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Fluid mechanics blue print objective

21. Understand concepts, principles, laws, observations, and models of fluids at rest and in
Fluids are a class of materials that can flow and take the shape of their container. Understanding
the behavior of fluids at rest and in motion is important in various applications, such as
engineering, physics, and chemistry. The concepts, principles, laws, observations, and models of
fluids can be divided into two main categories: fluids at rest and fluids in motion.
Fluids at Rest:
Fluids at rest are fluids that are not in motion. The behavior of fluids at rest can be described by
several concepts, principles, laws, and observations, including:
1. Pressure: Pressure is the force per unit area exerted by a fluid on the walls of its container. The
pressure of a fluid at rest is equal in all directions and increases with depth.
2. Pascal's Law: Pascal's law states that a change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is
transmitted equally to all parts of the fluid. This law is the basis for many hydraulic systems.
3. Archimedes' Principle: Archimedes' principle states that the buoyant force on an object
submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This principle is
the basis for understanding the behavior of objects in fluids, such as ships and submarines.
4. Bernoulli's Principle: Bernoulli's principle states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, the
pressure of the fluid decreases. This principle is the basis for understanding the behavior of fluids
in motion, such as airfoils and fluid pumps.
Fluids in Motion:
Fluids in motion are fluids that are flowing or in motion. The behavior of fluids in motion can be
described by several concepts, principles, laws, and models, including:
1. Continuity Equation: The continuity equation states that the mass flow rate of a fluid is constant
throughout a system, meaning that the product of the fluid velocity and the cross-sectional area of
the pipe or channel is constant.
2. Bernoulli's Principle: Bernoulli's principle, as mentioned above, describes the relationship
between fluid velocity and pressure.
3. Reynolds Number: The Reynolds number is a dimensionless quantity that describes the behavior
of a fluid in motion. It is defined as the ratio of the inertial forces to the viscous forces of a fluid
and is used to determine the type of flow (laminar or turbulent) in a fluid.
4. Navier-Stokes Equations: The Navier-Stokes equations are a set of partial differential equations
that describe the motion of viscous fluids. These equations are used to solve problems related to
fluid flow, such as the flow of air around an airplane wing.
Models of Fluids in Motion:
There are several models that are used to describe the behavior of fluids in motion, including:
1. Laminar Flow: Laminar flow is a type of fluid flow where the fluid moves in smooth layers or
streams, with no mixing between the layers. This type of flow is characterized by low Reynolds
numbers and is common in small pipes and low flow rates.
2. Turbulent Flow: Turbulent flow is a type of fluid flow where the fluid moves in a chaotic,
random manner, with mixing between the layers. This type of flow is characterized by high
Reynolds numbers and is common in large pipes and high flow rates.
3. Boundary Layer: The boundary layer is a thin layer of fluid that forms at the surface of an object
in a fluid flow. This layer is important in understanding the behavior of airfoils and other objects
in fluid flow.
4. Vortices: Vortices are swirling regions of fluid flow that can form in a fluid flow. These vortices
can have significant effects on the behavior of the fluid, such as drag and lift on an object in fluid
In conclusion, understanding the behavior of fluids at rest and in motion is important in various
applications. The concepts, principles, laws, observations, and models of fluids at rest and in
motion can be used to describe and predict the behavior of fluids in different situations. These
concepts and principles are used in many areas of engineering, physics, and chemistry, such as
fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, and hydrodynamics. Advances in our understanding of fluid
behavior continue to drive innovation and progress in these fields.
22. Understanding fluid behavior for engineering design and control of fluid systems
Fluid behavior is a fundamental aspect of engineering design and control of fluid systems, and
involves understanding the physical properties and behavior of fluids, including liquids and gases,
under various conditions. This knowledge is essential for designing efficient and effective fluid
systems, such as pipelines, pumps, compressors, and turbines, and for controlling the flow of fluids
in these systems.
Some of the key aspects of fluid behavior that are important for engineering design and control of
fluid systems include:
1. Viscosity: This refers to the resistance of a fluid to flow and is dependent on the internal friction
between the fluid molecules. High viscosity fluids, such as oils, require more energy to move
through a system than low viscosity fluids, such as water.
