
'good morning' to which the mermaid signed one back at him before swimming away.

Learning sign language for the bored merpeople had been a past time for him during the last few
months of the term in his first year. It helped there was a large glass by the Slytherin common
room reflecting what's under the Black Lake (which is, if they were bored, where you'll see
mermaids hanging around) . He lost count of the mistranslations he did and even had a merman
point its spear at him one time, clearly offended. Feeling good he's getting better at sign language,
he spotted the letter he made last night and blinked.

"Suppose I'd have to send it to see if anyone really gets a letter if it's unsigned." He mused,
stretching and beginning to get ready.

An hour later, he trudged down the owlery and smoothed down the feathers of the Hogwarts owls
that hooted at him irritably for disturbing their precious sleep. One particular owl hooted at him
warmly when he approached. The owl automatically held up it's leg so Draco can attach the letter.

"Hi there, good friend." Draco murmurred, the owl thrilled at the greeting. "I don't know who I can
send this to. Suppose you get to pick where it goes." He whispered, handing the letter that got
accepted willingly. He fed the owl a few premium owl treats before smiling at it. "Terribly sorry
for the inconvenience, though thank you for volunteering."

The owl hooted, nipped Draco's hand affectionately and flew off. Draco watched as it flew away
and headed for breakfast.


October 12, 1992

Days went on, the Halloween passed with no trolls but with too much spiked pumpkin juice that
somehow reached its way in the Slytherin commons. Thankfully, Draco preferred not to drink it
after he noticed it smelled a bit differently. It was a weekend, one blessedly with no classes at all
and Draco was strolling peacefully on one of Hogwarts' numerous fields leading to the lake.

He was quite enjoying a "me-time" moment, snickering on his way out teasingly at Blaise and
Pansy who were drowning in their homework thus unable to accompany him. He had just sat down
on a lone bench after numerous attempts of warming charms, wind caressing his cheeks just right
when he heard wings flapping from above. He looked up and saw a Hogwarts owl flying towards
him. He stuck out and arm and the owl landed, hooting at the letters it dropped on his lap, it nipped
his fingers before flying away.


Upon further inspection, it was untraceable with no malicious charms at all. Mail like that
sometimes gets past the wards (mostly due to Howlers) so his mother taught him that particular
spell ever since second year came around. He took the envelope and flipped it over, eyes going
wide. "To D, somewhere out there".

Oh. Draco really didn't expect a reply, two at that.

'Should I read this?' A beat. 'No harm...' Curiosity got him good, he noticed. He opened it with
another spell Narcissa taught him and smiled at the first letter.


I guess you might've been curious too if the owls deliver unsigned messages, that's great
because we were going to conduct an experiment about it but you beat us to it! Quite a bloody
brilliant lad/lady you are!

No burdens at all with your daddy dearest problem. Would like you to meet ours if you've
had a chance to! Though not to compare or anything, just I think our Dad would be proud
you're quite good at studying. It's not much but don't let one single failure become a hurdle
to your goals!

So here's a letter you might not be expecting! Hope we didn't scare ya!


P.S write back if you wanna?

Despite the sudden cold air that meant snow will fall soon, Draco felt warm as he read the first
letter. He put it down and started on the second one and another smile graced his lips.



Bloody hell, D. You scared the balls out my brother when that owl landed on top of his bed hair!
I'd like to thank you though! It took a quite a while to get me to stop laughing because of it. We
were distracted and all that but when your owl left, it left your letter in our care, hope you don't
mind. I mind, though!

Your letter was the answer to our upcoming experiment and you beat us to it! Such a brilliant mind
you have, huh? Forget what your daddy dearest has to say! Just be you! That's what we do! I know
it would be hard at first but don't worry, D! You can be who you are or who you want to be without
your daddy dearest being mean to you! You'll feel better if you write to us more, fancy trying it
out? We'll be glad to be of help!



Rereading the letters again, with tears stinging his eyes, he couldn't help the chuckle that escaped
his lips.

"Stranger, danger" he reminded himself, tucking the letters in his pocket and standing up.

Though the letters warmed him incredibly, the wind is turning cold too much for him to stay for
much longer.

.. And if he was speed walking up the field so he could reach Hogwarts and bask in its warmth in
the Slytherin commons, well, it really was getting cold outside.

It's not as if he had a letter to write anyway.

Went on until Christmas
Chapter Summary

An exchange of letters until the Christmas Holidays.

Chapter Notes

So glad to find time to update! In line with this, a heads up to different writing style
(not that it is noticeable) every chapter. I'm still relearning my writing skills. It's not
everyday ideas like these comes in like a wrecking ball.

Bear in mind that Draco does the changing the handwriting spell every letter.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

October 17, 1992

F & Ker,

Forgive me for not writing back immediately. I had a hard time trying to convince myself you both
were merely bored and decided to reply. My sincerest apologies for starting your experiment early.
Quite a bit of a mystery owls are sometimes, I must admit.

I suppose I am quite curious why you both replied, I was quite surprised that you did. Did your
mother ever told you about the dangers of communicating with a stranger? I thought every mother
did that. Though, i digress, with me writing back go to two complete strangers I am being a
complete hypocrite. It would be most helpful if you could help provide me with a believable excuse
rather than just say, "I was curious".

I express my thanks for replying to my letter, I intended to incinerate it when it came but I had to
keep the letters since I care very much for the environment. Can't have all those paper go to waste,
won't you agree?



October 22, 1992

It seems letters like to come and go when Draco was having his early morning walk along the halls
before breakfast. He does always wake up early during this season, if only to appreciate the falling
snow by the open hallway. It was a different owl this time, bearing only one letter. Once Draco
opened it though, his disappointment cleared when he saw two sheets of parchment. Reaching the
library, he hid himself away on a comfortable nook by the windows and began to read.



You are quite a sarcastic git when you want to be huh? Guess that's what we get for thinking you
were a gentle being. If I must say, I feel like we have to defend ourselves for this, we were not
bored when we wrote to you. We were simply half awake and misplaced the letter when we were
scrambling for our things! It is not and never will be our fault your letter was so thin it fell under
the F's bed.

There is no mystery thing about owls either, Darling D! Merlin! They are vicious with their
nipping! Sure they lure you in with their pretty downs and all that but when you get close, it nips
you like your fingers were the treats! See, Darling D, we go to such lengths to send you letters.

We were almost hurt when you told us you were going to incendio our friendship away! Oh, such
foolishness astounded us! We care for the environment as well, so we are happy to inform you
we're saving envelopes and cramming our letters in one instead of two. Proud of us, yet?




Barely stifling a laugh, Draco moved on to the next letter.



darling, your letter is quite a joy to read. Note the sarcasm, will you? Especially when it is
filled with such explosive energy we would normally encourage though this time, darling D,
we'd like to fully inform you that we were not bored when we received your letter. We're
serious! We even solemnly swear it!

We would also like to tell you that we love surprises as much as we love to surprise people!
Maybe that's why we wrote back, don't you think? ;) And ooh, yes! You sound very
dangerous indeed. Me and my brother best be careful about communicating with you. You
best be careful too, darling D! We know more about you than you know about us! As for a
more appropriate excuse, well... We can't help you with that too. How about we brainstorm
about it first? Our primary excuse is, "We are pranking a student in a different House",
what's yours?

Unfortunately, we have to agree that we care for the environment and had prepared to
preserve your first letter so it can be passed down in Wizarding history as the first wayward
letter to ever find its rightful owners. Don't worry, your future letters will be protected, too.



Raising a brow at the changed signoff name, he reread both letters again and smiled. It never failed
to make him warm, and surprisingly, bantering with someone he never met was actually quite fun.
Putting the letters in his pocket, he headed off to breakfast already readying his reply.


October 26, 1992


I must say, you both had to pick one of the worst signoff name to ever exist. I can't believe out of all
the words, this is what you pick. Although it seems oddly fitting, you both tend to like jokes and
anything humorous. Also, what's with this Darling D? I most certainly do not need a nickname,
thank you very much… As soon as I wrote that sentence, I have a feeling the nickname will stick no
matter what I do so I guess you'll be stuck with some awful sentimental nicknames as well.

Admittedly, I quite don't like surprises, so I guess if this would continue, I have to prepare myself
for every time you write to me. Dear merlin, woe is me. Speaking of woes, Ker honey, I reckon
owls just have that defense mechanism to attack when they feel something dangerous is nearby. Oh
my, is this a sign? Jo sweetheart, you need to improve your mysteriousness, you literally gave up
information you're a student like me with your excuse.

Speaking of, I am quite pleased with the primary excuse and will use it when asked, thank you for
your wonderful input. Best preserve my letters well, JoKer, it seems I'll be drowning in homework I
won't be able to reply soon enough. I think it would be best to inform you now rather than you
flooding my room with letters I certainly won't reply to. I need to study so I could improve my

Don't miss me that much!



November 5, 1992

Draco was running late. With the rare Thursday morning warmth, he found it hard to get up and get
ready. It was a joy that he only have Herbology today and that was after lunch. That’s the reason
why he skipped breakfast and got up by mid-morning. He had finished writing the two essays for
Transfiguration and Potions last night and had started to draft the weekly letter for his parents.
Getting up reluctantly, he freshened up for an hour in the bathroom and came out ready to send a

He was quite surprised when he went to the Owlery and an owl hooted at him, leaving a package in
his arms and a letter. He blinked, that was definitely not his mother’s owl. He thanked the owl
before it went back to its post and he smiled at the attached letter. “To D, somewhere unknown”. It
seems he has a surprise mail. A feeling of excitement rushed through him as he gave his letter to
his parents to Ophion, the Malfoy Family Owl. It hooted irritably but accepted the premium Owl
treats he offered.

He looked around, feeling for any nearby magical signature and was relieved to find none. He hid
the package in his robes and went back to his room. When he reached his room, he was relieved to
find it empty and started opening his package before pausing. Just to make sure no pranks will be
set off, Draco ran the appropriate diagnostic charm and smiled in relief then continued to open it.
He gasped in delight as he saw 5 sugar quills from Hogsmeade’s Honeydukes. He’s been wanting
to nibble some ever since he’s drowning in projects and homework. With a smile, he opened the
envelope and took out the letters.

Our darling D,

I'd have you know, darling D, that we thought of our codename very hard. We battled for
nights on end on how to hide our identities so we can keep up our mysteriousness. We do
admit we need to improve it, darling D, you're too smart and we're thrilled to challenge this
anonymous letter exchange with you.

We wish you luck with the exams coming and hope you know a floating charm or some spell
like that so you won't drown in your homework, yikes. Hope our surprise package cheers you

Jo sweetheart


Our Darling D,

Aha! It seems our codename was revealed sooner than we anticipated, you do have a nice set of
smarts in that brain of yours! We are so glad we did not have to annoy you with our never ceasing
will to address you as we please Darling D! We both quite like the endearment you gave us, just so
you know!

We hope you enjoy the surprise package we sent with this letter, we picked it out just for you! Any


Ker Honey


Casting a Tempus charm, Draco sighed as it was time for lunch. Seeing as he can’t ignore his
grumbling stomach any longer, he put away the letters carefully and went to lunch. He’ll reply
tonight. They certainly made him happy about their surprise package.


November 10, 1992


I must admit, I liked the sugar quills you’ve given me and it cheered me up. I am surprised you
picked it out for me and not chocolate frogs, contrary to popular belief, it is not everybody’s
number one go-to sweet. It certainly is not mine, though I enjoy it more than acid pops, nasty
things. I must thank you for the quills, JoKer. It helped a lot on keeping me awake while I do my
homework. There’s not much to left to do and for that I am glad. My roommates look at me like I’m
mental, starting on doing homework early. Well, I’ll just enjoy watching them panic as they cram
during the last minute.

Speaking of that, despite knowing you’ll call it nagging than curiosity, have you done your school
work at all? If I bet a galleon and say you haven’t, I’d win. I’m right aren’t I? Best do it now, I tell
you. My curiosity aside, JoKer, I assume you both are going at Hogwarts. If I bet a galleon say you
do, I’d have two galleons now. There’s something going on here, if you’re not going at Hogwarts
and it is terrifying. I pray for both of your safety since I have a feeling you lot like to challenge
danger. It is out of my character to say this, but please be careful.

I wouldn’t want my friends to be gone so soon.



November 12, 1992

Our darling D,

This will be the first letter we’ll be writing as one to you. We’re replying to you as soon as we
can but we only have one piece of parchment left. You are quite the short letter writer, aren’t
you? I (Jo) will be writing since I have a better handwriting than Ker. Which is not true.
Alright, we are glad that you liked our present! We had fun picking it out. We almost sent you
some chocolate frogs, darling! Wouldn’t want you chasing it across the room, though! So we
settled for the quills. Mr. And Mrs. Flume (the Honeydukes owners) laughed at us during our
debate. We were there for hours! Just an hour, darling. If there’s another time we can go to,
we’ll send you some again. That, we’ll do.

If it weren’t for your smarts,we’d think you’re mental for starting so early too! We’d much
prefer your nagging than any of our friends or our other brother’s friends! Though even for
you Darling, we can’t do our schoolwork so early, even our professor will ask as to see Madam
Pomfrey! Ker was the one who wanted you to know that we indeed go to Hogwarts. Jo wanted
to tell you during Christmas so it’s a present kind of thing but I was too excited to know you’re
here too! We promise we’ll be careful, we hope you’d best be careful too.

Were here, Darling!

Never gonna leave you, darling!


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey

P.S If it’s too confusing for you, we’ll separate letters?


November 19, 1992


It was fun reading your previous letter and seeing your handwriting together. It was a nice
contrast to the letters I receive with such immaculate handwriting. Yours together is refreshing
itself, like I’m reading it while being out in a storm. Not to worry as it didn’t confuse me at all, both
your handwriting are too distinct for it to be confusing for me. Separating letters? Hm, maybe so if
you feel like it but you can reply to my letters in ways you want to reply, I don’t mind at all…on one
condition? No howlers, if you will. Such a thing should not exist at all!

Not doing schoolwork early? Sounds like almost every Hogwarts students ever. Don’t be
ridiculous, Madam Pomfrey is competent enough to know you don’t have any ailment! It’s like
saying you’re sick and Professor Snape gives you a potion after class. I am being careful enough, I
need to keep up appearances though. There’s too many watchful eyes.

What would you like for your Christmas gift?


P.S Can’t write a letter equivalent to an essay when we’re keeping the mysteriousness, JoKer.

November 22, 1992

Our Darling D,

We had a hard time figuring out your sarcasm about our handwriting together. Your metaphors
send us laughing a lot. We’re also shocked you said our handwriting is distinct. Our
classmates can’t ever tell them apart! We had years of practice and you say it’s distinct? We
also had the urge to do the howler bit but we guessed you’ll be angry at us given your blatant
dislike about it and if you open it in the Great Hall, we’d know who you are, how tempting.

We wanted to tell you though Darling, that if Professor Snape really did give us a potion after class
if we are truly sick, we’d be the ones asking him to go to see Madam Pomfrey!!! He’s been
here for years, darling and no one’s ever heard he’d done that before.

We’re working on prank ideas now and we’d like to try it out to the people with their oh so
‘watchful eyes’ to see if they can still see you after! Kindly drop some names, would you,

We want you to tell us what you want for Christmas is what we want for Christmas!


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey


December 10, 1992


I apologize I hadn’t been able to reply to you sooner. During this time of year, I also usually forget
to reply to my parents. My mind is too scattered to be organized and I think I prioritize my studies
too much this time of year. Now, I have free time! All that is left is to study for the exams! Which I
will be doing after writing this letter. What do you mean your handwriting is distinct? It’s like
comparing a chocolate frog to a fudge ball. Both chocolate but different form! Your classmates
need prescription glasses or a referral for wizarding eye treatment.
What are you talking about Professor Snape? I experienced that. He gave me a cough potion but
still sent me to Madam Pomfrey when I asked him what I asked a bunch of questions about it. She
was very informative and could tell me the pros and cons of taking one as well as other
alternatives. I learned a lot that day.

Also, I am here to inform you that I am going away from the country and the place I will be does
not accept owls. I also don't know why they don't accept owls. With this letter, I have sent you your
gifts in advance. I do hope you'll like it.

Happy Christmas!



December 12, 1992

Our darling D,

You finally replied! We thought we scared you off! After reading your letter, we are
contemplating on whether we’re starting a petition for you not to study too much. You should
take care of your eyes more, we fear you will be needing the prescription glasses soon. Don’t read
too much in the dark, we figured you’re the type to let sleep take over once you’ve finished
reading a chapter or something. If we bet a galleon about it, will we win, Darling?

Bloody Hell, darling. Professor Snape WILLINGLY gave you a potion? A miracle happened
and we didn’t even know! How amazing can you be, Darling? To soften up Professor Snape’s
heart enough to give you a cough potion? We certainly hope you don’t get sick too often. You
best be bundled up! It’s too cold this time of the year. We don’t want you getting sick.

Which remind us, THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT! WE LOVE IT! A book about pranks,
Darling? You are very subtle. If we don’t find the names of your ‘watchful eyes’ here, we’ll be
disappointed big time. Test subjects’ names must be willingly given! That’s right!

We are so sorry we can’t get you anything in time for Christmas, of course we want to! But we’ve
been using the Hogwarts owls for this and we reckon they don’t want to get sick at all. I guess
you’ll just be waiting for your gift once break is over!
We wish you a Happy Christmas, Darling!


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey

Chapter End Notes

Well that was a fun chapter to write. Christmas coming early in this story had me
snickering. It's nearing 'Ber months' anyway, it counts!

To avoid any confusion:

Fred- Jo, Bold, calls Draco as 'darling'
George- Ker, normal font style, calls Draco 'Darling'

If you like it: Kudos, comment, bookmark! Thank you!

Chapter Notes

Fred is Jo, Bold in joint letters, calls Draco "darling"

George is Ker, normal font in joint letter, calls Draco "Darling"

See the end of the chapter for more notes

January 12, 1993,

Our Darling D,

First off, Happy New Year to you, our Darling! How was your Christmas Holidays? Ours were
a bit of a chaotic one, what with all of the family in one room! And it was quite fun! Hope you
had fun on yours too! Jo and I were searching for “The Best Christmas Present You’ll Ever Have”
for days, thinking of it for weeks and finding it in a span of three days when we were in Diagon
Alley.We were so ecstatic to find it as well! We hope you like your present as much as we
treasure your present for us!

We were thinking on becoming sappy gits and put all the things you give us on a box. We got
started on it a while ago, darling, we have your letters neatly tucked and protected in it. We
store our prank books you gave to each of us there too, sometimes. Actually not really, nevermind.
We keep it in our bags and read it during History of Magic because why not?

Speaking of subjects Darling, we are pleased to tell you that we have completed our homework and
had shocked all our professors because of it. Their faces were priceless, they were so shocked we
did it! Wish you could’ve seen it!

Write back to us soon, Darling! Tell us if you liked our present, too!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey


January 18, 1993


I must say, you both have an absolute abysmal taste on clothing but a magnificent one on trinkets.
Thank you for the gloves you game me, although the design you picked was horrid, the texture of
the clothing is comfortable and it’s such a joy that it is not resistant to spells yet. My friend had
shrieked at me when they saw it and again, I’m blaming you for that. Though they shrieked at me,
they did recommended me a nice spell to practice on and now the gift you’ve given me is sporting
quite a lovely color more suited for me than orange. For future references if there is one, JoKer, I
do not have orange in my wardrobe and I don’t intend to have some. It clashes with everything I

So I’m presuming that the gloves was a gag gift.

Which comes to the conclusion that the beautiful dragon charm bracelet you gifted me was the
original gift. I am quite happy about it! Though, I won’t wear it as often as you might think because
then you’ll find out who I may be, the cute dragon charm is small enough that I could subtly wear
it. I tried it on and it fits perfectly as well! I couldn’t thank you enough.

A happy new year to you both, Jo Sweethear & Ker Honey! My holidays had been well and passed
by too soon, I do enjoy getting to wake up midmorning rather than earlier than the sun during
holidays. Also, you’re both on to something about that box but since I am not that sappy yet, I’ll
just leave your letters hidden in my trunk.

I am partly surprised and partly proud you finished your homework and passed it on time, that
itself would be such a nice gift if I were a professor handling your shenanigans for seven years.
Maybe you should do that yearly?

Good luck on this next term!


P.S I told you both your handwriting are distinct, stop trying to confuse me.


January 23, 1993

Our darling D,

Your first long letter is now framed inside the box. We were so touched, it just happened like
that, okay? Also, you got us! The gloves were definitely a gag gift. Not a clue about us at all. The
gloves were a bit of a late present since the cold’s receding, kind of but we hope you’ll get to
use it this year. We’re glad you liked the dragon charm! We thought of what other ‘D’ words
would fit you Darling, and that’s the first thing that came into our minds. Not because you look
like one, no. Because instead of spitting fire, you roar out sarcasm. I’m joking, darling. Or is

You’re on to something about that yearly “Complete HOMEWORK passed on time as

Christmas gift” for the professors. But a change of heart so late into our year will send our
professors straight to Madam Pomfrey, I bet. For firewhiskey or a checkup, we don’t know.
Professor Snape almost melted a cauldron when he saw us turn in our homework. That was such a
precious sight to see. We consider it as his present for us, his favorite students.

We missed talking to you, darling.

We’ll be waiting for your reply.


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey

P.S. We can't believe you still think our writing is distinct.


Chapter End Notes

Cramming days for my examination is starting but here I am updating because I can't
focus /sigh. Comments are loved and Kudos makes me smile. ;)
February woes
Chapter Notes

HI! I'm back after a month of ghosting *laughs* I've had a very grueling exam to study
and take before I continue to update. I was very amused to post a Valentines chapter
when Halloween just passed.

Not beta read, as always, please bear me with my mistakes. (I type them in my phone
and usually can't edit them all)

I changed Fred's (Jo) handwriting to Bold

Same thing goes!

Fred- aka Jo, Bold, calls Draco 'darling'
George- aka Ker, normal, calls Draco 'Darling'

See the end of the chapter for more notes

February 3, 1993


As much as I would support you as favored by a professor, I highly doubt that Professor Snape
would pick you as his favorite students. You’re both too much of a troublemaker to be his favorites,
I think. So, I guess unless the specific potion interests one or both of you, you’re both the type to
experiment without supervision. Since you both have an affinity for pranks and somehow not
getting in trouble with it too much, you both must be good at it so for all I know… I honestly think
Professor Flitwick or Professor McGonagall would favor you greatly outside of their respective
classes and their professions.

I have this ongoing theory that if Professor Snape really do have a favorite student, it would be one
from his House, right? Are you saying you’re both in Slytherin? His reactions and favoritism
aside, a melted cauldron is dangerous so please be cautious! Speaking of subjects, I do hope you
both are studying well.. I feel as if you both are older than me. I feel like nagging away if you both
are lenient in your studies! You’re in Hogwarts for a reason.

This will be the first and last time I’ll say it, but your letters are a comfort to me.

Thank you for writing to me.



February 14, 1993

Our Darling D,

Today is Valentine’s Day and we were expecting some chocolates. Or even those cupids
serenading us. We were waiting the whole day.

We are so disappointed.

We were looking forward for you to give us chocolates!!!

Don’t fret! We gave you something to celebrate today!

We thought of giving you a refill on the sugar quills, but it’s a special holiday so we went with
the fudge balls.

On a side note, we had an opportunity to prank the professors and anonymously give them
chocolate and serenade them through the ridiculous cupids all shoving their ways around the castle.
Yeah, Professor Snape’s reaction was the most priceless out of everyone. Aside from our Head
of House, they just went along with it. I think we’re growing on them more so than other
Professors, after all these years. That, or they must really like chocolate.

Which means, darling, we reject the notion of becoming Slytherin. Our self preservation is
questionable at times, you see. That leaves you guessing from the three remaining Houses.
Speaking of Houses, we DO agree that we’re a delight for our Head of House no matter what
was said! They said “I see you both like to take the delight out of my day.” but we’re focusing on
the positive things this year. We’re quite very good at getting less and less detentions now that
they can’t pinpoint it’s us pranking them!

We were thinking of ignoring your send off message but we were happy to say your letters are a
comfort to us, too! We get enough nagging from everyone, really. You should meet our mom, she
can nag us all day and still have energy left to do it all year.

To ease your worries about us, darling, we really do do our best in our studies but don’t you
fret when we focus on non-academic things since we are here to have fun as well! We don’t
fancy repeating a year although Hogwarts is one we consider as a second home. We’ll be
careful of melting cauldrons and melting the cauldrons from now on to ease your worries
about potions safety. You must really care about us, huh?

Speaking of, Darling, what do you do for fun? Surely it can’t be studying all day long.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey


February 20, 1993


Don’t be ridiculous. Surely you know that Valentine’s Day, also called St. Valentine’s Day, is a
holiday when lovers express their affection with greetings and gifts and apparently according to
my friend, a day to confess or something to get free chocolate out of it. While I do appreciate your
gift, I am inclined not to give you any. I just don’t understand the validity why it is considered a
holiday at all.

The holiday has origins in the Roman festival of Lupercalia , held in mid-February. The festival,
which celebrated the coming of spring , included fertility rites and the pairing off of women with
men by lottery. At the end of the 5th century, Pope Gelasius I replaced Lupercalia with St.
Valentine’s Day. It came to be celebrated as a day of romance from about the 14th century.
Although there were several Christian martyrs named Valentine, the day may have taken its name
from a priest who was martyred about 270 CE by the emperor Claudius II Gothicus . According
to legend , the priest signed a letter “from your Valentine” to his jailer’s daughter, whom he had
befriended and, by some accounts, healed from blindness.

Other accounts hold that it was St. Valentine of Terni , a bishop , for whom the holiday was
named, though it is possible the two saints were actually one person. Another common legend
states that St. Valentine defied the emperor’s orders and secretly married couples to spare the
husbands from war. It is for this reason that his feast day is associated with love. Formal
messages, or valentines , appeared in the 1500s, and by the late 1700s commercially printed cards
were being used. The first commercial valentines in the United States were printed in the mid-
1800s. Valentines commonly depict Cupid , the Roman god of love, along with hearts, traditionally
the seat of emotion. Because it was thought that the avian mating season begins in mid-February,
birds also became a symbol of the day. Traditional gifts include candy and flowers , particularly
red roses , a symbol of beauty and love. The holiday has expanded to expressions of affection
among relatives and friends.

I was writing an essay about Valentine’s Day for homework because Professor Lockhart for some
abysmal reason, thinks it’s because it’s cupid’s birthday just in time for me to lecture both of you
along with him since we’re talking about the subject. Personally, I don’t think it’s a good enough
reason to celebrate a holiday. Giving away chocolate to celebrate a martyr? Are you both perhaps
not in Slytherin, after all? Oh wait, the Hufflepuffs were too engrossed in this fictitious event, as

Also, accepting chocolates from some anonymous person is dangerous! What if it has Amortentia
in it? Please do be careful. Oh, but I do love and appreciate the fudge balls you’ve sent me. My
friends were envious because I got something to nibble on during History of Magic. They either
settled on sleeping or pranking their seatmates just because I won’t share. Yes, you’re reading a
hypocritical paragraph in this letter, it’s not a dream. In my defense though, I check everything
before I even open it. Which reminds me, your prank on me last time about the chocolate quills
glamoured as sugar quills didn’t quite work, by the way, but my friend says his thanks because I
abhor chocolate quills, they drip down so much before you could eat half. Jokes on you!

Don’t be disappointed, JoKer. Someone who deserves your love or someone who admires you,
whichever comes first, may give you chocolates. You’ll just have to wait.


P.S I hang out with my friends for fun. I suppose you prank people for fun?

Chapter End Notes

Well, kudos to Valentines essay, I got it off the internet but now I can't find the souce.
Disclaimer, everyone! ^_^
April Fools
Chapter Summary

They ain't no fools, but they're fools for each other.

Chapter Notes

Surprise! An update again! This is to celebrate me passing my exams colorfully and

wonderfully, I am so proud of me!

Don't Forget!

Fred is 'Jo', Bold in the letters and in real life, calls Draco 'darling'
George is 'Ker', Normal in letters and debatable in real life, calls Draco 'Darling'

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A month went on and Draco and his mysterious owl quill pals as they called it had stayed in safe
topics circling on schoolwork, plans, and funny moments happening in their lives. Draco was
curious about them but decided not to dwell on their identities. If he knew who they were, he’d
have to stop. He doesn’t want that at all. He also has to keep up appearances, glaring and insulting
the Golden Trio and the like, it gets too boring sometimes. It’s as if he’s settling on a routine.

Though one morning, it all changed when whispers of another one being attacked reached his ears.
He pursed his lips, his clue hadn’t been enough, hadn’t been found or something. He even
deliberately put it in the reference book for their assignment just so any one of the Golden Trio
would find it. Overcome with panic at the thought of Jo or Ker getting attacked, he went to the
Owlery in the guise of telling his parents about the attack. Okay, not really a guise, he mused as he
wrote another letter this time for his parents once he calmed down. He hesitated on sending the one
for JoKer but he did after deliberating on it.

April 4, 1993

Are you alive? Are you petrified? Are you safe? Are you okay?

There's been another attack.

Please tell me you're alright. I don’t know what to do, I can’t even say anything.

I do hope you both are well. Just please, carry a mirror or cast puddles everywhere, I don’t know.
Merlin, run if you see spiders. Protect the roosters or something.

Just please, JoKer,

please be careful.


April 9, 1993

Our Darling D,

We’re so happy you cared for us! That was such a wonderful gift to know you do!

Please calm down, darling. We’re safe and sound and ready to be loud! It seems you know a
lot about the attacks, is there something wrong? Do you need some help? Just say it, we’ll do it!
To soothe your worried mind, we’re pleased to tell you that we are now carrying mirrors. We
saw a spider once but that was when our brother jumped away from it. We are now a part of
Hagrid’s Rooster Protection Squad just like you asked, Darling! Can’t have any of them dying, we
like chicken, you know. The puddles, we’ve been doing it for years. Kidding aside, we’re here
for you. So please, don’t worry about us too much.

We were alarmed to see your message, it seemed you’ve panicked quite a bit while writing it.
Are you safe? Are you okay now?

When we received it, we’re just so glad you’re alright as well. That you weren’t the one petrified.
We wouldn’t have known if you were, you see. That bit was quite worrisome.

Were here, Darling!

Never gonna leave you, darling!


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey

April 14, 1993


I deeply apologize that my previous letter incited some worrisome emotions for the both of you. I
am pleased to tell you that I, myself, am quite alright and was also glad you both replied to my
letter. Like you, I do not have any means to know if one of you or both of you were the ones
petrified too.

With that said, I’d like to make it known that of course I do care for both of you, JoKer. You’re
both my friends. It’s a bit sad to admit that I don’t have a lot of that, all I’ve got a lot are people
ready to reprimand me if I do something wrong. So yes you, JoKer, are a wonderful gift to me.

I’ve a lot of things to do, so I apologize again if this seem so short. It looked a bit so sappy and out
of character of me to write such emotional things all at once. You know what, I think both of you
are to blame. You’re turning me into a Hufflepuff unintentionally, it is quite disastrous.

Thank you for writing to me.


P.S I request both of you to quit trying to prank me by sending the chocolate quills glamoured to
look like Sugar Quills, are you making my friend fall for you?

April 25, 1993

Our darling D,

Darling! Never apologize for being so emotional or sappy or incite worrisome emotions or
whatever! We’re all open to share our emotions here, only the three of us can see/read it, anyway.
Besides, we’re very good secret keepers. Don’t worry, we can keep our mouths shut when it
counts. We like you being sappy with us from time to time, if given a chance, I think Jo and I could
be gracing you with a long essay about you.

That aside, we’re writing off Hufflepuff as your House because you seem to dislike being
associated with it. Maybe a you’re a Raven or a Snake. Hmm, well, whichever House you
may be, you’ll still be our darling D!

Well I don’t know about you, Darling, but we’re happy to be considered as your friend. You’re
becoming so important to us, you’re definitely going to be more than a friend. A treasure, maybe.
Yes. Maybe /wink/

Regarding the chocolate quills, we were so sure we’d get you because we mixed it in the sugar
quills but you’re proving to be very good at foiling our plans, darling. Very challenging,
indeed. Fine, Ker and I had an agreement to stop pranking you in that particular object.

How’s your studies going, Darling? You seem to have a lot to do. Oh dear, have you finally been
drowned because you’ve procrastinated? I know that Professor Snape gives excruciatingly painful
projects for the end of the semesters but keep fighting on!

Ker and I have been very good at our studies, we passed one project on time this month. Be
proud of us darling! It seems your nagging every letter is effective.

Were here, Darling!

Never gonna leave you, darling!

Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

Chapter End Notes

The twins' birthday is April 1. imagine getting a letter from their anonymous friend,
feeling happy because they were waiting for it to arrive for a while now and then
feeling shocked when they saw blatant panic and worry within the parchment paper.
So much love for these two, hurrying off to write a letter back as quickly as possible to
comfort their 'treasure, maybe'.

Comments make me feel loved, Kudos makes me smile, Bookmarks make my heart
skip a beat~
May the Owls be ever in your favor
Chapter Summary

It's time for an eye opening experiment for the year

Chapter Notes

Draco's second year is finally, finally, ending soon. Which means by June or July,
Harry would've stabbed Tom's diary but since it's still May, there's time for an
experiment. for research purposes, y'know. This chapter was actually one of the first
chapters I mindlessly typed before all the others so I decided to just post it now.

May 1, 1993

Our Darling D,

Jo is not around at the moment, he’s off hunting for the right owls for a very special thing we are
doing. We wanted to write it together but this needed to be sent immediately and Jo had to charm
the owls so they could cooperate. In case you are curious (Don’t lie, we know you are) this very
special thing we are doing,we, as in including you, shall be conducting an experiment.

Here are the details:

Experiment Title: Owlery Wonders Leaked Successfully (O.W.L.S for short)


Be able to figure out the owl posting and delivery schedule

Be able to figure out if the owls just knows who to give the letter to

Be able to communicate without an address

(Feel free to add)


Ker Honey

May 8, 1993

Ker Honey,

I’m still wondering if you hate owls.

I don’t see this experiment being beneficial for Hogwarts but yes, this could be a start to see if it is
valid and reliable for actual Ministry Appointed Delivery/er Owls to undergo this kind of
experiment for research purposes. We can’t have owls to agree on informed consents and such but
this could be a fun experiment, considering it is a rather curious subject. A lot of people write owls
off to just being smart magical creatures but I figure there is more to it than that.

It is a good thing Jo was the one hunting for the right owl/s, since you seem to be adverse to the
idea of being near one. It is quite amusing though, I thought it was Jo who is going to be like this
because an owl landed on top of his head once, remember?

I shall accept the nonexistent invitation (though it is ‘implied’ I am to partake) to indulge in this
experiment with the both of you.


May 14, 1993

Our darling D,

Hey there, darling D! Long time, no write. Did you miss your sweetheart? I, for one, sure did
miss you! Ker was sulking for a bit when we received your message but I can assure you that
he is now okay. Stop teasing him so much! You know he’s quite sensitive /wink/. Okay, you
know I’m kidding so I’ll stop.

I’m so glad you’ve decided to accept our heavily implied request for you to partake in this
experiment!! We are so excited! We actually didn’t think of the M.A.D Owls, we were just
hiding in the Owlery when we thought of undergoing an experiment pertaining to them, but
good thinking there darling! You never cease to amaze us.

As for Ker, he’s actually searching for the owl that landed on top of my head, we wanted it to
be part of our experiment no matter what but when I looked for it, I couldn’t find it. Well,
since it landed on MY head, I only saw a glimpse of it, but Ker remembers that day so fondly
since it’s the day something hilarious happened to me instead of him…or perhaps it was
because it was the day we received your letter, whichever it is, Ker remembers the owl.
Maybe you can help him with it?

In line with this, I have successfully convinced ten owls to be our test subjects! Such an
achievement is worth reporting to you, am I right?

Have you thought of a few objectives yet so we can add it in?


Jo Sweetheart

P.S Ker would like to say he doesn’t hate owls and adds to the objective: “Be able to know if
owls hate you or not” because of your teasing.

May 24, 1993



June comes with results and checked objectives
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

June 03, 1993

Our Darling D,

It’s been days. We tried a lot of tricks and spells to see your message.

We’re so confused. Please tell us what you did before we die of curiosity.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

June 10, 1993



Be able to send a letter even without a topic (check)

Be able to send a letter without an addressee (check)

Be able to fool JoKer into thinking there’s something more in the letter (check)

Be able to be friendly to every owl in the owlery so they won’t hate you (check)

Be able to tell JoKer that Hogwarts owls choose the letters they have to send most of the time
unless bribed (check)

Be able to tease JoKer enough they got too confused (check)

(Feel free to add)


P.S Got you there, didn’t I?

June 20, 1993

Our darling D,

This experiment has been quite enlightening. And so amusing. Finally, the results are in! It’s
been quite a month of exchanging results and notes and everything. Here is what we found out so

So we found out that Hogwars Owls are called H.Owls by their official name and it is funny
because Owls definitely do not howl, am I right darling? Anyway, we found out the H.Owls
delivery and post schedule and it seems that it prioritizes emergency letters above all else,
then the ones for family, then the ones far away from Hogwarts, THEN the ones for students
inside Hogwarts. That’s why it takes daaaaaaays for our letters to arrive. We best figure out a way
to get past the days of boredom anticipating your letter, Darling.

Back on topic, We did a stake out for three days to see if they noticed our presence. They did, by
the way. The owls circled on us and they shrieked when we were dozing off. Smart birds, aren’t
they? Catching their prey when they’re off guard. Ker’s scream can be heard loud and clear and
it alerted Mrs. Norris. That wasn’t supposed to be in the letter but I just looked away for a
second. Thank Merlin, Filch didn’t see us! Wish you were there to hear him scream like a
banshee, darling. It was a hilarious sight.

Soft, hair-like edges on an owl's flight feathers reduce the noise of flight, coupled with their natural
camouflage, making them ideal for delivering letters. Maybe that’s why there’s lots in the
Wizarding World. H.OWLS are really fascinatingly magical for their own good, when out of owl
treats, they hunt in the forbidden forest. Yes, Darling. Even the most sophisticated ones meant to
deliver to the M.A.D owls. We saw with our own eyes that they could eat so…undignified? Well,
they eat like how all owls eat. So… nevermind. They normally eat small mammals, insects and
sometimes even small birds. The last one was a bit of a shocker for us.

The owls do learn very quickly, and seem to thrive on their task of tracing and tracking the
witch or wizard for whom their letters are intended . As such, we used what you pranked us
with darling, because it’s more fun that way too. We did find out that Owls have a natural
affinity to magic and thus can really do find the recipient of a letter without an address. Our
owl’s amazing, by the way. Since it picked us to be the recipient of your first letter randomly
and it’s become the best thing ever. We just checked off all of our objectives that were met in
this experiment and I could say I am very satisfied about it.

This is a very important one to be checked off, Darling. It seems they don’t hate me. Aren’t you
glad? :) That’s all for our report in our findings, Darling. Tell us how your studying is going, okay?

We hope you had fun doing this with us. Thank you for doing this with us!

Until the next experiment and Until the next letter.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

June 29, 1993

Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey,

It has been a delight to partake in this experiment with both of you. It provided great information
that is both educational and informative. I surely do hope that during your stakeout both of you
were alright. I had fun researching the owls who volunteered/agreed to experiment with us. I’ve
done loads of research and am quite happy each and every one of the H.Owls are all healthy and
well taken care of. The ‘Drop Away’ spell both of you theorized are quite a good idea for a spell!
Maybe you both should approach Professor Flitwick about it…and maybe change the name. Just a
suggestion. Actually, it’s an order. It’s a brilliant one that should be done!

In line with this topic, I’ve attached a whole case file for the Owlery Wonders Leaked Successfully
(O.W.L.S for short) Experiment together with this letter. One copy for the both of you, and one
formal copy as well should you both try and sell it to the Ministry of Magic or Professor
Dumbledore. There, I’ve written all we had researched and experimented. I also jotted down
longhand explanations for each and every objective we had. Excluding our silliest ones, of course.
(I’ve written those in your copy and mine but the ‘Formal Owlery Wonders Leaked Successfully’
F.O.W.L.S for short, is all filled with adjectives and more serious words that would bore you if you
read it all. I do believe you both would like the case file of O.W.L.S better. I know I do.)

My studies for the finals are almost finished now and the semester is nearly coming to a close,
thanks for asking. I do hope both of you studied as well. It wouldn’t do well if you both repeated a
year, okay? I know you both like pranks and jokes so be sure to study hard but prank harder. It
seems it’s ingrained in your bodies or it is quite innate so I wouldn’t ask you to stop doing it. The
End Of Term feast is nearly here so I ask the both of you to refrain from pranking the food. You
both mentioned it months ago, if you both have forgotten it. If I somehow reminded you both, I
assure you it’s not my intention. Just please don’t spike the pumpkin juice or something. Also, keep
away from the dessert. If you both messed with the dessert, you’ll be messing with me. I heard my
favorite is one of the delicacies being made so don’t test me, JoKer.

I really am glad that the whole Chamber of Secrets fiasco is over and done with. I’m so glad you
both were safe from it.

Until the next letter, until the next experiment.


P.S What will you do for summer?

Chapter End Notes

Their school year is nearly ending, just one more chapter left! I giggled at Draco's
mention of studying at the finals thing since if I remember correctly, there were no
final examinations held during the end of their second year. I imagine Draco's reaction
is akin to Hermione's in that aspect. The twins DEFINITELY didn't study, I bet you a
galleon for that.
July and goodbyes
Chapter Summary

Well, that escalated quickly.

Chapter Notes


See the end of the chapter for more notes

July 15. 1993

To Jo and Ker,

Good day.

As I am writing this, I deeply apologize to have led you on when I said that I will continue this
anonymous charade and I renounce my statement that our friendship shall stay. I am writing to
both of you for the last time just to say that I have come to a realization that we should stop our
foolishness and proceed to forget this ever happened.

From now on, I am pleased to inform you that I will not accept any of your owls directed to me,
addressed with a preposterous nickname I have come to abhor. It is best to both parties that we
must now go our separate ways and never come in contact again.

As such, this shall be my last letter to the both of you.

The time we’ve spent delivering letters and letters towards each other is actually such a hassle on
my part. My studies must be a priority and the both of you had been such a distraction. Now that
we will be stopping this, I am pleased that nothing will ever hinder me again.

I have come to write my final 'good bye'.

Though our 'friendship' has been short, it did provide quite a bit of entertainment and for that I
must express my utmost gratitude.

Thank you, Jo, and Ker.

Be well.

Chapter End Notes

Noticed anything strange with the letter? Noticed the 'Completed' icon there?

Not gonna lie, it IS complete.

BUT I will be continuing it, don't worry (to anyone who is worried it is complete and
wants more). I'm just going to type a head start or something. I'm still apprehensive on
continuing it in this letter format manner. So I'm going to add dialogue, monologue,
narration or something.

I'll be back :)

Thank you for all those who commented and kudos-ed and bookmarked even if it is
ongoing. I love you all so much, darlings!
Chapter Summary

The start of dialogues

Chapter Notes

Hello, everyone! A Merry Christmas to all of you Thank you so much for the
100+ kudos, we're getting to 150 *gives out virtual hugs*

To those who are waiting, as a gift for everyone who read my story, I have decided to
continue it here. Thank you and happy holidays!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After an eventful summer in their private island in Hawaii, The Malfoy Family went back to
Wizarding London only to be met with the news of Sirius Black. The wanted posters were
everywhere inside the Floo building that only the Malfoy Etiquette lessons were the only thing that
was holding in Draco’s shock.

Only his parents weren't shocked, seeing as they read the Daily Prophet while in Hawaii. When
Draco wanted to read it though, he couldn't because his Father already had the elves dispose of it.

Speaking of elves, Draco misses Dobby sometimes. He's one of the elves assigned to him as a baby
and was even one of Narcissa’s elves when Draco was still in her womb. His nanny elf would
surely be on his side and fussing over him and would even copy the Daily Prophet behind his
Father’s back just to make him satiate his curiosity (‘Young Master Draco is too curious!’ he’d bet
a galleon the elf would say). Now, after Dobby never came back, Flopsy was the one assigned to
him but it wasn’t the same anymore. Flopsy is too scared to go against the Malfoy Patriarch’s
orders, can’t risk doing something to make Draco happy. Flopsy is too scared to touch him as well.
For now, Draco is still establishing rapport to her. At times when Flopsy retreats skittishly from
him, Draco wonders where Dobby went and what happened. Why’d he’d leave Draco behind?

“Draco, keep your head high.” His father’s voice startled him out of his thoughts, the heavy hand
suddenly on his shoulder had him fixing his posture.

Yes, as the Malfoy Heir, he shall never falter.

Never reveal weakness.

Never go against the wishes of the Malfoy Patriarch.

Never be happy.

After discovering rare moonstones and other precious rocks while touring the island by himself,
swimming in the sea, lounging in the sun and finding potions ingredients he sent to Professor
Snape for safekeeping, the rest of summer was truthfully uneventful.

As soon as their month vacation finished, Draco's schedule was full of Pureblood training and
tutoring lessons. With the rate he’s going, by the time September rolls in, he's already ahead of his
peers. Severus finished tutoring him all he had to know this upcoming school year. Draco had
thanked the Manor for its wards, allowing him to practice a bit of magic. He is proud of himself
because he could now do wandless and wordless healing magic, something he’d practiced the
whole of second year until now.

The only reprieve he got from the Pureblood Trainings are Pansy and Blaise's visits. Although they
were there for the General Pureblood Traditions on “how to act this year” during morning hours,
they thankfully got the afternoon free.

Once Madam Dix was sent away from the Manor after Pureblood Training, Pansy immediately
jumped into Draco's arms.

"Oh how I missed you, Dray!" She laughed as Draco twirled them. "You can't believe how much I
ranted to Blaise on how isolated you are every summer! Did you know even our owls can't get in
through the wards anymore?"

Draco released the hug and accepted Blaise's side hug.

"Is this about the blokes you've been writing to during the whole second year?" Blaise asked softly,
kissing Draco's temple in comfort when he nodded. "Aw, you poor thing."

Draco grasped Blaise's robes and whispered sadly. "Father incinerated all of it."

"Did they read it?" Blaise asked, frowning. He remembered the genuine smiles Draco always had
every letter he reads while in bed. Draco shook his head.

"Fortunately, no. Just found the letter I was trying to send then accioed all the others to burn them
all in front of me."

Pansy stared at them, crossing her arms and a knife suddenly on her hands. She cleared her throat
and smiled sweetly, tapping the knife menacingly.

"Were you guys keeping a secret from me?!"

"No!" Draco responded as he broke the hug to pry the Parkinson Knives off the lady. They’re oh so
dangerous. "I didn't actually know Blaise knew."

Blaise snorted. "I only knew because I heard you muttering about Hogwarts owls and pieced
together that it's about the joker guys you kept on being exasperated about."

"Was I that obvious?!" Draco gasped.

"No. I just know you well enough." Blaise patted his head, grinning.

"Oh, thank goodness." Draco nuzzled the hand, before slapping it away and grinning back in relief.

"So, Dray, care to tell what this is all about?" Pansy asked, this time an intricate Parkinson Dagger
already on hand.
"Where do you put all of these?!" Blaise asked exasperatedly, prying it away from her.

"A woman's secret." Pansy blew him a kiss.

Draco sighed at their antics before smiling genuinely at them, "How about we go to my room?"

Merlin, how he missed his friends.


"They sound like good people. They’re definitely not in Slytherin. Not like Purebloods living with
a mask as well." Pansy nodded in approval. "They're good for you. Enough to be your Comforts."

"I agree, Dray." Blaise smiled. "That's good, finding Comforts with a different perspective is a

Draco blushed, Pansy and Blaise's approval relieved a few of the weight on his shoulders. He hid
his giddy smile as he covered his face. "...I think so too."

"You've only turned 13, Dray. Your love life is looking promising."

Draco blushed even harder, resembling a tomato that had his best friends laughing.

"It's not like that at all!" He sputtered, hands going on his face to pat them. "As if you guys can

Pansy, who was leaning on Blaise's shoulder, looked up at Blaise and they both gave Draco a
"Who, us?" Look.

"Yes!" Draco huffed, putting his hands in the air exasperatedly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, dearie.” Pansy shot back, shrugging her shoulders. Blaise

“Pansy is like a little sister to me. Besides, I identify as bisexual. I found that out last year and I
think it’s not hormones or puberty or what. That it may be, I think I prefer guys more.”

Draco pouted, “I was under the impression you both will be engaged.”

Blaise chuckled, ruffling Pansy’s hair and ignoring the growl. “Zabinis don’t associate deep into
the tightly knit Purebloods. Makes it hard to be on neutral side and all that. My mom’s looking at
other countries, good for the future of the Zabini Household or so I’m told.”

“Blaise and I are so not going to happen, Dray. Besides, I convinced my Father in writing, in blood
and in Vow that by the time I am of age, I will fight for the right to marry the person who I choose
to be wed.” Pansy’s eyes gleamed. “A fight I intend to win.”

“That’s great news.” Draco smiled brightly, “I’ll be there to watch.”

“Of course you will be, you’re my Healer.” Pansy winked at Draco.

“Then I’ll just be the lawyer who will process your fight.” Blaise nodded to himself, mentally
filing away the information. “I’ll handle it, just give me a copy of the Vow.”

“I knew there was a reason I made you my friends.” Pansy giggled, planting a wet kiss on Blaise’s
Draco and Blaise locked eyes and together recoiled, “Ew.”

“None of that boys, you should be glad we’re friends and not enemies.” Pansy waved a dismissive
hand. “Now, back to Draco’s Comforts. Do you think you’d be punished if you send letters to your

"Yes!" Draco mumbled. "I won't be able to send letters without my Father knowing and I won't be
able to receive letters because he warded off the owls for me as punishment."

Pansy's eyes narrowed. "Is that the only punishment?"

Draco looked away. "I'm not showing it."

"Draco. Malfoy."

Draco was close to pouting with the way he pursed his lips. "No."

"Come on, Pans. Think. Draco only gets this way if he has to remove clothing."

"You're right." Pansy slowly placed hand on Draco's leg. "Here?"

Blaise placed his on Draco's lower back. "Here?"

"...just on my shoulder blades, nothing to worry about." Draco mumbled.


"Maybe a crucio, just a bit."


"...Maybe a bruised rib or two." Draco sighed. "That's it."

"Well, we're glad. Did Professor know?"

"He already gave me potions for the crucio and the bruises. The shoulder blades will take a while."
Draco patted their hands. "How about you?"

"Surprisingly, I've been left alone for the most part of the summer once they heard I've been such a
charming man in school, flirting and the like." Blaise said, lifting his sleeve and showing three long
gashes. "My uncle's tiger gave me a souvenir when they found out I have an A among my O’s and
E’s. I told you I won’t get away with it, even if it’s Lockhart who’s at fault. How about you, Pans?"

Pansy shrugged, "I've been learning fighting styles all month. That's punishment enough. They
never hold back at all."

"So that's why you're so filled with weapons. I thought second year was bad with the amount of
weapons you have."

"And I'll be ready again. Since Sirius Black escaped, I know he'll be at Hogwarts."

Draco tilted his head. "How'd you know?"

"Well, for one, that's where Harry Potter will be."

"Harry Potter is his target?!" Draco gasped in shock. “But I heard Potter’s his godson!”
"Seriously, Draco. You're out of the loop."

"My parents didn't let me read the Prophet at all." Draco said. "Uncle Sev glared at me when I
asked. I barely got information from Flopsy."

"It says there that Black's the secret keeper of the Potter's. He was also the one who caused
Pettigrew and the Potters' deaths."

Draco frowned, "Well, that doesn't sound likely. Blacks are awfully loyal and faithful to those they
deem worthy of it. I can't imagine betrayal like that from a Black."

"He's dangerous, though. He escaped Azkaban."

"Maybe he's just waiting for his time, it didn’t seem right. If he knew Harry Potter was in Hogwarts
he would've escaped during our first year." Draco pointed out. "Besides, I think there's more to it
than that. I think Harry Potter is not his target at all."

Pansy and Blaise stared at him then smiled.

"Yes, you have a point, Draco dear." Pansy conceded.

"It's a good thing you didn't read any of the Prophet. He's your blood relative, you'll know more if
he shows himself to you."

"But then we've got to find him." Draco frowned. “The country’s too vast for us, though.”

Pansy twirled a knife absentmindedly. "You'll find him. As I said, he'll be at Hogwarts soon."

There was a moment of silence before Blaise shrugged and decided to change the subject. He
grinned at Draco.

"Speaking of Hogwarts, can I see your Charms homework?"

Chapter End Notes

"Comforts" are people a Purebred with or wizard deemed worthy to shed their mask
and show their true selves to. It can be fellow Purebreds or it could be someone they
trusted enough to risk the blood purity. Commonly, Purebred whose Comforts were
fellow Purebreds can have their marriages arranged. (Bellatrix Black and Rodolphus
Lestrange were main examples). Some Comforts are not Purebloods to which becomes
the trigger for the Purebred to stray away from tradition (Andromeda Black and Ted
Tonks). It can be anyone, regardless of blood purity.
Third Year
Chapter Summary

September 1st

Chapter Notes


Lots of shits has been happening around the world right now that put a damper to my
motivation but I've come back here to remind all of you to enjoy life, read and pray!

In this year, you'll get to see interactions of Draco to his mom and friends as well.

Hopefully, I'll finish this story this 2020!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The months of July and August passed by in a crawl’s pace and suddenly it’s already the first day
of September.

The first day of September had Draco eating the last of his English breakfast that never tasted the
same ever since Dobby left (but is scrumptious and filling so it's okay). Lucius was not at home
due to an urgent business in the Ministry. Last night, before he left, Lucius Malfoy left after
making Draco recite all of what he should do, should be doing, will do and act as well as promise
not to act too rashly and imbecilic.

He ate his food in his own pace, savoring the flavors for the last time. His mother was thankfully
indulging him in his slow manner of eating now that Lucius was not around to reprimand him.

"Are you ready for this year, Dragon?" Narcissa asked, savoring the peaceful time to finally
converse with his son. It had been rare for them to be alone, after all.

"Yes, Mother." Draco smiled, good mood evident on how genuine it is. "I believe I'll be home in
Christmas with high marks. I'm quite interested in what this year has to offer."

"Don't forget to write, please." Narcissa smiled back, gracefully sipping her tea. "Please do write
even before the weeks leading to your final exams. You've created a habit, Dragon."

Draco laughed freely, "Mother! You know I've to review."

"Yes, we know that, dear." Narcissa took another sip to hide the amused smirk that tugged up her
lips. "But it is fun teasing you about it."

"I'll try to write more." Draco responded, pouting a bit. “I’ll address it directly to your wing.”

Narcissa looked around before wandlessly casting a bubble around them. It would not do well if
the portraits hear what she had to say.

"You can write to your quill pals, Draco." She gently started, smiling at Draco's gasp and the
clattering of utensils. "I had experienced the same myself. She was very insightful, and had been
one of my Comforts even just for a while."

"Mum." Draco's eyes filled with tears. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, it's part of the Hogwarts experience that will be memorable for you." Narcissa smiled as
Draco rushed to hug her and patted his son's back, careful of the healing scars. "I'll be proud of you
no matter who you choose to be with, my Dragon."

"Don't make me cry on such a fine day." Draco chuckled as he broke the hug, wiping away the
happy tears that escaped. "I will try to write to them but I can't guarantee I'll send it without making
sure you'll be safe... but thank you for giving me permission, Mother."

"I'm fine with whatever your decision will be, my Dragon." Narcissa nodded, fondly remembering
her own Comfort briefly. "And you're welcome."

They shared a smile before Narcissa patted Draco's cheek. "How about you go on and do your
September first rituals, my Dragon? That'll take awhile."

"And now we're back to the teasing." Draco lamented. "It's not a ritual mother, it's a routine!"

"Whatever you say, Dragon. Now go primp."


Narcissa hid her laugh at her son's yell. Casting a Tempus, she estimated that she'll have three
hours to herself as Draco did all his "rituals", and so she nibbled on her biscuit and hummed to

Perhaps, she mused, thinking about a certain locked box in one of her personal trunks, a trip down
the memory lane is in order once I got back from dropping Draco off to the platform.


An hour before the train departs, Draco arrived in Platform 9 ¾ with Narcissa.

"We're here now, dear. Are you done saying you're late?"

"You ask that as if you haven't experienced being late to the train, Mother."

Narcissa hid a smirk as she kissed Draco's forehead and seeing as almost no one is watching, Draco
let her. It wouldn’t do the both of them any good if such a public display of affection reached
Lucius Malfoy.

"I'm afraid I wasn't late at any of my Hogwarts years." Narcissa replied, eyes twinkling amusedly as
Draco gave her a 'yeah, right' look.

"Do you want to go and find a compartment or should we wait for your friends?"

Draco looked up from feeding his owl, Ophion. "I'd like to wait a bit with you, since we won't be
seeing each other for awhile."

"I'm glad you're being honest when Lucius is not here." Narcissa whispered, fixing a lock out place
from Draco's hair. "What do you think you'll be doing?"

"Praying for a competent DADA teacher." Draco said, frowning.

"Ah yes, I look forward to hearing from you about that. Lucius and the others are always quite
skeptical when someone applies for the position."

"I just want an O by the end of the school year." Draco sighed. "Lockhart was no good at all last
year, I told you that, didn't I mother? Uncle Sev prohibited me from reading his books so my mind
storage will not be filled with all his falsified accomplishments."

"Yes, dear. You've written ten essays I mean, letters, about it for the whole year." Narcissa smiled
at Draco's indignant stare. "I suppose you'll enjoy this year. It'll be quite educational, I heard."

"You know something." Draco’s eyes eyed her suspiciously. Narcissa tilted her head slightly in
acknowledgment, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Your father is part of the board." was all she said.

"This is ridiculous, why didn't you tell me?" Draco asked, shooting her an incredulous look.

"Dragon, you'll know soon enough." Narcissa hummed, tucking back a stray strand of Draco’s
perfectly combed hair.

"I don't care if he has creature blood, a werewolf or a vampire or what! Just please tell me the new
professor is quite intelligent."

Narcissa caught the shocked look Remus Lupin shot at their direction as he was going up the train.
He blinked owlishly at Narcissa who just winked in reply.

"Well, you'll have fun with their class. That's for sure."

Remus shot her a small smile and a nod when he heard her answer and went inside the train just in
time for Draco to turn around and see nothing.

"Who were you winking at?"

"My eye had some dust, Dragon. Don't be silly."

"Mum, you can't fool me. Monsieur Kelly had me practice winking for a day. I still don't know
why he made me do it."

"Hush, my Dragon. There is a reason why you didn’t see him anymore.” Narcissa suppressed the
urge to giggle. “Now, I think I see your friends."

Draco spun around and couldn't help but smile genuinely as he saw Pansy and Blaise by the
entrance of 9¾ platform. They immediately walked towards him, house elves polyjuiced as butlers
and maids strolled their belongings behind them.

"Hey there, Dray." Pansy greeted, doing the customary cheek-on-cheek greeting a Parkinson lady
should do. "Mrs. Malfoy, how do you do?"

"I'm quite having an enjoyable time, thank you for asking." Narcissa replied, accepting Blaise's
permission to kiss the back of her hand as customary for a Zabini heir to greet a Lady.

"How could your time be enjoyable when you'll enjoy my presence more?" Blaise asked cheekily,
igniting a small laugh from Narcissa.

"Your charms don't work on me, boy. You'll need more than that." Narcissa said, patting Blaise's
shoulder. "As for your question, young man, my Dragon has been a quite a joy to be with this
morning. I believe you’ll have no trouble in traveling."

"She's been teasing me the whole morning ever since I took the first bite of my breakfast." Draco
stated, arms crossed.

"You're a delight to tease." Pansy and Blaise nodded in agreement. Only Malfoy Pureblood training
had Draco stopping to huff and pout in public because he is not a delight to tease. At all.

"Go on, dears. You best find the most comfortable compartment you see fit." Narcissa urged. "I'll
be going now as there's lots to plan and lots to do."

She stroked her son's cheek, smiling when he subtly leaned on it. "I'll miss you, my Dragon. Please
do be careful."

"I'll miss you, too." Draco said sincerely, “Please be safe.”

”I always strive to be, my Dragon.” Narcissa looked at his best friends and winked, "Please do take
care of him. You know he might combust when not given any attention."

Pansy and Blaise smirked ignoring Draco's glare, "Will do, Mrs. Malfoy."

Narcissa apparated back to the Manor after she waved them off to the train. Best prepare a care
package, after all.


Draco found himself staring resolutely at the Platform 3/4 sign. There was a bunch of redheads
pouring in just as the train whistle blew and he sighed, looking away and leaning on Blaise’s
shoulder. He’s not looking forward tormenting ‘lesser blood’ this year.

Hours later, during the train ride, Draco, Pansy and Blaise found out that, Pureblood or not, a
Dementor can still suck out happiness out of you.

Pansy had tried to stab it with a dagger but Draco held her back, Blaise thought fast into putting
them both behind him. They glared at the dementor, Occlumency already blocking out all their
emotions so the dementor can't touch them. There was only one reason for a Dementor to be here
and it's to search for Sirius Black.

"He's not here." Draco started sternly, "Leave."

There was a long pause, before the dementor left their compartment. Blaise locked it manually
while Draco tried and successfully cast wandless locking charms for more security.

Once that was done, Draco slumped into Pansy, energy fizzing out of him as his vision spiraled to

When he came to, he locked eyes with kind hazel ones and he blinked, confused.

"Who are you?" He whispered, Occlumency shields rising up instinctively. "How long has it

"Just a few minutes." Blaise answered where he stood, guarding the door. The windows of the
compartment were tinted black to avoid outsiders looking inside.

"You had us worried, Dray." Pansy whispered back, helping him sit up. Draco squeezed her hand
in a reassuring manner. “It's okay, we’re safe now.”

"I'm sorry for being rude, though I do think this is not supposed to be our first meeting." Draco
looked at the unknown man. There could only be one reason an adult is here. "Are you our new
DADA professor?"

”My name is Remus Lupin.” The man smiled gently, nodding and offering him a chocolate. "Eat.
Chocolate helps a lot."

"Oh, you don't have to. I already have some on my trunk." Draco declined with a polite smile. "You
should give it to others. I'm feeling quite alright."

"I see, then that's good. I'm glad you're alright, you did well with the locking spells." The man
patted Draco's shoulder. "I guess I should go."

"Thank you for your help, Professor." Draco said politely, offering a large package of chocolate
Pansy handed to him from her carry-on bag. "Here, these should be enough for the other Slytherin
students you'll encounter. Or probably just about any House."

"I can't possibly accept." Remus said, blinking in shock. Is this boy really a Malfoy?

"Just take it, please, this guy wasn't taught to accept gracious help and thinks he needs to give
something to show his appreciation." Pansy groaned, rolling her eyes. Remus glanced at her,

"Just think of it as a barter trade, Professor." Blaise added, grabbing the large chocolate the size of
8.5”x13" by height and 3” by width and placing it on Remus’s hands. "You'll do us a favor because
his sugar rush ain't pretty."

"Blaise." Draco hissed at him.

"I suppose I'll see you in DADA, then. I thank you for your chocolate donation the other students
will take delight to." Remus chuckled, amused at the sudden turn of events. "See you Mr. Malfoy,
Mr. Zabini, Ms. Parkinson."

It was a long quiet moment after one Remus Lupin exited their compartment before one of them
voiced the question.

"How did he know us?"

They all shook their head in confusion.


“And so our new year has begun.” Draco announced hours later, smiling wryly at the picturesque
view of Hogwarts once they alighted the train. “Welcome back to Hogwarts.”

“Another year of acting.” Pansy stated, snickering.

“A tiring year, indeed.” Blaise responded, stretching his arms out.

“Let’s go.” Draco prompted, “Can’t have other Houses get all the fun.”


I met a dementor.

Wait, there are lots of dementors right now, I'm sorry. I don't quite like it. It makes me feel
unnecessarily sad about something. I don't want to feel like that at all.

I won't even be sending this letter, so I guess I'll say here that I am really hoping you weren't
targeted by it at all. You're very bright people, and dementors thrive off of happy memories. You
both must be filled with it so I couldn't help but worry. Are you alright? Do you have chocolate
with you at all times? I'll eat a chocolate frog if I have to, just to know you'll be fine this year.

I was quite surprised it went over to me, the dementor. I have few memories of being happy. I don't
want them here in school, though. I think the reason why they approached our compartment is
because I was so happy telling my friends about your humorous letters. You know, before it was
burned and reduced to ashes.

I don't want them here, I've only have a few happy memories with you, I don't want them
disappearing too. It's ironic this is getting long, I don't write this much with you, right?

Please be careful.

Please be safe.

You know what? If I can, I'm sending chocolate... just in case.


Chapter End Notes

Thanks for sticking around! Keep safe, everyone!

Breakfasts and Classes
Chapter Notes



I was waiting for my laptop to be y'know, fixed. (It still isn't) so the scenes I typed up
for lots of chapters...bye. i say bye.. *cries*

And I was just, (i finished my anime story and how could I not update this), fighting
with myself so I decided to just go ahead.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Breakfast came early and fulfilling as always, with Hogwarts teachers already situated in their seats
as they overlook the sleepy expressions of their students. Some higher years were even spotted still
wearing their pajamas and sporting crazy bed hair all for the sake of eating breakfast before their
classes start at ten. First years and early birds are all neatly dressed up and chippering about, eyes
filled with wonder fluttering here and there. Other years whose schedules already in their hands had
multitude of expressions splayed out on their faces. Some had given up and just proceeded to eat
their breakfast like it's their last meal.

Draco sat in the Slytherin table looking confused at his timetable.

"But I didn't enroll in Care of Magical Creatures?" He pondered, confused eyes searching their
Head of House. Once they locked eyes, Severus Snape rolled his eyes and waved his hand.

A piece of parchment appeared on top of his schedule and he took a bite of apple pie as he read it.

'Your father has recently bought a company that deals with magical creatures. It is imperative of
the Malfoy Heir to be informative of such creatures.

I assure you that it is quite a fascinating subject when taught by a competent professor. Your book
is by your trunk. Remember to stroke its spine well.


It took all Draco's training not to sigh helplessly and make a fuss on a subject he's not prepared for.

"Care of Magical creatures." Draco deadpanned at Pansy and Blaise's concerned looks. "With

"Ah, well." Blaise shrugged, unsurprised by the new schedule Draco had. "I've seen this coming.
Your dad discussed something with my uncle about magical creatures all of a sudden. Aren't you
glad Pansy and I will be there as well?"

"Silver linings, Dray." Pansy reminded, patting Draco on the shoulder as she ate a piece of french
toast. "Besides, it's a perfect place to torment Potter and his friends if they can't get the magical
creatures to listen to them."

Draco frowned at the sudden change but accepted it. And so, he smirked at his friends and asked,
"What do you think we'd do at DADA?"

"Well, I am looking forward to it." Pansy grinned. "I've been meaning to incorporate the arts I've
practiced into duelling."

"I don't think we'll duel on first meeting." Blaise said warily.

Pansy's secretive smile had Draco looking at his apple pie in concern.


"Hello everyone, as Professor Dumbledore introduced me, my name is Remus Lupin." Professor
Lupin stated, a smile on his face. "Now as I have heard, you have quite a bit of an adventure
regarding your previous DADA professors. And so, to know where you all stand, our first meeting
will be duelling."

At that, the student stared at their Professor in shocked silence. Remus just waved his wand and all
the desks and chairs and other things were stuck up high on the ceiling leaving the students still in
a state of shock. Pansy shot a victorious look at Blaise as he and Draco stared incredulously at her.

"Quickly now, just today, you will be picking your own partners. Go."

After a quick rundown on what to do in a duel, it was an eye opening experience on how abysmal
this class was going for two years when half the class were down under ten minutes, Remus
remarked. Then again, we have amazing prospects amongst the bunch.

Remus awarded Harry and Hermione five points each for the being the best pair that knows how to
defend and counterattack. He then awarded five points each to Draco and Blaise for an amazing
performance with knowing when to deflect, attack, defend and dodge effectively.

He eyed Pansy with a leveled look that had the girl tucking back the knives in her robes while

"Now that I know of your skills in duelling, I'll have to re-schedule another one when you've learn
all I can teach you in this short amount of time." Remus said, going over from student to student
and undoing spells and charms and even hexes.

"Okay, now that's done with, we'll now proceed to our next agenda for today. Does anyone have
something they fear? Anyone can also opt out this time if it's severe and I'd like everyone to respect
their wishes. Now, I'd like to introduce to you..."


In the end, Remus had requested Draco, Pansy and Blaise and some other Purebloods in the room
to opt out of the next activity as well as others who think their fear is too severe. (They're re-
scheduling to perform the incantation on Remus' free time).

"There isn't anything to laugh about my fear."

The moment he overheard Harry Potter say that had him stopping his sneer. He had a three-way
glance with Pansy and Blaise that had them shrugging.
"Same." He muttered, inciting an amused smirk from his friends.

It seemed Harry heard it (even when he's a few feet away) because he looked at Draco with a
shocked look on his face.

Draco ignored the staring Gryffindor and scoffed loudly for appearances' sake, "This class is

His other classmates regarded the statement differently and glared at his direction. Pansy, knowing
clearly what he meant, kicked his shin lightly and hissed. "I'm having a hard time not to facepalm
right now, you git. Now is not the time for puns."

Blaise shot him an amused look and a discreet thumbs up behind Pansy's back. Draco smirked.

He's going to be having so much fun in this class.


Well, in all honesty, Draco's not amused.

Crabbe and Goyle are one of his established watchful eyes, his very own personal watchers. Draco
just knows it. There was no way his sleeping etiquette was brought up during one of his Father's
long letters about how a Malfoy must act. It was a bit ridiculous, he doesn’t even snore like they
do. All he did was kick off the blankets that one time because the temperature changed!

Blaise is his only safe space in the dorm. There was no guarantee that the bathroom is not filled
with charms against him. He’s not taking any chances. This year and the years onwards, he’s
warding his curtains shut to prying eyes.

Just a week in and Draco was going to collapse in pressure. Pansy and Blaise had taken on
accompanying him in his walks just so Crabbe and Goyle won't follow him like shadows.

"Why are they being so obvious about it?" Draco lamented, burying his face on his hands.

"I think Nott's one of my Watchers." Blaise murmured, "that's why he's not flanking you, Dray."

"Well, I know two of mine. According to my sources six of them are in Ravenclaw but not their
names. Another is a puff then a few from the Slytherin higher years." Pansy said, mentally
counting the daggers she’s successfully hidden. “They can’t do anything to me.”

"Some days, I feel I'm being watched even when I shower. But I don't feel any magical sensitivity
at all."

"You best be subtle about your enhanced ability, Dray. If your father finds out, you'll be made into
a weapon." Blaise murmured.

Draco snorted. "Oh, I will. I can feel it. I know it. My lessons during summer hinted at it."

"What excessive lessons did he add, anyway?" Pansy asked. "Mine was filled with different kinds
of martial arts. I now know how to break each of the bone in the body."

"Remind me not to cross you.” Draco said pointedly, Parkinson women were dangerous. “Father
had me practice common spells wandlessly when he found out that I already mastered healing
wandlessly from someone. After that, he wanted me to master all of it wordlessly."

Blaise tutted. "Definitely Goyle. Remember the stairs accident?"

Goyle went careening down three flights of stairs partly because of Peeves’ leftover pranks lying
around. Draco wandlessly performed diagnostic charms and healed Goyle's scratches and bleeding
wound wandlessly before ordering him to go see Madam Pomfrey for a checkup.

"I think it was Crabbe. You know, the whole ‘I burned my arm because I tripped and fell on the
fireplace, Draco can you please heal me? thing?" Pansy said, imitating Crabbe.

"You know what? I am writing a letter to Father about this." Draco sighed. "We're just lucky the
three of us Vowed not to betray each other during first year."

"We have to renew that vow by fourth year by the way."

“As we should.”



I would be writing first thing to you but I don't know where I'd be writing letters. My excuse for
writing to my Mother is already suspicious enough. I don't get why even here in Hogwarts I'm still
monitored. I've taken to writing a few sentences during every class because suddenly my watchers
are very obvious about being one this year. Maybe it'll come to the point I don't care anymore and
act out. I'm just kidding. I've to tolerate it for a very joyful hols.

The dementors are worrying me. Honestly? I don't get why they're here. I feel sad for the first
years, they don't deserve unhappiness bearing down just outside their protection. Even the higher
years looked affected. I don't like it at all. I've taken to carrying chocolate at all times, mostly not
for me but for the lower years of my House. Some for the higher years, too.

Speaking of chocolate...Once, I forgot to use a stasis spell and it melted on my DADA homework I
worked all night with. I was devastated and didn't pass it. But Professor Lupin asked me why I
didn't pass it after class and I showed it to him. He laughed and accepted it and showed me a neat
trick. The chocolate floated up and with a flick of his wand it was solid again! I have to learn that

He commended my good thinking on keeping chocolate at all times. I have an inkling he just loves
chocolate. Maybe we should do an experiment about it. Nope, forget I suggested that. I suggested
that to my friend and they gave me a whack. They said 'just because you like sugar quills more
than chocolate frogs doesn't mean you'll experiment on someone else's sweet preference' but I
guess they’re a chocoholic too since their chocolate stash is much more extensive than mine.

What kind of chocolate do you like, if you don't mine me asking?


P.S My letters are getting longer and longer just because I won't send it and it sends me snickering
just thinking about your reaction.

P.P.S Why do I have the feeling your favorite chocolates could be something along with, say,
chocolate frogs?
Chapter End Notes

Yeaahh, I'll go back into hiding for a bit. The duelling bit was typed up waaaaay
before the first chapter was made which made me laugh. Wait- lots of scenes were
typed up before the first chapt- oh yeah... Bye laptop...bye...

Until the next update, Darling readers. I'll update sooner, I promise. Thank you for all
the love.
Unsent Letters to JoKer
Chapter Summary

Draco's drafts/letters for JoKer

Chapter Notes

(it took me three tries to post this chapter) Just popping back in to post this treat for
you darling readers! (Then I'm off to do the disappearing act so I could type up the
next chapter), I find it hilarious that I'm mentioning Christmas on Valentine's day.


See the end of the chapter for more notes


Classes has been a joy to be in, there are so many interesting things to know! I know, such a
Ravenclaw thing to say, but still!

A competent teacher in DADA, too! Imagine that. I never liked the past professors, my tutor
loathed Lockhart with a passion and prohibited me from opening any of his books or listening to
any Lockhart achievements. I guess the only thing he's great at was memory charms and that
backfired on him, how ironic. My father was forced to read one of Lockhart’s books and he didn’t
punish me for my grades in his subject, all because I showed him what our assignments should be.
My mother scoffed and spread it to other mothers, which means Lockhart’s reputation is gone
along with his memory. It would do him some good, I think.

I quite enjoy Professor McGonagall's teachings, too. She gives out points indiscriminately and even
though the Head of House in Gryffindor, she sees us as students first then from which House we
are (although I noticed it's not like that during Quidditch). Professor Flitwick is very intelligent as
well, I would like to duel with him sometime but I'm not yet good at it so maybe in a few years,
perhaps you’d like to help me think up some tactics?

Which classes are you most excited for this year, JoKer?

Are you having fun?

How are both of you, I wonder.



I'm free from two incompetent watchers! Isn't that good news?! I am so glad they were fired,
they're a waste of galleons. How could they be so obvious about it and harassing me. They did an
invasion of my privacy and even had the gall to corner me and threaten me. I sent the memories
with the help of Professors and they were severely punished accordingly, which serves them right.

I know, I know. You want to prank them. Giving their names up, you'd know who I am.

I'm not ready for that yet, I'm sorry.

I was going to write 'goodluck with your studies' but I guess you're both procrastinating again.
Study, please.




I forgot but a month ago, we had this subject. I know both of you are older so please tell me you’ve
had had Care of Magical Creatures or I don’t know, still taking it. Hagrid, the gatekeeper of
Hogwarts (as I assume you both know since you’re part of his Rooster Protection Squad) is
surprisingly the new teacher.

A hippogriff was our first subject, merlin, how shocking was that to see such a magnificent
creature in front of you? If I hadn’t encountered one before, I’d have approached it rudely and end
up having scratches.

I am so happy to tell you that it approached me willingly! How’s that for first subject adventures?




It's a month nearing Christmas and I'm missing both of you



It's nearing Christmas soon, how are both of you? The snow is falling relentlessly and the cold is
unforgiving. I'm quite blessed the common rooms are so warm, the classrooms too. The hallways
though? My chocolate stock depleted because of the energy I have to use in order to maintain
warming charms from head to toe all day.

Can you make me a portable sun? In return, I'll make you a portable rain, I'm quite skilled at
water spells.

If I send a letter... Will you write back?..

I'll understand if you don't want to. It's okay, too.

You both were hurt about me abruptly ending our friendship and I apologize for that.


Chapter End Notes

Happy Valentine's day, my darling readers!

You know the drill! Kudos make me smile, comments make my day and bookmarks
make me blush!

I'll come back soon! XOXO

The Other Side of The Coin
Chapter Summary

The Twins' side of the story.

Chapter Notes

Good day, darlings. Amidst the Corona virus, let us remember to wash our hands and
quarantine ourselves. Here is something to cheer us up.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

In all honesty, Fred and George was sad to say goodbye to Hogwarts as they set out for home.

...Because Hogwarts has owls and they didn't. And Errol is too old for proper delivery.

"Maybe we should get an owl." George murmured on the train.

Fred hummed a thinking tune as if he heard George but was actually just rereading the last letter
their Darling sent before leaving Hogwarts.

"I don't think Darling would like that. It seems they're going to be busy this summer." George
frowned at the late reply and rolled his eyes at the overly fond look Fred is sporting as he read.

"I do hope they'll write." George said instead, tugging the letter gently off his brother's hand and
Fred frowned as he watched his brother smile fondly as he reread it.

Lee Jordan, quiet all throughout the exchange, stared at the fools in front of him with the most
done expression he had that year.

"Are you guys quite finished mooning over that letter in the middle of our prank meeting?" He
asked, fingers tapping impatiently on the stack of paper beside him. Honestly, it's as if an owl took
away the twins' brains or something.
"Oh." The twins chorused, sitting up properly and clearing their throats to stave off the blush.

"Yeah, prank meeting."

"Sorry, just distracted."

"Ya think?" Lee Jordan deadpanned and tapped the now floating parchments again between their
seats. "You guys don't even know their gender or year and you fell for them."

"They have quite an amazingly complex personality."


"And I don't want to listen to this again for another hour." Lee cut them off, already thinking of
ways not to hear the twins' spiel.

"But Jordan! Did we ever tell you about the experiment we did-"

At that moment, Lee Jordan packed away the prank materials while simultaneously ignoring the
twins go on and gush over the O.W.L.S. and F.O.W.L.S case files and everything about this
'Darling D'. Hearing the twins sigh in unison, Lee Jordan considered asking Professor McGonagall
if it's possible to move dormitories next term.

"I'm going to the loo." He interrupted, moving swiftly out the sliding door and enjoyed a nice, long,
quiet hour sipping tea and eating a pastry in a different compartment before he decided to go back
to the twins.

When he came back, he almost regretted it as the twins' continued their spiel as if Jordan didn't
leave them mooning for an hour.

Dear Godric, #SaveLeeJordan1993


A few peaceful days later back at home, (peaceful that equates to explosion-less), Fred and George
felt something was wrong the moment they opened their eyes and saw the ominous clouds outside
their room back at The Burrow.

Shrugging off the uneasy feeling, they got ready and headed downstairs for a long overdue
breakfast. They're not morning people at all but the Weasley Announcement Bell had the ability to
resonate like a gong and wake up the occupants.

"Man, I wish we could go back to the time where Mom just yells and not be fascinated by that
annoying bell Dad scavenged." Fred muttered as the 2nd warning bell rang.

