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Business idea

By vanya choudhary
For you

This is an application which would allow the customer to book labour for a regular
basis (.e.g. Driver, house cleaning,gardner ect). For You provides to the people who
are unemployed and find it difficult to get jobs. The interface of the app is made
simpler to make it user friendly andthe app calculates the days of work done and
accordingly generates the monthly income that needs to be payed.

The app allows you to choose the time for and the budget you would be able to
pay with the help of filters provided.
Issues focused
Provides help with/for
● Unemployment - for people who find it difficult to get jobs
in new city as labour .
● It provides labour to the people who are working jobs and
do not have time to look for workers or do the chores
● The app would also be helping in better communication
between the costumer and the labour force as to
removing the barriers so there would not be any disputes.
● The app comes with a user friendly interface allowing the
customer to communicated in their preferred language, it
makes the process faster than if done manually.
● The services provided would be relatively cheaper than
occasional service providing apps.
Resources required

● Office (building)
● Transport system
● Laptop
● Furniture
● Pamphlets or posters

● Tech (software development engineers)

● Accountant
● Labour force
● Advertising people
Thank you

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