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• General Layout of the Nervous System

– LO 3.1 List and describe the major divisions of the nervous system.

– LO 3.2 Describe the three meninges and explain their functional role.

– LO 3.3 Explain where cerebrospinal fluid is produced and where it flows.

– LO 3.4 Explain what the blood-brain barrier is and what functional role it serves.

• Cells of the Nervous System

– LO 3.5 Enumerate and describe the different types/classifications of neurons.

– LO 3.6 Draw, label, and define the major features of a multipolar neuron.

– LO 3.7 Describe four kinds of glial cells.

• Neuroanatomical Techniques and Directions

– LO 3.8 Compare several neuroanatomical research techniques.

– LO 3.9 Illustrate the neuroanatomical directions.

• Anatomy of the Central Nervous System

– LO 3.10 Draw and label a cross section of the spinal cord.

– LO 3.11 List and discuss the five major divisions of the human brain.

– LO 3.12 List and describe the components of the myelencephalon.

– LO 3.13 List and describe the components of the metencephalon.

– LO 3.14 List and describe the components of the mesencephalon.

– LO 3.15 List and describe the components of the diencephalon.

– LO 3.16 List and describe the components of the telencephalon.

– LO 3.17 List and describe the components of the limbic system and of the basal ganglia.

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