"Come off it, I just can't wait to oversleep someday." George murmured back, stretching as he and
Fred went down for breakfast.

Ginny zoomed past them and knowing their little sister and her enhanced sense of smell, her
favorites are being served at the table.

Sure enough, once they reached the table after dragging their feet and looking like grumps, the
twins saw a heaping amount of all of their favorites on the table. Ginny was already munching on
hash browns.

"Eat up, now! You know that breakfast is the most important part of the day!"

"I thought that was work." Fred replied, munching on bacon as he gathered toast and marmalade.

"Yeah, Dad said so." George seconded, absentmindedly stirring 'tea' on his 'sugar' because Ginny
passed the sugar wrong and five cubes toppled over without him noticing. Ginny wisely kept quiet.

"Oh, whatever then. Just go and eat." Molly waved a dismissive hand. "I was thinking of going on
a nice, peaceful picnic for lunch later. We should invite our neighbors."

"Ugh." was Ron's way of greeting as he trudged down the last of the steps, bleary-eyed. His eyes
suddenly looked much more alert as he saw his favorite food already waiting for him at the table.
"Good morning!"

"One, two, three, four... Now where's Percy?!"

Ron snickered, "Mooning over his crush, no doubt."

"Oh come off it, dear." Molly swiped sauce away from Ron's face while ignoring his whine.

"I'm coming! Godric, what's with this family and breakfast!" Percy's yell can be clearly heard from
the dining area.

Fred snorted, "It's as if he's not the first Gryffindor in the Great Hall for breakfast."

"Woke up from the wrong side of the bed, I bet." George snickered.

Call it instinct, call it fate, but the twins grinned at each other as they dodged Molly's swatting

"Less teasing, more eating!"

"Yes, Mum."


The twins were taking a stroll in the gardens after de-gnoming it, throwing ideas here and there and
picking which ones are ideal to put into action, when a regal looking owl swooped down and
dropped a letter between them.

Their laughter about pumpkin pasties tasting like the worst of Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans
bite after bite got cut off and they stared at the dropped letter for a moment then to the owl flying
away and camouflaging with the clouds back to the letter again then stared at each other.
Could it be?

With the chance that the letter was from their Darling D, the twins simultaneously reached for the
letter only to bump their heads quite loudly.

"OUCH!" They yelled in unison as they dropped to the ground, hands to their aching foreheads.

"I got it, i got it." Fred announced, taking hold of the letter and waving it.

George groaned and rolled over to where his brother is, all the while rubbing a small red bump.

"So is it from-?"


"Great! Let's open it!"

...well. It certainly wasnt what they expected to read.

To Jo and Ker,

Good day.

As I am writing this, I deeply apologize to have led you on when I said that I will continue this
anonymous charade and I renounce my statement that our friendship shall stay. I am writing to
both of you for the last time just to say that I have come to a realization that we should stop our
foolishness and proceed to forget this ever happened.

From now on, I am pleased to inform you that I will not accept any of your owls directed to me,
addressed with a preposterous nickname I have come to abhor. It is best to both parties that we
must now go our separate ways and never come in contact again.
As such, this shall be my last letter to the both of you.

The time we’ve spent delivering letters and letters towards each other is actually such a hassle on
my part. My studies must be a priority and the both of you had been such a distraction. Now that
we will be stopping this, I am pleased that nothing will ever hinder me again.

I have come to write my final 'good bye'.

Though our 'friendship' has been short, it did provide quite a bit of entertainment and for that I
must express my utmost gratitude.

Thank you, Jo, and Ker.

Be well.


"You know...I think we bumped our heads too hard." George mumbled, rubbing his forehead.

"I know what you mean, why does it feel like our darling is saying goodbye?" Fred squinted at the
overly formal words. "This doesnt even sound like them."

"Yeah. They're too formal for it to be written from the heart."

A gnome scuttled past behind them but Fred blocked it, glaring down. "You came at a bad time."

There was an ugly screech. After the gnome went past the fifteen feet record, the twins huddled
below a tree to reread the letter once more.
"It doesn't feel like someone else wrote this. The thrum of magic is familiar. It can't be anyone but
our darling."

"Yeah. I bet that they've been forced to write this!" George exclaimed, pointing at the letter. "You
know our Darling likes the nickname we gave them."

There was a moment of silence.

"Do you feel what I feel, Freddy?"

"Utterly heartbroken and understanding?" they asked in unison, a small wry grin in place."Yeah..."


"But you know..."

"Why did our Darling lie?"

"Yeah." Fred frowned at the neat handwriting "They're usually so open."

"Maybe they were being watched." they trailed off in unison.

The twins blinked at the realization and slowly looked at each other.

"Have I ever told you we're so smart?"

"I'd like to be reminded, yes."

"Bloody brilliant, we are!"

After a tackle, a hug and a scuffle, the twins scanned the letter once more.

"Our darling will find a way. We just have to find it."

"Yeah, they usually leave postscripts because they drafted too much."

"Forge,if there's nothing in the letter.."

"it must be in the envelope. Fuck, where is it?"

The twins looked around, patted each other's clothes and parted grass around them. There was a
squeak and the twins' eyes locked on a gnome reaching for the said envelope.


The gnome snatched it up and cackled loudly at the murderous look from the twins. Wordlessly
communicating, Fred and George dived to catch the fleeing gnome.

Aften ten minutes of catching and degnoming, they fell on the pond. Fred successfully clutched the
envelope above the water, a sigh of relief leaving both of them. Mindful of their wet state, they
retrieved the letter they stuck in a low branch before diving towards the gnome earlier then dashed
inside the house.

Molly screamed at their wet entrance (complete with drippling and hair splashes) and demanded
they clean themselves up, drying them considerably when she surrounded them with a warming
Half an hour later, the twins are finally situated in their bedroom. Jumping on their conjoined beds,
they opened the envelope and crowed in triumph.

"Now, that's our Darling!"

Written inside the envelope was:


My parents found out about the letters. I'm sorry. The incineration was just supposed to be a joke.
Now it isn't. The letter I wrote was something I wrote in front of my father to ensure that I am
ending it. I didn’t want this to end. I am sorry. Your owls would be redirected over the summer. I
highly discourage flooding our house with owls, It seems there's some virus focusing on birds
where I live and I fear the owls you'll send will get sick and I'd rather not subject them to that. oh
please understand. I will be fine, I hope you'll be too. Thank you for your wonderful friendship, I
will never forget it. I’m so sorry if I hurt you with the letter attached to this envelope. I sincerely
apologize. You both weren’t a distraction, you became one of my motivation. I wouldn't want this to
end. It is so hard for me to do this. My future Hogwarts letters will be monitored as well, as much
as I want to write to you, JoKer, I can't.

Our friendship was never a hassle, remember that. Thank you for the short time I will treasure my
whole life. For the short time you made me feel I am my own person.

I’m sorry again.

Please don’t hate me.


Your Darling D

It was rushed, it was filled with erasures and more loopy than any other letter but it is proof that
their Darling did their best to convey what they truly felt before they were forced to cut contact.

"How silly of our darling to think.."

"that we'll hate them for that."

"Then, brother. I guess it is time for..."

"..that experiment we're thinking of?"

"Shall we?" Fred asked, a spark lighting up in his eyes. Formulas and various spells already making
their way to his mind.

"We shall." George's grin glinted in the light, hands twitching to find the best material he could get
his hands on to start their new project.

Don't worry, Darling D, we'll find a way.

Wait for us.

Chapter End Notes

The twins' side is oh so hard to write and easy at the same time. Thank you all for
being good at the waiting game and to all the kudos and hits and bookmarks and most
of all your heartwarming comments and everything else!

Until the next chapter!

Black Encounters
Chapter Summary

In which Canon rolls over my story just a tad bit.

Chapter Notes



See the end of the chapter for more notes

For some reason, Draco feels like he’s being watched.

Well, he is being watched by people hired by his Father so he’s always being watched but now
though, it felt different. Too deliberate, too calculating, too... Too familiar, actually.

But it is different, because it only ever happens when Draco is out on his morning walks. It
continued on for a week and Draco has taken to dragging Blaise out of bed to take his morning
walk (while dragging a sleepwalking zombie behind him named Blaise).

Days went past and he was still feeling the incessant staring. Pansy was getting tired of Draco
being fidgety as of late (enough to threaten Draco she's revoking his morning walks), the only
solution Draco thought of was Draco had to turn his morning walks to evening walks. After dinner,
Draco heads towards the direction of the lake and walks by the courtyards before circling back and
going back to the dorms just before curfew starts. So far, it’s proven to be quite effective and so he
became accustomed in his new routine for about a week. Homework, after all, can be done during
free time.

The night air was different from the fresh morning breeze but there is something about it that had
him in a good mood. A refresh and a time to reflect on the times he's said words he didn't mean to
'lesser blood'.

How do you hurt peoole you actually don't want to hurt?

Even he didn't know the answer to that.

There was also the problem of dementors, of course. He couldn’t deter the feeling of everything he
didn’t want to feel when he ever comes close to any of them within ten feet. Apparently, according
to the very informative Monster Book, his sensitiveness to magic extends to creatures and they all
get curious to feel his core. (That explains why the cats always tried to follow him and some other
animals look at him curiously).

He doesn’t know if a dementor counts as a legit magical creature but it sure does love to linger in
his vision when he's outside before disappearing. It happened more times than he is comfortable to
admit. He sighed, there’s just too many dementors in Hogwarts at the moment.

There was a rustle in the bushes in front of him that had him tensing up. Draco was currently
sitting by the outskirts of the lake and the Forbidden Forest and it's highly likely that it's a magical

He carefully stood up, his hand clutching his wand instinctively. Uncle Severus stated that there
were too many vicious creatures in the Forbidden Forest at the moment. (It's why he has so much
free time; because the Potion making part of his life is put on hold with the Potions Master having
to help detain unwanted creatures in the said forest.)

He narrowed his eyes as the bush moved again. It was too dark to make out but Draco knows for
sure something is there.

"Who's there?" He said, frowning. He took a step back. "Come out!"

Now, Draco was expecting a centaur for the most part, maybe a niffler. He certainly wasn't
expecting a huge black wolf.. wait no, a huge black dog shaking thorns off his fur to come out.

There was a part of him that said it was dangerous, to run away. But something about the dog who
whined pitifully at him had him regarding the situation differently.

A stray dog.
In Hogwarts.

Who is he kidding?

"Now how'd you get passed the dementors and the wards, I don't even want to know. You poor
thing." Draco murmured, kneeling down and stretching a hand out to the dog. The dog stared at
him suspiciously before he sighed helplessly. "It's fine if you don't approach me but I'd get the
thorns off faster than your incessant shaking."

The huge black dog regarded the blond for a moment, blinking. There's something about him that
is curious and the dog couldn't help but approach Draco warily. Draco watched the dog come and
flinched when he raised his wand.

"Relax, I'm good at healing." He whispered, waving a series of spells towards the dog. The dog let
out a surprised whine at the magical sensation but stared at Draco in shock after it.

Seeing the dog look at him like that had Draco huffing in pride. "Told you so."

He settled comfortably on a rock, patting the space beside him. A quick Tempus told him he has an
hour before curfew and he's determined to make the interaction with the dog count.

"It's not everyday I get to see such a huge dog. One that looks like the Grim, at that." Draco said as
the dog settled beside him, Draco regarded its fur for a second and wandlessly used a cleaning
charm. Then, he murmured a grooming charm on his hand (a trick Professor Flitwick taught him
after class) and proceeded to rake his fingers on the dog's mane.

The dog relaxed immediately at the onslaught of spells and comforting hands. Draco was relieved
it liked his company, he wasn't allowed any pets aside his horses after all. He'll take what he can

"You must've been through a lot, huh?" Draco murmured, the dog's ears picked up at that and it
bared its teeth at an unseen enemy. Draco shushed him. "It's okay, there are dementors here at the
moment but it is said that Hogwarts is a safe place. I can't attest to that given that there are a lot of
things that happened that wasn't considered safe at all but it's a lot better than home."

There was a lot to unpack in that statement that had the dog making a surprised noise.
"Yeah, it's quite a hard life to live." Draco chuckled as the dog moved on his lap akin to a hug.
"How sweet of you."

Almost as if he felt the dog regarding him with curious eyes, Draco continued petting him.

"Here in this world, we are magical. There are wizards and witches alike. Back in the old days of
magical folk, there are systems and rules and traditions to be set. You won't understand this
because you're a dog but you seemed like you're listening so I'm going to talk. Now where was I?
Oh, the magic in our blood were used to be the cause of witch hunts and therefore the magical
community locked itself away to protect us. But there was a Wizard who fell in love with a muggle
and suddenly the magical folk are defined as Purebloods, Half-bloods and Muggleborns. Magical
Creatures was a different type of list. Are you magical?"

Draco regarded the overly comfy dog at the moment drowning in attention because Draco kept
petting him. He shrugged.

"Maybe. You must be, since you ended up here. But back to the story. The Purebloods have this
thing called Pure breeding, they think it's a noble choice for magical folk to be purely magical and
so they enforced traditions and rules but it backfired for a lot of the community because some fell
in love with muggles, some are open to other options and some are born from muggles. It caused
discrimination. It was chaotic. But some believed. And so, the Families who believed were
matched to those who believed too. The magical creatures like Veelas that contain pure creature
blood was mixed in, too and some others because they believed the cause. Purebreds became the
purest of them all, magical blood soaring in their veins make them powerful and excell in different
things. It was going so well until they enforced discriminatory traditions, until the Heads of the
Pureblood Houses got too greedy and blindsighted and then... suddenly Purebreeding doesn't seem
so pure anymore."

Then, Draco slowed down his petting and started stroking the dog as he got lost in thought. The
black dog blinked up at Draco and pushed his nose to the blonde's cheek. Draco patted the dog's

"You're lucky, you wouldn't be if you were at that time. There was too much cruelty, to
muggleborns and to animals, everything changed when they enforced such dark rules. You'll get
every punishment known to man."

The dog let out a pitiful noise and Draco shushed him again. Cupping its face and stroking its ears.
"So you see, Hogwarts is a safe place only to those who deem it so. It could be yours, too. The
forbidden forest is dangerous, but there you can find fascinating magical creatures and amazing
potions ingredients. You have to be careful with what you eat. I don't think Hogwarts grounds is
safe for you, they don't allow dogs but only owls, cats and toads."

He casted a Tempus charm and saw he now only have ten minutes. He turned back to the dog and
tried to conjure a blanket. He succeeded. He let out a small smile at the small victory.

"The forest gets cold at night, but you'll probably be fine. I take my walks during evenings, I don't
know if you'll stay or not but I'd like to check on you for a while."

Remembering he has apples in his pocket, Draco smiled and took all three of them out (he was
considering it as a midnight snack, okay?), before offering it to the dog.

"You haven't eaten much, have you? You're ridiculously underfed. Eat, go on."

The dog chomped on the apple eagerly, (so the delicious apple scent was coming from the blond
after all), and Draco smiled at the scene.

He waved a cleaning charm on him as he stood up, the fallen fur and dust vanishing.

"You've been a good listener, Black."

The dog stopped chewing and tensed, looking up at the blond with wide eyes. Draco patted his
head, a decisive nod had the dog blinking.

"Yeah, I think that's what I should call you. Your fur helps you blend in the night because it's so
black it's a surprise I still can see you."

Draco smiled at the dog resuming his chewing, albeit more slowly than before. Remembering
curfew, he bid his last farewell and walked back to Hogwarts.

It would not do well to be seen outside of his dorms by his Head of House.


Sirius Black stared at the retreating form of his cousin.

He almost had a heart attack at his cousin's abysmal naming sense. Though it's logical in a
different perspective, it didn't stop Sirius from almost choking if he hadn't stopped chewing the
delicious treat in time.

Observing Draco for a week and approaching him had been a right choice. He heard his knife-
wielding friend call him his full name ("Draconis Lucius Black Malfoy, you will listen to me." Ah,
yes. He remembers now, he knows what a Parkinson knife looks like even from a far. Dangerous
women, indeed.) and decided to include him in his plan. But first he just has to see what kind of
upbringing he had, it was risky but otherwise the plan went perfectly. He even ate a healthy fruit
because of it.

When Draco helped him instead of recoiling at the sight of a Grim-looking dog, Sirius knew that
Draco's upbringing is definitely a lot like his. He almost snorted when Draco said he got lucky,
wanted to say "I was there when it's significanlty shit, cousin." but he held back. Now wasn't a time
to reveal his identity.
The blonde is certainly like a different person when alone or with a friend, but he saw him
laughing unkindly at someone and saw eyes trained at Draco from the window above.

Now, he did see that Draco is not close to Harry but if he remembered right, because of the
Weasley ancestors being absolutely pants at gambling but did so anyway, half of their fortune was
turned over to the Malfoy family. As such, there's animosity there.

So the logical plan of Draco getting him that red-haired boy's rat is a very credible plan, indeed.

If not the case, he'll befriend that bushy haired girl's cat. It looks exactly like the cat that hated him
because he keeps stealing the Potter Family's attention away from her. He grinned, all canine teeth
showing, as he bit off the last piece of the apple.

Just you wait, you filthy rat.

I'm not letting you get away this time.

Chapter End Notes

So yeah. Ever had that feeling someone found out your secret but it turns out that
they're thinking of an entirely different thing?

My love for Sirius is equals to my love for Remus so I can't possibly ignore the whole
plot of my favorite book in the series SO YEAHH just a heads up, I'm incorporating
and completely ignoring some things.

Now, on to the disappearing act!

Just Another Friday
Chapter Summary

Fridays, Potions, and realizations

Chapter Notes

Just reminding everyone that Draco still writes to JoKer but still hasn't sent any.

Happy birthday to the Weasley Twins, Fred and George, George and Fred, Forge and
Gred, Jo & Ker!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A month ito the new senester and finally, things are starting to feel routinely around Hogwarts.
Well, except the random days Peeves and other pranksters start rallying and breaking routines.

(Just the other day, the whole ground floor was flooded because Peeves collaborated with other
students. No one knew it was him, a lot just suspected, but Professor Lupin miraculously got
Peeves to admit it. The dungeons were fortunately unharmed.)

And so like every Friday afternoon, Draco was once again conversing with the mermaids by the
common room, this time arguing with three mermaids whose response is to throw his homework
into the lake to the question of "Do you have paper there?".

He was amusedly reacting at the mermaid whose hands were gesticulating wildly as they waved
here and there,telling a story about a higher year throwing his paperworks in the lake after
graduation. Which led to others copying him, filling the lake with so much paper that the squid
threw a tantrum and the Professors had them in detention immediately. (even if they already

'Well, that story is either make believe or it didn't happen.'

'It happened.' signed one. 'was there'

'The dark professor is student' another mermaid signed, pointing excitedly behind him. 'ask'

Draco raised a brow at them before the mermaids shrugged and swam away, the last mermaid
waving before catching up with the others.

"Draco." A stern voice sounded behind him.

Draco turned around and acknowledged the Head of House. "Yes, Unc- I mean, Professor?"

Snape merely hummed at the slip up. "Why must you always drive other students away just to
converse with the mermaids? This is the common room."
"The mermaids get distracted and will misunderstand my signs if they saw someone signing, too."
Draco crossed his arms. "Besides, I only drive the lower years away. The higher years could've
stayed but they didnt and I didnt bother asking why."

"Because.." an exhasperated Pansy walked in the common room with Blaise in tow, arriving just in
time fresh from the library judging by tge array of books floating around them. "You are a drama
queen without us and people kept misinterpreting your dramatic way of wording."

"Yeah, Dray." Blaise seconded, a lazy grin pulling at his lips at the increasing not-pouting blond.
He redirected the floating books behind him by the table closest to the fireplace. "You and your
'my father will hear about this' nonsense is becoming your catchphrase."

"Well, of course he will. I am required to write to Father once a week. I am supposed to write what
happened that week and if it so happens that they are mentioned it's because they were with me.
What do they expect?" Draco asked, scoffing.

Pansy chuckled, tucking a hair behind her ears. "And I say, dramatic way of wording."

"But hey, let's just keep this up until they get tired of Dray saying it and just give up on trying to
keep their images up."

"Now, if you're quite done." Snape snapped at the bickering kids in front of him.

The three Slytherins closed their mouths and quietened down, settling on the numerous plush filled
beanbags and couches and Pansy leaned on a goose feather filled pillow.

"Now, Miss Parkinson, I believe you are intended to have a sparring match with a sixth year as per
your Mother's orders. She has hired a talented duellist and had the sense to hire Ravenclaw."

Pansy grimaced, having just found her comfortable spot and contemplated on skipping.

"Your mother specifically asked a report on your opponent's weaknesses, statistics, battle tactics
and techniques by evening."

Pansy groaned, rolling off the couch and chucking the pillow in the fireplace out of frustration.
Snape merely raised a brow at the tantrum.

"Please refrain from destroying Hogwarts property"

Pansy scoffed, unamused. "Please. Those pillows are from the Greengrass families, it has a
listening charm stitched on it so I had to get rid of it."

"Don't want any dirt on you, huh?" Blaise grinned and dodged a Parkinson dagger that whizzed
past him.

"Mr. Zabini, I believe you have etiquette lessons together with Mister Nott and the Clearwaters."

Blaise made a face, begrudgingly getting up, stretching and groaned. "Maybe I should think of a
way to get rid of a knot."

Draco snickered and Pansy grinned at Blaise.

"And Mister Malfoy," Snape cut in before another snarky comment is made "is to come with me."

"Why does Draco get all the fun?" Pansy mumbled, making her way up the girl's dormitories to
freshen up.
"She just wants to brew potions. She forgot her kit at the Parkinson Villa in Wales." Draco
snickered, getting up the comfortable vintage seat and smiling up at Severus. "You haven't
requested much help this year. I already finished my homework,too. Shall we?"

Snape stared at him in a deadpanned look before turning around to the direction of the entrance,
robes billowing behind him.

Draco faltered in his steps, shooting an amused Blaise a wary glance.

"I could've sworn I saw him smirk. That's not a good sign."

Blaise patted him on the shoulder, chuckling.

"I'll have the warming charms ready." Blaise paused. "Yeah, I'll get the soothing balm ready for
your arm muscles too."

"Don't tell Pans, but you're the best!" Draco patted Blaise's chest, a grateful look on his face. He
dashed out to chase after the Potions Master.

Now if Snape is in one of his moods, the potion they'll make is bound to be a pain.

Hopefully, it's just an advanced pain reliever potion.



Did I ever mention in any of our letters that could offend Professor Snape directly? Did I write a
story about him set in an unflattering light?

If you do remember me doing so, please kindly remind me because I do not think I deserve this

I may be great at Potions but doing something repeatedly because he told me I made a mistake
(which I didnt, I checked the recipe multiple times, I tell you) is infuriating.

I cannot disclose any information on what I will be making, or rather, on what I am currently
making but it is fascinating and quite wonderful to look at but the reason...

Who will drink it?

I am ever so curious.

Although, I do have an inkling on who the potion is for.

Let's do hope I'm right.


After spending the whole afternoon brewing dittany, Snape told him to come back after dinner.

Draco stared disdainly at the Gryffindor table where a bunch of hooligans started a food challenge.
They looked like idiotic squirrels the way they stuffed their faces.

'What a way to start a food fight' Draco mused, finishing the last of his apple pie. ' Our ancestors
would faint if I were to instigate one, after all.'

"Draco dear, please stop contemplating dangerous ideas while on the table." Pansy called out
beside him, cleaning her plate.

"I second the motion. I saw the dangerous glint in your eyes and was all ready to book it out of

Draco frowned, "Such friends you both are, kill joys to my happiness."

"If you're thinking of instigating something, might I remind you of what happened during the
Christmas Ball of 1990?"

The three of them made a face.

"We don't talk about the night." Pansy ordered, face smoothing down to a neutral one as she sipped
her pumpkin juice.

"Agreed." the boys said in unison, reaching for their drinks as well.


After dinner, Draco stared at the Hogwarts Entrance in contenplation. It's about to snow and it will
no doubt hinder his evening walks.

Speaking of evening walks, Black is still out there. It would be bad if Draco couldn't think of a way
to keep the dog warm.

Filing the infornation in top of his priority list on his mind, he walked towards Snape's quarters as
per instruction.

"So this is why you told me there were so many vicious creatures in the forest this year." Draco
mumbled to himself, adjusting the temperature around the cauldron and tweaking the mirror by his
side to further highlight the rays of moonlight shining on the potion. "You knew because you were
getting the ingredients for this."

Draco stared at the cauldron full of half complete wolfsbane.

"Aconite." He stated. He paced in front of his potion, mentally counting down the time. A really
advanced pain relief potion, indeed. "but for who?..."

Uncle Sev has never guided or taught me how to do a Wolfsbane potion two years ago when I
started in Hogwarts so it can't be the Professors.

Can't be one of the students in my year or I will know for sure.

Has to be someone who has been bitten for years, knows how to conceal their presence, very good
and experienced.

Draco stared at the potion, brewing in moonlight. He stirred counterclockwise and stood still,
letting the potion get maximum exposure by the latticed window. The cauldron containing
wolfsbane itself is held on a different room so the fumes of other potions could not get to it,
upstairs just beside Snape's quarters so the Potions Master could reach it and adjust the position of
the cauldron effectively.

Someone Dumbledore knew would be coming and already took precautions enough to welcome a
highly discriminated magical creature into the "safest place on Wizarding World"

Draco stared at his reflection by the mirror as he adjusted it exactly one hour later, his eyes
highlighted by moonlight.

Someone who despite the chances of everyone knowing their secret, risked their lives to be at

A Gryffindor, for sure.

"Well. If it's a Gryffindor..." he slowly smirked as he saw his eyes twinkled in realization. His
smirk turned into a grin as he stirred the potion clockwise. "Then I know who exactly this is for."

It should be illegal that someone that smart is not successful because of this condition.



Tell me I am smart.

I just figured out something I realized was so obvious. I mean, that person is very experienced and
very smart. They're used to unexpected situations.

I can't believe it took me this long.

Tonight, I shall shine moonlight to this revelation.

It's time for a confrontation.


P.S Dramatic as it is, I still won't tell you what it is if by chance I sent this.

Chapter End Notes

Did I mention I love Professor Remus Lupin? Sirius' Moony? That chocolate loving

I was feeling a bit down today so I finished this chapter that I was putting off. It
cheered me up somehow, hope it does to you, too.
Moons, Encounters and Books
Chapter Summary

Draco confronting Professor Lupin with his furry little problem.

Chapter Notes

So yeah, I mentioned I love Remus Lupin. Yeah? I'm a solid wolfstar shipper, as well.
Basically if you're thinking about what Harry is doing at the moment, he's practicing

See the end of the chapter for more notes

A week before the full moon, (days before his second month of teaching is up) Remus walked in
his private quarters with the Wolfsbane potion in hand, begrudgingly given by Severus Snape after
dinner. He placed it carefully on his desk and was about to change into his jumper when the door
creaked and sounded.

Remus Lupin, in all his constant vigilance, froze when the still open door behind him (how could
he forget about that,too) closed on its own volition. Or, okay maybe not on its own but someone

Slowly turning around, Remus found himself staring at the Young Malfoy heir whose hand was
connected to the door, blocking entrance to anyone who wishes to enter and blocking Remus' own

"Is there something you wanted, Mister Malfoy?" he asked, blinking curiously at the boy with a
calm, calculating look as if staring right through him.

Remus tried to act calm, putting down his wand discreetly, watching the student in front of him.
There was something about the way Draco gracefully put his hand down before smirking at him
had his Occlumency shields rising up instinctively. His concentration was almost broken when
Draco's cool and collected voice stated:

"I know your secret, Professor."

"S-secret?" Remus stammered, a nervous hand raking through his hair. "Whatever shall it be?"

Draco tilted his head, acknowledging the big smoking goblet Remus placed on his desk.

"You disappear during the day of the full moon, sluggish the day after, moody three days before
and in constant pain for the full week, even if you tried to hide it." Draco listed, each point getting
closer and closer towards the table until he tapped the goblet gently. He looked up at Lupin.
"Powdered silver, powdered moonstone, moonseed, dittany, valerian roots and most
importantly...Moonlight, either this particular potion needs to be harvested at moonlight or the
potion must bathed in moonlight depends on the potions master and concocted to the standardized
version of it and only to be drank on days before the moon is at its peak."

Draco's familiar eyes gleamed manically, twinkling dangerously as the moonlit window brought
out the color of his eyes. There was a moment of silence as Draco stared at his Professor and
Remus stared back. Draco smiled.

"Now, I wonder what you are, Professor?"

Remus stood still, frozen to the bone, unable to move an inch as his mind reeled. A third year
found out about his condition. His furry little problem. After a mere month in the year. A third
year, even. Merlin, how could he be so foolish?!

"There is no need to panic, Professor." Draco put a small vial of calming draught on the table. "I
won't tell."

"You won't?" Remus whispered, eyes blinking in shock.

"Yeah. It won't be beneficial to me." Draco shrugged. "I just came by to say I know your secret."

"But why?" Remus frowned, suspicious.

Draco rested his elbow on the table, putting his chin on his palm.

"To ask you a question."

"What is it?" Remus' brow furrowed. "I'll have you know Hogwarts don't really pay much."

Draco chuckled, "You're quite amusing, Professor. Of course it's not money. My acestors ensured
that I have plenty of that."

"Then what is it you want, Mr. Malfoy?" Remus asked, massaging the bridge of his nose. He could
not obliviate this boy or resort to desperate measures, that would not end well at all. Lockheart
made that lesson known to those who knew what really happened. Remus turned his attention back
at the blonde looking more and more like a Cheshire cat than a Slytherin snake.

"What's in it for me?" Draco asked, lips pursing.

"What?" Remus asked, brows furrowing. This is not what he imagined his evening would go,

"What would you give in return for my silence?"

"It depends, Draco." Remus stated, "You've come in here with information saying you know my
secret. Perhaps you should cut to the chase and tell me so I could see if I can meet it, okay?"

Draco blinked, momentarily shocked. Well, I guess mind games are not popular in Gryffindor. He

"I need information about werewolves." Draco stated airily, hand gesturing randomly around the
room. "Weaknesses, strengths, pros, cons, the feeling of transformation, what happens the full
moon itself, the taste of the wolfsbane, everything." Draco's calculating eyes scanned the goblet of
wolfsbane before smiling cynically at Remus. "Can you do that for me, Professor?"

Remus blinked a few times to process the request. Information in exchange for silence? Just how
unpredictable is this child?

"Of course if you do give me everything, I'd help you keep your secret in more ways than one. I'm
not the only one suspicious, after all. BUT!" Draco paused for dramatic effect. "If you agree, I can
assure you that no one will make you any deals like this."

"And how would you do that?"

"I have my ways. You don't have to know." Remus really didn't. "Besides, you provide quality
information in class, you must be well liked by your students."

"I would hope so."

"It would be a shame if the prejudiced parents heard of your employment." Although Draco's voice
dripped with sarcasm, it really was a genuine shame to lose a highly capable professor because of
prejudiced parents. Personally, he didn't want the situation to escalate into this.

Unaware of Draco's train of thought and hearing Draco's sarcasm as truth, Remus doesn't have
anything to say to that. It's been a constant fear of him ever since he started teaching.

"But don't worry, Professor. If you agree, I can make sure that won't happen any time soon. We
have a lot to learn from you, anyway. My Father voted in favor of you teaching here, anyway."
Draco shrugged "So what will it be?"

Remus chuckled, "Well you left me with no choice but to agree, Mr. Malfoy."

Draco smirked, "Au contraire. It was a simple agree or disagree question. One that I am glad you
agree to."

Remus stared as Draco produced two pieces of parchment paper and a quill, Draco tapped it to get
the self inking quill in action before handing it to Remus.

"What is this?"

"A contract stating that you give your consent to the terms that I offered you in return for my
silence." When he saw Remus raised a brow at the word 'contract', he sighed. "Relax, Professor. It's
not a binding contract. Besides, the paper's too cheap for it and is not Wizengamot approved."

And it is. For a proper contract to be approved by the ministry, a special paper is issued. Even
temporary binding contracts must be of high quality paper and not just a measly parchment paper.

"You seem awfully prepared for this." Remus remarked, reading through the contract and
internally impressed at the vocabulary present. Remus could bet some ministry officials would
have to find the dictionary for some words.

On the other side, Draco would've wanted to say 'Uncle Severus made me lose sleep while helping
make the Wolfsbane potion. I daydreamed of this day for a full week' but he settled with,

"I am trained to document all agreements of both parties so there would not be any discrepancies in
the unforeseeable future."

Suddenly, flashes of Sirius, his Sirius, being adept at Vows resurfaced and Remus had a hard time
swallowing the memories away. Remus cleared his throat, signing his name and smiling after he
read the official document. No matter which angle he sees it, Remus thinks he gains much more
than the Slytherin blond.
"In case you're wondering, if the information you give me is not to my satisfaction, I am allowed to
let anyone else bombard you with deals. One not as easy as mine."

Remus smiled amusedly, "My, my. I didn't know you were such a nice person."

Draco rolled his eyes. "I will give you three weeks to write out every information in detail. No
more, no less."

Remus calculated his free time and smiled, nodding. "You've got yourself a deal, Mr. Malfoy."

"Take this as a gift of my generosity." Draco handed Remus the contract along with it was another
piece of parchment paper before gesturing at the still smoking goblet. "It's best to drink this now
lest you forget."

When Remus did make a move to take the goblet, Draco briskly walked towards the door.

"It was nice talking business with you, Professor." Draco shot a smirk at him, eyes all-knowing.
"See you tomorrow and may you have a good moon tonight."

With nary a glance back, Draco let himself out. Once the door closed shut, Remus deflated and
limply sat on his comfortable chair, taking deep breathing exercises to calm himself. He couldn't
help but smile at Draco's parting words. Words of comfort long forgotten to be used by other
magical creatures.

He gulped down the goblet of wolfsbane with a grimace before glancing at the other piece of paper
Draco handed him. The contents made him want to puke all the Wolfsbane he just drank.

Because in it, was a definite list of Names Who Are Suspicious Professor Remus is a Werewolf.
There were only four people including Draco.

Remus stared at the door for a few minutes.

Just how did he get all these?



I just landed on such a big secret. It's been an itch that I cannot scratch for a while now but it is
now finished.

Done. Negotiated. Discussed!

Finally, I can sleep in peace.

Good night.



Two weeks later, Remus asked Draco to come see him after classes. Draco waved away and
practically shoved Crabbe and Goyle out the door, slamming it. Remus raised an amused brow as
the young Malfoy Heir proceeded to lock the door and perform a very strong silencing spell.
Draco looked at Remus expectantly and Remus chuckled as he handed him a book.

"A book? You're giving me information from a book?" Draco hissed.

Remus merely lifted yet another amused brow. "Perhaps you should open it first and see?"

Draco sighed, placatingly. He traced the book's spine and noting that there's no creases or book
titles while murmuring spells to see if the book itself is cursed or not. Remus looked on in a
mixture of disbelief and amusement. When one says 'Open it' mostly a lot of them does and not
check if it's cursed or not. There's a reason the doctors in St. Mungo's are rich. Careless wizards.
Remus couldn't help the fond look as he watched Draco display magical potential by wandlessly
doing the spells.

Deeming it safe to open, Draco did and flipped the pages, skimming through it until the end before
he stopped once again at the front page.

"Werewolves, Moons and Transformations: A guide book by R.J.L" Draco read out loud. He
hummed approvingly at the title. "Well, it did seem that it's your handwriting, Professor. I will
come to you with questions tomorrow if there's a chance that I don't understand your excerpts."

"Of course, Mr. Malfoy." Remus felt he could breathe a sigh of relief.

"How did you finish it so quickly? Did you leave out information?" Draco's eyes narrowed in

"Of course not, I've just been taking my time reviewing the notes I had all these years regarding my
werewolf state. I just compiled it into a more suitable and much more comfortable way for you to

Draco nodded approvingly, "I understand. Thank you for giving me such information. I will see to
it that only I will get to see what's in it."

"If that's what you want, Mr. Malfoy."

Looking up from what he's reading, Draco shot Remus a small smile.

"Call me Draco, Professor." He said, "You've earned it once I knew you weren't lying about
everything in this information."

"Oh." Remus blinked, shocked. "Okay."

"I shall take my leave." Draco gracefully stood up, dusted himself and tilted his head towards
Remus. "I'll see you soon, Professor."

"See you soon, Draco."


Hours later, Draco's nose was still buried in the book and had reread a chapter twice before moving
to another one. His couch in the common room (which he laid on after getting the book) was
levitated by Pansy and Blaise to the boy's dormitory because he is unresponsive and the higher
years are getting annoyed the 'Slytherin Prince' is ignoring them. Only Blaise and Pansy had forced
Draco to hydrate himself once in a while before going to sleep.

"Merlin, just how trusting is Professor." Draco muttered as he finished another chapter. "He even
included a detailed list of things detrimental to a werewolf. Even explaining how it works. Merde."

After being dragged by Blaise to freshen up and after casting a spell that could disguise what he's
reading to a favorite novel of his, he settled on not being disturbed by anyone as he lounged on the
bed with his curtains drawn (with a silencing spell because the snores of his roommates are not a
good background noise at all). He also placed several curses and hexes to those who touched the
book that wasn't registered in the exception spell. Only his and Professor Lupin's magical
signatures are registered. (Bless Professor Flitwick for answering his inquiries) Just in case, there's
also a teleporting rune in it that he found in the Malfoy library that will transport the book to his
bag or trunk silently if anyone but him and Professor Lupin opened it.

Draco read and read, fascinated at how educational the book is and how good Professor was at
writing. When he reached the chapter about the Wolfsbane potion, he finally accioed his quill and
parchment. It was one of the reasons he asked for the information, after all.

He'll create the most effective Wolfsbane potion soon.


When Pansy saw Draco in the morning, Blaise was dragging the irate blond towards the Slytherin

"I take it he's been reading non stop and he didn't get a wink of sleep." Pansy smirked. "And his
bed is filled with paper."

Blaise shot her a thumb up, settling beside Draco and proceeded to fill their plates with breakfast.

"Give me coffee." Draco grumbled, searching for the pots of coffee abundant by the sixth and
seventh years.

"No, sweetie." Pansy handed him an apple. "You hate coffee in the morning."

Draco frowned at her.

"Bite the apple, Draco." Blaise said, massaging his right shoulder. "You've been on one position
for hours, you should've known you'd be stiff."

Draco succumbed to Blaise's magic fingers, biting the apple sullenly.

"Just be thankful you weren't cursed by the book I was reading." Draco sniped back, humming.

Pansy shot him an incredulous look. "Dray, we've talked about cursing the books just so you're the
only one who can read it."

"I know." Draco smiled smugly, "Couldn't help it."

"This nerd would've let me chuck it away from him earlier just to see if his curses and hexes will
work." Blaise shook his head. Draco's twinkling eyes when he woke up ready to berate him and
saw the blonde relayed the message of 'Touch it, go on' had him stopping from what he wanted to
do. "If I hadn't stopped and scanned it on time, I would be in the Hospital wing by now."

Pansy glanced at the table and couldn't help but smirk.

"Is that why Crabbe and Goyle is not here right now?"

"They were awfully curious about what a book looks like." Draco smiled sweetly, taking another
bite of his apple.

Today might be a good day, indeed.

Chapter End Notes

An extra long chapter for my Darling readers as a way of celebrating my birthday!

Take care always, everyone! I'm off to type the next chapter!

Comments make me feel loved, kudos makes me smile and bookmarks had me
blushing. Thanks for reading!
Mooning, Dogs and Dementors
Chapter Summary

In which Draco finds himself undiscovering another secret.

Chapter Notes

Thank you for all the comments greeting me on my birthday, it made me happy. I
spent the whole day celebrating it lying on my bed after family time so I
couldn't resist and typed this up.

I couldn't mention this last time but since Draco also fainted during the Dementor
attack on the train, he wasn't mocking Harry for that on the sidelines of the canon. But
for now, we focus on the other furry little problem Draco got himself into.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Lee Jordan frowned at his lone ginger haired friend looking like a mooning maiden waiting for a
prince to come with the way the ginger haired lad looked out the window forlornly, fiddling with
parchment paper with inkstained hands.

"Fred." he called out, but was ignored. "Where the hell is George and why are you looking like a
lovesick fool?"

Fred pouted at his friend, eyes straying away from the window and adjusting his position on the

"How'd you know I'm Fred? I could be George." he drawled.

Lee rolled his eyes and waved a dismissive hand, "Psshyeah, that ain't gonna work with me. Now
cough it up, where's your other half?"

Fred huffed, arms crossing and resumed pouting. Lee groaned at the dramatics. "He's out testing
something for an experiment."

"Then why are you staring out the window like a lovesick fool?"

"Waiting for an owl.." was the whispered reply.

Jordan tutted, "Okay, clearly you both haven't listened to me. Your Darling probably won't write
this year with how they're being Watched so closely. I told you both approximately 50 times just
this month now and this is excluding the number of times during the train ride where I spent hours
hearing about your whining asses."

"Yeeeaaah, but.." Fred frowned. "We're still hoping."

Oh Godric, not this again. #SaveLeeJordan1993

"I'm gonna puke pastilles with how sweet and gross you both are being to your Darling." Lee
swatted his friend on the head. "Chin up, lad. We've got lots of prank experiments for you both to
distract yourselves with."

Fred hummed while skimming the lone piece of parchment in his hand, then twinkling eyes locked
on exasperated ones.

"Speaking of experiments.." Fred grinned "What was that again about puking pastilles?"



I know, I know. Me writing to both of you must come to an end. For now, it's become an
unbearable habit of me to update you on what I am doing. I am curious about your well-being as
well, playing pranks all year certainly is not healthy. I met a dog recently, by the way. I have an
inkling as to who it belongs. I don't believe it's a stray with how smart they really are.

I am currently writing to both you in the dead of the night so I could calm down.

I supposed you already knew but Sirius Black attacked Hogwarts.

A lot of students didn't know how he impenetrated Hogwarts defenses. A lot in my House are
scared. Other Houses, as well. It must've been a shock to everyone when we all slept in the Great
hall. Did you get enough sleep that night? I didn't. No amount of cushioning charms and warming
charns could stave off the coldness of the magical signatures around me that night due to fear.
Someone had to slip me some Dreamless Sleep but it was a restless sleep. How about you that
night? Did you stay together? I do hope so.

Anyway, back to the topic. I know how Sirius Black got in. He was a Gryffindor once, an
adventurous spirit roaming these very hallways. Having ridiculous amounts of courage and
bravery must've unlocked hidden pathways of Hogwarts that not a lot of people knew during his
days and he still knows it.

Apparantly, Filch has been muttering about it for days now. Even he didn't know some
passageways. Hogwarts is a magical castle created by the Four Founders and they didn't even
specified a lot of rooms because it is up to the current Headmaster to appoint what will happen in
the rooms. I read about in Hogwarts: A History. It was fascinating how there are still rooms
unused and rooms that could be made! So as I was rereading it, I realized Black must've known
this and roamed all over the castle and he knows each and every secret passageway. That must be

Also, I am here to write that Sirius Black is innocent. For me. I know you may not believe me,
JoKer. But I am serious about this. No pun intended.

There was so much that happened in the war and that day, being the day they vanquished You-
Know-Who, for all I know they kept the case as witness reported and strutted off to celebrate,
continued pitying the guy who had lost his everything and deeming him a murderer. Perhaps those
who handled his case were a bunch of incompetent fools that swept off his case like dust under an
old carpet.

After all, after a bunch of investigating (without reading unreliable sources), I found out he never
even had a trial. Even a veritaserum wasn't induced. That was highly stupid of the Wizengamot,
isn't it?
I hope I'll get the courage to send the letters to you, JoKer.

I miss you both.



Come November, when the cold wasn't that unforgiving, Draco wandered over the part of the lake
just over the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest and settled on the dry patch of land by the large
rocks comfortably (thank Salazar for Professor Flitwick showing them the cushioning charm). The
sun was setting wonderfully and he had packed quite a lot of food, courtesy of his velvet drawstring
bag with a bottomless charm gifted to him by his mother. He asked the house elves for some food
and they've given him a feast! He's not even kidding, there were mountains of food in it. He even
had some apples, perfect. They even packed some of his favorite foods, how thoughtful. (Note to
self, be specific when asking a house elf to fill up the bottomless bag with food)

Flurries of snow would fall soon, no doubt blanketing the Hogwarts grounds once again with its
powdery substance and leave their coldness seeping in the halls of Hogwarts. Draco wasn't looking
forward to it.

"Merlin, my evening walks would have to be postponed if push comes to shove." Draco mused out
loud. "..or i'll move it by morning."

There was movement on a bush in his 9'o clock but he merely whistled shrilly, beckoning the
creature lurking by the Forbidden Forest. A large furry dog immediately strutted towards him and
despite being the splitting image of a Grim, Draco felt warm at the excited look the dog had.

"Hey there, Black. It is nice to see you. You must've had an adventure inside the Forest." Draco
greeted, indulging the dog with pats and nuzzles. Black snuffled as he shook his body to rid of the
stray snowflakes and bits of ice clinging on his fur. It seems snow is starting to fall in the Forest.
Draco let out a chuckle. "Maybe I should call you Snuffles, instead."

The dog tensed again upon hearing such a familiar name and couldn't help but let out a sad whine.
Draco immediately petted its head.

"I'm sorry." Draco murmurred softly, "I shouldn't be naming you because you're not mine to begin

With the darkness settling in and Hogwarts lit up from the inside, Draco stared fondly as the dog
he's playing with naturally camoflauges with darkness.

"I'm here to tell you something, Black." He said, silently unpacking the food and presenting the
dog with fruits and a full plate of chicken. "But first you should eat. You're still horrifyingly
malnourished even though you're build is strong. Maybe I should bring you potions first, it's highly
compatible with you...maybe."

The dog was currently focusing on his plate of chicken, devouring it with gusto. Draco extracted a
pitcher of pumpkin juice and poured it on a separate container for his canine friend.

"My studies have been going well, aced my homeworks too. I'm set to have a peaceful hols with
Father out of the country after the Christmas Ball. Mother said he's going to branch out our family
business so she and I could celebrate without him." Draco said, feeling giddy. He nuzzled the
eating dog. "How fun would it be to have no injuries for my uncle to heal by the tine I get back to
Hogwarts. I fancy that very much."

Draco shushed the dog as it growled dangerously, narrowed eyes looking around. "Calm down,
Black. They'll hear you. Hopefully it's not a dementor."

It was quiet for a few minutes before Black calmed down and resumed eating. Draco smiled in

"Oh yeah, you should be careful around the Forest for a bit, Black. I kept forgetting to tell you,
merlin, I'm being forgetful. I know you've been in there only a few months. Maybe even Hagrid
doesn't know you exist. Be careful, though, maybe you've seen him. They say Sirius Black is
back." Draco hummed, absentmindedly stroking the dog's fur not noticing it stopped chewing. "I
was told he attacked the Gryffindor common rooms a month ago. Or was it the boys' dormitories, I
can't exactly pinpoint the exact location but he went in Gryffindor,they said. Frightened the Fat
Lady, too. I think he's still here, too."

The dog whined, resuming to eat his food albeit warily. (Why is it that when he's eating, Draco
suddenly drops a bomb? Sirius wondered)

"Well, whatever his reasons for doing it, it must be valid in his mind... and logical for the most
part. He's been through a lot if he lived through Azkaban for years and remained vigilant. Not sane,
no one stays sane in there. But with a little bit of help, they can be. I guess if he had the smarts and
the luck and the grit to break out, he's still sane enough to go and get whatever he's after." Draco
waved a cleaning charm on his hand and picked up an apple then bit into it. The dog finally
decided to stop eating (due to loss of appetite) and settled on drinking the pumpkin juice it hadn't
had for a long time.

Draco fondly smiled at the scene before continuing. "Sirius Black, he's my second cousin. I traced
it back to my family tree tapestry before going to Hogwarts. He's family to me, at least. My Father
scoffed at the idea of being related to cousin Sirius. The face's been burned off the tapestry so I
don't know his features. My parents didn't let me look at the prophet to see his face either. So I'm
assuming he's got the Black signature hair color, the strong build, attractive features maybe,
definitely the enhanced magical affinity, probably good at contract binding, highly experienced in
combat, maybe the silvery grey eyes too. I got mine from my mom."

Draco tilted his head when the dog became excitable, tail wagging and cheerfully urging him to go
on. (Sirius couldn't help the joyful feeling of his brilliant cousin being accurate).

"You seem awfully curious about him. Well, considering you're both Black in namesake, maybe
that's why." Draco hummed. The dog deflated a bit at that then settled on getting petted by Draco.
"I don't think he's after Harry Potter though, that's what everyone is saying. I don't believe it. I
reckon he's after someone or something else. Harry Potter is his godson, why would he even go
after him? I mean, doesn't that sound ridiculous? What do you think?"

Before Draco could hear the dog bark or react, he stiffened abruptly and felt cold and unhappy.
Draco slowly turned his head to his side and froze at the sight of a dementor suddenly right in front
of his face.


Back in Hogwarts, nestled under warm blankets and hands outstretched in front of the numerous
fireplaces in the Gryffindor common room, the twins let out groans in unison.
"Is something wrong?" Hermione asked from her position in the couch.

"Yeah, I feel horrible all of a sudden." Fred groused.

"Like a dementor is feasting on me." George grunted.

Harry, panicked and knowing how it felt, scrambled up from his position and proceeded to dig out
a huge chunk of chocolate out his bag to throw towards the twins. "Eat it, it will help."

"Thanks, Harry." Fred caught the chocolate, stretching out to ruffle the raven's hair.

"You truly are our Saviour." George continued, munching on the treat.

The twins grinned at each other, feeling slightly better than before.

"Let us sing our praises for you!" the twins said in unison causing Harry to pale and hide behind

"You really don't have to!" Harry pointed out, making Hermione a shield. "Hermione, they're at it

Hermione responded by flipping to another page.

"Harry, Harry! Oh, our Harry! So sweet to us all!" The twins started, offkey.

Ron, having just come down and heard his brothers teasing his best friend had eye contact with
Lee Jordan who was going up stairs.

"Yeah, that's a good idea." Ron nodded to himself, turning back and going up to his room again
with Lee Jordan chuckling beside him patting his shoulder.

"Saviour to us allllll!" echoed cheerily inside the staircase.


Draco had no time to scream (partly because he's terrified) but he had time to run. He rolled away
from the Dementor and headed away from the Forbidden Forest. Fight or flight system activated
and pumping in his veins, the best place to be right now is inside the castle.

Firenze and other centaurs are far away and no one could give him certain protection if he ever
went inside the Forbidden Forest alone, that's for sure.

Black barked, running beside him, before whimpering and slumping down by the rocks.

"Black!" Draco gasped out, going back to his canine friend and covering it with his body. "Note to
self, improve stamina more."

The dementor approached them slowly, the bitter cold of the approaching winter paling in
comparison to how freezing his internal organs felt at the moment.

"Don't think of happy thoughts, Black. They'll hurt you." Draco whispered. The dog whimpered
again, ears folded. "They'll go away, soon."

But the dementor didn't go away. It hovered above them. Suddenly, Draco gasped. Somehow
memories, horrible memories, he's been thinking of triggered something inside him and he couldn't
help but shiver.
"No, Father. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. Please don't hurt me." he whispered brokenly. Black
stiffened under him and suddenly, the dog growled and wiggled out of his hold. Draco weakly
opened his eyes, still feeling the effects of having a Dementor near him. He gasped when he saw
Black holding Draco's wand in its mouth. That smart, thieving dog successfully took his wand off
its holster. "No, Black. Give that back! It's dangerous!"

But the dog didn't listen. In fact, it shifted and suddenly, Draco wasn't looking at the dog he's been
taking care of for a month now. Draco's eyes widened as the large dog suddenly turned to a man.

At the back of Draco's mind, he couldn't help the "I knew it" that passed through.

Standing before him, with the strong build, Black signature hair color, silvery grey eyes and
debatable attractive features, Draco found Sirius Black.

And shit's about to go down

Chapter End Notes

What can I say, hm...I do love cliffhangers. And I stand by with Sirius' features!
Another thing: Wait for the next chapter! Hydrate yourselves! Blink! Wash your
hands! Disinfect groceries! Comment! Kudos! Bookmark!

That's it. That's the "tweet".

Second Cousin meets Second Cousin
Chapter Summary

Sirius Black vs. Dementor

Chapter Notes

Well, look at that. I'm back so early.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Seeing Sirius Black in person shouldn't be so shocking when you suspected he was the large Grim-
looking dog that suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Draco mused.

"I must be dreaming." Draco muttered to himself, though the onslaught of the Dementor's effects is
making it quite clear he's not as he shivered from the chilly air and trying to shrug off the
unnecessary sadness churning in his stomach. "Bloody hell, I am not dreaming."

Think fast,Draco! The young blond regarded the situation in front of him.

"It's me you fucking want!" Sirius bellowed, stepping a few paces away from Draco. Sirius glanced
at the muttering blond and relaxed slightly when he saw the child is alright.

Draco looked up just then, eyes locking with Sirius. It was a while since Sirius had eye contact
with someone looking at him as if he's a person and not be disgusted. Draco waved a hand at him
and Sirius could barely contain his flinch as magic swept across his body. He internally gasped as
an onslaught of wandless and wordless spells, (diagnostics and cleaning charms) were casted by the
young blond. Truly a purebred, with the magic power this strong.

Gaining enough energy to fight off one measly dementor, Sirius couldn't help but chuckle as the
wand let out sparks (clearly comfortable in his hold and welcoming, no doubt sensing the Black
blood running through Sirius' veins). He made a mental note to send Narcissa a bouquet for giving
Draco a custom made Black wand as he turned at the dementor moving erratically at the sight of
his intended target. He shot a strong barrier and a wordless warming charm at Draco's direction
enough that Draco stopped shivering.

Ah, yes. Still got it. Sirius grinned at the show of his magic, still going strong and thrumming
excitedly in his veins.

"This'll be finished, soon." Sirius drawled, sending a confident smirk at Draco's way. He turned to
the dementor who was convulsing at the sight of Sirius Black, probably calling reinforcements.
Sirius wordlessly casted another barrier around it with a silencio so it wouldn't be able to call for
backup. (That would've been bad). He then whispered another incantation he'd been waiting to cast
for twelve years, thinking of each and every happy memory during his Hogwarts days. "Expecto
The dementor, not realizing that it is inside a barrier, could only let out an ugly screeching sound
(which was thankfully not heard outside the barrier) as a huge silver dog soundlessly barked and
growled and jumped around it, even going through it at one point. Sirius waved Draco's wand once
again and the barrier dissipated and watched as the dementor finally floated away, frantically at
that. Once it was out of Hogwarts territory, Sirius lowered his wand but still remained vigilant.

"Well, that was anticlimactic." Sirius commented. "But damn, it felt good." With another flick of
his wand, the silver dog had circled Sirius before going to Draco. The dog nuzzled Draco before
disappearing in wisps of silvery smoke.

"Hey there, cousin." was the only thing Sirius could say, kneeling down. Sirius pulled up his
tattered sleeve and performed the Traditional Blood Identification Spell wordlessly. (Again, one of
those Pureblood hippogriff shit Sirius mastered)

He gritted his teeth in pain as blood flew out off his arm even though there is no puncture wound
and magical runes surrounded the blood trickling out of him, magic identifying him as it spelled
out into the air.

Sirius Orion Black

Head, The Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

The bright runes disappeared and Sirius' blood dripped down on the ground creating a magical
circle by Sirius' feet, before lighting up (identifying him as the owner of the blood) and
disappearing again.

"Well, fuck. I didn't know I was the appointed head now." Sirius said, wiping away sweat that
formed in his forehead from the magical strain. He handed the wand back to Draco. "Here you go,

Draco blinked up at him and breathed out a placating sigh that Sirius thought only Remus could do.
Draco took the wand.

"Hey there cousin, I liked you better when you were a dog." Draco greeted with a smirk.

Sirius frowned and definitely was not pouting. "How rude, you loved me as Padfoot. How can you
be so mean to me now."

"Probably because it took you so long to show yourself to me." Draco drawled. "And I'm still trying
to process what the bloody hell just happened."

Sirius sat across him, cross-legged. "I'll summarize it for you, couz. So this dog being person,
person being dog is called-"

"You escaped Azkaban because you're an Animagus and hid here in Hogwarts to bide for the
perfect time to attack because they'll be here the whole school year and dementor can't actually
sense you while you're an Animagus and you hide in the Forbidden Forest so it would be difficult
for them to find you. You also came here not for Harry Potter you're after but someone else.

Sirius stared incredulously at Draco before frowning.

"Okay, wow. My first ever human interaction and you stole my dramatic flashbacks and story
telling by doing this. What makes you think what you said was right?" Sirius huffed, crossing his
Draco raised a brow and waited. Sirius deflated not even a minute later.

"Fine, you were right. How'd you know I was an Animagus?"

"I mean, with the way you reacted to the name I gave you when you were a dog and to all the other
times you tensed up when I say something about Sirius Black, Dementors, Severus Snape, Remus
Lupin and Harry Potter certainly wasn't how a stray dog would act. I don't know Cousin Sirius, you
tell me." Draco said, eyes twinkling with mirth. "Were you obvious enough?"

Sirius frowned at the cheeky blond across him. "Since when did you know?"

"Oh." Draco chuckled. "A few weeks after the full moon. You see, I told you when you were in
dog form that Professor Lupin gave me a book right? You perked up at the name then gradually
grew anxious when I told you what the book was about. You tensed up even more when I said I
was thinking of letting Professor Snape read it. You only ever relaxed when I said I won't and that
the book was protected by hexes and runes." Draco recalled fondly of how fidgety the dog had
been during Draco's story. "I dug up some records in the library and saw that You, Professor Lupin
and Professor Snape were in the same batch as well as the Potters."

Sirius froze at the mention of the 'Potters' and Draco winced. "Sorry, shouldn't have mentioned

"No... It's alright." Sirius whispered, although he felt a pang in his heart. "They've been gone for a
while is'all."

Draco frowned, "But I still didn't figure out who you were looking for. I mean, Pettigrew is not
here anymore."

"He's here, all right." Sirius' eyes suddenly darkened in anger. "Living like the coward he is and
being coddled like a child for years while I was put in Azkaban because of what he did."

Seeing Black Dramatic Flair™ signals (Thank you for that, Aunt Bella),Draco raised a placating
hand. "Okay, before you get on the dramatics, can you tell me what animagus form Pettigrew had
because going along the lines that Professor is a werewolf, you're an animagus, I'm betting a
galleon that James Potter and Peter Pettigrew is also one."

Sirius looked at Draco like he's seeing a young Remus. "They are. James is a stag. Cousin, why are
you so smart? Are you sure you're Slytherin?"

"Thank you, I'd like to think I was born smart." Draco said, preening. "The sorting hat probably
thought it's automatic to be in Slytherin once you're a Malfoy. So, what about Pettigrew's animagus

"Pettigrew's a rat." Sirius spat. "Always was, still is. Scuttling off to somewhere when he thinks
he's in danger. Betraying us when he thought the Light Side will lose, ratting us out the moment we
least expected it."

"We'll get there, cousin. We'll get there." Draco nodded understandably, (Thank Salazar, Draco
learned the hard way on maneuvering a Black Dramatic Flair™), so he just tuned out Sirius as the
man muttered insults to a rock. Draco hummed, a hand coming up to his chin as he thought. "There
are too many rats in this area because Hogwarts considers them as pets, though it is highly unlikely
I'd get one because they look unhygienic, only a handful of people in my year have one. And since
you attacked Gryffindor dorms then they're in that House, am I right?"

"Yeah, he's pretending to be a rat. Probably been pigging off and living off of the Weasleys for
years ever since." Sirius huffed, pulling the weeds off the ground.

"Huh. I mean, I guess Ron Weasley had one. He's in my year, the redhaired guy with the hand me
down robes, always beside Potter. Hmm, he calls it with an abysmal name. I can't quite remember
but Weasel yelled it once or twice. Scrabble... Scuttle.. Scrambles.. Scabbers..? Scabbers, I think. I
heard from the grapevine (Pansy) that the rat is not feeling well or something this year." Draco
shrugged. "So, what's the plan?"

Sirius grinned at his cousin fondly.

"You're being so agreeable, Cousin." Sirius cooed, "I am so proud."

Draco smirked. "Let's say I just like to have fun."

Sirius couldn't help but laugh heartily, feeling light and free as he hadn't had the chance after all
these years.

Finally, there is hope.

Though Sirius honestly didn't think he'd find it clad in green and silver.

Chapter End Notes

Look forward for their interactions more! I'm currently typing up something I bet you
will enjoy! I update on a whim these days, even though there are still lots of typing to
do. And it's hard updating via phone.

How is everyone doing? I hope this update brings a light to your day! Take care and
see you on the next chapter!
Chapter Summary

Second cousins interaction pt. 2

I didn't realize I forgot to paste this to the previous chapter and decided to just post it
as another one.

Chapter Notes

Happy day, everyone. And so, you may or may not have seen it but I've moderated the
comment section. I decided to do months ago when I was having a 100-comment mark
target. I'm still approving your wholesome comments, don't worry.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

After securing the place and Sirius casting a wandless barrier so that they won't be seen, an hour
quickly passed with Draco getting the initial backstory, the basic plan and how Sirius had lived the
past few months. Draco checked the time and saw it was only another hour until curfew. (It was a
wonder no one saw what happened earlier with the Dementor thing and the outskirts of the
Forbidden Forest is still clear as ever. He's glad Pansy and Blaise had training to do or else they'll
be here beside him.)

"I know who can help us, cousin." Draco said, hand on his chin while he thought of it. "But I've
only been owling them back and forth last year so I don't really know them well yet."

"That's highly dangerous, cousin. Why in the bloody hell are you still doing that?" Sirius asked,
exasperated. "This is the first time I'm hearing about this."

Draco blushed and nervously scratched his cheek, looking away.

"Well um, they're fun and...and they're one of my Comforts."

Draco mumbled and suddenly, Sirius understood. Memories of the Marauders flashed in his mind,
they were his Comforts ever since he set foot inside the Hogwarts Train, ever since he became
friends with all of them.

"Well, if that is the case then I won't pry. What do you think they can help us with?"

"Well, I don't really know their House yet. We've been keeping it mysterious and everything. But
they ought to believe me and spread you're innocent! The people didn't know why you didn't get a
trial, but my Comforts know a lot of people. They can plant the seed of doubt. If I'd bet a galleon, I
think they're in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw."

Sirius nodded approvingly. "Your Comforts sounds like good people."

"But can we please think of another way to describe them?" Draco asked, face exploding red. "This
is the first time I admitted to that! I will not say ‘Comforts’ anymore, it’s embarrassing."

Sirius laughed as Draco placed a wandless cooling charm on his hands and proceeded to pat his

"How about ray of sunshine?" Sirius suggested, grinning.

"Cousin!" Draco threw his hands up. "Nevermind. I will not be discussing them to you!"

Sirius snickered.

"Oh but umm.." Draco trailed off hesitantly, "Father incinerated all the letters I have with them and
forbid me to write. My watchers, those in Slytherin mostly, scan the letters I send. I know they do
it wandlessly but I feel the thrum of their magical signatures when they do."

"You are one amazing purebred, Cousin." Sirius drawled, "Enhanced magical prowess and
sensitivity, grew up with elders feeding you their views but remaining to hold proper values and

"Thank you. If it weren't for Pansy, Blaise, Mother and Uncle Sev, I would've blindly followed my
Father's views. I guess I ought to thank you, too. Mother often told me she had a dear relative she
holds close to her heart because their actions woke her up and even though it's too late, she ensured
I get a clean slate of opinions and a mask to hide. I guess she was particularly talking about you
and how you rebelled against the Blacks. Aunt Andromeda also helped open my Mother's eyes
when she ran away and married a muggle."

Sirius snorted, inwardly feeling touched. Two bouquets for Narcissa, note to self.

"That Pansy and Blaise of yours, (nevermind Snivellous), the Parkinson and Zabini?"

"Yeah. Pansy has enhanced ability to control magical weapons and muggle ones and she's pretty
adept at any weapon she could get her hands on. Blaise is pretty gifted at Charms and Arithmancy,
he's being trained by his Uncle at trading at the moment." Draco said, smiling fondly. "I'm
particularly gifted at Healing. That's about it."

"Well, the three of you together sounded dangerous just now." Sirius grinned.

"How about you and your friends?" Draco asked, "How is Professor Lupin when he went to

"Oh, I see it now. Moo-.. Remus is your favorite." Sirius pouted and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Yes, yes. I find he is highly talented than you, cousin. Now, go on."

"This is our first meeting and you are being too sassy for your own good but that's okay because
Remus is my favorite, too." Sirius commented, Draco nodded in response. "Well, let's start with
me. I'm gifted at Transfiguration and Healing. Though being in Azkaban lowers magical ability,
the Healing part is one of the reasons I survived inside. James was a Pureblood like us and is
highly gifted in Transfiguration and Charms. He has exceptional Chaser skills in Quidditch as well.
He's a Pureblood but didn't go through all the Purebreeding nonsense because his grandfather
realized their ancestors' mistakes and brought up James' dad and James personally without any
biased Pureblood traditions in their veins. They adopted me and showed me a whole new world.
Because y'know, Black traditions were instilled in me so it was a very fascinating year for me."
A sneeze cut off Sirius' rambling/story and Sirius looked at Draco who gestured him to go on as he
produced a silk handkerchief. Sirius shrugged, "Remus, however, is a half-blood but he is very
intelligent, very charming and very awkward. He's talented in a lot of things and is very kind
despite his furry little problem. He has the exceptional gift of being generous and highly stingy
when it comes to chocolate.. Well, to Marauders at least. Remus always gives some chocolate to
those he deems needs it more. There is a reason why we have to stock chocolates in his trunk
because he gives away so much but he's still stingy at giving me some. That Moony. Also, we
wouldn't be able to graduate without his nagging to make us study or do some shit other than
pranks. He loves reading, I bet he's read everything in the library during our seven years. He's great
at teaching,isn't he? I told Dumbledore to hire Remus when the war is over. Can't even fathom why
that old bat didn't even do it immediately. Poor Moony, must've been so lonely and still adorably
charming. Peter...ehh.. He's so-so. He's a muggleborn, starry-eyed kid and idolized both me and
James so we let him in our circle because back then he was great at encouraging our mischief and
Remus had to dote on someone other than us. He's a good distraction and bait so we did our pranks
splendidly. I guess he felt inferior or something, or we haven't paid much attention to him during
our 7th year because NEWTs and lovelives and all those kinds of things. Huh, thinking about it, he
was really mousy during our last year. Should've just confronted him there and then."

"So how long did your relationship with Professor Lupin go?" Draco asked with an innocent smile,
inwardly smirking as Sirius brightened up and replied.

"We've been together since our fifth year. It should've been Fourth Year but we had teenage angst
and pined. If it werent for James, I still wouldn't have confessed. I almost proposed on Harry's first
birthday but I don't want to ruin such a special day. Was going to propose on Halloween but..."
Sirius trailed off and Draco nodded sympathetically but all the while internally grinning.

"I see."

"...fuck. Wait, how'd you know me and Moony had a relationship!?" Sirius asked, eyes wide.

"Well, you get this twinkle in your eye when you're talking about him. Back when you were
Padfoot you even had your tail wagging when I mentioned Professor Lupin. And you went
mooning over him complete with the heart eyes for five minutes about how amazing he is almost
looking like a fool who drank a love potion before moving on and thinking about Peter
Pettigrew."Draco shrugged, "Not hard to figure it out, really."

"I almost forgot I was talking to a Slytherin." Sirius lamented.

Draco chuckled, "Alright, I won't tell anyone. But why doesn't Professor Lupin know you're here?"

Sirius totally looked like a kicked puppy for a second there. "Moony is angry at me. He believed
that old goat." Sirius sighed brokenly. "He thought I killed..."

"Okay, this got depressing fast." Draco muttered, patting Sirius' shoulder. He could bet a galleon
that if Sirius was in Padfoot's form, the ears would be drooping.

"Chin up, cousin. We'll fix this, soon. It's November. Give me two months." Draco said, handing
Sirius his velvet drawstring bag. "In the meantime, the house elves gave me food in a stasis charm
and I put all of it there. If you paced through it, it will last you a week. There are also some warm
blankets, a transigured cot, soap and a clean shirt there. I don't know your size so I just swiped
some from Blaise. I hate the cold so I'm giving you a heads up that I'm only showing up once or
twice a week."

Sirius stared dazedly at Draco before he processed what his younger cousin said.
"Why do you have this prepared?"

Draco smirked, "I was going to bait/get you to admit that you were the dog today, but the dementor
thing happened. What's that spell again?"

"Oh, it'll be better if you get Remus to teach you about it. It's Expecto Patronum." Sirius said,
accepting the bag. "The Patronus Charm. Highly advanced for a third year but you can certainly do

"Okay, noted." Draco stood up and dusted himself, waving his wand for a cleaning charm,
grooming charm and a warming charm consecutively. He directed those spells to Sirius as well. "I
have to get going. It's ten minutes before curfew and Professor would have my hide if I am late to
my meeting with him today."

"I'd hug you, cousin. But Snape is hella good at tracking my magical signature so I won't."

Draco smiled at his cousin. "It is nice meeting you, cousin."

"It is nice to be believed I am innocent and meeting you was nice as well."

"Yeah, I know everything you said today is truth. You willingly drank the pumpkin juice with a
drop of veritaserum, after all."

"Fck. I knew that pumpkin juice tasted different! I'll get you back for this, Cousin Draco!" Sirius
said with a grin, hands fiddling with the drawstring bag.

Draco can only respond with laughter.

The Veritaserum he can make only works for an hour. Draco chuckled to himself, casting a

They've been together for four hours.

It was nice to know the truth, cousin. Don't worry. I'll help you!

Draco couldn't help the sigh of relief as the warmth of Snape's quarters enveloped his entire being.
Now then, he has a potion to help make.

With his good mood distracting him, Draco missed the calculating look Severus Snape cast him.


It would be quite embarrassing on my part but I felt it necessary to ask for your assistance.

As I told you the previous letter, I believe that Sirius Black is indeed innocent. Attached is a copy of
a transcript from the Ministry records on what happened during Halloween, the day Potter
vanquished You-know-who. It is clearly stated that Black was sent straight into Azkaban without a

Where is the justice?

I cannot stand by and let this case go cold once more.

I need both of your help to spead this transcript around Hogwarts. If asked, the original transcript
is available at the Ministry Library. I want to know the truth about what happened on Sirius
Black's sentence.

Please help me.

I am forever grateful if you did.



Draco stared at the letter and the transcript before letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Okay..." he let out a few calming breaths. "I'll send it by next week."

For now, Draco glanced at the circular window by his bed, he has mermaids to talk to.

Chapter End Notes

Ah, yes. Here is a peek of my Interaction Summary idea:

Sirius: rawr, I'm good at drama. Only one will die the night i attacc/ easygoing/ literly
just 'fuckitletsgo' in situation. #BlackDramaticFlairisinnate #imissmoony
Draco: yes, yes just do it later. So this plan?/ draco.exe is not working/process later
plan now

A veritaserum made with good success lasts upto an hour. A veritaserum made with
great success (usually by a Potions Master) lasts upto three hours. (Pottermore, 20xx)

As a magical dog animagus, even if it is tasteless, has enhanced five senses and they
can still feel if there was something added into what they're eating/drinking. Sirius was
distracted because he hadn't had good food for years and Draco finally brought out the
big guns: a huge amount of meat. (ENDisI, 2020)
Can I slyther in?
Chapter Summary

Overwhelmed Draco + Protective Pansy + Scheming Blaise

The title speaks for itself. Yes, bed talks + Slytherin trio!

Chapter Notes

*looks away* I spent my time with omegaverse when I typed this so nesting is
included. There's nothing to it, really. Just Draco having an episode of Black Dramatic
Flair when he's stressed.

There's a lot happening in here and I find myself smiling when I think of my darling
readers reaction. Maybe it's in the lines of: f i n a l l y!

Read on and enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

One blessedly warm evening, Blaise opened Draco's curtains, the wards in it allowing him to when
it registered his magical signature. He was about to wake Draco up for dinner when he saw the
latest message still unfolded. He read it and smiled fondly at his best friend. An idea formed in his
head and he nodded in satisfaction.

If Draco didn't contact JoKer at all, Blaise will put his plan into action.

For now, food first.

"Dray, wake up." Blaise patted Draco's shoulder "You'll miss dinner."

Draco murmured something.

"Yes, a house elf told me they're serving apple pie tonight."

Draco sat up immediately, rubbing his eyes.

"Say that first, B."

Blaise chuckled and smoothed down Draco's bedhead, "Come on, Snow White."

"Who is Snow White?" Draco frowned, batting Blaise's hands and personally raking his hair with a
wandless grooming charm, tapping his wand on his eyes, cheeks, mouth for a freshening charm.

"Some muggle princess a new client introduced to me. They're producers of a muggle film
company that incorporate a little magic. The character likes to bake apple pies. Because of that she
died, the apple she ate was poisoned."

"Isn't that too morbid?" Draco asked, aghast.

"Nah, she survived. The client described it as one person taking a bite to being stupefied then a
prince comes over and kissed her undoing the stupefy. The kiss was said to be the cure during the
old times so they're delighted to incorporate subtle magical history in it as well."

"Do muggles ever hear of 'Stranger, danger', I wonder?"

"A first year told us that's a popular phrase in the muggle world. A wizard let slip the phrase
centuries ago. So I guess they do know about that."

"I was going to say something hypocritical so I'm not saying it at all."

Blaise snickered, already knowing it's about his quill pals. Before he could tease him however,
they reached the Great Hall.

"Now where's that apple pie?"

Draco, honest to the Four Founders, absolutely did not check the apple pie for poison.

Poor Snow White person. He lamented as he took a bite of the scrumptious dessert.



What do you want for Christmas?



After a month of Draco helping Sirius (force feeding him nutritional potions and giving him rations
of food), planning for Sirius' innocence (not murder, Cousin and please hesitate on doing illegal
acts I know you're thinking of doing) as well as Sirius introducing his recruit (A cat, Cousin?
Merlin's beard, why would someone name a cat Crookshanks) and giving a weekly "Moony
Report"(I teased him a bit and accidentally said "I'm Draco, not Sirius" when he told me to be
serious when I was reviewing his book, he froze for five minutes so I won't tease him anymore this
week. He might find out I know you. Poor Professor, what did he even see in you, Cousin? I'm
kidding, please don't cry me a river).

A week before the end of terms exams, Sirius had told Draco to focus on the upcoming exams
(even if Draco started revising a month ago.) He'll be away for the timebeing to some mission he
would not divulge information and will be back by January.
With Sirius gone after hugging Draco and wishing him a safe and happy Holiday, Draco focused
on teasing/helping Professor Lupin via 'accidentally' calling him "Professor Moony" after class
when he asked a question (Remus had been so flustered the first time, he couldn't answer), wishing
him a good moon after delivering his wolfs bane potion (now that Severus found out Draco found
out, Draco has been doing the potion delivery), and basically being an (annoying) adorable little
shit student when Remus was in the vicinity. Remus (finally gave up) indulged him every time, the
teasing becoming familiar. (Draco was surprised when Remus snarked back the first time).

Pansy and Blaise had teased the Potions Master that Draco had a new favorite professor. That led
to Draco making Veritaserum for Snape along with the Wolfsbane potion to appease and tease his
Head of House. That also led to Pansy and Blaise blaming Draco for the abundant amount of
werewolf research they now have to comb through for a 5-foot essay. Draco took pity on them
(after laughing so much his stomach hurt) and gave his notes about Aconite and its components.

And now, with end of term examinations finally done, Draco found himself staring at the blank
piece of parchment paper. He sighed, knowing he won’t have peace when he didn’t write what he’d
‘accidentally’ drafted in his mind. Everyone was asleep in the dorms. He’s free to write whatever
he wished. Nodding to himself, he decided to just get it off his mind and be done with it. Picking
up the quill and dipping it in the inkwell, Draco began to write.


Christmas Holidays are coming, I was just writing after I finished my exams. The results are
tomorrow. I’m scared of going home with it. I don’t know what punishment I’ll have if I ever don’t
take the desired place my father wanted me to have. I’m tired of hearing how incompetent I am not
surpassing a muggleborn,a Raven, a puff, a snake, a lion. I am so tired of hearing how useless and
how worthless I am, so tired of burdening my tutor with my Father’s words of not being competent
enough, I am so scared my Father will fire my tutor, he’s the only one who keeps me safe now that
my other helper is gone.

I still don’t know what to get both of you for Christmas, I haven’t had the chance to make contact
with you for months now, after all. I wanted to get both of you a nice camouflage cloak or
something to help both of you when you’re both endangering yourselves while you’re out in the
dormitories outside of curfew. Do you both still like pranks? Have you been studying? I’ve so
much to ask, but can’t be bothered to write.

I apologize I hadn’t had the courage to send my gift or any of my letters to both of you, though.

I miss you both.

Half a year almost went past and I find myself missing your letters.
Yes, even if you both use parchment paper spilled with ginger tea. I know we talked about recycling
but please, don’t waste good tea.

I hope to have the courage to send some of my letters. At least, even if I send them, I won’t know if
you’ve burned it or not.


Hours later, Blaise stared at the massive blanket bundle/ nest on his bed when he pulled back the
curtains. He raised a brow when he felt the exact same wards in Draco's incorporated in his own
warded curtains.

"Dray? I think you got the wrong bed for your nesting. I mean, you’re not an omega wolf or
anything but this is getting out of hand." Blaise drawled, patting what he assumed was Draco's
head. Draco replied, voice coming out muffled. "You're going to suffocate if you continue sulking
up a storm under your blankets."

Blaise felt one of Draco’s safety blankets. Ah yes, high quality fabric for the high maintenance
blond. Blaise swore Dobby spoiled Draco too much before he left.

"I still need my bed, you know."

Draco's head finally popped up, his hair in disarray and mouth turned down in a pouty frown as he
glared at Blaise.

"Go sleep somewhere else!"

"How about you go and sleep in your own bed?"


"How much of your safety blankets are in your nest, anyway?"

"All of them." Draco mumbled, gathering all of them and hugging it protectively. "I'm not nesting.
Malfoys don't nest."

"I think this one does." Blaise drawled out. "You sure look like you're nesting. I won't ask anything
but one. Why my bed?"

The door slammed open and Pansy walked in, sleeping robes on and face flawlessly fresh from the
nightly skincare routine that she once reinforced on Draco and Blaise.

"Have you seen my blank--" Pansy's question trailed off as she stared at Draco's blanket nest.
"What got you so stressed you had to steal my blanket, dear?"

"I didn't." Draco defended. "I borrowed it."

"Without my permission, yes." Pansy sighed, sitting at the edge of the nest. "Why are you

"It's not a nest." Draco glared. "Malfoys don't nest."

"Sweetie, you're not fooling anyone. If you were cold, you could've made Blaise drown you in
warming charms. Now, spill."

Blaise and Pansy stared at each other when Draco ducked back in the blankets. Moving together as
one, they whipped their wands out as they locked the doors, cast silencing spells, soundproofing
spells and even detector spells.

"Okay, it's all safe now."

Draco emerged from the blankets. He fiddled with it, not wanting to look at his best friends.

"I don't know. I got tired for a moment, I guess. I mean with all the Quidditch, the exams,
assignments. There's also the tormenting others, I still don't get why my watchers had to point out
to Father I haven't been interacting with the Golden Trio. There is so much more to do than say
demeaning words to someone, they could've reported the O's and E's I've been getting but no,
upholding my image as a stuck up brat is much more important."

"And your nesting didn't include that all the apple desserts you've been eating tasted exactly how
Dobby makes it?"

Draco pouted. "I still can't believe Dobby left me! There is no way he's dead, I'd have felt it. I do
miss him and his cooking..his nagging not so much. Now that I think about it, this year had a lot of
apple dishes that I like."

"Maybe he's working here."

