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S’mores Dip Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)

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S’mores dip is a quick and easy addition to dessert. The recipe is flexible, so you can tailor it to your
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needs and likings. For example, you can use allergy friendly butter substitutes and chocolate. You width)

can also add other toppings when serving. This enjoyable dip is a great treat for the summer or any

Ingredients Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)

● Butter to coat the pie dish

● 10 ounces of chocolate (can be 10 ounces of milk chocolate or dark chocolate; and can be in Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)
the form of chips, chunks, or broken up chocolate bars) Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)

● 12 ounces of marshmallows (can be any size) Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)

● Graham crackers, cookies, or ice cream for servingAny sized pie dish (glass pie dishes are Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)

Graham crackers, cookies, or ice cream for serving (the amount of graham crackers, cookies,
or ice cream depends on how many people you’d like to share the dessert with)
● Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)

1. Place the pie dish on the middle rack of the oven.
2. Preheat the oven to 375 °degrees F. Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)
3. Once the oven is up to temperature, remove the pie dish.
4. Spread the butter on the inside of the pie dish.

5. Place chocolate on the inside of the pie dish to cover the bottom evenly. . Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)
6. Put the pie dish back in the oven until the chocolate is melted. You can set a timer to open
the oven to check if the chocolate is melted, or you can leave the oven light on and eyeball
whether the chocolate is melted to your liking. Formatted: Font: +Body (Cambria)
7. Once the chocolate is melted, remove the pie dish from the oven once more.
8. Cover the chocolate with marshmallows.
9. Put the pie dish back in the oven.
10. Once the marshmallows are toasted to your liking, remove the pie dish from the oven to
11. Serve the dip while warm with graham crackers, cookies, or ice cream.

If there are any leftovers, cover the pie dish with tin foil and refrigerate. Rewarm the dip in the oven
with the foil on to keep the remaining marshmallows from burning.

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