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To get caught in the rain = to get drenched: bi dinh mua

Very hot = boiling hot = scorching hot
Unbroken sunshine: nang chang chang
Long-range forecast
A blanket of snow: 1 noi toan tuyet
Very cold = freezing cold
To be below freezing: nhiet do duoi 0 do C
Bitterly cold: unpleasant because of cold weather
Weather deteriorates: thoi tiet dien bien xau di
Stuffy (a): ngot ngat
Pleasant and delightful (a): de chiu
Scorching (a) nong buc
Moist and humid (a): am
Cozy (a): am ap, de chiu
Heavy downpours: mua lon
Heat wave: dot nong
Rainfall: luong mua
Extreme weather events: cac su kien thoi tiet khac nghiet
Prolonged periods of excessively high temperature
Alright. So there are four distinct seasons in Vietnam, namely spring, summer, fall,
and winter, and each holding its own beauty and uniqueness. But among these, I
think spring is the most favorable.
Right. Spring in Vietnam normally begins in February and lasts about three to four
months. Some call springs the transition between winter and summer, and while I
admit that they got a point, I still believe spring is much more of a transitional
The first thing that I noticed is that the weather was pretty pleasant compared to
other periods of the year. While we usually experience unbearable heat in the
summer, and chilling cold in the winter, spring offers a wonderful feel, with gentle
breezes and occasional fine rain. This lovely kind of weather allows people,
including me, to put on all the clothes that we fancy, without worrying about
being too hot or too cold.
The second reason I should mention is that there are a myriad of festivals and
traditional holidays during spring, one of which being the most important in our
culture: the Lunar New Year, also known as Tet. I love Tet since I will have more
time to spend with my family and friends. Even better, I will finally be able to
enjoy lots of scrumptious dishes prepared by my mother, which is something I’ve
always longed for during the year.
Lastly, spring is when I was born, so there is a personal connection between me
and this time of the year. When in spring, I feel energized and geared up for a
new year with hopes and anticipation. However, I do have to admit that,
sometimes, spring can be quite displeasing, as the atmosphere tends to be quite
humid, making things seem to be wet and soggy all the time. But we have ACs at
home, so this minor inconvenience is not a big deal at all.

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