"I wonder where he is... It's the first Christmas I won't be able to celebrate with him. Or taste his
holiday cakes. Or sort my presents. Or nag at me. I can't believe I almost missed his nagging.
Father didn't specify where he went. I know he's alive but him working here..." Draco waved a
dismissive hand, "Dobby won't work in a castle with my Father being one of the board members."

Pansy and Blaise looked at each other as Draco continued brooding. The blond tended to deny
having the Black Dramatic Flair™ but they both are pretty sure Draco doesn't realise he's doing it.
They rolled their eyes and patted the blond.

"And there is something else." Blaise guessed. Judging by Draco's totally not pouting lips, he was

"Go on, Dray." Pansy nudged him. "We're the only ones here."

Draco hesitated for a moment before frowning, though his lips pursed and it looked more like a

"...I just miss Ray...I want to write to them. A dementor approached me during my walk earlier, I
was thinking about them. I almost had my happiness sucked out of me if it weren't for Professor
Lupin stepping in." Draco wrapped more blankets around him, Pansy's blanket evidently one of
them. He had approached Remus about learning the Patronus charm but he hadn't made any
progress at all. "I just don't want to write to them, I mean, I do write but I don’t send them
because…they hate me now for sure. I don't think my heart can take rejection at the moment."

"We understand, Dray. You'll send them when you're ready, or through other means." Pansy cooed,
unable to resist grooming Draco's hair. Ray was JoKer’s nickname, because Draco was a bit
paranoid and made new aliases. (also because Sirius can't stop teasing) "But why Blaise's bed?"

"I can feel his magic here and yours too from your blanket."
"You know if you wanted a cuddle, we won't say no."

"I know." Draco mumbled "You're just busy at the moment. It's not my fault both of you had so
many essays undone."

Pansy and Blaise shot him deadpanned looks. "In case you didn't notice, we're right here with

"Dray, sweetie, we don't do our winter break homework here in Hogwarts. We're supposed to do it
while on break."

Blaise sighed when Draco just went back drowning himself inside the mountain of blankets.

"Come on, let's just sleep."

Pansy snickered, "I guess winning the rock paper scissors during first year for the bed has its

Blaise rolled his eyes but silently agreed. His bed was slightly bigger than the rest and he won it
"fair and square" during their first night as first years.

"I can't believe we're having an impromptu sleepover." He patted Draco’s blanket covered head as
he glanced at Draco's space to check if it is warded. The curtains and bed is but his eyes focused on
Draco's organized desk.
Blaise smirked when he saw the box of letters with the wards on it gone. With a quick copying
spell and a silent accio, he successfully hid the copies in his own desk. Another wave of his hand
put Draco's letters for JoKer back to its box, the box resealing with protective wards immediately.

Pansy looked at what he was doing and casually waved a hand towards the box as well, the box
floating and securing itself towards its usual hiding place. Blaise shot Pansy an innocent smile
though Pansy's narrowed eyes was answer enough that Pansy didn't believe he won't do anything
about the JoKer situation. He shrugged and settled down his bed. Pansy signed a "We'll talk about
this later" at him before burrowing herself beside Draco.

Blaise yawned. Ahhh, so much to do.

He has letters to send and a best friend to comfort.


Nott, Goyle and Crabbe had to camp out in the common room an hour later after Pansy screamed at
them and threatened them to leave or else. They were deathly afraid of the 'or else' when a knife
got stuck to the door. Amidst all of that, Draco slept on and Blaise had to wandlessly reduce the
protective wards around them because Pansy's scream amplified through the walls and thankfully
didn't wake Draco up. Blaise still thinks Draco took Hogwarts' motto to the heart with how
amazing his hissy fits were when he got rudely woken up.

(Severus Snape took one look at the first years sleeping by the fireplace, deducing what happened
within a minute and turned back and let his Prefects do the monitoring. He decided to head back to
his quarters for the night. He is not going to deal with an irate woman, protective lad and a
brooding blond at the same time. He'd done it enough times to last him a year or rather, give or
take, a life time.)


When morning came, students slowly woke up and got ready for breakfast. Others are awake and
packing in a hurry. Others, for instance, were in the Owlery to send a letter. Today will be the day
they go back to their humble abodes for the Holidays.

The snow lifted and surrounded Hogwarts like a pile of snow white blankets, the air bringing an
unescapable chill in the halls.Draco stood outside the Owlery, drowning in expensive Vicuna
winter wear and swaddled with warming charms all over his body (courtesy of Blaise because
Draco kept trying to steal his scarf and sweater).

"Seriously, B. You could've just used Orion to send a letter. He's already in my cage, though. Why
would you pick literally the day we are going back home to send a letter, anyway? You could've
just waited until you get home and personally give that stack of letters to Madame Zabini?"

"Quit being snappy with me, Dray. You are the one who followed me here because you kept trying
to steal my clothes, you sweater whore. Be happy with your Vicunas like I am happy with my

"I'm cold." Draco huffed, although he is plenty warm and just being impatient.

Blaise rolled his eyes and ignored his best friend, knowing the blond is plenty warm because he
doubled the amount of warming charms he casted around the blond everyday.

"Just keep quiet for a second, Dray. I'll be finished soon."

"B! Where is Pans?" Draco called out as Blaise finished wrapping the stack of letters and securing
the package. "She would've given me her scarf."

"She is still packing and by the way, in case you didn't notice, she purposefully bought an entire
cashmere winter collection this year just so your thieving hands won't get any." Blaise replied,
feeding a familiar H.Owl and whispering, "Take this to JoKer, please."

He dutifully ignored Draco's whining outside and smiled softly as the owl hooted softly and took

Draco's tirade about cashmeres and Pansy was cut short when he gasped at the owl who flew out
the window with a package. That's our owl...

"Come on, let's get going. I was just in time to give my package to an owl before all the others do
delivery." another owl flew out the window and Blaise pointed to it. "That's the owl I convinced
with my charming ways, hopefully it gets there before we got home."

"Your mom won't even greet you at the station?"

Several other H.Owls took off the window as Draco and Blaise walked back. It seemed Blaise
wasn't the only one writing home abruptly. Draco mused missing Blaise's smirk as the blond
Slytherin fell for the owl trick.

"I love her and I know Mrs. Malfoy would appreciate her company but come on, she'll get every
single father wrapped around her pinky if she waits for us there."

Draco sweatdropped and let out a hearty chuckle at the image.

"Okay, I'd bet a galleon that Mother would've joined her too if Father wasn't there."

"Speaking of, will you be alright?" Blaise asked, "I probably would be. I got the O's and E's Ma

Draco breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, I beat Granger for first place with a twelve point lead but I'm telling you now that it's not
enough of a gap in Father's eyes. Hopefully, he'll be pleased for the time being and no punishment
will be given."

Blaise pulled Draco closer with a side hug, "We'll get through this shit soon, Dray."

"THERE YOU ARE!" Pansy shrieked, decked in expensive cashmere winter collection and
surrounded by trunks that were definitely not only hers. "Blaise Zabini, how dare you make a lady
go through your shit!"

"Language, woman!" Blaise bellowed, laughing.

Pansy threw a snowball at Blaise and Draco rightfully dodged, thank Salazar for his good reflexes.
The snowball exploded like a bomb behind them and Blaise whooped as he successfully dodged
another one.

"Dray, sweetie. Go and say your good byes to Professor Snape, he's been looking for you." Pansy
said gently to Draco, fixing his windswept hair with a wave of her hand. Then, she produced a
katana out of nowhere and snarled at Blaise's direction. "I'm going to deal with a shitty menace."

"Bloody hell." was the last thing Draco heard Blaise say as he went inside in search for his Uncle
"Draco! Get back here! Help me!" Draco sighed forlornly as he kept walking inside the castle,
sometimes he can still hear Blaise's voice.

"Stop ignoring me as if I'm already dead!" there was a yelp and an evil laugh followed. "Pansy,
you bitch! Get off me!"

It's hard being the sane friend, really.

Chapter End Notes

WELL, THAT HAPPENED. I planned it all along for Blaise to send the letters
*laugh* I searched the top three expensive winter wear because I'm from a tropic
country there is no snow here. Vicunas are the most expensive out of the three. Just a
note that Draco doesn't like cashmere, it creates static and defers his magic.

Thank you for the 457 kudos! That's a lot and I am overwhelmed at the love! My
darling readers commenting as well made me smile so much for days! The seeing
people bookmark my story had me feeling warmth. Stay safe and be well, my darling
readers! /virtual hugs
A bundle of Weasleys
Chapter Summary

How Fred and Geroge Weasley spent their Christmas Holidays

Chapter Notes

Ta-dah! I updated! The update took so long because this chapter was riddled with a
bunch of typos (because I'm still strictly on phone) and I had to painstakingly go over
it a few times and I still think I missed some. Another "finally" moment where we
focus the story on the twins!


See the end of the chapter for more notes

A few minutes after the Hogwarts train departed, Fred and George stared forlornly at the
disappearing view of Hogsmeade. Lee had long since given up and occupied his time by knitting a
scarf he's gifting to his mom. The twins had been staring outside any available window waiting for
a letter for months now and honestly, seeing them pine is amusing for a while. They would pick
themselves up in a few hours and the prank meeting will commence.

Years ago, after Professor McGonagall found out they've been experimenting in the Hogwarts train
and nearly blew it up during their Third Year, they had to solemnly swear that they won't ever
experiment in the Train again BUT PRANK MEETINGS WEREN'T PART OF THE DEAL! SO
HA! Take that, Respectful and Talented Deputy Headmistress..!

Lee had taken to learning how to knit as a way to bide his time and definitely tune out the twins
when they're mooning over their Darling D. He's done an exceptional job within two months and is
now an expert on knitting. Lee has a lovingly knitted banner above his bedpost directly across the
twins' beds that said "#SaveLeeJordan199X". The twins themselves have a knitted blanket Lee had
made them as a gift. The blanket had a design of a moon and two silhuoettes because as he said to
them when he gave it, "They've been mooning over D for months."

The twins loved it more when he told the dorks the reason for the design. Honestly, he's glad for
his friends loving someone preciously at the age of fifteen. Sure, they tease Angelina and Katie a
lot but even though it's obvious Angelina has a crush on George and a Ravenclaw was crushing on
Fred for a year now, Lee could see they're absolutely gone and fell too deep for their owl pal/quill
pal to even consider any of the numerous girls (according to the grapevine, some guys as well).

Lee supposed the fella was quite what Fred and George praised with, after seeing Fred and George
actually studying with D's letter in the middle of the mountain of essays they've been doing. He
glanced at it and nodded, knowing D is good for the twins. I mean, D made Fred and George
study. Their own mum couldn't even do that.

In fact, D was actually the smarts in some of their pranks the last term as well as the inspiration in
some of the twins' inventions this term.
Lee blinked and chuckled to himself, fixing a knot in the thread. How contagious is the twins,
having him think of D as well.

"Hey, Lee." George called, Lee looked up and saw him poring over a piece of parchment. "You
know these things more than I do. But remember the Slytherin prank we pulled?"

"Yeah, the one where the third year Slytherins got pranked and got their hair turn different colors
for a day? I thought we got all of them but it turns out that some didn't eat the cookies!"

"Oh, yeah. That." Fred snapped out of it and joined the conversation. "I saw some students give
them to the two greedy Pureblood kids who had color changing hair for a week with how many
they ate."

"Poor kids." George muttered in auto-pilot, not at all feeling remorse for the two victims of their
deliciously devious prank.

"Actually, Malfoy checked the cookie first then gave it to the burly ones with a smile. I guess he
knew there was something in it." Lee recalled, humming as he knitted another pattern.

"Damn, Malfoy, huh?" George mumbled. "I heard Ron throwing a tantrum back at Hogwarts
saying that Malfoy cheated or something."

"Come to think of it, he did beat our Hermy. She's upset but she's been focused on calming Ron
down all morning."

Lee snickered, "It's as if Ron was the one who got his place taken and not Hermione by the sound
of your story telling."

"Psshhh, Ronniekins is smart in his own way." Fred said, "but there's no way he could outsmart
Malfoy academically."

"Maybe in chess." George continued, "Didn't you hear Hermy and Malfoy's scores? There was a
100 or so point gap with the Ravenclaw who was mentioned as third in their year."

"Poor kid, that Malfoy." Lee commented, a memory resurfacing. "I heard someone overhearing
Professor Snape telling Draco the grades his Father wanted him to meet."

"What hippogriff shit is that?" Fred asked, affronted. Even their parents didn't set any grade
requirement at all!

Lee shrugged, "I don't know. Some dismissed the story because of they said it was probably
Pureblood customs or something like that."

"There isn't." the twins chorused. Their Dad made sure to be clear about it.

"Then I guess Malfoy just has it rough this year." Lee said, finally finishing the scarf. "So, ready
for a prank meeting or do you want to gossip some more?"

"As if you didn't like gossip." Fred teased.

Fred and George looked at each other, a question in their eyes. They both felt queasy at the mention
of Lucius Malfoy's treatment to the Malfoy heir.

"Poor Malfoy. His situation is just like our Darling D." Fred whispered, unheard by Lee who was
rummaging his trunk for their prank book.

"Wish we could help the kid, like we wanted to help our Darling."

Both sat at a loss because how you extend some help you don't even know you can give?

"Alright. Cough up your ideas, men. I am ready."

Filing the Malfoy issue aside, Fred and George focused on the prank meeting.

They'll have to unpack that soon.


Come Christmas Morning, the twins really didn't expect much. There was a morning feast laid out
that Molly for sure started cooking even before the sun came up. When the twins trudged down the
stairs, Ginny was already scarfing down her meal for seconds. Their dad, Arthur Weasley, had
been tutting at the newspaper and Molly was already spreading cream on the Christmas Cake for

"Where is Bill?" Arthur asked, folding the newspaper for a minute to do a headcount.

"Inside one of the cursed vaults, dear. He's still awfully busy and his friend sent a letter saying Bill
will try to go home earlier." Molly finished decorating the cake, her wand sparking off several
sprinkles. "That reminds me, Charlie couldn't make it, dear. Some miniature dragons showed up
and he couldn't well bring them in here."
The twins heard Molly bustling in the kitchen once more. "Charlie was confident the little ones
will burn down the house."

"I bet Charlie is stuck training the little firecrackers." Arthur said, nodding solemnly.

"Now that's an idea." the twins said in unison. They grinned before taking their seats.

"Morning, Weasleys." they greeted, getting up to kiss Molly's cheeks when she passed by and sat
down again to pile breakfast on their plates. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, problem children." Molly said, patting their heads. "Help me pack some of the
treacle fudge for Harry and Ron later won't you? And no sneaking experiments in!"

The twins grumbled but nodded their consent.

"Mum, Percy has another package." Ginny nodded to a messenger owl outside the window. "Oh,
the owl looks familiar."

The twins looked outside and almost choked at the sight of " their" owl. They simultaneously
patted each other's back as Molly took the package from the owl, examining who it's from.

"Oh, Ginny. Don't be silly, this isn't for Percy. It's for the twins."

Hearing that, the twins scrambled up from their seats and nearly tripped in their haste to get to
Molly. It only took three strides but it was comical to see.

"Who is it from, Mum?" Fred reached out a hand to take the package but Molly slapped his hand

"Now, children. You know the rules. Breakfast before gifts!"

The twins looked at each other for confirmation and nodded before looking back at Molly and
pulling the most effective card in their arsenal: the puppy dog-eyed look.

Molly looked at her sons with disinterest and blinked.

"You do know that only worked one time when you were both seven."

"Ah, but it worked before, didnt it?" Fred asked lightly, hugging Molly on her left.
"We just wanted to see it, Mum!" George said, side hugging Molly on her right.

Arthur looked at the scene in front of him in amusement before Molly had enough and magicked
the package to the pile of Christmas presents by the tree. Fred and George pouted but obediently
walked back to the dining table to finish breakfast.

"Cheer up, lads. The day is only starting. You have plenty of time to look at your mystery
package." Arthur attempted to comfort the twins who just huffed.

"It's probably from Lee, anyway." Ginny commented, licking off the sauce on her fingers. "He still
hasn't sent his gift.

The twins remained silent for a moment. Lee had already given them his gift before they left
Hogwarts, of course it wouldn't be from him.

"Where is Percy, anyway? He is awfully late for breakfast." Molly lamented, getting up the table
and going up the stairs to check on him.

The twins remained silent though they couldn't hide the smirk off their faces as they took a bite of
their breakfast. Ginny's eyes narrowed at them in suspicion.

shrieked from upstairs.

The twins burst into laughter and giggles, Fred spraying water out of his mouth before he could
even laugh. Arthur sighed and muttered 'I knew it' under his breath. Ginny silently looked at her
plate of food and silently prayed to the Four Founders that her brothers hadn't done something to it
when she looked away.

"Christmas mornings ain't gonna be Christmas mornings without a holiday prank!" George

"Good job, brother." they butted their heads together.

Percy thudded down the stairs and gave the twins the best intimidating glare he could ever achieve
which would've been effective if it weren't for the Santa beard across his face.

"Fix these, you cretins. No matter how much I shave it wouldn't come off!" Percy yelled, throwing
Fred and George a bagel that was in front of him. "Mom couldn't even magick it off!"
The twins reflexively dodged but caught the bagel before it could land on the floor, split in it half
and passing their preferred jam to the other in a smooth motion Ginny looked slightly impressed.

"Gee, didn't you know Perce? That's the latest trend in the muggle world!"

"I will hex you so bad when we get back to Hogwarts." Percy vowed before rage piling his
breakfast and finally sat down.

"Oh and Perce!" George called,

"What!?" Percy's eyes narrowed at the twins whose twinkling eyes were filled with mischief.

"Ho ho ho." Fred laughed, George grinned. "Merry Christmas."

Percy waved a wordless tarantallegra at the twins feet when they got up to go to the living room
for presents. He hid his smirk as he drank his tea, the twins stumbling and cursing were music to
his ears.


Some time later when the presents were sorted out and the jumpers were immediately worn and the
yearly Christmas pictures were taken, the twins settled back in their tree house a hundred yards
away from the house. The tree house itself is where they held some experiments that could
potentially explode the house and is of course, their base of operations.

The tree was planted during their birth and grew alongside them. With a bit of magical fertilizer
and a fairy's blessing, the tree had grown magnificently larger and sturdier until it is abundant with
branches and leaves and is perfect to practice climbing. By the time they were ten, they had a
phase where they like to build stuff (one of the larger chicken coops were their creation and is so
far still holding up). When Molly saw them dismantling a desk to carve owl figurines, she shooed
them away and told them to build a house. Arthur had seen the twins look at the tree intently and
set about gathering supplies for a tree house before the tree itself would be torn down. Now, years
later, it is something the twins treasured having built (with a little help of magic,too).

There, they were secured. Arthur had even called in a friend of his to draw up protection runes
around the tree to prevent bugs or termites from attacking it while they were gone. Inside was a
small clean room, just enough space to move around and a bunch of stuff they left there and never
got the chance to bring back to the house.
And of course, a trunk full of their experiment notes. Another one filled with failed experiments
that even Molly had sworn not to touch when she had the urge to clean the tree house.

Fred settled on the ratty and fraying carpet and hummed as George set up the small table.

Arthur, bless him, warmed the tree house before the twins could even request. Molly had also
given them cookies to snack on as they have their twin time.

George gingerly placed the package on the small wooden table in front of them and nervously
fidgeted beside Fred. They looked at each other, the package then the other again.

"You do it." They said in unison

"Fine. I'll do it." they said in unison once more, simultaneously reaching towards the package.
They sighed.
"Let's just both do it."

They gently tore off the packaging and stared incredulously when it revealed another wrapper.
They grunted and tore that off nonetoogently. They let an "Oohhh" when they saw a note and the
wrapper finally revealed a box.
Fred plucked out the note and read it aloud

"Merry Christmas, Joker.

Here is something I know you wished for this Christmas. Just so you know, D doesnt know I sent
this. D had been hesitating to send you both a letter for months now, so I figured I'll send these
(and future letters if there would be any).

You're welcome.

Hopefully you'll send something back when we return to Hogwarts as a present to our D.

(That means you better.)

Continue making D happy, hurt him and you'll regret it.

D's Guardian Angel

P.S I pray you won't get a note from D's Guardian Demon. If you did, I hope you live."

"Well. We are now offiicially throwing Hufflepuff as D's potential House."

"Agreed. Though Puffs are protective I dont think they're this kind of protective." Fred grinned.
"With friends like these, we best be careful if our Darling really is in Slytherin."

"We'll never know what hit us until it hits."

The twins chuckled.
"Loyal and cunning."

"Our Darling has intelligent friends too."

"Yeah. I wonder how they'd got past our darling."

"They certainly wouldnt leave something for us around with watchers everywhere."

"Yeah. Those watchers are probably slimy gits anyway."

They finally figured out how to open the box gently and gaped when they saw the contents.

In it, was a whole stack of letters in D's handwriting addressed to Joker outside the envelope.

"Did i ever tell you this is the best christmas present ever that I've gotten this year?"

"No, but it is the best christmas present ever we've gotten this year."
The twins immediately snatched all the letters and rummaged through it, realizing that it is
chronologically arranged. They gingerly put it back where they found it not to mess with the
timeline, their hands giddily shaking while doing so.

"fuuuuu..ddge. I am so happy, brother." George announced, matching Fred's wide grin.

"I know, Foerge. Ugh, our darling never fails to make a day better."

They opened the first letter, then the next one and the next one until two hours had past and they're
done rereading everything. After going through a roller coaster of emotions, the twins stared out thr
window of their tree house for a few minutes, processing everything they'd read and thinking on
how to respond. They mumbled out excerpts from letters that couldn't get out of their minds and
just dazed at D's presence in their minds.

Before they could move another muscle, Molly banged the gong signalling for lunch.

As if waking up from a trance, no words were said when they looked at each other. They smiled,
silently agreeing to unpack everything else later and focus on the brighter side of things. They
raced through the house in good spirits, singing carols and witch sisters on top of their lungs due to
happiness and ate heartily at lunch that could rival ron's table manners and appetite if he were

Their day just got brighter when Ginny screamed because her ears grew elfish.

Hours later, after successfully pranking even their parents, the twins sat seriously inside their tree
house once again. The tree house where they were banished to,by the way, because Molly is not
amused at the antlers she couldn't get out of Arthur's head even with a finite incantatem.

In front of them was a table filled with school stuff. Their undone homeworks neatly stacked away
from the table. They held eye contact and nodded.


They arranged their Darling D's letter chronologically once more and placed it beside a stack of
blank parchment. They picked up their ink packets and dumped it in their inkwells, simultaneously
picking up their quills as well as dipping it together.

They stared at the blank piece of paper in determination, fire dancing in their eyes.

"Well then, brother." One prompted.

"Yes. Let us write."

Our Darling D,

Can I just say, we've missed you...


Ginny stared incredulously at the twins once they entered the house. Both their faces, arms and
fingers are covered in ink smudges that Molly had demanded to clean themselves up or no dinner
at all.
Ginny didnt think the twins minded, with how bright their eyes were and how joyful they looked,
you wouldve thought theyd created or thought of the best prank they'll ever do yet.

Ginny looked at her mountain of food nervously.

Chaos is in the making.


Ginny was absolutely right when the twins turned the conversation around at the topic of Sirius
Black. It even seemed that her twin brothers had orchestrated the whole conversation prior to this
topic solely on the purpose of this smooth transition.

They're even making valid points.

"But Dad, he might be innocent."

"You knew him, right?"

"He couldnt have acted for seven years, running around and joking around only to betray the man
he sees as a brother."

That's true, Mom said they were practically fraternal twins.

"They might even, at one point, be mistaken as twins with how close they were! You said so!"

Seeing their Dad stare at the twins midbite and started pondering, Percy rose an amused brow as he
watched the twins' attention switched to their Mum.

"Besides, Mum. You told us! Sirius Black sent you a bouquet of flowers when he found out you
didnt give a rats ass about purebreeding when you were teens."

Percy's amused brow furrowed as their Mum flushed red. Their dad just nodded in agreement
which meant it happened often.

"Yeah. You talked about the guy in the good light when we were kids."

"He's a gfyffindor, Ma! He is brave enough enough to be a secret keeper but that wouldve been
obvious! They might've switched it last minute without telling anyone."

"They didnt even give him a trial." The twins said in unison, a bitter tone twinged in their voices.

"How could that happen? Dad, you told us every one is given a trial but why didn't Black had

"and how could anyone possibly miss that for years?"

The twins let that information sink in and inwardly smiled. Ginny was getting convinced and they
saw that Percy is swayed the moment when they mentioned trials.

"What do you mean he wasnt given a trial?" Percy asked, irritation clear as he hissed: "That is

"See, even percy gets it!" the twins grinned.

The twins went on and on until Molly had enough and decided it's time for dessert.

"Enough, problem children." Molly insisted. " Black may have been sane then and he was a
sweetheart in your father and I's times but we do not know what happened for sure and the public is
afraid to know. He's been in Azkaban for years, he'll have surely picked up insane things in there."

"He doesnt even have a dark mark!" the twins yelled, pouting when the Weasley Matriarch's eyes
narrowed at them.

"Stop it this instance. We will talk about it at a later date when we question someone involved in

"Perhaps i'll ask around some of my friends in the ministry about it." Arthur said, "The Ministry
does keep the original case of Sirius Black."

"You will?" the twins brightened up, eyes sparkling.

"Then I suppose I'll ask about it to the other mothers when we get to ccooking together." Molly
said, tapping a finger on her cheek while thinking.

"You're the best!" The twins hollered, hugging their parents and simultaneously kissing Molly on
both her cheeks.

"What brought this on anyway?" Ginny asked, finally done eating and is cleaning her plate for

"We had a friend ask why Sirius Black was so scary when he didn't even do anything wrong."

"Probably the Black genes. They were nobles but a lot of them went insane."

"That's why there are tons of wanted poater about him, son." Arthur informed. "It runs in the Black
blood. Though i didnt think Sirius couldve gotten it but years in Azkaban wouldve damaged him
Percy had a calculating look and his hands were twitching as if it is itching to write down the

Ginny silently took a slice of her cake and asked, "They couldve just made him drink veritaserum
to know if he's the secret keeper anyway."

The twins grinned "That's what our friend said as well."

"Honestly, if you children realized it, then there must be something going on in the Ministry."
Arthur frowned. "Far more serious than I thought, pun not intended."

"I suppose so." Molly agreed. "Now how about the lot of us freshen up then huddle by the living
room so we can talk about family stuff now?"



The twins looked at each other in victory

phase one: succes!


There was a shrill scream.

Ginny looked up at her ceiling then shrugged, looking at the mirror to fix her hair.

She screamed.




Uncontrollable laughter bursted out somewhere in the house.

The troll groaned and banged.


The twins smiled fondly at the stacks of letters by their desks.

We'll send these to you soon, Our Darling!

Chapter End Notes

It is hard to write the Weasley fam for me, honestly. Hope I did well. It looked like an
extra long chapter on my phone which I am happy for because of you guys.

Thank you for the 500! *screams internally*. Dear Salazar, I never thought hundreds
of people would notice this story. Also the bookmarks asdfghjkl, thank you. The hits
5000+ (i think a thousand of it is mine though lol) and of course the comments!
Letting me know I have actual readers haha! Thank you for the love, darling readers!

I will be updating when I am three chapters ahead, because if you didn't notice we're
on a turning point! See you and keep safe!
Within 48 hours
Chapter Summary

Different perspectives in one chapter

Chapter Notes

I'M BACK!! I know I said I'll update when I'm three chapters ahead but my phone was
liek 'NO' and decided to malfunction. It took me ten tries just to update this one
chapter and of course posting it had been a challenge as well. With that said, this is
hands down the longest chapter for me (it isn't but the time rendered tho is really long,
like days long).

Golden Trio enters the story officially! Shout out to my darling reader who asked
about them (and me replying 'we'll get there' but then I checked the drafts and laughed
myself silly when I saw the Golden Trio POVs already typed up). The timeline in this
chapter is a little fcked up, but it's actually just the first and second day with the
timeline going back and forth for different POVs and time.

Hope you won't get confused. Enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The day after the students returned to Hogwarts, Blaise had taken to walking around the fields.
Draco had wanted to accompany him but the bitter cold of the weather worsened so the blond
begrudgingly let Blaise alone. Pansy, the ever loving and supportive friend that she is, settled on
giving Draco extra training after classes to improve his stamina. Draco, innocent to what will
happen and bored out of his mind, agreed.

Thank Salazar for Pansy, Blaise thought. I knew it was a good idea telling her my plan.


(4AM in the morning, last day before Christmas Vacation started)

"Pans, I'm going to send the letters Draco's been writing for JoKer. Some of them anyway, there is
a lot." Blaise waved a hand and a swirl of letters formed like a whirlwind before settling inside the
box again.

"Nice idea, B." Pansy nodded approvingly. "It was almost time for an intervention,anyway. Dray's
been pining for months."

"I know. So when we arrive back in Hogwarts, I need you to distract Draco for me." Blaise said.
"There is absolutely no way that this Joker guy miss a chiance to write back to their Darling D"
"Okay, Dray wont be able to send his replies. So its going to be my turn to send the letters to Joker
after you." Pansy declared, no room for objections.

Blaise let out a chuckle, "Oh, boy. Let's just hope that you don't scare them off."

"If they can't handle me, they're not worthy of Draco at all." Pansy huffed.

"True, now how about our names? I mean, they got one. We couldn't possibly send the letters
without one." Blaise hummed, before an imaginary lightbulb lit up above his head. "How about D's
Guardian Angel and Demon?"

"Shouldn't it be Devil? Also, isn't that too muggle?"

"There is no evil bone in you at all and you can't spell devil without evil. Demon though, that's you.
It's synonymous to your name and everything." Blaise shrugged and dodged the pillow Pansy
chucked at him. " I'm kidding, Pans. Chill. The muggle thing though, all the more reason to use it.
They'll think we're muggles and never get a hint from who we are."

Pansy groaned. "Remind me not to make you plan early in the morning ever again."

Draco stirred in between them, still in rare deep sleep. Pansy smiled fondly and stroked the
blonde's hair slowly. "I do hope that Joker writes."

"Believe me, they'll send it as soon as they can." Blaise declared, tucking the three of them
comfortably back on the blankets. "Now let's get some sleep before this morning grouch wakes up."


Sure enough, Blaise was right and Joker did send their letters as soon as they can, the familiar
H.owl flying towards him was proof enough. It found him when he was walking around the Black
lake where the Giant Squid could barely be seen swirling around underneath the ice (By the
darkness by the floor to ceiling window view in the Slytherin common room, the Giant Squid is
squirting ink out of boredom every three hours as timed by some higher years who were
procrastinating.) Blaise fed the owl premium owl treats he prepared beforehand and thanked it. The
owl nipped Blaise's finger before it took flight.

The Slytherin Casanova weighed the package with his hand and let out a noise of amusement at the

It seems Draco wouldn't be studying anymore than what is required today and I doubt he'll sleep
later. Blaise snickered, tucking the package under his arm. Ah, young love.

He trudged back towards Hogwarts and welcomed its warmth. He dried his damp clothes and
tidied up his appearance with a wave of his hand before merrily making his way to his dormitories,
warming charms immediately encasing him when he went down the twisting hallways. Several
students, different Houses and years, steered clear of the smirking Slytherin, aware that it could
mean lots of things- things they don't really want to get involved with. Once Blaise reached the
Slytherin common rooms, he winked to some curious second years before going up his dorm room,
he ignored the swooning behind him. Seeing Draco's drawn curtains, he lifted it up successfully
and smiled slightly as the wards let him do so. He gently placed the package on top of Draco's
pillow, left a note that started stitching concealing runes once it was placed above the package and
spelled the curtains shut once more. Subtle rune linings reactivated signalling Draco's wards
coming back and integrating itself in the curtain's design once more.

Job considered well and done, Blaise stretched and made his way out of his dormitory. He had to
save Draco from Pansy's torture before the blond collapses, after all.

Goyle curiously watched Blaise, eyes narrowing suspiciously. He gripped Draco's curtain to pull it
open, but the wards kicked in and he was blasted away from Draco's bed. He groaned as he sat up
though one look at his hand had him screaming. Boils and blisters were continuously appearing.
Nott let out a long suffering sigh and dragged the big lug off to Madame Pomfrey's. Crabbe poked
Draco's curtains suspiciously and instantly screamed, going after Nott and Goyle because burns
started to appear on his hands.


Draco was definitely not pouting at Pansy during the walk back to the Slytherin common room.

"Dray, seriously. It wasn't that hard." Pansy frowned, poking Draco's cheek. Draco scoffed.

"I'll have you know, Pans, that I am not as flexible as you." he gripped Blaise's arm to gain his
attention. "Did you know, B? She had me stretch so much, my joints are all misplaced. Her routine
is as if you're being put in a room full of hexes."

Blaise chuckled, patting his back. "Come off it, Dray. You're plenty flexible if you got to do it. I
saw you do the last rep and I honestly think you can do it."

"Yeah. And we only ran around the course for half an hour." Pansy shot back.

"After jogging for an hour!" Draco pointed out, glaring.

"Do you just sit pretty inside the Manor nowadays? What's got you so rusty all of a sudden?" Pansy
asked. "When we were kids, you and B could practically keep up with me."

"No offense, Pans. But I am not flexible as you and Draco. I have different training and I am
certain that course came from Merlin's torture chamber."

"Fencing and dueling does not require me bending my body in half." Draco hissed.

"Gosh, my friends are total pansies. Who would've thought." Pansy lamented, staring
disappointingly at her two best friends who gasped, offended.

"Shut it, woman." the two boys said in unison, almost hissing.

"Bite me, you pansies~" Pansy grinned in victory as Draco and Blaise glared at her.
*Cue chasing*


First day in and Ron and Hermione are already at each other's throats, screaming about something
pet related and respectively cuddling their pets close.

Harry sighed as the others watched his two best friends fight like an old married couple. At least
Hedwig listens to me.

"I oughtta make them trip over each other and accidentally make them kiss." He mumbled to
himself, fiddling with the Marauder's Map. "But then again that would be gross."

Harry plopped on his bed, swinging the curtains shut. He sighed at the welcome silence and
unfolded the best gift yet that he got from the Weasley twins, whispering the incantation and
watched as ink danced about pinpointing his location. He's always amazed of what the map shows,
from the witty remarks of the map makers when he stumbled through a word till he closes the map
because mischief has been managed. He felt the familiar flow of untraceable magic in the paper
and wondered why he always felt nostalgic about it.

"Show me Sirius Black." he muttered, eyes automatically scanning the paper but it didn't react. It
can't be too silly, worrying when Sirius Black would attack again.

Harry frowned when nothing happened. Well, at least Sirius Black isn't in Hogwarts at the

"Show me Severus Snape." he murmured, lips halfway in a frown and a pout. Why Snape? Well,
just because he can. The map shifted and he only caught a glimpse of a name right before the map
focused on Snape.

"Who is Pad...?" Harry furrowed his brows before grimacing at the map when it zoomed in on
Snape's name. Harry's eyes widened upon seeing multiple names show up beside Snape's. "Oh
Godric, what are they up to now?"


After half an hour of chasing Pansy around Hogwarts and Pansy cackling in delight for successfully
making them work out once more, they were returned to the Slytherin dorms when Draco literally
bumped into Snape. The angelic smile the blonde directed at the Potions Professor was not enough
for them to get out of trouble and they were immediately marched to the common rooms.

"You three are not in any of the Manors, so I request you keep your shenanigans in place. It is
unbecoming and shameful when your training is all for naught." Severus said, wandlessly fixing
their windswept appearances. "And I advise not to run inside Hogwarts hallway or rooms not
acquainted in your training unless you want a severe punishment from me."

"Sorry, Uncle Sev." Draco murmured, instantly flinching at his slip up. "I mean, Professor Snape."

Severus tutted, a frown almost permanent in his facial expression. "It seems the three of you are
still in vacation mode. Then, as your Head of House, I will be the one to wake you up from it.
Detention tomorrow at my quarters."

Severus couldn't help but feel a little bit exasperated at the immediate paling complexion of the
trio. Clearly, their 'masks' are still in their trunks.

"Please don't tell my parents." the three said in unison. Draco had already started staring at a
sleeping painting mouthing a plethora of punishments and Pansy had already tensed up as if she's
going to fight again. Blaise however, stood still but Severus can tell he's calculating the risks of re-
opening his healing wounds.

"Clearly, they'll have your heads when I say that you got detention the first week. Though may I
say, that would've been a record." Snape said, smirking. His sarcastic tone was enough for his
godson to cringe. "If you all did well tomorrow, rest assured that I would not tell. Mr. Malfoy, I
suggest you take off the wards in your curtains when Prefects check in. Now, off you go."

Severus watched as the trio speed-walked inside, looking at him occasionally like they're cute little
angels except Severus knew well enough that they're devil spawn when in mischief mode. He
sighed, almost fondly, Dear Salazar I must be going soft.


Draco had the habit of doing what needs to be done first before anything else follows. So after
separating with Pansy and going up to his room with Blaise, he immediately did some of his
homework, arranged his desk meticulously, freshened and washed up and came out of the
bathroom ready for bed. Fortunately, he dismantled his wards the moment a Prefect went in to
investigate Crabbe and Goyle's whining complaint. Upon seeing that there really wasn't any wards
or malicious spells, the Prefect fell for one of Draco's smiles and flowery words then left after
telling them it's nearly curfew. Once the Prefect's gone, the wards stitched itself back once more.

Draco concluded today as a good and productive day, at least for himself. He bid the others good
night, sighing hopelessly as Nott and the others were still drowning in homework (Nevermind the
fact they just got out of the Hospital Wing and Nott was glaring at Draco for the inconvenience that
befallen on him--not that Draco cared). Blaise, lounging comfortably in his bed and freshened up as
well bid him a smirk and a goodnight. Draco was suddenly awake, his drowsiness seeping away
when he saw the increasingly-becoming-trademark devious smirk. That just meant Blaise had done
something and he hadn't noticed.

Whatever it is, hopefully it's not for me. Draco's eyes narrowed at him in suspicion before going
inside the curtain and flopping ungracefully on his bed. He winced as his head hit something hard
and was totally not the headboard and more importantly not his goose feather filled pillow.

"Ow..." Draco groaned, rubbing his head. His hands came in contact with paper and he let out a
sound of confusion.

Sitting up, begrudgingly at that, he stared curiously at the haphazardly wrapped package someone
left on his bed. It wasn't there when the Prefect checked his bed but since it was protected by wards
as well, Draco concluded his best friends did it. (Draco, Pansy and Blaise had been writing wards
since they were nine, efficiently taught by Severus Snape. So far, only the three of them know how
among Slytherin third years) Seeing a note that was probably the trigger fluttering down his
blanket, Draco plucked it out.


Another Christmas Present we know you'll love.



Draco smiled at the note, cuddling the package close. It does thrum with Blaise's magical signature
and an undertone of something else. It must be different from any gifts he's ever gotten from his
friends. He held his breath and opened it. A box settled inside the numerous paper packaging and
he let out a curious him as he started opening it.

Inside were two stacks of letters.

He froze. Letters?

Heart thumping wildly in his chest, he unraveled the paper and strings, hands desperately taking
one envelope off the pile and upturning it. He gasped.

Our Darling D
It's from JoKer.

He let out a disbelieving noise before he opened one letter, eyes unbelieving as he read and reread.
His hands were shaky at best, disbelief and and a rush of endorphins rushing through his veins. He
breathed deeply and felt the untraceable magical signature. Sure enough, the feeling of it is the
same as the previous letters he received from his JoKer.

The handwriting.

The subtle smell of ginger tea.

The content of the letter itself.

"It really is from them..." Draco muttered, he couldn't help but let his eyes be teary. "Oh, dear
Salazar. How could this be--"

Draco ripped the curtains open, closed it back up as a split second afterthought before clutching
Blaise's curtains open and proceeded on jumping on Blaise. Blaise laughed as he caught the
overjoyed blond saying "Thank you" over and over again as he wandlessly closed his curtains once

"I have half-convinced myself that if you did jump me, I wouldn't let you get back there because
you won't get any sleep at all." seeing Draco's bright teary eyes and the rare joyous smile he had on
his face though, held him back. "but I guess you'll be fidgety so don't stay up too late reading all
their letters. I'll tell you all about if but you can focus on reading first."

"Thank you, B. You're the best." Draco kissed his cheek. "And stop nagging like Mother."

"Go on and be done with it, you git." Blaise laughed, nudging Draco.

"Do you think Pansy would throw a hissy fit if I tackle her tomorrow?"

"We'll see."

Draco grinned. "Joker wrote to me lots."

"Yeah, I know." Blaise patted the blonde's head, poking his forehead in a silent way to tell him 'go'.
As Draco went back to his own bed, his magic mirrored his excitement and accidentally conjured
glow in the dark stars on Blaise's curtains. Blaise snorted at his curtain's new design and settled
back comfortably in his covers again and opened his book once more.

"Now, I wonder if he'll realize the other stack is a reply to his own letters." Blaise snickered at the
glow in the dark stars in amusement.


The morning after they got back to Hovwarts, the twins raced to the Owlery and sent a package to
"D's Guardian Angel, whoever they may be". It seemed the Owl knew who it was and set off
immediately. Seeing as there is no other parcel to deliver, the twins concluded their particular
H.owl was bored. In the end, it's a good thing because that meant their package is sent off

After that, they went to the Gryffindor common room and effectively blocked Hermione from
exiting and going to the library, no doubt with how many muggle notebooks she's carrying.


"No." Hermione deadpanned, doing a u-turn and making herself comfortable in a nearby couch.
The notebooks floated around closely, landing on the table in an orderly fashion.

The twins dismissed her dismissal, getting comfortable across her on the carpeted floor. They
looked at her expectantly and Hermione sighed.

"I am not checking your inventions or pranks and I am not your willing test subject. If it is about
those two, leave. If this is also about Ron and Scabbers so help me Merlin, I will seethe." Seeing
the twins shake their heads and grinning, Hermione gave up. "Fine. What is it?"

"Can you create like, a hundred copies of this or something?" Fred asked, handing a small stack of
papers that Hermione cautiously checked with her wand if it is harmless before taking it off of
Troublemaker #1. The twins rolled their eyes at her, though was used to her doing it because she
does it every single time. "We can't find the perfect copying spell for it." Read: We do but /shrug.

"What is it, anyway?" Hermione asked, accepting the file once she deemed it harmless.
"Something we saw in a library." George said, shrugging.

Hermione's eyes widened, fingers rubbing the official seal. "Which library, troublemakers? This is
a Ministry approved case report!"

"Oh! Then the Ministry library." The twins said, accompanied by another shrug. George yawned.

"Right, right. The GEMINI Library is open for reports and such, y'know." Fred quipped.

Hermione stared af the twins in confusion. "Gemini?"

The twins stared back. "Yeah. The Ministry has 12 libraries inside. Some guy named Arthur, not
dad but maybe during Merlin's time, he was a bookworm like you, 'Mione."

"So then since it's twelve they appointed it as Zodiac. So the libraries were named after the
constellations instead since stars knows all and such. Nine of those are for Ministry personnel only.
Dad said The Unspeakables owns three, others are for general ministry personnel and some are for
the Aurors only."

"Then GEMINI is one of the three open for the Wizarding folk. It stands for General Ministry
Nickel Library."

"Why nickel?" Hermione asked, eyes bright and hand twitching for a pen or quill.

"Nickel.. Oh, because back then you trade Nickel to get inside. Now, you just have to pay for
entrance and such. You can legally copy one document for 5 sickles since GEMINI is mainly for
references." Fred shrugged. "Didn't Professor Sinistra tell you all these during Astronomy? She
sneaks this info in her quizzes."

"Dad says it's holy ground for researches."

"Of course it is!" Hermione exclaimed, eyes brightening. "Do you think I can go to the three
Ministry Libraries open for Wizarding Folk?"

"Sure. You're a Hogwarts student. You get a discount. 2 sickles and a knut instead of the 10 sickles
entrance fee."

"FOR REAL? Why didn't ANY of you tell me this during first year!?" Hermione asked, annoyed at
the lost opportunity.

Fred and George shot her a look. "Really, Hermy. You're surrounded by people not interested in
books. Do you remember Harry and Ron inside the Florish and Botts? You want them inside a
Ministry Library?"

"They'll never get out there alive the way they drool on books because they fell asleep waiting for

Hermione huffed, "We are so going when we get to Diagon Alley."

"Fine. We'll come with you. Madam Pince even knows this information, you know. It's a wonder
no one told you yet." the twins said in unison. George tapped the report. "So, the copy?"

"Oh. I'll read it first." Hermione frowned. "I have to see if you boys are up to no good."

"Fine. We'll leave it with you for a night." Fred grudgingly said, getting up with George.

"Hermy, you should know we're almost up to no good." George snickered, striding away with Fred
to their dorms.

Hermione sighed at the twins' antics and flipped to the second page. She froze, eyes wide at the

Case report #DY390



JoKer was replying to his letters.

Letters he did not send, by the way.

When realization caught up to Draco, he threw an exasperated glance at the general vicinity of
Blaise's bed.

Meddling brother and sister, that's what Pansy and Blaise are. Draco smiled fondly. Supportive
but annoying.

He settled down the bed and started reading once he saw it was chronologically arranged.

Soon, he was surrounded by open letters than his blanket and hours passed without his notice,
Draco fell asleep re-reading them.


Ron was occupied on shushing Scabbers who kept squeaking and panicking at the sight of

The cat meowed something, swaying its tail and stared unnervingly at Scabbers.

Scabbers started shaking but Crookshanks kept staring.


"Shoo!" Ron hissed. "Get away now!"


The cat appeared to be smug, letting out another loud meow that Scabbers froze and the rat
watched, ice cold fear thrumming in the its veins, as the cat went out the room.

Hey, rat.

He says he's 'it'.

He's coming.

Ron grumbled as he closed the door, grimacing when he saw Scabbers shaking from head to toe,
squeaking pitifully as it buried itself under Ron's pillow. He sighed as he himself settled down
while thinking:

Poor Scabbers.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for the 550 plus Kudos!!! Also the bookmarks and OMG the comments!!! I
am so happy that my story has been getting the love it needed and deserved. Thank
you for being here with me, darling readers! I am still experimenting with my writing
and I am wholeheartedly amazed that you love it. I'll be fixing past chapters when I
get the chance to. Until the next chapter! (heads up, it'll take longer this time. I have to
get my phone fixed, my laptop is long gone :( .)

Stay safe, be careful, make hand washing a habit and observe proper social distancing!
Sending virtual hugs to everyone!
Replies from a Letter of Yesterdays
Chapter Summary

JoKer's replies to Our Darling D's Letters.

Chapter Notes

Days have passed and I recently just realized that I haven't posted my story update yet.
I hadn't had the chance to edit it or type up the next chapter but in a few days, I might
have the time to! I was flitting around other fandoms and was inspired a lot but I'm too
lazy to type it up /lol/. Hope everyone's been well and I hope you enjoy this update!

Same thing goes!

Fred- aka Jo, Bold, calls Draco 'darling'
George- aka Ker, normal, calls Draco 'Darling'

See the end of the chapter for more notes


Classes has been a joy to be in, there are so many interesting things to know! I know, such a
Ravenclaw thing to say, but still!

A competent teacher in DADA, too! Imagine that. I never liked the past professors, my tutor
loathed Lockhart with a passion and prohibited me from opening any of his books or listening to
any Lockhart achievements. I guess the only thing he's great at was memory charms and that
backfired on him, how ironic. My father was forced to read one of Lockhart’s books and he didn’t
punish me for my grades in his subject, all because I showed him what our assignments should be.
My mother scoffed and spread it to other mothers, which means Lockhart’s reputation is gone
along with his memory. It would do him some good, I think.

I quite enjoy Professor McGonagall's teachings, too. She gives out points indiscriminately and even
though the Head of House in Gryffindor, she sees us as students first then from which House we
are (although I noticed it's not like that during Quidditch). Professor Flitwick is very intelligent as
well, I would like to duel with him sometime but I'm not yet good at it so maybe in a few years,
perhaps you’d like to help me think up some tactics?

Which classes are you most excited for this year, JoKer?

Are you having fun?

How are both of you, I wonder.



Our Darling D,

We waited for months for your letters and we are very glad to receive some.

I wanted to write off Ravenclaw as your House, darling, but you are hella smart so I won't. I
see you've been enjoying your classes this year. That's good!


That's slang for he's amazing, by the way. He is so good and has not fallen into any of our pranks.
He's like a master of evading them. We were pranked by Peeves after one attempt and we still
think Professor convinced the poltergeist to do it. We are proud to say, Darling, that we have not
once fallen asleep to any of Professor Lupin's classes. Simply because he's scary about it. He did
something to this classmates of ours who fell asleep and he is now the most alert in class.

Lockhart SUCKS!

You know, it was such a terrible thing our mom had been fascinated by that vain tool. We
had to use mufflers so we wouldn't hear any his excerpts. It was awful but then we met you
shortly after that so we just whispered and talked about you to drown her out when she's in
her fan-woman moments. We haven't told you but we received an O grade with Lockhart,
accidentally. We answered a multiple choice test and winged it, came back with high grade.
We owled that quiz to Mom. She has it framed somewhere. After the news broke out he was a
fraud, Mom was distraught. (Probably because we would never live it down the times she spoke
poetry of him)

Maybe you haven't seen Professor McGonagall or Professor Flitwick get angry, you are younger
than us, after all. Give it a few years, Darling. She's scary. Though, badass is a synonym to her
name around here. In muggle term according to our friend, badass is someone you refer to who is
amazingly talented at something. Professor Flitwick, now when he flicks his wand in some
motion you cannot even understand, you run or you hide under the table because badass is a
synonym to his name here according to our neighbors. He's a force to be reckoned, one said.
We had our doubts because he fell for one of our pranks spectacularly BUT we are alert and
we are vigilant and hopefully the Professor won't prank us back.

We, for one, are excited for Potions. Just to see the suffering look Professor gives us when he gives
us an A or T. There is no in between. Did you know we accidentally created an entirely
different EFFECTIVE potion than the one we had to brew? He had to give us detention about
it. We're consulting Professor Lupin about it because we're doing our best to woo him (so he could
get in on our future pranks, that would be cool).

We are doing absolutely fine, with Sirius Black on the loose we are also on the lookout!
Always stay safe!

Here for you, Darling!

Never gonna leave you, darling!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey



I'm free from two incompetent watchers! Isn't that good news?! I am so glad they were fired,
they're a waste of galleons. How could they be so obvious about it and harassing me. They did an
invasion of my privacy and even had the gall to corner me and threaten me. I sent the memories
with the help of Professors and they were severely punished accordingly, which serves them right.

I know, I know. You want to prank them. Giving their names up, you'd know who I am .

I'm not ready for that yet, I'm sorry.

I was going to write 'goodluck with your studies' but I guess you're both procrastinating again.
Study, please.



Our darling D,

Now that is a good news we hope to hear a lot. I mean, how does one apply to be a Watcher? I
certainly will volunteer if it's you. Your Father would never hear the end of our praises once we get
started on how talented you are. I think he needs to be reminded about it, darling. Can you tell us if
a spot is open? We could take hugs for payment. We'll even hug you for free.

You do know that we are pranksters, darling. Why tells us stories about gits we would've
wanted to be our test subjects? Yeah, Darling. Are you just telling a story or is it just a matter
of time before you tell us their names because we are in need of some... Samplers. We'll wait
for you until you're ready to reveal some information about you. We certainly weren't hiding
anything about us but if you're curious, just ask away.

You know us so well with the studying stuff, writing to you is better than writing essays, you

Jo sweetheart and Ker Honey



I forgot but a month ago, we had this subject. I know both of you are older so please tell me you’ve
had had Care of Magical Creatures or I don’t know, still taking it. Hagrid, the gatekeeper of
Hogwarts (as I assume you both know since you’re part of his Rooster Protection Squad) is
surprisingly the new teacher.

A hippogriff was our first subject, merlin, how shocking was that to see such a magnificent
creature in front of you? If I hadn’t encountered one before, I’d have approached it rudely and end
up having scratches.

I am so happy to tell you that it approached me willingly! How’s that for first subject adventures?



Our Darling D,

We do know Hagrid and yes, we're still part of the Rooster Protection Squad. I am happy to tell
you that the roosters had formed a bond with us. All the pecking and the shrill cock-a-doodle-
doos they make drives us wee bit off when they do it at very timely intervals. I think, by this
point, Hagrid thinks we're missing taking care of Mum's chickens and he thinks we're sweet. Can
you re-read that, Darling? We're sweet.

If motivated, Hagrid is a great teacher. He knows so much about creatures,especially the deadly
ones. He has lots if friends in the forbidden forest, too.

We met the hippogriff! Name's buckbeak, I think. It seems Hagrid introduced Buckbeak to
every year that he handles from third to sixth years. Speaking of doing something rudely, We
are glad you didn't do it, darling. There was a floating rumor of Buckbeak scratching a Fourth
year Slytherin when it disrespected him and was sent off to Madam Pomfrey's! It would suck to
hear you've been trampled on by Buckbeak.

I got to ride him. He's amazing, that one. He tried to make me crash by the lake but years of
being on a broom, I know how to hold on tight. I reckon he's acknowledged I can ride him, he
nudged me when I got off after all.

Well, I got to feed him. He is amazing, amazingly greedy for food. Hagrid had us stay for a while
because Buckbeak wanted to play and the rest were too afraid to get past curtsying.
For first subject adventures, I daresay Potions was a blast!



Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

P.s Off to detention, darling!



Did I ever mention in any of our letters that could offend Professor Snape directly? Did I write a
story about him set in an unflattering light?

If you do remember me doing so, please kindly remind me because I do not think I deserve this

I may be great at Potions but doing something repeatedly because he told me I made a mistake
(which I didn ’ t, I checked the recipe multiple times, I tell you) is infuriating.

I cannot disclose any information on what I will be making, or rather, on what I am currently
making but it is fascinating and quite wonderful to look at but the reason...

Who will drink it?

I am ever so curious

Although, I do have an inkling on who the potion is for.

Let's do hope I'm right.


Our darling D,

Oddly enough, you haven’t even told us you hate Professor Snape. Almost every student does
because of his unfair scoring system and biased point giving. Also, because his words can cut
sharper than our Potions knife. Although you do seem to spend time with him awfully often.
Don’t tell us, darling, you’ve been in detentions all this time?! What did you even do?
Highlighting the injustice, well his recipe on the board and in the book differs very much so maybe
that’s why. We’ve long concluded you’re amazing at Potions, darling. And we’re guessing you
pore into details and might miss some small changes not covered in the book but is in the board.

Potions is kinda like Arithmancy, y’know. You can get the same result if done in a different
formula. That’s what we think because we aren’t taking Arithmancy at all. We see our friend
solve those problems and they show us two different ways to solve it. That’s a different kind
of magic, I tell you. Bloody mentally draining magic.

A potion you drink and you can’t disclose what it is… darling, please tell us if you’re brewing

If so, can we have some?


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

P.S Who drinks the Amortentia? We volunteer.

P.P.S If it’s Felix Felicis, we volunteer too!

P.P.P.S It it’s Polyjuice, we have a strand of Professor Snape’s hair



I know, I know. Me writing to both of you must come to an end. For now, it's become an
unbearable habit of me to update you on what I am doing. I am curious about your well-being as
well, playing pranks all year certainly is not healthy. I met a dog recently, by the way. I have an
inkling as to who it belongs. I don't believe it's a stray with how smart they really are.

I am currently writing to both you in the dead of the night so I could calm down.

I supposed you already knew but Sirius Black attacked Hogwarts.

A lot of students didn't know how he impenetrated Hogwarts defenses. A lot in my House are
scared. Other Houses, as well. It must've been a shock to everyone when we all slept in the Great
hall. Did you get enough sleep that night? I didn't. No amount of cushioning charms and warming
char m s could stave off the coldness of the magical signatures around me that night due to fear.
Someone had to slip me some Dreamless Sleep but it was a restless sleep. How about you that
night? Did you stay together? I do hope so.

Anyway, back to the topic. I know how Sirius Black got in. He was a Gryffindor once, an
adventurous spirit roaming these very hallways. Having ridiculous amounts of courage and
bravery must've unlocked hidden pathways of Hogwarts that not a lot of people knew during his
days and he still knows it.

Appar e ntly, Filch has been muttering about it for days now. Even he didn't know some
passageways. Hogwarts is a magical castle created by the Four Founders and they didn't even
specified a lot of rooms because it is up to the current Headmaster to appoint what will happen in
the rooms. I read about in Hogwarts: A History. It was fascinating how there are still rooms
unused and rooms that could be made! So as I was rereading it, I realized Black must've known
this and roamed all over the castle and he knows each and every secret passageway. That must be

Also, I am here to write that Sirius Black is innocent. For me. I know you may not believe me,
JoKer. But I am serious about this. No pun intended.

There was so much that happened in the war and that day, being the day they vanquished You-
Know-Who, for all I know they kept the case as witness reported and strutted off to celebrate,
continued pitying the guy who had lost his everything and deeming him a murderer. Perhaps those
who handled his case were a bunch of incompetent fools that swept off his case like dust under an
old carpet.

After all, after a bunch of investigating (without reading unreliable sources), I found out he never
even had a trial. Even a veritaserum wasn't induced. That was highly stupid of the Wizengamot,
isn't it?

I hope I'll get the courage to send the letters to you, JoKer.

I miss you both.



Our Darling D,

A long letter! How rare.. and touching. Now first things first, where was the dog located? Because
we haven’t seen any dog around Hogwarts ever since we started here and we’re looking to pet it.
We have nothing against owls, toads or cats but dogs usually eats your homework and we are so
sad we couldn’t use it as an excuse. If it’s a stray, can we keep it or something, the Professors will
have a field day when we make it run through the Hogwarts hallways, terrorize a few portraits. Oh
and we are totally fine, we’ve designed a few pranks with you in mind since you’re an
absolutely witty person and your mind is a gold mine of ideas. We don’t really mind that you
write to us, darling. In fact, send all of your letters to us! We don’t mind, we wrote to you lots
as well! We’ll send it soon enough.

Ah yes, the big sleepover in the Great Hall. We’ll have you know, Darling, that it isn’t the first
time that Hogwarts students had a big sleepover in the Great Hall, there was this prank in our
second year that didn’t end well. Oops. You must be one of the students Madam Pomfrey fussed
about, she fed hundreds of students Dreamless Sleep. We even had to do warming charms for the
younger people in our House because we’re quite good at it.

Going back to Sirius Black, we are unsurprised you want him to be the topic but we are
surprised you see him as innocent. It seems you haven’t heard the rumors of what he’d done
as much as we had. You wrote so convincingly I’m doubting even what my parents said to
him, that Black went insane in Azkaban. You’re right about him being an adventurous
Gryffindor, we know some adventurous Gryffindors ourselves. Quite close to them, in fact.
Secret passageways in Hogwarts, huh? Very fishy and very sneaky! We might have to look for it
and stand guard. You’re right about that night, darling. What you said got us thinking. It
really is common in wizard folk to hurry up the clean up just to get up and celebrate. That
night must’ve had a lot of people smashed enough to distort the truth OR was too impatient
and just decided to let Sirius Black rot in Azkaban.

It has been a long time since the Wizangemot people is full of rubbish even until now. Don’t get us
started on them.

We missed you lots, darling!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey



I just landed on such a big secret. It's been an itch that I cannot scratch for a while now but it is
now finished.

Done. Negotiated. Discussed!

Finally, I can sleep in peace.

Good night.


Our Darling D,

Darling, you do know that if you send us an obscure, out of context, letter we are filled with
hundreds of questions and only you can answer? And you’re an absolute tease about it
withholding information so we are forever curious.

What was the secret? Who did you negotiated with? What kind of discussion? Are you doing
something illegal/against the rules and why weren’t we invited? Did you threaten someone?
Did someone just gave in because you were too persistent? Did you do okay? How can we
help? How many days did you not sleep peacefully for this? How many days did you stew over
this particular topic? Is the discussion really important? You do know that you have to take care
of yourself and not negotiate too much, right? What kind of itch were you talking about?
Probably an educational itch but what kind? Yeah, was it the I-can’t-sleep-until-I-finish-this-
book itch or the I-won’t-sleep-until-I-found-out-what-happened kind? We made those up but our
friend is a bookworm and we’re certain they’re losing sleep because of it. What was the final

darling, do you remember your letter saying ‘finally, I can sleep in peace’? We’d hope you
wake up and explain.

We’re too curious to sleep.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey



It would be quite embarrassing on my part but I felt it necessary to ask for your assistance.

As I told you the previous letter, I believe that Sirius Black is indeed innocent. Attached is a copy of
a transcript from the Ministry records on what happened during Halloween, the day Potter
vanquished You-know-who. It is clearly stated that Black was sent straight into Azkaban without a

Where is the justice?

I cannot stand by and let this case go cold once more.

I need both of your help to sp r ead this transcript around Hogwarts. I want to know the truth about
what happened on Sirius Black's sentence.

Please help me.

I am forever grateful if you did.


Our Darling D,

You are a very sneaky person. This document is certainly not found in GEMINI Library since
Sirius Black’s case was deemed as case sensitive report but it is amazing that there is a GEMINI
logo in front of the transcriptions. Please don’t tell us this is what the negotiations your
previous letter talked about. How did you get a LEO-certified copy of Sirius Black’s report
(That are for Auror’s eyes only! ) get turned into a GEMINI-certified copy??

It’s alright if we don’t know but let me just say we are proud of your sneaky ways,
darling. You are so full of surprises as always.

Don’t worry about it, we’ll spread it anonymously across Hogwarts and of course, let the students
spread it to their homes.

We look forward to the chaos it will bring.

On the bright side, the Ministry people resting their foot on their tables and gossiping has
much to do.

We’re such good people.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey


It's nearing Christmas soon, how are both of you? The snow is falling relentlessly and the cold is
unforgiving. I'm quite blessed the common rooms are so warm, the classrooms too. The hallways
though? My chocolate stock depleted because of the energy I have to use in order to maintain
warming charms from head to toe all day.

Can you make me a portable sun? In return, I'll make you a portable rain, I'm quite skilled at
water spells.

If I send a letter... Will you write back?..

I'll understand if you don't want to. It's okay, too.

You both were hurt about me abruptly ending our friendship and I apologize for that.



Our darling D,

We are always fine, sticking together through sickness and in health. Did we tell you it’s been
years since we’ve been sick and the last one’s because of Dragon pox. We’re more concerned
about you since you are obviously very attuned to the weather. Did you receive the chocolate
fudge in your package? We included the fudge balls you liked and some sugar quills to keep up
your energy.

A PORTABLE SUN. Brilliant!

You are such a gold mine of ideas, darling!

Don’t ever think we hate you or we’re angry at you. If we ever are, our friends say we are very
obvious about it and although yes, it hurt that our friendship abruptly ended, we understood that
you’ll be in more trouble interacting with us than not. We’re working on something to
combat that, though.

And as an answer to your question if we’ll ever write back…


We did.

Of course we will, you’re important to us, darling!

So we will always write back!

Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey


Christmas Holidays are coming, I was just writing after I finished my exams. The results are
tomorrow. I’m scared of going home with it. I don’t know what punishment I’ll have if I ever don’t
take the desired place my father wanted me to have. I’m tired of hearing how incompetent I am not
surpassing a muggleborn,a Raven, a puff, a snake, a lion. I am so tired of hearing how useless and
how worthless I am, so tired of burdening my tutor with my Father’s words of not being competent
enough, I am so scared my Father will fire my tutor, he’s the only one who keeps me safe now that
my other helper is gone.

I still don’t know what to get both of you for Christmas, I haven’t had the chance to make contact
with you for months now, after all. I wanted to get both of you a nice camouflage cloak or
something to help both of you when you’re both endangering yourselves while you’re out in the
dormitories outside of curfew. D o you both still like pranks? Have you been studying? I’ve so
much to ask, but can’t be bothered to write.

I apologize I hadn’t had the courage to send my gift to both of you, though.

I miss you both.

H alf a year almost went past and I find myself missing your letters.

Yes, e ven if you both use parchment paper spilled with ginger tea. I know we talked about
recycling but please, don’t waste good tea.

I hope to have the courage to send some of my letters. A t least, even if I send them, I won’t know if
you’ve burned it or not.

Y ours,

Our Darling D,

We’re sorry this is happening to you. You should focus on your exams and not the
consequences after. You won’t know about the results yet but we do know that you’ll pass.
You’re a genius! At least, we think you are. But! Whatever grades you will have as a result, be
happy about it because you earned it for yourself and not for your parents or your friends. This,
coming from your troublemakers, we are pleased to inform you that we didn’t have a T this
semester. Your results must’ve been filled with O’s and E’s! That’s brilliant, darling! If your
tutor stuck by for a long time, then your Father won’t get rid of them easily. Breathe and
think about why and then you’ll calm down before you know it.

Remember that you are not useless and you are certainly not worthless! Your grades does not
define who you are and who you want to be, you can be greater than any student here in
Hogwarts as long as you give yourself the chance to accept that mistakes happen and life is
unpredictable. Which in that case, Jo and I are greater than any student in Hogwarts, be one too
and join us, darling.

We already got what we wanted from Christmas! Yes, your Guardian Angel made sure to make our
wish come true! We still love pranks and getting fresh new ideas for it just by reading your letters.
We still can’t believe you ask if we’re studying, for you darling, yes we are.

We missed you so much and we are so happy your friends found a way to contact us.

That means we can write to you more, right? We could just address it to them instead of you!

About the ginger thing, uh funny story

Ker spilled the tea in our year’s worth of parchment paper so there really wasn’t anything we
can do about it than use it.

I’d really want you to hex Jo sometime, Darling. He’s been entirely mean.

Ker’s just being sulky he broke Mum’s teapot and got detention in the house. Anyways, we
are always here for you, darling!

Never gonna leave you, Darling!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

P.S We solemnly swear that we will never burn your letters even if we are up to no good.

Chapter End Notes

Ahem, yes. It was supposed to be just Joker's replies but I included Draco's letters so
you won't have to go back and see which letter Joker's been replying to. Fun fact: The
arithmancy friend was Lee! I haven't checked the spellings of the potions yet because
I'm tired to geek out my HP stuff and all of it is from memory and my headcannons so
yes, Lee Jordan is a genius too and he's just as much as a troublemaker with the twins.
AND YES, the twins do have a strand of hair from each Professor (even Minnie
McGee)..for research purposes. AND YES, DRACO DIDN'T GET TRAMPLED BY

Ahem, anyway...Thank you for the 600 kudos! OHMYGOD, now that was a shocker
when I checked earlier! The comments as well that kept me smiling for days, the
bookmarks and hits too! You all are amazing! See you in the next chapter! /virtual
One Revelation a Day
Chapter Summary

In which cousins interact, introductions are in order and the twins start their Innocent
Black Operation.

Chapter Notes

Hello, my darling readers! I am back and am certainly posting this to meet my deadline
and not because I totally forgot to update a week ago. Things had been hectic as of
late. English isn't my first language so I'm apologizing in advance again.

Hope you enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sometime during the first week the students were back in Hogwarts, Sirius tackled Draco as
Padfoot while the blond was innocently out for his morning walk (Once Sirius admitted that it was
him who was lurking in the shadows, Draco changed his nightly walks back since the nights at
Hogwarts are getting dowwnright chilly). Being abruptly tackled, Draco was about to whip his
wand out when he ungracefully landed bum first on the ground only to just slump further to the
ground when he saw who had the audacity to attack him in broad daylight. He sighed
exasperatedly, tickling the dog's sides.

"You're back!" Draco laughed, hugging the huge black dog licking his face and wandlessly
Vanishing the slobber. "I am so glad you're safe. By safe meaning not arrested yet."

The dog let Draco sit up, circling around him and urging him to get up. Draco did just to stop the
insistent tugging and proceeded to follow the dog until they reached a cave well inside the
Forbidden Forest. Draco stared at the messy place, unimpressed.

"Months into being a wanted person and they can't find you because you live in a cave? Huh."

The dog sat, tail wagging until it became human, Sirius sitting cross legged and grinning at Draco.

"Missed ya, cous." Sirius drawled out, followed with a wink. Draco scoffed.

"Can't say the same. I was basking in comfortable silence while you're gone."

Sirius pouted. "You are getting sassier and sassier as the day goes."

"How's your mission?" Draco cut in.

"The same as any mission goes: Fine." Sirius waved a dismissive hand as he raked his fingers
through his now luscious black hair.
"Who even gave you a mission?"

"I did." Sirius grinned, bordering on a sinister one. "I had to oversee if Harry got back all right from
Hogwarts, terrorized a few birds here and there, got Harry a gift so he could beat you at Quidditch
more. Also, to show myself somewhere faaaaar from Hogwarts so they won't think to look for me

"...and where did you end up?" Draco asked, raising a perfect brow, dismissing the Quidditch jab.

"Egypt.” Sirius announced with a cheer. Draco fought the urge to facepalm. "The tombs were no
joke. There are cursed ones everywhere."

"Egy- How did you even get past the wards AND the immigration sites?"

Sirius rolled his eyes at the show of Dramatic Flair. "Cousin. I'm the Head of my Noble House or
something. My magic power is not going to drain so easily so I figured I'm just gonna wing it and
try to do some more illegal acts such as illegal apparition. That’s why almost everyone’s out to get
me, I’m too powerful to set loose not to mention I have a seat in the Wizengamot if I officially
want it, too."

"You are going to get charges on your innocent name." Draco couldn’t help but say (nag). He
frowned. "Also, you'll splinch yourself. The distance is too great."

"Innocent" Sirius snorted, shrugging off a twig stuck to his hair. "It's been tainted for generations.
Illegal apparition is the mildest thing I could contribute to it."

"Still doesn't change the fact that you are innocent in this particular case." Draco grunted, looking
around. Done with the subject, he blinked as he realized a few landmarks. "Oh, hey. You were
close enough to someone I'd like you to meet."

"Who?" Sirius stared at Draco suspiciously. "I made sure to pick this place because it's secure."

This time, it was Draco's turn to grin. Sirius had a split second thought and made a mental note not
to rub his mannerisms to the kid because he sure saw the same sinister grin he did earlier in his
little cousin’s.

"You'll see." Draco said, almost cheekily. Draco stood up and waved a cleaning charm on his robes
to get rid of dirt, twigs and anything earthly. "Follow me."

Sirius frowned at Draco, crossing his arms. "You're a horrible person for giving me anxiety like
this, you know. It is bad for my health. I thought you cared for it."

Draco raised one sassy brow. Sirius sighed helplessly.

"Alright, go on then. Lead me to wherever it is you want to go. My doom, my death, for example."

Draco snorted, "More like your salvation."

Sirius perked up. "Now, I'm curious."

"Careful, cousin. Didn't you hear the muggle saying about curiousity kills dogs?." Draco called
out, leading the way.

Sirius stared hard at Draco's back and considered correcting the child. He shrugged.
"Close enough."


They walked for ten minutes, making idle conversation before they arrived at a clearing.

"Where is this?" Sirius asked, mentally recalling landmarks to the place.

"Just a few ways by Hagrid's hut." Draco answered before whistling shrilly.

"Just who did you want me to meet you're doing something undignified? Careful there, you'll be
the source of Lucius losing his hair."

Draco scoffed. "On the contrary, whistling is a must because not everyone can do it. Father
purchased a Magical Creature Trade and I had to learn ten different whistles for different Magical
Creatures during the Christmas hols and it was annoying though educational. I'm supposed to be
learning how to manage it by summer." Draco snickered at Sirius' sneer at the last bit.

"So I'm meeting a Magical Creature?" Sirius frowned at Draco's faux proud look he sent the
Animagus' way.

"Congratulations, cousin. You're not much of a lost cause."

Sirius huffed and was about to retaliate when he heard majestic flapping of wings. The wind
rustled through the trees and he could see an outline of the creature circling the clearing before
swooping down with a sharp cry, snapping its beak and folding its wings as it landed. Sirius stared
incredulously at the creature in front of them.

A hippogriff.

"A fucking-"

"Majestic creature to be respected by magical folk." Draco hissed and Sirius could hear the silent
'Language' and Sirius gestured wildly at the hippogriff for emphasis.

The hippogriff chirruped, paying Sirius no mind and walked up to Draco. The hippogriff then
nudged the blond, nuzzling it as Draco hugged the, in Sirius' opinion, oversized chicken.

"Cousin, meet Buckbeak." Draco smiled, Buckbeak thrilled. "Buckbeak, meet my hopeless cousin.
He's Sirius Black."

Draco side-eyed Sirius, remembering the original way of greeting a hippogriff. "Cousin, you need
to bow."

Sirius rolled his eyes mentally and all but bowed half-heartedly, Buckbeak stared at the bowing
man and huffed. Draco laughed, stroking its feathers.

"Come on now, give him a chance. I know, the bow was pathetic."

Sirius was about to hiss at Draco but the hippogriff listened and clambered over to the innocent
criminal. Buckbeak stared eye to eye at Sirius for a few seconds (with Sirius almost being cross-
eyed) before it chirruped and nudged his head in approval.

Sirius chuckled, ruffling Buckbeak's feathers.

"You don't know any boundaries,huh, you oversized chicken?- OW!"

Draco snickered as Buckbeak nipped Sirius' fingers at the insult. "Eh, you deserved it."

"This is not fair, two vs. one, I'm outnumbered here." Sirius whined, sucking the fingers Buckbeak
nipped. Buckbeak circled on Sirius, shoving him down and lying on his lap. "Ugh. You're a clingy
one, aint ya?" Sirius groaned, sitting up and patting the hundred plus pounds magical creature on
his lap.

Buckbeak rolled over and simply laid his head on Sirius. Said man raised a brow at its antics before
conceding and stroking the feathers closest to him.
"Ah, look at that. You're best friends that quick." Draco cooed, settling by Buckbeak's wings and
rearranging it.

"So why did you introduce this guy to me?" Sirius asked after a few minutes of Hippogriff
pampering. "It can't be because Hagrid needs a petsitter."

"No, I introduced him to you so you can save each other." Draco replied, on the process of cleaning
Buckbeak's wings via cleaning charms. "Some fourth year is trying to have him beheaded because
Buckbeak scratched him for being rude."

Sirius winced before rubbing Buckbeak's neck. "So you have it rough too, huh, buddy?"

Buckbeak let out a grumble.

"This way, if Dementors found you unexpectedly, you can just fly away from here with
Buckbeak." Draco stared at the innocent criminal duo "or maybe I could just suggest to Hagrid to
change his name to something not abysmal...and leave you be."


"I'm kidding."

"No, you weren't."

"Yes, I wasn't."

Buckbeak grunted, tapping his hooves.

"Oh, yeah. It was about time for your meal." Draco drifted off, suddenly tense as he casted a
'Tempus' charm. "Hagrid might come."

Sirius shrugged, "I'll turn to Padfoot then."

Buckbeak stared incredulously as Sirius transformed into a dog in front of him. Buckbeak let out a
surprised noise, looking at Draco then at the dog that barked at him. Draco held the hippogriff
before it could try to kick the playful dog barking at Buckbeak. (If Draco's betting a galleon, he'll
bet Sirius was laughing at Buckbeak's similar reaction) (note: he'd win it.)

"Yes, Buckbeak, that's Sirius too."

Buckbeak's judging eyes looked straight at Sirius and huffed.

Before Draco or Sirius could even decipher Buckbeak's reaction, a voice called out.

"Buckbeak! Time for your meal!"

Padfoot dove on a bush.


Inside the castle, by the rotating staircase, the twins followed Hermione around Hogwarts, shooting
each other silent looks before they shrugged. Fred cleared his throat.

"Uh, 'Mione... Just wondering, where are we going?"

Certainly when the Brightest Witch of Their Age looks at them and says 'Follow me', you follow.

Where exactly, they don't know yet.

"Just a hint." George requested. "Feel free to lead us to wherever it is you want to go."

"Our doom, maybe." Fred quipped.

"Our death, for example." George supplied.

Hermione turned and frowned at them. "Not those, actually."

She stopped by a door hidden by the shadows.

"More like, your request."

The twins went inside the room and their eyes widened.

In it was hundreds of copies of the Sirius Black case report stacked on abandoned desks and dusty

"Untraceable, for the most part. I thought it would be a shame to just spread it on Gryffindor so I
made more. You can distribute about a hundred and fifty in each of the four houses, give or take."
Hermione tapped a stack. "You're welcome."

"Did we ever tell you you're brilliant, 'Mione?" The twins asked simultaneously, grinning at the
documents. "Leave the distribution to us."

Hermione smirked. The moment she finished the transcript, she was horrified at what she read and
sought to make up for her actions before.

"Let justice be served."


Buckbeak let out a caw and circled around Draco, stomping his hooves in delight. Draco deemed it
was probable Buckbeak's snacks are being delivered. And it just so happens that he knows that
particular voice.

"We're right here!" Draco called out when another voice called out Buckbeak's name.

Buckbeak flapped its wings at the smell of his snacks. Overgrown leaves rustling and twigs
breaking was the sign of someone approaching. Draco laid a hand on Buckbeak's back in case the
hippogriff decided to tackle the ones delivering food because they were definitely not Hagrid. A
knife slashed through random vines that was certainly not where the original path was.
Draco smiled brightly at the appearance of the ones delivering Buckbeak's snacks. Said delivery
people were squabbling and Buckbeak groaned, scuffling the ground.

"I told you that path was the right one. You almost had us getting lost."

"I apologize, your Grace. My reliable sense of direction has failed me once more. Tis would not
happen again, your excellency. That, I assure you."

Draco laughed as Pansy threw the knife she was holding at Blaise, who swooped down the ground
to dodge the Parkinson Knife.

"Damn it, woman! Can't you take a joke?!"

"Damn it, peasant! Can't you just die?!"

Blaise stood up, Draco waving a cleaning charm on him as he snickered. "Stop teasing Pansy about
her Princess phase, B. You know she hasn't gotten over it yet."

"Draco Lucius Malfoy." Pansy hissed, flashing another knife as she crossed her arms. "Do not talk
to me like that."

"Yes, your Highness."


Draco immediately stepped back, Buckbeak stepping forward and letting out a sound akin to an
intimidating growl. Pansy sneered at the hippogriff, levitating a bucket of dead ferret and placing it
a few feet away from Draco.

"Go eat, Buckbeak. Don't pick fights you can't win."

Buckbeak nudged Draco's head before sauntering over his snacks. The sound of bone crunching
was the background noise as the trio decided upon a truce. Blaise tucked back his white
handkerchief (which was a flag moments ago), before crossing his arms and staring down at Draco.

"Where have you been, young man?"

"Calm down, Mother. I was out for my walk and decided to come here." Draco replied, shrugging.

"Yeah, you suck at lying, dear." Pansy nodded sagely, sending a cleaning charm around Draco's
unkempt appearance due to Buckbeak's nudges. Her eyes sharpened and narrowed into slits as she
held a signal to be quiet. She held up a dagger out of nowhere and tensed. Blaise wisely kept quiet
and kept an eye out for attackers near Buckbeak. Pansy wordlessly threw the Parkinson dagger on
a bush where a surprised noise sounded. A second later, a dog came jumping out. Pansy stated at it,
unimpressed. "Dray, sweetheart, we already talked about adopting certainly unhealthy and possibly
dangerous Magical strays."

Draco crossed his arms again and glared, "I'm sorry, Mother. He was the one who approached me
first. Not me."

"Draco, you can't keep a dog! Your Father forbid you to have one after that Jade dragon."

"Let Cepheus out of this. A dragon and a dog is two different things." Draco frowned.

"No, but you spoil your pets." Blaise commented on the side, throwing a dead ferret somewhere
and Buckbeak following it. "You know, remember that one time Cepheus refused to move out of
your vault because you said it was yours and needed to be protected that's why Cepheus claimed
your vault as his hoard? Yeaah, your Father didn't like that because Cepheus was supposed to be
bought by a French conglomerate."

"He didn't like it that the dragon swore loyalty to me not him." Draco replied, shrugging. He
gestured at the dog who was looking far too amused at the moment. Draco glared at Padfoot and
the dog righted its expression to an innocent one. "Besides, I already checked him for fleas and the
like and there's nothing. He's not feral or anything. I call him Black because he blends with the

Pansy hummed, staring at the dog. A swiss knife she was playing while Draco spout excuses was
suddenly thrown by a three and the dog tensed. Draco sent her a disgusted look as a Horklump

"You better clean your knife away from the common rooms." Draco said. Pansy sent him 'I do
what I want' shrug.

