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changes data and information from analogue to digital

Digital Preservation Digital Archives Digital Reformatting

similar in purpose to a physical the process of converting analogue

a formal endeavor to ensure

archive, but the historical documents materials into a digital format as a

that digital information of

and objects that provide evidence of surrogate of the original

continuing value remains

the past have been digitized and the digital surrogates perform a

accessible and usable

made available online. preservation function by reducing or

it involves planning,

are usually created with a goal of eliminating the use of the original
resource allocation, and

preserving historical objects and guided by established best practices

napplication of preservation

making them available to to ensure that materials are being

methods and technologies

researchers. converted at the highest quality.
to maintain accessibility
protect your documents from being
accidentally deleted
changes data and information from analogue to digital

Digital Preservation Digital Archives Digital Reformatting

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