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Team Members participating in the brainstorming session:

1. Alexandra Fish

2. Frank Garcia

3. Jordyn Giarratano

4. Karoly Fulop


Team Videoconference
3. My area of interest is environmental. There is a drinking water issue all around the world, and
that’s a basic need for people. With population growth and climate change the lack of drinking
water is an issue. My focus would be on creating an organization that helps raise awareness of
the issue and works with authorities but also innovative companies that can help create
alternative solutions to obtain water for the communities that need help. The organization
would be the intermediate between the people that need help and the organizations/
companies that can nd the help. The public campaign would be organized both on social
media and on paper-based by reaching out to all the necessary parties, but also involving the
locals that can o er their insight on the matter and can have their voices heard. The motto
would be “Life needs water”. It states the obvious that life is unimaginable without water. The
e ectiveness of the motto resides in its simplicity, but it also carries a strong message. The
target audience would be the ones in power to make a di erence for the ones need help with
their basic need for water. Lack of water will only become a bigger issue in the future.

4. The idea that stood out the most from my team members was Alexandra’s (Fish) topic
suggestion for our cause. She presented a lot of empathy for the cause and had a very
comprehensive understanding of the issue. Her focus was on making sure that our organization
would help the communities. It helped us tremendously, because her idea was easily accepted
by all, because we could all could get behind the cause.

5. In working out the ideas around the topic that we selected for our team project, my
contribution was related to working out the details of the topic, such as motto, target audience
etc. We agreed on the “water crisis in Jackson, MS,” which covers all subject areas. The main
focus would be health and environmental, but our topic also has a social justice rami cation
interest also, given the location and the demographical makeup of the a ected area. Alexandra
came up with the topic and we have supported her idea from the start because it is a very
relevant, very comprehensive topic and we helped expand the idea. Frank’s idea of creating a
non-pro t and social media outreach was an excellent one to address the issue and to nd our
target audience. Initially we had the idea of targeting younger generation, but I suggested to
expand that to all community members of the a ected area and getting even the state
representatives involved to give a bigger voice to the issue. And also to obtain more funding
from federal level. Our organization’s purpose is to advocating xing the issue and help
upgrade Jackson’s aging water structure since the system been deteriorating for a long time.
The motto that I suggested for the campaign is “Rise above the water, let your voice heard!”,
however, we went with Jordyn’s “Speak up to drink up!” I supported that idea because it was a
more succinct and overall stronger, more memorable slogan to use. My solution proposal was
to research similar cases where the issue was similar and make those suggestions to the local
authorities, but also give voice to the people of what they can do in relation with this issue. I
also suggested to o er short term solutions, like reaching out to water bottling company’s for
drinking water. Overall my contribution was complementary to the entirety of the project.

6. Our brainstorming session was a great one and it was characterized by consensus on all
topics. We had a great group cohesion, where everyone participated actively and we were
feeding o each others idea and developing our project. There was groupthink going on. One
our team members came up with the topic and everyone was on board with it immediately,
because it was great idea. The vote was unanimous. It was a great dynamic because everyone
had an idea and we have respectfully considered all ideas before deciding on which ones to
keep and include in our projects. The outcome was that we came up with a great outline for
our project.


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