Blaise chuckled at the interaction. He squatted by the dog and patted its head.

"Dray, why didn't you tell us you found a dog? It looked like you're nourishing it back to health."

"Because I am." Draco replied, proud to see the results as well. "And because you both would've
been caught by Professor if I ever did tell."

Seeing Blaise approach the dog and the dog playfully circled around Blaise, Pansy sighed.

"Fine but we'll be setting him free soon." Pansy stated. "The dog looks so much like a grim he'll
scare others, anyway."

The dog barked, wagging his tail excitedly. Pansy chuckled reaching to pat the dog too. Once her
hand touched the dog's fur, she froze.

"Draco, dear." She said monotonously. Draco stiffened minutely and Blaise raised his defenses, his
hand reaching for his wand just in case.

"Yes, Pans?"

Pansy squatted down, stroking the curious dog. Her smile was terrifyingly sweet as she stared
down at the dog, her wand suddenly pressing lightly at the dog's stomach.

"Why is Black emitting a Wizard signature on my ring?" She asked, showing off the said ring,
pulsing faintly with light as she kept her hand in place.

Draco bit back a curse, forgetting the ring Pansy's (ex) betrothed gifted to her lets her sense a
wizard, a creature,a muggle or a halfblood by pulse of magic.

Pansy's eyes stared at one panicked silvery grey eyes to another set in front of her and it clicked,
everything suddenly falling into place. She waved a hand and got Blaise to stand down, he was one
spell away to raise a Slytherin flare signal after all.

"Don't alert, Professor Snape, B. He'll have a heart attack." Pansy commanded, standing up and
wandlessly accioing her knives and daggers back to her person.

"Why?" Blaised asked, skeptical.

With a wave of her wand, all the weapons she carried circled around Black, her victorious smirk
the sharpest of them all.

"His godson was taking care of Sirius Black. He'll have nightmares about it."

Blaise gawked, the dog's jaw dropped and Draco felt faint.

Parkinson women are dangerous.

Perhaps, curiosity can kill a dog.


Sneakily distributing a hundred and fifty copies undetected to the Hufflepuff house was easy. Well,
they did have to crawl several times to deliver it but Fred and George wouldn't be students who are
amazingly brilliant at pranks if crawling isn't one of their skill sets.

A simple color change of robes and temporarily eating a Hair Color Cookie, they were welcomed
in Hufflepuff dorms immediately. The Hufflepuff common room is a simple looking room as if
you're visiting your grandmother. Indoor plants and hanging plants were placed in stategic places,
crocheted and knitted blankets were all over, comfortable couches and plush pillows littered every
carpet. The whole common room smelled of Lavender, the Hufflepuff choice of smell for the
week, as to lessen anxious thoughts and relax tension in body and room. The best thing was that
everything had a splash of Hufflepuff pride. Oh, and that by three in the afternoon (on a weekend),
all Hufflepuffs are gathered by the Greenhouses to have tea. (Or smoke weed or something
equivalent -Lee Jordan's theory)

Fred and George never failed to be amused by the weekly change of smell in the common room
and was always successful in invading it weekly to know (the Hufflepuff students couldn't fathom
how they could get in or how they knew how the common room smelled). And so, with a series of
spells coming out of their wands with practiced ease, the stack of transcripts were glued to the
ceiling with a charm to disengage the spell once they were out of the room and a Hufflepuff steps
foot inside the common room.

As soon as it was secured, they rolled out of the common room unscathed. Sure enough, minutes
later, a seventh year Hufflepuff arrived and crawled inside. Not even five minutes later, the seventh
year ran out with a familiar stack of papers on hand.

"Five sickles he screams Professor Sprout's name first."

"Five on Professor McGonagall."

"You're on." The twins said in unison, mission temporarily on hold to see who won the deal.

"Professor Flitwick! Oh thank Helga, I saw you."

The twin grins on the twin's faces melted into a frown as they rounded the corner and grimaced at
the scene. Without any prompting, they did a u-turn and speedwalked to the Ravenclaw dormitory
before their Head of House gets there first.

Of course, there wasn't a way they could get in the Ravenclaw common rooms without solving a
riddle. (They could guess it half the time but Lee was most definitely their hidden ace in most of
it.). The common room itself was cozy, a floor to ceiling bookshelf dominated two walls and the
stairway. The door to the rooms, as they explored once in a blue moon (many moons), were the
bookshelf that had books in all the shades and spectrum of the Ravenclaw blue (boys) and gold
(girls). The weekly change the common room had was the self-changing books wherein the content
of the bookshelf changes by the end of the week and is rerurned in the Library. As the Librarian
says, "If it ain't there then check again next week." The twins supposed there was a reason the
Ravenclaw House was ahead with their assignments all the time.

Now, back to the delivery. It was a simple trick, really. Lee was even in on it. All Lee had to do
was borrow a book in the Ravenclaw dormitory for his Quidditch commentary because it only had
one copy. The Ravenclaw prefect let him in and under supervision, he was able to get the reference
book and escorted out. Lee had gone in there the same time the twins was crawling by the
Hufflepuff dorms and was long gone when the Ravenclaw dormitory was flooded by transcripts
chaotically flowing from an open window. There were several screams of surprise (and outrage)
and the twins high-fived as the last of the transcripts sweeped inside the window before it slammed
shut. Situated in the walkway with just the precision to open the window Lee wandlessly opened
moments ago and flooding the dormitory with more paper, it was a job well done.

"It was a good thing we put an anti-crease spell in their transcripts."

"Or else it would be ruined now."

The twins snorted in laughter, heading back to the Gryffindor dorms.

The lions are in for a different trick and definitely a treat.

Chapter End Notes

Dear Jk Rowling, I'm sorry I'm not really sorry for messing up Book 3. It's my
favourite book. I promise.

Love, ENDisI


I'm typing up the final version of the next chapter which will be up sooner than you
think! Also, Sirius and Buckbeak gets along so well, they probably created the
Innocent Criminal club where they get accused lol. Also, the whistling thing, it's me. I
can't whistle. I've been trying for years.

I stand by the common rooms having weekly changes. It would be boring if it wasn't


Thank you for the love you've given me through Kudos (664 now, omg), comments
(200+ including mine which means 100 comments or so by readers!) bookmarks and
hits! I never thought this story would get a chance to be a favorite for some of my
readers and it warmed my heart. Continue to take care of yourselves and be cautious!
Keep safe, my darling readers!
Eventful day, eventful night
Chapter Summary

In which Sirius meets the Silver Trio, Fred and George continues the distribution,
something about Watchers and after curfew adventures

Chapter Notes

I have been working on something indulgently and got a burst of inspiration so I added
something in this chapter that's why the wait was long and I think this chapter is
longer too. So take a deep breath, remember to blink and read on one of my favourite
chapter in this story.

Hope you enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Padfoot stared at the Parkinson Lady in front of him in shock. He closed his mouth and adopted a
pensive look despite the knives levitating around him threateningly. It would've looked comical
since he's still in dog form but, huh. He can't believe third year students found out he's an
animagus. The future looks promising.

"I told you Sirius Black will come in Hogwarts." Pansy stated, her smirk turning smug Blaise
wanted to throw her a dead ferret. Sadly, Buckbeak was munching on the last one.

Draco finally moved, carefully putting himself between Padfoot and Pansy.

"I believed you. That's why I was careful on seeing if the dog was really him or not."

"How long has this been going on?"

Draco looked away, a pout on his lips. "...Last year before the hols.."

His best friends stared at him in disbelief. Blaise snapped out of it, pulling Draco with a side hug as
he chuckled.

"Now, that is a record even for you." Blaise remarked proudly.

"It was a secret worth keeping." Draco replied, smiling slightly.

"I get it. I do." Blaise patted Pansy's shoulder. "Drop the knives, woman."

Pansy sneered at Blaise before the knives gathered at her hands with a flick of her wand.
The dog snuffled, shaking off the tension in his body after getting targeted by very pointy things.
The dog stretched and the trio watched as the dog turned into a man grinning at them as he saluted.

"I got to hand it to you, cousin. Your best friends are great at what they do." Sirius chuckled,
patting an invisible thing. Blaise sheepishly grinned, disabling the charmed dome.

"That was just one of the maneuvers to make blood easier to cover up." Pansy shrugged. Sirius
laughed, welcoming Buckbeak back into his lap. The man wandlessly cleaned the blood off the
Hippogriff's feathers as well after it happily feasted.

"I bet it is. Though I am glad this time it's just a knife."

"This time?" Draco asked, bewildered.

"Parkinson women are dangerous, Cousin. I distinctly remember a Parkinson woman throwing her
spear at me back in the days."

That seemed enough to satisfy Pansy and she walked up to Sirius. She winked at him and began to
introduce herself haughtily.

"Lady Pansy Parkinson. Soon to be head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Parkinson
through conquer." Pansy curtsied, offering her hand. Sirius (internally sighed amusedly and played
along) knelt down and took her hand, standing up once he kissed it. Pansy nodded in satisfaction.
"It seems you still have your customs."

"Can never get rid of it." Sirius winked. He turned to Blaise. "And you are?"

"Lord Blaise Zabini, Heir of the Noble House of Zabini." Blaise bowed, offering a handshake.

Sirius accepted it and with a firm handshake, introduced himself as well. "Lord Sirius Orion Black.
Head of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black."

It took everything in Draco not to facepalm at the formal introductions happening in front of him.
Draco looked at Buckbeak who just blinked and rolled his eyes. Draco sighed and cleared his
throat and once the three ridiculous people looked at him, he crossed his arms disapprovingly.

"Aw, come on, Cousin. It was the right opportunity. Where else can we even do it?" Sirius
chuckled as he sat back down, Buckbeak laying his head on his lap once more.

"Yeah, I imagine this was the better outcome for the scenario of us meeting Sirius Black rather
than what I painted on my mind." Pansy seconded.

Blaise patted the space beside him and Draco sat down. "Don't be so uptight. You know we erased
the thoughts of Sirius Black as a wanted person once you said he was innocent."

Draco breathed out and smiled in relief. Honestly, this was also way better an outcome than what
he had in mind.

"Yeah, I did."

"I think that's a story worth telling." Sirius said, interest peaking.

"Kind of a long story." Draco gestured at Pansy. "You do it."

"Okay, so it all started when..."


Now, Gryffindor students are all brave...most of them. All of them are curious beings to a fault.
May it be gossip or betting, speculation and theories, they can almost rival Ravenclaw to quench
the thirst of curiosity. Though in this case, not academically, for sure.

So there's no escaping a weekly handout on the latest things that happens to Hogwarts in the
Gryffindor common room. Moreso when there are notorious for being at the scene of the latest
happenings. (i.e Golden Trio at the Petrification of Mrs. Norris site to the common lover's quarrel
somewhere) A Gryffindor witness after all, gets the rumor mill going. No, they're not a bunch of
gossipers, not at all. They were just the most friendly of the bunch and had a lot of stories from
other Houses. Anything worth telling is posted on a corkboard by the door and by the end of the
week, recycled paper transformed to weekly pamphlets handed out by a Gryffindor press.
(Ravenclaw also has their own version of it though bi-weekly and more educational)

The twins get a feature almost all the time, Lee highlighted every Quidditch match with every
witty remark documented, Harry Potter is also featured almost weekly since according to Hermione
Granger on Week 36 of Gryffindor Knows: "He's a walking heart attack waiting to happen" and
proves to be true when if not about Quidditch then it's about rumors, Ron was also featured on
some and mostly highlighted when the Monthly Chess competition starts, Hermione mostly shows
up through her never ending reminders of projects and assignments due dates as well as the
reminder to brush three times a day. The Gryffindor Knows pamphlets highly focuses on anything
and everything that goes on in Hogwarts and so far, everything in it really happened and was true.

It wasn't much of a trick, the twins conceded. More of a treat as they watched Gryffindors alike
make a surprised noise at the thick pamphlets surrounding the round table in the common rooms.
They thought nothing of it until their eyes widened, the scandalous gasp escaping from one mouth
to the other, others rushing out with it on their hands.

They did a subtle high-five once someone rushed in and took the last one. Hermione approached
them, smiling like the cat that got the tuna it wanted. The twins smiled back.

"Can you leave the Slytherin dorms to me?" She asked quietly.

"Well, we haven't got the chance to distribute it there."

"And we think others are sharing it to some of the Slytherins right about now."

Hermione hummed. "Well, I did leave some in the library so maybe they picked it up there."

"Did Harry read this yet?" Ron asked, walking over with his nose buried in the pamphlet (he's an
avid reader of it that even Hermione was shocked) and sat beside Hermione. "I think he needs to
read it. It says something about Sirius Black being innocent."

Hermione shook her head. "Harry refused to read Gryffindor Knows, you know that."

The twins frowned at that. Surely, Harry did read some. Mostly when his friends show the part
where they got featured. They were so sure Harry would read it. He's the one who needed to read it
the most, after all.

"Oh, he's off flying with Seamus and Dean. He hasn't got a copy yet." Ron looked at the empty
table and shrugged. "Guess I'll just lend him my copy."

Ron handed it to Hermione, pointing at a paragraph. "Explain that to me, 'Mione. Will you? I need
to understand some of this so I could help Harry understand later. Even Percy was looking at it as if
it personally offended him."

The twins snickered at the look of disbelief crossing Hermione's face for a second.

"Am I dreaming?" She muttered and at Ron's confused look, she cleared her throat and nodded.
"Yeah, sure Ronald. Which is it? I've read through this a hundred times, I could help you both."

Ron pointed out a paragraph. "Starting here."

The twins looked at each other then settled comfortably on the couch more, the scene where their
baby brother is growing up one step more a precious one they couldn't take their eyes off.

"Baby steps, Ronniekins. Come on, now." flashed in their minds as Ron nodded in understanding.

A hand fell on both their shoulders and they looked up to see a frowning Percy. Glaring, frowning,
stern Percy. Oh no.

This is not looking good.


(Trigger warning: Mentions of abuse) (scroll down to a bold-italic Percy if skipped)

There was peaceful conversation about norms and customs until they reached a point where Pansy
saw the opportunity to tackle their problem.

"Speaking of Manors.." Pansy gripped Draco's arms and her eyes narrowed when he flinched. Her
voice was saccharine when she asked, "How was your Holiday, Draco?"

Draco hissed quietly, shrugging Pansy's hand off. Blaise and Sirius were staring at him as well. He
huffed. So apparantly they're doing an assessment today.

"You go first!"

Pansy scoffed and crossed her arms. "My cousins went to the Parkinson Manor for the Holidays
and a tournament was held after the Christmas Ball. I reigned as champion and I beat my uncle for
it. I was on bed rest for five days for broken ribs, sprained ankle, dislocated shoulder and a cracked
collarbone. The bruises and cuts were healed the first day. They mostly left me alone affer that. My
uncle swore revenge but he's paralyzed at the moment. "

Draco couldn't resist the wandless and wordless diagnostic charms he sent over her and nodded. "A
few more Skele-Gro would lessen the pain in your bones since you don't drink milk. You're lacking
in calcium."

Pansy shrugged and gestured for Blaise to go on.

"Well, nothing too major. I got a few new deep scars that Professor Snape's potions can fix when
my Uncle thought it would be a great idea to train me in torture department." Blaise's grin looked
like a grimace. "I went through some of it for demonstration. Nothing about the Zabini Traditions
at all, I think he was just being sadistic. Ma says I won't be seeing him again when she saw me
after that. She was furious and that's something you don't see everyday."

"Nothing too major, what Hippogriff shit." Draco hissed then patted Buckbeak's back whispering
'No offense'. Draco glared at Blaise. "Your deep scars could've cost you your entire lung!"

Blaise winced, forgetting Draco had the habit of wandless unobtrusive diagnosing. "Oh, yeah.
There's that too."

Blaise and Pansy stared Draco down and Draco stared back for a whole minute, before groaning
and burrowing his face in Buckbeak's wings. The hippogriff chirped and crooned, beak gently
arranging Draco's hair into disarray.

"Same old verbal abuse, some crucio, some new scars." Draco summarized, swatting Buckbeak
away from his hair.

"Yeah, where?"

Draco frowned, fidgeted and sighed. He lifted his robes and showed five long vertical scars on
Draco's left shoulder. "Father wasn't too happy with my conduct in school. Said I wasn't upholding
the Malfoy image well."

"Since when is your Father happy?! You even topped in our year!"

"Yeah. The crucio lasted a total of twelve selconds, this time no breaks." Draco sighed in relief. A
crucio may stem from feelings of hatred and the Malfoy Patriarch hated what Draco is doing to the
Malfoy name. "It barely hurt."

Pansy and Blaise flinched. That's got to hurt. Though it's better than Draco suffering for hours. The
longest record was a total of a hundred and fifty minutes within a week. All because Draco refused
to be engaged to a French Pureblood who was enamored in him causing the French trade multiple
casualties when the French Family broke their ties with the Malfoy Family.

"Just how much pain and suffering have the three of you went through?" Sirius cut in with a growl,
eyes stormy and face painted with rage. The three of them blinked in surprise, forgetting the Black
Head of House. "You're only thirteen."

Pansy answered him immediately, a wry grin in place. "Probably just as much as you."

Sirius paused and groaned, hand raking through hus hair in frusyration. "Yes, flowerette. I was
alive and present when it was significantly shit but I rebelled through it that's why the punishments
were worse. But the three of you hadn't done anything wrong at all! From what Draco told me, the
three of you are even in the Top 10 in your year!"

"This is light punishment, cousin." Draco insisted, tempted to narrate the harsher ones and decided
to hold back.

"The ghost of Christmas Past would rather die again if she was forced to relieve our Hols each
year." Blaise snorted.

"Ghost of Christmas Past?" Pansy asked, head tilting in confusion.

"It's another muggle thing. I'll tell you later." Blaise replied, brandishing his wand and waving a
cleaning charm at Draco who looked so rumpled because of Buckbeak.

"You guys get off topic immediately." Sirius commented, frowning.

Pansy giggled and battered her eyelashes before her expression changed as she smirked. "Diversion
tactics 101"
"Means we're done with the subject." Draco clarified, nuzzling Buckbeak's beak because the
Hippogriff is so bloody clingy.

"Alright, dropping it." Sirius crossed his arms and tried to look stern. "We'll discuss it at a later

"Fine." the three chorused, breathing a sigh of relief.

"So, Blaise, how's your meeting with Professor Remus about your project?" Draco asked, smirking
when Sirius perked up.

Pansy's eyes went bright in realization when she saw Sirius' reaction and Blaise shrugged, sighing.

"We played exploding snap instead of discussing it. I didn't know how it happened."


Percy frowned at Ron who was writing on the Gryffindow Knows sinfully but focused on the
twins once more.

"You two. Come with me." Percy said, the exact copy the way Molly Weasley looked like when
serious and angry.

There is no room for argument, at all.

The twins saluted and stood up, striding to follow Percy. Ginny took their place on the sofa,
apparently listening in on Hermione's explanation.

They arrived at Percy's dorm room where they were both directed to sit on his bed. Percy crossed
his arms and glared down the two troublemakers.

"Alright, twin terrors. Cough it up." Percy demanded, nodding at the transcript of Sirius Black's
case disguised as a Gryffindor Knows pamphlet. "Did you do that?"

"" The twins said in unison, the question clearly heard. They shared a glance, wondering why
they still can't lie in front of their older brothers.

"Do you understand what you did?!" Percy hissed, hitting both of them with the pamphlet. "THIS is
a Library of Executive Order case report! A LEO case report! For DMLE eyes only. How did you
get this? You could be arrested for having these!"

The twins frowned, "They didn't know it's us."

Percy stared at his younger brothers. He tapped the pamphlet and and a series of unidentifiable
magical signatures became visible. He tapped the pamphlet again and muttered a Point Me spell.
Percy's magic pointed to the twins.

"Just like that, the Professors will know."

The twins eyes shined brighter than a lumos charm. "Can you teach us that?!"

Percy stared at them in disbelief. "This is no time for a charm lesson! You two are the sole suspects
the Hogwarts staff will question once the professors find out who distributed it because this is
definitely not a part of Gryffindor Knows!"

The twins blinked. "But that's all we did. The first fingerprints may be ours.."
"..not gonna lie but we haven't thought to cover that up." Fred pointed out, filing the information
for later pranks. So that's why Professor McGonagall knew they were the perpetrators of some of
their hidden pranks.

"But the transcript itself was given to us anonymously." George continued as he shrugged.

"What if Sirius Black was the one who gave it to you??" Percy asked, frowning. Concern was
thrumming in his veins the way he never thought it would be. He was so sure his brothers ensure
their safety in pranking and other things and the frustration he could be wrong is utterly
suffocating. "You could've been in danger!"

"Relax, Perce." Fred said, patting Percy's hand. "He doesn't know us. We don't even know if he's
still here."

"If it is him, he wouldn't be able to escape out of LEO." George pointed out.

"You are going to get in trouble." Percy sighed though he can't help but nag worry.

"We're prepared for trouble." The twins said in unison, grinning. "We'll make it double!"

George stood up and side-hugged Percy. "Don't worry too much, brother."

"We got it under control." Fred said, side-hugging Percy on the other side.

Percy groaned and broke the hug, ruffling the twins unruly hair making it even more of a mess.
"You guys better have it under control! I don't have too much savings to bail you out of Azkaban!"

The twins snickered and yelled their consent, dashing out the room once Percy dismissed them.
There was a moment of silence before Oliver Wood opened his curtains silently, raising a brow at
Percy. (He meant to get out the room but the Weasley brothers got in before he could).

"Well, that went as well as it could be." Oliver offered as Percy crossed his arms at him. "But you
really do nag a lot."

"You nag a lot during their practice, you don't have the right to call me out." Percy said, hissing.

"Don't worry, we could pool our savings and bail them out of Azkaban if need be." Oliver offered,
laughing at the annoyed look Percy sent his way. "Come on, it's rare seeing you mother hen your
siblings. Oh wait, it happens every other night."

Percy threw a pillow at the Quidditch captain.

"I hope you fall off your broom!" Percy yelled, grabbing the pamphlet and headed for the door.

"Will you catch me if I fall??" Oliver hollered at the closing door. He chuckled as he dived on the
floor, Percy having sent a hex he had to dodge before he slammed the door shut.

Never a dull day when rooming with a Weasley, that's for sure.



I met Buckbeak again. He is one fussy creature and greedy about the food he eats! I accompanied
my friends to see them feed the magical creature and was following us around after so we could
give him more food. Luckily, I think Buckbeak sort of gave up and just flew to his clearing or

Actually, I don't know where he sleeps. Certainly not the stables, I hope. The thestrals will have a
fit. I still can't believe that we're writing to each other again. I have half-convinced myself not to try
and send this but I guess we'll see if it reaches you.

Jo, Ker, how have you both been? My hols were quite alright. January cold is still cold I have to
wear two layers and have my friend drown me in warming charms. Did I ever tell you Hogwarts
corridors are so unforgivingly chilly? The coldness of the weather just seeps in through the rune
covered walls I am appalled.

I missed reading your letters.

Until then.



A few hours later and with Draco providing Sirius a week of provisions, they were back at the
Slytherin common rooms. The mermaids were waving and playing around, inviting Slytherins to
talk with them. Pansy was arguing with a merman with Blaise mediating by the round window
where the Giant Squid likes to pit his tentacle sunction cups.

Marcus Flint scoffed as Draco wandlessly organized the space he once occupied, a flick of the
blonde's wand had his books and essays neatly arranging itself in his book bag. A wordless and
wandless spell of Wingardium Leviosa had the heavy bag tailing him as he started to walk by the
Mermaid Wall to reach his friends.

"Look at him strut around as if he owns the place. Slytherin Prince, my ass." Marcus sneered. "He
acts like he's everything just because his Father's part of the board. Everyone can do wandless

Draco stilled at the malicious magical signature and muttered a Protego. The Tarantallegra spell
disintegrated and Draco tilted his head to the side in their direction.

"Was that jealousy I heard just know? My, my." Draco walked up to their location, looking down
at where Flint was sitting. "You got to do a lot better than that, Half-blood." Draco said, almost
spitting out the word in disgust.

"Why, Malfoy? So your Father can heaaar all about it?" Marcus taunted, laughing mightily. "It
seems you're missing out on your history lessons. Flints are part of the Sacred 28."

Draco shot a disgusted look at him. "You, a Pureblood?"

"What of it?" Flint growled, taking offence to Draco's expression.

"So the intimidation and bravado was you thinking you're higher than your peers. I thought it was
just you asking for some attention they way you tattle about." Draco hummed and shot Flint a faux
surprised look. "And why, yes of course. I'm glad to report to my Father that his Watcher is
incompetent and is lacking tact."
"Take that back! I reported what I saw and that was it." Marcus glowered, getting up from his seat.

"Oh, I certainly cannot take back my words for I have already spoken them out loud." Draco
nodded sympathetically. "Don't worry, it's not as if Father wasn't already skeptical with the utter
blasphemy you kept on reporting to him. I mean, who else can report the number of times I almost
fell off my broom but you? You could've included the O's and E's I got on my projects and
assignments that you certainly could never get."

Marcus growled. "Oh, what do you know? Stop acting all high and might when you're just a kid!"

"Well, I am just a kid that is why I am assigned to a Watcher. It's not hard to understand. Though, it
is clearly quite stated that once I found out who my Watcher is, they certainly did not do a great job
at concealing their presence thus violating the unobtrusive observation clause in the contract."
Draco said, counting with his fingers. "Another one is that once confronted, the Watcher shall not
give away their status as one or the contract shall be voided, effective immediately."

"What do you mean?!" Marcus looked panicked for a second, faltering. "I didn't admit to

Draco laughed lightly, a smirk on his lips.

"Your denial tells me otherwise. I do hope your Father will let you unscathed with the mistake
you've done. After all, our contract clearly states that your personal vaults are the collateral."
Draco's cynical smile widened as Flint realized he admitted being a Watcher by taking offence to
Draco's words. "Oh, what a delight. That's another Watcher down for me. Though 'disappointing'
this news will be for my parents, rest assured, my father will hear about this."

Draco headed to his dorm room and didn't bother turning around to look at Flint's face or what he
will do. Pansy, Blaise and other Slytherins already had their wands drawn as he turned his back to
Flint. Slytherin may play mind games with each other but once a contract is voided due to
dishonesty, it is a violation to the unspoken rule of Honest and clean reporting. After all, everyone
in Slytherin is a Watcher. They know the hardships of punishment most of all. They are loyal to
their House and their Housemates know the only way for self-preservation is through honesty from
within. Once broken, there's no fault in what they'll do.

Surrounded by his peers and higher years, most definitely his own Watchers and the mermaids
wielding their spears once they saw the serious situation inside the common room-- there was
nothing Flint could do but glare.


Having a brother as a prefect definitely has its perks, the twins concluded as they headed back to
the Gryffindor common room a few minutes before curfew after having the Prefects Bathroom all
to themselves. (They tailed Percy and got the password without their brother knowing)

Then again, it definitely does have its downs.

"If I see both of you still here in the common rooms two minutes later and not at your dorms you
will not like the detention I'm suggesting to Professor McGonagall." Percy said once they snuck
inside after opening the Gryffindor portrait. "I've already checked on Ron and Ginny, get your
scrawny asses up in bed this instance."

The twins straightened up and saluted, rushing upstairs to their dorm room. It really was no fair
their brother knew their weaknesses.
"...Tonight?" Fred murmured.

"Tonight." George confirmed, snuggling the knitted blanket.

Lee opened his curtain, staring at the twins with the message "I-cant-believe-youre-making-me-do-
this" clear.

"I'm telling Percy you're cuddling Ron if he ever comes by and screeches the 'beds empty' speech

"Great idea."

The twins dove on Lee's bed and hugged the said boy.


After the spectacular confrontation during the day, Severus Snape undoubtedly found out about
and lectured Flint on the proper way of being a Watcher in his office.Flint can only leave once he's
written a letter to his father of what he'd done. Severus proceeded to call Draco in after Flint was
marched back to his dorm room, the blond keeping his head high until the doors closed and he
rushed to hug his godfather.

"That's three Watchers down for me." Draco murmured into Severus' clothes. "I don't know if I
should be happy with it."

Severus filed his lecture on the child's way of intimidation (watched through a Prefect's memory)
and settled on stroking Draco's hair the way he likes it.

"You did well, Dragon. You should be proud. Not anyone can find out who their Watchers are."
Severus stated. Draco just buried himself deeper into his godfather's embrace.

"I'm sorry for saying he's half-blood. I was listening to your lessons, I promise." Draco muttered. "I
discriminated Flint. I'm sorry, there were other ways to go about it."

Severus' lips quirked up in pride (knowing the blond can't see it), Draco realising why he's been
called is a great improvement from him immediately bursting into tears when he was a child.

"As long as you know where you're wrong." Severus said cryptically, patting the blond Slytherin.

"...will my Father be angry?" Draco whispered.

"He will be." Severus replied, rubbing Draco's scarred shoulders as if it's a reminder. "But for now,
you're safe."

Draco reveled in the statement and allowed himself to be relaxed and soon enough, he went limp,
Severus catching him and placing him on the couch. He stroked Draco's eyes closed even if he
made a protesting sound.

"Sleep, Dragon. I'll wake you up soon." Severus murmured, Draco nuzzling his hand.

"Thank you..." Draco slurred out, the feeling of safety and warmth surrounding him and lulled him
into a peaceful sleep.


Way past curfew when the prefects are already on their last rounds, the twins silently rolled away
from their cuddle pile on Lee's bed and stretched. George casted a 'Tempus' charm and blinked as it
read 1:20AM. Fred murmured a spell on the doorknob and showed George a thumb up, confirming
that Percy already saw the cuddle pile through fingerprint spell.

They wore extra layers of clothing and socks before they padded down the Gryffindor common
room, crawling as they saw another cuddle pile by the fireplace. A glance at it had George blinking
in confusion. He nudged Fred and pointed. Fred looked on and blinked in confusion as well.

By the fireplace, Ginny, Luna and Hermione were all cuddled up and comfortable. They both shot
each other a smirk and unanimously directed a nearby comforter at the sleeping girls. Why a
Ravenclaw was still in the lion's den during sleeping hours may be a cause of confusion but there is
more pressing matters to attend to.

Let it be known that even under Prefect Percy's watch, the Weasley Twins got out the Gryffindor
common rooms undetected.

The twins high-fived and slowly made their way to the curtains to avoid being seen going through
a shortcut. A few minutes later, they were standing guard by one of the secret passageways of
Hogwarts. The One-eyed Witch in the third floor corridor.

Fred inspected the hump for any signs of usage while George observed the dust trails they
purposely put on the ground to see if it was disturbed.

"I don't think Sirius Black went through this way, brother." They said in unison, patting the statue.

"Where did you think he got in from, it certainly can't be here since this leads directly to
Honeydukes. He wasn't seen in Hogsmeade at all this year."

"Can't be by the mirror either, the charm we set there hasn't gone off."

The twins hummed in confusion. They've been standing guard at each and every secret passageway
they know of and there was still no sign of Sirius Black.

"Should we try--" George's question was cut off by a voice behind them.

"What are you two troublemakers doing?"

"We solemnly swear we're up to no good." The twins said almost automatically, turning around
with their hands up in surrender.

They stared blankly at the Slytherin blond in front of them with crossed arms and a raised brow. It
would've been intimidating if it weren't for the silk pajamas and bedhair.

"Oh." The twins huffed a sigh of relief.

The blond just blinked in confusion once more.

Tonight just got more fun, the twins thought as they smirked at the blond.

Chapter End Notes

Now there's lots of scenes but I have a soft spot for the ending scene. I told you they'll
meet during fourth year but when i scanned my drafts they have this precious
encounter i legit laughed. I thought long and hard on what the first words they could
ever have and i settled on this one. Also the severus + Draco interaction I realized I
never emphasize as much?? Severus basically is Draco's father figure and not Lucius, I
swear by this! Also yeah, the Gryffindor Knows was born because my friend likes
gossip and she's a Gryffindor and she reads this pamphlets with facts and I was like
'now that's an idea'.

I was legit screaming at the 710 kudos! The 257 comments! The hits are nearing 10k
whaaaaat!? It's so amazing the love this fic is having made me feel better and happier.
Thank you for being here with me. See you soon!
Chaos in the making
Chapter Summary

Some nightmare, chance encounters, anticlimactic adventures, detentions, encounters

again, some sprinkled side plot, some chaos..

Chapter Notes


chapter, I said something about a deadline so yea, my plan was to actually finish this
story by now but my real world is a whirlwind of activities that needed to be done so
that didn't happen. It was a long time coming, but we're here now. I am fond of
thinking that Draco was just receiving letters from strangers a year ago and now they
met! Read on and find out how well their first meeting goes!

There's some angst, here. Can't ever get rid of it.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was dark, and Draco was alone.

"How shameful."

A familiar voice sounded in the dark and he tensed up. He patted himself to look for his wand but
there was nothing.


He was shoved down the floor, Draco scrambling to balance himself and ended up on his hands
and knees.

"Why do you lack intelligence, child? You are weak! Malfoys are not supposed to be weak!" The
angry voice echoed around him getting louder and louder, Draco had to cover his ears.

"I'm sorry.." he whispered, flinching. "Please forgive me.."

Draco heard tutting, and started hyperventilating.

His father's voice continued to echo, the disappointment clear in his voice.

"Don't you understand that I despise begging for forgiveness?! I keep telling you, Malfoys don't

Draco shook his head, biting his lip almost as if he's willing it to bleed.
"You are my son, Draco. You must become strong. Cunning! Your self preservation is lacking!"

The cutting words ran deep and Draco curled in on himself to avoid the crucio that was soon to

"Stand, Draco!" Draco froze. "Stand now or I'll make sure you won't ever stand up again."

Draco shivered and was about to stand up but fingers closed in on his neck and gripped it tightly.
Draco was forced to stand as he struggled to breathe.

"Look how pathetic you are." Draco opened an eye and stared up at his Father's grim face,
distaste clearly seen in his eyes. "Are you even fit to be the heir?"

Draco woke with a gasp, terrified wide eyes blinking furiously. He calmed himself through routine
breathing excercises, mind whirring in overdrive as he took in his location. He's still in his Uncle
Sev's room in the castle, the living room to be exact.

"Not in the manor." He told himself. "You're alright. You're not in the manor."

Draco scanned his vitals shakily as he looked around. The fireplace was providing warmth and the
temperature of the room is cozy, his favorite blanket his Uncle Sev gave him when he was a child
is draped over him furthering the comfiness of the place. Overall, the room is currently catered to
his needs for peaceful sleep and its as if he was in his room back in Wiltshire.

"I could live here." Draco sighed, raking a hand through his messy blond locks. "And yet because I
could live here I get the nightmares as well."

A dry chuckle sounded from his lips. His eyes caught sight of a small vial and a note settled neatly
on the center table and he gently picked it up.


Should you wake up and I am not with you, drink the calming draught I placed on the table with
this note. You must be having another nightmare if you woke up so late. It will help you.

If you would like to go back to your dorms, I have also written you a pass so if you were ever
caught by the ones patroling while going back to the Slytherin dorms, you may be excused. The
pass states you were helping me brew potions. Do consider changing out of your pajamas or the
excuse might be moot.

Should you return to your dorms, I have a warming charm set to surround you once you are out
the door. Remember to lock it, Dragon. This is not the Manor. Hogwarts is mischievous and
leaves the door open if it is unlocked unlike the Manor. I do rather like my privacy.

Should you wish to stay, lay back down and go to sleep, brat. You have classes tomorrow.


Draco hummed in an appreciative tune as he uncorked the calming draught, immediately

experiencing its effects after downing the contents in one gulp. Draco smiled fondly at the empty
bottle, the potion was definitely catered to work most effectively at Draco specifically.

"And they wonder why I like Uncle Sev so much." Draco murmured to himself, remembering his
cousin's hilarious facial expressions when Draco mentions the Slytherin Head of House.
Draco lied back down and tried to go back to sleep but his mind was awake. As he casted a
'Tempus'charm, he saw it is 1:20 in the morning.

"..I can stay but I can't sleep." Draco smirked, "I can walk around Hogwarts, brilliant. I have a

Realising that his sleep clothes, the deep blue silk pajamas he likes to wear, were really his and not
transfigured ones, he suddenly remembered stacking some of his clothes here last year due to the
gruelling brewing process of wolfsbane.

"So that's what I forgot to pack." Draco mumbled absentmindedly.

Tidying up his sleep space and writing a quick thank you note from the back of his godfather's
note, he stretched and silently walked out the door with his pass on hand. Immediately, his very
being was surrounded by warming charms and he sighed in satisfaction, welcoming the warmth.
He wandlessly locked the door as per his godfather's request. He raked a hand through his messy
blond locks and decided to leave it be.

He walked mindlessly, his mind not registering where he walks until he blinked and found himself
on the third floor corridor. He definitely accidentally took a shortcut and ended up the wrong way
because he does not remember going up the moving staircase. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously at
twin lights of Lumos charms by the One-Eyed witch statue and walked silently to it. The corridor
may be dim because of the sleeping portraits but there really was no need for a Lumos unless
they're doing something to the statue.

He watched as two ridiculous redheads inspected the statue critically at the dead of the night as he
walked and heard whispers. Draco held his breath when he heard they were talking about Sirius
Black once he was close enough but couldn't hear the details well.

"Should we try--" one of the redhead started to say but he couldn't help but cut him off.

"What are you two troublemakers doing?" Draco asked, curiosity winning.

"We solemnly swear we're up to no good." The two troublemakers said as if almost automatically,
turning around with their hands up in surrender. The lights on their wands diminished through a
wordless 'Nox'

Draco crossed his arms and raised his brow but the people he caught doing mischief just stared at
him blanky. Seeing as the Gryffindor emblem is in one of their jumpers, the phrase they said must
be popular in Gryffindor seeing as his Cousin says it as well. Bunch of reckless dorks, really.

"Oh." The twins huffed a sigh of relief after a moment of staring at him.

The blond just blinked in confusion once more.

"Are you lost, Malfoy?" One of them asked.

'They know me.' Draco thought, frowning. 'Are they my Watchers from another House?'

"I'm not. I was going back to my dorms."

"Why are you wearing so little layers, aren't you cold?" The other one asked.

Draco narrowed his eyes through the dim lighting. "I'm not obligated to answer that."
"Then we're not obligated to answer what we were doing." They both said in unison, a grin in their

"The way you both speak is as if you're both twins." Draco commented offhandedly, scrutinizing
the statue behind the tall redheads. "Red hair, atrocious fashion sense.. you both must be a

"We are!" They both said before pausing. "Now there's the Malfoy our brother was telling us
about! Scathing remarks and all."

Draco huffed, deciding he's done with the conversation. There wasn't anything in the statue after
his wandless-wordless scanning. How disappointing.

"I am leaving you to get caught." Draco scrunched his nose at the Weasley twins. Fraternal,
maybe. They look nothing alike. "Good bye."

Before the twins could say another word, they were cut off by a 'meow'. The twins froze, heads
whipping to side and simultaneously cursing once they caught sight of Mrs. Norris.

"Bloody hell." The cat meowed again, her tail swishing behind her.

Draco smiled at Filch's cat who likes to accompany him back to the dorms when he's going back
after a brewing session. He was about to walk to her and pet her in greeting but he was pulled by
two strong hands and dragged to another passageway, possibly a shortcut.

He slapped their hands away.

"Don't presume to touch me!" He hissed.

"Ooh feisty, ain't ya?"

"Why did you slobs drag me here and where are we even going?" Draco asked, patting for his
wand and wordlessly casted a 'Lumos' to see where he's going.

"Don't worry too much, we're not leading you to your doom."

"Or death for that matter."

"We are going to the dungeons." They both said.

"Most logical location. Filch will never know we're there."

"Of course he'll know. He knows Hogwarts inside out." Draco said, inwardly correcting himself.
Mrs. Norris knows Howarts inside and out.

The redheads chuckled. "No, he doesn't. But we think Dumbledore does."

"He's the Headmaster. Of course he does." Draco rolled his eyes. He sighed helplessly. "Why did
you even bother dragging me here, I have a pass and I am allowed to walk through the halls. If we
ever got found, I am blaming both of you."

"Don't worry." One said, shooting his brother a glance.

"No one will find us." The other said, grinning at Draco.
It was quiet for a few minutes before Draco couldn't take it anymore. The darkness reminded him
too much of why he was even awake at this time of night.

"Since you both dragged me into your mischief, care to tell me what you were doing to Gunhilde
de Gorsemoor?" Draco inquired, shivering slightly as he felt some of the warming charms
disappearing. Honestly, Dumbledore ought to update the runes of Hogwarts!

"To who?" They both asked in unison, one disabling his Lumos charm and conjuring a thick
blanket, giving it to Draco wordlessly after the other Weasley charmed it with warming charms.
Draco looked at it in disdain for a second before hesitantly accepting it. Enveloped by warmth, he
internally commended their charm skills.

Silently, in return, Draco sent the Weasleys a warming charm. The redheads blinked at each other
in disbelief once they felt it before looking at Draco.

"The healer, gifted potioneer and the creator of the Dragon Pox cure?" The supposedly twins
blinked down at him in confusion. "The one on the statue? Honestly, you don't even know her?
She's even in a chocolate frog card."

"Oh, we just call it the One-eyed Witch." The twins responded.

"We were just admiring her beauty." One said in a blasé tone, waving a hand dismissively.

"At one in the morning." Draco stated, suspicion lacing his tone.

"Sure." The other concluded, winking at Draco. "She looks better that way."

Draco threw a judgemental look at the redheads leading the way.

"Was it left or was it right?" They both asked in unison after reaching a fork in the path.

Draco stared at them incredulously.

"Please don't tell me we're lost." He sighed in exasperation, he was beginning to get tired of
walking and absolutely tired of maintaining composure not jumping out when countless critters
they've encountered were too close to him for comfort.

"Pshh, no." One said, waving a dismissive hand as they headed left.

"What makes you say that?"

Draco pinned them a pointed look, "The fact both of you asked each other for directions?"

"Tell us, Oh Great Slytherin Prince, were you always so sassy?" One asked. He answered him with
a glare that got the taller one holding up his arms in surrender.

"Ohh, best hurry on, then." The other one chuckled, "I think our Slytherin companion is getting
cranky because he needs sleep."

"Stop talking like I'm not here." Draco grouched, already having enough of the teasing.

Draco was starting to doubt if he should really believe they're going in the right direction but one
redhead tapped a wall and it revealed they were near the Potions classroom. He hummed in
acknowledgment, stepping out the secret passageway.

"Well then, Malfoy. Mischief Managed!" They both said in unison. "It was nice having an
adventure with you."

"It's not much of an adventure, you're both just running away not to get caught. Mrs. Norris
would've found you sooner with how loud you were when whispering." Draco responded, which
the twins decided to ignore.

"If you're wondering what our names are, I'm George." The redhead who winked at him earlier
said. (Draco honestly thought dust got caught in his eye that time but seeing as he winked again,
the dust may not be out yet).

"My name is Fred." The one who conjured the blanket said.

There was mischief shining brightly in their eyes at their introduction that Draco suddenly got too

"So I'm supposed to believe you're twins even though you look nothing alike and I'm supposed to
believe you're not changing your names to the other because this is the first time we ever
interacted?" Draco asked, brow raised and a deadpanned look settling in his face.

The 'twins' gaped at him in shock, obviously caught off guard.

"Sure." Draco drawled, rolling his eyes and turning back at them to head to his dorms. As he waved
goodbye, he smirked over his shoulder "Maybe you both look better that way."

Once inside and encountering no one, he went up to his room and settled into his bed, welcoming
the warmth of the dorms. Draco added the conjured warm blanket on top of his premium cotton
quilt as he settled in his bed. Once he closed his eyes, he fell asleep immediately. His dreams was
filled with laughter and warmth.


The twins stared dumbfoundedly at the blond entering the Slytherin dorms (without saying the
password, at that). They blinked at the wall in front of them in disbelief.

"Did you hear what he said, brother?" George muttered.

"No one ever figured out who we are on first meeting." Fred replied, his surprised tone echoing
George's. They had switched their names on purpose and the Slytherin blond figured it out.

"Was that really Malfoy we met?" They asked in unison, adopting a thinking pose. "He seemed like
a different person."

"Is it because he slept on the right side of the bed this time?" George continued as they walked to a
different shortcut, this time leading to the Gryffindor dorms.

"Why on earth was he even doing outside the dorms so late? He's even wearing those expensive
pajamas Madam Malkin was fantasising about when we were being fitted." Fred frowned in
confusion. "He can't have been sleepwalking."

"He said he has a pass, too. What could he be doing to receive one?"

"More importantly, I was so sure Mrs. Norris would bring Filch here. She certainly did last time."
Fred commented, "I was so ready to run after you opened the wall."

"Yeah, I was too." George replied, chuckling. "I think the cat knows Malfoy."
"Or she found some other student out of bed."

The twins shrugged. "Maybe."

So many mysteries ahead, they shook their heads.

"Same time tomorrow?" George asked as they neared the Gryffindor portrait.

"You said it, brother."

Someone cleared their throat behind them and they froze. They know all too well the only person
who can clear their throats like that.

"I do think you'll be busy with detention tomorrow." A familiar voice sounded, disappointment
clear in their tone.

They slowly turned around with their hands up in surrender.

"We solemnly swear we were up to no good." The twins said in unison, laughing nervously.

In front of them, Professor McGonagall (in her sleep clothes complete with a nightcap) stood
together with Filch, Mrs. Norris comfortably snuggling Filch as she stared at them like the cat that
got the canary.

Percy was in front of them, Prefect badge glinting and his eyes glaring in disapproval.

They're doomed.


Despite having a midnight adventure, Draco woke up early in the morning feeling well-rested. He
stretched and took in the comfortable warmth of his bed. Blaise had the house elves stitched
warming runes into the bedding suiting his temperature a week ago. If he focused hard enough,
Draco can feel echoes of Dobby's magic even though he's not with him anymore.

A few minutes of lounging and awareness gradually seeping into him, Draco muttered a Tempus
charm which read 6:00AM. He hummed and proceeded to do his morning routine. Blaise was
awake once he came out of the bathroom ready to start the day. Draco walked over and smoothed
down his best friend's bedhead.

"I'm going to the library." Draco whispered as to not wake up the others.

Blaise grunted in acknowledgment, patting Draco on the shoulder.

"Go get'em, dragon." Blaise murmured, clearly not awake enough to respond properly.

Draco shook his head in amusement and walked out the Slytherin dormitory. No need to let Pansy
know where he is, for all he knows the Parkinson Lady already tagged him in a tracker spell since
they started becoming best of friends. After all, she always knows where him and Blaise are.

Once he reached the library, he greeted a sleepy Madam Pince who looked at him in disdain.

"Here before breakfast starts, dearie? It's rare of you to be behind your assignments." She tutted as
Draco shrugged. "Best go on, then."

"Good morning again, Madam." Draco said pleasantly, going over to the Magical Creatures

He was looking for a particular book about Gringotts Vault Animals that were not published during
the 14th century because most books that time were rubbish when a hand reached out to the same
book he was getting.

Draco glared at the bushy haired girl suddenly beside him, gripping the same book.

"Let go, Granger." Draco sneered.

"Good morning, Malfoy. I feel quite well if I do say so myself. Nice meeting you so early in the
morning." Hemione Granger smiled, the sarcasm clear in her voice. "You just made my morning

"How you got into Gryffindor is a mystery with how much devour books." Draco drawled, letting
go of the book they're fighting over once he saw another copy. "Then again, it must be your
reckless nature the Sorting Hat saw."

"Your insults are boring in the mornings." Hermione commented, humming in victory as she took
the book and skimmed the pages. "Did you do the Potions assignment for next week yet?"

"Aisle 30, fourth book on the right, red cover with gold lining." Draco answered, flipping through
the pages of the book. "Starting from page 365."

"Okay then." Hermione acknowledged, closing the book she's reading. "Page 143."

Draco flipped to the said page and nodded in acknowledgment. "Good catch there."

"I do what I can." Hermione replied before striding over to the said aisle.

Draco closed the book and scoured for another reference, it was an essay that Professor Lupin
wanted two weeks from now but it can't hurt borrowing the books early so he won't have to fight
for the book he wanted when his schoolmates are scrambling to finish it before the deadline.

Through the years, there was only a handful of people he had to fight over the book he wanted for
reference and one of them is Hermione Granger. They came to a silent agreement that to finish
their assignments early, it's better if they just help each other than sabotage one another. It started
when Draco placed down a book he used for reference on Professor Quirrell's class (Easy Ways to
Dodge and Retaliate: Conversion by Erikson Callaghan) accidentally on the table Hermione was
working on her assignment.

"I've been looking for this." She said, nodding at Malfoy before taking the book and gently flipped
to the page she was looking for.

Draco just stared at her then continued to ignore her. The second time it happened is when he was
arguing with a Ravenclaw about a Potions book he needed and she took the last copy. He had
settled on a translated language of the book (Bulgarian) when Madam Pince called off the fight
and ushered the Ravenclaw out with book because she favors the ravens. When Hermione was
getting out of the library, she passed by his table and placed down another English copy of Basic
Measurements for Quick Remedies by Gunhilde de Gorsemoor. There was a neat handwritten note
on top of it stating which page to start.

Thus, they had a silent truce to act civil inside the library. Outside though, Draco was free to say
whatever he has to say. (Hermione has long since ignored his insults because after nitpicking it in
her mind he was just stating book facts and directing it at her for some reason. Yes, even the
mudblood insults Draco throws at her can be read at Pureblood Traditons by Amelia Wuthering).

Draco settled on a table far away from the entrance, in a secluded corner. He read through the
transcripts of the author and began mentally drafting his essay. Granger appeared again, this time
plopping a pamphlet like thing on top of the book he's reading.

"And you disturb me while I'm reading because...?" Draco asked, raising a brow at the Gryffindor.

"It's worth a read... besides you're only drafting at the moment." She answered. "It's been
circulating around Hogwarts the past few days. You might want to pass that on after you read it.
Do you remember the copying spell?"

Draco rolled his eyes, "Sod off, Granger."

"I'll see you in class." She answered, slinging a heavy book bag on her shoulder filled with
reference books. Draco could see the Potions book she asked for was included.

Draco sent a disdainful look at her struggling form before casting a wandless-wordless weightless
spell on her bag. Hermione paused as the heavyweight disappeared and glanced at the Slytherin's

"Thanks, Malfoy."

"Your presence sickens me."

"I hope your insults improve in the afternoon." Granger called out, shooting Madam Pince a
sheepish grin.

The librarian waved a dismissive hand. There were the only ones there, anyway. Internally, she
finds their interactions quite amusing.

Once the annoying Gryffindor was gone, Draco casually flipped the pamphlet open only to pause
at what he's seeing.

The LEO GEMINI Sirius Black's case report.

He stared at it more in confusion before an imaginary lumos was casted above his head.

Joker did it.


Our Darling D,

Darling! Have you seen the Sirius Black case report going around in Hogwarts? That certainly
wasn't us. Who could be the genius, so smart and sneaky to acquire such thing? And who could be
so daring to distribute it handsomely around the Hogwarts Houses, at that.

Who could better do it..

Than the three of us?!

We told you, we'll help you.

We read the transcripts ourselves. There was beautifully done jargon we had to research
what it meant. Whoever made the report was surely drinking at the same time. We noticed
the slipping formality by the end. One of our brothers was angry at the ridiculous conclusions
and the grammatical errors as well. You did well on erasing who could've reported such a
thing or the brains of our Houses would certainly bombard him with lectures.

I saw a Ravenclaw furiously correcting the transcript and the other one including meanings of
jargon before copying it and spreading it to lower years for better understanding. Basically, we
won't get caught.

We still don't know how you acquired such important piece of information. Only the higher
years realized that it's a LEO report. I think the transcripts have found themselves to the
Professors hands by this point. We had no classes today because there was an emergency

Look at that, spreading information through mischief and we got a day off!

We were so luck the H.Owls were flying back and forth because some of the students sent their
copies to their families and we get to deliver this to you before all of them were gone.

Hopefully, you'll get these earlier!

Knowing you, our intelligent, sneaky and brilliant darling, you would be studying.

Someday, we'll make you make mischief.


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey


Draco should've known when he encountered a Gryffindor in the morning, he was bound to
encounter another one. He just didn't think it would be by lunch time. This definitely dampened his
good mood on receiving a letter from his Comforts quill 'pals' just a few minutes ago.

He was just minding his own business after he ate lunch, drafting his reply while walking along
the bridge to his next class alone (because Pansy wanted dessert and Blaise had homework to do),
when he bumped into Harry sodding Potter. The Gryffindor was running without looking in front
of him and ended up crashing into Malfoy. They ungracefully went down the floor with a large

"Watch where you're going, Potter." Draco spat, righting himself. "How could you be so stupid as
to bump someone when you have four eyes!?"

"I'm not stupid,Malfoy!" Harry retaliated, getting up and dusting himself off. "Sod off, why don't

Seeing this moment a good opportunity to bring up Sirius, Malfoy sneered, "Well, that is news to
me. With the way you whine about your Godfather!"

"He killed my parents!" Harry growled out, annoyed that even the Slytherin had to breathe down
his neck about his Godfather. "He's escaped Azkaban to kill me!"

"See that, Potter? That is stupidity!" Malfor scoffed. "You believe everything they tell you! Well
then where is the proof your godfather killed your parents?"

"What?" Harry paused, bewildered.

"Proof! Evidence that supports your belieff! Surely you have some when you spit out fire just by
saying your godfather's name."

"What are you on about, Malfoy?" Harry asked, frowning. "I heard Professor McGonagall say it to
the Minister! She's known him for years! The Daily Prophet won't shut up about Black for months

Draco stared long and hard at Harry for a moment. Oh, Salazar. How hilarious. He knows more of
what's happening than the Chosen One himself.

"I'm so apalled, I can't believe this is happening." Draco shook his head, glaring at Potter. "Look,
Potter. Just because someone older than you or because some rubbish article you read told you
something, you don't believe it easily. You check facts, first! This is why you Gryffindors get in
trouble so much! You invite and dive into chaos headfirst!"

Potter snarled, whipping his wand out of its holster. Draco just crossed his arns. "What? Struck a
nerve, didnt i? Finally doubting every adult around you? Because who did even know the truth that

"Shut up!" Harry yelled at the blond who just scoffed and crossed his arms defiantly.

"Well how about I don't shut up?? How about I tell you your godfather was whisked off to
Azkaban because Aurors just wanted the case to be done with and all that is in their minds that
night was that they wanted to celebrate You-Know-Who is gone? He didnt even get a trial for what
he did!" Draco stated, annoyance filtering through the injustice his cousin received.

"He killed Peter Pettigrew! He was their friend!" Harry retaliated although his mind was reeling at
what Malfoy said.

"But who was friend or who was foe in the war, Potter? You don't know. When it's war you don't
trust people easily! He may be their friend but he couldve turned out to be their foe! Or he could be
their only trustworthy friend and someone else turned out to be their foe! Think of all the

Harry faltered, mulling over Draco's words. His heart was hammering quite loudly and his eyes
narrowed at Draco suspiciosuly.

"How did you know Sirius Black didn't have a trial? What proof do you have he didnt kill
Pettigrew and those...and those muggles." Harry asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "You probably
dont have proof and you're lying."

"Wow, you suck at goading sometimes." Drsco muttered, opening his bag and tossing the case
report at Harry Potter. "There! Read it you idiot, pedhaps you'll understand."

"H-how did you get this?" Harry gaped as he flipped through a copy of an official report. He stared
at the blond accusingly. "You stole it"

"You can't steal anything from a Ministry library." Draco said condescendingly, rolling his eyes.
"Youre legally allowed to copy, everyone knows that. Salazar, this git is hopeless." Draco tutted.
"As for proof he didnt murder Pettigrew, Black's wand didnt even show offensive spells that
couldve killed that guy. The killing curse certainly didnt reduce a person to a finger, I think you of
all people should know that."

"He could've used something else, or some other spell." Harry replied, although he was frustrated
at the seed of doubt already planted in his mind.

"His wand tells all. An exclusive Blackm wand certainly does not lie. Even Ollivander made sure
of that." Draco rebutted. Harry frowned, skimming through the numerous pages.

Draco gave Harry one last disgusted look. "Research first before you believe what people
say,Potter. Honestly, this conversation is so sad. You uncultured fool. You can have that copy, I've
read it enough. That's been going around Hogwarts, I'm not surprised you didn't know because I
was so sure you don't read."

Harry ignored Draco as he turned and walked away. His hands grasped the crisp paper of the case
report regarding one Sirius Black. Draco stared at the hopeless Gryffindor, offering a silent prayer
to the Four Founders for Potter to accept his godfather is innocent.

Merlin knows his godfather deserved a chance to have his freedom. Of course, Draco frowned at
the Gryffindor who disappeared from a corner, a chance to live with his godson might be needed as


Somewhere in Hogwarts, the twins were being monitored by Professor McGonagall as they served
their detention. One of the detentions they don't particularly like is when their Head of Houses
oversees their detention. It ranged from making them do homework to doing chores around the
Normally, once they get caught, the Professors like to put them in a place where they'll have no

Professor Flitwick once made them assist Madam Rosmerta in the library which backfired because
they found books they needed for the future pranks after that. Professor Snape had them scrub
cauldrons and the classroom's floor but since they were unsupervised, they had discussed the next
plan. Professor Sinistra was quite generous and just had them accompany her to look for planets in
outer space though it absolutely bore them hearing about constellations and stuff as if they haven't
heard about it. (Her subject is one they get the most E's because of this). Professor Trelawney,
although new, was no stranger into giving students detention and had them clean the crystal balls
for hours because she forgot they were there, busy with talking to creatures the twins don't see.

Hagrid by far had them being active like they were doing now, mostly to feed or bathe the magical
creatures he cared so much about. The twin's favorite detention with Hagrid to date is when they
took care of Buckbeak for a day. They asked the hippogriff if they knew their darling d, it seems he
does but suddenly they can't speak its language even though it chirruped and cooed for a while.
Professor Lupin's detentions are the most fun and had them wracking their minds as the Professor
handed them puzzles to beat, which was easy enough until they almost get to the end and end up
having to restart again. The twins also had to assist the professor to subdue a creature once. (This
was also the chance to prank the DADA professor but so far, the said Professor hasn't budged and
still couldn't be pranked.) They were delighted when said Professor also vetoed some of their prank
ideas when they were whispering about it.

Professor Dumbledore's detentions consist of them mostly adventuring in Hogwarts because the
Headmaster takes them to a room for them to clean (with wands, thankfully) then leaves them there
to get lost. As he says "If you can't find your way back, just ask the portraits" which was useless
because the portraits think it's funny if the twins were lost. Ever since the Marauder's Map was
bestowed to their honorary little brother, the twins just explored Hogwarts until they end up
somewhere familiar or see someone they know. Incidentally, it's how they found out about the
third floor to potions classroom shortcut.

Now, they were chopping wood without their wands by Hagrid's hut as the Deputy Headmistress
enjoy tea with Hagrid. Their axes were sharp as a knife and the wood gets chopped easier like
butter once they succeeded wandless-wordless slicing charm.

Buckbeak and Fang was observing them a few feet away, the other picking apart a ferret, the other
gnawing on a bone. The twin terrors were no stranger to woodwork, with their coops and treehouse
back at home, but it's gruelling work and the chopped wood is said to fill up the fireplace in the
dorms which the house elves will collect soon.

"This is our good deed for today."

"Our lovingly chopped wood to warm the hearts of our peers."

After a wordless glance at each other, they started a competition between themselves on who could
chop the most wood. It was put to a stop immediately after Professor McGonagall transfigured the
wood they recently chopped to a toad.

They both groaned and looked at their stern Head of House. She raised her brow back at them
which made them puff up their cheeks defiantly.

They went back to work, glaring at Buckbeak and Fang when they looked too amused at the


Draco pulled aside the privacy curtain by one of Hospital wing's bed and frowned at his Professor
nibbling on chocolate as he read.

"Professor." Draco called out disapprovingly. "You can't eat chocolate alone after your
transformation. You need to eat something else."

Lupin glanced up at his nagging student and had the gall to chuckle. "I've been nagged since early
in the morning about my eating habits, Draco. Maybe you should pick a different greeting next

Draco crossed his arms. "Maybe you should listen and eat properly."
Lupin just graced the blond a smile. "What is it you needed to ask, Draco?"

Draco sat down on the place Lupin patted and held up his wand. "Scan."

"Go on ahead." Lupin acquiesced. "How is your research going?"

"Needed improvement and such. You seemed better than the last moon." Draco nodded, satisfied
with his scans. Lupin wandlessly transferred the scans to a conjured parchment and gave it to the
impressed Slytherin.

"Any headaches, joint pains, and fatigue a day after the full moon?"

Lupin hummed, "Maybe just for a few hours or so, Draco. That was a massive improvement than
consuming a lot of nasty Potions."
Draco rolled his eyes. "Of course that's your complaint."

"Hey." Lupin frowned. "I'm a patient. I'm allowed to dislike potions."

"You've had it for years." Another voice drawled as the curtain was once again set aside, revealing
Professor Snape holding another vial.

"Sometimes, I just think Snape's keeping the taste that way to mess with me." Lupin show
whispered at Draco's way, winking as Snape looked at the DADA professor disdainfully.

Draco sighed at their interactions once more. Whatever happened in the Hogwarts years was too
deep and they just can't get along no matter how Draco tried. At least there were no more
underhanded threats thrown.

"Believe me, if I can choose the taste of what I am giving you, it would be more flavorful than you
could ever imagine."

Even Draco had to grimace at that, thinking of every taste of Potions. The Potions Master counted
Draco and Lupin's disgusted expression as a win.

"Boys! You should get along now, seriously!" Madam Pomfrey admonished, placing another tray
of vials for Lupin and Draco handing her his scans so she wouldnt cast it on her patient again.

"I'm Draco, not Sirius serious." Draco muttered under his breath. Three pairs of adult eyes looked
at him, two in disapproval and one in shock. The blond looked back at them with a curious
expression. "What?"

He only received a exasperated sigh from the patient and a frown from the Potions Master. Draco
shrugged. The healer just ignored what's happening and finished reading the scans, nodding in

"Very good, Mr. Malfoy. You can certainly take your Emergency First Aid Licensure examination
by next month if you can make accurate scans on Professor Lupin." The healer patted the blond's
head. "Well done."

Draco basked in the accomplishment before smirking at his DADA Professor. "I suppose I have to
give you my thanks for letting me experiment on you."

Lupin chuckled. "Congratulations, then."

Madame Pomfrey rushed out as soon as Lupin obediently took his Potions and let his blood be

"I did your homework. When can I turn it in?" Draco asked both of his Professors.

"Alright, you busybody. Pass it tomorrow after class." Lupin said, shaking his head in amusement.

"Add an additional foot about the effectiveness of powdered silver; only then you may pass it to

Lupin looked at Snape incredulously. "Are you serious? Adding another homework?"

Snape looked at Lupin with a blank stare. "He is doing a research study with me. The least he
could do is educate himself on every ingredient of the potion."

"Lighten up, he's only a child." Lupin frowned disapprovingly.

"I already added that and the other ingredients as well." Draco cut in, frowning as he thought of
something. "I was going to research on what can be substituted and what is detrimental next."

Snape nodded his approval and Lupin reached Draco's hand and patted it. "Maybe you should take
it easy for the day...and later tonight. Go play exploding snap with your friends."

Draco blinked. "But they have training and etiquette scheduled today. They can't cancel that."

Remus Lupin looked stumped. Draco patted the Professor's hand.

"You Gryffindors are too touchy." Draco commented. Lupin groaned. "And dramatic."

Snape looked at his godchild, smirking at the words that came from the cuddle monster and the
one with Black blood himself.

"How is our students doing, Snape?" Lupin asked instead, temporarily giving up on making Draco
have fun.

"Well on their way to failure."

"Same as always, then." Remus chuckled.

Seeing the perfect time to open a discussion, Draco rummaged through his bag for another copy of
the transcript (this time a Ravenclaw version).

"By the way, Professor. Since you were out of the loop for a few days now, maybe you should read
this in case students bombard you with questions. You seem like the type to be interested in this."
Draco handed the stack of papers to the curious Professor, ignoring the piercing stare his Head of
House was directing at him.

Draco thanked the Four Founders for having a talent in Occlumency or else it was at that moment
that Snape would figure out he's known his cousin for months. Small blessings.

Lupin took the papers carefully, his smile slipping on his face as he read the title of the transcript.

Sirius Black's case.

He froze momentarily, holding the one case he wanted to go over and wished to see for years. His
hand shook and his mouth fell open to gasp quietly.

"...where did you get this?" Lupin asked, eyes boring into Draco's.

Draco shrugged. "There were a lot of copies going around Hogwarts. I figured you'd want to read
something new rather than re-reading your books."

Draco watched as his Professor struggled to maintain his composure and Snape patted his shoulder.

"We'll leave you to it."

"Thanks..Sev.." Draco's eyes widened at the nickname, looking at his godfather rolling his eyes.

Snape dragged the Malfoy heir out the Hospital wing. The DADA Professor looked like he was in
his own world, still staring at the front page.

"Sev?! Since when were the both of you close?"

"I told you, Dragon. We were acquaintances during Hogwarts."

"That doesn't explain it!"

"That also doesn't explain you going around and handing out case reports."

Draco shrugged, "I finished reading it and I had it in my bag. I saw Professor re-reading yet
another muggle book so I figured I'd give him something new to focus on."

Seeing his Godfather unconvinced, Draco changed the topic immediately


After joining tea time with Hagrid and Professor McGonagall approving their twin mountains of
wood piles, the twins were free to go. There were several pops that sounded signalling the house
elves picking up their hard work.

By the time they arrived at the Gryffindor common rooms, they caught sight of Hermione, Harry
and Ron yelling at each other.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" George said, going between Hermione and Ron and Fred whistling shrilly
to stop the yelling.

Neville stood shakily by the couch and Fred looked at him. "Hey there mate, go look for Percy for
me will ya?"

Neville nodded, hugging Trevor close to his chest and rushing out of the portrait.

"What is happening here?" George asked, shaking Hermione by the shoulders. Fred patted Ron's
head to calm him down and rubbed Harry's shoulder to shook him out of his daze.

" We were just discussing about the Black's case for an hour now, I was helping them understand
some of the jargon the writer was spouting. We were almost finished but then Ron got up to look
for scabbers but he was not in the room." Then Hermione glared at Ron "And then that insufferable
git decided to blame Crookshanks! When she's been here in the common room this whole time!"

"Oh, admit it Hermione! That cat killed him!" Fred hugged Ron to shut him up and George picked
up Crookshanks and placed her on her owner's arms. Then he directed the trio to sit.

"What about you, Harry? You've been yelling."

"I was trying to stop them so we could go back at the case report." Harry frowned. "But then they
decided to be at each others throats."

"You would act like this too if Hedwig got eaten." Ron sniped and Fred pulled Ron back into a
headlock hug, shoving his little brother's face on his shoulder.

"Quiet for a moment, Ronniekins."

"Well, I would be annoyed as well. Imagine, Harry, if Hedwig was suddenly accused of murder."
Hermione grinded out, petting the kneazle.

George ruffled Harry's hair cutting of the scathing retort he wanted to say.

"Calm down first before you say something you three will regret later on." George said, Fred
nodding in approval.
"Don't bring Hedwig into this." Harry huffed indignantly, crossing his arms. Sandwiched by the
twins, he was outnumbered at rebuttals.

Neville walked inside and sighed in relief as he saw the Golden Trio calming down. Ron groaned
as Percy walked inside as well.Fred chuckled as Ron glared at him accusingly.

"What is the meaning of this?" Percy asked, tapping his foot impatiently. "I was gone for half an
hour. Before I went out, you three got along so much your heads are bumping as you three looked
at Black's case report. What happened?"

There was silence as the twins shrugged and Percy's gaze bore into Ron's.

"I got up to look for Scabbers but he was gone in my bed. I can't find him anywhere." Percy
connected the dots so fast he immediately glared at his little brother.

"Have you asked around or have you looked at my room?" Percy asked, a brow raised. "Because
Wood caught a scuttling rat earlier and decided to play with it."

Ron gaped at his brother before sprinting up the dormitory staircase.

"I expect a heartfelt apology for Hermione before dinner, Ronald!" Percy sighed as Ron responded,
too far away to decipher what he said and settled on patting Hermione's head.

"I'm sorry for him, 'Mione. Go put your cat in the Cat's room." Percy said, Hermione immediately
following. "Lock the door properly!"

Harry fidgeted at Percy's gaze. "What about you, Harry? Did you all finish understanding Black's
case? It's rare for you to be interested in a Gryffindor Knows pamphlet or anything outside of
Quidditch, after all."

Harry frowned as three of the Weasley brothers teased him. "We were getting to the conclusion."

Percy closed his eyes and counted to ten, remembering the mistakes and farfetched conclusion. "I
can help you with that."

Harry nodded, grateful. The twin's arms that was around him lifted as the twins rolled off the

"Aaand that's our cue to leave." The twins announced in unison.

Harry settled in front of the fireplace with Percy sitting down next to him. Ginny arrived, freshly
showered, just in time to join them. She was really curious about the case (and figured that the case
belonged to LEO not GEMINI despite others not believing her).

The twins yawned and trudged upstairs to get ready for dinner.


By dinner time, the Slytherins were all caught up reading versions of transcripts from the
Gryffindor Knows pamphlets and Ravenclaw versions successfully handed out anonymously by
Draco. (He left copies in different places in the common room, the mermaids swearing not to rat
him out).

The Four House Tables were filled with whispers everywhere and murmurs resounding loudly that
it certainly wasn't a very peaceful dinner.

Draco was perfectly fine dining quietly, Blaise beside him telling him a story of some maid
becoming royalty because of a lost glass slipper fitting her. He internally scoffed, Pansy has dozens
of those and half of them already endangered his foot. There's nothing special about those.

"I still think he's blinded...or confunded. I suspect the witch who gave the maid a few means to go
to the ball." Pansy commented, "Then again, she must've chanted a love spell at him."

"That's true. I mean the witch has ridiculous spells, too." Blaise mulled over it. "It can't have been
true love or love at first sight."

Draco was about to give his two sickles on how the maid's life was similar to being a house elf
being free when all of a sudden the doors slammed open and the Great Hall fell silent. All of
Hogwarts watched as the Golden trio entered, Harry Potter looking pissed and Granger seemed
intent to pull the Chosen one back only to be pulled away by the Weasel. Everyone watched as
Potter strove over the Hogwarts staff table, blatantly glaring at the Headmaster. Draco's eyes
strayed over to the doors to see another Weasley silently sitting down. The Gryffindor Quidditch
captain gestured at Potter but the older Weasley shook his head. Huh, curious. A Gryffindor prefect
(identified by the badge) not going out of his way to stop Potter's shenanigans.

This ought to be good. Draco thought as his gaze went back to the front.

Potter put a stack of paper (probably the transcript) in front of Dumbledore with a loud 'smack'.

"Is this true, Professor?" Harry asked, his voice echoing through the Hall.

Dumbledore flipped through the transcript and hummed.

"Where did you get this, Harry?" The gravelly voice of the Headmaster had Draco suppressing a
chill running down his spine.

"Please answer my question first." Potter grinded out, his green eyes blazing with anger.

"Well, if it's emblazoned by the Ministry seal itself, there is a possibility that it may be true."

"So, it's true then?!" Potter asked, voice going up an octave.

"There is a possibility, yes."

"Merlin, it's a yes or no question. They're going on circles if this goes on." Pansy commented as she
continued eating her dinner.

"The old bat ain't gonna say something when all of Hogwarts is listening." Blaise replied before
shoving a huge portion of treacle tart in his mouth.

"Why didn't you help him?!" Potter yelled, voice crackling with emotion. A burst of magic from
Potter snuffed out some candles in the chandelier which was righted immediately with a wave of
Professor McGonagall's hand.

In the back of his mind, Draco could bet a galleon that if Professor Lupin was there, Potter would
go back to his seat. He'd win that one for sure. Wait, as a matter of fact, Professor Lupin would
want to hear what the Headmaster had to say. Nevermind, then.

No one in the staff table moved to stop Potter from questioning the Headmaster. They all probably
read it together, discussing it to a point where they concluded it was rubbish to begin with and it
was clear as veritaserum that Sirius Black was wrongfully put into Azkaban. Judging by the way
his own godfather continued eating and glaring at the Slytherin table to resume eating, they did.
(Or else, his godfather would certainly be the one to make Potter go back to his seat.)

"Harry, my boy, why don't we talk about this privately?" It seems the Headmaster wasn't part of
the discussion, after all.

"Wrong move." Draco, Pansy and Blaise muttered as they chewed, glancing at each other in a
three-way glance.

Sure enough, there was a protest in the tables.

"We want to know, too!" Someone yelled from the Hufflepuff table, a murmur of assent going
around the Hall.

"Why didn't you help Black, Professor?" One asked loudly at the Gryffindor table, hands to their
mouth so it could be heard above the noise.

"Why did you all kept silent about this?" One Ravenclaw asked out loud, representing the outrage
of the whole house, her flower ornament changing color to red representing anger.

"How could you adults let this happen?!" Another one from Gryffindor asked, from the voice,
Draco bet it was Granger.

"Give Sirius Black a trial!" Potter said, having had the guts to stare down with the Headmaster.

Potter's words resonated in the Hall and as one, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor were
hollering and chanting it. Snape had his eyes narrowed at the Slytherin table when the lower years
attempted to join. The Slytherins ate quietly amongst the chaos, the Purebloods with their backs
staighter than most under the stern eye of their Head of House. Snape nodded at the Prefects, notes
appearing with orders to head straight back to the dorms after dinner.

"TRIAL! TRIAL!" Hogwarts students chanted, their arms going up the air. Potter glared one last
time at the Headmaster before stalking over the Gryffindor table to be with his friends.

"Give Black a trial!" The Gryffindors yelled as one, probably the most enraged because Black is
one of them.

"TRIAL! TRIAL!" Shouted the other Hogwarts Houses, the Slytherins the only ones not stomping
their foot and banging utensils on the table.

"Compensation once proven innocent!" Granger yelled, probably thinking of spearheading

something again. (Draco caught her planning a werewolf rights for the DADA Professor but as
promised, he put a stop to it)

"TRIAL! TRIAL!" Echoed the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, the injustice probably getting to them.
Draco suppressed a smirk once he heard a murmur of the word through the Slytherin Table despite
their Head of House carefully watching them.

"Nothing beats emotional contagion when there is someone people think got wronged." Draco
stated, dabbing his lips with a napkin to clean the crumbs of the scrumptious apple pie he had for
dessert off his face.

Pansy and Blaise looked at the blond Slytherin before looking at each other in exasperation.
"Did you plan this?" Pansy hissed, nudging Draco.

Blaise casted a silencing bubble around the three of them.

"What are you talking about?" Draco asked, raising a brow at both of his friends.

"Bloody hell, you did planned this." Blaise groaned, dropping his utensils and shaking his head in

"... I dont know what you're talking about." Draco replied, a smirk tugging at his lips.

Pansy stared at the case report intently when she unearthed it from her bag.

"Dray, you're the only one who could've done this." Pansy hissed. "You told us you went to the
Ministry Libraries last summer after you got back from Hawaii."

"No, I am not." Draco replied but nodded in agreement. "And yes, I did. With many others, as

"You do know this is from a LEO case report, right?" Pansy tapped the page. "You said that time
you were experimenting if you can change a page's appearance to another one. This is the copy you
experimented with?!"

"How did it end up at GEMINI?" Blaise prodded. Out of all the case reports Draco had to steal a
copy of, and it turning out to be about Sirius Black cannot be a coincidence at all.

"I don't know, actually." Draco stared at Pansy and Blaise then smiled so innocently there was
almost a glowing halo above his head.

"Must be magic."

Pansy and Blaise sighed and let the topic drop for now. They watched as the chaos in front of them
echoed throughout Hogwarts that night. The Slytherin trio watched as their Professors continued
eating, ignoring Dumbledores attempts at quieting the students.

Draco caught Professor Snape's gaze and he fought the urge to flinch. He tilted his head, schooling
his expression to a curious one but his godfather was apparently not having it, blankly giving him a
look. Seeing the "I-know-what-you-did" stare, Draco looked down at the remnants of his dessert.

Well, that's not good

Chapter End Notes

I did notice my stories are getting longer every chapter... Well, when the mind is
juicing out this ideas the fingers type as well. Anyways, 754 kudos, 105 bookmarks
and nearing 11k hits! And I think, almost all of my commenters are in attendance
because of last chapter's cliffhanger and I am so glad that it incited so much
excitement. Sadly, as my recently added tag says, Draco is oblivious af. But he's smart
too. There were too many scenes for me to react and I'm too tired to elaborate so huh,
I'm just going to say my favourite part here is the chaotic Hogwarts Unity that
happened in the ending and the twin's detention. Ooh, here's a fun fact: they got up to
mischief on 1:20, a 20 minute interval to reach the one eyed witch statue and
investigate it (twins) get sidetracked and ended up at third floor (draco) and 3 mintues
for Draco to reach the twins. Wink wink!

I just recently remembered it was 'nonverbal spells' and i dunno imma just stick with

Thank you for the one year you've been with me, no matter if you just found out about
this fic. Thank you for always commenting, kudos, bookmark! See you all in the next
Truths and emotions
Chapter Summary

A sprinkle of Gryffindor in the plot

Chapter Notes

Okay, last chapter's high energy is going to be abated by this one, we're descending
from the last chapter's screaming to this one. I am presenting you a Hogwarts train
load of feels.

Also mostly Gryffindor feels.

Hope y'all won't be disappointed that much.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Dinner has never been so chaotic before and the twins are loving for it.


The uproar lasted for a few minutes, even Dumbledore yelling "SILENCE" did not appease the
crowd. It was noisy, chaotic, kind of fun in a 'let's do this again' way. The Headmaster even
casted a silencing spell but it was no match for hundreds of finite incantatem activating at once.
(The twins hollered when they saw Professor McGonagall participated in that spell).

Fred and George banged their utensils the most, the Gryffindors roaring demands of trial music to
their ears. The other Houses echoing the sentiment had them bumping heads in succeeding to
orchestrate the chaos before them. They caught a few Slytherins muttering "Trial" as well. It was a
success, no doubt. Majority of Hogwarts were convinced that Black was innocent and was just the

"Well, lookie there, didn't Dumbledore wanted a House unity?" Lee commented, chuckling as he
banged his utensils.

"You bet he didn't think it'd be this way." The twins replied, shoving a piece of chicken in their

"Harry, stop shouting. You need to eat!" Hermione said, piling food on Harry's plate. Only the
kidney and liver pie they were serving had Harry sitting down to eat.

"What if my godfather was innocent, 'Mione?"

"He'll admonish you for not eating well."

Harry grumbled and half-heartedly picked on his dinner, banging his utensils.

"Children." Professor McGonagall's voice echoed, although she did not use a Sonorus, her strict
and stable voice had the Great Hall silent. The Gryffindors mid-shout immediately shut up and the
banging stopped.

"Eat your dinner." The Deputy Headmistress said, there was a clanking of utensils as they followed
her instructions. "We will be discussing Black's case and what we could do to help but Hogwarts
will remain neutral between the Ministry and the accused. May I remind you that It is up to the
Minister if he needs to open up the case once again."

There were protests at the students' lips and the twins watched as Hermione and Percy start talking.
Harry even glared at their Head of House, Fred thought it would be intimidating if Harry's cheeks
weren't stuffed with food.

"Children." The voices died down once more under the glare of the Deputy Headmistress. "Have
patience. We will do what we can."

The unsaid promise of getting Sirius Black a trial within her own power getting across the
Gryffindors, silently and slowly, they started eating once more. Hufflepuffs were encouraged to eat
again by their Head of House, sending a tray full of apple pies on their way. Professor Flitwick just
swished his wand and the case reports in the Ravenclaw table was gathered at the end part only to
be given back once they finished eating.