2. Fluid pressure: This is the force exerted by a fluid per unit area, and is determined by factors
such as the depth of the fluid, its density, and the acceleration due to gravity. Understanding fluid
pressure is crucial for designing systems that can withstand high pressures, such as hydraulic
3. Flow rate: This is the volume of fluid that passes through a system per unit time, and is
determined by factors such as the fluid velocity, the cross-sectional area of the pipe or channel,
and the viscosity of the fluid. Controlling flow rate is important for ensuring that fluid systems
operate efficiently and effectively.
4. Turbulence: This refers to the chaotic and unpredictable flow of fluids, which can occur when
the flow rate is high or when there are obstacles inthe fluid path. Turbulence can cause
inefficiencies in fluid systems, such as increased pressure drop and energy losses, and can also
lead to mechanical wear and tear.
5. Cavitation: This is the formation of vapor bubbles in a liquid due to low pressure, which can
occur in areas of high fluid velocity or in pumps or turbines. Cavitation can cause damage to the
system components and reduce the efficiency of the system.
6. Fluid properties: These include factors such as the density, viscosity, compressibility, and
thermal conductivity of the fluid. Understanding these properties is essential for determining the
behavior of fluids in a system and for designing systems that can handle these properties.
7. Fluid mechanics: This refers to the study of the behavior of fluids under various conditions, such
as in motion or at rest. Knowledge of fluid mechanics is essential for designing and analyzing fluid
In order to design and control fluid systems effectively, engineers use various tools and techniques,
such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, experimental testing, and mathematical
modeling. CFD simulations use computer algorithms to model fluid behavior and predict how
fluids will behave in a given system. Experimental testing involves building and testing physical
prototypes of fluid systems to observe their behavior and gather data. Mathematical modeling
involves using mathematical equations to describe fluid behavior and predict how fluids will
behave in a given system.
Overall, a deep understanding of fluid behavior is crucial for designing and controlling fluid
systems effectively and efficiently. By understanding the key aspects of fluid behavior,engineers
can design systems that operate smoothly, with minimal energy losses, and with a reduced risk of
damage or failure. This knowledge can also help engineers optimize and improve fluid systems,
leading to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved performance.
23. Develop competence with mass, energy and momentum balances for determining
resultant interactions of flows and engineered and natural systems,
Mass, energy, and momentum balances are fundamental concepts in chemical and mechanical
engineering that are used to analyze and design various systems involving fluids and other
materials. These balances allow engineers to determine how different flows and systems interact
with each other and how they can be optimized for maximum efficiency and performance.
Mass balance involves the conservation of mass in a system, which means that the mass of all the
inputs to the system must be equal to the mass of all the outputs. The mass balance equation can
be written as:
Input mass - Output mass = Accumulation
This equation can be used to determine the flow rate of a fluid or the amount of material in a
system. For example, in a chemical reactor, the mass balance equation can be used to determine
the mass flow rate of reactants and products, and to ensure that the reaction is proceeding as
Energy balance involves the conservation of energy in a system, which means that the energy of
all the inputs to the system must be equal to the energy of all the outputs. The energy balance
equation can be written as:
Input energy - Output energy = Accumulation
This equation can be used to determine the heat transfer in a system, the energy required to operate
a pump or compressor, or the amount of energy generated by a power plant. For example, in a heat
exchanger, the energy balance equation can be used to determine the rate of heat transfer between
two fluids.
Momentum balance involves the conservation of momentum in a system, which means that the
momentum of all the inputs to the system must be equal to the momentum of all the outputs. The
momentum balance equation can be written as:
Input momentum - Output momentum = Accumulation of momentum
This equation can be used to determine the forces acting on a fluid in a system, such as the pressure
drop across a pipe or the forces acting on a turbine or pump. For example, in a pipeline system,
the momentum balance equation can be used to determine the pressure drop due to friction and
other losses.
To develop competence with mass, energy, and momentum balances, engineers must have a deep
understanding of the physical principles behind these equations, as well as the ability to apply them
to real-world problems. This requires knowledge of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and other
related disciplines.
In addition, engineers must be able to use various tools and techniques to solve mass, energy, and
momentum balance problems, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations and
mathematical modeling. These tools allow engineers to simulate complex systems and optimize
their performance.
