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I- What is the law

Law consists of enforceable rule governing relathionships among individuals and
between individuals and their society.
Law is general and impersonnal resulting from collective will and endowed with
strength binding.
In a broad sense the Law means any rule that is general and impersonal resulting
from collective will and endoxwed with strength binding.
In a broad sense they mean any rule that is general and impersonal resulting from
The law is…

-Manage and regulate human relathionship → The law presupposes, necessarily,the

presence of the other / someone else
-Differents from morals → laws is not equal to morals(exemple of parents who feed their
-General (whoever,each etc.) → sometimes is only going to be applied to a certain
category of people
-Permanent (it is applied until it be repeal)
-Private (composed of civil and commercial law) → relationships between individual or
privates communities
-Public(state and the citizens,composed of constitutional and administrative law) →
relationships in which intervene the State and the citizens.

Each person as the duty to work and the right of employment

The constitutional council defined the right to obtain employment in a 1983

decision, when mass unemployment was taking hold in France.

“The legislator is obliged to lay down rules to ensure the best possible right for
everyone to obtain a job with a view to enabling the greatest number of work… 

Clearly the public authorities have no constitutional obligation to achieve results in

terms of employment, but they must provide the means for everyone to find a job 
In short the right to work does exist, but the scope is limited

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