"Damn, Professor McGonagall is so badass." Lee said, munching on a chicken leg.

"She's scary." A First year cut in.

The twins chuckled, patting each others backs as they choked.

"Nah, little one." They said, waving a hand. "She's amazing."

The first year Gryffindor looked unconvinced.

The twins took great delight at the confusion in Dumbledore's face when the students listened to
the Deputy Headmistress and soon enough, it was as if the riot a few minutes ago never happened.

Fred glanced at the tables, his eyes catching Malfoy who was smiling at two Slytherins looking at
the blond exasperatedly. George looked at where his twin was looking and hummed.

"I didn't know Malfoy can smile." George commented, chuckling.

"Yeah." Fred chuckled lightly. "He looks better that way, huh?"

They resumed eating, scoping out their surroundings. There was an excited crackle of magic in the
air coming from the students' anticipation about what's going to happen next. The twins shared a
glance at each other, toasting using their slices of apple pie.

This will be fun.


Well into the night, after the whole eventful dinner, Harry couldn't bring himself to fall asleep. He
took the invisibility cloak and tiptoed his way out of the dorms, thankfully undetected by the
Prefects and most importantly not by Hermione (who stays up late sometimes to finish a book) or
Percy (who's taken up guarding the twins so they won't sneak out again).

He was wandering the halls, cursing silently when he forgot to put on a few more layers. He
shivered against his will and frowned as he turned to the courtyard.

"You should be sleeping."

Harry startled, eyes widening in shock as he swiveled around to find the voice.

Remus Lupin stood behind him, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, looking at
Harry directly.

"..I can't sleep." Harry whispered.

"Why?" The DADA professor asked, tilting his head curiosly.

Remembering that he was under an invisibility cloak, Harry choked in surprise.

"p-Professor.. you can see me?!" Harry sputtered.

Remus chuckled, shaking his head in amusement.

"Your feet are showing, Harry."

"Shit." Harry crouched, he forgot about the growth spurt thing. He let out a suprised noise as
warmth surrounded him, looking up to see his professor wandlessly sent him a warming charm.

"How about instead of you getting lost in the courtyard and getting frostbite, we'll have a nice cup
of tea in my room?" Remus asked, a warm smile on his face.

Harry nodded only to forget he is still under the invisibility cloak.

"Okay." He replied, a bit sheepish.

"Come on, then."

Once they were settled in the living room, warm cup of hot chocolate resting on Harry's hands
while Remus steeps his tea, the auburn haired man looked at Harry.

"I take it you've read the case transcript?" Remus asked, "Was that why you can't sleep?"

Harry let out a surprised noise as he gulped down his drink quickly as to not choke. To avoid
further accidents, the raven haired boy placed his mug back on the table.

"H-how'd you know?!" Harry blinked owlishly.

"I can't sleep as well because of it." Remus answered. "I figured you'd feel the same. I heard what
happened during dinner, after all."

"All this year, I've believed others that Sirius Black was out to get me. He's my godfather, I found
that out and he was loyal to Voldemort or something. They say he's after me to finish what he's
done to my parents." Harry fidgeted. "Now that I know there is a possibility that he is innocent and
the transcript might be true, I'm beginning to think he's not a Death Eater and... I don't know what
to feel."
Harry scuffed his foot in the plush carpet. "I guess I'm just curious about why?..."

"I am, too." Remus replied, a pained smile in his face.

"All these years, I've wanted to know the truth about that day." He said, shifting closer to Harry.
Remus looked at Harry and decided it's time for him to know some truth. "Did you know, Harry? I
was friends with your parents."

Harry gasped in shock. "Why didn't you tell me, Professor?"

"I felt guilty." Remus said, lifting a hand and resting it on Harry's cheek. "That even though I've
wanted to care for you when you were just a baby, that I was prepared to fight storms so I could get
to you that night, I was too late."

"What...?" Harry mumbled, disbelief clear in his face.

"The moment I found out your parents died, I immediately went back. I was sent on a mission to
get werewolves to the Light Side so I was out of the country that night. I ignored the ones saying
Sirius was the cause of it because I didn't want it to be true." Remus wiped away tears brimming on
the child's eyes and fought back his own. "I got back but everyone I held dear to my heart is gone.
Sirius was hauled into Azkaban, Peter was nowhere to be found, James and Lily was dead and you, were gone without a trace."

Harry gaped, mind whirring into overdrive. Remus took his hand away from Harry's cheek but
Harry put it back, silently telling him to continue. Harry couldn't believe it-- here is someone that
knows his parents and could've taken care of him instead of the Dursleys. His heart hurt.

"The five of us had an agreement, that if anything happens to your parents then Sirius and I can
take care of you." Remus said, a lump growing in his throat. "I was frantic, looking for you. I
searched for you for months, asked a lot of people. Dumbledore said he didn't know anything. I
was scared for you, what if Death Eaters found you or you were in danger? I was going crazy until
a letter was sent to me anonymously by owl saying you were alive and you were okay. That you'll
only get in trouble if I show up to take you unannounced."

" were looking for me?" Harry asked breathlessly. "You were looking for me?"

"Of course, Harry. Sirius and I loved you as if you were our own child.. I still do. I wanted to take
care of you but I didn't get the chance to."

Harry sobbed at those words he never thought he'd hear. He was loved.

Remus accioed a photo frame and Harry took it, tearing up as he saw a picture of him crying as a
baby, cradled in Remus' arms looking exasperatedly at Sirius who was laughing as he wiped away
baby Harry's cheeks. Below is a caption "Sirius threatening Harry he'll take Remus away from him
and the aftermath - November 1980"

Seeing Harry preoccupied with the picture, he accioed an album and offered it to Harry. Harry
shakily opened it, gasping as more pictures of him with Remus, with Sirius Black (there was a
blurry photo of him throwing Harry into the air), with his parents. There was silence before Remus
patted Harry's cheek.

"It was five years later that I found you." Harry gasped.

"Why didn't you take me?" Harry asked, voice breaking.

"Because Dumbledore intercepted me the moment I approached you." Remus answered. "He made
me Vow not to take you away from the muggles and not approach you so you weren't exposed to
magic at least until you're eleven."

Harry felt a range of emotions at that sentence. Disbelief, confusion, unfairness, anger. Remus
stroked his hair to calm him down.

"He explained something about blood wards and I couldn't do anything to take you away from your
relatives as much as I wanted to. Blood wards are powerful magic and it keeps you protected more
than I ever could." Remus continued, pulling the child into a hug that Harry clung to. "I did my
best to support you from afar. I haven't had many chances to do so or oversee your relationship
with your relatives properly as well. I had to get rid of Death Eaters who found you to ensure you
live one more day."

Harry had a realization. "You were the man taking down several people when we passed by an

"Yes." Remus paused, "I don't know which time you saw me but yes, maybe I was that person."

"You were shooting red light with your wand, I thought it was light effects."

"Oh, then maybe it was me."

"You were there when I was alone at a playground and my wounds disappeared."

"Yes." Remus agreed, "Almost every time."

"It was you who gave me free food every lunch!" Harry gasped. "That's why you're so familiar!
That's why it feels like I know your magic!"

"Yes, it's my muggle work to get close to you even just for a while. Glamours can take you places,
you know."

Harry kept on saying each and every encounter he might have had with Remus and anything
magical that happened to him (which some was all Harry, Remus said.)

"You've been protecting me from afar all those times." Harry said in awe. "That's amazing."

Then Harry frowned, "But since I was ten, I haven't seen you or felt your magic anymore. Where
were you?"

"Well, someone found me and I couldn't expose you to the magical world yet. They recruited me to
do something which took about two years. As much as it hurt to leave you, I had to go with them.
What I did on this job was why I am qualified to be the DADA Professor. Once I came back, you
were gone again but this time, I knew you were in Hogwarts because of the Daily Prophet. You
always seem to have an eventful year from the news and stories I heard from other professors."

Harry buried his head on Remus' shoulder, overwhelmed with the emotions and truths he received
in a short amount of time. They were silent for a few minutes, basking on each others presence.
Harry welcomed the familiar warmth Remus had and the way he kept stroking of his hair.

"You were so close to me all those times..." Harry whispered, heart thumping painfully, his mind
thinking of the 'couldve been's.

"I'm sorry. As much as I wanted to approach you, take you under my wing and watch you grow
properly, I couldn't." Remus kissed Harry's forehead.

"It hurt to know that Peter died because of Sirius. I asked about what happened that night but they
all gave varied responses. I was in a position where information is limited and all these years I've
wanted to read Sirius' case report to know the truth." Remus glared at the transcript situated in the
coffee table. "Only to find out that rubbish."

"It could be fake." Harry mumbled but also doubted it. Hermione and Percy had been too angry for
it not to be true.

"This is a copy of a certified copy of the case, Harry. It is actually true. The Aurors have a special
parchment to put in their reports so it will last longer once it is filed in LEO. Though the transcript
states that the copy is from GEMINI, Sirius Black's case was high level need to know and is
certainly kept at LEO for Aurors and the Ministry's eyes only. It's a wonder these copies were even
here in Hogwarts."

"Hermione's been saying that, too." Harry said. "So...Sirius Black might be innocent."

"Yes, the casted spell section wasn't even updated. They didn't even do a proper wand test which is
quite ridiculous."

"Because Black wands does not lie." They both said in unison.

Remus frowned, "How'd you know that, Harry? It's not included in the report at all."

"Malfoy and I were arguing and he snapped that information at me."

Remus stared at the sleepy child in his arms in shock, eyebrows furrowing in suspicion. Just how
much does Draco know about Sirius Black's case?

"I missed you, Un'ca Moony..." Harry mumbled out, eyes slipping closed as sleep unintentionally
came over him. Ah, the calming draught he slipped in the hot chocolate must've taken effect.

Remus Lupin looked at the sleeping child in his arms, a few tears dripping down his cheek in shock
at the words the boy had said. He wiped those away and chuckled lightly.

"Oh, Haz.." Remus cooed, gently kissing the sleeping boy's forehead. "I missed you too."

He laid his head on top of Harry's and succumbed to the rare happiness he felt. He settled on the
couch, a blanket wandlessly covering them.

Just this once, please. Let me have this moment.


Our Darling D,

I believe our nonexistent coordinated plan succeeded. Well, we were just going with the flow
and the flow turned into rapids and now the whole Hogwarts is in chaos. The half-bloods and
some Purebloods wrote to their parents and the whole Owlery was crowded with students
writing to their parents/guardians about the Sirius Black thing, some handing out their
copies of the transcript. The H.Owls are busier than ever, it was a small blessing Our Owl
swooped in to save the day and deliver this letter to you immediately.

Soon enough, this will all blow up and the whole magical folk will know about the case report
before the weekend comes. We left some copies in Honeydukes when we're on our snack run. We
sent you a few more sugar quills, no pranks this time! It's that time of the year where the
homeworks start piling up so you need a few sugar boosts.

Black's been featured in the Daily Prophet for months now, I bet the whole transcript will be
printed in the Prophet, for more public knowledge. Oh, what I would give to see the
Minister's face once he sees one of their case reports (that were not done well, by the way) got
out of their supposedly high-security Zodiac Library!

Though we are curious how you got it out of there, we're ultimately glad you did and hope you will
not get caught doing it. We know it's been months and a bloody brilliant move but Darling, we
don't have that much of our savings to bail you out of Azkaban so please assure us you're not going
to be arrested.

Wherever Black may be, we were bummed he didn't get to see the House unity he brought to
Hogwarts the other night! We were banging our utensils so much, the wood kinda nicked a
bit. My foot is sore having stomped it so much. Our House was definitely on board having
Sirius Black get a trial. They feel it is unfair that Death Eaters after him got one but he didn't
and there wasn't even a Death Mark on him.

So there really must be a chance he's innocent. Hopefully, Peter Pettigrew is alive somewhere for
evidence. Or it's fine because the minimum sentence for murder is a decade and Sirius Black was
in Azkaban for a decade and two. Huh, suppose we should think more on how to help the guy get
help. Or where to find him.

Please don't drown too much in homework, darling. Don't forget to blink while reading a

Don't forget to hydrate yourself, the chill's receding some and it's best to drink water so your throat
doesn't feel too parched.

We'll write to you soon, darling!


Jo sweetheart & Ker Honey


Draco supposed he wasn't getting away from his godfather for one more day after the chaos at
dinner last night. Rather than that, he's due to help him brew Wolfsbane that day because his
classes was cut short due to the emergency meeting again.

He meant to visit his cousin to tell him about The Dinner, capitalization justified, but Severus
Snape (godfather first, tutor second, Professor next, his Head of House after that and lastly Potions
Master Mentor) was standing outside his dorm room after classes for the random check ups he
does. (There is a reason why all dorm rooms are clean )

He bit his lip nervously as the Slytherin Head of House strode inside, the occupants of the room
scrambling to maintain proper posture (sans Blaise, because he was napping).

"You are scheduled etiquette training, Nott. Why are you here?"
Nott showed the robes he was holding, "I was going to go do that now, Professor." He said before
rushing out.

"Goyle, Crabbe. The Prefects are holding a tutorial session in the library. Judging with your
slipping grades in Transfiguration and Defence against the Dark Arts, it would be beneficial for
both of you to join them."

The two students nodded their head, rushing out the room with their bags. (They once refused to do
what their Head of House 'suggested' and had a hard week because of it). Professor Snape looked
disdainfully at the sleeping Casanova-to-be before waving a hand, a wandless-wordless spell
draping the curtains shut (and blankets tucking Blaise in, Draco noted).

Draco sat up prim and proper, smiling angelically at his Professor.

"Mister Malfoy, if you'll follow me." Snape drawled out, walking out of their downs with billowing

"I still don't get how he does that." Draco muttered to himself, flinging his robes about, trying to
copy the way his godfather's robes billow. "So curious."

He obediently followed his Head of House, his pace slowing down once they turned to the
direction of his Professor's headquarters.

Oh no, they're doing it today.

I haven't rehearsed what I'll say. Draco lamented as he walked inside.

The door slamming shut and the lock clicking had Draco blurting out, "I didn't do it."

Severus looked at the blond child with a raised brow as he sat on his comfort couch. There was a
shimmer of a silencing and privacy spell before he asked, "What?"

"Whatever it is that you're thinking, Uncle Sev. It wasn't me." Draco said, nodding confidently.
"Now with that said, I'm going to prepare the ingredients for the wolfsbane."

"You already prepared it yesterday." Snape said, waving a hand and a plate of apple pie appeared
on the table. Draco immediately sat and took offered bait dessert. Snape levitated the tea set
towards the table and poured himself some tea. "Now, Dragon. Tell me something I don't know."

"Well, the thestrals don't like it when people converse about them in front of them but ignore
them." Draco answered as he finished his first bite, nodding in approval at the taste. Just like how
Dobby does it.

"That is natural." Snape dismissed.

"Hippogriffs like me." Draco's eyes brightened, always fond of the memory of Buckbeak
approaching him even if he didn't bow.

"You have a magical core that makes magical creatures curious that's why they flock to you like
moths to flame and nifflers to anything shiny." Snape drawled, remembering a time garden snakes
slithered around the child while playing with the peacocks.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot about that." Draco mumbled. "My boggart is my Father.."

"Lupin already told me that." Draco choked a 'what' "Yes, he reports to me about his eventful
classes because I substitute for him when he's not himself."

"I thought you didn't know that part." Draco replied, frowning at his pie. "I can't think of anything

Snape hummed, sipping on his tea. "How about on how long you've known Black is here at

Draco froze minutely before smoothing a curious expression in his face. "Black is here in
Hogwarts?" He asked with a very convincing gasp.

Snape snorted, "Draco, I've known you since before you were born. Believe me when I know
you're hiding something from me."

"My own father couldn't even tell if I'm lying or not." Draco retaliated.

"Ah, but that's his loss, isn't it?" Snape replied. Draco grumbled, chewing his apple pie.

"How long have you known I've seen Sirius Black in Hogwarts?"

"I can't exactly pinpoint the date." Snape said lightly, eyes boring into Draco's "Let's settle on the
day you found out Lupin was a werewolf."

Draco gaped, "You've known that long?!"

"So, it's true." Snape fought the smirk tugging on his lips as his godson fell for his method of
questioning yet again.

"Uncle Sev!" Draco shot his godfather an exasperated look. "Why didn't you even offer to help?!"

Severus Snape shrugged, "Well, I didn't reprimand you for stealing my nutrition potions, pepperup
potions, bandages and pain reliever balms, didn't I?"

"I was wondering why you haven'tn't caught on." Draco tutted, "Why are you telling me you've
known all this time now of all times?"

Severus pinned his godson a glare that had Draco silenced. "Because your foolish plan could put
you into trouble. What were you thinking, child? Releasing Need-to-know information!"

"Well, first of all, I was just checking my wandless-wordless skills while inside the Ministry
Libraries, I mean a whole complete tour of Zodiac! I couldn't resist. Second of all, I wasn't even
going to distribute it blatantly if it weren't for the utter rubbish written in it. Have you read it, Uncle
Sev?! It's riddled with grammatical mistakes and full of inconsistencies! Which Auror wrote that
thing?! I was so enraged at that report!"

"That doesn't mean you'd spread it so you're not the only one frustrated about it." Snape snapped.
"Now what would you do if the Ministry did an official investigation about the report and found
out it was you?"

"They can't." Draco replied, shrugging. "My fingers were painted with a special paint that can
fabricate fingerprints that day, it was set to activate if I held a paper for more than thirty seconds.
Even if they connected that a student successfully stole the case report, we were a dozen in that
group and each and everyone touched it. I didn't even held the original case report, someone else
handed it to me. I left my original fingerprints in it as well the fake ones in every book the others
had touched as well. They'd have to scour the whole Zodiac."
"What about the GEMINI seal?"

"Well, before we went to LEO they toured us in GEMINI first. After we went to LEO one of the
tourist requested we go to GEMINI first because he's been wanting to try the copying thing in there
which I admittedly talked him into it. I took the chance to experiment and successfully did it.
Mother taught me how to do wandless-wordless untraceable spell and even changed the magical

Severus sighed, exasperated. "And you changed the magical signature to?"

"I copied a dead wizard's signature my Father's men killed in the Magical Creature Trade port. His
fingerprints were also the ones I painted on mine. They won't find him anymore because his body
was offered to Southern mermaids." Draco answered. "See, my plan will work. Besides, I checked
the laws. Any transcripts that got out with a certified copy seal from any Ministry Libraries
regardless of where they were checked out are still valid and legal. Remember the essay I wrote
about the Ministry not updating the Zodiac Library laws?"

Snape remembered too well about the ten foot essay Draco wrote after going through the Ministry
Libraries and the essay was used as an outlet to the blond's frustration of the outdated laws
regarding Library Maintenance and upholding privacy policies. It wasn't a fun hour because Draco
was there as well ranting the essay word for word.

"You seem to have thought this out well. The tour was in summer and you haven't met Black at all
then. Why of all copies did you stole his?"

"I wasn't actively stealing his." Draco reasoned, shrugging "I accioed the first case report near me
that's connected to my family. I wanted Aunt Bella's case report then but I got Sirius Black's

"Aurors were there during the whole trip, why haven't they noticed?"

"I may have set off a few distractions that couldn't be connected back to me." Draco snickered,
remembering a few funny scenes.

Snape looked at Draco in disapproval. "We've talked about impractical jokes in public places,
Dragon. Do you remember what happened during the Christmas ball of 1990?"

Draco shuddered visibly, "We don't talk about that."

Severus regarded his godson, blaming the Black genes for this streak of mischiefs.

"Why are you so adamant on helping Black?" Severus asked, stroking a stray hair away from
Draco's face.

Draco sat up straighter, more serious than ever. (Pun not intended)

"I think, that if I was wrongfully accused of something I've never done... I'd have gone insane. I'd
have fought tooth and nail and force people to provide the truth. When I think about my Family,
you and my parents siding with...the Dark lord because you were forced to and if you were even
given a trial only to serve a life sentence in Azkaban, I would not take it well. I'd probably be more
upset about your case than Father's because he did a lot of things no one forced him to do." Draco
gripped his godfather's robes the way he always did as a child when upset, Severus had to massage
the furrow in his godson's brow away like he always did before Draco continued.

"When I found out that my second cousin turned his back to those who he considered Family, I was
angry. I thought he was loyal enough not to betray Family. I was staying true to the Family motto:
Sanctimonia Vincet Semper, Purity will always conquer, Uncle Sev. Blacks are Purebloods, he
didn't deserve the treatment he was given and the Ministry shall pay for it dearly. They belong to a
powerful bloodline that's why they're so afraid of him, moreso because he's the Head of the Black
House. So if there was a chance I could find out that he was innocent and he didn't turn his back on
his found Family, I took it."

"And the results being?"

"He wasn't the secret keeper, they changed it last minute to Pettigrew and he's the rat who told the
Dark Lord." Draco answered. "Pettigrew is still alive, Uncle Sev."

Severus was silent for a few minutes as he digested the information before he let Draco continue.

"I kind of secretly fed him some veritaserum so I assure you all he told me within the hour was
truth." Draco said.

"I knew there was a reason you wanted to keep your first successful veritaserum." Snape tutted.
Draco chuckled, realising that his godfather had been silently helping him help his cousin all this
time. "If Black stays alive and unarrested, then I will keep quiet about this."

Draco scooted over and hugged his godfather tightly. "Oh, thank you Uncle Sev!"

With that, Draco's Occlumency shields were folded neatly, allowing Severus to perform
Legilimens. What he saw there was quite genuine, untainted and untampered. He retracted from
Draco's mind and patted the child's head.

"You've put in a lot of planning on keeping Black alive, unfortunately."

"He's actually getting impatient, his hired accomplice -which is a cat by the way- is always locked
inside the Cat room so it couldn't help him much." Draco said, frowning. "He says Pettigrew is a
rat here somewhere."

"A student's rat?!" Snape said, a suprised tone in his voice. Just how often are the Hogwarts runes
and security features updated?

"Yeah. Weasley's." Draco replied, nodding.

Snape groaned.

"What is it?" Draco asked, already getting up to get to the Potions cabinet. Snape waved a hand at
him and he sat back down.

"Minerva was reprimanding Weasley and Granger at the teacher's headquarters earlier this

"What's that got to do with this?" Draco frowned.

Snape pinned the curious child a blank stare.

"Weasley was accusing Granger's cat for murder."

Snape would've took satisfaction in Draco's horrified stare if it weren't for the only redeeming
evidence for Black's innocence going missing.

After Harry had gone the next morning, which was thankfully the weekend because they sort of
overslept (Harry was hesitant on leaving Remus but he promised Harry he's not going anywhere
anytime soon. The boy only left after Remus promised on hanging out soon.), Remus took his time
in getting ready.

Remus freshened himself up and settled on the windowsill. Ever since he's in Hogwarts, the
windowsills were his comfort places. It had enough space so he could curl in it comfortably,
durable enough to support his weight and he felt at peace looking out the scenery. There were
times his mind would go back to the happy times where Sirius would adamantly demand to cuddle
and they'll enlarge the space so they would both fit.

Now, Remus tightened the blanket around him, now... It's been years since he's felt happiness so
genuine and oh, how Remus missed it. He missed a lot of things. His friends, the love of his life,
his life back when they were all still alive and okay. He missed the days before the war the most.
He's come to terms in time, suffered through survivor's guilt, felt longing and guilt protecting Harry
from afar.

Remus flipped idly through the case report, anger thrumming in his veins. He could write a
hundred more cases much more dignified than this one and it shows. He couldn't believe all this
time, his mate could've been with him. He is, by all means, innocent. Though there is still the
question of who could've killed Peter, Remus lamented. Without knowing who it is, Sirius wouldn't
be able to be deemed innocent by the Wizengamot.

The DADA Professor flipped through the latest Daily Prophet he accioed, eyes widening as he saw
Ollivander giving an interview about Black wands.

"There was a mistake in the viral case report of Sirius Black circulating around regarding his
wand. The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black has been contracted to us since the days of
Old. They were a very dear client. Ollivander's: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC would like
to say that Black wands contain a strip of Hazel wood by its core that signifies honesty and is a
tribute to their family motto: Toujours Pur (Always Pure). Pure in blood and in wand, they were
one of the Sacred 28 the Ollivander's were fond of making wands with as their combinations of
wand wood and wand cores vary from the general public.

The mistake I'm pointing out is that a thorough investigation of Sirius Black's wand was not
conducted but just a basic wand identification was stated. Therefore, I believe that there is a
possibility that it was not Black who killed his friends."

It seems that the journalist was just passing by and heard Ollivander telling those to his customers.
She decided to publish it with permission, in verbatim and the wandmaker agreed.

"Thank goodness, that wasn't Rita." Remus mumbled, glaring at the first page.

The headlines "MINISTRY LIBRARY BREAK IN: BLACK AT IT AGAIN" stared mockingly
at him. The article was clearly written by that awful woman to bury the Ministry's lack of security
around the Zodiac.

'Sirius Black, a convicted man under various crimes around his belt, is back at it again. It has been
said that he broke inside Zodiac, the twelve Ministry Libraries, to steal a case report. And not just
any case report, at that. The criminal had the gall to steal his very own case report! Though there
were speculations if the viral case report was rubbish and was undoubtedly written by Black itself,
it is more likely that it was true. The Minister had denied the Zodiac breach, making it all the more
plausible that the circulating case report is fake.
The Ministry requests all wizardfolk not to read the case report because the real one, as they
reported, is much more in-depth and formal than the ones going viral.

Be on the lookout for the notorious criminal: Sirius Black, we best be aware of what he's up to and
to where he could be hiding!

Remus stopped reading (there were ten more paragraphs Remus couldn't bother to read) and
massaged his temples out of frustration. He still wonders why Rita Skeeter can still stay on her

"Probably blackmail." Remus mumbled, throwing the Daily Prophet away from him.

He closed his eyes and hugged the blanket closer. If he focused enough, he could feel phantom
touches of someone hugging close to them, kissing his forehead and whispering sweet promises in
his ears. (Never sweet nothings, because his Siri never broke his promises.) (There was a time
Sirius promised to make Remus a garden and suddenly there was a patch of roses by the
greenhouses a week later.)

A simple wand check would've put Sirius out of Azkaban back then even without veritaserum.
Remus thought wryly. He stared outside the window, gloomily looking at the stormy grey clouds

Oh Padfoot, when will you come back to me?


After breakfast, Hermione and Ron were on the lookout for Harry because Ron said he got up
early and was gone before he was even awake. By the time the two of the Golden Trio went back
to the Gryffindor Tower, Ron immediately checked the dorms to see if Harry came back.

Only to see no Harry, but a patch of blood, fur and no Scabbers in sight.

His shocked face morphed into anger immediately. He turned back and slammed the door open.

"HERMIONE!" He roared, stomping down the stairs.

Hermione, who was just picking up Crookshanks, looked up in confusion. Ron strode over to them,
his wand whipping out of its holster and pointing it at Crookshanks.

"Ron! What are you doing?!" Hermione yelled, hugging Crookshanks and shielding the part-
Kneazle from the tip of the red head's wand.

"She's done and did it this time! That cat killed Scabbers!" Ron said with gritted teeth.

Hermione immediately glared, "Not this again, Ronald! She didn't do it!"

"Then why is her fur on Scabbers pool of blood, then?" Ron demanded

Hermione rolled her eyes, "You don't even know if it was Scabbers' blood and how you accuse
Crookshanks again without evidence!"

Before the situation escalated into something drastic, Harry entered the portrait. He stared blankly
at the two of his best friends causing yet another ruckus in the common room.
"What's happening?!" Harry asked, wide eyed at Ron who still had his wand pointed to

"Harry! Crookshanks killed Scabbers!"

Harry feels a migraine sneaking its way up and groaned.

"I'm getting Professor." He stated, turning around and striding out of the portrait door once again
ignoring Ron's calls.

"Professor.." Harry muttered, speedwalking to the Professors' Lounge. "Professor McGonagall

always makes things right."

Harry just wishes everything will be in order again.

Chapter End Notes

Draco's tour in Zodiac is chaotic, just so you know. Anyone who's morbidly curious of
Bellatrix's case report, say aye.

I love Moony, I promise!.. but I don't regret making look over Harry from afar. I'm
coming clean that I don't like Dumbledore... so imagine the rage Harry felt that his
entire childhood would've been different if Dumbledore hadn't stepped in and made
Remus Vow. (I made Remus Lupin suffer for a 12 years, Merlin I'm sorry) (also my
glasses broke during the remus&harry reveal so I'm salty atm that's why the chapter is
a bit cut short)

I'm going to change a few more things in the canon/movie plot but we're definitely
getting there.

805 kudos and 11800 something hits?!?! Are you kidding me? (I forgot the number of
bookmarks but 100?)...Okay so maybe this is a celebratory update as well! I checked
the Draco/Fred/George tag and found out this story is well loved, I'm emotional.
Thank you! /Gives away smuggled sugar quills/

I'll update sooner, see you all in the next chapter!

Edit: I made Tumblr, reach out to me @ENDisI-14

To and From
Chapter Summary

Letter Exchange

Chapter Notes

I was supposed to post this later but I realized Hogwarts is starting their new semester
today! It's September 1st in my country today!

Same thing goes!

Draco- Italics, referred as D or Darling D

Fred- Bold, calls Draco 'darling', referred as Jo
George- Normal, calls Draco 'Darling', referred as Ker

I tried to make it less confusing this time.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Our Darling D,

It's been a week since the riot happened and it seems that a lot of people believed Sirius
Black might be innocent. Have you seen the Daily Prophet with Ollivander speaking up?
That's so rare for him to agree being featured if it wasn't anything related about his store.
Indirectly, they were insulted by the case report because they custom made Black wands,

Oh, Darling! I can't believe I'm feeling sad for an owl but we were writing this letter in the Owlery
and we think our H.Owl is sick. Jo's been cuddling it to keep it warm but we think we ought to get
Madam Pomfrey first and send this letter to our H.Owls friend who's willing to deliver. It's quite
impatient too, it's currently hooting at me to hurry it up. Jo's now moved on to scolding our H.Owl
on taking overtime and such, it's looking guilty so I guess it might be working.

Maybe not, wish you're here to hear Jo scream because he got nipped!

I've passed off our H.Owl to Ker and he's been fumbling around the H.Owlery now, darling.
He's an amusing sight. Anyway, we wrote to you because we actually wanted to know how
you got the transcript out of LEO. Care to tell us about your brilliance?

Hope you'll reply soon.

I'm cutting our letter short because our H.Owl's friend looks like it's going to nip at me any
second later.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey (he's still being chased by the way, heh)


There is a reason why there is no table inside the Owlery, JoKer. It's so no student/person will
write their letter there. The H.Owls are naturally impatient once they see a letter they're going to
deliver but it's only being made. You brought that all to yourselves, honestly.

How is our H.Owl? I don't think I've heard students rushing to Madam Pomfrey to heal an owl. Are
they okay?


Our Darling D,

Darling, I know we got off track on our last letter, maybe answer our questions first before
focusing on our H.Owl? They're okay, it was just faking sick after we drowned it in diagnostic
spells Ker had to find in the library. It was so fussy when it understood we're going to the Hospital
wing, I think our H.Owl is afraid of Madam Pomfrey.

Siriusly, seriously do know you can't change subjects here so quickly right?
We're going to pester you about it and you can't change our mind! On another note, you
must be rejoicing, darling. The cold weather is completely gone and spring has come at last!

There are several missing pets in our dorms so they're probably doing what animals do during
spring. Or they're just plain missing. Their owners are going crazy looking for them, mainly our
brother. He lost his, too. Do you have a pet? We don't but we're planning on breeding one!
Brilliant, huh?

Now, about the LEO thing, darling?


Jo sweetheart and Ker Honey


Why, yes. I am quite delighted the cold doesn't bother me anymore. Honestly, the Headmaster
ought to update the temperature regulation runes or I'll have to find a way to do it myself! It is
quite a lovely spring day, huh? I am quite enjoying the change in weather.

I do not have a pet, unfortunately. I had horses once but my Father shipped them off. I have been
forbidden to have one after an incident. However, the cats in my Hogwarts House seems to like me
and when they break out of the cat room (they seem to do that more often, I think the kneazles are
plotting something), they surround me if I was ever in the common room. I've taken to going
elsewhere because there's only so much fluffballs I can pet before they tackle me down. Death by
cats seeking affection, fancy that.


P.S I am glad our H.Owl seemed alright when I saw it. I added this paragraph once I saw them
inside. Last time, our H.Owl's friend delivered my letter so I'm glad our H.Owl's going to deliver
this one.

P. P.S I wrote it outside the Owlery where it couldn't see me. Maybe you both should try that.

Our darling D,

We are also glad our H.Owl is okay, maybe we should name it because it's too long to write.
My friend suggests Nip because he's witnessed it nip us again and again over the last few
weeks and finds it hilarious.

It was ironic when we received your letter stating it's a fine spring day when it's currently raining
cats and dogs and the thunder is rumbling like there's a centaur stampede is occurring above.

But Darling, we were going to get you a cat! If we ever get you one, I think the cats will be too
jealous. Actually, I am jealous of the cats having your attention than you telling us everything
about the LEO thing. I mean, cmon it's a cat too.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey


How preposterous! There is no way in Hogwarts, I swear to the Four Founders, that it rained cats
and dogs. There are no dogs allowed in Hogwarts and there was certainly no rain of feline that
happened. It did rain quite a bit and I think one of the greenhouses are flooded but I wasn't aware
it rains cats and dogs. The centaurs didn't stampede as well, I've known them to have no ability to
fly. What ever do you mean?

I quite like the name Nip but maybe we should think of other names.

I have quite enough of pets for a while now. I've had encounters with dogs who likes to tackle me to
the ground and lick me persistently in greeting enough to change my wanting of a pet. Though, a
dragon would be nice.



Our Darling D,

The 'raining cats and dogs' is a muggle phrase they say when it's raining really hard. It's
something we heard through our muggle friend who's claiming she finds it relaxing. The
sentiments of our Quidditch players differ to hers. There was zero visibility and they had to
tell Madam Hooch they kinda lost the snitch.

Maybe we should leave the pet topic before Jo and I get you a dragon illegally. We can't breed
those, after all. Do rethink, Darling. Dragons are too big to take care of alone. You'll have to have
us take care of it too, if the chance comes.

How about peaceful pets you'd see in a library?


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey



Was that why there was a snitch flitting about the DADA classroom the other day, I wonder.


Our darling D,

You're quite stubborn, aren't you?


Jo Sweetheart

P.S I have been laughing for days because of you, Darling -Ker


Jo Sweetheart,

Tell me something I don't know.


P.S If I had known you Ker, I'd have to squint if you're laughing that much. It's either you need St.
Mungo's or you're just a bright person.

Our Darling D,

My heart fluttered.


Ker Honey

Our darling D

You don't know our names, darling. Easy enough.

Now, your LEO plan?

Jo Sweetheart


My guardian Demon whacked me over the head on how stubborn I could be on withholding
information. This is your fault, Jo. You're not a sweetheart anymore, you're more of an acid pop
for you to turn Guardian Demon on me. My Guardian Angel's been influenced by Ker and now
they've been too amused when I receive a letter. The way they smirk gives it away.

Fine, I'm going to tell you.


P.S after Sirius Black is declared innocent, that is.


Our Darling D,

Help me pick an engraving for Jo not-your-sweetheart-anymore.

"Death by curiosity" or "I couldn't wait any longer."

It needs to be something witty and eye-catching.

He's been sulking up a storm because you've been teasing him the past few weeks, already. It's
funny, I swear.


Ker your forever Honey


Well, I do sometimes forget to reply in what's written so I may have bypassed a few nudges
regarding LEO. I still don't think I could divulge information. The case is sensitive and the Aurors
might scan students' belongings. I wouldn't want to expose you to the possibility of being in
Azkaban as well.

Jo, you do know that curiosity kills the dog, right?


P.S Forever is not enough, Ker.


Our Darling D,

I don't think 'curiosity kills the dog' is the right phrase but touché. Fine, we'll pester you
about it AFTER Sirius Black is declared innocent. You win this time, darling.

I am certainly not sulking up a storm, if that is what GKer wrote to you. Send me some love,


Jo still your Sweetheart forevermore

P.S Then to infinity and beyond, Darling! -Ker



My Guardians read your last letter and I've been in the short end of the wand with their teasing.
You both are absolutely silly and flirtatious. Come on, we have no time for that.

Can you help me in locating a missing rat?



Our Darling D,

Darling, maybe you should be specific about your request? We could actually help you with that
but Hogwarts has thousands of students owning a rat... And not to mention said pets are currently
mating with each other we wouldn't be able to differentiate it.

What's the rat for, anyway? It certainly couldn't be a potions ingredient, right? Because if so,
we'd gladly catch mice in the Hogwarts critter space. We think if it's someone's pet, a lot of
students' rat gets missing by the end of school year so it's like finding a muggle quarter in a vault of
sickles and knuts. Or like that muggle saying of needle in hay or something.
It seems you're distracted as of late, darling. You're forgetting to write a lot of information in
your letters. We're going to die of curiosity or get paranoid. Whichever comes first.

How are you doing? Any chance we can locate Black?


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey


I admit, I am distracted as of late. I even crammed an assignment last minute. It was just an essay
and I was finished for half an hour but my dorm mates were still shocked it happened. I do hope
my Father will not hear about it. It was just once.

I think I'm the one going paranoid because the both of you are showing your reckless streak, with
your recent package with the letter. The rat I wanted to find is missing a toe, fat and ugly. That's
probably not much but I am given no more information other than that. I am awfully curious about
it as well.

It would've been great if it's for a Potions ingredient but no, it concerns the Black situation. I've
been looking for clues and maybe a rat in Hogwarts isn't a rat at all.


P.S What is with the box full of rats?! You both are certainly eager to help and unfortunately the
rat I was looking for wasn't there. Hopefully the rats you sent me were no one's pet because I
donated it to Professor McGonagall. It seems a lot of students had been doing that as of late.

Our Darling D,

Oh, we're glad the box of rats reached you well. Did it caught you off guard? We just thought the
owl would eat it and bring you an empty box. Huh. Owls have self-restraint!

So that's why Professor McGonagall had third years transform a rat to a tea cup again. I
wonder what she does with all those rats and mice she's been getting. You awful donor, the
third years were whining about it all day.

Apparently, some of them were challenged to make an intricate tea cup and Professor awarded
points 'unfairly' or something. Haven't they learned their lesson in Snape with the unfair point

A rat with a toe missing. Fat and ugly. That sounds absolutely familiar, darling.

In fact, we're looking for one like that as well.

Here's to the hope of finding the needle (rat) in the hay (Hogwarts).

Let the hunt begin!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

Chapter End Notes

Thank you for the 12.8k hits, 357 comments (including mine) the 848 kudos!! I never
would've thought that I'd get a lot of kudos and I am absolutely happy you all find my
story interesting!!

I absolutely had fun writing this chapter, also cracked up at my drafts, here is a peek:
(Draco asks help to find rat

Twins: rat hunt for a day then secure box, write letter and send package, pray owl
doesn't eat it

Draco: @ garden *opens box* wtf)

((It's now #1 in the 'package I never want to receive again' list Draco had.))

I was looking for somewhere else to write and chose tumblr (@ENDisI-14)! See you
in the 9 ¾ later or at Hogwarts later, everyone! Stay safe!
One step closer to the truth
Chapter Notes

Hello, I'm back and I'm happy there are new darling readers! Welcome and enjoy your

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Hearing Granger and Weasley being sent to the Professor's Lounge because Crookshanks was
accused of murder, Draco stared at his godfather in horror and said godfather stared back blankly,
raising a brow as he sipped his tea.

"So? What will you do?" Professor Snape drawled, snapping his fingers to wake his godson's

Draco blinked, mind reeling at the possibility of Peter Pettigrew scuttling out of Hogwarts- out of
reach and cannot be found once more. Draco frowned, I should've grabbed it away from Weasley's
when he was puking slugs during first year. (Then again, the rat's innards would've been in a vial
by now)

"Well..firstly.." Draco trailed off, looking at the flickering flames in the fireplace. "I have to tell
Cousin Siri that the rat is missing."

Snape grunted amusedly.

"Good luck with that." Snape said, masking his amused smirk as he finished the last of his tea.
"Blacks are known for their dramatic flair, after all."

Draco sighed, "That's what I was afraid of."

"Best go on, then."

Draco stabbed the last piece of apple pie before plopping it into his mouth with a pout, savoring
the last taste of peace.

Fred stared at his twin, unamused.

"Come on, Crookshanks. I know you know where the rats go in Hogwarts." George said, coaxing
the cat with a toy. "Show us the way."

It's been going on for a few minutes and honestly, George's plan needs to go to Plan B.

"George, I don't think Crookshanks knows." Fred shook his head. "Hermione put a charm in the
Cat's room after Crookshanks decided to sneak out that one time, didn't she?"

George expertly dodged as Crookshanks swiped at him with a vicious meow.

"Stop reminding her of that!" George chastised. "The Gryffindor cats are still angry because of that

"Maybe we should borrow the Map from Harry."

"Nah, remember third year? We wanted to search for the rat passageway but it wasn't there."

Fred sighed hopelessly, "Oh, you're right."

Before he could suggest to leave Crookshanks alone, there was a yelp of pain.

"Hermione! Crookshanks scratched me!"

Draco walked the hallways of Hogwarts silently, soft pitter patter of steps following behind him.
He paid it no mind as he crossed an arm and stroked his chin thoughtfully.

'This absolutely put a poltergeist in our immaculate plan.' Draco frowned. 'out of all the rats
copulating, there was absolutely no way Pettigrew would do that but he must've kept silent of the
rat passageways if Cousin Siri doesn't know.'

Draco turned into the corner before glancing down and sighing. By his feet, the soft pitter patter
stopped as well. Draco uncrossed his arms and pointed down the hall once more.

"Go back to your owners this instance." Draco hissed.

There were several protesting meows at what he said, the abundance of expensive cat breeds
trailing behind him plopping down and waited for him to walk again. Draco narrowed his eyes at
one particular Maine Coon who had, no doubt, instigated another mischievous plot.

"Hilt. Go back to Pansy." The Maine Coon yawned in response. "Oh, come on. Why did you guys
break out of the Cat room again?"

A kneazle sneezed, although it looked too smug to not be a huge contributor of the breakout. Hilt
scratched his ears and looked pointedly at Draco.

"I am not taking all of you out for a walk." Draco stated, petting the Scottish Fold kittens rubbing
against his legs.

Draco looked at the clowder of cats and stifled a laugh under his breath.

"There is no way Cousin Siri will calm down when he smells them on me." Draco thought, shaking
his head. He whistled, walking back to the dorms. "Let's go see the mermaids and convince them to
bring you some fish."

Several cats jumped up at the mention of mermaids, some prowled over the blond. Hilt took up the
rear, directing cats trying to stray, back to where Draco was heading.
Draco speed walked to the dorms, with the kittens sprinting to follow him. Several meows
sounded, the cats trotting to follow the blonde.

"Oh, Salazar. Let Blaise be there." Draco muttered, offering a silent prayer to the Four Founders
that his best friend is available to catsit.


Remus watched amusedly as the twins flirted with Peeves the poltergeist. Peeves looked positively
peeved at the situation and threw a sock at Fred's face when he said something Remus couldn't
exactly hear but judging by Peeves' reaction, something unremarkable was said.

"Peeves!" Remus called out, the poltergeist uncrossed his arms and the unimpressed look he was
giving to the twins melted as he perked up when Remus came into view.

"Ooohh!" Peeves cooed. "Remy, remy! Here to catch bad bad students?" The poltergeist asked as
he floated upside down in front of Remus.

"I was just passing by." Remus answered pleasantly, an amused glint in his eyes. "And heard from
the portraits Filch's making a few students clean the throne room."

Peeves gasped excitedly, giddily vibrating as he rolled around the air. "Ooh~ some firsties maybe?
Some haunting be needed maybe?"

The poltergeist cackled, circling Remus before running in mid air and poofing out of sight.

Remus blinked down at the awed fifth year Gryffindors who was silent throughout the interaction
with the silly poltergeist.

"Professor. How do you always do that?" Fred asked, conjuring a bouquet of carrots to present to
Remus. It would've been a bouquet but Fred haven't mastered the spell that much.

"Thank you, I rather lack a nice pile of salt nowadays." Remus said accepting the bouquet that
instantly turned into a Salter. The little pile of salt giggled before spreading out of Remus' palms
and scattering because of the wind. "How'd you catch one? They would've been too salty for my

"I told you Professor wouldn't fall for it." George nudged his twin.

Fred grinned, "We stumbled upon the House Elves throwing a tantrum because the soup keeps
getting too salty."

"I would tell you to stop tickling the pear but a teenager's appetite is no joke." Remus chuckled.

"You said it, Professor!" The twins said in unison, linking their arms.

"Now, why were you wooing Peeves in the courtyard?" Remus asked, raising an amused brow.

The twins looked at each other before George whistled a tune, looking away. Fred casted a

"Oh my, look at the time. We must be going on ahead, Professor."

"Yeah, lots to do and little time to do it!"

Remus watched in amusement as the twin troublemakers rushed out of the courtyard and wondered
if this was what his Professors felt all those years ago because the Marauders sucked at lying
directly in front of a Professor if it wasn't rehearsed.

Remus smiled at the memory, shrugging as the twins sprinted off to the the direction of the

It was another hour later when Draco successfully slipped out of the Slytherin dorms. Blaise was
unfortunately in Trade Training and he's absolutely useless with pets, Draco belatedly remembered.
Pansy, however, was completely free and completely indulgent to the Slytherin Cats endeavors...
probably because Hilt leads them to trouble too much.

Pansy was grooming Hilt and making the cats run around the Slytherin common room with a light
from her wand. It looked like one of those muggle cafés a Hufflepuff muggle was talking about,
with the tea, cakes and cats and everything.

Draco though, he was free from the cats the moment he went inside the Slytherin dorms - the
freedom was cut short when the kittens bumped their heads on his leg leading him towards the
Mermaid Wall and had to struck up a conversation with the mermaids before finally slipping out.
The only reason he could was because Pansy rang the dinner bell inside the Cat room.

"You couldn't have done it earlier?" Draco asked the Parkinson Lady.

Pansy watched as a Parkinson House elf tended to Hilt before shrugging at Draco. "Well, what can
I say, Dray? The cats are free to do whatever they want."

Draco grumbled but accepted the reason.

"I do believe some are rushing to eat so they could play with you." Pansy stated, gesturing at the
fast-paced licking half the cats were doing.

"And I'm out." Draco responded, speedwalking away as he casted cleaning charms on his robes.
"Don't let any of them out of your site."

Pansy chuckled, stroking Hilt's fur.

"Such a fussy blonde right, Hilt?"

Hilt's answering 'meow' was muffled as he focused on his premium tuna fresh from the Japanese
ocean. Pansy nodded approvingly.

"Thought so."

Harry groaned in frustration at his two friends at either side of the room. The Gryffindor Knows
pamphlets featured the massive fight Ron and Hermione had and Crookshanks was currently the
'Man of the Hour'. The release of the pamphlet also caused his two best friends (that he almost got
to make up) to separate from each of his side that day and hang out with other people. (Ron mostly,
since he's playing exploding snap with Dean and Seamus. Hermione, however, can be seen reading
by the windowsill)

That just left Harry, his homework and one of the comfy couch in the Gryffindor common room..

Deciding homework can wait, Harry packed up and headed to his room for a nap.

Hopefully, when he wakes up, Ron and Hermione are already talking to each other and not try to
'outshout' the other with their yelling.

"I'm just glad Hedwig is an owl." Harry muttered into his pillow, eyes blinking heavily.

"Godric, help me." Harry mumbled, covering his eyes with his arm.

Yeah, sleep will do nicely.


The sun was almost setting by the time Draco got to the Hogwarts grounds and Draco lamented his
eventful afternoon. Walking through the grounds, Draco silently thanked the foggy weather for
disguising where he was heading. Draco scrunched his nose at the smell of something burning...
Or perhaps this is not fog but Hagrid burning something. Draco made a face and threw up some
filtering charms his Uncle Severus taught him to avoid Potions fumes. There, that's better.

As he neared the Forbidden Forest, he offered a silent prayer to the Four Founders that he can
handle his cousin's mood by the time he broke the news. Feeling confident that he wasn't spotted
anywhere (because although his disillusionment charm still sucked, being sneaky was part of his
skills set), Draco rounded through the Forbidden Forest.
There were plenty of magical critters out and about but the majority of the Forest creatures seemed
to be asleep. That worked into Draco's favor as he trudged through Buckbeak's clearing, taking the
long way to reach his cousin's cave. The muffling spell he casted on his feet worked wonders as he
approached the sleeping Grim-looking dog.

'Oh no, he's asleep. He's really not going to take it well.'

Draco made sure to rub the scent gland on his wrist before reaching over and petting the dog on the
head. Padfoot's eyes snapped open and he tensed only to relax back against the fingers once the
scent of his cousin permeated his nose.

"Hello there, Padfoot." Draco greeted as he surveyed the lived-in look inside the cave. "I see you've
made progress."

Padfoot grumbled a bit before shuffling closer. Draco hummed and stroked the still-coarse-but-
definitely-improving fur.

"I have to tell you something, Cousin." Draco said quietly. He took a deep breath and frowned as
the Forest remained silent. "It's about Scabbers."

Padfoot, lulled by Draco's magical hands and comfortable at his position, merely snuffled.

"Well, you see.." Draco trailed off before deciding to stop beating around the hedges and drop the
broomstick. "Scabbers is missing."

The moment the words slipped out of his lips and the moment the realization seeped into Padfoot's
eyes, any of the previous posture Padfoot had was gone in a blink of an eye as he got up and

Draco, in a moment of Gryffindor courage recklessness, immediately hugged the dog.

"Please don't bark, please. Hagrid is close by, I don't want him alerting anyone." Draco chanted as
Padfoot tried to shake him off, baring his teeth in irritation when Draco held on tighter. "Cousin,
Padfoot went still for a moment, shaking with rage until Draco felt Padfoot's bones shifting and
suddenly arms encased his and broke off the Devil's snare grip he had on Padfoot. Though Draco
supposed it wasn't really a good thing that the real Sirius Black took Padfoot's place, who glaring
down at him and body language clearly that of aggression.

"What did you say, Draco?" Sirius growled.

"I heard..Granger and Weasley were taken to Professor McGonagall because Weasley accused
Granger's cat of murdering Scabbers." Drack relayed the story.

Sirius clicked his tongue and clenched his jaw. "Crookshanks!"

"It may not be real!" Draco hastened to say. "Scabbers may still be alive. There was only blood!
They never found a body."

Sirius stared at his cousin for a moment before letting out a loud hysterical cackle. As the young
blond stared at him in confusion, Sirius settled on a huge boulder as his shoulders shook from

"Never found a body." Sirius reiterated, spitting on the ground viciously before glancing at his
bewildered cousin. "Oh c'mon, Cousin. Surely, you'd know by now. That fucking Pettigrew left me
to rot in his place and the Ministry wrote him off dead because only a finger was left and they
never found a body."

Draco internally slapped himself, Malfoy manners be damned, because how could he even say
such words?!

"Oh, never found a body, alright. Fucking Peter. That rat!" Sirius snarled, glaring to his sides as if
there was an enemy on sight. "Always repeating his moves, that stupid git. Never one to be bright
at all, that he is. Yes, He's alive alright, and once I see him.."

Sirius stood and swayed to a tree, he let out out a loud "HA!" before punching the tree.

"I'll kill him." Sirius declared monotonously, staring at the splintered wood around his fist as
withered leaves falling all around him due to the impact. Some crows crowed nearby, their flapping
of wings the only sound after his declaration.
Draco watched on, his worry crystal clear in his eyes, because he knows...

This definitely isn't a Black Dramatic Flair episode at all.


Remus, honest to Merlin, didn't follow the twins at all. It just so happened he stumbled into them
for the second time that day.

The twin terrors of Gryffindor were currently in the hallway outside of his classroom, kneeling
down and poking the walls. They're quite a comical sight, moreso with the furrowed eyebrows of

"So, I take it you lost something and is currently attempting to get it back?" He drawled in his best
Snape impression and watched amusedly as Fred and George froze before sighing in relief when
they saw it was him.

"For a moment, I thought you were Snape, Professor." George grinned cheekily.

"How the bloody hell do you do that?" Fred asked, scrambling up and shooting a cleaning charm at
his twin who did the same.

"Well, spite and lots of practice." Remus answered, holding back a chuckle at the bittersweet
memories. "Now, what were you snooping around the perimeter of my classroom for?"

Fred whistled, looking away and scuffling his feet. George rolled his eyes and elbowed his brother.

"Looking for passageways and the like.."

Remus tilted his head, "Huh. I would've thought you'd have found them by now."

The wide-eyed look the twins shot at him had Remus' lips quirking up to a small smile.
"Yes, we did!" The twins protested in unison, huffing.

"We're looking for rat passageways!" Fred added, crossing his arms.

"Rat passageways?" Remus asked, confused.

"The cats have Cat Rooms all over the dormitories, the toads have an enclosure every floor and a
direct passageway to lead them to the lake." George said, shrugging.

"We just can't find the one for the rats." Fred continued, scratching his cheek.

"Why are you certain there is one?" Remus questioned, the Marauders certainly hadn't thought of
finding out where the pet rooms were simply because Remus was sure the no dogs in the rule was
because of them and they took it as a win.

"We put a tracker in one in third floor."

"We were following it until it skittered off and was suddenly it was in seventh floor."

Remus was stumped, shock filling his veins at the realization of how Peter was suddenly punctual
during fourth year. He felt a lump in his throat as he thought back, humming.

"That's a good observation, lads." Remus praised them with a sincere smile. "How about you check
the walls by the Gryffindor common rooms, yeah?"

The twins stared at him for a moment before looking at each other in shock.

"Of course!"

"By the common rooms, why didn't we start there first?!"

They hurried down the hallways, shouting at Remus as he finally opened the door to his classroom.

"Thank you, Professor!"

"You're really brilliant!"

Thanking the Four Founders that it was a weekend, Remus weakly settled into the nearest chair,
wandlessly locking the classroom. He embraced himself and patted his arms continuously to help
calm him down.

Peter was always great at keeping secrets to them even from the start. There was a reason Sirius
couldn't trust him for the first few pranks. Peter was almost always the bait during their pranks but
he gets away smoothly claiming to have outrun the Professors especially during 5th year.

Heart hammering in his chest, Remus took several deep breaths as his mind went to overdrive.

If Peter really was good at keeping secrets and Sirius acknowledged it during the war, he would've
told James about it. It was such an obvious thing to have Sirius be the Secret Keeper and although
he's powerful enough, he'd be a unicorn in a herd of centaurs. If the Secret Keeper changed the last

Remus felt angry at the swell of hope and longing in his chest.

If the Secret Keeper changed the last minute then Sirius really was innocent.

Remus rested his head in his arms and attempted to gather himself.

"Please let it be like that." Remus murmured to whoever god is listening to him. "Please."

For twelve years, I waited for the truth. Please let it be in my Sirius' favor.

Harry was dreaming, he was sure of that... because there was no way he was crawling in all fours
slowly like a turtle though his destination is still unknown.

"Aww, Haz, you are so cute." A woman's voice sounded, melodic laughter filling the air.

Harry felt himself being lifted to the air and cradled in warmth. He looked up and saw flaming red
hair and green eyes, Lily Evans -- his mom smiling down at him, identical green eyes shining with

"M-" he felt himself say. Harry saw his mom's eyes widening in delight.

"James!" She called, "come here!"

"Mo-" Harry tried to speak but it was awfully hard.

"What is it, love of my life, bearer of my children, lily of my valleys?" James Potter, his dad, asked,
rushing in with what looked like Sirius and Remus in tow.

"Harry's trying to speak!" Lily giggled, kissing Harry's cheek. "Go on, darling."


The three men grinned, one tickling Harry's stomach.

"Go on, cub." One of them urged.

"Say Padfoot, pup--urgh." Sirius groaned as Lily elbowed him

Harry gripped Lily's hair, giggling. "Moo'y"

The four adults stared at baby Harry in shock before one bellowed in laughter and the rest shook
their heads.

"Honey, what did you say?" His mom asked, cooing. "Did you say mommy?"

Harry shrieked in laughter, swaying the hsir still gripped in his hands. "Moo'y!"

"Great job, Haz." Said Moo'y, avoiding the swat from Lily and the headlock from James,

"I can't believe this, even Harry favors Moony over me!" James whined.

Harry was still giggling uncontrollably at the sound of his godfather dying of laughter.

"Come off it, Siri!" James said, pouting.

"You wait till you get your own child, Padfoot and see how it feels." Lily scolded, giving Harry to
Remus when Harry stretched his arms to the man.

Harry then looked at the hair still in his grasp and the woman in sight, tugging the hair in delight.

"MAMA!" Harry shrieked, laughter adorably shaking his whole body as he was transferred yet
again to his overjoyed parent.

"Oh, Harry my honeybunch, I knew you love Mama more than Papa!" Lily cooed.

"C'mon now, prongslet." James urged. "Say Papa!"

"Pa!" Harry shouted, burying his head in the crook of Lily's neck as James crowed in delight.
James slumped down as Sirius yelled in victory, snatching Harry away from Lily's arms and
raising Harry yelling something about children and champions.

There was a series of 'Sirius, no!' and jumbled words.

Harry opened his eyes unwillingly, staring at the ceiling of his poster bed for a few minutes.

"Bloody hell.." Harry said breathlessly, clutching his chest. "Why did it feel so real?"

It was then that Harry realized it wasn't a dream...but a memory. He sat up abruptly, still feeling the
warmth and hearing the joyful laughter his parents had.

Feeling emotional all of a sudden, Harry bundled the blankets and hugged it closer to him. He
stared at his curtains before trying to remember his dream in detail.

His parents, Sirius Black and Professor Lupin... And me. Haz, cub, pup, prongslet...

Harry felt himself tear up and he sniffled, couldn't help but think "I wish I could have that life."


Draco stared at tensed figure in front of him, seeing not his Cousin Siri or Padfoot, but the man the
Mister of Magic-no, the magicfolk fears, a convicted Pureblood of a Most Ancient and Noble
House filled with innate magical power strong enough to be the first to escape Azkaban.

Sure, the man in front of him was in need of a new wardrobe and a new wand, but Draco blinked
and also saw the man in front of him in a different perspective.

'He's just grieving. Stuck in the past and can't move forward until he does something to alleviate
the pain of the this case killing Pettigrew.'
Draco loudly approached the man, waved all the warnings in his mind, the one that absolutely
sounded like his godfather berating him to adhere to self-preservation and flung himself to his
Cousin Siri.

Draco wrapped his arms tightly around his cousin, his head nudging between Sirius' middle back
(because his cousin's so damn tall).

"You're not going to kill him, I need him alive to have him convicted."

"I don't fucking care." Sirius retaliated, punching the tree again, releasing a pulse of magic
rendering the tree with a hole right where Sirius' fist were.

"Well, I care." Draco hissed, breaking the hug and forcefully lowering his Cousin's arm. "I need
him alive so I can have you free!"

Sirius looked at the child in front of him, his free hand raking frustredly at his disheveled hair.

"Why do you care so much, Draco? You're a Malfoy." Sirius sneered.

Draco felt a wave of irritation before he stood on his toes, jumped and whacked his cousin, causing
both of them to fall over. Draco headbutted Sirius, groaning in pain at what he did. Draco massaged
his own forehead, biting back another groan before looking at his cousin.

"HOW DARE YOU? After everything I've done!" Draco yelled, eyes flashing bright in the setting
sun as he glared down at his cousin. "I am as much a Malfoy as I am a Black! Don't shove your
Pureblood discrimination at me!"

Sirius blinked several times before resting an arm against his eyes. It was a few minutes and
several deep breaths that one of them spoke.

"Hey, cousin.. I'm sorry about that.." Sirius laughed weakly. "You reminded me of Remus. He
would've acted the way you did just now."

Sirius raised his arm and ruffled the impeccably styled blond hair that had Draco squawking and
scrambling up to get away from pesky hands.

"I can think clearer now." Sirius announced, grinning cheekily at his cousin. "Thank you for
whacking me.. and headbutting me."

"Well, I could do it again because I'm seriously annoyed at you right now." Draco snapped, fixing
his locks to a presentable state.

"Look after Moony for me." Sirius said, sitting up.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked suspiciously. His cousin's head cleared so much he had a
plan already?

"I'm going to look for Peter. He couldn't have gotten far." Sirius stated, turning into Padfood

Draco knelt to the huge dog and hugged him tightly. "Give me a month, Cousin Siri."

The dog snuffled, nudging his head to Draco's.

"Come back, okay?" Draco asked as he released the dog. "And please if you find him before
me...please don't kill him."

The dog shrugged, before licking Draco's cheek.

"It's a promise." Draco smiled as the dog reluctantly nodded knowing his cousin is the type that
never breaks one. "Be safe."

The dog barked before bounding further to the forest, the darkness seeping in and camouflaging his

Draco tidied up the place, making sure to cover the cave safely with charms and meticulously
erased the fingerprints in every surface. He cursed as he casted a Tempus and saw that it was
nearing dinner.

A few kilometres away, a howl sounded and Draco's heart nervously skipped a beat.


Remus, however weak he felt moments prior to hearing the howl, gained energy as he snapped his
windows open. His wide eyes scanned the grounds but the fog was making harder to see and he
couldn't make out any figure.

"Siri.." He muttered, a sob threatening to escape his throat.

The howl was ever so familiar, there was no mistake.

Another one sounded, this one much closer and he rushed out of his room, jumped off the second
floor window with a cushioning charm on his feet (to avoid the moving staircase) as he rushed to
the sound of the howl.

'Please let it be Sirius, let him be okay, please, Merlin, Godric, anyone, please'

His mind came up different ideas as to why now... Why now could he hear the howl??

The heart shattering howl echoed through his mind, the howl which was once the answer to his
own, the one accompanying his run every time.

The Forbidden Forest was finally in sight and he immediately sprinted.

"Sirius! Is that you!?" He yelled only for a hand to suddenly grasp his running form and strong
enough to hold him before he could lose his balance.

Remus' whipped around to see who stopped him and was devastatingly disappointed to see Severus
Snape looking at him in disapproval.
"Going somewhere?" The Potions Professor drawled.

"Yes." Remus spat, glaring at his supposed to be friend. "Let me go, now."

"I'm afraid I can't do that." Severus answered him. "You'd get yourself into hysteria before I can
say Idiotic, Emotional Gryffindors."

Remus glared at Severus as his patience, which was running thin the whole day, snapped.

"Why? You know it's him! Why didn't you go after him?!" Remus yelled, voice close to shrieking
as he gripped Snape's robes and shook him. "You know!"

There was a moment of silence before Severus sighed and calmly made Remus let him go.

"Are you perhaps pertaining to this?" Severus held up a funny looking device that looked like a
rock. Severus clenched it and a howl sounded once more.

Remus stared at the rock incredulously. "But the howl..."

"I'm aware." Severus replied, looking like he's in pain because he knows the answer.

"Sev, where'd you get that?" Remus asked, his voice breaking, shakily reaching to the rock. Snape
merely held it out of his reach.

"If you must know, I stepped on it when I was going to the Forest to procure some supplies." Snape
tutted and prodded the DADA's Professor's forehead. "Get it together, Lupin. You're falling apart."

"Yeah..." Remus said, trailing off. "I just thought..."

"I know." Severus deadpanned.

Remus patted Severus' arm and nodded in understanding. The auburn haired man tried to swallow
through his disappointment and attempted to clear his mind. Severus looking at him as he did it
was absolutely not helping.

"Umm.. am I interrupting something or..?" A voice cut in through the fog startling Remus out his


Draco wandered through the Forbidden Forest without a light, silently stepping on the soft ground
after he circled through the path leading nearest to Hogwarts.

He was walking outside the edge of the Forbidden Forest when he heard voices through the fog.
His heart was close to stopping when the howl sounded once more and he tensed. What followed
was a familiar voice sounding heartbroken and Draco's pace sped up when his ears registered the
soft tenor of Professor Lupin's voice.

His footsteps stopped as he watched his two Professors exchange looks, having a silent
conversation that should not be happening.

Merlin, is something going on between the two of them?! Draco though scandalously. Oh, Cousin
Siri will be so heartbroken.

Draco preferred a free cousin rather than a heartbroken one so he couldn't stop himself from
interrupting the moment and quietly shuffled closer.

"Ummm... Am I interrupting something or..?" Draco shot his godfather an angelic smile which was
met by narrowed eyes.

"Oh." Remus said, disappointment dripping in his tone. "Draco, what are you doing alone out here,
it's so late!"

"Of course he's not alone, Professor." A haughty voice came from Draco's left and Pansy walked
through the fog together with Blaise, filtering charms in place.

"And I still think this is not an ordinary fog." Blaise commented, waving aways wisps of it. "And is
definitely coming from Hagrid's hut."

Draco could've been glad to see his friends like Professor Lupin was but the blond Slytherin kind of
forgot to tell them where he was going and from Pansy's saccharine smile, his ears will be ringing

"Back to Hogwarts. Now." Draco flashed another angelic smile at his Head of House that was met
by a blank stare and returned warmly by the DADA Professor.

The three marched away, Pansy and Blaise linking their arms at Draco's and almost dragging him
towards the castle.

"Oh, I will skin you alive. What library is located in the Forest?" Pansy hissed. "I could lock you in
the Cat room and let you suffocate under all the fluffballs without us saving you."

Draco shot a pleading look to his left where Blaise just shrugged at him.

"I mean, we did go look for you everywhere so your Highness is quite tired." Blaise said, blasé
tone in place.

Draco groaned. "Dear Salazar, save us all."

Inside the tunnel leading to the Shrieking Shack, Padfoot's ears perked up at the sound of his howl
back at Hogwarts. He snuffled in confusion and tottered off before stopping midstep and whined.

That was probably the stone he was playing with experimenting with inside the cave. He had
misplaced it when he checked the Shrieking Shack some nights ago. Padfoot shook his head at the
timing the stone was found. After a mental shrug, he returned his focus to the task at hand.

First things first, best look at Honeydukes.

After all, if he's looking for a rat, the best place to be is to be somewhere with food.

Well into the night after yet another Sirius Black scare before dinner even started, Harry settled
comfortably in his bed. His roommates are all snoring away, too tired to fight sleep after yet
another Sirius Black scare. Hours ago, when a howl sounded, a panicked scream of "HE'S BACK!"
almost turned the Great Hall into chaos. They all calmed down when the Headmaster explained
Severus Snape's been the one who found the 'funny looking rock' and was finally pranked for it.
The suffering look the Potions Professor directed at Professor Dumbledore had been too much of a
sincere expression everyone believed that it was just that.

But what was he doing out of the castle so late at night? Harry wondered. He's up to something
again, isn't he?

Harry silently opened his bag to retrieve the Marauders' Map.

"I swear I'm up to no good." Harry muttered, smiling as ink appeared in smudges before words

" Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs offer their delighted greetings to a fellow
Mischief Maker

Mr. Moony would like to ask that if Mr. Potter would like to swear, he must do so solemnly.

Mr. Prongs presents his compliments to Mr. Potter for having such a wonderful surname and
greatly encourages Mr. Potter to solemnly swear.

Mr. Padfoot agrees with Mr Prongs and Mr Moony and bids Mr. Potter a good time. Mischief
can be managed after being up to no good, after all.

Mr. Wormtail bids everyone a good day and for Mr. Potter to do what Mr. Moony says
because he's always right ."
Harry re-read the words with a small smile as it faded, stroking the handwritings unique to each
Mister who wrote. Ron suddenly shot up his bed with a yelp, eyes looking frantically from left to
right before meeting Harry's.

"Spiders... they're making me tap dance!" Ron said, horrified. "I don't want to tap dance."

Harry nodded sagely, "You tell them, Ron."

Ron blinked several times before nodding, muttering "I'll tell them" repeatedly as he settled back in
his covers.

Harry drew his curtains shut after remembering why he brought the Map out, he cleared his throat
and solemnly whispering

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

His smile widened as ink appeared once again, this time filling up a large part of the paper. He
could never get tired of seeing it.

"Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers

are proud to present


Unfolding the paper, he was about to ask it to show where Professor Snape is when he
absentmindedly flipped through the map but a name caught his eye, pacing near the trophy room.

'Peter Pettigrew'

Harry stared incredulously at the name before realization hit him. He froze, jaw dropping in horror
and wide eyes remaining unblinked at the pacing name in the Map.
Bloody hell, Peter Pettigrew is alive.

Chapter End Notes

I tried to do an escalating amount of drama and I think I succeeded at it, kinda. There
were too many scenes to focus on but I hoped you all enjoyed this one! We're nearing
towards the end of book three, finally!

Fun fact #1: Remus can differentiate the twins due to his sense of smell.

Fun Fact #2: baby harry responds to every nickname given to him and Remus is also
Lily's favourite (apart from Harry)

Thank you for the 400 (including mine) comments, 888 kudos and 124 bookmarks. I
can never express how much I'm shocked to have reached out to a lot (cuz I thought I'd
get 100 maybe idk).

I'd probably update before the month is up but I'm going to have to go through the
previous chapters and edit the typos so please ignore any updates by then. I got a new
phone, finally!

See you in the next chapter!

All that happens in a Day pt.1
Chapter Summary

Slipping into movie canon for a bit then rolling out of it after a dip.

Chapter Notes

I'm sorry for not updating, it's been a month. My mind was not in a good place for a
while and I couldn't bring myself to update. It's been quite fine now for a few days and
this was all really I could squeeze out of my procrastination. Mistakes are littered all
over though.


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Remus has had enough excitement for tonight, he thinks. After encountering Severus and Harry in
the dead of the night, you'd have thought this happens far too often that it wouldn't be repeated but
yet again, he's been proven wrong. Remus made a mental note of reminding Harry he has an
invisibility cloak for a reason.

Severus and his "out for a little walk in the moonlight" remarks is kinda getting old, it's been the
Potions Professor's way of greeting when they change patrols. Remus thinks offhandedly, looking
at the Marauders Map. Dark artefact, Merlin's beard, surely Severus recognised the names in the
Map! His sense of humour is confusing at times.

After reprimanding Harry, (his heart hurt at the guilty look his cub made when he mentioned Lily
and James but it needed to be said), Remus was still winded at Harry's parting words.

"Professor, just so you know I don't think that map always works. Earlier on, it showed someone in
the castle, someone who I knew to be dead... Peter Pettigrew."

It wasn't possible for the Map to be inaccurate on names. He personally saw to it alongside with
James, after all. But his cub said it's what he saw... and Harry is a terrible liar with more tells than
James had so it's likely to be true.

He looked at the spare bit of Parchment and shakily withdrew his wand from its holster.

"Finally, we got our Professor's magical signature. If they cast a spell, our names will show up like
everyone else's." Sirius said, wiping away sweat from his forehead.

James poured over the charms book and exclaimed, "Hey, look here Remus! I found a good one!"

Remus leaned to look at the section James was pointing to. A loyalty spell. Kind of like a fidelius
charm but not exactly like it. Huh.
identitatem fidelius (Loyal Identity)
A spell to ensure loyalty to a namesake, nickname, alias or other identities. When casted in paper
or tapestries, it will keep the nickname only to those who has registered their magical signatures in
the parchment. Once loyalty is broken, checked when the person touches the paper even after
years later, their alias will revert back to their original name unprompted.

"That's a great find, James." Remus nodded, waving his wand experimentally.

"I was thinking of the Pureblood Tapestries. Padfoot and I were talking about it earlier." James
shrugged. "I mean, we don't really know the boundaries of betrayal but I reckon the Map will
consider it if it's drastic enough."

"I suppose you're right." Remus nodded in approval. "This will do."

James grinned at him, snatching the Map out of Sirius' hands and offering it to Moony. "Please do
the honors."


Shaking his head to rid of the memories floating around his mind, Remus looked at the map. If
Peter's name showed up, that would mean he touched the Map at some point and the loyalty spell
acted up. That, itself is evidence of Peter's betrayal.

"I solemnly...swear I am up to no good." Remus whispered, biting his lip to keep quiet as ink
appeared and the familiar writing and sketches surrounded the paper.

Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers
are proud to present

He mouthed the words as fleeting memories resurfaced in his mind, his knees buckling at the
intensity of it. He landed on his bed and with a trembling hand, clutched the Marauders Map close.
He steeled himself, taking a few deep breaths before he whispered,

"Show me Peter Pettigrew." He stared at the map for a few minutes. "Show me Wormtail."

Remus glared. "SHOW ME!"

When the Map remained motionless, the abundance of names inside each dormitories clear, Remus
was tempted to incarcerate the Map in frustration. Instead, he flung it away from him and raked his
hair in frustration.

The Map is never wrong. He reiterated. If the Map showed Harry that Peter Pettigrew was indeed
in Hogwarts then he must be here.

Remus glanced at the Map again. What was it that it doesn't show?

The ones inside the secret passageways, the ones inside the Room of Requirement, the Slytherin
dorms because it changes its location in the dungeons every semester, the Professor's Lounge, the
ones in the Pet rooms... The pet rooms...?

Remus' eyes widened in realization, his mind bringing him back earlier this afternoon.

Rat passageways.
Of course. Remus cursed Peter in his mind, that absolute sneak.

He kept it a secret so he could escape on his own.

Remus felt a growl settle in his throat, his wolf (though dormant when the full moon isn't near) was
angered as well.

If I see him, I'll kill him!

Deep in an open space where rats go inside the passageways, a lone rat stays shivering in the cold,
dreary, place. The feet with its toe missing is twitching intermittently in fear. Hunger pangs come
and go and the rats scuttling past ignores the animagus. Some sniffs and attacks him viciously but
he fights back and is left alone once more.

When Peter Pettigrew passed by Harry Potter that night, he knows he was holding the Marauders
Map. That ruddy Map always gets on his nerves, always becoming a reminder on how magically
gifted the other Marauders were. It really was a good thing he didn't contribute much back then and
kept the passageways a secret. He'd attempted to scratch it to oblivion when he escaped and the
Potter boy left it lying around but to no avail.

There's always something going on with that Potter boy, Peter tutted, who knows what trouble he's
making yet again.

Peter pondered on the topic for awhile to distract himself from the hunger he's feeling. He froze, a
chill going through his small frame in realization.

Unless the Map showed my name.

Peter squeaked in panic, pacing.

The Map only shows our names when the charm wears off. James put some spells that rendered
our names undetected just before Filch confiscated it. Oh no, what was it that Sirius said about it
back then?? It's been years and the only way the Map will know about loyalties is if I touch it
again.. but I haven't touched it at all have I?...whatever,. It just means I can't stay here forever.

The rats had been talking about kids searching for their secret room.

He tutted, it must be those troublesome Weasleys again.

He has to get out.

Our Darling D,

I don't suppose you know something about the rat passageways? We figured out there was
one when we put a portable tracker in a rat on the third floor and when we located it, it was
suddenly on the seventeenth floor.
There's probably a massive passageway in between the walls of Hogwarts for the rats.

We figured if the cats have their impressive Cat rooms, the toads their enclosures and their fancy
tube going directly to the lake, the rats have something of their own and concluded about
passageways. So small that only they can get in and out. Passageways not even Mrs. Norris has
access to!

We're actually really curious why you're looking for a rat. Is Sirius Black a secret animagus
and he's been a rat all this time?! No wonder the Aurors can't find him then!

Let us know soon, darling.


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

A lot can happen in less than a month, Draco thought wryly.

For instance, the snow melted around the school as a new month arrived, to be replaced by cold,
dreary wetness with icy wind kissing anyone's cheeks as it passed. Purplish-grey clouds hung low
over the castle and a constant fall of chilly rain made the lawns slippery and muddy. This made
Draco's morning walks quite a challenge so he's taken to wandering around the halls if he's too tired
of drying spells.

During the first week was yet another Quidditch game, Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup only
because Professor McGonagall had given back Potter's Firebolt, further widening their chances of
winning. Draco still is a little annoyed at his cousin for gifting his own godson a bloody Firebolt.
Aunt Walburga is rolling in her grave, cousin. What a waste of family gold.

He also passed the test for the Healing Apprenticeship and is finally certified in Magical First Aid.
His certificate is officially something that would get his Father off his back, the golden signatures
of the Head Healer of St. Mungo's, the Minister of Magic and the Hogwards Mediwitch glinting
when lights hit it was something Draco stared at for hours assuring him that it's real.

His newest achievement was celebrated by Pansy and Blaise giving him a present (a very stylish
quill with an alexandrite tip that writes very well and a diamond inkwell) and a very peaceful
afternoon in his Uncle Sev's living room with apple pie and butterbeer. His Uncle Sev's gift was
something he quite enjoyed: his very own Potions Corner (beside the Wolfsbane room). Of course
the Potions he'll make is to be strictly made under supervision and he must have permission before
using his Corner but it's what the thought that made Draco hug his godfather for more than five

His homeworks and projects were steadily growing and he already had a staredown with Granger
for the books he wanted three times already (He won). He dedicated a weekend to finish all of it
and his dorm mates looked at him like he needed to go see Madam Pomfrey. He's fine, really.
There's no crime in doing homework or a project two weeks before it's due.

Professor Lupin is steadily getting quieter as the days go by and that was something that concerns
Draco but then again, March is approaching and it's going to his birthday soon. With a quick
calculation, a week after Professor Lupin's birthday is the full moon. Draco was certain he was
hearing whispers from Gryffindors about a suprise for the DADA Professor and couldn't help but
think of what his gift could be.

His cousin getting acquitted for his 'crimes' was the first gift he could think of but his search for
Peter Pettigrew is going as well as his JoKer's attempts on finding said rat. Meaning: they still
couldn't find the needle in the hay or whatever ridiculous Muggle saying it was.

So Draco settled for completing a new batch of Wolfsbane earlier than what was estimated.


I haven't had the slightest idea of where the rat passageways could be but I imagine it would be
something like a vertical moving staircase, a small amusement area just for rats to keep them
active. We could find the openings and create mouse traps. I do think they like cheese and the
house elves will be ecstatic to share some. Or you can find a spell that renders the inside of a wall
visible, I read about it in the library but unfortunately I cannot remember the spell. Oh, there is
also a possibility that the entrances to the rat passageways are akin to the passageway in Platform
9¾? Hopefully, that helps.

I do know of the tube the toads use to travel to the lake, the plopping and splashing sounds they
make distrubs my peaceful time by the lake so I try not to think about it lest I plug it up and they'd
have to travel back to wherever dormitory/enclosing they came from. I have visited the cat rooms
outside of the dormitories and yes, it really is impressive. Impressive enough that I had almost died
with the amount of fluff balls determined to tackle me to the geound, that is.

If Sirius Black is an animagus, don't you think he'll be more of a predator than prey?


P.S Please do your homework.

With their darling D writing something about the vertical moving stairway, the twins finally solved
where the rat passageways are located. There was a tunnel in every Common room (they assumed
there is in Slytherin because they've been discovered before they could find out where it was) that
leads to a mini staircase within the Hogwarts walls. It spanned from one wall from the third floor to
the seventh floor, behind the numerous portraits.

The staircase matched the description of the muggle scale-a-tor and a section of the rat
passageways looked like a recreational center Lee was bragging about. The rats had their very own
moving staircase and a series of rat wheels, pulleys and even a nook where they can converge.

"Bloody hell, the rats had been in rat paradise for years."

"No wonder lots had been missing." Fred pointed at a tiny rat village. "They're living peacefully."

"This was quite uneventful." George lamented, sighing.

"I do believe Scabbers is not there."

"Accio Scabbers."

The twins tried for every passageway in each floor yielding no results in each one of them.

"Hm, still a no." Fred frowned as they started walking up towards their dormitory. "Now that's a
"Do you reckon there are numerous rats missing a toe in Hogwarts?" George asked, sneakily
slipping a dungbomb when they passed the sixth floor bathroom.