Overall, developing competence with mass, energy, and momentum balances is essential for
engineers working in a wide range of industries, including chemical, mechanical, and
environmental engineering. By understanding these fundamental concepts and applying them to
real-world problems, engineers can design and optimize systems that are efficient, reliable, and
24. Develop bases for correlating experimental data, designing procedures, and using scale
models of fluid flows
Correlating experimental data, designing procedures, and using scale models of fluid flows are
important techniques for understanding and optimizing fluid systems in various industries,
including aerospace, automotive, and biomedical engineering. These techniques allow engineers
to test and analyze fluid systems in a controlled environment, and to extrapolate the results to
larger or different systems.
Correlating experimental data involves analyzing data from experiments to establish relationships
between different variables. For example, in a fluid flow experiment, engineers may measure the
flow rate, pressure drop, and other variables, and then use statistical analysis to determine how
these variables are related to each other. These relationships can then be used to develop predictive
models of fluid behavior in similar systems.
Designing procedures involves developing a set of guidelines or protocols for performing
experiments or simulations of fluid systems. These procedures may include the selection of
appropriate test conditions, the calibration of instruments, and the analysis of data. By following a
standardized set of procedures, engineers can ensure that their experiments are consistent and
reproducible, and that the results are reliable.
Using scale models involves creating physical or virtual representations of fluid systems at a
smaller scale, and then using these models to test and analyze the behavior of the larger system.
Scale models can be used to simulate fluid behavior in a wide range of applications, from aircraft
design to blood flow in the human body. By using scale models, engineers can test different designs
and configurations of fluid systems without the cost and complexity of building and testing full-
scale prototypes.
To develop bases for correlating experimental data, designing procedures, and using scale models
of fluid flows, engineers must have a strong understanding of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics,
and related disciplines. They must also be able to use various tools and techniques for data analysis,
experimental design, and modeling.
Some of the key techniques and tools used in these areas include:
1. Statistical analysis: This involves using mathematical methods to analyze experimental data and
identify relationships between different variables. Techniques such as regression analysis,
hypothesis testing, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are commonly used in fluid mechanics
2. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD): This involves using computer simulations to model fluid
behavior in a virtual environment. CFD simulations can be used to test different designs and
configurations of fluid systems, and to predict their behavior under different conditions.
3. Scale modeling: This involves creating physical or virtual representations of fluid systems at a
smaller scale, and then using these models to test and analyze the behavior of the larger system.
Scale models can be used to simulate fluid behavior in a wide range of applications, from aircraft
design to blood flow in the human body.
4. Experimental design: This involves developing a systematic approach to designing experiments,
including the selection of appropriate test conditions, the calibration of instruments, and the
analysis of data. This approach ensures that experiments are consistent, reproducible, and reliable.
5. Mathematical modeling: This involves using mathematical equations to describe fluid behavior
and predict how fluids will behave in a given system. Mathematical models can beused to analyze
and optimize fluid systems, and to predict their behavior under different conditions.
Overall, developing bases for correlating experimental data, designing procedures, and using scale
models of fluid flows requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience.
Engineers must be able to apply their knowledge of fluid mechanics and related disciplines to real-
world problems, and must be able to use a range of tools and techniques to analyze and optimize
fluid systems. By doing so, they can design and optimize fluid systems that are efficient, reliable,
and sustainable.
25. Knowing the nature of rotation, circulation, resistance (viscous, turbulent), boundary
layers, and separation with applications to drag and lift on objects, and
Understanding the nature of rotation, circulation, resistance, boundary layers, and separation is
essential for analyzing and designing fluid systems, particularly in the context of drag and lift on
Rotation refers to the movement of fluid particles around an axis or center of rotation. In fluid
mechanics, rotation is often analyzed using vorticity, which is a measure of the local rotation of
fluid particles. Understanding rotation is important for analyzing the behavior of rotating
machinery, such as turbines and pumps.
Circulation refers to the motion of fluid particles around a closed path or loop. Circulation is often
used to describe the behavior of fluids around objects, such as aircraft wings or propellers.
