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13 January 2023

Dear Parents/Carers,

Year 9 Guided Choices and Careers Fair Event,

Wednesday 1st February 2023

During this term our Year 9 students will be starting the process of selecting the subjects and
qualifications that they want to study in Years 10 & 11. To ensure that you have a clear
understanding of the guided choices process and how you can best support your child to make the
right choices for them we would like to invite you to the Year 9 Guided Choices event on
Wednesday 1st February between 3.30pm and 6.30pm.

The evening will provide a valuable opportunity for you and your child to find out more about the
various subjects and future qualifications that are open to them here at Oasis Academy Don
Valley. This will also include a presentation about the process and how making the right choices
now can impact on your child’s path as they move to Post 16 and beyond.

There will also be a careers fair during the evening which will include a number of different
employers and organisations who will be available for parent/carers to speak with about the
different roles within their own organisations in a number of different sectors. There will also be 6th
Form and College providers joining us, as well as colleagues from local universities so you will
have the opportunity to discuss the different pathways available to your child.

It is our intention to help all of our students to make well judged, informed choices about the
subjects they choose. To help students with this process, they will receive guidance from subject
teachers and senior leaders.

A Guided Choices Booklet will be made available to all students during advisory time prior to the
Parent Event. Students will be asked to take these home and go through them in detail. These
booklets provide essential information about each of the courses that your child can choose to
study at the start of Year 10. Further details will also be made available on our website regarding
the Year 9 Guided Choices process.

We know that this can be an exciting time but that it can also be quite daunting for some and we
will fully support you and your child in ensuring that they select the right choices at Key Stage 4,
developing an important pathway to their future study at ‘A’ Level, university or a real alternative
that will allow them to succeed in their dream job and thrive in all aspects of their life.

We hope that you will be able to join us at this very important event.

Yours sincerely

Mr P Mills
Key Stage 3 Lead

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