"I've seen ones without a tail or whiskers but missing a toe has always been Scabbers' defining
trait." Fred answered, discreetly sending a tripping hex on a seventh year Slytherin intimidating a
Hufflepuff as they rounded the halls.

They mulled over it for a moment and Lee regarded their downtrodden looks with a blank stare.

"Nothing?" Lee asked, finishing off a very intricate knot to the scarf he's making.

"Nothing." The twins groaned in unison, plopping down their beds with a pout.

"How about doing what your Darling D told you and do some homework?" Lee asked, nodding at
the Homework Tower the twins built.

Fred and George looked at each other, then back at Lee.


The dismissive tone echoed and the twins settled under their covers to sulk.

Lee shrugged, they'll get to moving soon.

Sure enough, half an hour later, Lee snickered quietly as the twins cursed when the inkpot upturned
on their recently finished Transfiguration essay. He wonders if Darling D knows how much power
they had over the twins.


February moved towards March with no change in the weather except that it became windy as well
as wet. Draco's hair is in a state of disarray that Pansy taught him and Blaise different grooming
charms she uses for bad hair days. The charm worked wonders and Draco was relieved he can still
look his best in this dreary weather. On a side note, Pansy and other Slytherin girls (oh, in other
houses as well) had donned elaborate headwears that was charmed to put their hair back in place no
matter what weather. (The Professors couldn't do anything about it at all because Professor
Dumbledore wore one as well.)

After Cousin Siri left Hogwarts mid February, it was nearing a month and Draco was grasping at
elusive feathers. Where else could a stupid rat go, anyway?

Professor Lupin's birthday passed with too much red and gold confetti following said Professor,
massive cakes and a huge stack of homework submitted a week early for Professor Lupin to grade
in lieu of a present. Draco was just content to see a genuine smile on the DADA Professor. Draco
suspected with how long the other Houses whispered about their surprise, Professor Lupin already
heard about it, supernatural hearing and all that.

Draco's been cooped up in his Potions room all week. He dubbed it as PET "Potion Experiments
and Temptations" room. They've completed the Wolfsbane potion two weeks ago and now he's
experimenting on different ingredients to substitute in the aconite mixture. It's been his project for
months now and hopefully by his sixth year, he'll brew the most effective one yet.

Draco dropped too much saltpeter during his musings and only had time to duck and make a shield
before the cauldron bubbled over and created an exploding smoke. The resounding boom had his
godfather rushing inside and wandlessly vanishing the (probably detrimental) smoke and the
melted cauldron.

Draco grinned sheepishly at his Uncle Sev when he knelt down and checked over him.

"I'm fine." He said, frowning at the wisps of blond hair that was singed. "Too much potassium

"I do believe that Remus wouldn't like it if he blew up while drinking your potion." Uncle Sev said,
raking a hand through Draco's blond locks and wandlessly smoothing the singed ends.

Draco grinned, "What, so it's Remus now? Too tired to pretend the, in your own words,
'insufferable wolf' isn't your friend?"

Draco yelped when his godfather tugged his hair none-too-gently.

"I have a reputation to uphold, Dragon."

"Ah, yes." Draco said sagely, "the untouchable Slytherin Head of House. Fear him, students, for he
will make your life hell in detention. Minus 100 points to Gryffindor for no reason."

"I see you've got some cheek left in you." Uncle Sev pinched said cheek ignoring his godson's
surprised yelp. "How'd you like it if I prohibited you here for a week, then?"

"Oh no, my favourite godfather, surely you would not." Draco teased, an amused glint in his eyes.
Snape merely grunted and with a display of mastery in wandless magic, the mess Draco made was
cleaned up after a blink of an eye.

"Of course, I would." Snape replied, pulling Draco up to stand. "Now off you go."

Draco, upon realising he really was being banned to do potions for a week, fumed. It truly was an
amusing sight, Severus noted in amusement.

"No way, Uncle Sev!" Draco said, tone close to whining. "I promise I won't blow up your
werewolf friend! He's my favourite DADA Professor so far!"

"That's reassuring though the last bit was unnecessary information." Snape drawled, half dragging
the blonde heir out of the room and half carrying him by the shoulders. "Go and antagonize other
people outside, preferably Potter, he's always up to something. He'll entertain you."

"But my potion!"

"Go be a dear, Dragon and go somewhere else. Do keep your mischief in place."

With that, Severus slammed his quarter's door shut and proceeded to go to his room. Finally, a
quiet time for the day. Now then, he has a letter to write.

Outside and knowing he was alone, Draco kicked the door half-heartedly before trudging his way
back to the Slytherin dorms. Perhaps antagonizing his watchers could be the perfect past time.

Scabbers skittered through the toad enclosures, taking refuge under a large pile of rocks and
humongous leaves. He's been here for a week and the large Choir toads had been searching for him
from every enclosure. It wasn't every day a rat comes into their turf uninvited, after all.

Weak and tired as he may be, Scabbers really isn't looking forward to be found at all. He's awfully
famished and he would not stoop so low to eat flies and worms abundant by the stone buffet table
on the other side of the room.

Trevor, that Longbottom brat's pet, croaked and croaked at him earlier before Scabbers managed to
get away. It would not do well to be seen by a Gryffindor brat at all. Ron was too dramatic about
that rabid cat attacking Scabbers and he's certain any Gryffindor could recognise him at a glance.

Scabbers shivered, the Toad enclosure really wasn't the ideal place for a rat (the temperature was
too cold) but it is a thousand times better than the Cat Rooms. Merlin's beard, that mangy half-
kneazle spread rumors about him because of Sirius and he's been a wanted rat ever since. After all,
it wasn't only Crookshanks who tried to attack him during his stay in the Gryffindor dorms.

There was an echoing croak from behind him and Scabbers stiffened. He's been found out and he's
surrounded. The large Choir toads circled in on him and he was about to be trampled on if he
wasn't directly below the tube going to the Hogwarts Lake.

Yes! The Lake! James, Sirius and Remus never charmed the occupants of the Lake but just around
it! It's fine, he'll be fine.

He slid down the tube with a squeak, chanting that everything will be alright. He'll just have to
swim a couple laps around the lake undetected before he could get to a secret passageway.

Which one was nearest?!

Scabbers thought frantically as the tunnel ended and he ended up splashing pitifully in the Black
lake. Swallowing water as he resurfaced, Scabbers panted heavily and (if he were human), paled.
His eyes sighted the Whomping Willow slapping a bird away from its branches.

Shrieking Shack...was the nearest...

Scabbers swam by the rocks, away from the shallow waters where students like to stand by. He'll
stay in the lake in just a few hours even if the cold had him shivering. It's nothing compared to
taking refuge in a place that was once important to the Marauders.

He'll be fine here in the lake for a while, Scabbers chanted. He'll be fine.

Scabbers succeeded in one lap around the freezing lake. He squeaked in panic when a shadow fell
over his frame and he was scooped out of the lake.

No! They'll see me! They'll see me. Who is this?!

"Oh, you poor thing."

His squeaks turned shrill as he tried to dive back in the water but the grip held on and he was
carried off.

No! I'll die! Let me go!

Scabbers started shivering even though the hand that held him was warm. The warmth does
nothing when you're shivering in fear. Peter fought the urge to turn into a human so he could run.
His beady eyes scanned the grounds.

There must be somewhere he could hide in!! Oh Merlin, there must be something he could do!

Padfoot dragged his travel-worn self back to Hogwarts. The wind was harsh on his fur and made
him look more menacing than he really was. The wind nipped at his nose too much it had him
snuffling too many times he'd like.

He meant to return to Hogwarts on Moony's birthday but he had been foolish and was sighted by
the Dementors just a few towns near Hogsmeade. That didn't bode well for him, if the Aurors
tightened the security around Hogwarts.

Surely by now, some had suspected he's an animagus, right? He needed to lie low for a while.
Sadly, It took a week before Padfoot could sneak in the Shrieking Shack at all. He was tired,
exhaustion running deep into his bones.

He settled on the bed, pawing at the springs coming out off the mattress and sighed. He'll have to
rest for a bit before trudging back to his cave. Mentally counting the days, Padfoot groaned. The
month he promised Draco was nearing to an end.

No matter, Sirius amended as he made himself comfortable. Peter will show himself eventually.
He's not good at planning, anyway.

He was quiet for a moment, comfortably resting before he counted the days again and jumped up
with a start, previous exhaustion forgotten. It's the full moon!

And what better way to greet Moony when he comes in? If the room is swaddled in his scent, of

With recharged energy, Padfoot marked his territory by the corner and began scenting the bed.
With the speed he's going, he'll have the room smelling like him within half an hour. There were
still some rooms he had to scent but this particular room is where his Moony turns so he'll have to
scent it to cover every inch. He'll make sure of it!

Padfoot snuffled and looked out the window. He has time before the sun comes down. Putting off
the "Murder Peter" plan for a moment, Padfoot focused on "Suprise Moony™" plan.

Moony is a much better thought than Wormtail, anyway.


Harry honestly wasn't feeling up to anything. There were just too many things to do. Quidditch was
already finished and Gryffindor won the Quidditch cup. Oliver was so overjoyed winning the cup
in his last year, he was the most enthusiastic to throw Harry during the celebration. The twins
matched the Quidditch captain's enthusiasm and Harry had to ask them to stop because he's
nauseous. The winning snitch was gifted to Professor McGonagall, who looked like she wanted to
hug him but held back. That was too bad, Harry thought, he would've hugged her back fiercely.

Whoever gifted him his Firebolt was godsend, Harry concluded, with their gift he was able to make
other people so happy and look so proud at him it was exhilarating. Of course, with dementors off
the pitch, his flying is topnotch and it is an amazing feeling to fly as if he has no burden to carry.
He made a mental note to find out who sent him the Firebolt; he may not be a Hufflepuff but he's
confident he'll find them.

Professor Lupin's, his Uncle Moony!!, birthday passed and Harry spent a night with him bonding
over chocolate, tea, Exploding snap tricks and Remus telling Harry hilarous excerpts of his dad's
antics. He slept peacefully that night basked in the warmth of the blanket the Professor gave him.
(He couldn't sleep over only because Professor McGonagall is strict on curfew as of late).
A week prior to celebrating the DADA Professor's birthday, the whole Gryffindor common room
was filled with paper so they could finish the DADA assignment and projects. Oh, and the confetti.
It was concluded that students in every year will surprise their DADA Professor with confetti.
There were whispers of Hufflepuff making his Uncle Moony chocolates and the Ravenclaws were
having a competition to which book they'll give him. Harry strongly believes that if Professor
Flitwock hadn't intervened, Professor Lupin would've his own library in no time. Harry wondered
what the Slytherins would do but it seemed they were planning on doing nothing, careful not to
incite Snape's ire at them. Malfoy, Harry noted back then, seemed busy to be doing nothing and it
was suspicious enough. He would've followed the Slytherin Prince to find out what he's up to but
there were more pressing matters at hand.

Hermione and Ron had been squabbling for weeks and had only reconciled temporarily when
preparing for Professor Lupin's birthday. Their truce extended when Hagrid told them Buckbeak
was to be sentenced to death.

"That Slytherin boy is no Malfoy, but his father was influential enough that the Winzengamot
declared the verdict of a death sentence." Hagrid said, wailing on a huge handkerchief. "Oh poor

Hagrid told them that a day after Professor Lupin's birthday which dampened the Golden Trio's
festive mood. Now, six days later, they had to visit Hagrid to comfort him and Buckbeak. Harry
never would've thought he'll be making his way towards Hagrid's hut because Buckbeak's dying.

Apparently, Ron thought so, too.

"What a year, isn't it, Harry?" Ron said, side-eyeing Hermione. "With pets dying and all that."

Hermione huffed, "Come off it, Ronald. You're ruining everyone's mood."

Harry held Hermione's right hand, her magical dominant hand (he saw her practicing wandless
magic), and squeezed. He looked pleadingly at her and she pursed her lips and looked away. Harry
slung his arm comfortingly around Ron's shoulders.

"I'd rather we focus on comforting Hagrid. This cannot be good for him. He and Buckbeak were

"Fine." Ron said, patting Harry's hand.

They went out of the Gryffindor common room portrait in a somber mood.


Draco succeeded in alleviating his boredom, like tricking Nott into doing homework early by
saying the wrong deadline of their Transfiguration essay. He left fellow Slytherin in their dorm
writing furiously in a piece of parchment. Draco also dropped sly remarks, eyes unwavering as he
stared at the shocked faces of his Watchers, magic running through his core as yet another contract

So far, he has identified ten Watchers in just two months after Christmas vacation. Truly a waste of
family gold, Draco lamented, they couldn't even do their job right.

Feeling happiness thrumming in his veins, he sought Pansy and Blaise out, who were currently
arguing with yet another merman.

"Merlin's pants, Pans. Give the guy a break." Blaise said as he translated Pansy's scathing remark.
The merman released bubbles from his ears, furious and started signing fiercely.

"Let me handle this, B." Draco shoved Pansy's smug face out of the way, ignoring her surprised
shriek. Blaise moved to give the blond some space and settled on disarming Pansy.

Draco signed at the merman, apologising for his friend and offering to teach the merman the
proper sign language tonight. The merman looked at Draco intently and nodded, appeased. The
merman pointed its spear at Pansy before swimming away.

"Why is it that you argue with mermen but get along with the mermaids, Pans?" Draco asked, an
elegant brow raised. Pansy huffed, crossing her arms.

"The mermaids and I have a lot in common, maybe that's why." Pansy answered. "It's not my fault
mermen get offended so quickly."

Blaise rolled his eyes and got up. "I don't know about you, Dray. But if mermaids see you there,
you'll be here all afternoon. Come on, let's walk."

Draco nodded in agreement. Pansy chuckled lightly as she stared out the Mermaid Wall.

"We best hurry, Dray. They're near."

Pansy linked her arms with Draco and Blaise, dragging them out the Slytherin dorms.

"Now, where shall we go?"


Remus was honestly ready for the day to end and it's not even sunset yet. It was a bit unfair to be so
miserable on the day of full moon. No amount of chocolate could ever relieve the heavy feeling
weighing down his weary self down to his very bones. He was bed ridden, a sign for an awful
moon ahead of him.

Normally he could do menial tasks throughout the day but there will be times that he could only
move through years of experience, ignoring the stabbing pain and winded feeling just to get out of

"This is going to be one nasty moon." Remus groaned, hand nudging weakly as he tried to levitate a
glass of water to sate his thirst. Every movement felt like fire was running through his veins and
his hands felt like lead. Godric, help him.

"I'll say." A voice sounded from the entrance of his bedroom. Remus' startled and directed a cutting
hex on instinct although a mere shield spell broke his feeble attempt of casting a hex in his state.
"You incorrigible, Lupin. You make a terrible patient."

The voice registered in his mind too late and Remus offered a weak smile.

"Ah, Sev. I've been known to be the darling of patients, you know." He greeted, voice low it was
almost a whisper. The Potions Professor was keyed in his wards, after all. "Fancy seeing you here."

"The sentiments' not returned." The scathing remark had Remus chuckling though it turned into
coughs not even five seconds later. Remus looked at Severus with a grateful look when a steady
flow of Aguamenti entered his mouth courtesy of his fellow Professor.

"Honestly, if this is a side effect of the Wolfsbane potion that Mister Malfoy helps me make then I
shall brew the next one myself."

Remus shook his head after swallowing the water and tried his best to bit back a groan when it set
off a migraine.

"No." He croaked out, "the potion is perfect and very helpful. Something drastically changed when
I tried it months ago. There was a lot less pain.."

Severus waited for the continuation of that sentence, casting non-verbal spells to help make the
werewolf even more comfortable in his bed. Remus sighed as tension bled through his shoulders
from one of Severus' spells.

"S'jus a rough moon t'night, s'all.." he murmured, eyes blinking sleepily.

"I see." Severus placed the goblet of Wolfsbane potion he had been holding from the start by the
bedside table and patted Remus' head. "Then get some rest, you insufferable wolf. You'll be fine."

Remus merely hummed as he succumbed to sleep, Severus' comforting presence further making
him feel safe.


After hours of slaving away, the twins managed to do half of their homework and successfully
transformed their Homework Tower into London Bridge, the twins got their brooms for a fly.

"Nothing beats flying when it's to escape homework." George snickered.

Lee had wanted to join them but he was called away by Professor McGonagall when they passed
her by. Lee had casted them a pleading look but even the twins are powerless under the stern
Gryffindor Head of House.

"Minnie could've cut Lee some slack." Fred sighed, "Poor Lee, he would've had more fun with us."

"D'you think we ought to save him?" George asked as they rounded off a corner.

"Nah, the most probable thing to happen is that Minnie will drown him in sandwiches."

"And tea."

"I'd take sandwiches rather than detention everyday." The twins said in unison, laughing.

Fred and George initiated a chase, they ran through the halls while shoving each other as others
dodged their brooms. Said brooms were actually from the Quidditch shed but the twins swiped it
away from the shed when Madam Hooch wasn't looking. (They've had it for two years now.)

Once they reached the open hallway, they paused in their squabbling when they heard laughter
from the courtyard. They leaned on the railings and hummed, surprise showing in their faces when
they were met at the sight of Draco Malfoy laughing.

"Look at that. How surprising." Fred said, nodding at the blond shoving another boy.

"I reckon Harry won't ever believe Malfoy can do the act of laughing."

"Sure he can." George chuckled already knowing his brother referenced the mocking laughter the
Slytherin heir does often.
"I meant the joyful one." George tutted as Fred snickered, both looking at the blond Slytherin
dodging a dagger from the Slytherin girl.

"You don't suppose he has it?" George asked after a moment of observing the Slytherin 'Prince'.
Fred regarded his brother's questions, mulling it over before shrugging.

"Well, brother. Everyone has a front." Fred answered eventually. "I do believe the young ones in
the Sacred 28 has one. There's no doubt about it."

"How farfetched. A Slytherin Prince facade." George commented, leaning his chin on his propped
hand. "He's officially making me curious."

Fred sighed, matching his brother's pose as the Malfoy heir met their gazes head on and scoffed.
They grinned in unison, waving simultaneously at the blond Slytherin. They watched in unison as
Draco Malfoy led his friends out of the courtyard and out of their sight.

After a moment, Fred broke their comfortable silence.

"You know, we're gonna sound like Harry at this point." Fred looked at his twin with a cheeky
grin. "Like, the one awfully curious on what Draco Malfoy is up to."

George snickered, nudging his twin with his broom and they proceeded to go to the Quidditch

"Ah well, maybe in time, the Slytherin Prince will let us know."

"Dear Merlin. In time, he'll have a circle of Gryffindors flocking him like moths to flame, I tell

"I bet you a galleon that would happen."

"Nah. I bet you a galleon that it would."

"It would, huh?"

The twins arrived at the Quidditch pitch, and as they mounted their brooms, they looked at each
other and rolled their eyes in amusement.

"Yeah, it would." They said simultaneously, kicking off the ground and starting a series of loops.

The thought of Draco Malfoy mingling with Gryffindors were tucked away for a moment, the wind
blowing their focus away from it.

For now, they'll focus on the taste of freedom.


Draco successfully dragged Pansy and Blaise into the courtyard. They were walking around
identifying the new flowers the house elves were planting due to the weather change before the
wind picked up and blew Pansy's headwear off.

"I swear fashion these days are becoming questionable." Blaise commented.

"That's because without me, you'll look like a person drowning in poverty!" Pansy shot back as she
received the headwear Draco nonverally accio-ed.
Draco considered the design of the headwear and mulled over Blaise's words.

"I don't know, B." Draco said helping Pansy arrange the said thing. "Pansy looks quite okay while
we're here in the the garden." Draco trailed off, hands moving away as the headwear did its job.

"See, I know Dray will notice."

"I can't say the same if we're in the Great Hall, though." Draco continued, grinning as he dodged a
swat from the Parkinson Lady. "I mean, seriously, Pans. There is no need for that in the Great

"Yeah, you and the other girls were almost making a whole garden inside Hogwarts with those hair
ornaments." Blaise chuckled.

While Hufflepuffs had abundant flower crowns abundant inside their common rooms, some
Ravenclaws preferred hair pins charmed to tame their hair. The size of the hairpins depends on the
length of their hair that is why some dons hairpins with a flower or butterfly the size of their palms.
Meanwhile, Pansy donned an elaborate hair ornament with precious jewels taking a shape of a
Pansy. She also had another one with a butterfly that other Slytherins has as well.

Blaise looked at Draco with a conspiratorial look. "How'd you think they will react if their
ornaments come alive?"

Draco laughed heartily at the vision. It would be worse than a Sirius Black scare, that's for sure.
Pansy huffed at the both of them, though never felt ridiculed at their teasing.

Draco felt someone watching them and tensed for a second. It didn't bwent unnoticed by both of
his companions and they subtly looked around to who it could be. Draco had to stop himself from
reeling in shock when he saw the Weasley twins by the open hallway, conversing at one another.
He looked incredulously at Pansy and Blaise.

"Would Father stoop so low and hire a Weasley as my Watchers?"

"I don't think they're talking about you." Blaise remarked, head tilted in thought.

"I think they are." Pansy answered, a dagger at her hand. "If you want, I can ask."

Draco chuckled in amusement, dodging as Pansy swiped at him. "I'm not sure. They've been
everywhere as of late so I thought it was a possibility."

"Well if they're going to blatantly stare, you should too." Blaise nodded at the Weasley twins'
direction inconspicuously.

Draco agreed, silver-grey eyes glancing up at the Weasley Twins( the George on the right and the
Fred on the left) and met their gazes head on and scoffed. Draco remembered someone saying
they're impossible to tell apart but it's a lie. The "twins" (or so they say) waved their hands at him
but he's had enough of being the entertainment of Watchers for the day.

"Come on, let's go visit Buckbeak. I bet a galleon that bird misses me more than Cousin Siri."

Pansy and Blaise followed the blond easily, making their way to Hagrid's hut.

"Oh.." Pansy's voice trailed off as if she's just realized something.

"What is it, woman?" Blaise asked, tugging Draco between them (and away from the ivy growing
from a bush the blond's going to).

"I just remembered Granger mentioning Buckbeak's name and an execution date." Pansy sighed as
she continued. "It's today."

Two pairs of eyes bore into the Parkinson Lady's gaze before their blanks stares transitioned to

"Say what?!"

Chapter End Notes

I found this statistics thing and finally had an accurate count! Subscriptions: 349 (I'm
gonna have to bother you guys when I edit lol) Hits: 17764
(That's a lot and it doesn't count mine) Kudos: 1008
(Thank you so much for the 1008 kudos! I am so touched a lot of people found this
story interesting) Commentt Threads: 225 (Thank you for being the reason I don't
forget to update) Bookmarks: 249 (I saw some hilarious captions and it made me

There were too many scenes for me to comment on but yass twinsxdraco eye contact.
Fufufu the slow burn is coming.

See you in the part 2 of this chapter! Stay safe, everyone.

All that happens in a day pt. 2
Chapter Summary

one more step towards the end

Chapter Notes

I was about to delete the whole story when my sister's laptop decided it didn't like my
latest update and erased any trace of it off the face of the earth. I just had to re-type
this chapter while sobbing pathetically. ANYWAY, this is just to see how long i could
stretch POA before I get sick of it and rush the ending (i'mkiddingtotally..not)

October had been a tiring, trying month for me but I did enjoy writing and re-typing
this all over again.

Advanced Happy Halloween, everyone!

ENJOY THIS TREAT! I promise, there is no trick! ;)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Draco really didn't think today could get any worse. It's not everyday a magical creature he's fond
of gets killed, you know.

"What do you mean Buckbeak's getting killed?" He asked, shooting an incredulous look at Pansy.
"They didn't even do anything wrong."

"And why were we only being informed about this now?" Blaise continued, shaking his head as he
tried to process the information.

"I'm not friends with Hagrid!" Pansy answered, rolling her eyes at the boys' dramatic reactions.
"And that half-giant didn't even know we're friends with Buckbeak, of course he wouldn't just
come up to us and say that himself."

"Was that why that Hippogriff was so spoiled with dead ferrets?" Blaise wondered. "He's been
having his last meals and we were none the wiser!"
"Whatever." Pansy huffed, "Let's just go see Buckbeak and I'll firecall Blaise's Mother so she could
buy it."

Blaise hummed in thought and nodded, shooting Draco a smirk. "Yeah, a hefty donation from an
unknown family would do just the trick to redirect the Minister's focus."

"I'd write immediately to Gringotts, then." Draco said, rolling his eyes. "I've got enough funds to
buy Buckbeak, if I do say so myself."

"That's because you have a 500 galleon allowance every month, Dray." Pansy snarked.

"Shhh, be quiet, woman. I can feel your envy." Draco chuckled. "It's not my fault you got yours
lowered to 450 galleons a month because you lost your cousin's Parkinson Knife."

"Honestly, she blamed it on me and I had nothing to do with it." Pansy hissed.

Blaise shrugged, used to their antics. "We all can't be rich and powerful, here."

"Shut up." Pansy shot back, "You don't get to say anything when Auntie sends you the most
allowance out of all of us."

"Well, bribery and goods can take you far." Blaise said, grinning.

"Where you even spend 700 galleons a month is beyond me." Draco murmured.

"Ah, Dray, my sweet." Blaise pinched Draco's cheek. "You don't wanna know."

"You're right, B." Draco frowned. "I don't."

Pansy let out a surprised noise as they reached the top of the hill where you can see the pumpkin
patch and Hagrid's hut. She looked around, frowning.
"It seems we're here early." Pansy said, "The Golden trio ain't here yet."

"Come on, then."

The three made their way onto the pumpkin patch where Buckbeak is waiting for them, having
seen them approaching from a far. Buckbeak flapped his wings in greeting, pecking at the chain
that hindered him from meeting them halfway.

"Slow there, Buckbeak." Blaise said, sprinting the last few steps to avoid Buckbeak attacking the
post where the chain was attached. He stroked its left wing in a comforting way.

"Oh, sweetheart, we're sorry." Pansy whispered, hugging the Hippogriff who crooned. "We'll help
you, we just need you to hold on for much longer."

Buckbeak rested its forehead on Draco's while Draco hummed a light tune. They held eye contact
and Draco smiled at the connected feeling he had.

"We'll get you out of here the only way we know how."

"Legally." Pansy added, patting down the fluffed feathers.

"And we'll do it with Slytherin colors."

Buckbeak stomped his foot, nuzzling each of them.

"We can't stay long." Pansy said lowly.

"Act like you can't wait to die, can you?" Blaise asked, grinning as Buckbeak headbutted him

"We'll be back soon." Draco promised. Buckbeak chirruped, obediently laying down once more.
With that, they trudged up the hill just in time to not be seen by Hagrid hurling over a bucket of
dead ferrets for his Hippogriff.

Harry thinks it's too ironic for Draco Malfoy to be here. He's not even the one responsible for
Buckbeak's death and he's here with his friends. Judging by Ron’s grimace, he and Ron saw the
blond first before Hermione did. When she caught sight of the Slytherin Prince, she sped up and
marched down the halls to reach the Slytherins.

"Malfoy! Ugh. I should've known!" Hermione shrieked, as Ron and Harry ran after her.

The Slytherins seemed to be in discussion before they looked at the Gryffindor trio.

"Ah, come to see the show?" Malfoy asked, a mockering tone tinting the words he spoke. Harry
had the time to look confused, were Purebloods immune to death shows? Beheading? What is this
medieval royalty?

"You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" Harry broke out of his thoughts and rushed to stop the
brunette before she does something she'll regret later on-- but it was too late.

Hermione raised a hand to slap Malfoy while Malfoy merely raised a brow at her.

Ron was torn on stopping her or letting her do it, Harry could tell. In all honesty, so is he. Before
they could move, however, Parkinson intervened and stopped Hermione's hand from colliding to
Malfoy's cheek while staring down at her.

"Hermione, no!" Ron belatedly shouted, tugging the girl out of Parkinson's grasp before the
Slytherin could do anything about it. "They're not worth it."

Hermione ignored Ron and glared at Malfoy. Malfoy stared right back. Harry noticed Zabini
rolling his eyes at what’s happenning and couldn’t help but huff.

"That's all you've got?" Malfoy drawled, taunting. Harry felt a flash of irritation before he stopped
Hermione from taking her wand out. He's had enough interactions with the blond to know which
one leads to detentions.

"Buckbeak didn't even do anything wrong, Malfoy!" She hissed, hair flying about due to the harsh
wind that passed by. "It's just a Hippogriff."

"I don't really see any reason why you'd attack me over a Hippogriff as well."

"Your Father is in the Winzengamot and guess what his vote was."

Malfoy blinked and answered, "My Father abstained and did not go into the hearing because he has
matters to attend to in Hogwarts, which you should know since he oversaw the Aurors involved
in handling Hogwarts security."

Hermione stilled, processing the information. "But who influenced the others to vote for this?"

"There are plenty of ways to put a vote in your favor." Parkinson answered, rolling her eyes at
Hermione. "Bribery, special favors for example. Come on, Granger. Think."

Hermione huffed and crossed her arms. "Well then, what are you three doing here?"

"It's as if this place is off-limits to Slytherins." Zabini snorted, glancing at the other Slytherins as if
they have an inside joke about the situation. "Walking, practicing, talking? We do have a lot to do
in our schedule and messing with Gryffindors isn't on the list…yet."

"You think it's funny Buckbeak's about to die, didn't you?" Ron growled, eyes narrowing in
suspicion, or was it apprehension? (Harry really couldn’t tell) "How did you even know?"

"Your half-giant friend wasn't really subtle when he told the news." Parkinson said, rolling her
eyes. "You know what, I don't have time for this. We need to go."

Hermione and Malfoy seemed to be having a silent conversation before Malfoy looked at
Parkinson and headed towards Hogwarts. The Golden trio watched as the Slytherins walked away.
"I can't believe them. If they had a plan, they should've said so." Hermione muttered as she started
to walk down the hill.

"What plan?" Ron asked, following after her.

"I don't know!" Hermione retaliated, groaning in frustration. "If they weren't here to enjoy the
show then they were here thinking of a plan, maybe?"

Harry was confused on how Hermione came to that conclusion. He was about to ask but Hermione
retreated back into her mind and is already unresponsive to Ron.

Harry sighed, today just can't get any worse, can it?


Fred and George, freshly showered and done hiding their brooms under the Gryffindor hour glass
by the Great Hall (it was a pain to lug it upstairs when Madame Hooch makes her rounds by this
time), took to walking around the courtyard to wait for Lee.

"I mean, the Quidditch cup is already in Gryffindor's favor. Why does Minnie want Lee for

"I don't know." Fred shrugged, "A proper conversation on Transfiguration, maybe? Didn't Lee say
he's focusing on that part of Magic Theory?"

George let out a sound of realization. "Perhaps, mentoring?"

"Might be so." The twins grinned at each other.

"Wanna go to Professor Flitwick?" They asked in unison. The Ravenclaw Head of House was
brilliant at different kind of spells and the twins love to run by some of their pranks with him.
(Professor Flitwick takes pride in casting the counter-spell in any of their pranks and succeeded
hundreds of times.)

"You know the answer."

(It’s a yes)

They rounded the corner and saw a familiar bunch of Slytherins discussing something. They kept
quiet and casted a disillusionment charm immediately, curious.

"Buckbeak isn't going to be executed today. We just need to lay down the groundwork." The girl
said. Fred hummed before spelling 'Parkinson' in sign language.

"I already contacted Mum through Professor Snape's fireplace and she's fine with it." George
spelled 'Zabini' to his brother when Fred couldn't identify him.

"Alright, the plan's ready. We just have to get Granger." Malfoy said, the two of them nodding.
"First, I need to check on Potter then since it's this time of the month, you know who I'm talking

"Of course, Dray." Parkinson nodded. "We just need to get through this and contact those who we
need to."

"We'll meet with you before dinner." Zabini patted Malfoy's shoulder before making his way inside
the numerous open hallways that leads to Hogwarts with Parkinson in tow.

Malfoy frowned, before walking in the other direction. Before the twins could even think about it,
they followed. Malfoy stopped walking before looking out of the open window, straight back at

"You're doing a terrible job concealing your presences, just so you know." Malfoy said, frowning
up at them.

Shocked, the twins disabled their charms. Malfoy looked so unimpressed, the twins felt a strong
sense to defend themselves.

"We were just curious." Fred leaned on the railing, smiling down at the still frowning Slytherin.

George smirked and leaned as well, continuing his sentence. "..about you."

Malfoy sighed helplessly, crossing his arms and ignoring the Cheshire grins the twins directed at
him. "I don't know about the both of you but if my Father was desperate to hire Watchers I never
thought it'd be the two of you."

Fred and George stared blankly as the Malfoy heir suddenly looked confused before looking
suspiciously at the twins who smiled.

"You're not one of my Watchers, are you?" He asked. Malfoy probably didn't feel the contract
disappearing because y’know, there wasn't even a contract at all.

"Nope." George answered, popping the 'p'. "I'll have you know we're hired for a different person."

That was true, though Malfoy doesn't need to know it was Flint. (There was a reason Flint was
taken away from his Captain position in Quidditch as punishment)

"Then why are you keen on following me?" Malfoy asked, massaging a temple. "I really don't have
time for this."

"We're curious on what you're up to." George answered cheekily, grinning unashamedly at the

"You seem awfully busy." Fred pointed out, curiosity running through his veins.

"And the both of you are apparently, awfully nosy." Malfoy retaliated, sneering.

"What do you need Hermione for, Malfoy?"

"It's none of your business, isn't it?" Malfoy questioned, raising an immaculate brow. "Sod off."

The blond started walking away but the twins were persistent in nature and followed even if they
ran out of windows to corner the blond.

They quickly ran up to the end of the hall to corner the blond but when they got there, the Slytherin
Prince proved to be elusive and was nowhere to be found.

"How admirable." George said, chuckling in amusement. "He got away."

"Indeed." Fred agreed, shaking his head.

The twins looked around the empty halls in silence, trying to figure out where the Slytherin went
off to.

"You can't possibly tell me he knows the Disillusionment charm at this age." Fred said after a
while of scanning the area.

"His magical power is innately strong." George quipped. "Like other Purebloods, I'm not even
going to be surprised at this point."

"He has Snape for a tutor." Fred remembered, tutting. "He was always better at those charms than
Professor Flitwick."

"Oh yeah, Snape's been in the Malfoy Family List for a while. There was no doubt." George
frowned, remembering the uproar Gryffindor had when it was found out Malfoy had been tutored
by Snape (and the celebration because Hermione bested the Slytherin by mere points). "All the
more reason to think Malfoy's had limited fun experience."

"Wanna find out?"

Dashing through the hallways, they almost crashed into Lee who grinned up at them.

"Hey, guys! What's up?"

The twins grinned so dangerously bright,Lee had to take a step back warily.

"Mischief." was always the automatic answer, of course.


Padfoot abruptly woke up from his nap when he felt a shift in the air around him, instincts flaring
all over his canine body causing him to growl. He rose from the bed and felt the magic signatures
inside the Shrieking Shack and found no one but him. Ears perking up, he blinked the sleep out of
his eyes as he growled into nothing. Padfoot jumped down, looking left and right warily.

He paced furiously, paws disturbing the dust on the floor he didn't bother to clean up when he
finished scenting the rooms. Something woke him up, instincts tell him that something is going to
happen. He can feel it. Padfoot let out a frustrated bark before snuffling and making his way down
the passageway.

He'll have to check in on Hogwarts first. He had this gut feeling the rat never left the premises if he
couldn't be found around the towns and Hogsmeade. Sirius personally wanted to steal the
Marauders Map to see if Wormtail shows up. He'd seen the Map lying around Harry's trunk when
he entered their bedroom, there's no doubt Wormtail tried to do something about it. He mentally
sighed at the lost opportunity. He should've nabbed it when he had the chance. matter, the
Map is in good hands. One look and he know its safety features are intact, after all.

Reaching the entrance, he nudged the knot by the Womping Willow and started trotting to his cave.
He'll have to erase his scent there on the off chance Moony will run in the Forbidden Forest that
night. There's a high possibility it will happen since Moony is experiencing his first Moon after his
birthday, right about now his mate must’ve been in bed rest the whole day.

On second thought, Padfoot considered, maybe he shouldn't have scented the Shrieking Shack too
much. There's a chance he'll get tracked! But ah well, it's Moony. So it's still a win in his books.
Honestly, Padfoot shook his head, 12 years of abstinence and I'm still gone for my mate. What a
drug he is. Truly, the inescapable prison is love.
Suddenly, Padfoot froze; breaking out of mooning over Remus Lupin when the smell he's been on
the hunt for months entered his enhanced senses. He snarled, bloodlust seeping into his very being
as he crouched down the bushes and located where the scent is. His eyes flashed red as he followed
the familiar scent.

His tail wagged as he caught sight of his godson momentarily before his instincts took over and
focused entirely on getting Peter Pettigrew. Once that traitorous rat is in his jaws, dead or alive,
he'll approach Harry soon. (Maybe Moony too, if he's being lucky.)

He'll get that rat and even die trying!


Harry rubbed Hermione’s shoulder in comfort as the sound of the axe swinging and meeting its
mark triggered the birds nearby to fly. How ironic, Ron finally got back his ‘declared dead’ rat
back and now they lost another creature friend. Harry felt the need to go check in on Hedwig later.
All these pets and dying is making him miss the sassy owl he owns.

They were walking back to Hogwarts when Harry’s question earlier was answered. Yes, today
could get much much worse.

“OW!” Ron yelped, holding his bitten hand before running after Scabbers. “Merlin, Scabbers!
Come back!”

Harry and Hermione watched disinterestedly as Ron struggled to keep Scabbers from running away
before a distinct motion caught the edge of his vision. He touched Hermione’s arm to alert her as
he looked up and he heard her sharp intake of breath.

B loody hell, Ron’s under the Womping Willow.

“This isn’t good.” Harry muttered before making eye contact with Ron, taking his wand out just in
case. He bellowed, “Ron, run!!”

Ron paled, perhaps already knowing the danger he is currently in. Harry was proven wrong yet
again when Ron yelled back.

“Harry, Hermione! RUN!” Fear was lacing each and every word as he pointed behind them. Harry
frowned, as far as he knows, they weren’t the one underneath a vicious tree. “It’s the Grim!!”

Hermione looked confused for a moment before Harry and Hermione whipped their heads back to
where Ron pointed and saw a hulking form of a dog that looked more like wolf, growling
dangerously and looked too aggressive, as if ready to pounce. Harry froze, belatedly thinking that
the dog looked (and felt) awfully familiar. Before anyone could do anything, the wolf-the dog-…
the Grim surged forward with an ear-piercing bark.

Startled, Harry dropped his wand as he closed his eyes, accepting his death and only feeling sad his
friends was there to see it… but the wind was his only enemy with the way it slapped his cheeks,
dislodging his glasses slightly as the Grim jumped over them.. and continued running towards…

Harry blinked owlishly as he set his glasses back in place, Hermione smacking him and picking up
his wand which fell off his hand. Ron screamed in fear as the Grim approached and the two of the
Golden Trio snapped into action.

“RON!” they yelled, running after him as the Grim settled its teeth deep into Ron’s pants (and
probably, leg), dragging him towards the Womping Willow.

“HARRY!! HERMIONE!!” Ron yelled back, hand outstretched towards them in a plea of help.

Not wanting his best friend to be beat up by a tree because a dog-a wolf- the Grim dragged him
under the Womping Willow’s range, Harry dived to the ground trying to reach Ron’s hand but with
a yank from the Grim, their hands just brushed pathetically. With a last cry of ‘HELP!’ Ron was
dragged inside the Womping Willow.

“RON!” Hermione yelled as she looked at the dark entrance where her friend disappeared before
muttering. “This is not Alice in Wonderland, what the hell is happening...”

“Hermione!” Harry looked at his friend in exasperation, said friend just shrugged and helped him
up…only to be whipped back a few feet because of a large branch attacking them.
Hermione helped Harry up again as the Womping Willow began its dangerous dance once more.
They would’ve watched the way the branches sway dangerously about but Ron’s screaming isn’t
really the best accompaniment music for it.

“Come on.” Hermione urged as she dragged him forward.

Okay, maneuver over a murderous tree first then save his best friend from being murdered by a
murderous-looking dog..wolf--Grim. Harry thought, nodding as he dived back into the ground.

Should be easy…right?


Remus was bedridden the whole day. Today was the day of the full moon and it was hard to
move, hard to eat or even drink, let alone calm his thoughts.

"I'd have to run in the Forbidden Forest tonight..." He decided. "I can't bear to wait the full moon
inside the shack with how restless I am."

His instincts are running haywire, it's as if something big is going to happen and the wolf is itching
to come out earlier than ever. The moon isn’t even out and Moony’s trying to come out earlier. He,
after years of not feeling it, also had the insatiable urge to mate.

Mate! Mate! Mate!

Remus groaned and mentally nudged the wolf. Padfoot isn't here.


Remus froze at the confident answer and the purr that followed. Shakily, he wandlessly accio-ed
the Marauders Map to his side. Sitting up, albeit with difficulty, he unfolded the paper with
"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." Remus whispered, the Map opening even without his wand
as the magical signature registered.

The wolf calls for Padfoot. Remus thought. Moony was never this restless unless something
happened..or something will happen.

Remus made the wrong decision on not following his wolf instincts once and it cost him his found

Never again.

Arriving into a decision, he conjured some quill and parchment, the same spells familiar and
comfortable. After all, Remus' made the Marauders Map parchment alone. The Map is the solid
proof of the Marauders' magic. From conjuring, spells, runes and sketch work, it was proven and
tested that the Marauders Map obeys their Creator the most. Remus remembered a time James and
Sirius kept whining because he always thought the Map favors Remus out of the four of them.

"Let's see if that still holds true." Remus murmured as he sketched the interior design of the
Shrieking Shack. "If Sirius... and even Peter-- is still here, I have no doubt that there is a high
chance they'll be here."

After all, everyone in the Marauders were accused by Lily for being masochists in disguise. The
four of them were a master at re-experiencing unwanted emotions due to (sometimes, accidentally)
their habitual exposure to triggering situations.

What better way to prove Lily right if the one place that meant a lot to us is the very place of our
reunion after twelve years, Remus shook his head as a wry smile nudged his lips upwards.

Temporarily, he disabled the name spell the Marauders used so he could focus on adding the
frequently used passageway. Sure enough, he casted the inclusion spell and the Whomping Willow
emerged forwards to accommodate the piece of parchment added into the Map.

"Huh, look at that. Perhaps Prongs and Padfoot were right." Remus chuckled weakly, before
murmuring the adjustment spells as well as each and every spell embedded into the Marauders
Map to hasten the transition of the paper. Once it glowed around the edges and the paper had the
same magic running through it, Remus considered adding the other passageways, just in case.
Then again, Harry will get into a lot more trouble so let's better not risk it. The cub's not careful
enough, it seems. Remus considered. After all, he's giving the Map back at Harry after a month or

Remus leaned back the bed, once again murmuring the name spell back to complete the Marauders
Map impromptu Update. Remus let out a surprised sound as he stared at the names that showed up
in the Map, horror clear in his expression.

Belatedly, he was annoyed that he took an extra amount of effort in updating the Map ONLY to see
Padfoot and Pettigrew together.

"Dear Merlin, what is happening?!" He gasped, tracing Ron Weasley's name as he moved with
his idiots fellow marauders, disappearing inside the Shrieking Shack. Remus turned pale once he
realized Sirius was dragging Ron Weasley who might’ve been holding Scabbers…who must’ve
been Wormtail. That’s not good. He groaned, looking at the map as Sirius settled on their usual
room in the Shrieking Shack.

"Oh dear, I do believe I need to get out of here." Remus said, accioing his wand and changing
immediately after he consumed his last Pepper-Up Potion. His aching body aside, he felt
excitement thrum in his veins as well as a spark of warmth he hadn’t felt in years. Hope.

Sirius Black is in Hogwarts.

Mate, the wolf roared.

Peter Pettigrew is alive.

Kill!, the wolf howled.

Remus, with energy now thrumming in his bloodstream (temporarily), hastily opened his windows
and jumped down; not minding the height and landing perfectly on all fours. Patting the wolf
mentally in thanks, Remus followed the urge to join this reunion he wasn't invited to.

A rush of emotions ran through him as he ran, his throat itching to let out a howl. He gritted his
teeth to subdue it, hand clutching his wand tightly.
In that moment, the Womping Willow seemed so far away.


Bloody hell, he is going to die.

Ron groaned in pain as he was dragged up the stairs unceremoniously. His chin ached with how
many steps he bumped into. He coughed out as dust entered his mouth and recoiled in disgust as he
saw a pile of animal bones by a corner. He shuddered as he was dragged into a bedroom filled with
a scent like the Grim’s. Ron breathed a sigh of relief when the dog let go of his leg, though his
throat hurts with all the screaming he did. He cuddled Scabbers close, knowing the tittering rat was

After assessing that his leg is definitely bitten (possibly broken, what with the blood and the
unbearable pain, it’s possible), Ron froze when the growling stopped. He looked at where the dog
was standing a few moments ago and stared up in horror as the dog, THE GRIM, turned into

“You’re a- yOu’Re A-” Ron sputtered, his voice too high pitched for his liking as fear and
realization struck him like a bolt of lightning.

“Breathe slowly, it’ll come to you.” SIRIUS BLACK (AN ANIMAGUS!!) said, raising a brow at

“animagus…” Ron quietly spoke, holding Scabbers closer to him as he felt the rat try to get away.

“Well spotted.” SIRIUS BLACK, THE GRIM, nodded. “Even the Aurors didn’t get that idea.”

The convicted man, who murdered Harry’s parents (Harry’s HE WAS THEIR FRIEND echoed in
his mind), some muggles as well, sat down a few feet away from him, staring at him intently.

“You’ve done a great job hiding as well, didn’t you?” SIRIUS BLACK (A death eater..?) said at
Ron, Scabbers squirming madly in his hands.
“I-I wasn’t hiding!!…you dragged m-me here..” Ron yelled before his volume went down to a
near-whisper when the man, the Most Wanted Man in Britain, raised another brow at him. Ron
looked away.

“Have you got your wand on you, boy?”

“No.” Ron shook his head, gripping Scabbers too tightly that he squeaked breathlessly.

“That’s too bad..” SIRIUS BLACK, Harry’s godfather, trailed off, nodding before heading towards
the door.

“Then, let’s wait for Harry to get here, yeah?”

Ron could do nothing but nod and shakily stroke Scabbers’ fur, reminding himself he’s not alone.
Sirius Black, the first person to ever escape Azkaban, stared straight into Ron’s eyes.

“Whatever you do, don’t let go of that rat.” he said in a scathing tone that Ron froze before he
frantically nodded.

Dear Merlin, someone save him from Sirius Black, Head of the Most Ancient and Noble House of
Black. Ron could feel the raw powerful energy emanating from him and he couldn’t help but wish
he shouldn’t have given his share of his mum’s sandwiches to the twins at the Hogwarts train if it
was the last homemade food from her he was ever going to eat.

…because bloody hell, he’s going to die.


Severus does not get paid enough for this, that much is true.

He rubbed the tiredness out of his eyes as he settled in his comfortable chair. He has already
dissuaded several shenanigans the past five hours, may it be the Weasley twins or even his
Slytherin brats. He brewed the potions Pomona requested to aide her plants, graded abysmal
essays, brewed yet another batch of Pepper-Up because the insufferable wolf takes it like its his
maintenance medication, he went to the Headmaster’s office only to hear about the hippogriff’s
death sentence was today and that Dumbledore was overseeing it (he overturned his fresh batch of
calming draught in the lemon drops as retaliation for wasting his time).

He had also written half a hundred reports because being the Head of Slytherin means he’s almost
always the Main Watcher for most of the Purebreds in Hogwarts. No Pureblood Head of House
accepts just a foot-length report and his hands ached from having to give a detailed report. He
glanced at his godson’s 10-foot report flowing with commended efforts and accomplishments with
just half-foot of the true misbehavior Draco did. His heart felt heavy knowing Lucius will focus on
that half-foot than the rest. He tutted, thinking of ways to lessen the half-foot to a quarter.

Casting a Tempus nonverbally, he supposed its time to deliver the potion to the insufferable wolf.
Remus proved to be a very difficult patient and Pomfrey was the only one who could handle him
(through years of experience, no doubt) but Severus was by no means kind, he would not subject
Draco doing the delivery when the insufferable wolf’s too jumpy and prone to casting hexes when

The reminder of Draco being keyed in to Remus’ wards, (not that the blond brat noticed, he
definitely needs more training), left a sour taste in his tongue as he measured the right amount of
Wolfsbane in a goblet. “He already knows my secret and he’s quite spirited like Sirius was, Sev.
There’s something in him like a magnet and I can’t quite figure it out.” Remus chuckled when
Severus glowered at him when he checked the insufferable wolf’s wards. “Don’t be jealous. He
says you’re still his favorite Professor.”

Begrudgingly, Severus sighed and continued his walk towards Remus’ quarters, casting a
disillusionment charm for good measure. He’d rather drink poison (that he had an antidote
for) than be seen going inside the room of the “most lovable DADA Professor in Hogwarts”.
Reaching the door, he knocked twice before coming in.

“Delivery.” he drawled out, shield spell in place just in case another weak hex came his way.

When none came, he hummed curiously, eyes boring into the empty bed.

“He isn’t supposed to be getting up any time soon.” Severus murmured, eyes locating the sight of
an empty Pepper-Up potion. “Ah.”

He froze, head turning to the open window as a cold breeze passed through him. He turned back to
the empty bed, the open window then back to the bed once more.

Approaching the bed as he wandlessly closed the window, Severus’ brow furrowed suspiciously at
the upturned inkwell, the stained quill though the parchment they were spilled on was clean.

He picked the parchment up, eyes narrowing in suspicion, already having an inkling on what it is.

“I shouldn’t have given it to him that time.” Severus growled. “That was a miscalculation on my

Flipping it open, the goblet he was mindlessly holding dropped to the floor with a deafening sound
as his mind registered what he was currently seeing.

The Shrieking Shack never had that much people until now. Severus thought wryly as he strode out
of the insufferable wolf’s quarters, robes billowing wildly. The Marauder’s Map was clutched in
his hand, his wand already on his dominant hand.

Pettigrew’s alive. Severus’ mind supplied, the puzzle already half-solved in his mind. The real
culprit showed up and Remus and Black’s going to kill him..

His eyes flashed, painful memories resurfacing before he blocked it with a snarl.

Not if I get to him first!


Potter and his friends hadn’t come back yet from Hagrid’s. Draco frowned. Seeing Buckbeak’s
death shouldn’t have traumatized them that much.

“Since we still exist, I think Buckbeak got away fine.” Pansy said, stroking Hilt. The Maine Coon
yawned as if bored with the topic, settling on playing with Pansy’s emerald necklace.

“Yeah, Buckbeak’s probably flying to Mother now.” Blaise replied, “Or…I don’t know, really.”
“He can’t be dead.” Draco said, biting at his nail. “I’m sure the plan worked great.”

“Yeah, in the mean time, don’t you have a delivery to do?” Pansy asked, casting a Tempus.

Draco huffed. “Professor Lupin’s been sickly and he’s bedridden. Uncle Sev says he’s a terrible
patient and I shouldn’t deliver this week.”

“But that first year just saw Professor Snape heading out of Hogwarts.” Blaise responded, nodding
at the Slytherin first year who just came inside.

Pansy pinched Blaise. “Don’t do legilimens like that, you creep.”

Blaise shrugged, grinning. He turned back to Draco. “He was in a hurry.”

Draco looked confused, “Why would he be?”

“Perhaps he got called by Dumbledore for some duty or whatever.”

Draco sighed, getting up from his comfortable seat and stretching. “Perhaps I’ll check Professor
Lupin, after all.”

“Go ahead.” Pansy gestured towards the door. Hilt stretched and settled on following Draco

Draco, not minding the company, headed out the door. Pansy and Blaise shot each other looks.

“Why did you ask Hilt to spy on Draco for you?” Blaise asked, amused.

“Draco’s pretty much a mess today.” Pansy tutted, “He’ll go looking for trouble soon enough.”
Blaise made an affirmative noise as he settled beside Pansy. “That’s true enough.”

Draco went straight towards the second floor, shooting a quick ‘alohomora’ at
Professor Lupin's door unceremoniously. (seriously, professor needs to guard his quarters). He
barged in without an announcement, throwing up a shield charm just in case.

"Professor Moony?” Draco called out, stepping inside and frowning immediately at the lack of

Draco stared at the empty room, eyes zeroing in on the fallen goblet with its contents spilled out.

The wolfsbane potion spilled out.

He paled.

First Potter not coming back immediately, then Cousin Siri going off grid, and now its Professor
Moony’s turn to disappear?!

Bloody hell.

Before he could think of something else to do, he ran. Hilt silently followed the blond’s gait,
sniffing suspiciously at the air.

Reaching the familiar quarters of his godfather, he barged in his Uncle Sev's room, the wards
letting him, and shouted for his godfather.

"Uncle Sev!" He called. "This is bad! Professor Lupin didn't-" he trailed off, a single scan revealing
his godfather was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he? He said he's going back here after delivering the potion..." Draco groaned.

Hilt’s meow got his attention and he looked at where the cat is. Seeing Hilt outside the Wolfsbane
room, he nodded in agreement.
“Yes, Hilt. Brilliant! Better have some with me than none at all.” Draco said, scratching the cat’s
chin. He went inside the Wolfsbane room and ladled another goblet full of Wolfsbane, put another
one in a vial just in case before casting a 'Point Me' spell to Professor Lupin.

“Hilt, be a dear and get Pansy to distract the Professors, will you?” Draco asked, nodding towards
the Slytherin dungeons. “I think something big is going to happen and we need the Professor’s
immediate attention.”

Hilt swished its tail and bounded towards the direction of his Master. Nodding in approval, Draco
started following the spell.

"Dear Salazar, every adult here in Hogwarts are too high-strung this evening." Draco muttered,
marching out of Hogwarts and towards the...Womping Willow?

Suspicious, Draco disabled the ‘Point Me’ spell only to cast another one this time for Professor
Snape. When it pointed to the Womping Willow again, he frowned. Feeling a pattern, he disabled
the ‘Point Me’ spell and casted it again, this time with Harry Potter. When it pointed towards the
Womping Willow again, Draco groaned. Trouble, he found the brewing trouble. It can't ever be
good if those three are together.

Draco glanced at the goblet and the setting sun. Whatever’s happening in there must be so 'serious'
Professor forgot to take his potion. Draco tutted, frowning disappointedly at the Womping Willow.

Now, what did his cousin say about this tree again?

Chapter End Notes

I can't ever thank you enough for the 1105 kudos, you guys are amazing!!! Personally,
this is my latest favorite chapter all because of the POVs I added in this (Ron's and
Harry's especially). also dracoxtwins interaction ayyyy! I'll be back soon stronger than
ever, thank you for being with me and being patient with each and every chapter.

Till the next chapter.

May your dungeons have no trolls this Hallow's Eve.

Shrieking Shacks and Rats
Chapter Summary

What would've happened in canon if they'd just talk. Cuz yknow.. that's a thing.

+ A sprinkle of wolfstar bcuz y not

Chapter Notes

Long endnote ahead. After almost a month of waiting, here is something akin to a
happy ending.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

After doing an intense game of "Duck or die" with the Womping Willow, Harry concluded that he
and Hermione are staying away from amusement parks in the muggle world for a long while (He
hasn't been into one for years and with the Womping Willow's added 'excitement'.. he probably
won't ever go to any). Focusing on the task at hand, they trudged inside the passageway, getting
over their initial shock once they found their selves inside the Shrieking Shack. Harry winced at the
stairs, judging from Ron's cries and wails earlier, it must've been the cause of it.

Seeing the first door the Shrieking Shack had, Harry and Hermione burst inside the room, wands at
ready. Hermione immediately rushed to Ron, who whimpered almost pathetically. Harry
sympathized with poor Scabbers who looked like he's suffocating from Ron's iron grip.

"Where is he, Ron?!" Harry asked, alarm rising in his tone. He had to stay alert to stay alive, after

"HARRY! RUN!" Ron's voice cracked, eyes blown wide in panic. "I-it's a trap! He's the dog!"

"Who's the dog?" Hermione asked, making Ron face her and started doing breathing exercises Ron
unconsciously followed. "Who?

Ron tearily looked into Hermione's eyes, unable to say the name as if it would bring tremendous
"He's an animagus.." He whispered, looking down at the floor.

Hermione and Harry looked down at the dust covered floor, seeing paws imprinted on it. Their
eyes followed its tracks and eyes widened when the paws ended and a shoe imprint followed.
Harry's gaze lifted as the door creaked ominously. The sound of the door closing echoed like a
bomb going off when Harry locked eyes with one Sirius Black.

Hermione immediately snapped out of it, moving away from Ron and shielding Harry, glaring at
the convicted man.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" She looked so serious when she said it, Harry
almost agreed with her if not for the fact that he really didn't want to see them die.

Sirius Black looked confused for a moment, shaking his head. "Why would I kill Harry? He's my

"Exactly!" Hermione hissed. "We've heard about you! Harry was your target and you never left
things half-done!"

"You're right about me not wanting to leave things half-done." Sirius remarked, nodding. "But I
just want you to know, I'm also not keen on killing anyone."

"Then why are you here?!" Ron asked, exasperation clear in his tone. Harry had been confused
since the moment Sirius Black talked, he'd rather stay silent for a moment just to see how things
pan out. His uncle Moony did say Black was his father's best friend. That had to have meant
something, right?

"Even if I did say that I'm not keen on killing.." Sirius Black trailed off, glaring at something,
"Trust me, only one will die tonight."

Harry glared at Sirius, "Then you do kill!"

"I do if I have to, Harry! There's a difference!" Sirius retorted.

"How is there any difference?" Harry asked Hermione, because she probably got what Sirius Black
was saying.

"There's killing for fun and killing for duty." Hermione explained patiently. "The former is where
He-who-must-be-named belongs and the latter is what Black is referring to."

"How is killing my parents killing for duty!?" Harry yelled, glaring at Sirius Black.

"I didn't think it'd come to this, to be honest." Harry heard Black murmured before sighing. "Okay,
pup. Just... I'll explain later, can't you just-"

"Stop telling us lies!" Hermione cut him off, shoulders rising in anger.

"Ah blubbering snifflers, we're getting nowhere with this." Sirius Black drawled, rubbing his hand
on his face before raking it through his unkempt hair.

Before anyone could say anything else, a voice sounded by the door.

"How about we all sit down and I'll explain?"


Remus had to hold back from chuckling in amusement as Harry's confusion shone through the
moment he arrived. He's actually glad the cub didn't do anything drastic like going headfirst and
strangling Sirius immediately. It's best to know first before acting rashly, after all.

After seeing Sirius fail at explaining the situation, Remus figured it was time for him to step in like
an adult and do what he was hired to do, educate. He would've done the second he arrived but the
smell of Padfoot was intense and it covered the whole room.

The wolf inside him howled for his mate and Remus had to gather his bearings first. It would be
too embarrassing if he showed his inhibitions and desires while three of his students (one of them
his precious cub at that) are inside the room. I'd kick Padfoot in the balls for this later.

Regaining composure, he spoke as he stepped inside the room, his voice was enough to make the
occupants of the room freeze. A second later, he saw the youngest Weasley son relax and he sent a
wandless stunner at Wormtail undetected before the rat could leap out the lax hold. It'll give him
enough time to explain this mess to the kids, anyway.

"Professor..." Harry's voice trailed off, not knowing where to look for a moment.

Remus' wand was on his hand, pointing at Sirius Black immediately.

"Well, well, Sirius..."

The wolf howled and purred at the sight of his mate. Sirius looked back, drinking in the sight of his
mate as well. There was a moment of silence before Remus remembered there were kids in the
room and it would not do well to lose any more dignity even if he wanted to launch himself to his
mate's arms.

"Finally the flesh reflects the madness within." Remus continued, sarcasm dripping in his tone and
disguising the delightful feeling of his mate being near him again.

"You'll know all about the madness within, don't you Remus?" Sirius said, voice dropping in the
same seductive tone he always does to rile Moony up. Remus felt himself weak-kneed before
steeling himself after a second.

He glared at Sirius, the smirk in his unfairly still kissable lips a smug reminder that Sirius saw him
falter. No one knew who made the first step but suddenly he was hugging Sirius and Sirius was
hugging him.

At that moment, Remus was ready to let go of all the things weighing him down. At that moment,
all Remus could think about was his Mate, his Siri, his Padfoot. The way he was being hugged
back as if he'll disappear, Remus could tell Siri feels the same way as well.

The wolf purred, loving the way his Mate still smells like home.
Sirius couldn't believe his luck that he found Wormtail-- couldn't help but thank Fate when Moony
showed up and believed he was innocent (and maybe, still loves him). He couldn't help but feel a
little lovestruck at the sight of his mate. Still beautiful as ever, voice still as decadent as chocolate
and his magic (seeing as he stunned Peter just like that) still as amazing as he remembered.

Sirius fell in love just a little bit more at the sight of one Remus Lupin.

He almost let go of his mission on killing Peter, wanting to just smother Remus with his love. He
held back a pitiful whimper as Remus hugged him, his scent still as heavenly and ultimately his.
He discreetly brushed his lips on Remus' scent gland and couldn't help the smirk that painted his
lips at the hitched gasp he was rewarded with. This was a moment he had imagined for twelve
painfully long years and nothing could break this apart.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" Their little moment was shattered and the couple broke apart, wincing
when a literal window shattered at the sound of the bushy haired girl yelling indignantly. Remus
raised a hand to palcate her but she continued, pointing at both of them. "You! AND YOU!"

"Hermione, let's just talk calmly, there's an explanation for this."

"Yeah." Sirius grinned at Remus, ignoring the sputtering children. "I found him, Moony."

Remus nodded in agreement, "Yes, you did."

"Let's kill him." Sirius suggested, nodding at the direction of Wormtail.

"No!" Hermione cut in, glaring at Remus. "I trusted you! How could you?! I even kept your

Remus internally sighed, "Hermione, if you'd listen-"

"What secret, Hermione?" Ron asked, curious and still blessedly unaware that Scabbers had been

"He's a werewolf." Hermione pointed at Lupin, almost accusingly. "That's why he's been missing
classes. I meant to do something about it but someone told me not to."

Remus thanked the Four Founders for one Draco Malfoy knowing he's the 'someone' the brunette
was talking to though he'd really rather not know just how Draco stopped the students.

"Which is highly unrelated to the topic, by the way." Sirius said, inputting his two knuts.

Harry frowned, digesting the new information and recalling back Snape's lesson about werewolves.
Utterly harmful and dangerous but specifically only during the full moon. Begrudgingly, Harry had
to admit that it is entirely unrelated, Professor Lupin already told him he was away during the night
his parents died during that night he slept over, after all.

"What happened that night?" Harry asked, voice stable and determined enough to shift the focus in
the room.

Sirius smiled fondly at his godson before gesturing for Remus to speak.

"First of, you should know that our friendship circle sans myself were unregistered animagus.
James Potter, your father, was a stag. Sirius, as you might've seen earlier is actually a dog and
before any of you say it- definitely not a Grim. Peter, who was our friend and presumed dead, was
a rat. Since I am a werewolf, I do not have an animagus form which is why they studied Animagi
transformation so they could accompany me during full moon when I am not myself." Remus
paused, letting the information soak in. "Second you should know is about Fidelius Charms."

"It's a very powerful charm that enables a wizard to hide their location, most commonly their
house, for privacy. Though, during the war, it was for protection and a place to rendezvous to
make plans. A Fidelius Charm can only work if there is a Secret Keeper, one who can access the
hidden location from the outside. There's also a password you can think of and only then the
location can be accessed by you." Sirius continued seamlessly after Remus' signal.

"The Potters' House, which is where you were that night was only accessed by Lily, James, and
Sirius that time. You've only moved there for a week, since after Dumbledore said something
about a prophecy, you and your parents were moving from one protected safe houses to another."

"Remus wasn't included in the Fidelius Charm that week because he was away for almost a month
and therefore wasn't registered in the wards. Peter was in some mission that's why he didn't have
access. Dumbledore, for safety reasons wasn't the Secret Keeper because he reached the maximum
number of Houses he had to protect. James and I were Aurors and I had trained with him practically
ever since Hogwarts. I was stronger than James, even." Sirius looked down, a bitter smile painting
his lips. "It had been a nice plan to make me the Secret Keeper while Lily establish blood wards."

"The third thing you need to know, Harry, is that your mother is highly talented at blood magic.
She's a muggleborn but an amazing with and she's the Brightest Witch of our age. Every safe house
consisted of blood wards, only those who held a significant amount of her memories can access the
best protection she can give. It was powerful magic through runes and intricate spellwork with a
painstakingly gruelling process. She set up some on her sister's house as well. That is why you
were protected by magic during your stay with the Dursleys."

"THE DURSLEYS?!" Sirius choked, coughing before he righted himself. "I thought he was
staying with Lily's second cousin, Lisa was it?... Who gave Harry to the Dursleys?!" Sirius spat,
eyes blazing.

"Sirius. Not now." Remus said sternly. Sirius gritted his teeth in frustration and took a few calming
breaths. Harry looked on at his godfather's reaction at him staying with the Dursleys and couldn't
help but feel a wave of happiness seeing him angry. Hope sparked inside Harry, because maybe...
Just maybe.. Black will get rid of the Dursleys if he asked? Or take him away from him?

Muttering curses under his breath, Sirius breathed again and continued, "We were just settling in
and making the final warding in the house that day. We were supposed to have a party to celebrate
and stuff. James and I had been thinking of countermeasures just in case the Fidelius Charm didn't
work. We were running out of safe houses to protect the three of you because somehow the Death
Eaters kept showing up near those. We were taking a break and I had to buy stuff for the pantry so
I went out to grab some stuff and ran into Peter."

Sirius paused, massaging his eyes. Remus shuffled closer, rubbing his shoulder in silent comfort. It
was the first time he's hearing about what happened that day, after all. Curious isn't enough of a
word to explain what he's feeling.

"He just came back from his mission and he was looking rather ghastly, almost too jumpy and all
that shit. Fuck, maybe I shouldn't swear. Bloody hell, yep, stopping." Sirius raked a hand through
his hair. "Anyway, when I was offering my apartment to him so he could crash, I had this epiphany
that 'Hey, Peter's back. He's always good at keeping secrets during Hogwarts and he misled the
Professors a lot of times. Maybe he could be the Secret Keeper so I could do what Dumbledore
asked me to do' which was the wrong move, isn't it, Moony?"

Remus shook his head in reply, Sirius chuckled, shrugging away the hand on his shoulder when it
felt more restrictive than comforting. Remus bit his lower lip at the dismissive gesture and couldn't
help the pang of hurt. "So while Peter crashed on my bed, I excitedly told James that maybe Peter
could be the Secret Keeper for just a hot moment. It made sense that time, I couldn't be the Secret
Keeper when I was supposed to go on a journey that could be my end, right? If I die, the Houses
will be revealed. That was also the reason why Dumbledore couldn't do anything foolish... But we
considered it. It was one step to ending the war. James and Lily knows it was a risk I was willing to

Remus stayed silent, wracking his brain about what could've been Dumbledore's mission. If it was
one step in ending the war...then it must've been researching about Horcuxes. Remus looked
horrified once the word 'Horcrux' resurfaced in his mind.

"No! He said he's sending someone else for that! I specifically told him not to make you do it!!
Sirius, what the fuck?!" Remus yelled, shaking his mate's shoulders.

Sirius looked confused, "What are you talking about, Remy? He told me I was the only one that
could do it. You said I was the best man for it. He even showed me that memory."

Remus was so close to changing his target from Peter to Albus that moment. His eyes flashed
amber and Sirius immediately held his hand in a placating move.

"I said you were the best man for it but JAMES AND LILY NEEDED YOU MORE!" The couple
locked eyes and in that moment, realization that they were fooled not once but twice during that
godawful year sent them into a silent rage.

Hermione, Harry and Ron exchanged a three-way glance, confused and exasperated when the
adults bickering in front of them suddenly went quiet. The trio tensed up when Sirius had to break
away from Remus to punch the wall and Remus had to sit down and calm his wolf howling for

"We'll confront Albus about this shitstorm later." Sirius said, not looking at Remus.

"Agreed." Remus' answer was muffled as he shoved his hands in front of his face.

"Now where were we?" Sirius asked Harry who blinked at him before turning to Hermione.

"Something about countermeasures." Hermione replied, unamused eyebrow lifted.

"Yeah, Peter being the Secret Keeper was the best countermeasure we could think of that day."
Sirius trailed off, a twelve year pang of guilt surging up and suddenly there's a lump in his throat.

"But if the Secret Keeper was changed then wouldn't it be him who could access the safehouse and
only then could he choose who else can access it?" Hermione asked, hand twitching for a pen or
quill to write the information down.

"That's exactly what happened. I need to be removed in the wards when I go off on my mission."
Sirius replied, staring at the only witch in the room. Crookshanks did say she's smart. "Guess what
happened next."

"Well, if he's the Secret Keeper and you changed it last minute before going to your mission... He
would've added someone else so they could attack Harry.." Realization sunk in as Hermione trailed
off, mouth agape. She gasped, eyes locking towards Harry's. "And that someone turned out to be..."

"Voldemort?" Harry asked, realization sinking in as well. Ron gaped as well, horrified at the
thought of betrayal. "He was the one who..."

As the information sinked in to the three kids, Remus and Sirius watched as their expressions
flitted around confusion, horror and anger. They focused so much on the kids, they didn't have
time to register another magical signature until it was too late.

"As much as I'd rather have the mutt rot in prison," a voice drawled as another set of footsteps
sounded outside. "It's much more preferable if I get the rat myself."

Severus Snape strode inside the room, wand already at hand. He glared at Sirius, who glared back
before he regarded Remus.

"Where is he, Lupin?"

Sirius growled, shielding Remus away from Snape's sight. "Don't speak to him like you're cozier
than ever."

"That's not exactly the point here." Snape snapped, eyes narrowing. "Where is he?!"
"He's mine to kill!" Sirius roared, glaring at Snape.

"No one's killing anyone." Remus interjected but it was futile when Severus and Sirius stared
glaring at each other once again.

"Where is the rat?"

Before anyone could say anything, Ron yelped in pain as Scabbers (stunner disappearing and
quietly having a mental breakdown at the sight of Remus, Sirius and Snape) squirmed and bit his

"OW!" Ron's exclamation of pain alerted the adults on where exactly the rat is. Severus and
Remus' wands were already on their hands, firing off spells and chasing after the rat. Sirius'
dominant hand was shooting off wandless spells, as well. Ron was about to shout but Hermione
shushed him, the last puzzle piece already settling in. Peter was a rat, Professor Lupin said. And
the only rat in this shack is...

Harry dived, avoided some stray spell and successfully got a hold of Scabbers. He gripped the rat
tightly and frowned at him. The spells his Professors fired at the rat doesn't seem to be a simple
stunner and there's no way they're looking for any other rat.

"Good job, Harry." Sirius praised. "Now, keep a hold of him."

Harry nodded, silently offering Scabbers to Remus while ignoring Ron's indignant noise. Scabbers
struggled, squirmed and wiggled about, beginning to shriek like a banshee as a wand pointed at



Fred and George shared victorious grins when a Maine Coon whizzed by them to go inside the
Slytherin dorms. With one majestic yowl, the wall opened to accommodate the magical cat and it
prowled inside.. though, not before sparing a look at where the twins were standing.
George furrowed his brow. "It's either we suck at Disillusionment charms or the cat is just as
magical as the master."

"It's a full-bred Maine Coon. There's no doubt a pureblood owns them." Fred answered, shrugging
and placing his hand on the back of his head, leaning against the wall. "We just have to wait for
their master to come out."

Soon enough, the wall opened. Parkinson and Zabini went out promptly, the cat resting on
Parkinson's arms.

"A distraction." Parkinson lamented. "He couldn't be clear about it?"

"Well, we have a lot of pranks to choose from." Zabini replied. "Should I get the plan book?"

The twins were about to follow them but the Maine Coon opened its eyes and looked straight at

They froze.

The Maine Coon jumped with a war cry.

It happened so fast, all Fred and George could do was catch it then immediately avoid its
dangerous claws when it swiped at them.

A shrill whistle sounded, followed by a stern voice. "Hilt!"

The Maine Coon stopped, jumping down and meowing innocently. The look on Zabini and
Parkinson's face was akin to Malfoy's earlier that day on his reaction to their disillusionment

"Maybe we should improve our charms, bro." Fred whispered. George groaned, disabling it.
"Personality-wise I think there's nothing you can do about it. You're not that charming, at all."
Parkinson snarked. "Magic-wise, however, maybe there's room for improvement."

"If Hilt can sense you, you're both not doing the charm right." Zabini commented, chuckling.
"You're supposed to be undetected by humans and creatures alike."

"So, what were you two doing here?" Parkinson asked, a dagger already at hand.

"Woah, woah, woah, Lady." Fred said, putting his arms up in surrender.

"Normally, we take out the wands first." George commented but did the same with his brother.

"We're just waiting for mischief." The twins answered in unison.

Parkinson and Zabini looked at each other, seemingly having a silent conversation before looking
back at the twins with a smirk.

"Well then, you both could come with us."

There was a moment of silence before Fred and George hummed.

"Somehow, it's as if I'm going to have fun in the underworld." Fred commented.

Geoege shrugged, "Well then, lead the way."

The Slytherins just smiled dangerously and nodded.

Walking out of the dungeons, the twins wondered what they'll be doing in detention after this.

Harry felt himself weaken, he took a step back and crashed into Hermione resulting them to
stumble back on the bed, accompanying a distressed Ron. All three of the Golden Trio sported a
look of horror in their faces as Scabbers, the rat that Ron had for years, one Ron protected so much
the better half of third year suddenly convulse AND TURN INTO A MAN.

Ron let out a morose tone, emotions flitting in his face too fast to decipher until it held the default
expression of disgust-fear as if the Weasley boy had seen a spider up close or someone dared him
to kiss Aragog.

"Peter." Sirius spat, looking down at the small, portly man groaning in pain by his feet.

"S-sirius.." Peter stuttered, hands clasping together to hide his shaking. "You're alive!"

"Of course, I'm alive." Sirius answered, kicking Peter causing him to roll over and balance on his
knees. "All those years in Azkaban I served for you, I promised myself that I'll make you pay for it
when I got out."

Sirius knelt down infront of Peter, raw anger clear in his expression. Peter was looking tearily at
him. "You've known me for years, Pete. You know I don't make promises I don't keep."

"Sirius! Y-you're wrong! It wasn't me! It wasn't me." Peter sobbed, trying to hug Sirius but Remus
was faster, ropes flying out of his wand and tying Peter up in a blink of an eye.

"Don't you dare, Peter. You have no right after what you did to Sirius." Remus said, voice almost a
growl. Peter squeaked as he looked at Remus' amber eyes. The amber eyes was a signal that
Moony and Remus were both present and it had him looking away.

"I was framed!" Peter said, tears flowing freely. "I was Imperiused. I couldn't do anything."

"You weren't under the Imperius or I would've known!" Sirius roared. "I, of all people should
know! I was exposed to Dark Arts when I was young!"

"It's not my fault I can't resist the Imperius like you and James!" Peter yelled, sobbing when Sirius
backhanded him.
"Don't you ever speak of his name." Sirius said lowly, the Shack creaking when he released a pulse
of magic.

"Why did you do it Peter?" Remus asked, frowning. "After all the years we've been friends! We did
everything we could for you and that's how you pay it back?"

Peter ignored Remus, eyes locking at Golden Trio. With a burst of strength, he sprinted.

"Help me! They'll kill me!" Peter said, panic rising in his tone. He looked at Harry, attempting to
touch him. "Oh, Harry. You look so much like your father, like James!"

"How dare you speak to Harry?!" Sirius growled. Peter ignored him in favor of approaching Ron.

"Ron, I've been a good pet. Haven't I? Help me!"

"Get away from us!" Ron yelled, a burst of magic knocking Peter a few feet seay from them. Ron
slumped into Harry's shoulder, magical exhaustion kicking in immediately. Ron glared at
Pettigrew. "I had a pet rat. I didn't have a traitor as a pet."

"A traitor?" Peter squeaked out. "I'm not a traitor. If anyone is a traitor, it's Snape!"

Peter looked at Snape. "You traitor! You offered to kill Lily and James!"

"I was under the order of Dumbledore to say that." Snape answered.

"I knew about it." Remus said, jaw clenched. "It's one of our last resort plans."

"My parents?" Harry said, aghast.

"Yes, so if Snape was ordered, we'll have time to evacuate the three of you." Sirius answered.
Turning back to a paling Peter Pettigrew, Severus pointed his wand at him. "Now that we've
established that I am not the traitor in this room, how about you confess why you betrayed Lily?"

"And James." Sirius added, sending an exasperated look at Snape which was ignored.

"I didn't join willingly! The Dark Lord is stronger than Dumbledore and he threatened me! What
would you have done if you were in my place??" Peter yelled.

"I would rather die than betray my friends!" Sirius answered, snarling.

Peter sniffed before he scoffed. "...I was merely following orders."

"Voldemort's orders!" Sirius yelled. "How dare you join their ranks?! After all the protection we
gave you! Is our friendship just something you can throw away just like that?!"

It's as if something snapped and Peter Pettigrew started yelling, his scratchy voice echoing in the

"Friendship?! What friendship! The three of you just took me in because you wanted some
cheerleader who'll encourage your greatness. You picked me because I am the dispensable one!
Sirius was always Remus' favorite! Not Jamie ("Do not speak of his name, you're not deserving!"
Sirius said) -Oh shut up, Padfoot. Your favouritism led me here! Everyone loves the Marauders
except mousy, plain Peter!"

"How could you think like that..." Remus said, voice trailing off as he fought the emotions warring
inside him. "Peter, we cared about you."

"Maybe, that wasn't enough." Snape commented, "You all didn't even notice he joined the Death

"Fuck off, Snape." Sirius said, glaring at him. "You're one to talk, at least Peter had friends who
cared about him."
"And look where that lead to." Snape sniped back.

"Peter, Lily didn't do anything wrong. Harry didn't. Why would you include them and put them in
danger?" Remus asked, cutting the impending bickering.

Peter looked at Harry with pity Harry didn't even know how to feel about it.

"I didn't like how Lily played hard to get for years, made James pine and court her. She only gave
him a chance when her grades was slipping and James helped her. She was just taking advantage of
James! I wouldn't be surprised she used something to make James fall for her! She even went ahead
and gave birth to a child just so she can be tied to a Pureblood family swimming in gold and
influential enough so her researches get renowned! She didn't love James! She just wanted the
Potter name!"

A bunch of spells showered through and Peter tried to dodge them all but ended up getting hit by a
few. He squirmed like a worm as he crashed on the floor, screaming. Everyone in the room stared
at Pettigrew, feeling no remorse.

"I may have not met my mom..." Harry gritted his teeth as he spoke. "But she's not a gold digger
and she didn't take advantage of my dad. How dare you besmirch her in front of her son!"

Snape took a moment to collect himself, his loss of control almost had him casting a spell not
meant to be seen by children. Remus had to hold Sirius back from attacking Peter (inwardly
thanking the Four Founders that Sirius didn't have a wand at the moment). Sirius had to restrain
Remus as well when the spell Remus had wanted to cast is too much for the children present. Harry
and Hermione couldn't help the feeling of triumph as their spell hit Peter Pettigrew. The
tarantallegra was in full effect as Pettigrew thrashed about.

"That's enough." Snape said, pointing his wand at Peter. "I'll take him now."

"No, you won't." Sirius snapped. "He's mine to kill."

"If you both just wait-" Remus was cut off when Sirius released a wave of magic, a crash
resounding downstairs at the weight of it.

"I did my waiting!" Sirius hissed, voice rising gradually. "Twelve years of it! In. Azkaban!"
Remus was about to calm Sirius down but Snape scoffed and had to offer his two knuts.

"If you had escaped earlier, you wouldn't be doing your waiting in Azkaban."

"Says you, who should've been in the next cell with all the things you've done." Sirius shot back,
anger rising.