Understanding circulation is important for analyzing the lift and drag forces that act on these
Resistance refers to the force that opposes the motion of an object through a fluid. Resistance can
be caused by both viscous and turbulent effects in the fluid. Viscous resistance is caused by the
friction between fluid particles and the surface of the object, while turbulent resistance is caused
by the chaotic and unpredictable motion of fluid particles in the wake of the object. Understanding
resistance is important for designing efficient fluid systems, such as pipelines and ducts.
Boundary layers refer to the thin layer of fluid near a surface where the velocity of the fluid changes
from zero at the surface to the free stream velocity. Boundary layers play an important role in
determining the drag and lift forces that act on objects in a fluid. Understanding boundary layers
is important for analyzing the behavior of fluid systems near solid surfaces, such as the wings of
an aircraft or the hull of a ship.
Separation refers to the phenomenon where the fluid flow detaches from the surface of an object,
creating a region of low pressure behind the object. Separation is a major cause of drag and can
lead to reduced efficiency and increased energy consumption in fluid systems. Understanding
separation is important for designing fluid systems that minimize drag and maximize efficiency.
Applications of these concepts to drag and lift on objects include the analysis and design of
aerodynamic and hydrodynamic systems, such as aircraft wings, propellers, wind turbines, and
ship hulls. By understanding the nature of rotation, circulation, resistance, boundary layers, and
separation, engineers can design more efficient and effective fluid systems that minimize drag and
maximize lift.
Some of the tools and techniques used to analyze and design fluid systems in these applications
include computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, wind tunnel testing, and mathematical
modeling. These tools allow engineers to simulate fluid behavior in a controlled environment and
optimize the design of fluid systems for maximum efficiency and performance.
Overall, understanding the nature of rotation, circulation, resistance, boundary layers, and
separation is essential for analyzing and designing fluid systems in a wide range of applications.
By applying this knowledge to real-world problems, engineers can design and optimize fluid
systems that are efficient, reliable, and sustainable.
26. Apply methods for computing head losses and flows in simple pipes and channels
Computing head losses and flows in simple pipes and channels is a fundamental aspect of fluid
mechanics, and is essential for designing and analyzing fluid systems, such as pipelines, ducts, and
channels. The two main methods used for computing head losses and flows in simple pipes and
channels are the Darcy-Weisbach equation and the Hazen-Williams equation.
The Darcy-Weisbach equation is used to compute head losses in pipes and channels due to
frictional effects. The equation relates the head loss to the friction factor, the length and diameter
of the pipe or channel, and the velocity of the fluid. The equation can be written as:
hL = f (L/D) (V^2/2g)
where hL is the head loss due to friction, f is the friction factor, L is the length of the pipe or
channel, D is the diameter of the pipe or channel, V is the velocity of the fluid, and g is the
acceleration due to gravity.
The friction factor is a dimensionless quantity that depends on the Reynolds number, which is a
measure of the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in the fluid. The friction factor can be
determined using experimental data or by using empirical correlations.
The Hazen-Williams equation is used to compute the flow rate in pipes and channels based on the
diameter, length, and roughness of the pipe or channel, and the head loss due to friction. The
equation can be written as:
Q =C (D^2.63) (hL^0.54)
where Q is the flow rate, C is a constant that depends on the roughness of the pipe or channel, D
is the diameter of the pipe or channel, and hL is the head loss due to friction.
The Hazen-Williams equation is commonly used for water supply systems, where the fluid is
typically water and the pipes are made of materials such as PVC or concrete. The equation assumes
that the flow is turbulent and that the pipe or channel is circular in cross-section.
To apply these methods for computing head losses and flows in simple pipes and channels,
engineers must have a strong understanding of fluid mechanics, including the principles of laminar
and turbulent flow, frictional losses, and the properties of fluids. They must also be able to use
various tools and techniques to analyze and optimize fluid systems, including computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) simulations, experimental testing, and mathematical modeling.
Overall, the ability to compute head losses and flows in simple pipes and channels is essential for
designing and analyzing fluid systems in a wide range of applications, from water supply systems
to oil and gas pipelines. By applying these methods, engineers can optimize the performance of
fluid systems, reduce energy consumption, and minimize costs.

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