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China’s landscape is vast and diverse, with forests, plains and deserts.

The terrain of Western China is rugged and elevated.

The Himalaya and some other mountains, separate China from South and Central Asia.

Ancient Chinese civilizations flourished in the Northern Chinese Plain.

These monarchies were known as dynasties.

The Qin Dynasty first conquered several states to form a Chinese empire.

The emperors of ancient China were famous for hosting vast banquets.

These dishes became part of a wider Chinse culture.

Chinse cuisine is diverse and has a long culinary history.

China has been a leader in science and technology.

The great invetions of the ancient Chinse are papermaking, printing, compass and gunpowder.

The Republic of China overthrew the last dynasty in 1911.

Today China is one of the world's largest economies.

China’s manufacturing industry is fast-growing.

This country has also the world's largest standing army.

It’s a recognized nuclear weapons state.

The country makes an emphasis on science, mathematics, and engineering.

It is rapidly developing its education system.

China has more active cell phones than any other country in the world.

It also has the world’s largest number of internet and broadband users.

This country is also home to a huge number of cyclists.

There are more than 470 million bicycles in the country.

It also has the world's largest number of internet and broadband users.


China has one of the oldest sporting cultures in the world.

Many popular sports are practiced by the Chinese.

These include martial arts, basketball football, table tennis, badminton, swimming and snooker.

Dragon boat racing is a popular traditional Chinese sport.

Board games such as chess, are also played at a professional level.

Physical fitness is widely emphasized in the Chinese culture.

Morning exercises are a common activity for the Chinese people.

Commercial gyms and fitness clubs are quickly gaining popularity in China.

There is a copious number of important cities in the country.

Taipei City is the capital of the Republic of China.

It has been the center of rapid economic development in the country.

The city is rich in architecture and beautiful, ornate temples.

There is a variety of buildings, galleries and museums in the city.

China hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.

The Beijing National Stadium was built to host these games.

The stadium was nicknamed The Bird’s Nest, due to its appearance.

This majestic construction holds over 80,000 people.

During these games, Chinese athletes received 51 gold medals.

It was the highest number of gold medals won by any nation that year.

Shanghai is the commercial and financial center of mainland China.

It is also the largest city by population in the country.

Shanghai has the busiest container port in the world.

The World Financial Center is one of the highest skyscrapers worldwide.

Another symbolic constructionof the city is the Oriental Pearl Tower.

The Museum of art and history has a great collection of Chinese artifacts.


The Shanghai Maglev Train is a magnetic levitation train.

It is the first high speed magnetic levitation line in the world.

The commercial speed of this train is 431 km/h.

The city of Hong Kong is famous for its more than 1,200 skyscrapers.

Victoria Harbor is a major tourist attraction in this city.

The harbor hosts the annual fireworks show for tourists and locals.

There is a rich collection of buildings, skyscrapers and structures.

The Great Wall of China is considered a wonder of the world.

This wall was built by several dynasties for over two thousand years.

It stretches along for 8,850 km throughout the country.

Another important structure is the Giant Buddha of Leshan.

This statue was carved out of a cliff face by sculptors.

The Terracotta Army sculptures site is a popular tourist attraction.

Many of these sculptures were discovered in three pits.

The Forbbiden City is the world’s largest palace.

This palace with more than 8000 rooms was the home of many emperors.

The Drepung Monastery is also located in the Tibet.

During many years, this monastery was the largest in the world.

It housed more than 7000 monks.

The Tianmen Mountain is another wonder to visit.

The mountain with its natural cave, is called the Heaven Gate Mountain.

Many people imagine it to be an open gate to heaven.

Chinese people are proud to live in one of the greatest countries in the world.

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