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8 Ofun Obara Ingles

Uploaded by GerardoMotaRivas on Mar 27, 2018

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1. Ifa advises this person to offer the ebo of slanders so that

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those who claim to be close to him/her will not be the same
person who will tarnish his/her image. Ifa however says that
as this person has bad friends who want his/her downfall so

also did he/she have a good friend who will do anything and
everything at his/her disposal to ensure that this person’s
image is redeemed. Ifa advises this person to identify the
friend and for both of them to procure two coconut each to
propitiate their Ori. They also need to feed Obatala with four
snails. Ebo materials: one matured he-goat, two guinea-
fowls and money. on this, Ifa says:
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Ibaje ojo kan kii tan logun odun
Dia fun Epo
Tii sore Ala
Beni ba bani je
Eni nii tun’nii se o 
Dia fun Okoto
Is this content
Ti n looinappropriate?
tun Ala se o Report this Document
 Awo mejeeji nii somo Orisa Gbowuji
Won ni ki Ala rubo
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni ni jebutu ire

The dent in reputation of one day cannot be redeemed in 20
Ifa’s message for Epo the palm-oil
Who was the friend of Ala the white clothe
If someone dent one’s image 
 Another person is bound to redeemed one’s image 
Ifa’s message for Okoto, the Soap 
When going to redeemed the image of the white clothe
Both of them were the children of Orisa Gbowuji
The white clothe was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory

2. Ifa advises this person to offer the ebo against stomach

trouble and slanderers. Ebo materials here are: three
roosters and money. He/she also needs to feed Orisa Oko
as prescribed by Ifa. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun balaje telegan lo ku

 A se oun gbogbo tan
Dia fun Okunkun
Tii saya Ogiri
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Nje Ina wole de

Okunkun parade
Ofun spoils the white clothe and remain for slanderers to
Ifa has done all things
It remains for critics and gossip
Ifa’s message for Okunkun, darkness 
The wife of Ogiri the wall
She was advised to offer ebo
She refused to comply
When the light came into the house
Darkness disappear

3. Ifa says that three things are preoccupying the mind of this
person. He/she needs to propitiate the Ori of his/her mother
because the Ori of her mother is angry. Ifa must be
consulted in order to determine what the Ori of this person’s
mother will accept. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun balaje telegan lo ku

 A se oun gbogbo tan
O ku telenu
 Awo Elekiti lo dia f’Elekiti 
Ti yoo maa da adaaro
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
E o rifa nse looro gangan


Ofun spoils the white clothe and remain for slanderers to

Ifa has done all things
It remains for critics and gossip
Ifa’s message for Elekiti 
Who will be working without reaping any profit
He was advised to offer ebo
He failed to comply
Travelers to Ipo and Ofa towns
Can’t you see the prediction of Ifa as it come to pass  

4. Ifa says that it foresees the ire of prosperity and ire of

childbearing for this person. Ifa says that his/her life will be
very interesting. Ebo materials: two land snails, two
pigeons, a bundle of white clothe and money. on this, Ifa

Ofun balaje telegan lo ku

 A se oun gbogbo tan
O ku telenu o
Dia fun Ogodo
Tii somo won ni Ipapo Olejin
Ebo omo ni won ni ko waa se o
Ogodo bo o ti n rubo ola
Bee naa lo n ru tomo


Ofun spoils the white clothe and remain for slanderers to

Ifa has done all things
It remains for critics and gossip
Ifa’s message for Ogodo, cotton wool 
There child in Ipapo Oleji town
She was advised to offer the ebo of childbearing
She complied
Ogodo as she was offering the ebo of prosperity
So also was she offering the ebo of childbearing

5. Ifa warns this person not to go any funeral ceremony of to

anywhere that someone is ill. This is the reason why it is a
taboo for this person to work as a medical or paramedical
personal. If there is a funeral procession, he/she must never
be part of it and must never meet them on the road. If the
procession is coming in his/her way, he/she must find
another way in order to avoid meeting them. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with three roosters and money.

