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What’s In, page 10

1. True 6. True
2. False 7. True
3. True 8. False
4. True 9. True
5. False 10. True

Handedness Questionnaire, page 11

Indicators Left Right Either

Hand Hand Hand
1. Which hand do you use to write? /
2. Which hand do you use to draw? /
3. Which hand do you use to throw a ball? /
4. Which hand do you hold a tennis/badminton racket? /
5. With which hand do you hold a toothbrush? /
6. Which hand holds a knife when you cut things? /
7. Which hand holds a hammer when you nail things? /
8. Which hand holds a match when you light it? /
9. Which hand holds an eraser when you erase things? /
10. Which hand removes the top card when you deal /
from a deck?
11. Which hand holds the thread when you thread a /
12. Which hand holds a fly sweater? /
Score Handedness
33 to 36 Strongly Right-Handed

What’s More, page 13

1. How will you classify Mark? Is he more of a left or right-brained student? Why?
= Based on the information given, Mark tends to be both of a right and left-
brained kind of student due to his skill in solving mathematical problems as his capability
of being a good actor in his school’s theatrical presentation.

2. Which functions do the right-handed differ from that of the left-handed students or
individuals? Explain briefly.
= The right-handed tend to be more intuitive and have emotional thoughts. They
are adventurous, more often than not act on impulse, have a creative imagination and do
well in creative things, and have a holistic perception. Meanwhile, the left-handed tend to
be more analytical and detail oriented. Their thoughts are described to be rational, they’re
cautious and meticulous, and tend to be good in subjects requiring logical thinking such as
math and science.

3. What was the result of your handedness test? If you are a left-handed, how will you
develop the functions and other specialized skills in your right hemisphere to be an
ambidextrous? Draw your personal plan to enhance your brain functions.
= My result showed that I’m strongly a right-handed person. To “enhance” my
brain function as a righty, I would use a creative sort of approach on improving my skills
or even my knowledge on subjects like math or science. The timeline below is arranged
by week.

Practice on Do physical
logical and exercise like
analytical skills aerobic or
entration span
through solving yoga exercises
by reading
problems in the morning

Practice on Practice on Practice

memory logical and mental

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