"I did it out of duty, Black. Like you should know." Snape drawled.

"Yeah, all right." Sirius relented. "It's not my fault that Dumbledore saw you as someone worth
saving because then, he can make you do things."

"Things you couldn't do because clearly, he didn't even try to help you."

"Maybe being a pet was more fitting for you! To have that much masters!"

"Perhaps I need to remind you who's the creature here?" Severes snapped, glaring at Sirius who
stared back defiantly.

"Ah, I may not have a wand but I can certainly still beat you." Sirius said.

Severus frowned at Sirius, "It's no surprise your pride has gotten to you once more."

Remus spared a glance at the children but they were whispering amongst themselves as the two
idiots were bickering. Remus was just glad he casted a silencing spell the moment Snape sassed
Sirius. Glancing down at Peter Pettigrew, Remus sent another set of ropes to tie him up... Just in

Somewhere in Hogwarts, the twins were kneeling in front of an irate Professor McGonagall asking
for an explanation on the flooded Great Hall and why is a Selkie swimming inside it. The
Slytherins accomplices were nowhere in sight, having fleed the moment the prank was activated.

There was no way their Head of House will believe they didn't do this.

"...We wanted an aquarium.."

"..the mermaid wanted to see the Great hall.."

Professor McGonagall stared long and hard in silence that it had the twins fidgeting.



"Detention." was the only word that left out of her mouth before she turned and left the room.

The twins groaned in unison.

"I knew they'd make us bait." They shook their heads.

"I still don't get how they got the mermaid." Fred commented.

"That was a hella good prank, though." Their high-five resonated through the hall as they walked
towards the Transfiguration room for their detention.

Somewhere in Hogwarts, Blaise and Pansy were lounging.

"Man, I'm so glad Professor Snape is not here right now or we've been found out already." Pansy
said, stroking Hilt's fur. Blaise raised his glass of pumpkin juice in acknowledgment.
A throat cleared behind them and both looked around to see Professor McGonagall. Hilt meowed
before stepping down and entering a Cat Room.

"I do believe you both have detention to do?" Professor McGonagall asked, an immaculate brow

"For what, Professor?" Pansy asked, angelically.

"The selkie told me you're both involved so there's no escaping from it." Professor McGonagall
answered dryly, a stern look on her face.

"That snitch, I knew I should've chosen the other one." Pansy muttered, tutting.

Blaise caught Professor McGonagall's smirk before it was gone and paled. They just got found out.

"I thank you for your honesty, Miss Parkinson. The selkie was safely transferred back to the lake
and didn't actually report to us, I was just assuming it was the both of you."

"How crafty of you, Professor." Pansy said, successfully hiding her awe and annoyance. Blaise

"I had nothing to do with this."

"I do believe Miss Parkinson is still learning the sign language of mermaids and you're quite
proficient at it." Professor McGonagall said.

Blaise sighed, knowing a lost argument when he encounters one.

"All right, Professor. Please lead the way." With a sigh, he dragged a protesting Pansy towards
where their Transfiguration Professor is leading them.

"If it's a fight you wanted," Severus drawled, pointing his wand at Sirius. "Just give me a reason. I
beg you."

"Severus." Remus chastised, eyes glancing at the students who were now alert and watching them.
"Don't be a fool."

"He cant, Remus." Sirius answered. "It would've been his habit by now."

"Sirius, be quiet." Remus hushed, belatedly realising that the kids can hear them now because
somehow Hermione erased the silencing spell.

"Be quiet, Moony!" Sirius echoed back.

"Oh, listen to you two. Quarrelling like an old married couple." Snape said, amusement clear in his

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set?"

"I could do it, I could do Potions too." Snape smirked, "that's just another reason why I'm better
than you."

Before Sirius could say something back, the door slammed open. One irate Draco Malfoy marched
into the room, carrying a goblet of Wolfsbane, rolling his eyes at his quarreling godfather and
cousin. Paying them no mind, he marched to Remus like a man in a mission, glaring at him.

"I expected you not to forget, Professor. Drink." Draco said sternly, handing the miraculously full
goblet to his Professor.

Remus did, albeit sheepishly. Draco turned towards the other occupants of the room and seemingly
almost had the puzzle pieces in place. Draco glanced at the Golden trio before looking at the tied
up portly man muttering quietly under his breath.
"Who's the guy looking like a pedophile?" Draco asked Remus, the question halting the salty
remarks coming from his Godfather and cousin.

Ron squeaked and became ghastly pale, horrified eyes looking at Draco. The adults in the room
were so shocked at the way the question was worded and couldn't react immediately. Peter
Pettigrew glared at Draco before recognition shined in his eyes, clearly having thought of a plan at
the sight of him.

"I know your father." He hissed, checking the waters. Having an association with the Head of
House of a Pureblood family is sure to encite fear from the Malfoy boy.

"Lots of people know him." Draco said dismissively, ignoring the dread filling his veins before
brandishing his wand and raising a brow at the shocked man. "You? He doesn't even know you."

Looking at the big picture, Draco concluded the man was Peter Pettigrew (because Weasel looked
like he's going to be sick and hyperventilate any moment now) and therefore dangerous. Nodding
to himself, he shot a stinging hex at him, a tickling jinx and a stunner combination unprompted. All
three spells were too sudden and Pettigrew couldn't dodge it in time causing him to convulse before
laying still.

"Draco!" Severus called out, apalled at his godson's actions. "Where did you learn such spells!?"

Draco looked at the shell shocked Golden Trio (Hermione is fuming at the advanced spells, Draco
noted with a smirk) before raising a brow at the adults, an unimpressed tone in his voice as he

"Well clearly, you're all too busy gazing at each others eyes enough to ignore the shocked children
behind you.” Draco shrugged. “All those spells are available in a book, Professor. I’ve been
meaning to surprise you with it this summer."

"Gazing at each other's eyes?? We did no such thing." Sirius sniffed, looking away. Draco pointed
at the man by his feet, patience snapping.

"Then why, pray tell, are you just letting a man, who is the key to my cousin's freedom by the way,
just plot away in silence?! Tied up just by a rope? Are you muggles? You said he's a rat! He
could've easily absconded off this shack! Never to be seen again till he's balls enough to face you!"
Draco placed a hand on his hips, throwing another stunner for good measure because there's no
measure on how long his stunners work. "What would you have done then? The sun's setting! You
would've been in more serious danger! It’s full moon tonight in case you’ve forgotten!"

The three adults looked at Draco, all being reminded by Narcissa's temper during her teenage
years. They flinched at the words and were ashamed that their grudges came first. Though Remus
couldn't help the proud feeling he got when Draco successfully did the spells he secretly pointed
out to the blond when discussing about defense book.

Seeing Draco reminded Sirius of his promise to the blond, regaining his senses immediately. He
couldn't kill Peter yet. Severus on the other hand, was reminded that he didn't come here for
revenge. Reaching a conclusion, Sirius and Severus step away in unison before glaring at each
other. It looked like the start of another bout of bickering and Draco was having none of it.

"Start feeling sorry for your actions later! We need to move! Personally, I’d like the dementors to
stop being here in Hogwarts and with Pettigrew gone, they will be as well.” Draco tapped the
goblet and looked at Remus. “Professor Moony, would you like my cousin to accompany you this
evening?" Draco asked ‘innocently`, smirking when a blush tainted Remus' and Sirius' cheeks.

"We might as well move now." Severus casted another stunner at Peter's prone form and a levitated
him. With Draco here, he can't very well kill Pettigrew without angering the blond. "I will be
taking him to Minerva and inform Albus to call the aurors."

Remus transfigured a chair to a cage and cast a litany of spells that Severus approved of before
levitating the stunned Peter into the cage. Sirius borrowed Remus' wand and cast some more spells
muttering about Azkaban cells.

While the adults finally do what they have to do, Draco walked towards the trio and brandished his
wand again.

"I am not going to attack you. I won't hurt you. I will just be performing magical first aid. Don't
worry, I am trained for it." Draco stated. "So, don't attack me too."

Taking their stunned silence as a go sign, Draco cast simultaneous spells towards the three staring
at him wide-eyed. Draco knelt by Harry, tapping his hand with his wand and Harry gasped when he
saw and felt the scratches and bruises healing. Draco also fixed his glasses because of course, it
was broken and he didn't even notice.
Draco then moved on to Hermione, murmuring something that made her laugh, coming out of her
shock. Draco shot her an amused look and continued healing her identical bruises and scrapes. She
murmured a small 'thank you" and Draco smiled at her before moving on to Ron. Draco tutted at
Ron's ankle while healing it.

“Here, drink this. This is Skele-Gro. It’ll help.” Draco handed him one of Pansy's mini-vials of
Skele-gro that the redhead accepted, still looking at him as if he's a ghost. "I apologize for my
cousin. He's been in such worse situations, he's forgotten much on how to control his strength. I
was a bit late, this will scar. Don’t worry, it’ll fade in time, I’ll give you a cream for it later."

Ron just stared at him, Draco received no other response than a blink of an eye. Draco looked at
the trio before gesturing outside the door.

"If you don't mind, I suggest we get out of here before Professor Lupin transforms." Draco paused.
"Assuming you all know what he is by now, that is."

Harry stood up first and helped the other two stand. As a true testament to his House, he stood by
Sirius, fidgeting.

“Umm..I suppose we have a lot to talk about.” Harry mumbled.

At Sirius’ delighted smile and nod, Harry courageously hugged the person who he thought was
after him all this time. Sirius hugged back, happy to do it to his godson after all these years. Harry
didn't want to let go at all, his body clearly remembered the warmth his godfather had and it is
welcoming, almost felt a bit like coming home.

A pointed cough from a certain blond interrupted the hug before Harry ignored it as he looked
around and pulled Remus into the hug as well. Seeing the bunch of Gryffindors hugging and the
adults kissing Potter's head, Draco facepalmed.

“You three can hug it out all you want after the full moon, give it a few hours please. Honestly,
Potter. Give your guardians time to reconcile and celebrate their reunion their own way.”

Harry reluctantly broke the hug, Remus murmuring promises to his cub softly.

"Okay, you should mate first." Harry said solemnly, thinking back on the Mates topic during the
Werewolf lesson. The children went towards the door and unceremoniously bid the sputtering
couple goodbye.

"Oh, Professor." Draco called out, the remaining adults looked at the young Slytherin who smiled
and said his monthly well wishes. "May you have a good moon tonight."

"I think, I'd have a good one tonight after a very long time." Remus answered, a happy smile
brightening up his face.

Once the children are out of the shack, Remus leaned into Sirius, breathing in his scent. Sirius
kissed his temple, an arm finding its way around Remus’ waist.

"Draco seemed such a different person just then. He’s a lot different from the Draco Malfoy who
discovered my secret and proceeded to request for something in return for his silence." Remus
commented. “Am I dreaming?”

“No, you’re not. He just have it rough.” Sirius smiled wryly, tapping a unidentifiable rhythm in
Remus' hips. "Watchful eyes, Moony."

Remus gasped, "Such a thing still--" at Sirius' nod, he let out an indignant sound, flashes of Sirius'
own punishments coming back.

"Merlin, how could I not have known..." Remus muttered. “He’s been nothing but caring all year in
his own way.”

"He's been better, he says." Sirius patted his back comfortingly. "He found Comforts."

Remus looked relieved for a moment before turning to face Sirius. Now that the children are gone
and only the two of them were in the room, Remus can finally let go.

"We will talk about this later." Remus said, amber eyes boring into silver-grey ones.

Sirius sneaked a kiss on his lips, grinning at Remus' surprised whine, he nodded as he nuzzled
Remus’ neck.
"Later then, Moony." Sirius agreed, biting his Mate's shoulder. "You don't know how much I've
missed you."

"That's fine." Remus said breathlessly, the effects of the Pepper-Up Potion finally wearing off as
he slumped forward. Sirius readily caught his mate. "You can just show me."

Sirius smiled at Remus, heart almost bursting with love for his Mate.

"That's a promise."


Severus does not get paid enough for this.

After making sure the so-called Golden Trio are situated at the Hospital Wing, Peter Pettigrew
somehow broke through all the stunners and finally experienced the spells fired at him earlier.

Severus didn't even had to find the Professors before they burst inside the Hospital Wing.

"Severus! The portraits told me you're directing students towards here!" Pomona said, "That hasn't
happen in weeks!"

"The Weasley twins were wrecking havoc all afternoon, we've been together trying to stop their
shenanigans." Flitwick said with a laugh. "How convenient."

"Indeed, what a timing." Minerva hummed. Severus knew there was a reason she was to be feared
if she caught on to something. "Perhaps there was a reason to it."

Severus took that his cue to speak, "How about I just show you who got caught in Hogwarts
Casting a silencing spell on where the golden trio brats were being fussed over by Pomfrey, he
waved the disillusionment charm off the cage revealing the stunned Peter Pettigrew.

At the look of horror in each and every Professor present, Snape lamented that he's the one to
explain this mess.

"Severus." Minerva cleared her throat, finally in control of herself again. "Would you care for a
spot of tea?"

"With the way things are progressing today, I'd just spill it." Snape immediately answered.

"Good." Minerva nodded. "Follow me."

There really isn't anything else left to do but follow, and so with a wave of his wand, Flitwick
effortlessly charmed the cage to follow them as they filed out of the Hospital Wing.

Severus sighed, already knowing he's in for hours of informal interrogation.

Salazar, he doesn't really get paid enough for this.

Chapter End Notes

So, November turned out to be tougher than October but I am happy that a lot of you
loved my story. I recently found out that I have 400 subs asdfghjkl you people are
adorable. Thank you so much for the 1233 kudos! It's nearing the end of POA, and I
don't regret straying away from canon. I couldn't resist Remus and Sirius thristing over
each other, imagine the reunion they had. And lol @ sev bcuz the last sentence was
really just me projecting. Also, twins popping up for pranks is a yes on my books. And
peter.. well, someone had to be a villain. Let's face it, his envy at the other Marauders
were widely-known. Years of being a rat could change a person's mindset, moreso if
the only one you can talk to is yourself. This is actually one of the first drafts (i
changed a lot tho) during the creation of O.D.D because I was frustrated at the
Shrieking Shack scene and Peter getting away bcuz of misplaced priorities

Anyways, I read all your comments even though I don't reply, yes even the
unapproved comments because of bad content. I tend to focus on the good things and
your wholesome comments, kudos, bookmarks, subscriptions made this story much
more fun to write. I'd be going over some chapters to fix some things and I'll be
updating earlier, that's a promise! See you soon!

P.S i deleted the April fools chapter that's why we're back to 32 chapters, thought you
should know.

Edit: so I did say that uh, I'll update soon but I concocted up two particular scenes that
is proving difficult to write so I'm delaying my update. Yes, the waiting time is fatal
Hippogriffs and Rescues
Chapter Summary

*lowers Daily Prophet* what? A totally non-cankn compliant chapter? Interesting....

Chapter Notes

So you might be asking, what happened to Buckbeak? Is he dead? Is he saved? Who

saved him?

Well, dear readers, read on and find out!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Harry stared outside the hospital wing window where the Womping Willow can be seen at a
distance (if you squint hard enough; but Harry's good at that so it's fine). His...guardians (a giddy
smile lifted his lips at the thought) His guardians were currently there. Now, he didn't know what
happens during Mating but it must be nice to reunite after twelve years of being separated from
each other. Harry honestly couldn't wait for his turn to properly meet Professor Lupin and the
convicted Sirius Black as his Uncle Moony and Padfoot. He's jittery with nerves at the thought of
said reunion.

He glanced to his left where Ron was sleeping off his shock after downing two vials of calming
draughts. He couldn't help but feel bad his best friend is hurting and possibly traumatized. Taking
care of a betrayermurderertraitor rat that turned out to be a man couldn't have been a great
experience. Ron tells a lot of things to Scabbers, too. Yikes.

Harry frowned at the recently vacated bed where Hermione was writing furiously moments prior.
Somehow, she's the only one Madam Pomfrey cleared to get out of the Hospital Wing. Harry felt it
was a bit unfair, he and Hermione suffered the same injuries Malfoy healed! Why wasn't he
allowed to go out? ...He didn't even hurt anymore.

In the back of his mind, he knows it's so he doesn't go out and meet his guardians. Harry scoffed, as
if he'll be stupid enough to get out. His Uncle Moony is currently a werewolf! That means he's not
himself for tonight. He couldn't very well get close to them without being maimed... possibly.
Harry has it in his mind that even as a werewolf, Moony the werewolf will know he's his cub.
Harry let out a frustrated sigh, impatience becoming his new middle name.

Tomorrow couldn't come sooner.


The moment Hermione was cleared to go, she immediately gathered her papers and hugged Harry.

"Don't worry so much about your guardians, Harry. They're more than fine." Hermione said,
already having an inkling what's happening inside the Shrieking Shack

"I know. It's just..." Harry let out a dopey smile. "Hermione, I went from an orphan to having
guardians! How cool is that?!"

"Cooler than the water in the Black Lake." Hermione answered immediately, smiling fondly when
Harry enthusiastically nodded.

"Where will you go?" Harry asked, nodding at the door. "Ron and I can't accompany you to the

"That's fine, Harry. I'm no damsel. I can handle walking the corridors at night." Hermione huffed.

"Says the one who got attacked in a bathroom by a troll and the one who got petrified by a basilisk
and recently got beat up by a tree." Harry retorted, yelping when Hermione swatted at him. "What?
It's true!"

Hermione sighed, "Unbelievable. Stop the sass right now."

"Sassydysass sass sass.." Harry laughed at Hermione's annoyed grunt at the Parseltongue joke as
Harry hissed.

"It seems you're well enough to be that energetic, maybe I need to knock you out like Ron."
Hermione said, whipping out her wand. Harry immediately raised his arms in surrender. "Thought

Lowering her wand, Hermione hugged Harry one more time and stroked Ron's hair away from his
face before waving goodbye as she walked outside. "I'll see you both at breakfast."

"Night, 'Mione."

The moment she closed the door, Hermione was immediately dragged and shoved through a
nearby alcove. She blasted jinxes on autopilot and blinked in confusion as it dissipated.

"Merlin, woman. If we didn't have shields, we'd be spending the night inside the Hospital Wing
instead." A voice sounded and Hermione stepped back again.

"Oh dear Salazar, we should've just grabbed her sooner." Another one sounded.

"Maybe we should drop the charms first." Aaand there's another one. Who are they? Friends of

Hermione stared blankly at the space in front of her and was proud that she didn't startle when the
disillusionment charms were cancelled. She sighed almost akin to relief at the sight of Malfoy,
Parkinson and Zabini.

"What do you three want?" She asked, shaking her head.

"She went directly to the point. I like her." Zabini said to the other Slytherins who rolled their eyes.

Hermione crossed her arms. "What do you want from me?"

Draco sighed, "Look, there's no time. We have to move."

"Move where?" Hermione asked, following the Slytherins to an empty classroom. Hermione
tapped her foot impatiently. "Well?"
Hermione watched as the Slytherins did a quick rock, paper, scissors. Parkinson sighed as she
clenched her fist and the boys high-fived in victory.

"Look, Granger. We know about the Black case going on but this is more important than that. So,
I'm going to ask you a simple yes or no question." Parkinson started. "Do you or do you not want to
save Buckbeak?"

Hermione furrowed her brows. "What ever do you mean? We were just at his death sentence."

"As if you guys really saw what happened." Zabini snorted. "You three probably ran up the fields
so you won't be seen. Dumbledore was there, he would've made you guys go back."

"Personally, I think he'll make you watch because he's that twisted." Malfoy commented. "Oh, but
he is the headmaster so I guess he'll make you go back to save face."

"Alright.." Hermione's voice trailed off. "Okay, so we didn't see Buckbeak get beheaded but we did
hear the axe go down. The birds were even flying about."

"It's a pumpkin patch, Granger. You could easily hear a pumpkin get squashed there."

"Be quiet." Parkinson hissed. "I'm honestly tired, I broke a nail, in need of a massage and I need
Granger to answer my question."

Malfoy chuckled as Zabini put up his arms in surrender. Parkinson raised a brow at Hermione.

"Well? Go on then." Parkinson prompted. "Do you or do you not want to save Buckbeak?"

"Of course, I do." Hermione said hotly, annoyance flashing in her eyes. She cares for creatures too,
you know.

"That's settled then." Parkinson nodded approvingly. "Then we'll team up for this."
"Oh blimey, with Pansy and Granger teaming up, I'm not even needed here." Zabini pointed out,

Parkinson whacked him on the head unsuccessfully, snarling at the smug look Zabini directed at
her when he dodged.

"Just think of it this way, B." Malfoy said, "with this team, it'll be over in just half an hour and
we're done."

Hermione huffed, dislodging Zabini's retaliation. "Come on, we haven't got all day."

"Technically, we do." Pansy rebutted. "We visited Buckbeak before the three of you arrived and I'd
rather die in a battlefield than disappear because my other self saw me and disrupted time."

At the mention of time, Hermione immediately knew why they came for her help. So, that's why....

"Please don't be so dramatic." Zabini groaned.

"Yeah, tone it down, Pans." Malfoy said, dodging a dagger.

"Okay then." Hermione ignored the familiar bantering and looked at the three of them. "First, how
did you know I'm using a time turner?"

"Besides the fact she admitted it in front us without prompting, doesn't everyone know at this
point?" Malfoy muttered the question at Zabini but Hermione heard nonetheless.

"Sod off, Malfoy. Professor McGonagall told me not to tell anyone!"

"Everyone with enough brain cells can figure out you're taking all the electives this year, Granger."
Pansy sighed, exasperated. "It's so obvious! Who else didn't know?"

"Yeah, some students find it unfair you get extra points for Gryffindor because of that." Blaise
said, amusement clear in his tone. "Some even bets on the number of increased points by the end of
the week."

Ignoring Zabini's taunting, Hermione focused on what Parkinson said. Honestly, Hermione can
confidently say she knows two people who don't and they've been beside her for months but she
isn't going to say that at all. Hermione caught the amused smirk on Malfoy's face and knew they
were thinking of the same thing. So, she just rolled her eyes and accepted the answer. She took out
a parchment paper and a quill because all plans needed to be seen clear as day.

"Okay, you've got a point there." Hermione conceded. "Now, we need a plan."

"We sorta already had one, Granger." Malfoy piped up, ever the annoying git he is.

"Oh." Hermione nodded, folding the paper. "Let's hear it then."

"But before that.." Malfoy trailed off, proceeding to glare by the corner of the room. "Maybe
someone should get out of here."

Hermione's confusion turned into surprise when Fred and George removed a disillusionment
charm. Though the only thought that crossed her mind was: Damn, I really need to learn that spell.


The twins stared at each other in surprise when Malfoy glared in their direction. They were so sure
they got the spell right this time.

"How does he do that?" Fred mumbled, disabling the charm. George snickered at Hermione's
surprised expression but the snicker tapered off as the twins looked at the three unimpressed

"What are you doing here?" Malfoy asked, frowning. "I made sure this room is locked."

"Maybe we were here before you locked it?" Fred smiled mysteriously and Malfoy rolled his eyes.
"Besides, your friends had a lovely time with us earlier. Didn't they, brother?" George continued,
grinning at Pansy and Blaise. He bet they could call them that, with the truce going on. Fred, of
course, nodded in acknowledgment.

Pansy scoffed and Blaise shrugged. Malfoy looked at his fellow Slytherins in silence, a brow

"They helped cause a distraction." Pansy answered the unspoken question.

Malfoy blinked. "Yeah, we did use some in the book."

Malfoy frowned. "No, just the simple ones."

"Okay, then." Malfoy nodded. The twins looked at each other, sending a confused look at the silent
conversation before shrugging simultaneously.

"Well... since they heard what we're going to do, why don't the twins just join us?" Hermione, ever
the blessing that she is, said.

"What for?" Malfoy, that snarky kid, asked.

"They're good at hiding." Hermione answered. "And Buckbeak loves them."

"Why are you both here in the first place?" Pansy asked, a dagger already at hand.

"Woman, you gotta learn to put the wand out first." Fred scolded, though he raised his arms in

"We already told Malfoy earlier this afternoon we were curious about what you needed Hermione
for!" George said, voice close to whining.

"They did." Malfoy confirmed. "And you know now. So go away."

"But Hermione wants us to stay!" The twins pulled their final trick on their sleeves and did puppy-
eyes at Hermione's direction. Hermione grunted and looked away.

"It's fine. It evens it out, somehow. Three Slytherins, Three Gryffindors." Hermione waved a
dismissive hand.

"Besides," Fred started, pointing at the Slytherins. "You have a debt to pay!"

"We don't know what you're talking about." Pansy said, boredom in her voice. Her eyes tell a
different story the way it twinkled so mischievously.

"Oh, you do know!" George grumbled. "We weren't the ones who set off half the bloody brilliant
pranks that happened hours ago."

Pansy snickered, "Yeah, it was hard sneaking off Professor McGonagall's back but the
disillusionment charm did the works."

Blaise chuckled. "You should've seen her face when she was scolding us then when she turned
around she found out we were gone."

"Setting off the fountains at the moment her eyes caught sight of the twins were worth it." Pansy
and Blaise highfived on their shenanigans.

"We were blamed for that too, by the way." The twins said in unison, Malfoy looking at them in
amusement, probably curious of the awesome pranks they did. The twins could feel it, that little
bemused smile on the blonde's face says it all.

"You did a good deed," Pansy nodded sagely before pointing to Blaise. "He's the one who set the
fountain on fire."

"Illusionary fire." Blaise corrected with a smug smirk, recalling the way Professor McGonagall
turned her attention towards the twins. "Pansy did the the one on the stairs."

"You mean you convinced the cats to play in the staircase?"

"No, but I suggested to Hilt that they do." Pansy smirked. "Blaise was the one who convinced
Peeves to havoc in sixth floor."

"Professor was convinced that we did it." Fred informed, not knowing if he should feel amused or

Hermione rolled her eyes at the pranksters at present and nudged Malfoy.

"How about we just leave them and rescue Buckbeak ourselves?" She asked. Malfoy looked to be
considering the question and the remaining four let out an indignant noise.

"We totally don't need this much people to rescue a Hippogriff but whatever." Blaise shrugged.

"Fine, time is diamonds. Come on."

Malfoy groaned, glaring at the twins. "You better not mess this up."

"Right back at you, Malfoy." The twins chorused, grinning.

Ignoring them, Malfoy nodded at Hermione. After a brief explanation of the plan, they all gathered
in a circle.

"Two and half turns should do it."

"Indeed." Hermione agreed, taking out the Time Turner without a flourish to the twins' dismay.
Hermione raised an unamused eyebrow at the twins' pouts.

Unleashing the chain, the twins moved closer to the bunch of third years and each held a part of
the chain since they can't very well fit. Hermione nodded and very business-like, she turned the
knob two and a half times.
Then, the world shifted.


Severus finished telling his side of the story and looked like he was regretting to have ever spoken
at all.

"So... you're saying that Sirius, I mean- Black, was innocent all this time?" Minerva said, putting
down her teacup cautiously. She almost looked like she's going to cry at any moment now, in guilt
or happiness, Severus doesn't really want to know.

"It would seem that all four of them, the Marauders, really were animagus." Flitwick nodded in
acknowledgment. "I do remember seeing the stag and a dog during your time here, Severus. They
were quite the duo in the Forbidden Forest way back when."

"Oh, not to mention, they did that during their Hogwarts years." Pomona commented, nibbling on a
biscuit. "Such a feat, that was."

"If you heard the whole story, why barge in during that time? Wouldn't it be better if they subdued
Mister Pettigrew first?"

Snape scoffed, "That was the right moment. If I had come in any later, those bumbling Gryffindors
would've been swayed by the rat's words."

"That's true. He is quite good at that." Minerva said, a frown on her face. She looked sharply at the
curtained cell secured by a silencing bubble. "I am disgusted that I have not realized he's been in
Hogwarts all this time!"

"That is not entirely our fault." Poppy tutted, "Oh, Hogwarts' century old warding has been faulty
as of late- the last few years, even!Albus ought to do something about it. The Aurors and
Unspeakables doing maintenance work only seems to weaken the wards."

"The fireplaces in the library has been stoked throughout the whole year with how chilly it gets in
there." Irma noted, tutting. "Honestly, there is no surprise that something just gets past the wards.
It's negligence, I tell you!"
Severus stayed silent as the other Professors lashed out their opinions and complaints. He drank his
tea quietly, already thinking of what kind of potions to shove down the werewolf and the mutt's
throats early in the morning. Severus also noted he needed calming draughts because of the
inevitable Potter&Guardian reunion that would take place. Seriously, Those idiotic, emotional
Gryffindors are going to be the death of him.

Breaking out of his stupor, he blinked when he saw Professor McGonagall proceeded to yell at the
fire place and was raging like the flames inside it..

"What's happening?" He asked quietly, wincing as a sharp blast of magic came from Minerva.
"Why is she angry?"

Filius smiled gently at him, already used to the youngest's antics of retreating on his mind. "Oh,
Sev. Broke you out of it, huh? Minerva just called the Auror department. It seems that the
dementors are unfortunately staying and the Aurors are not available at the moment."

"You'd have thought they'd be doing their jobs right. Now, with the news of Pettigrew's capture,
they're moving pitifully like a bunch of brooms hexed with a tarantallegra." Rolanda tutted, her
disappointment at the Aurors clear unlike her analogies. "You best secure your runts, kid. Minerva
is not going to stop raging until either the Head Auror or the Minister gets here or both."

Severus grunted, knowing a dismissal when he hears it. Casting a glance at the utterly secure cage,
he shot another silencing spell and binding spell... just in case.

"No. You listen to me."

Severus' walked fast-paced away from the stern voice of the Deputy Headmistress and left the
room just before Minerva started yelling. Ever so slightly, Hogwarts shook the moment Severus
left the Professors Lounge.

Breathing evenly, he set off to go check on his Slytherins first before sifting through his Potions
cupboard. Best to leave an angry Minerva at the hands of the Minister of Magic, he'll be the perfect
sacrifice. Casting a 'Tempus', he hummed in consideration. It won't be long until the Ministry bends
at the will of an irate witch they shouldn't ever cross.

Half an hour later found Severus at the middle of the comnon room perusing the tracker spells he
casted on his godson. The moment he found out that not only Pansy and Blaise were missing, he
finds out his own godson is missing as well. When the tracker yielded no results, Severus thinks he
needs a drink. Firewhiskey, preferably.

Why of all nights, they choose this night to be up to no good?!


There was a resounding crash when six bodies landed painfully a few feet behind Hagrid's hut that
was disguised by the Womping Willow attacking a bird trying to nest on its branches. It seemed
the ruckus was commonly heard that Hagrid paid no mind to their landing. Perhaps, Pansy and
Hermione's shriek had been mistaken as the bird's piercing cry.

"Where are we?" Blaise mumbled, looking around with his hand on the back of his head.

"The question is why did we crash?! Get off of me, you oaf!" Pansy groaned, pushing Blaise off of
her. Blaise rolled over, sheepishly dusting himself before extending a hand to help Pansy get up.

"I think it's because there were six of us. It threw the Time Turner out of balance." Hermione
answered, cradling her head as she cautiously sat up on top of three huge pumpkins that cushioned
her fall but also leaving her winded.

"That didn't hurt at all." Draco said in wonder from where he landed.

"Yeah, totally." Fred groused, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"I'd like to switch with what happened to you." George commented, groaning.

Draco shifted and then found out what (or who) exactly cushioned his fall. The blond Slytherin
couldn't help but let a laugh escape from his lips at the comical expressions the twins had. "You
both look ridiculous."

"You're ridiculous." George stuck out his tongue, Draco rolled his eyes.
Blaise walked up to Draco and hoisted him up, ever the spoiled blond that he is. Draco shot him an
appreciative smile. The twins found themselves staring at the interaction, not knowing why they
felt there was a sudden twinge of annoyance in their gut. Hermione huffed out a breath as she
shifted and George immediately helped her down the giant pumpkins.

"Yeah, I saw where we were." Hermione responded after Fred doused her with cleaning charms.
"We're at the back of Hagrid's hut."

Pansy casted a Tempus charm, tutting.

"We went back too far, we have to wait it out until the past us gets away."

"Then, we wait." The twins chorused. Fred was already scanning for multiple escape routes while
George looked for things to coax Buckbeak with.

Hermione nodded once the twins' focus shifted, the feeling of satisfaction apparent in her smirk as
she perused the plan they created moments prior.

"What did you even plan on doing, by the way?" Hermione asked, peering by the pumpkin patches
to see the Slytherins going down the fields a few minutes later.

"Well, legally speaking, I can buy off Buckbeak." Blaise drawled. "I just had to write to my mom.
Which I did, hours ago or in this timeline, half an hour later."

"We also needed to just donate handsomely at some charity and that'll make the Minister go off
and not care about the death penalty." Pansy said, dryly.

"He's galleon-hungry, the Minister of Magic." Blaise commented, chuckling. "There was a reason
why he's easily manipulated."

"You mean he's been corrupting the Ministry?" Hermione asked, aghast. "I thought it just happens
in the muggle world."
Draco looked at her with an amused smirk, "Seriously, Granger. Politics is all about money and
strategy. Corruption is in the Ministry for milleniums."

"It's a politician talent." George said, rollong his eyes. "Dad says even the donations are still
susceptible to it when it fell on the wrong hands."

"That's why the Minister loves anonymous donations." Fred continued, "He could plunder it like
it's his and no one can say anything otherwise."

Hermione looked like a volcano about to erupt with how upset she was at the information. Taking
deep breaths and counting from one to ten, she frowned. "Then, how much were you buying
Buckbeak for?"

Fred and George glanced beyond the pumpkin patches and saw the Silver Trio leave. It was really
weird seeing them leave but they're right next to them as well.

"I don't know, my month allowance?" Blaise asked, shrugging. "I mean, a Hippogriff typically gets
sold for 20 galleons and 10 sickles when it's a baby. So 700 galleons is just the right amount to buy
Buckbeak. Yeah?"

"Probably." Pansy and Draco echoed, agreeing. Hermione had a feeling these bloody Purebloods
have no sense on how they spend.

The twins almost felt like choking on their own spit. 700 galleons as a month allowance?! That's
like a whole year and a half of savings!

"Just where do you spend that kind of money on??" Hermione said after a moment, looking from
her manual conversion of galleons to sickles to British pounds and shooting Blaise an incredulous

Blaise smirked, "It's best you don't know, sweetheart."

Hermione flushed bright red at the term of endearment, rapidly cooled down when Pansy smacked
Blaise upside the head.
"Quit it, Casanova." Pansy hissed. "Come on, we gotta do something to alert the idiots!"

Pansy, who was on the lookout gestured at the men approaching Hagrid's hut and the Golden Trio
inside. Hermione felt sick to the stomach at the sight of Ron hugging Scabbers to his chest but
knowing just the thing to do. Deftly, Hermione picked up a pebble and threw it on the open
window, smirking when she remembered it hit Ron and Scabbers as well. When a vase crashed
(and Hermione still hoped it wasn't the one with the Grindylow ashes inside or Hagrid will cry), all
six of them watched as the Golden Trio rushed out the hut towards...them.

"Oh god, I'm going to die." Hermione said, panic rising inside her.

"No, you're not going to die. We won't let you!" The twins responded, shielding Hermione from
view by stepping in front of her. The Slytherins looked at the Gryffindors in disbelief, sharing a
three-way glance of exasperation, before they schooled their expressions after a deep breath.

"Now I get the 'Idiotic, emotional Gryffindors' comment." Draco noted, grabbing the twins as
Pansy grabbed Hermione. They proceeded to drag the Gryffindors by the trees and Blaise casted
the disillusionment charm immediately just as the Golden Trio crouched down the pumpkins.
Draco would've participated as well but Blaise has innate talent in charms. (There was a reason the
Zabini heir is taking an exclusive Advanced Charms course from Professor Flitwick.) Pansy
fiddled with her wand, casting the strengthening charm as Hermione watched intently, internally
studying the movements.

"Are you sure we're undetected?" Fred whispered, leaning his arm on Draco's shoulder.

"We won't be if you kept whispering." Pansy hissed. Draco turned towards Fred and mimed the
silencing spell wand motion. Fred nodded, shrugging.

"AchOo..." George sneezed, though it sounded more like a squeak.Draco shrugged off Fred's arm
and immediately tended to George when he muttered, "Sorry, spring allergies."

Hermione looked at George in horror but Pansy was quick to reinforce the disillusionment charm
with a silencing bubble. Sure enough, Past Hermione looked by the trees and looked suspiciously
beyond it when she saw no one else. Pansy immediately directed a wind charm at the Past Golden
Trio's direction to distract Hermione.

Once Past Hermione got shoved forward by Past Ron so they could move, Fred snickered quietly
as he watched his twin brother get fussed by Draco Malfoy. Fuss in this case being on the
dangerous end of a wand pointed on his neck and made to drink a small vial of potion.

"Where do you store the Potions?" Fred asked quietly, curiosity getting the best of him. Draco shot
him a confused look.

"My pocket?" The blond replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the wizarding world.

"You put potions in your pocket?" George asked, bewildered. I mean, who else does that?

"You dont?" The other Slytherins asked, a brow raised. A direct example on why Severus Snape
needed a Head of House re-evaluation, the Gryffindors don't carry around transfigured things!

"This isnt the time for this conversation." Hermione hissed, nodding at Buckbeak's direction.
"Buckbeak's been looking at out direction for a while now."

"Right... We probably should move."

Harry fidgeted in his bed, sleeping peacefully and unaware of the going ons in Hogwarts. Beside
his bed, a slumbering Ron mumbled something about spiders and rats.

Minerva McGonagall looked at her precious lion cubs fondly, though her heart tugged painfully at
what they encountered that day.

"No child should ever experience what you're experiencing right now." She sighed, smoothing
down Harry's bedhead and casting a nonverbal warming charm at Ron's way when the child

Her rage was still bubbling up inside her but she must first quell the urge to see her children safe.
After that, well, the Ministry will burn if they ever get in her way of ensuring Pettigrew's capture.

Hermione was reported to be cleared by Poppy an hour ago so she must've been sleeping in the
Gryffindor dormitories right now. Her best friends on the other hand are in strict bed rest because
they are too shocked right now and too stubborn for their own good.

Minerva's emotions have gone through a muggle roller coaster ride for the day but sadly, the night
has only started. Her mild amusement and annoyance during the day when the Twin Terrors of
Gryffindor and the Unstoppable duo (as coined by Severus) banded together and set off
bombs/pranks throughout Hogwarts paled in comparison to the horror she felt when Peter
Pettigrew was revealed inside a cage.

Her horror intensified when Severus continued his story, under veritaserum (made and concocted
by Minerva herself), the truth where Sirius Black's loyalty truly lies had her almost consumed by
guilt during all those years where she believed Sirius Black really did betray his friends.

She dismissed her mounting guilt and steeled herself, focusing on the matter at hand. Peter
Pettigrew, the one who was behind all the anguish that the Marauders had encountered during
these twelve years, needed to pay for his crimes. She will see to it that it will happen!

She tapped her foot impatiently, waiting for Dumbledore to arrive from his trip to the Ministry of

"Honestly, I would give a donation three times the amount that alarmed that gold-digging fool of a
Minister if he could release Albus from his clutches and focus on Peter." Minerva pursed her lips in
contempt. "He ought to come back soon or I'll set his wardrobe on fire."

Minerva blinked out of her internal ranting when Harry rolled to his side, hugging the blankets the
way he did when he was still just a child. Minerva's smile was sad as she waved her hand, a
warming charm traveling through Harry's body making him relax in his sleep, tension bleeding out
of his shoulders. It had always comforted Harry during his nap time when she visits the safehouses.
Harry smiled in his sleep, mumbling before nuzzling his pillow and remaining motionless once
more. It took a minute before Minerva registered the words he said and she gasped, looking at
Harry in surprise.

"Moony, it's Minnie.." Harry had mumbled.

Her heart ached with all the emotions flitting past, Minerva had to take a deep breath. She reached
out, stroking Harry's cheeks. Tonight, at this moment, she is not Professor McGonagall, Head of
Gryffindor House. She's just little Harry's Minnie.
Dwelling in the echoes of the past with little Harry's laughter resonating in her memories, Minerva
let herself enjoy her own silent reunion with her 'grandson'.

It took absolutely less than a minute to reach Buckbeak. The owl they dispatched regarding the
enormous anonymous donation reached the Minister, effectively stalling them inside Hagrid's hut.

Blaise and Pansy had their wands up, casting illusion, disillusionment and silencing charms all over
the place and nodding towards the group. Fred immediately levitated a few pumpkins discreetly to
give more room for the escape. George secured a bunch of dead ferrets to satiate/ bribe their
rescuee. Hermione immediately approached Buckbeak and took up her hairpin and proceeded to
fiddle with the lock. Draco stared at her in confusion.

"Granger, we don't have time. What are you doing?" Draco asked.

"Duh, Malfoy. We need to take the chains off, that's what I'm doing!" Hermione huffed, angling
her hairpin at a different place.

Everyone paused for a moment at the answer of the Brightest Witch of Their Age.

"Hermione, you're a witch!" The twins reminded, cackling.

The Slytherins just watched as Hermione froze before flushing red. Their snickers were ignored as
Hermione stood up and skillfully unlocked the locks chaining Buckbeak down. Buckbeak
chirruped, nuzzling Hermione in thanks.

"Malfoy, your turn." Hermione called out, fanning herself to suppress her embarrassment.

"Cool yourself, woman." Draco snickered before whistling shrilly, getting Buckbeak's attention.

Just like the very first time they met, there was no prompting or bowing needed. Buckbeak locked
eyes with Draco and proceeded to walk over to him immediately. Draco waited until they were at
the edge of the Forest before he let Buckbeak nudge him with his head.
"You'll be safe now." The blond whispered, the Hippogriff thrilling in response.

"Okay, time's up!" Blaise announced, running towards where the blond and Hippogriff was
standing, the Gryffindors immediately following. Pansy calmly walked over to them, the illusion
charm disappearing with every step. Re-casting a stronger disillusionment charm, they all watched
as the Minister, Hagrid, the Prosecutor and Dumbledore walked towards where Buckbeak was
supposed to be.

They watched as the Minister froze, pointing shakily at the empty spot where they were sure the
Hippogriff was nesting a few minutes prior. Draco absentmindedly noted how unhealthy it is that
they could see the way the Minister's face turned puce from where they were. The Minister
proceeded to point angrily at Hagrid and Dumbledore, stomping his foot and wildly making
gestures with his hand.

The prosecutor was clearly pissed, probably because he wasn't getting paid. He swung his
unnecessarily large axe and brought it down harshly on a pumpkin, effectively splashing pumpkin
bits on the pristine white robes the Minister wore.

The Minister saw and srieked, causing the birds to startle and proceeded to fly away from the
grating noise.

Buckbeak huffed from where they stand. Bunch of idiots...

"Wow, that's it? Our mission is done?" Fred asked, bumping heads with Buckbeak.

"Not quite, we still need to get this guy off Hogwarts." Blaise replied.

Draco stroked Buckbeak's ruffled feathers, grumbling as the Hippogriff decided to start messing
with his hair. He glared as the twins snickered.

"Sorry, it's not everyday we see a Malfoy get groomed by a Hippogriff."

Draco just sighed in reply, "I knew we shouldn't have let you guys in on this."
"Aw, Malfoy, you're so mean..."

"Shut it, troublemakers."

Hermione watched the interaction unfold before having an epiphany.

"I say, Malfoy..." She started, glancing at the twins and Draco. "Can you differentiate the twins?"

Draco shot her a confused look. "You don't? It's quite easy to tell because they don't look alike."

Pansy, Blaise and Hermione shot the blond a deadpanned look, the twins just grinned in delight.

"Oh, really?" George drawled.

"Care to differentiate?" Fred asked, an amused glint in his eyes.

Malfoy just rose an unamused eyebrow, before pointing at Fred.

"Let's start with you then." Draco stated, still not knowing why it came to this. "But before that,
let's go to the clearing."

The group nodded and started to walk. George easily directed Buckbeak with treats.

"If I remember correctly you introduced yourself to me as George, but I do believe you switch up
your names to confuse people around you so you must be Fred." Draco started, smirking when
Hermione nodded in agreement.

"Well, Fred and George, You're undoubtedly a Weasley--with your red hair, the robes and the
smattering of freckles in your person... as well as your magical affinity."
"I guess it's safe to say you have magical sensitivity." Fred commented, lifting a log away from
their course.

"Weasleys' magic typically comes from the earth itself. Maybe that's why Malfoys and Weasleys
haven't gotten along for centuries as Malfoys' magic come from air itself. You both have innate
talent, proving you're a Pureblood but I won't go into magical details." Draco paused, looking at
Hermione. "I suppose you're asking me how to differentiate them?"

"Yeah, I get them confused all the time." Hermione groaned. "And their shenanigans take it up a
notch when we don't identify them."

Draco scoffed, "Why, Granger. It's obvious? Their physical build maybe similar to each other
("Probably due to Quidditch" Pansy added) but if it's their faces you're referring to, they have

"For example, their freckles placement. Fred Weasley's freckles are prominent on his nose bridge,
but George Weasley's prominent on his cheeks. Fred's nose is pointier, George's eyebrows are
sharper. Their eye shape is entirely different, I don't even know how you all missed that. Judging
from what I remember, George has his mother's eyes and Fred has his father's eyes. It's not rare for
twins to inherit different features from their parents moreso if you have the dominant genes."

The twins fidgeted under the stares of Pansy, Hermione and Blaise. The three of them couldn't see
what Draco saw at all and eventually gave up. All the while Buckbeak was keen on following
Draco, glancing curiously at the twins as well.

Draco was totally unaware his listeners gave up and continued, glancing at the twins. "Magic-wise,
Fred Weasley seems to fare quite well in Transfiguration while George Weasley in Charms."

"Ohoho... You seem to know us quite well despite our small interactions." George said, feeling
wave of joy he can't quite fathom why. He grinned at his twin brother, who grinned back.

"What else do you know about us, Malfoy?" Fred asked, a teasing lilt in his voice. He felt giddy
knowing they caught the blonde's attention enough to state facts.

Draco uncharacteristically snorted. "You both think you're charming but you're absolutely lacking
in that department."
Pansy laughed at the twins. "I told you so."

Blaise chuckled, slinging an arm around Draco and bumped his forehead with his. "Quite the
observation, lad. You're improving."

The twins shared an annoyed glance as Draco smirked at Blaise. Reaching the clearing, Pansy went
on to do some wand waving, securing the perimeter as Hermione watched her like a hawk. They
seem to be in a conversation judging from the silence bubble Hermione is maintaining.

"Okay, I guess you'll be safe here for the meantime." Draco regarded Buckbeak, nuzzling the
Hippogriff's head.

Draco turned back to head towards Blaise but Buckbeak unceremoniously headbutted him.


Losing his balance, Draco crashed into the twins. The twins, who were securing the remaining
ferrets were caught unaware and the three of them fell into a heap on the moss-covered ground.
The dead ferrets conveniently landed in front of Buckbeak.

Fred groaned, immediately checking if Draco's okay. Judging from the winded feeling he got, he
guessed the blonde's quite alright.

"You seem to have created a habit of falling on us, Slytherin Prince." George commented,
immediately sitting up and helping the blond stand up before the Zabini heir could do it.

Fred chuckled as he stood up as well, tucking a stray blond hair into Draco's ear. "Don't worry
about it, we'll catch you as long as we could."

Draco broke away from the twins with a frown. "I think you both bring bad luck." He said,
proceeding to use his grooming charms and with a bit of consideration, directed it to the twins as

"He's so mean to us, brother." The twins said in unison, sporting a wounded look before laughing.
They shot the blond an appreciative smile as their clothes and hair righted itself.
Draco ignored them in favor of scolding Buckbeak. The twins watched as the blond berated a
defiant Buckbeak eating his treats.

A few feet away from them, Pansy and Blaise caught each other's eyes as they gestured at the fond
smile painted on the troublemakers lips directed at the oblivious blond.

Together, they shrugged. Best leave it while it's still not troublesome.

Hermione, who had seen the Slytherins interaction had stared intently at the twins and the
Slytherin Prince.

She didn't get what the shrugging is all about.

"Okay, now we just have to figure out how to get Buckbeak off of Hogwarts." Blaise said, calling
everyone's attention.

"You just deliver the way to your house and he'll fly there. Right, Buckbeak?" Draco asked,
Buckbeak thrilling in response.

Blaise blinked, "Okay, then."

With a swift wave of his wand, he extracted the memory and Buckbeak accepted it. Standing up,
he nudged everyone's head before taking flight.

"Mission accomplished." Pansy announced, high fiving Hermione.

Draco watched as Buckbeak flew off, the wards nonexistent and frowned. Now, that's something to
report to Uncle Sev immediately.

"Lighten up, Malfoy! He's safe now." Draco grunted as he felt to pats on his back, glaring as the
twins sandwiched him into a celebratory hug.

"Don't presume to touch me!" He casted a tickling jinx at both, who immediately crumpled to the
"Let's go back." Hermione said, disabling the tickling jinxes as she brandished the time turner (this
time with a flourish, to the twins' delight). "I have to tell Hagrid that Buckbeak's alive and all that."

They all gathered in a circle, a sense of accomplishment apparent in their faces. Hermione turned
the hourglass and this time, when the world shifted, they were ready.

-- what they thought, but the six of them crash landed in the infirmary. Harry startled at the
noise, eyes wide open as he blearily searched for his glasses. No one else is there but once Harry's
vision cleared, he saw a groaning pile of bodies right where the bed Hermione previously occupied

His growing confusion skyrocketed as Hermione daintily jumped away from the pile, Zabini and
Parkinson rolling out. Harry's eyes widened even more as Malfoy groaned, unaware he's crushing
the twins under him when he knelt on their backs. Zabini immediately carried Draco off so the
twins could get up.

"Wh-what?!" Harry sputtered.

"Yeah, great question." Fred echoed. "What does the Time turner have against us?"

"Yeah." George said, stretching. "I mean, we don't mind Malfoy's weight. He's light as a feather
but with the three of you in that mix, what is the great question."

"I personally think the Time Turner just wants to make you suffer." Malfoy said, inputting his two
knuts. The twins glared uncharacteristically at the smug blond.

"Oh, Harry." Hermione breathed out, probably winded. "Did we wake you?"

"Kind of?" Harry got out of his sheets, going over to Hermione and checking her for injuries.
"What happened? Is something wrong?"
"No, no." Hermione dismissed, chuckling breathlessly. "I turned the Time Turner wrong."

Harry stared blankly at her. What's a time turner?

"Well, atleast we're in a different room." Parkinson remarked, making herself comfortable. "We
won't die."

Harry looked at her in horror. Die?!

"How is Ronniekins?" The twins asked in unison, already situated by their slumbering brother.

"He's sleeping." Harry answered, blinking out the confusion. "He downed two vials."

Fred winced. George stroked Ron's head. "Whatever happened to get you a night here?"

Harry and Hermione's facial expressions darkened. "A long story."

"Not that I'm curious, but where is Madame Pomfrey?" Zabini asked Harry. Harry stared at him.

"Oh... She's asleep, I think."

"She is currently unavailable at the moment. She was escorted by the Deputy Headmistress to
oversee the possible damage of a potential patient."

Everyone froze as they heard the drawl. They looked at the opened door and saw Professor Snape
looking at them, unimpressed.

"I shall see to it that those who are not a patient here will undergo detention the whole remaining
year if you all don't go to your dormitories immediately."

Hermione was the first one to move, kissing Harry's cheek and rushing out after bowing to
Professor Snape. The Slytherins remained frozen under the critical stare of their Head of House so
the twins hesitantly ruffled Ron's and Harry's heads before heading out as well.

"You three." Professor Snape's said monotonously, regarding the Slytherins inside the room. "In
my office. Now."

"Yes, sir."

Harry felt sympathy at the defeated looks of his classmates as they filed out of the Hospital Wing.

"Mister Potter." Professor Snape called out, Harry looking up immediately. "Go back to sleep."

"Yes, sir." He replied almost immediately, snuggling back under the sheets.

Once the door closed, Harry stared at the moonbeams by the window and wondered if all that just
happened was a dream. Without further ado, he scooted his bed towards Ron's and was only able to
fall asleep once he's inside Ron's blankets.

He's had enough of today, Harry thinks. Let tomorrow come sooner, please.


After being marched into Professor Snape's office, Pansy and Blaise were taken to the office which
the trio dubbed "Scolding room". Minutes passed and it seemed that it'll be half an hour before it
will be over (knowing Pansy will defend themselves until their self-preservation acts up), Draco
went to his PET room.

He looked at his meager collection of Potions he personally brewed. It just filled one whole shelf
in comparison to his uncle's library-like store room. The blond perused the labels and hummed in

"Where is it.." he mumbled, sneakily proceeding to the store room once he couldn't find a particular
potion. By the third shelf, Draco's eyes shined in delight as he pocketed a small vial of potion
before immediately going back to the living room.
Just as he sat down, the office portrait opened and let out a frustrated Parkinson Lady and a dead
tired Zabini Heir.

"I am never arguing with him anymore." Pansy snarled, glaring at the portrait door that closed.

"What potion did you two get assigned?" Draco asked, curious.

"Potion? This is worse! I'm not doing charity work. I am going to retaliate!" Pansy growled,
sauntering towards the door. The two boys looked at each other and watched as Pansy hissed the

"Whatever it is that Uncle Sev made you guys do, I do hope you'll live to see another day."

Blaise patted Draco's back. "Trust me, don't worry about us. We could easily do what he asked us
to do. Worry about yourself."

Draco stared as the Zabini heir walked towards the Slytherin dorms. "Blaise what did you mean by

"Oy!" Draco called out when he was ignored. He grumbled when the Slytherin Casanova just
winked at him before strutting inside the Slytherin dormitories.

"Draco Malfoy." A stern voice sounded and Draco immediately smiled as innocently as he could.

"I didn't do it." He immediately answered, closing the door.

"You absolutely did." Snape scoffed, beckoning his godson and pinching his nose. Draco let out an
indignant noise. "You absolute brat. You will tell me just what shenanigans you've been up to
today or I will not hesitate to bend you over my knee with how much mess the three of you had

Draco took a step back, laughing nervously.

"I will, i will. Let's not resort to that, please."

Severus glared down at his godson.

"You will speak. Now."

Draco gulped, oh boy... His godfather's really pissed off.

Praying to the Four Founders that his bum will be saved, he spoke.


Our Darling D,

We've had quite a bit of an adventure today!

We almost had a prank war with some Slytherins, can you believe that? We ran into a couple
of pranks as well. Peeves was having a field day about it and kept wrecking havoc as well. We
were certainly distracted at one point because there was so much cats in the moving
staircases, we had to maneuver on the shortcuts.

The portraits, let me tell you Darling, they were hilarious. We wouldn't have been caught if it
weren't for them snitching us.

There was too much excitement going and and we met this kid we got curious about. He's just the
same age as our little brother's and he's quite amazing at magic!

We also saved someone today. We told our friend that that was our good deed of the day.
Our friend (who we keep talking about you) sends his regards and says to tell he hopes you
will put up with us longer.
He's been incredibly mean to us, darling. I can't quite fathom why. We were angels.

Speaking of, did you hear any news about Buckbeak? I heard from Hagrid today was Buckbeak's
death sentence. Poor Hippogriff, probably off to a safe place now.

Best be careful, Darling. They say Black is nearing Hogwarts! We have to think of a way to
capture him so we could try and save him.

We miss you so!

Please write back soon!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

Chapter End Notes

HA, HOW YOU LIKE THAT?? Dracoxtwins Interaction, anyone?? The time turner
ships them lol it's me, I'm the time turner. Also confused!Harry has not yet been taught
the birds and the bees, brace yourself siri. Hermionexsilver trio interaction is a yes! I'm
going to have to start a "Give Severus a raise" campaign because he's THAT done.

Thank you so much for 1334 kudos! You guys are amazing and my subscription count
went up to 433 (imma have to disturb you when I edit lol) and we now have 279
loving comments from you guys! That's amazing! You darling readers are the best!

I hope you liked this chapter as well! See you on the next one! Comments make my
day, bookmarks make me blush and your kudos had my heart skipping a beat!
A Worthwhile Conclusion
Chapter Summary

In which Pettigrew reaps what he sows, interactions needed to be made, a reunion

happens and a certain Mask falls.

Chapter Notes

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I apologize for not updating during the
holidays and it has been a month. Time sure flies! I was distracted by painting and
anitwt so there's a reason for a delay.

Thanks for waiting and now, enjoy!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Safe from any punishment (unless you count the temporary ban on participating in Wolfsbane
improvement project), Draco sauntered towards the DADA Professor's quarters without further
ado. A devilish smirk painted his lips once he got inside the messy room (Professor ought to clean
up, Draco lamented as he Vanished the spilled Wolfsbane potion). Draco quietly tiptoed towards
the door that leads to the Professor's Lounge. In all honesty, he would've used his Uncle Sev's door
but said godfather is still irate with him at the moment so it's safer to access the Professors Lounge
in a room where the owner is otherwise occupied elsewhere, if you know what I mean.

The door blessedly remained quiet and did not creak as Draco opened it, walking down the
staircase until he reached the end of the narrow path. He casted a silencing charm at the door
before he opened it an inch. He looked for any present Professor inside the Commons and breathed
a sigh of relief as he saw none.

Moving quickly, he unleashed his magical sensitivity up a notch as much as he could. A victorious
smirk jutted his lips up, approaching one corner of the room. With a single wandless "Finite
incantatem", the cage of Peter Pettigrew was shown. Draco knew at a glance that each metal bar
had been infused with protective magic and the man who was the reason his Cousin suffered can
no longer get out of there without outside help.

Said murdererbetrayortraitor criminal was hugging himself, shivering in one corner of the cage.
Draco noted that he must've been unable to shift into animagus form anymore. (He had to search
for a spell like that). Mindful of the detection spells by the bars of the cage, Draco approached.
"You must be thirsty." Draco said conversationally after whispering a silencing spell around him.

Pettigrew glared at the child, sneering when Draco offered a flask to drink. Draco gingerly placed
it a few inches away from the cage but still within reach of the criminal. Pettigrew hissed and
clacked his hands together before shaking his head. It looked too ridiculous that Draco acted
confused for a second.

"If you didn't want it, you could've said so." Draco said, making movement to throw it away.
Pettigrew scuffled forward and took the flask with great effort, gulping desperately at the contents
of the flask.

"D-Draco Malfoy." Pettigrew rasped out rather haughtily as he finished drinking. "I will remember

Draco looked down at the pathetic muggle in front of him. "I wouldn't if I were you."

Peter Pettigrew narrowed his eyes before nodding in satisfaction. "Good job. Now, get me out of
here. Lucius would've wanted you to help me!"

"He would." Draco agreed, shrugging and dismissing the dread gripping his insides at the mention
of his father. "That is, if he truly knew you."

"What do you mean?!" Peter hissed, glaring.

"You see, a weak mudblood like you don't deserve help from me or Father at all." Draco said as he
twirled his wand, silver-grey eyes steely as he stared at the rat animagi. "Why would the Malfoy
Family help filth like you?"

It was as if something snapped at that moment.

WOULD'VE HELPED ME!" Peter roared, gripping the bars and reaching for Draco but Draco
merely stepped away. "YOU WILL HELP ME, BOY!"
Draco laughed coldly, looking down at the flailing arm before sneering.

"You see here, Wormtail. You didn't take the mark that's why you didn't belong to the inner circle.
They just made you think you belonged when in fact they were just fooling you. A mudblood
joining the Death Eater ranks, how laughable." Draco knelt down so he was eye to eye with
Pettigrew so the man could see the clear pity in Draco's face before a malicious grin overtook his
expression. A grin akin to his Father's that Peter Pettigrew froze. "Do you know what you are?
You're just a pawn; and do you know what happens to pawns? They die first."

Whimpering in fear, Pettigrew slouched back to his cage repeating "No" all over again.

"Help me! No, this cannot be happening, no.." Pettigrew wailed. "The Dark Lord needs me!"

"This is what happens when you betray a Black." Draco tutted. "Do you know me? I am a Malfoy
and I am a Black. Do you realize just how much inconvenience you caused my Family? What's
going to happen to you will be even worse than what my Cousin experienced. I will make sure you
get his punishment tenfold."

"No.." Peter Pettigrew stared at the boy in fear, Draco's words echoing in his mind. He slumped
towards the floor and curled up, shivering. ""

Considering his job done, Draco stood up. With a swish of his robes, Draco walked out of the room
with a sense of victory upon being undetected. The door closed and immediately it was as if the
blond wasn't there at all.

Pettigrew eyed the flask the Malfoy heir left and grasped it desperately, downing it all. He
squeaked when the flask disappeared the moment he savored the last drop. He pawed at the
darkness, searching for it before he suddenly slumped down, energy seeping out of him.

A cat walked out of the shadows by the cage, eyes twinkling amusedly as Draco came back and
swished his wand by Pettigrew's cage, whispering the right spell to render the cage undetected and
disillusioned. Clearly, Severus had been working the child over the summer with how well he did
the spell. Though the boy's magical sensitivity doesn't seem to extend to creatures seeing as he
didn't notice her at all.

Once the Slytherin blond closed the door once more, the cat transformed back to being Minerva
McGonagall. With a wave of her wand, the doors accessing the Professors Lounge closed and was
replaced with a portrait as is the original pre-caution. Only the Professors can enter or exit at will,
after all. Severus had informed her a few minutes ago that Draco was still in the throes of mischief
and he'll definitely come by Pettigrew's cage one way or the other and it's just best to get it out of
his system before he takes to drastic measures. Despite Severus' several attempts, he was unable to
uncover it and left it for Minerva to uncover his godson's plan. Minerva figured she'd indulge the
Malfoy heir, since she is curious as well to what her student is going to do.

She held the flask in her hand, humming a tune as she sent a wave of magic through it. Her
humming stopped once the results came and she froze, looking at the flask in shock. As if on cue,
Peter Pettigrew started whimpering in his sleep.

"Merlin, that boy is Severus' godson alright." Minerva muttered, she nodded gratefully as Flitwick
emerged from his portrait to take the next shift of watching over Peter Pettigrew. She sent a smirk
on her colleague as the room was showered immediately with protective magic.

"Now, now. Just a precaution." Flitwick chuckled as he settled on his armchair. "Go rest now,

Considering her shift is now done, she hummed as she went towards the portrait that leads to
Severus' room.

Because where else could've Draco Malfoy gotten a potion to relive someone's worst nightmares
that worked immediately once administered?

...and well, perhaps she needed a shot of the firewhiskey the Slytherin Head of House is certainly,
without a doubt, drinking at this moment.

Small mercies.


Once the twins finished camouflaging in the darkness and finishing their self-proclaimed mission
to deliver their letter immediately to their Darling, they narrowly escaped having detention for life
as they dived to an alcove when they saw someone passing by.
The twins blinked in surprise when it was Draco Malfoy.

Hurriedly, they casted a disillusionment charm (which they should've done earlier) and trailed the
Slytherin Prince. They turned around a corner only to startle when said blonde was waiting with
crossed arms.

"What are you two troublemakers up to now?"

Fred chuckled as they raisedvboth their arms in defeat, disabling the disillusionment charm.

"Ah shucks, I really thought we did the spell right."

"You didn't." Malfoy tutted.

"The real question is what were you up to?"

Malfoy smirked, "What makes you both think I was up to something?"

The twins followed the blond towards the direction of the dungeons.

"Well, for one, your smirk is really off-putting."

"Yeah, like you did something illegal."

The way Malfoy looked at the twins like an angel with a halo over his head, they knew they had to
tread carefully.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure." George dragged out the word, Fred sending the blond a thumb up.
Malfoy tilted his head, "I wonder why you don't believe me."

"You were so angelic.."

"It was too hard to believe."

"Well, you're both going in the wrong direction of your dorms and that is hard to believe." Malfoy
said, probably deflecting.

George put a hand on his chest dramatically. "We were accompanying an itty bitty thirdy to their

"Such guidance." Fred nodded solemnly. "You mustn't be lost."

"Need I remind you both that I am going to my dorms?" Malfoy asked, sending them an amused

"Ah, but there is a secret passageway by your dorms.."

"So, we figured-twin telepathy and all- that we could accompany you and go there."

"See? Two Billywigs with one brick!" The twins said in unison even as Malfoy looked unsure.

"Have it your way then." He murmured. Was twin telepathy a thing?

Before the twins could say anything, a majestic meow sounded. The three froze in their steps
before Malfoy relaxed and beckoned the cat once he recognised it. Oh, the twins recognised it as
well, alright.

Strolling towards them is the Maine Coon that jumped the twins earlier that day.
"Come here, Hilt." Malfoy crooned, the cat obediently snuggling on Malfoy's arms and melting
into it as the blond picked it up. Malfoy glanced at the still frozen stiff twins.

"Have you been stunned within the two minutes I was not paying attention to both of you?" Malfoy
asked, raising a brow as he petted 'Hilt'.

"Uh, not really.."

"Just wondering why the cat hasn't jumped on us yet.."

The twins laughed nervously as the Maine Coon yawned, blinking its impressive emerald eyes at
them and showing off its fangs.

"But Hilt doesn't attack people like that.." Malfoy muttered, before glaring at the twins. "What did
you both do?"

"Disillusionment charm?" The twins stated in unison, although it sounded like a question.

The twins stared as Malfoy laughed softly, tickling Hilt The Cat's neck. His laugh was melodic and
amused that it left the twins staring. Was this really Draco Malfoy?

"Hilt hates imperfect Disillusionment charms. You should keep doing it while near him, if he
hasn't reacted to it that means you're both doing well."

"We'll keep that in mind."

Throwing them another amused look, Malfoy started walking once more. "Shall we? I'd rather not
get caught by Mrs. Norris tonight, Hilt had had an argument with her and they've been at it for

The twins accompanied Malfoy and resisted the urge to ask different things. They were too busy
gesturing at each other, confusion spiraling in their minds. Malfoy didn't notice as he was too busy
giving Hilt The Cat's attention.

Is this really Draco Malfoy?

Is this really the Slytherin Prince?

Does he change his personality at will?

Is he stringing us along?

Is this a prank?

Though as they gazed at the blond smiling down at the Maine Coon, he looked just like all the
other kids who loves cats and definitely did not look like a prank.

Why is he so pretty?

"Curiouser and curiouser." The twins murmured in unison just as they reached the Slytherin
dorms. Malfoy looked back up at them.

"Oh, you're both still here?" Malfoy smirked at the indignant noise the twins directed at him
though one look at the blond acting as if being suffocated by fur is nothing, they settled for wry
grins. "Well then, I'll leave to your secret passageway. Good night, troublemakers."

Hilt The Cat's attention turned towards the twins and let out a satisfied mewl.

"Oh, look. He likes you." Draco said, adjusting his hold on the cat. The twins almost believed the
blond but Hilt clawed the air when Fred tried to pet it. Draco nodded approvingly. "See? He's

"I think anyone in Slytherin likes to tease." Fred grumbled.

Draco Malfoy didn't answer but the twinkle in his eyes matched Hilt The Cat's as they entered the
Slytherin dorms.

All the twins could do was stare.

Curiouser and curiouser, indeed.


The morning sun came quite late, its rays honestly comforting on their backs. The morning
would've been peaceful but someone’s pounding knocking at the door.

The sound slowly sank into Remus' not-going-to-function-if-there-is-no-coffee brain, and a distant
part of him that sounds like a nagging James says that he should probably get up and see what’s
going on.

But the warm, solid presence on bed next to him, the strong arm wrapped around his waist suggests
that he’s doing no such thing. It took Remus several moments before he realized that both he and
Sirius already turned back to their human forms and cuddling just like old times. He hummed
happily once sleepy kisses were placed on his back and nape, making him temporarily forget the
incessant knocking.

"Cousin, I hate to interrupt your precious moment but I am opening this door in five minutes and if
you're not ready by then I will free Pettigrew and leave you to be convicted."

As if doused in cold water upon hearing the distinct voice, both Remus and Sirius scrambled to put
on fresh clothes at the realization that Draco, a child, a student, an innocent being, was on the
other side of the door.

"Shit, of all people to come up here, it had to be him." Sirius muttered as he sent nonverbal
cleaning spells on both of them as he raked his hand on his bedhead.

"Sev really knows how to annoy us first thing." Remus muttered, growling a bit. The blond
Slytherin couldn't have been here if he wasn't appointed, right? Madam Pomfrey wouldn't have
Remus fixed Sirius' shirt, giggling a bit when Sirius blew a refreshing charm on their mouths,
immediately pecking Remus on the lips. Arms wrapped around his waist, effectively distracting
him. Sirius proceeded to bury his head on the crook of his shoulder.

"Morning, Moony." Sirius mumbled as he proceeded to sway them to an unheard beat. "You don't
know how much I yearned to wake up next to you once more."

"Probably just as much as I did." Remus answered, kissing the miraculously luscious locks of his
Mate. "Morning, Padfoot."

They were silent for a moment, basking in each other's warmth and breathing in sync. It has been a
long time since they've been apart, after all.

The instant both of them simultaneously breathed a sigh of satisfaction (probably due to oxytocin
finally doing its job), the door banged open and the moment was immediately shattered. Sirius
groaned as he begrudgingly broke the hug, glaring at his second cousin who was covering his eyes
with his hand.

"Are you decent?"

"No, I was just about to put-" Sirius' reply was cut-off as Remus smacked him, horrified. "-ow! I
was about to put on a shirt! Moony, what the fuck!"

Remus breathed a sigh of relief, fanning himself out of embarrassment.

"Sorry, reflex." The Auburn haired man reasoned, grinning sheepishly at Sirius. Sirius looked so
fond, smiling down at him.

"Ugh." Draco lamented. "So this is why Professor Snape didn't want to pick you up."

The adults looked at the child who has his arms crossed. "You both are unbearable to look at."
"What is that supposed to mean?!" Sirius asked, frowning at his cousin who just rolled his eyes.

"It means you both look like you're pining over each other even though you're Mates. That, or you
both look like you're one second away from confessing your undying love towards each other."
Draco shook his head, unamused.

Remus' laughter filled the room as he pulled Sirius closer, kissing his cheek. "Well, he's not

"True, I can't get enough of you." Sirius grinned, pecking Remus' lips.

"Oh Salazar, please don't make me 'Aguamenti' both of you!" Draco said, covering his eyes.

"Alright, alright. Relax, cousin. We're just messing with ya!" Sirius cackled, walking over to the
blond to ruffle his hair.

Draco grumbled, turning back towards the way he came from as he raked a grooming charm
through his hair once more. "The Professors are waiting for you."

The three of them went down the shack and through the tunnel in comfortable silence until Draco
remembered something.

"Oh yeah." He murmured, already checking both the adults' vitals and searching for injuries. Draco
nodded approvingly once he saw there were only scrapes and bruises.

Remus looked at the blond, "Is something wrong, Draco?"

"Nothing, just did some check-up since Madam Pomfrey asked." Draco replied, "but you did well
on not getting injured, both of you. Just a few minor bruises and scrapes, that's all. I guess the
werewolf Moony calmed down once he has someone to be with.."

Bruises...and scrapes..
Sirius and Remus looked at each other, both immediately blushing.

"Is there something wrong? You're both red." Draco asked.

Sirius groaned and put a hand on his cheek. "Fucking hell, is this some sort of punishment."

Remus cleared his throat and smiled at Draco, "We're alright. We missed each other so we didn't

"Yeah, you Mated." Draco said, nodding in agreement. Beside him, Sirius choked.

"Godric, kill me now." Sirius mumured. "Cousin, how do you know about mating?'

"Besides Professor Snape's teaching, I read about it in a book. The reliable ones which were proven
valid." Draco replied. "Since you're Mates and it's been awhile since you've both been together on a
full moon, it's normal to have bruises and scrapes."

"Oh my God, why is he so innocent." Sirius signed at Remus who chuckled and shrugged.

Saving Sirius the embarrassment (even though he found it amusing), Remus changed the subject.

"So, did you get in trouble last night?" Remus asked and this time it was Draco's turn to groan.

Conversation flowed freely until they reached the castle, Minerva McGonagall already waiting by
the door. Sirius fidgeted under her stare and Draco saluted at her.

"A mated werewolf and animagi delivery for you, Maam." Draco said, smiling angelically at his
Professor who's lips upturned to a smirk as the aforementioned couple both looked away, flustered.

"Thank you, Mister Malfoy. You can go report your medical findings to Madam Pomfrey if you'd
like." Though I don't think it's necessary, Minerva sent a mental 'good luck' at the healer once she
finished her own unintrusive scan. It's always a joy to see the healer flustered due to innocent
"Very much so, Ma'am." Draco replied before nodding at the sputtering couple and heading inside.
An owl whooshed past the adults and settled on Draco's head, dropping a letter before flying away.
Sirius watched as Draco smiled at at the letter before disappearing towards the corner.

"Sirius." McGonagall called and immediately, Sirius straightened up.

"...Hey, Minnie." Sirius smiled, hesitation clear in his voice. "Oh, uh sorry. Professor, I mean. Or
Deputy Headmistress, Madame. Yes?."

McGonagall shook her head, approaching the boy and cupping his cheek. "You look well."

"I feel well." Sirius confirmed, smiling slightly. "Draco's been a huge miracle."

"I see." McGonagall nodded, tears pricking her eyes at the sight of Sirius. Almost malnourished but
looking more healthy and alive...and happy. "We don't have time to catch up at the moment,
Sirius... but can you let me say something first?"

Sirius nodded, swallowing his nerves as the woman who he saw as a mother figure looked really
well on her way to cry. Sirius doesn't know what to do when women cry, you know. He's totally
not ready for the waterworks and he doesn't have a handkerchief at hand. By Merlin, have mercy.

"I am sorry, for not fighting for your innocence. I was too late by then. Like Remus, I wasn't in the
country. I could've done more than just grieving over what happened. I almost believed it, as well.
But I knew in my heart that you wouldn't have been able to betray your friends. Oh, Sirius. Will
you ever forgive me for not trying to convince Albus enough? He would've helped you more than I

Sirius removed the shaking hand on his cheek, holding it tight. Remembering he's a wizard, he
wandlessly tranfigured a button in his shirt into a handkerchief before offering it to his mother
figure sheepishly. Minerva chuckled through her tears at the show of skills before accepting it.

"I had a bet with James years ago that there will be a time that you'd cry because of me. Well, I
said it was during my wedding with Moony but uh, I just realized I never want to see you cry
because of me. Don't cry, Minnie, I think James will be strangling me right now if he's
watching...Also, I was never mad at you. We were at war, it was a time where everyone's feelings
were muddled."
"Oh, my Sirius." Minerva pulled the sniffling boy in her arms, gathering him in an embrace. She
patted his hair and whispered, "I am so glad that you're still here, Sirius."

"Yeah." Sirius sobbed, the warmth of the hug seeping into his very being and making him hug his
mother figure tighter. "Missed you."

A few heartbeats later, Sirius mumbled, "Can Moony join the hug?"

Minerva chuckled, beckoning Remus who was teary-eyed as well due to their interaction.

"I am glad that you are both here, together."

"Stop making me cry every time we're together." Remus complained as Sirius kissed his tears
away. "Also, Pads, stop. We're in front of your mother. Have some dignity."

"She knows I love you to the moon and back so it's fine." Sirius replied. "Also, Minnie stop making
Moony cry, I'll cry and I'm whiny when I cry."

"It is not my fault that Remus is emotionally charged whenever we have tea together." Minerva
replied, breaking the hug and sending refreshing charms on the three of them. "Now that this
moment is over, let's go and get your name cleared."

"When we get there, can I punch Peter?" Sirius asked, dodging Remus' smack. "because I think I
forgot to do it. You know, Minnie, you taught me that sometimes wands aren't necessary, right? In
this case, will fists do?"

"Do so when we're not looking." Minerva said, tutting. "Though honestly, you don't have to. He's
been suffering enough."

Sirius stared at her curiously. "What happened to him when we're gone?"

"I suppose Peter's been deathly afraid and he's been a shivering mess ever since we took him to the
Lounge. He couldn't turn into his animagus form while he's inside the cage and it was showered
with spells from Flitwick, Severus and I overlapping the ones you both casted. Also, he couldn't
sleep due to nightmares, you have your Cousin to thank for that."

"What did Draco do?" Remus asked, wide-eyed. You can never know with that kid.

"It's probably better if you hear it from him." Minerva answered, stopping by a huge portrait and
smiling at the two. "Now then, shall we?"

There were too many scathing remarks, magic, yelling and when Remus distracted the Aurors, the
Professors wisely looked away as Sirius suckerpunched Peter through the open cage (Well, Snape
rolled his eyes). With Peter whimpering ever since he saw Remus and Sirius, the Aurors were none
the wiser of what happened. The Weasleys were almost caught up in it but Sirius stood his ground
and made Peter tell them that the Weasleys didn't even know he's a rat. To Madam Pomfrey's
clearance, Peter Pettigrew was administered with a fully-brewed Veritaserum for his upcoming
trial. He will be speaking of the truth for three hours.

"Well then, Sirius Black is to come with us, just in case." Once he heard this, Remus was about to
throw hands but kept calm as Sirius stepped in.

"No." Sirius said immediately, eyes steely and cold. "You don't have any clearance to do so."

"We insist."

"And I resist." Sirius replied.

"Now now, let's not escalate things further." A voice sounded as the portrait opened, revealing
Albus Dumbledore himself.

"Albus, where were you?!"

"Calm down, Minerva. I had some business to attend to. Now, where were we?"

"The Aurors were just about to escort Peter Pettigrew for his trial." Minerva answered, gesturing at
the shivering mess by the cage.
"Albus? Albus Dumbledore! Help me! Help me! They're gonna kill me! Oh, they will! They're
gonna hurt me... You have to help me! I did what you said! I chose my path!"

"Peter, my boy." Dumbledore said calmly, "Perhaps you should follow these gentlemen first."

"WHY WON'T YOU HELP ME?!" Peter rattled the shackles, before rattling the cage, hands
springing away when it sparked. Peter looked at Dumbledore, the betrayal apparant in his face.

("Peter, my boy. Perhaps, you would do well in other things. Your friends are brighter than the
stars. You, like me, have to work hard to be liked. As such, we only need to see which path we need
to choose for ourselves. Choose wisely.")

"REMUS! HELP ME!" Remus looked at him, pain marring his features before he looked away
and shuffled closer to Sirius. Always Sirius.

("Hey, is this seat taken?" The auburn haired boy asked.


"Oh. Okay! I'm Remus and you are?"

"Peter." Seeing what Peter is reading, Remus smiled.

"You know Peter, I think this would be the start of a very good friendship!")

"SIRIUS!" He called desperately, but Sirius looked at him as if he was bonkers.

("And if I hear you mock Peter one more time you absolute excuse of a human being, I will see to it
that your Mother AND your Father will be begging on the streets by midnight." Sirius said,
shaking the Slytherin's collar. "Now, scram!"
Peter looked at Sirius in awe. James looked down at Peter and grinned as he ruffled the shorter's
hair, "Don't worry about it, Peter! We have your back!")

Silence met Peter's pleas and prompted the Aurors to act again. Peter sobbed as he rocked back and
forth, hearing the cage slam close and feeling the cage being lifted. He only wanted to live a life
where he's not weighed down by expectations. Why was it so hard for others to understand? He did
it for the greater good of his life.


Once Peter Pettigrew was hauled by the Aurors with Minerva McGonagall accompanying them to
be Hogwarts' witness, it only took an hour until Peter was convicted to Azkaban for life, heavily
beaten up and still under the influence of Veritaserum. He was muttering facts and rumors about
the Death Eaters along the way.

Within that same hour, once they caught wind of it, the Daily Prophet published Sirius Black's

Once the newspapers spreads reached Hogwarts by lunch, Sirius immediately acquired one by
accident. Remus and Sirius were in the Professors Lounge conversing and catching up with other
Professors (sans Snivellus Snape) when the owl tapped the window. With a single wave of
Professor Sprout's hand, the window opened and the owl flew immediately at Remus.

