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Money Reiki

1. Money Reiki Box or Wish Box

2. Affirmation Sheet with manifestation symbol in all four corners

3. Currency note-

● Start or End with 786 or 369

● Draw the manifestation symbol in all four corners

● Write your numbers in blank space

4. Money Attracting Reiki Symbol Sheet (Green color)

5. Pyramid 3D Symbol print out sheet or crystal pyrmid.

6. CRYSTALS FOR WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE - Citrine, Aventurine, Jade, Pyrite,

Garnet, Tiger Eye)

1.Wooden Reiki Wish Box( Pyramid box)

2.Affirmation Sheet with manifestation symbol in all four corners

Manifestation symbol
As the name suggests, this symbol is used to manifest things in your life. The easiest way to
use this symbol is to write what you want to manifest on a paper, draw Manifestation Symbol on
it, and put it in the Money Reiki Box.

draw the Manifestation symbol on all the four corners of the paper, thereby sealing the energies
of the symbol, and write your wish on the paper, and then put it in the Money Reiki Box.

3. Currency Note

● Write your desire No. In blank space of the currency note. (Start or end with 786 or 369)
● Draw the manifesstation symbol in all foir corners.
Dollar & Euro Symbol

The dollar symbol or Euro symbol is used to attract more money, by drawing Dollar symbol, (in
the air or directly on the subject), on all your back documents, credit/debit card, financial papers,
etc. on every document, object which intended to bring you money.

You can literally draw Dollar or Euro Symbol on each and everything from your laptop, pen,
pencil, and every tool that you use for your business.

Dhanaviruksha ,Midas star & Mary

5.Pyramid 3D Symbol print out sheet or crystal pyrmid.

The Golden Pyramid Symbol is a 3 D Symbol, and consists of 4 sided gold pyramid. Visualize
the pyramid spinning on its base in a clockwise direction.

This Symbol is used for passing attunements and to clear any negative karma about money, you
can visualize the pyramid opening up and swallowing negative karma.


💛Citrine (The lucky Merchant's stone)
💚Green Aventurine (Stone of oppurtunity)
🧡Tiger Eye(Stone of Mind)
❤️Garnet (Money attraction)
💚Green Jade (The lucky charm)
- to Attract Money , Attract Cash Flow, solves court problems. Break through negative financial
habits and removes energy blockages to eliminate unforeseen expenses, debts and clears long
standing dues/loans holding you back. Keep your money box

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