Toto sun
Toto sun
 Akolona sun’mi poroporo 
Dia fun Onile-Akodi
Ti yoo naa s’asun idake 
Won ni ko sakaale ebo ni sise
Ko ma lo sibi oku
O lo, o sunkun ko dake

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Lo ba dele lo ku

Toto sun
Toto sun
 Akolona sun’mi poroporo 
Ifa’s message of Onile Akodi 
Who will be crying without stopping
She was advised to offer ebo
 And she was warned not to go to any funeral ceremony
She refused to comply
She went to the funeral ceremony
She began to cry without stopping
She returned home only to meet he own death

6. Ifa says that this person is going to buy some good for sale.
The elders of the night are the ones who are selling the
goods there. This person will go safely and return safely.
 And the goods that he/she plans to buy will have profit. Ebo
materials are three pigeons and money. He/she also needs
to feed the elders of the night with one matured she-goat.
The she-goat will be slice open the hearth will be opened
and plenty of palm oil will be poured inside the sliced she-
goat. On this, Ifa says:

Baabaa bo, baabaa bo

 Apata nla gbeyin orun
Dia fun Orunmila

Baba nloo ba won najaa fogbo na

Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
 Awa laa yun o
 A laa bo
 Awa ba won naja Eleye
 Awa bo
Nje iwo leye
Emi leye
Eye njo fohun lapo

Baabaa bo, baabaa bo
 A mighty hill at the back of heaven
Ifa’s message for Orunmila 
When going to transact business where people use
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
We went successfully
We return successfully
We went to transact business with the elders of the night
 And we return successfully
You have your own witchcraft bird
I have my own witchcraft bird
Our birds are singing in our pocket

7. Ifa says that the lives of two people will be prosperous and
interesting. They are on a travel outside the local domain.

Ifa warns them against avarices. They need to offer ebo

with four pigeons, four hens and money. They also need to
feed the Elders of the Night with plenty of yam pottage and
place the Ipese at the outskirt of the town. They also need
to feed Ibeji with black eye peas and fruit. On this, Ifa says:

 Aja ni o huko
 Akuko adie n o ha leelebe jale
Dia fun Edun oun Iwa
Won jo ntorun bo waye
Won ni ko won rubo, iwo lo rubo
Edun duro sona odi ilu
Edun sebi wio lo so Iwa nu
Edun oun Iwa ni wn jo ntorun bo waye
Edun sebi iwo lo so’wa nu 

 A dog does not cough
 And the rooster does not cough out phlegm
Ifa’s message for Edun and Iwa character  
When coming from heaven to earth
They were advised to offer ebo
Only Iwa complied with the ebo
Edun stayed at the boundary of the town
Edun you are the one who missed good character
It was Edun and character that were coming from heaven to
Edun you are one who missed good character

8. Ifa says that this person is going to buy some good that will
turn him/her into an instant success. Ifa says that it foresees
the ire of joy and accomplishment. Ebo materials: four rats,
four fish, two pigeons, two guinea-fowls, two hens, two
roosters, two ducks and money. on this, Ifa says:

Ofun ni nsun bii toto

Olobara nii sun bi toto
Opeere lo ji ni kutukutu
Lomo teeni-teeni
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Kinni ngbonibara bi Oba oroni
Egun Ajase, ni ngbonibara bi Oba aroni

Ofun is crying endlessly
 And Olobara is weeping ceaselessly
When the Opere sparrow woke up early in the morning
It appeared neat and elegant
Ifa’s message for Onibara 
The offspring of Aregun Oba
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
What is giving Onibara the support like the king of success
It was Egun Ajase that turned Onibara to the king of success

9. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo so that one of his/her

child will not die. Ebo material: one matured he-goat and

one of the garments of this child and money. This garment

must be set ablaze.

Ofun lo gori ode nii sun bii toto

Olobara gbele a sunmeme
Totosun, toto sun
 Akolona sun’mi poroporo 
Dia fun Iwaleyi omo Olodumare
Olomo ateni-legelege fori gbeji
Eyi ti nresale Ogbeji
Ti nrenu igbe, ree sunkun omo jeejee

Ofun climbed the roof top and is crying endlessly
 And Olobara stayed on the ground and is weeping
Totosun, toto sun
 Akolona sun’mi poroporo 
Ifa’s message for Iwaleyi the child of Olodumare 
He who spread the mat of honour gingerly on the high sea
When going to the wilderness where two people cannot go
at a time
 And was going to weep in lamentation of the loss of her child

10. Ifa says that there is one woman who needs to offer
ebo in order to receive the blessing of the fruit of the womb.
This woman also needs to marry someone who is initiated
into Ifa. Ebo materials: one matured she-goat and money.