"Oh, yeah. I subscribed because the Prophet has been printing blasphemous articles about Harry."
Remus said as he paid the owl and Sirius unfolded the newspaper. The owl nipped Sirius' hand and
flew away.



"Interesting." Professor Flitwick murmured, eyes scouring the information contained in the copied
newspaper. "Not a single fact altered. Merlin knows how vast the factoid this industry leaks."

"Probably scared Sirius will come after them after claiming his inheritance." Madam Hooch
snorted. "Ha! Bunch of dunderheads, the Prophet."
Remus scooted closer to Sirius, who absentmindedly rested an arm behind him and giving him a
clearer view of the article. As they both read silently (Remus unconsciously resting his head on
Sirius' shoulder to read better), they missed the amused glances that was exchanged in the room.
("And they said they'll tone down the pda," Minerva hid her amused smile as she sipped her tea.)

A portrait opened and Severus Snape came in, looked at the snuggling couple on the couch,
grimaced and turned to walk away.

"Oh, Severus!" Madam Pomfrey called, grinning. "I was just about to call for you. Come dearie,
join us for tea."

"Over my dead body." Snape muttered to himself before responding, "I'd rather not. I still have to
finish a few potions for Lupin, unfortunately."

"Oh, come off it!" Madam Pomfrey scolded, "Remus' potions can be put through a stasis charm
just fine which I bet you did before coming in here!"

Severus stood for a moment, before glaring at Madam Pomfrey.

'If looks can be poisonous, Merlin, I'm glad I am good at making antidotes,' the Medwitch thought
as she chuckled, patting the space beside her.

"Oh, you sour pops. Come here, socialize a bit."

The moment, Severus sat down, his glare was transferred to the grinning couple across him.

"So, you and Pomfrey close?" Sirius started, but got elbowed by Remus. "-OW! I was just going to
ask what kind of potions he makes for you, Moony. What the fuck."

"I see your language is as colorful as ever." Severus drawled, fixing himself a cup of tea.

Sirius snorted, "Well, the cell I was in was blank like a canvas. I figured it needed a Sirius touch
Beside him, Remus face palmed.

Before their infamous bickering started, the door to the Professor's Lounge banged quite loudly due
to a series of knocks.

"By Merlin, who could that be?"

Remus stood up and went over the door. He opened it an inch to see who it is and a smile graced
his lips.

"Hullo, Harry!" Remus greeted. Harry fidgeted in place, trying to look over the door.

"Hullo, Professor." Harry greeted after a heartbeat. ", Sirius Black in there?"

Remus smile turned fond and let Harry enter the room. Before Harry's eyes could wander, he knelt
down by the boy and ruffled his hair.

"Did you read the article, Harry?"

"Yeah, majority of it was rubbish but the Great Hall was celebrating that Sirius Black was
innocent." Harry replied, thinking about the roaring cheers across all the tables.

"I better see to that." Professor Flitwick said, tutting and getting out of the room with Pomona.

Harry gripped Remus' sleeves and tugged gently.

"Listen Harry, I need you to swear--"

Harry nodded and immediately said, "Bloody hell."

Behind Remus, he could hear Sirius choking on some tea. He sighed and stoked Harry's cheek.

"Swear as in promise, honey."

"Oh." Harry nodded. "Yeah, I can do that too."

"Try not to cry too much." Remus chuckled as he stood, showing Harry the person he's looking for.

Harry slowly walked in front of Sirius. The room was silent as they watched the child hold a
staring contest with his guardian/s. It was Harry who blinked first afted a minute of intense staring.
Sirius poked his cheek.

"You lost, pup."

"No, I think I won." Harry grinned, "since I have family now."

"You're not mad I wasn't with you all these years?" Sirius asked, voice wavering. The guilt of not
being able to be with Harry was great that he could understand if Harry's mad.

To his surprise, Harry shook his head. Harry reached out and grasped Sirius' shirt, tears pricking
his eyes. Sirius immediately wiped away the child's tears.

"All these years, I just wanted family. Someone to love me. Someone to be there for me." Harry
sniffed. "You're here now."

Harry looked at Remus as well, "You're both here now."

At those words, the adults melted. Remus walked over and enveloped both Harry and Sirius into a
hug. Harry sobbed, emotions crashing within him in waves as he buried his head on Sirius'
shoulder. Sirius hugged both important people in his life, kissing their foreheads.

"Yes, Haz." Remus said, kissing the child's tearstained cheek. "We're here now."
Severus who went back to his quarters during the teary reunion that even had Madam Hooch
reduced to tears, came back with vials of calming draughts before nodding at Sirius and Remus.
Sirius immediately made Harry drink the potion.

"Albus is waiting for you."

After he said those words, Severus remembered why he was always wary of Black.

Because the dangerous glint in his eyes and the cutting smile just proves that there's a dark side
lurking inside the facade of a joyful person.

Those kind of people were always the one you needed to be careful of.


"Long live Professor Flitwick." Blaise muttered around the silencing bubble casted around the
three Slytherins.

The Gryffindors were rambunctious once the news arrived. Draco saw Harry Potter immediately
rush out of the Great Hall. After all, only a few people knows that Sirius Black is currently in
Hogwarts. Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout arriving was enough to not make the students
cause much of a ruckus.

"Salazar, I feel bad for Uncle Sev." Draco muttered.


"Idiotic, emotional Gryffindors." Draco drawled, "Reunion of cry babies."

Pansy winced, "Yeah, I do kinda feel bad as well."

"I know we suck at comforting but Professor Lupin is there so it balances out." Blaise pointed out.

The room was suddenly flooding with papers as several copies of Sirius Black's case were thrown
in the air and scattered by other Houses.

"Why are they celebrating, anyway?" Draco asked.

"Probably because they did something that contributed to Black's case." Blaise said, re-reading the
article. "Several parents spread the case outside of Hogwarts."

"I think some Ravenclaws are being distraught of the wasted parchment paper." Pansy snickered,
wandlessly helping a 7th year gather a few stacks.

"The house elves can do that with a snap of their fingers, it's fine." Draco said, shaking his head.
"They'll get angry."

"Leave her be." Pansy rolled her eyes. "The house elves are celebrating, for sure. They talked my
ear off when I asked about Sirius Black down there."

Draco shrugged, standing up. "Then I'm going ahead first."

"Replying to them?" Pansy asked, teasing. Draco's blush was the only answer she got. "Don't
worry, I'll send it to them this time."

"Thank you for indulging me." Draco responded, smiling slightly.

"Of course, Dray."

"You know we're here for you."

"As I am for both you."

"Now go write your love letter." Blaise said, grinning.

"Zabini, I will end you." Draco hissed as he finished gathered his things.

As Draco left the Great Hall (with students still celebrating), Pansy and Blaise sent each other
knowing looks.

"He's got it bad, doesn't he?"

"It's endearing he hasn't caught on with his own feelings."

There was a moment of silence before they both spoke in unison.

"700 galleons he falls by fourth year."

"750 galleons he's dating by fifth year."

Together, they toasted with their drinks.



After soothing Harry's fussing ("I want to come too!" "No, you can't and I have your cloak, young
man. Don't even think about it."), Remus convinced Harry to gather his best friends and wait for
them at Remus' room. One glance at Snape and he already knew what Remus will ask him to do
and left to get Draco.

The walk up the Headmaster's office was silent. It wasn't suffocating, but it was filled with
anticipation. Remus knows in his heart that they'll come out of his office as guardians, after all. He
can't wait to be with Harry again.

Remus simply waited as Sirius stared at the gargoyle, never saying the password until it obeyed
and opened on its own. Remus never really knows how he does it. (They get in trouble enough
during Hogwarts years and not once had Sirius said the password to the gargoyle.)

Sirius took Remus' shaking hand and entwined it with his, squeezing it as if he's saying, "I'm here

Remus smiled and couldn't resist swooping down to kiss Sirius on the cheek. He was always happy
to be taller than Sirius, even if it's just a few centimetres. Sirius startled before chuckling at his
mate. Sirius raised their intertwined hands and kissed Remus' knuckles.

"Come on, Moony. It's showtime."

Sirius banged open the door towards the office, startling all the portraits of the previous
Headmasters and Headmistress. They quietened to whispers when they saw Sirius Black. The
couple paid no mind to the gossiping portraits, eyes staring back at the wise ones locked on them
the moment they stepped out the door.

"Ah, Remus.. Sirius..have a seat." Dumbledore chuckled lowly, gesturing at the chairs. "Lemon

"I'd rather keep this short so I politely decline your offer to both, Albus." Sirius stated.

Remus could feel himself getting nervous as Dumbledore's eyes glinted unkindly.

"I suppose you wished to see me because of Harry?" Dumbledore inquired,sitting down.

"Yeah." Sirius nodded, eyes steely and dangerous. "on why you left him there in that horrid house
to be abused."

"Sirius, my boy. There are a lot of things in the wizarding world that you have yet to know about.
To expose Harry to such things at such a tender age is dangerous to him. I did it to protect him."

"No, you did it to protect yourself." Sirius hissed, eyes narrowing.

Dumbledore sat up straight, tilting his head to the side. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Oh, please. Now, you're acting innocent. We all know that you want Harry out of this world so
you can get the fame and recognition that Voldemort feared you, Harry was entrusted to you
because you were the strongest wizard up to now."

"I do not know what you're talking about." Dumbledore said lightly, though Sirius saw how tensed
he was for a second.

"Yeah, okay. I'll forgive you for that. But note this, Albus. I'm taking Harry under my wing and
you are of no authority to stop me."

"I believe you are not quite correct on that one. You see, Lily herself established the blood wards in
the Dursley's house. There, Harry will be protected by his mother's love."

"Blood wards can only be activated if there are positive feelings involved, Albus. I wasn't around
for long because you made me Vow not to approach Harry but I. Was. There." Remus grinded out.
"Your fucking blood wards isn't."

"And that means it wasn't activated." Sirius spat. "You know what that means? You gave my
godson a lifelong stock of shitpiles to go through. He was abused by all of you who thought they're
doing what's best for Harry!"

"You made Minerva think he's alright there when he isn't, she could've taken care of Harry when
we couldn't!" Remus added.

"I do believe abused is a strong word for Harry's upbringing." Dumbledore answered but Sirius cut
him off.

"The one who neglects and turns a blind eye to the abuse is worse than the abuser."

"Still, I could not make you endanger Harry by bringing him to Grimmauld Place. It is filled with
dark artefacts that will surely harm the boy." Dumbledore shook his head sadly.
"Well, isn't it a good thing we're both good at Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Remus chuckled
darkly, amber eyes twinkling in glee. "You even hired me because of it, didn't you?"

"The answer is still no, gentlemen." Dumbledore said, gravely. "There are reasons I cannot quite
tell you yet."

Hearing those words, Sirius snapped.

"For God's sake! For Merlin! For the bloody Four Founders, Albus! If you dare try to take Harry
away from me one more time... I would not hesitate to fight you on, you living fossil."

There was a pulse of magic and Hogwarts shook. Remus watched the staredown happening and
had a moment of realization.

The reason why Dumbledore kept holding them back is because Sirius Black is too powerful.
Innate magic, Pureblood, Vast knowledge of Dark Arts, Head of the Head of the Most Ancient and
Noble House of Black, a war survivor, an Azkaban survivor.

Sirius Black has the possibility to be the next Dark Lord.

Amused, Remus stroked Sirius' shoulder to calm him down. It worked because Sirius smirked and
turning to Remus.

"Do you still have that necklace I gave you, love?" Sirius whispered.

Remus smiled as he nodded. He removed the necklace that he wore on his neck, the necklace
Sirius gave him as a gift before he went off in his mission. Inside the pendant was individual
pictures of the Marauders and baby Harry. Even while shifted, he never took it off.

"You're a godsend, Moony." Sirius said, taking the pendant and brought it up as he kissed Remus.
Remus let out a confused noise as the pendant touched his lips, even more curious as he heard a
The pendant opened once more, revealing not the pictures but a piece of paper.

"I told you, James and I were preparing for all the what-ifs that we can think of." Sirius said before
facing Albus once more. "This will shut you up for once."

Sirius unfolded the paper and in it was a golden scripture

Backup Will and Testament of Lily Potter and James Potter:

Harry Potter will be under the guidance of Sirius Orion Black.

In case he is not able to do so, Harry Potter will be entrusted to Remus John Lupin. War is
upon us and if both aforementioned are not able, Harry Potter shall be entrusted strictly to
these people:

Minerva McGonagall

Molly and Arthur Weasley

Frank and Anne Longbottom

Severus Snape

Harry Potter shall not be entrusted to

Albus Dumbledore

The Minisitry of Magic

Petunia and Vernon Dursley

Voldemort and the Death Eaters

The Gringotts vaults shall be frozen and nothing shall the withdrawn until authorized.

Signed by


Witnessed by


Potter Vault Accountant



"I told you." Sirius said it so calmly that goosebumps trailed Remus' arms. A calm Sirius can be
deadly, more so when he's glaring down at Albus Dumbledore. "You can't stop us. If you meddle
in our lives one more time, Albus. Let me remind you that what you think of me can come true."


"Then, there is nothing else we should talk about."

Sirius tugged Remus out of the office as Dumbledore looked away, defeated.

Sirius handed the paper back at Remus who read it, wide-eyed. He'd been keeping this piece of
paper all this time and the only way he could open it is by being kissed by Sirius?!

Remus smacked Sirius head before grasping his collar, hauling him for a kiss. Sirius reciprocated

When Harry, Hermione and Ron arrived inside Remus Lupin's quarters, they were surprised to see
that Draco Malfoy and Professor Snape was there.

"Why are you here?!" Ron demanded.

Draco sneered, "That's what I'd like to ask you."

"Stop fighting." Hermione rolled her eyes, "Let's just wait for Professor to come."

"He probably has some explanation or something." Harry reasoned out but he couldn't help but
glare at Malfoy as well. It's almost a habit by now because the blond always has something up his

It was a tense fifteen minutes with the Golden Trio whispering on why Draco was there but they
concluded that it was because he knew Professor Lupin's identity.



"Why didn't you spread that Professor is a werewolf?"

Professor Snape snorted at the question but remained silent as he drank his tea. He gestured at his
godson to reply.

"I blackmailed him to give me information in exchange of my silence and those who knew." Draco
answered, shrugging.

"You blackmailed a Professor?" Hermione asked, aghast. "I helped you do it?!?"

"Well, I did say your program will do more harm than good so, in muggle saying, nip it in the root
or something." Draco drawled.
"Why are you really here, Malfoy?" Harry asked, irritated.

"Oh, maybe because I know about the situation more than the three of you combined?" Draco
hummed, imitating a thinking pose. "Probably because of that or the fact that I'm connected to
Sirius Black by blood?"

"What??" Harry asked, choking.

"He is, Harry." Hermione nodded, "I researched it and they're cousins. Second cousins."

"5 points to Gryffindor." Draco clapped, "Amazing."

"Can you stop mocking us?" Ron asked, massaging his temple. "I thought during the Shack, you've
changed or something but I guess I was hallucinating."

Draco was about to say something but the door opened and the mated couple went inside.

The moment Sirius saw Harry, he grinned. It took three strides to get to the kid and he held him up,
twirling in the spacious room. "Guess who's not coming back to the Dursleys, pup."

It took a few seconds until Harry understood the message. "For real?!?"

Sirius set him down, chuckling as he helped stabilize the stumbling child.

"Yeah." Sirius nodded, kneeling so he's eye level with Harry. "Hey there. I'm Sirius. You can call
me Padfoot, too. I am best friends with James, your father. I'm your godfather." Sirius stroked
Harry's hair. "And now I'm also your guardian."

Filled with emotions Harry can't decipher, he hugged Sirius tightly.

"Hullo, I'm Harry." The child whispered beside Sirius' ear.

Sirius broke the hug and nodded towards Remus. "Know him? He's your Uncle Moony. When you
were a baby, his name was your first word."

"I remember." Harry answered, tearing up again. "I saw it in my dreams."

Remus felt something in his heart unclench, relief flooding in his veins as he offered Harry a hug.
Harry ran to him and hugged him by the waist as Remus ruffled his unruly hair.

Sirius gaze fondly at the loving display in front of him until his eyes landed on Draco who was
perfectly content on ignoring the Gryffindors in favor of nibbling his biscuits and sipping tea.
Rolling his eyes at the pompous display of aristocratic behaviour as if his Watchers are present,
Sirius knelt by his cousin's chair.

Draco raised an immaculate brow at him expectantly.

"You were the one who knocked some sense to us last night, cousin. If not for you, Peter would’ve
gotten away. How could I ever repay you?"

As if he's been waiting for it, Draco immediately replied.

"You owe me a life debt so let's start with something small." Draco wiped his mouth daintily with
a handkerchief. Harry and his friends were fuming by the side at the blonde's antics but Remus
made them settle down.

"Well, for starters, I get to be the one to choose your brand new wardrobe. I know twelve years in
Azkaban can't be good for you and I do not intend to tolerate your fashion sense any longer. I also
need you to claim your inheritance so you can officially claim Harry Potter as your heir since if it's
just done verbally, The Most Ancient And Noble House of Black will reject Harry unless you'll get
a child. At most, I'll be the one to inherit it and I personally would not like to attend to two
demanding Magical Houses."

Sirius glanced at Remus, amused and bemused by what's happening but Remus only shrugged and
Sirius focused back on Draco.

"Second, you need to take care of Professor Lupin, he suffered a lot thinking he won't ever see you
again. You both need to relearn trust. Mate with him more, court him again and shower him with
love or something like that. Oh, you could also marry him, it's possible now in case you didn't
know. Third, your godson needs a place to stay for the summer, being exposed to Muggles must be
dreadful- it's a joke! No one gets my jokes nowadays- it's been twelve years, cousin. You ought to
make it up to your godson."

Everyone ignored Harry’s choked gasp at the mention of the third condition. Sirius gripped Draco's
forearms and looked at him straight in the eye.

"Of course I'll do all that, even without your prompting." Sirius agreed, then his face turned stern.
"Cousin, you helped save me. Let me help you too."

"What do you mean, Sirius?" Harry cut in and Draco flinched before shaking his head no. "Is
Draco in trouble?"

"My mother needs me, cousin. I can't. I am bound to follow, my Father made sure of it."

There was a thunderous expression in Sirius' face but Draco patted his cheek.

"Uncle Severus keeps me away from you know, every holiday and every chance he got ever since.
I'll be fine." Draco whispered.

Sirius regarded Severus as if he's a different person. "Huh. What a surprise."

Harry frowned at them then looked at a horrified Ron. Seeing that as well, Hermione who
shrugged. They don’t know what’s happening. Harry tugged on Remus' sleeve.

"Professor, may I ask a question?"

"Sure thing, Harry."

"What's wrong with Draco!?"

Draco rolled his eyes at that as Sirius laughed, the atmosphere lightening.
"Are you serious, Harry?"

"I'm Harry, he's Sirius."

Sirius looked at Harry in astonishment. He put a hand on his chest and aaww-ed.

Draco rolled his eyes. He looked at Hermione.

"Ever read about pureblood traditions?"

"Some of it."

"Oh." Draco looked at the couple beside him. Sirius placed a hand on Draco's shoulder.

"You don't have to."

Draco shook his head.

"I want to get this over with." Draco stood and faced Harry and the others before he recited, "As
the Malfoy heir, ever since before I could walk, ever since my first cry when I got out of my
Mother’s womb, I am bound to Pureblood Traditions. The Malfoy family is to strictly follow
through this traditions. There are rules I have to follow. It has been lenient as of late since there's
almost none of Purebred Purebloods left but as the heir of The Most Noble and The Most Ancient
and Sophisticated House of Malfoy, I must follow through the rules even if I don't approve of
them, I must stand by on what thy ancestor has built upon. My ideals and judgments are to follow
through what the Patriarch of the Malfoy Family sees as appropriate and just. To maintain the
highest social standing of the Malfoy Family, I must obey and learn the ways of being an Heir
through all means possibly. Proven through creed and thy blood, I am Draco Lucius Malfoy, Heir
of The Most Noble and Sophisticated House of Malfoy.”

There was a moment of silence before Ron walked over and snatched Draco's arm, eyes wide and
mouth curled in a snarl. The adults in the room tensed up and Sirius was about to get in between
the children before Ron spoke up.
"Don't tell me they still--" he looked at Draco's wry smile. "Bloody hell! You should've told us that
first year!! We wouldn’t have downright hated you!"

"What's going on?!" Harry asked, hurriedly separating Ron and Draco.

"The bloody git's been spouting off nonsense ever since first year!" He looked at Harry.
"Purebloods of Old has a bunch of Pureblood Traditions and undergoing that makes you a
Purebred. The ancestors has this thinking that Muggleborns should never be in our world since they
are tainted by inferior blood. They also created a bunch of hippogriff shit that most Purebloods
nowadays dismiss and ending Purebreeding or some bollocks. Bloody hell."

"So what does that have to do with Draco?" Harry asked, confused. There was too many ‘Pure’ in
the sentence that he got dizzy for a second. He looked at Hermione for translation in ‘Ron speak’.

"It means that even if Draco says a lot of mean things these past few years, like about me being
muggleborn, or Ron being a blood traitor, or you being a halfblood, there is a possibility he doesn't
actually mean it and just voicing out what his ancestors believe in."

"But why did Ron have to grasp your arm like that!? I thought you were gonna fight!"

Ron looked a bit sheepish and threw an apologetic look at Draco. Draco, in response, waved his
wand and released a glamour.

Five long slashes adorned Draco's arm from his shoulder to his elbow. Harry and Hermione gasped
in shock. Ron shook his head sadly. Sirius gripped Remus hand as it curled into fists, memories of
Sirius’ wounds after every summer flashing in front of him all of a sudden. Sirius pulled Remus in
a side hug, rubbing his shoulders.

"Most purebloods typically wear elegant robes and clothes of expensive material so they tend to not
reveal skin by wearing short sleeves." Draco pointed at the scars at Harry and Hermione.
"Punishment. When the Head of the House deemed you're being unworthy or they're disappointed
in you or did something wrong.” Draco laughed hollowly, “I seemed to be doing a lot of
disappointing these past few years. This was just during Christmas hols."

At the horrified faces, Draco walked over to Severus quietly waiting for him and handed him a
small jar situated by the table.
"Don't worry! This is where Uncle Sev comes in. He's been with me during the start of my
Pureblood training which means since before I was born." He held up the jar. "One good
Traditional rule we have is that we must have a competent Potions Master. You can be surprised
on how a lot of Pureblood die from ingesting contaminated medicine during the Days of Old.
Uncle Sev takes care of my medicinal need, nurture and nourishment mentally and physically.
There are other Members of the Family too. Every punishment must end, so every scar can fade, no
lasting damage. He's the reason I look good as new every time I disappointed Father. The scars
right now is just taking a little too long to heal because it was from a Parkinson knife so since it
was wielded by a person with no Parkinson blood, it'll scar longer."

Draco snickered, "There was even one time, my back was full of scars and I-oh sorry, too much
information." He stopped when the trio shared horrified glances. "It's okay, really. One rule is that
Purebloods must be good at some specification of magic. I've been exposed to healing after my
Father found out I can read. I'm quite good at it! Father recently killed off I mean.. dismissed the
Family Healer because he claimed I already know more than him."

He paused, thinking of what else to say. "That's also the reason why I believed Cousin Sirius. We're
connected by blood, you see. When he revelead himself to me, he did the Traditional Blood
Identification spell. Purebloods don't really show off family secrets. I knew he was telling the truth
the moment he started his story."

Ron gaped at Sirius who shrugged. That particular spell was said to be painful and magically
draining. Remus even looked worried for a second but Sirius kissed his hand to confort him.

Draco shrugged, "Well, that's just about Pureblood information I can divulge before it turns into a

"It's okay, mate. I can tell the others. My mom went through it as a child but when she met Dad,
they threw the beliefs out the window the moment they got together."

"I'm just saying that I don't believe in lots of Pureblood things. I do still want to be your friend,
Harry-If I can call you that- and I think you can be good at lots of things. Ron's too loyal for his
own good, it's a good thing you and Harry found each other. Bloody brilliant at something. I can
feel it, you’ll know soon enough when you get a proper wand that chooses you because your
wands haven't really chosen you. I reckon Hermione is the Brightest Witch of Our Age even if
she's muggleborn. She’s smarter than Pansy, and Pansy’s IQ is high.” Draco tilted his head
towards Hermione. “A warning though, don't believe everything you read in wizarding books.
There was a phase in the 12th to 14th century where wizards and witches alike found it fun to
spread misinformation and published books about it. I've seen you read some and that's dangerous
if you believe everything there is in only a book."
Draco paused and looked shocked at Severus. "Merlin, listen to me Uncle Sev. If father heard
about this, giving advice to a muggleborn, a lashing to the back won’t suffice!"

Severus smiled a little at Draco's shocked laugh and stroked his godson's hair. No need to say
anything, his godson is already handling the situation well.

"Anyway, that's why I have to act like a bully to you guys. I mean, you're like a package deal. A
blood traitor, a Half-blood, a mudblood- no offense. If another pureblood targeted you, you
would've been attacked straight out!" Draco looked at the trio. "There is even a law that protects
Purebloods about it! In layman's terms, 'it's not my fault I'm Pureblood and you're not' law. That's
why some Purebloods get away unscathed sometimes."

"So you saved us the trouble?"

"Well, don't put it like that." Draco chastised. "I had to, you know. Everyday, I'm being tested. I
have Watchers everywhere. I just don't know who reports to my Father."

"That's horrible, Draco! How did you survive!?"

"Well..." Draco shrugged. "I'm not alone with this, really. Pansy and Blaise are going through it,
too. Actually, a lot of the Slytherins and Ravenclaws are. We've been trained our whole life to act
like a Purebred. I have the rules literally spelled to my skin once when I disobeyed, it scarred for
months--oh sorry, too much information." Draco grinned as Harry and Hermione turned a little

"This was actually the first time I've conversed like myself, dropping the Malfoy Mask, in front of
people not Uncle Sev, Pansy, Blaise or cousin Siri! This is amazing!"

Then the expression dropped and he sighed at the worried looks he received.

"Okay so you pity me quite a bit. Just, don't Peter me out."

"Oh sorry, I meant, don't rat me out."

After a round of laughter, Severus left and let the Gryffindors hang out with Draco. Merline knows
it'll do the boy some good. The Gryffindors were quite shocked that it turned out Draco was quite
fun to be with when he came out of his shell...or in this case, dropped the Malfoy Mask.

"Look Draco, I certainly would like to be your friend."

Draco tilted his head at the trio. "Are you sure? It's quite hard being my friend. I still have to bully
you once we're out of this room."

"Well, we'll have to create subtle signs so we can meet somewhere and hang out!"

Draco smiled.

"That's a great idea!" His eyes twinkled, "Do any of you know mermish?"

Sirius and Remus watched the interaction and smiled.

They'll be fine.

Chapter End Notes

Well, there's that! The Dumbledore confrontation is what held the whole thing because
it was delicate situation (and then it turned into bamf!Sirius and Wolfstar again lol).
What was your favourite interaction?

Also, if you noticed in the Backup will Peter's name wasn't there because Lily and
James knew between the Marauders, Peter is the weakest and he can't protect Harry
alone so he wasn't included and a good thing too. Also the Purebred thing, yknow. I
still can't believe I thought of that. Lmao. I'm just glad the Golden Trio is friends with
Draco now.

Thank you so much for the 1496 kudos! You guys have been such an amazing gift for
me during these trying times. I hope you are all well and safe.
Until the next one!
Interesting People
Chapter Notes

I solemnly swear I did not abandon this fic even though I disappeared for two months.
*In CL voice* I'm baaackkk.


See the end of the chapter for more notes


I do apologize for writing late. As I am writing this, the Daily Prophet containing Sirius Black's
innocence is in front of me. I can't believe that our 'nonexistent' plan of spreading the Case reports
succeeded. Sirius Black is finally free!

Regarding Buckbeak as you've both said in the letter, I heard from Hagrid that he's alive and well.
Not personally, though. I just heard him tell it to Potter and his friends.

Tell your friend that I say, "Hi!" and "I'll put up with them until I get bored."

So better stay interesting, Jo and Ker.

You don't know how much it meant to me to see the day Black got free. It's like one step towards
the change in the Wizarding world!

I do hope in the midst of what's happening, you both still remember to do your homework!

Until the next letter.



In all actuality, this probably has to come first.

Draco figured this would totally happen sooner and not later (due to Hermione's insistence). Draco
is very new on this friendship thing (yknow, not Pureblood or Slytherin at all) and he knows
forgiveness isn't something that can be given so easily. It's not something as easy as wand swishing
no matter how much he wanted it to be right at this moment.

One night, Harry and Draco met alone in an expanded alcove. Their meetup place was almost
blown when Harry thought it was a bright idea to startle Draco causing the blond to curse and whip
out his wand. Harry's laughter echoed so much that they filled the small space with silencing



Both boys looked at each other, silently holding a staring competition. When Harry blinked first
(because his eyes are weak, Malfoy, sod off), Draco nodded at Harry.

"You first."

Harry didn't know what compelled him to open up but seeing Draco in a different light (truly, it
was also very dim in the alcove), seeing him so earnest and sincere had Harry telling him his secret
of how Dursleys treated him. When he finished sharing what he could, Draco silently reached out
and gripped Harry's hand.

"Cousin Siri won't ever do any of that. I swear on my Family name."

Harry smiled brightly, "I never thought I'd be so excited to wait for summer."
Draco's smile faltered slightly and he sighed. "I do wish I could feel the same."

At Harry's curious gaze, Draco in turn, spoke of his own homelife too. Seeing Harry's horrified
look, Draco figured it would be a good idea to stop since he doesn't want to scare off his new

They were silent for a while since they were clearly quite shocked that each other's lives didn't
differ much.

A few minutes before curfew, to liven up the atmosphere surrounding them, they scheduled a
Seeker's match.

"Scared you'll lose, Potter?"

"You wish."

They grinned as they went their separate ways. Harry never thought he could get along with the
blond at all but it was a surprise he had fun even though they were just sharing. Draco never really
thought Harry could be another listening ear, another dependable shoulder he could lean on.

The two boys walked back to their own dormitories, feeling victorious of having made a new
friend they know they could trust.


Our Darling D,

Darling! By Merlin!

I don't suppose you know how to make Amortentia, do you? I'm just... Asking for a friend. For
research purposes, yknow.

I bet you'd be good in Potions, with how smart you are.

Jo is off trying to gather more information on our assignments because we lost our list. We've been
doing good lately at passing our assignments that I think the Professors are getting wary.

I do think Professor Snape is going to faint one of these days when we create yet another successful
Potion this year. I mean, we do botch up a few Potions along the way but our House isn't getting
points taken off. Isn't that great?

Do you need any help from your homework? Not to brag, but I do excel in Herbology. Months ago,
I taught one of my brother's friends and now he's even better than me! Can you believe that???

We're thinking of doing another project soon which I know you'll be a part of. Stay tuned, Darling!


Ker Honey


The Quidditch season has long passed but there was still a few more Quidditch matches so the
Captains can turn over their workload to the ones they deemed worthy of it. In Slytherin's case,
Flint chose Graham Montague as the next captain. Honestly, Draco is quite tired of Quidditch...
mostly because they don't listen to his strategies. On top of that, maintaining his grades, his Healer
practices and Potion Apprenticeship, he has a lot of work cut out for him. Blaise even commented
the mermaids says they miss talking to him with how busy he is. Pansy was just content on Draco's
ability to hang out with them even if it's just Draco doing homework or projects. He is very close to
asking Hermione to lend him her Time Turner.

He's tired and cranky before going to bed and the next morning really isn't going well when Draco
was dragged out of his bed bright and early. Today was the day the Quidditch Match between
Slytherin and Gryffindor commences. After being hauled off towards the Great Hall, Draco caught
Harry's bedraggled state on the Gryffindor table and couldn't help but symphatize. A few meters
away from Harry, Johnson was being talked her ear off by Wood, because she's most likely the
person promoted to Captain.

Draco picked on his apple pie solemnly, his muscles screaming at him. There wasn't a day he'd get
to rest, isnt it? Draco tutted in annoyance.
"Chin up, lad! We've a game to win!" Montague yelled by his ear.

Draco shot him a wandless-wordless tripping hex as he ate the last of his pie, Montague's yelp
music to his ears. Not even a minute later, Draco found himself raising a brow as Montague kept
giggling nonstop on the floor, his eyes immediately shot to two troublemakers across the room
(because no one in Slytherin would dare do that when Professor Snape is present). Seeing Fred and
George Weasley glare at Montague was quite a surprise but when they saw Draco look, their grins
were sunshine bright that Draco could only roll his eyes at them. Having silent stareoffs with the
Twin Terrors were another new thing in Draco's list. It was recent and quite honestly, a totally
welcome distraction, after all.

Placing his chin on his hand, he whispered the counter spell and watched as Montague picked
himself up off the floor. Draco could clearly see the red flush of humiliation tinting his cheeks.

"Having fun?" Draco drawled. Montague growled at him before stalking off towards the rest of the

Draco hid his amused smirk as he drank his pumpkin juice and pretended he didn't see the Twin
Terrors did a silly handshake below the table.


The game was brutal. It was filled with fouls, inconsistencies and too much yelling. (Wood and
Flint had such nice set of lungs, they're probably frustrated they're just coaches). Draco had to
avoid a bludger coming from his own team several times now, dear Merlin; it's as if he's being
targeted by them. At one point, Fred Weasley had to fend off a bludger away from Draco even
though he's from the other team. Draco had been grateful, he had his back turned after all. It was
ironic Harry is the safest player in the field with how high he's flying.

Draco scanned the crowds for the snitch. As long as he found it, the battlefield will be silent! His
ears are ringing with all the noise! Flying high, Draco caught sight of fur and couldn't help but look
incredulously at the huge dog by the Gryffindor stands. The dog, seeing Draco look at him,
wagged his tail. Professor Lupin who was beside the dog sent him quite an innocent smile.

His cousin is unbelievable.

Flying by Harry, he couldn't help but tease the boy.

"How unbelievable, Potter! So that's why you're so interested in finding the snitch. Couldn't help
but want to show off to your guardians, aren't you!?"

The look on Harry's face as he saw Remus and Sirius was utterly comical. Harry flushed red and
fiddled with his Firebolt (now even more treasured once Sirius revealed he was the one to give it to

"Stop distracting me, Malfoy!"

"How funny." Draco chuckled before he saw a glimpse of gold by the Gryffindor stands. "Well
then, finding the snitch will be easier now."

Glancing down the scoreboard, 250-100 in favor of Gryffindor, Draco smirked as he saw
Montague with the quaffle. Swooping down, Draco immediately sped towards the snitch. Harry
thought it was a feint at first but he saw the glint of gold and didn't hesitate to give chase. Harry bit
back a frustrated groan as Draco surged upwards and twirled around him before rushing away.
Shaking his head to rid of the dizziness, Harry sped towards the snitch but he could see that he was
already too late.

The moment Draco's hand closed on the snitch that was flittering right above Hagrid's head, Draco
saw the quaffle fell due to Johnson's broom and cursed. Lee Jordan announced Draco Malfoy
caught the snitch and Madam Hooch immediately declared the match as a tie, 250-250.

He immediately flew by the pitch where Flint was fussing up a storm. Montague was there the
moment Draco touched the ground. The Slytherins were cheering but it was silenced as Montague
stalked over and pushed Draco. It was enough to make him stumble but he regained his balance,
his broom keeping him steady.

"What's the matter with you, Malfoy? You think we'd be happy about a tie?! What bullocks!
Bloody hell, can you even think?"

"What about you?" Draco striked back, "We would've won if you scored but I guess your skills
just aren't as great as they say, isn't it? When it was easily blocked by a Captain who is not even in
her original position."
Montague growled, wand already at hand and pointing it towards Draco. There were a bunch of
murmurs as the crowd watched, the Gryffindor team alighting their brooms in a hurry. Harry and
Angelina Johnson immediately held the twins back as they took a step towards the Slytherins. The
twins were known pacifists of fights during Quidditch matches and it's clear they wanted to stop it.
Fred and George shared a glance, wands already out of their holsters. They know they'll move
instinctively if Montague so much utters a spell but they saw the scene unfold and knew Draco
could handle it. Angelina blinked in shock as the twins lowered their wands.

"What? You're that upset you're pointing your inferior wand at me?" Draco mocked, "If you have
the guts to do it then go ahead."

"Don't mock me!" Montague snapped, "You think you're so great but you just got in through

"Ah, but I did audition and I was qualified. Don't even bother on how I got in, just look at my
skills." Draco sneered "and as you can see, as a seeker, I proved I can catch the snitch. How about
you? You've been a Chaser for years and yet you couldn't even score properly."

"Get off your high horse-"

"Locker rooms." A stern voice sounded and the Slytherins froze. It seemed Severus Snape had
made it to the pitch without them knowing. "Now."

The rest of Hogwarts didn't know what happened next, they were left in the dark as soon as the
Slytherin Quidditch team marched towards the locker rooms with their backs ramrod straight. The
Slytherins kept their mouths shut. What happened in the locker rooms stayed inside the locker
rooms, after all. Draco was certain his ears were still ringing by the time his Uncle Sev finished
berating each and every one of them.

Ah, what happens in the Slytherin common room stays in the Slytherin common room as well.

When the mermaids could get someone to speak with them however, they'd tell you all about the
Slytherin Quidditch team balancing a book about their major subjects on their outstretched hands
with bended knees for hours. Draco couldn't get them to be silent about it at all.

("Why did you only have to do it for less than half an hour?" Blaise asked, nodding at the seething
Quidditch team and Draco nonchalantly flipped a page on his Transfiguration book.
"Because I caught the snitch." Draco drawled loudly, "which means Slytherin gets to play another

Pansy snickered as the spell maintaining the Slytherins' posture disappeared, rendering them a pile
of groaning boys and heavy books by the floor.)


Ker Honey,

Yes, I do know how to make Amortentia but I haven't had the chance to do it. I only know how to do
it in theory because there hasn't really been a drive to make it. Your research is very worrying,
why and where would you need Amortentia for?

I am glad you're both doing your homework. I am absolutely flooded with it as well. I nag at you
lot to finish some and here I am cramming with you both because I've been so busy lately. If I ever
see another parchment paper today (sans on what I'm using to write this letter with, of course), I
think I'm going to explode.

Certainly, I do think you're the type to be very good in hands-on experience because Jo seems to be
the more bookish type. How about you go and pamper some of the mandrake roots there in
Greenhouse 1 because they're such nasty biters I think they need more pampering Professor Sprout
isn't giving.

I am immensely interested on yet another research project! Is it about the owls or about Hogwarts
this time? Frankly speaking, I'd rather that you both don't spook the owls while they're in the
Owlery anymore. Tell me more about our research soon! I'd give you ideas but I'm too distracted
to think of something great.

As much as I'd like to keep the letter longer, I can't ignore the stack of things to do anymore. Be
sure to do your homework, Honey. Please tell Jo Sweetheart as well.



This is bordering on inevitable. They're a package deal after all.

The interaction started easily enough.

One night after dinner, Draco and Hermione met alone in the Most Unused Section of The Library.
There, Draco and Hermione had a lengthy discussion about Muggleborns, Half-bloods, Purebloods
views, customs and social standing in Wizarding society. Draco also gave her a list of books not to
read because of misinformation. Hermione was shocked she read more than half of it and got
frustrated because she was being misinformed by the means she leaned into.

They stayed there for hours because they somehow started creating a chart of differences in
between the Muggle world and Wizarding world. It got so late that Ron had to go down the library
to fetch Hermione before curfew started. Draco believes the boy has a 'Point-Me' spell on
Hermione at all times because even Madam Pince forgot they were still there and left. There was a
Disillusionment charm and a silencing spell covering them so they were shocked Ron found them.
(Turns out, Ron knew it was Hermione's habit to read in that spot when she wants peace and quiet)

"You're not so bad at all, Draco." Hermione said, packing her things up and neatly folding the
chart. "Though it really is amusing for you to say things out of a book and people think you're
insulting me."

"So that's why you kept snickering after Malfoy confronts you." Ron commented. Hermione

"Yeah, his insults mostly come from a Pureblood book by Elladora Black." Hermione said,
nodding at the said book that was floating by Draco's left.

"Had to stay true to my Family views and all that." Draco shrugged. He waved a hand and the
floating books slowly left and placed their selves back in their respective shelves.

"Let's do this again, Draco."

"Sure. Let's do homework together."

Hearing that, Ron groaned. "Great. Now we won't be able to get the two of you out of this library."

Hermione and Draco shared an amused glance.

"Perhaps a game of Wizarding chess is in order." Hermione said, raising a brow.

Draco smirked, "Well, then. Prepare to cry, Weasley."

"As if, Malfoy."

A few days later, Hermione had to be the one to drag Ron out of the library because he and Draco
were battling for hours. It ended in a tie, to which had them declaring they'll be the winner the next
time they play.

Hermione rolled her eyes. Boys.


Seriously, Draco thinks he needs another place to study besides his room and the library.


Draco raised an unamused brow at the redhead beside him.

"Is there something you want, Fred Weasley?"

Fred blinked in shock at Draco's question.

"I thought you were just pulling my leg or something but you do recognise us. How rare." Fred
said, a tint of awe in his voice.

"I have never pulled any of your legs." Draco replied, scrunching his nose at the thought.

Fred couldn't resist and booped the blonde's nose as he snickered. "Prickly Prince."

Draco swatted the hand before glaring up at the Weasley. "Where's your other half?"

"Besides the one in front of me?" Fred winked before dodging a stinging hex coming from the
blonde. "Wow, never knew Malfoys could be so feisty!"

"Go bother someone else." Draco waved a dismissive hand as he turned another page.

"George is off doing our homework, thanks for asking. He lost our bloody battle of rock paper
scissors and the exploding snap tournament so he's suffering at the moment." Fred cackled,
continuing the conversation as if Draco didn't just dismiss him.

Draco stared at the red-headed twin and seeing the twin's twitching fingers, figured that he was

"Look. I don't tolerate others in my private space but if you're so bored you had to bother me, take a
seat and read this with me."

"I am bored," Fred trailed off. "...and you want me to read?"

"Then might as well go prank someone else."

Fred immediately sat across Draco and looked expectantly at the blond. Draco looked at the
section of the library to look out for his Watchers before sliding the book he was reading towards
Fred Weasley. He blinked as he caught Fred Weasley casting a camouflage bubble around them
and a silencing spell after that before leaning towards the book. A nonverbal spell, impressive
enough for a Weasley.

"Constellations?" Fred raised a brow. "You were seriously studying?"

"I am." Draco deadpanned. "We have a quiz by our next meeting and I'm required to have no

"Huh? But why?"

"Because I picked it as an elective." Draco answered, "I have to have O's on all my electives."

Fred winced before shrugging. He can't do anything about that. After all, the only thing he can help
with is share his knowledge.

"Well then..."

Fred tapped open the page and a huge star chart unfolded itself. He started pointing at the huge star
chart in front of them, explaining each and every chart with bits of information. Draco stared at the
redhead before focusing on what he's saying, jotting down notes on the things he hadn't known. It
was quite interesting for Draco to see such an unknown side of the Weasley. He's heard of his
godfather sigh at the twins' antics at class, it was always a very heavy sigh.

Draco was quite shocked that Fred Weasley is knowledgeable about Astronomy. He listened to
each constellations presented, the meaning, the shape, the story behind and everything else was
accurate. An hour later, they finished the star chart and Draco bit back a curse as he casted a
'Tempus', he was supposed to be back in his dorm half an hour ago.

"That was informative, I wouldn't have thought you'd retain information with how late the class
could be."

"The subject itself is interesting. George and I are the only ones completely awake by the time
Professor is done with her class." Fred chuckled. "We're night owls."

Draco gathered his things and Fred flicked his wrist, the papers neatly stacking themselves and
placed inside Draco's satchel.

"Thanks." Draco said, amused. It's been a while since he's seen someone not in Slytherin do things

"Anytime." Fred smirked at Draco before daring to wink, "See ya, Malfoy."

As Fred whistled his way out of the library, Draco had to wonder why he came in without checking
out any books. Shrugging the thought aside, Draco picked up his satchel and left the library.

Seeing Hilt outside, he sighed in relief the cat hadn't come inside. Pansy would've seen his
interaction with the other half of the Twin Terrors and interrogated him. Draco petted Hilt and
headed towards the Slytherin Common room.

Such a weird day.


They were in the Pureblood Training Room.

It was quite a miracle that Professor McGonagall scheduled the three of them together. It hadn't
happened ever since they got to Hogwarts.

There are no Purebloods in the Hogwarts staff so the one overseeing their training are the Head of
Houses. Professor McGonagall (having a strong Pureblood background on one side of her family
and having gone through it as well) handles the etiquette, mannerisms, and the duties to be done by
heirs. Professor Snape handles the knowledge department, the history, the know-hows. Professor
Flitwick teaches and improves the nonverbal spells because Purebloods have stronger innate magic
and can do spells wandlessly easier than other blood status. Professor Sprout oversees that the
Purebloods know how to interact with one another and usually make them join her for tea in the
greenhouses to test how well they've been doing in their trainings.

Though it may look like the Purebloods didn't take offence that there are no Purebloods in the
roster, they dominated the Hogwarts Board of Directors containing Four Families out of seven. The
Malfoys, The Parkinsons, The Abbots and The Browns. The Board certainly has much more
authority than a mere Professor and there's no questioning where the Purebloods would rather be.
"I assume the three of you are wondering why you were brought here." Professor McGonagall said.

"Quite honestly, I am in confusion." Pansy responded. "I thought we're going over my training."

"I do believe it is because of something that happened, Professor. Why else would we be here?"
Blaise drawled, a critical eye going over the place just in case something is amiss.

"We've been doing our duties quite well, Professor. Is there any other reason?" Draco relaxed his
tense shoulders once Blaise relaxed his. No one is Watching.

Professor McGonagall stared at the three children. "Oh, I suppose the Owls have been delayed."

Draco, Blaise and Pansy were directed to a couch and a plate of their favorite biscuits appeared on
the table with tea. Silently, Pansy waved her hand and the teapot floated and started pouring its
contents equally in the tea cups.

"Your parents contacted me about your summer training."

The three of them casted a glance at each other.

"The three of you will be given two weeks each to live in your respective Manors before you will
do a rotation. Miss Parkinson will live in the Malfoy Manor, Mister Zabini in the Parkinson Manor
and Mister Malfoy in the Zabini Manor."

Pansy barely remembered to conjure a napkin before clearing her throat because her tea went in the
wrong pipe. Blaise patted her back before shaking his head in bemusement. Draco however was
barely restraining his facial expression because he was that horrified.

"Did they state the reason regarding this, Professor?"

"I am surprised with the sudden change of plans, as well. They just casually uprooted the Summer
Training they've had meetings about for months." Professor McGonagall said, shaking her head. "I
gathered the three of you so you three could elaborate."

"I'd rather fight my uncle again- and without wands this time- before you'd make me step inside the
Malfoy Manor without Draco in there." Pansy sneered. The Malfoy Manor never quite liked her
and loved getting her lost.

"I'd rather transfer to Durmstrang than be stuck in the Parkinson Manor." Blaise deadpanned. The
Parkinson Manor is dangerous, it's a death trap. One misstep and an axe will be swinging down the
wall or something. There was a reason why balls were rarely held there.

"I do not wish to express my feelings regarding this topic." Draco said, sipping his tea. The Zabini
Manor is full of artefacts and cursed items. It loved bringing Draco to rooms filled with it and lock
him there for hours. "I do believe it will be explained in the letter if it were to be true."

Professor McGonagall nodded before standing up and looking expectantly at Pansy.

"In the meantime, we shall resume your training in here." Professor McGonagall said, brandishing
a fencing sword. "Miss Parkinson, if you please."

"Right away, Ma'am." Pansy responded, taking out her own sword.

Blaise brandished a book out of seemingly nowhere and handed it to Draco.

"Pansy told me she's being taught new maneuvers. Let's leave them to it."

Draco hummed his consent, accepting the book and flipping through its pages. He hasn't finished
studying for the test Professor Snape will make them take next meeting.

Blaise raised his hand and immediately went straight to practicing nonverbal spells. Professor
Flitwick was adamant that the Zabini Heir could do advanced spells by Fourth year and he's been
practicing nonstop so he could do it before Fourth year.

Behind them, the sounds of Pansy's frustrated groans echoed as she got defeated yet again.

Draco sighed as he fluffed Oreus' feathers as the owl snoozed on his arms. He was just visiting
Oreus by the Owlery because the owl has been snippy with him due to lack of deliveries. He only
accompanied Pansy to the place because she was delivering his letter to JoKer. Oreus had
squawked and looked at Draco in betrayal.

Pansy had laughed when the owl had raised its wings in defiance when Draco tried to stroke a wing
and left him there to appease Oreus. He's on the verge of having his image shattering with how
clingy his owl is being.

"Oreus, please. I was just accompanying Pansy." Draco sighed helplessly as the owl nipped his
finger. "You roam the Forbidden Forest all the time, you're hardly ever bored. I just sent you flying
towards the Manor a week ago."

The snoozing owl fidgeted at his words and had thrilled quite shrilly that Draco winced.

"Alright, you win!" Draco sighed, ignoring the talons digging into his arm when Draco tried to
coax him back to the custom made oak tree perch just for the Malfoy Owl. "I'll be sending a letter
to Mother, Oreus. Be patient, for Salazar's sake."

Hearing that, the owl let out a sound akin to a purr and obediently settled into the perch. Draco
rolled his eyes at the expectant look he got. Trudging out of the Owlery in search of parchment and
a quill, he blinked in confusion when said items were offered to him. Looking up, he raised a
dignified brow at George Weasley who was looking at him quite amusedly.

"I was going to write a letter but it looks like you needed it more." George answered the unsaid

"Malfoys write in high quality ink." Draco responded, sneering "which I don't think you could

George chuckled, "Yeah. You're probably right about that but you can't afford to waste time with
how impatient your Family Owl seems to be right at this moment."
George nodded his head by the entrance of the Owlery. Draco didn't have to look to know that
Oreus is fluffing up his feathers once again.

"I think the caretaker spoiled him too much." Draco grumbled before snatching up the subquality
self-inking quill and the parchment paper offered.

Writing a note to his mother complaining on how Oreus is quite demanding to make him send
letters, he hummed in thought on what else to add.

"You could ask for some things to be brought to you, I think your owl likes it when it delivers you
treats." George commented, glancing at the letter.

"I didn't ask for your input." Draco frowned, "where is your other half anyway, George Weasley?"

"Besides the one in front of me?" George grinned. Draco felt a déjà vu moment before flinging a
stinging hex at the Weasley. George cackled as he dodged. "Fred told me to say that! He said you
were going to hex me. He's off doing research, by the way. Thanks for asking."

"I don't know why that is amusing for you." Draco said, neatly transfiguring a fallen leaf into a
very intricate envelope.

"It is because you're becoming predictable for us." George said, grinning at the blond.

"I do wonder why both of you have taken to just show up where I go."

"You're interesting." George answered, his grin shifting to a joyful smile. "We like interesting."

Draco felt he had to blink with how bright the person is in front of him right now. Then again, he is
blocking the light so Draco had to squint.

"I know you're bored like your brother was, go bother the gatekeeper not me."

"Aw, but I'm having fun with you here." George whined though accepted the parchment and quill
Draco handed back.

"I'm not your entertainment, Weasley." Draco rolled his eyes and turning away.

George's posture straightened, eyes searching immediately for the source of Draco's immediate
change in calling. His eyes landed on a Seventh year Slytherin two hundred meters away, no doubt
seeing them.

A Watcher.

George clicked his tongue, annoyed that Malfoy had so many Watchers. He glimpsed at the blond
who went inside the Owlery and watched as Draco stroked Oreus the Owl's wing before it took off
flying. Draco caught his eyes and George grinned.

"See ya, Malfoy."

Draco couldn't even greet him back but when he passed by, George felt Draco hand him something
before walking away.

George acted innocently, unfolding the parchment in his hands and scribbling a letter for his
Darling. It's been a while since they got to send one and their reply is becoming infrequent once
more. The twins can't help but worry.

It was only after he went inside the Owlery and sent a H.Owl flying to send his letter did George
look at the note Draco gave him.


"Huh." George said, smirking. "Curiouser and curiouser."

(An hour later, Draco stared at his hands in confusion as he caught a whiff of ginger tea off of

If you think that the chaos the students brought during their justice on getting Sirius Black freed, it
paled in comparison to the announcement of Remus Lupin's announcement that he is resigning
from his post.

It all happened one afternoon after Rita Skeeter outed Remus Lupin as a werewolf. Once the news
came out that Sirius Black was innocent, more news about the man was printed everyday. From
accepting his inheritance and becoming Lord Black (along all the vaults, investments, all that has
been frozen were given back), to Lord Black demanding reparations from the Ministry for their
incompetency and the life he had for twelve consecutive years (the Black vaults just got deeper
because of that), to Lord Black announcing his relationship with Remus Lupin because as quoted in
his sole interview from 'The Quibbler', "he wanted to show off his mate."

Draco is tired of seeing his cousin in the front page. He had wanted to complain in front of said
cousin when he dropped by Professor Lupin's room but was horrified to see all of the said front
page news (including the ones during his escapee days) were hanging in gold-plated frames. The
walls couldn't be seen at all.

("Cousin, I cannot believe you would-"

"But I'm having so much fun!" Sirius whined, before smirking at one of the frames. "And I look

"Why didn't Professor stop-"

"Because Moony loves me!"

"No. I'm not doing this.")

Suffice to say, everything seemed to be working out. One night, Draco and Sirius had a long heart
to heart talk on becoming heir and Draco helping Sirius cope psychologically. After that, he's glad
that his Cousin is undergoing therapy anonymously in St. Mungo's so Harry wouldn't deal with the
typical Black nightmares and other traumas that much. He's also been staying with Professor Lupin
in his room because ("I can't go back in there without Moony with me so I'm going to disguise
msyself as a dog here in Hogwarts so no one will notice it's me. Don't worry, Dumbledore already
agreed." Draco doesn't want to know how they got the Headmaster to agree.)

Going back at the topic, Draco frowned. He did say he was tired of seeing his Cousin on the front
page of the Daily Prophet but he didn't like that the story they latched onto is about Professor
On how he's a dangerous werewolf who shouldn't be teaching at Hogwarts because it's dangerous.
The outrageous headline had him simmering in rage.


Do people even read facts before posting blasphemy? Draco thinks majority doesn't. Werewolves
aren't even that dangerous. They shouldn't be comparing them to a Nundu. Draco rolled his eyes.

Thinking on how to help, he immediately wrote a letter and had it delivered within the day.
Everyone in Hogwarts is murmuring about it and it further escalated when Professor Lupin was
nowhere to be seen at all.

Come dinner and everyone was still talking about it. The Gryffindor third years were all vehement
in spitting out facts thay werewolves were only dangerous during full moon. ("Professor Snape
covered this, you git! How could you think Professor Lupin is dangerous?! He's been teaching you
defense for nearly a year!" Ron Weasley got detention for punching a fifth year Ravenclaw but
Gryffindor gained five points because his head was in the right place. Even Pansy said so.)

Everyone went silent when the man of the hour showed up. Remus Lupin raised an amused brow
as everyone looked at him walk up towards the Teacher's Table. It was akin to how his own
sorting decades ago felt like that the Auburn haired man couldn't help but chuckle.

Reaching the podium, Remus gestured towards it and looked at Dumbledore.

"May I do the honors?"

Draco saw Dumbledore glare at Professor Lupin before his twinkling eyes went back as he nodded
his consent. Draco shuddered, something happened between the adults and he didn't think he'd
want to know. Ever.

"Students." Remus greeted cheerily, chuckling once more when all of Hogwarts went quiet. "How I
wish you've all been this quiet when I'm teaching. No, really, I'm joking. I quite like all of you
during my classes."

The atmosphere lightened, some students snickering when they remember some moments. Draco
watched as Professor Lupin looked towards the Slytherins, to the Hufflepuffs, to the Ravenclaws
and saw his smile got fond as his eyes landed at the Gryffindors.

"I've been hiding it for years, a lifetime, even. It is true that I am a werewolf. It is true that I am
dangerous and unable to teach some times. Some of you may have figured it out and I thank you
for your 'silence' on this matter."

Draco concluded that the wink after the statement was for him and couldn't help but snort. Silence,
sure. There were murmurs amongst the Hall and Draco caught Hermione staring at him before
rolling her eyes and huffing. Draco just rested his head on Pansy's shoulder, hiding his smug grin.

"And I am actually bisexual. Yes, I am mated to Sirius Black. Love is love, students, don't forget
that. Now that that's been acknowledged, I'd rather not prolong this any longer so I'm saying it
now." The students held their breaths as Professor Lupin announced.. "I will be resigning from my
post as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and Professor Snape will gladly take up my
post for the remaining year."

The silence was defeaning. Draco glanced at Harry Potter but nodded to himself as he saw the boy
calmly rubbing Hermione's back because she looked distressed (because their projects will be all
for naught, the deadline was tomorrow) and forcing Ron to close his jaw. It seemed his guardians
filled him in before coming here.

"No!" The Gryffindors yelled, breaking the silence. Harry startled from his seat, confused at the

"No!" The Ravenclaws yelled, injustice once again lighting a fire in their eyes. They've been doing
well with their Professor's classes. Why would a single article change that?

"Don't go!" The Hufflepuffs yelled, banging their utensils because they just couldn't believe their

The Slytherins remained silent but a lot had frowns and the lower years were glaring down at their
food. Draco sat up straight as he saw his Uncle's glare and helped himself with his mashed
potatoes, not at all bothered with the drama going on. Blaise had already finished eating and was
watching the events unfold like it was from the Wizarding Musical. Pansy was huffing, she just
finished the project they needed to pass after all.

The yells of "Please don't go" echoed throughout the halls and Draco saw that Professor Lupin was
frozen in shock. Honestly, couldn't he tell he's the favourite teacher of almost (quite arguably, all)
the majority of Hogwarts?

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and called forth the students' attention once again.

"Students, the decision between the Hogwarts board and the Staff is finalized. There will be no
changes. Now, eat."

Ah, so Father had been there as well. No wonder the decision is final just like that. It took him
longer than I thought.

The stern gaze at each and every table had everyone do what the Deputy Headmistress wanted and
Remus smiled as he settled comfortably in his seat. There will be a time for good-byes in his own
classes. The Great Hall shouldn't be subjected to too many tears. (The kitchen is already flooded
with it when the werewolf offered his good-byes. Dobby was the only one crying tears of joy
because "Master Sirius be needing his mate" or at least that is what Remus understood during the

Days passed and good-byes were said. Draco discussed it with Harry and the git was smugly
stating "I'll be with them all summer so I don't really care.". Harry had to dodge Hermione's swat
and Draco thinks Harry deserved it a little.

Somehow, Draco found himself invited for tea with Professor Lupin which turned into an hour long
debate about which spells to use and what combination can be deadly or useful regarding defense
and then the everyday spells. It was quite a debate that had Sirius' ears ringing so he left the room.
They sounded like they're doing a rap battle but both were using a different language.

Once they reached an agreement and the debate was settled, tea time was peaceful once again.
Draco couldn't help but bring the topic up once more.

"What are your plans after Hogwarts?"

"Sirius is still undergoing therapy so we're going to be living in my apartment first before exposing
ourselves in Grimmauld Place. Sirius is already in contact with Kreacher and he's on the move to
make the House habitable once more. When that time comes, I think it'll be during Harry's summer
"And will he be living in Grimmauld?"

Remus smiled warily, he's still nervous about that part. "That's the plan."

"Good for the three of you."

"Thank you."

"How about a job?" Draco asked, hiding his smirk when he sipped his tea.

"Ah, Sirius wanted to go exploring but we're putting that off until Harry starts his fourth year. He
says I don't need to get a job anymore because he's on a mission to waste his family gold or so he
says but I think he'll leave a few hundred vaults untouched for you and Harry." Remus chuckled. "I
think I'd love to have a job but society is still unwelcoming towards werewolves and now that I'm
out, a lot are afraid I'd become feral. It would be hard to find one where people accept my

"I see, then maybe you'd consider this."

Draco slipped an official envelope towards the werewolf that had the Gringotts seal. (Draco
already read what's in it and was glad he was included in the biometrics. Gringotts seals were
enhanced by Goblin magic that ensures those not included in the biometrics will get hexed)

"What is this, Draco?"

"You should open it. I merely asked if there was a position open."

Remus held the letter and almost choked as he saw the seal.

"Are you serious?!?"

"No, he's my Cousin." Draco replied, nibbling on a biscuit.

"But Gringotts doesn't just hire anyone. Let alone me." Remus trailed off, looking at the letter.

"Just read."

Remus did. He read and re-read it again.

And again.

Checked the letter for the magical content and studied it closely. It was genuine. (The magical
signature in the seal literally sealed the deal, that's for sure.)

Remus looked at the letter, to Draco then back at the letter again.

Remus was shocked at the contents that he hugged Draco when he finished reading the letter for
the fourth time. Draco reluctantly hugged back, unused to receiving surprise hugs.

The letter that was requesting Remus to work for Gringotts as a spell specialist fluttered down the
floor. The letter even concluded a time, a date, a payroll as if he's already agreed. (Included is a
note that states all fullmoon transformations are considered as paid sick leave and Remus
absolutely could not believe what he's reading.)

"Oh, Draco." Remus kissed Draco's forehead. "You are a miracle in snake skin."

Draco rolled his eyes at that and just basked in the warm feeling of the hug.

A few minutes later, Sirius found out about it (because he read the forgotten letter on the floor).
Needless to say, Draco needed to be saved from Padfoot's kisses. And slobber.


Everything's been going well lately and we're wondering if you're swamped with paperwork.

You haven't been responding much and we're starting to worry.

Is everything alright? Do you need any help?

We're willing to help you, just say the word.

Did your guardians forbid you to write to us as well?

Because I'd be sad.

We miss you, Darling.

Stay safe.


Ker Honey

P.S what do you say about exposing Watcher behaviours as our experiment?


One full night when the Golden Trio finally had the chance to hang out with Draco as they camped
out in Severus' own common room, they taught each other signs they thought of that seemed less
suspicious enough mixed with Mermish. When an excited Draco showed some to Severus, he
merely adjusted some because it looked deliberate. The four of them accidentally fell asleep by the
warm fireplace and woke up drowning in blankets. Severus denied he was the one who did that,
After waking up from their nap, Draco had to roll his eyes at Harry and Ron who both looked too
shocked they're still alive inside their Potions Professor's own common room. ("I thought we'd
choke on poisonous fumes by now." Ron muttered)

"What's your take on house elves, Draco?" Hermione asked, curious.

"Why do you ask?"

"I have a propaganda to free them."

"Oh Salazar, seize that at once Hermione! Do you want them to die?!"

"What?!" Hermione choked. "No!"

"For centuries house elves have been house elves, they live to serve their masters! Once they're
free and no one takes them, they'll die immediately! It's dangerous to free a house elf when they
love and live to work and serve for their master! Every master is different in their ways to treat
their own house elf. Not every elf is mistreated. House elves owners know that if a house elf
becomes free all of a sudden, they'll enter depression faster than anyone else! That's why Pureblood
families have an iron grip on their own house elves, even going as far to tying them to the Houses.
If a house elf is sent free and another House takes them, they're free to indulge all of what's
happened to their previous House. Everything, Hermione. From their first master to the last!
Haven't you read Elizeth the Elf Salvager? The Minister's elf approached her after being freed by
the minister which lead to his impeachment because his corrupt and violent ways were leaked.
Hogwarts elves do not have anywhere else to go! They're loyal to Hogwarts and Hogwarts alone.
The founders gave them this Home, the elves and their families' whole lives are protected here.
You're threatening the safety of Hogwarts without knowing it!"

There was silence after that, the Golden Trio staring at him, shocked.

Ron was the one who broke first, "So I take it you care for them."

"Of course I do." Draco frowned, "I've been raised by them all my life. You think my Father did all
the coddling, fussing and everything else?"
Hermione sighed, "Okay, I'll stop for now. Maybe not target the Hogwarts elves. I was going to do
something about it during Fourth year but i guess that would have to wait."

Draco nodded approvingly, "I'll make you a list of abusive Masters if that's what you want."

"Oh please do!"

"What about your mom, if house elves took care of you?" Harry asked, frowning.

"Well, she already did her duty of producing an heir." Draco shrugged. "I only see her sometimes.
In the dining table most of the time. She lives in a different wing."

"That's.." Hermione trailed off, her horrified expression giving away what she's thinking of saying.

"It's fine." Draco patted her, seeing Harry do it to calm her down. "I care for her too, she cares for
me, in her own way. She can't possibly show weakness in front of Father. Besides, one house elf in
charge of me helps me visit her but that's a thing of the past."

"Why so?"

"When Father came back after his visit in Hogwarts last semester... I don't know, he found out I
guess. Freed him, killed him, I don't know." Draco smiled sadly. "He just didn't come back."

The Golden Trio exchanged looks.

"Hey... what's his name?"

Draco shot Harry a confused look. "Why would you ask?"

Harry shrugged "Curious."

"Dobby." Draco's eyes softened, "He's been with me since before I was born."

When he looked at the Golden Trio, he furrowed his brows at the sight of three triumphant grins.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh no, it's just.." Hermione nodded to Harry.


A distinct crack sounded as Dobby apparated in front of Harry.

"You is calling, Mister Harry Potter, sir?"

"I figured you might want to meet someone." Harry nodded behind Dobby.

Dobby turned around to see a Draco staring at him and released an excited squeal as he ran to the
frozen blond, embracing him. Dobby might've been a free elf but he's not courageous to show
himself in front of the Malfoy heir once his mask is on. And oh Merlin, how his mask never fell.
Dobby couldn't find the time to approach the blond at all so he settled on making the blonde's
favorite dishes.

The trio watched at the Slytherin Prince willingly hugged the house elf that was once enslaved in
their Manor. To Harry, it felt like his mind finally decided that no Pureblood would ever stoop so
low to hug the lowest class willingly and Draco doing so proved that he was just a boy like him
brought to this world in an unfair environment. To Hermione, it felt like her justice against the
house elves changed for the better because she knows in her heart that she wouldn't be able to take
it if she ripped a house elf away from the House they've given their life for. Perhaps, she needed to
convince magicfolk to educate the elves first. To Ron, it was a bittersweet moment. He lived all his
life doing chores by hand and selfishly wished for a house elf so they could do it. Seeing the
heartfelt moment had him change his perspective to a better one, that house elves were just
magicfolk doing their jobs in order to live. Having a house elf that cares for you, and not out of fear
is quite rare in the Wizarding World. It was clear Dobby adored Malfoy.

"Young Master Draco!!" Dobby sobbed out. "You is still alive!!"

"Of course he is." Ron answered for the blond, bewilderment breaking his thoughts.. "Why
wouldn't he be!"

"Young Master Draco gets punished everyday! Dobby not there to take it for him!" Dobby replied,
ignoring the shocked gasps and Draco's groan as Dobby suddenly put his hands on his hips.
"Young Master Draco so thin! Young Master not eating!! You be eating! You not study! Study!

Draco laughed nervously, looking away.

"So great to see you, Dobby. I forgot how much you fuss and nag at me." Draco hugged the house
elf once more, unashamed. "How did you know Harry?"

Dobby brightened, "When Master Draco be muttering he be needing help so dark thing won't kill
Harry Potter, sir!"

Draco stared at Dobby, then at Harry, then at Dobby again. Knowing Dobby's train of thought is
out of the trunk, it wasn't help at all.

"Oh sweet Salazar, what did you do?" Draco asked, already regretting it.

"Remember when we came to Hogwarts in a car?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, I had a good laugh because of that." Draco chuckled, "The Willow's been fussy for weeks
after that."

"Dobby be closing the platform!" Dobby replied, jumping excitedly. "Dobby know Harry Potter
not be going to Hogwarts best plan!"

"Yeah, Dobby tried to not make Harry go back to Hogwarts." Hermione crossed her arms and shot
Dobby a stern look.
"Did you know there was a basilisk in Hogwarts?" Hermione asked.

Draco shook his head, "I only suspected it was one. Never really sure about it."

"Dobby was also the owner of the rogue bludger that got Harry's arm." Ron said, steering the
conversation away as Harry paled at the mention of the basilisk.

"It's not Dobby's fault Harry sucked at dodging it, no wonder the movements looked familiar."
Draco defended. "It's also not his fault Harry let a rip-off professor tend to his arm after that."

"Young Master Draco be good at dodging Dobby's bludgers!" Dobby nodded in agreement. It was
true, the reason Draco was good at dodging bludgers was because he didn't want to get hit by the
ancient metal bludgers they practiced on in the Manor.

"Well Dobby almost got me expelled by dumping cake using magic." Harry shrugged. "But it's
fine now."

"Okay, that one's not good." Draco laughed sheepishly then faced Dobby. "You do know not all
houses are magical, right? Harry's remaining relatives are a bunch of horrible muggles. They don't
have ancient runes protecting their wards and Houses from detecting magic."

"Dobby not be doing it again." Dobby's ears lowered. "Dobby is sorry."

Remembering how awful they were at Harry, Draco just had a bright idea.

"Dobby will be doing it again." Draco nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You could go
haunt them in Hallow's Eve. You're a free elf now, though. So it's only my suggestion."

"Dobby be doing it!" Dobby jumped excitedly, excitedly. "Dobby be missing doing that!"

"Uhh not to burst your bubble but why would Dobby miss haunting?"

Draco snickered. "Diagon Alley trips were boring. So I had Dobby haunt the shops we're in. There
was that one particular trip in the muggle world that had the owners deciding to move out after our

"Master Draco scared them so much." Dobby smiled fondly at the memory. "Lucius was mad,

"Forget him. You're free now, Dobby!"

Dobby beamed.

Draco felt his grudges disappear as he saw it. So there really was a reason why there was plenty of
apple dishes by the Slytherin Table. It was because Dobby's here at Hogwarts. Alive.

Draco smiled back.

Alive is good.


Honestly speaking, the first time was an accident.

Draco had been practicing the motions of the jinxes he knew with his dominant hand.

It was quite crowded in the courtyard and yes, Pansy already said he needed to be careful because
he could cast it non-verbally and no, Blaise isn't with them because Professor Flitwick is currently
training him.

It certainly wasn't Draco's fault that there was a chilly breeze that passed by as he was doing the
tripping jinx motion. He sneezed, accidentally releasing some magic because his focus was thrown

There was a yelp and a crash followed by pained groans.

Then, came laughter.

Draco immediately whipped his head in his front at the sound, raising an amused brow at the
Weasley Twins and several others were on the floor.

"Did something happen?" Draco asked, flipping his journal.

"Yeah, you released the tripping jinx and the Weasley twins fell on their friends, creating a domino
of people collapsing on the ground. Great job, dear." Pansy snorted, shaking her head as the
Weasley twins began shoving each other and Jordan Lee sighing as he got up, whacking both their

"That totally did not happen." Draco grimaced.

"Suit yourself." Pansy scoffed, "I only said what I saw."

The next time was deliberate and dear Salazar, Draco couldn't hide his smirk for days.

It was dinner time and the Slytherins were peacefully eating, etiquette drilled in their bodies active
until a huge musical bullfrog dropped from out of nowhere, splashing bits of pumpkin pasties
everywhere. There were screams all over the Great Hall because somehow it started raining frogs,
musical ones and pets alike. Draco could hear Longbottom shrieking the name of his frog all the
way from where he's sitting.

It's all fine and dandy, he's dissected a lot and experimented with each and every bit of the creature
so he could easily ignore the chaos surrounding him. He knows Dobby's been protecting what he's
eating all this time as well so he's probably the safest out of all of the students.

Until mashed potatoes were deliberately thrown in his face, that is.

Blaise and Pansy froze beside him, splatters of the food landing on them as well. Draco blinked as
he felt the gravy drip disgustingly at his robes. Irritation burst forth and his stoic mask broke, eyes
glaring forward where the food came from.
Draco knew he couldn't accuse them, they were at different ends of the room and it was totally
impossible unless they got good aim (which, they do), but as he saw the twins grin at him and sent
him a peace sign before throwing food elsewhere...

"I'm allowed to murder." Draco muttered to himself.

"You're absolutely not." Blaise deadpanned, wandlessly cleaning himself up and passing Draco a
cloth the blond Slytherin begrudgingly accepted.

"But you're legally privileged so go ahead." Pansy said, waving a dismissive hand. Draco grabbed
a goblet with the intention to do just that but he felt a piercing gaze and settled down once he saw
his Uncle's glare. Draco would've glared back but he knows that he looked ridiculous right now.

The ongoing frog rain and food fight lasted all of five minutes, (wherein students ignored
Dumbledore's scream). Only when Professor McGonagall cleared her throat did the students froze.
One disapproving frown from Professor Lupin had them settling down.

Draco snorted at that, he'd bet a galleon that Cousin Siri would make him participate if he were

With the fiasco finished, the frogs were levitated away and the passed out students were
disapparated by the house elves towards the Hospital Wing. Dobby had popped up and cleaned
Draco and his friends efficiently as well, now that the Malfoy Heir knows he existed. (Blaise and
Pansy almost had a heart attack at the House Elf they thought were dead suddenly popping up.)

Draco got out of the Great Hall swearing revenge.

And if the Weasley Twins, with their red hair and their hand me down robes as their trademark
look, were suddenly blonde for a week...

Well, Draco didn't need to divulge that revenge tasted sweet.

(The twins totally panicked on how, when and where they were pranked because they were
successfully and quite comically caught unaware.)
(Dobby, the accomplice, promised not to say a word.)



It's always been fun doing experiments with you and I am quite delighted to know you both were
very invested in figuring out who could be the Watcher and who could they be Watching! It's a
helpful thing to realize and this experiment could be controversial if we do publish it. Hm, how

My guardians complained you've both been whining at them so I'd write to you. Honestly, the
H.Owls are probably tired of delivering our letters so much. I went inside and one H.Owl hooted at
me when it saw my letter then went right back sleep. Luckily, Nip was there to save the day!

I am saddened at the thought of Professor Lupin not being able to be our Defense Against the Dark
Arts Professor anymore. I'd wanted him to stay on that post until we graduate. You know, since
he's a werewolf and all, I thought he'd be immune to the curse of that position.

I am glad that Sirius Black's life is great, he is a good man and I'm glad Professor Lupin is going
to be with him. Who would've thought they're connected, right? Mates at that!

My projects and homeworks are all finished, finally. I don't have any deadlines anymore! I am now
free to read the newest book that my Mother sent me. I am absolutely interested in knowing the
mysteries inside it.

I am not going to nag you about homework but I do hope you both don't botch up another potion.
You wrote your previous letter in a scratch paper, by the way and its content was a totally different
potion than what was written above. I was so appalled by it and would gladly request that you both
don't melt any more cauldrons. Please. Bat eyes and Mint leaves do no go together. At all.

The school year is ending and I find myself being sentimental again.

I won't be able to write at all during the summer months because I will be away from here.
Until the next letter then.



After a petition from majority of Hogwarts, the Board and the Staff had acquiesced to retain Remus
Lupin as the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor until the end of the school year. Sirius took
the news well after sulking as Padfoot for hours. He'd wanted to do couple stuff with Remus before
Harry's summer but Remus convinced him properly. (There were rose petals and baths involved)

It's been an eventful and fruitful year. Before the final exams however, Draco was really looking
forward to end it. His Potions apprenticeship has been taken up a notch and he spent two full days
with his Uncle Sev locked up in the Potions Laboratory. It had Draco almost getting sick of seeing
another vial. It was remedied immediately when he saw the Golden Trio's expression when they
found out that years of being exposed to Severus Snape's potions had Draco able to brew a
N.E.W.Ts level potions accurately. The awe immediately flushed out of Harry and Ron's system
the moment Hermione and Draco started speaking rapidly about Potions ingredients.

Madam Pomfrey was quite surprised at the amount of Skele-Gro, Pepper Up potions and a months
worth supply of nutrition potions and stomach soothing potions, a small box of veritaserum were
delivered by a disgruntled Draco through the connecting Floo. She laughed quite amusedly before
reminding him of his own lessons with her.

Draco wasn't really sure how he could balance everything, he's quite amazed at himself. Thirteen
and already having three career paths to take. He's quite amazed at the growth of his friends as
well. Pansy had already mastered the advanced swordsmanship from Professor McGonagall and
Blaise is already casting NEWT-level spells with only his dominant hand. (It's been days since he'd
seen his friend use his wand).

After the end of the year feast, the trio exchanged glances filled with dread. In two weeks time,
their respective hell will begin. There was absolutely no explanation on why they needed to learn
to maneuver in different Manors but it was implied something big was coming.
In fact, it didn't even involve the Quidditch World Cup.

"Imagine, we'd be seeing each other again during the world's most boring game ever invented."
Pansy said, not at all excited on going.

"Relax, Pansy. There's a lot of people there. We can blend in and escape for a few hours."

"Ugh, if that's even possible. I'm required to be near Father at all times. I even heard he'll be taking
the peacocks along! I am not looking forward to it either."

"What a bunch of wusses." Blaise clicked his tongue. "Fine, we'll just hang out by the Manor tent
and antagonize the peacocks."

"Something big is coming, huh?" Pansy muttered.

The Slytherin boys hummed their consent.

"Well then, bring it on." Pansy declared.

Alighting the carriage and going towards the Hogwarts train, Draco caught a glimpse of redheads
coming towards him and rolled his eyes as they passed by.

His ears perked as he heard 'Darling' during the Twin Terrors' conversation with Lee Jordan.

His heartbeat raced as his eyes followed the twin's backs, seeing them laugh and grin so brightly.


Just maybe...

Draco blinked.
"Nah." He chuckled weakly.

Draco glanced at the twin's direction again and startled when he saw them both waving at him
goodbye. He waved back and quickly looked away from their surprised faces with a small smile of

His hand went towards the pocket of his slacks, gripping ginger tea-stained paper.

"It can't be... right?"


Our Darling D,


This will be our last letter to you this school year.

We are very happy that you reached out and continued being our friend no matter how
anonymous you've been. You are a mysterious person and we haven't even known what your
gender is, come to think of it.

You've been a hurricane for us. You're unpredictable and fierce and only show up once in a while.
You leave us a mess whenever we receive a letter from you.

You've been like our favorite blanket. You give us warmth, you became one of our safe space.
We'd also like to hug you because you've been through a lot.

You are one of our favourite person. You're interesting and we like interesting people.
And as much as we'd like to write this letter a little longer, we figured you'd combust if we
shower you with more of our appreciation.

Maybe next semester, we'll find ourselves in a lone alcove and we'll reveal ourselves.

Maybe next semester, we'll be walking along the halls and when we see you, we'll know
you've been Our Darling D all this time.

There were a lot of maybe's to be written but we'll leave it as it is.

Enjoy your vacation like we'll enjoy ours!

Be safe.

Be well.

We're here, Darling.

Never gonna leave you, darling!


Jo Sweetheart & Ker Honey

P.S Look forward to next semester, yeah?

Chapter End Notes

And that's the end of the first part of Our Darling D! I did feel guilty a lot of readers
were looking forward to reading the rest but ended up with the last chapter. I mean, I'd
be exasperated with myself too. I posted O.D.D to further promote this ship and I
already decided that this would be a trilogy. It just so happened I've been hit with
writer's block and I had a hard time accepting the fact I'm ending the story here. My
Fourth year drafts needed more Draco and Twins interactions so that's what I've been
focusing on doing I forgot to post this. I changed up a lot of the scenes before posting
this so I do hope I brought joy and the chapter was long enough so your wait was
worth it.

Shoutout to all my commenters that reminded me I have a fic to update, my

bookmarkers, my subscribers, my kudos, my Darling readers! I love all of you with all
my potions ingredients. I haven't had the chance to check the kudos count (1686
kudos!!!) but thank you all so much on being with me on this journey and loving the
way I write.

I am not promising any dates but I'll post the second part this year. I'll be back soon!

Look forward to it, yeah?

End Notes

Comments makes me feel loved, Kudos makes me smile, Bookmarks has my heart
skipping a beat~ Thank you for reading!

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