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The day I almost failed a unit

Hello Everybody, my name is Fabian Carranza and on this occasion, I will narrate the
time I almost missed my chemistry exam.

When I was in my second cycle at university, I used to take the microbus every day.
One winter morning, I overslept and missed the microbus. Panicked, I realized I had a
chemistry test that day. In a moment of desperation, I said to myself, 'If I don't find
another way to the university, I'll fail the test.' Added to this, since I had just gotten up, I
still had to have breakfast because if I didn't have breakfast I would be hungry until
lunchtime and I could fail my exam. So, with time against me, I ate breakfast as fast as I
could and went looking for a taxi because unless I took one I wasn't going to be on time
to university. Luckily I got there on time because if I don't take my exam I could fail the

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