She also needs to feed Ifa with four rats, four fish, one hen,
and plenty of palm-oil. On this, Ifa says:

Ogbologboo imado nii yi koroyi-koroyi

Dia fun Arohunwe
Tii saya Agbonniregun
O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun omo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Ogbologbo imade lo mu e wa n’Edu o 
 Arohunwe, o daya Awo

 A big bush pig is it that walks awkwardly
Ifa’s message for Arohunwe 
The wife of Agbonniregun
When lamenting her inability to beget her own baby
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
It was the big bush pig that introduces you to Edu
 Arohunwe you become the wife of an awo

11. Ifa says that there is the need to offer ebo for a woman
not to lose her life prematurely. She is an Apetebi. Ifa
advises this woman to offer ebo with three roosters and
money. She also needs to feed Ifa with two rats and two
fish. On this, Ifa says:

Orule beyin baara

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Dia fun Ronro

Tii somo obinrin akitan
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O koti ogbonyin sebo
Giri ti mo kase nile
Nifa ba se o

The roof top with broad back
Ifa’s message for Ronro, the Mushroom
The wife of Akitan, the refuse dump hill
She was advised to offer ebo of longevity
She refused to comply
 As soon as I left the place
The prediction of Ifa came to pass

12. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of victory. Many

people are conspiring against him/her but he/she will
overcome. Ebo materials: three roosters, three hens and

 Ata were ko sunkan

Gbogbo ogun ko bo pe
Dia fun Ojo
 A bu fun Erukuru
Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se
Ojo nikan nibe leyin tin sebo
Ina ni gbogun

Ojo n bewe
Ojo ni yoo sete Erukuru

The pepper tree does not germinate only one seed
 All the soldiers who went to war cannot return without
losing any soldier
Ifa’s message for Ojo, the Rainfall 
 And for Erukuru, the Dust
They were both advised to offer ebo
Only Ojo complied
Fire waged war
Ojo sent in soldiers
It was Ojo who will surely overcome the conspiracy of
the Dust

13. Ifa advises this person to offer the ebo of victory against
enemies. There are too many enemies that have
surrounded this person. Ebo materials: four roosters, four
hens, and money.

Torotoro sun
Torotoro sun
 Akolana sun poroporo
Dia fun Egberun Eruwa
Ti n ba Ina sota
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se
O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Egberun Eruwa ti nba Ina sota

Ina ni yoo reyin i gbogbo won o

Torotoro sun
Torotoro sun
 Akolana sun poroporo
Ifa’s message for 1,000 shrubs 
Who are conspiring against fire
They were advised to offer ebo
Only fire complied
 All the 1,000 shrubs that were conspiring against fire
The fire will surely see their end

14. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo of victory. He/she

also needs to offer ebo for him to receive blessings of
Olodumare. He/she is planning to go on a journey. He/she
will receive prestige and honour there. Ifa advises this
person to offer ebo with eight guinea-fowls, eight pigeons
and money. He/she also needs to feed his/her Ori with one
pigeon and one guinea-fowl. On this, Ifa says:

Baala sun
Baala sun
Balabala bafo
Dia fun Ina
Ina nlo segi loo jo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Ko pe, ko jinna
E wa ba ni laruuse ogun o

Baala sun
Baala sun
Balabala bafo
Ifa’s message for Ina, fire 
When travelling to a long distance to dance
He was advised to offer ebo
He complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of victory

15. Ifa advises a woman to offer ebo in order to receive the

blessing of the fruit of the womb. Ifa advises this woman to
offer ebo with one matured she-goat and money. She also
needs to feed Ifa with two rats, two fish and one matured
she-goat. On this, Ifa says:

Torotoro sun
Torotoro sun
 Akolona sun poroporo
Dia fun Osunfunleyo
Tii says Agbonniregun
O feyinti moju ekun sunrahun tomo
Ebo ni won ni ko waa se

O gb’ebo, o ru’bo 
Ko pe, ko jinna
E ba ni ba jebutu omo

Torotoro sun
Torotoro sun
 Akolona sun poroporo
Ifa’s message for Osunfunleyo 
The wife of Agbonniregun
When she was weeping in lamentation of her inability to
beget her own babies
She was advised to offer ebo
She complied
Before long, not too far
Join us in the midst of children

16. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo against those who
plans to spoil his/her reputation and character. He/she
needs to propitiate his/her Ori regularly and at the same
time, he/she needs to identify a friend who is after his/her
progress all the time. Ifa advises this person to offer ebo
with one matured he-goat and money. He/she also needs to
feed his Ori with one duck. On this, Ifa says:

Ofun bala je
O loun tala se ni
Dia fun Baaje-baaje
Dia fun Tunnise-tunnise

Ebo ni won ni ki won waa se

Tunnise nikan nibe leyin tin sebo
Bi Abanije ti n bani je
Bee l’Atunnise si n tunni se 

Ofun spoils the white clothe
But claims to be repairing the clothe
Ifa’s message for Baaje-baaje, the Spoiler
 And also for Tunnise-tunnise, the Mender
They were advised to offer ebo
Only Tunnise complied
 As the spoiler continues to spoil one’s character  
So also is the mender continues to mend one’s

 Aboru Aboye

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