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Jocel Martinez HT122 MICRO


TYPE OF EVENT: School Event

 Use your event hashtag every chance you get
o If you followed our advice, you’ve already found the perfect
#Hashtag for your event and incorporated it into your event page.
It’s time to start using the hashtag for promotion! Whenever you
mention your event, make a habit of including the event hashtag.
This goes for your social media posts but also other marketing
channels and any printed material. Reinforcing the hashtag helps
anchor your event and lets it stay on top of people’s minds.
o The following social media channels have native support for
hashtags: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+.
o That’s not all. Mobilize your event participants (like speakers and
performers); make sure they know the event hashtag and suggest
that they use it when talking about the event. That’ll help you also
reach their audience base.

 Run competitions and giveaways

o Tap into people’s competitive nature and desire to win. Kick off
regular competitions and giveaways across all your key marketing
channels. Your tactics will depend on the channel.

 Make your tickets easy to buy

o A big part of effective event promotion is meeting your ticket
buyers where they are. That means making it easy for them to buy
tickets from whichever environment they’re already in.

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