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3-8 Vocabulary 15 Speaking
9-13 Reading 16-18 Answer Key
14 Listening
1.1 Переглядаємо нові слова та фрази,

намагаємося запамʼятати їх.

(озвучку слів можна послухати, якщо перейти
за посиланням, натиснувши на іконку)

1. anxiety
a feeling of worry or fear, often about something that is going
to happen or might happen
She felt a lot of anxiety before the exam.

2. depression
the state of feeling very unhappy and without hope for the
He is receiving treatment for depression.

3. break down
to stop functioning or operating properly
It was a difficult period for her, so she feared that she would
mentally break down if she didn't get some help.

4. counseling
the job or process of listening to someone and giving them
advice about their problems
The counselor helped her work through her problems.
5. to feel overwhelmed
to feel such strong emotions or have so many problems that
you do not know how to deal with them
She began to feel overwhelmed by the workload.

6. to take a deep breath

a feeling of worry or fear, often about something that is going
to happen or might happen
When he felt anxious, he would take a deep breath.

7. mental well-being
the state of feeling healthy and happy mentally
Taking care of your mental well-being is important.

8. positive mindset
a way of thinking that focuses on the good aspects of a
situation and expects positive outcomes
A positive mindset can help improve your mood and outlook on life.

9. to hit rock bottom

to reach the lowest point in one's life or circumstances
After losing his job and his home, he hit rock bottom and turned
to alcohol.
10. to pull oneself out of a
dark place
to make efforts to overcome difficult or challenging situations
and improve one's state of mind
She had to pull herself out of a dark place after her divorce
was finalized.

11. to have a good cry

to release emotions by crying, often resulting in a sense of
Sometimes it's okay to have a good cry and let your emotions out.

12. under the weather

slightly unwell or not feeling one's best
I'm feeling under the weather today, so I'm going to stay home and rest.

13. stressed out

extremely stressed or overwhelmed
After weeks of non-stop work, I'm feeling very stressed out and
need a break.

14. feeling down

experiencing sadness or a low mood
W hen I'm feeling down, spending time with loved ones always helps
lift my spirits.
15. to manage anxiety

to handle or control feelings of anxiety effectively

Learning how to manage anxiety takes time and patience, but it's

worth it in the end.

16. to come up with

to think of or suggest an idea or plan

Can you come up with a solution to this problem?

17. mental disorders

conditions that affect a person's thinking, feeling, behavior,

and emotional well-being, often diagnosed by a doctor

Mental disorders can be challenging to understand.

18. to seek help

to actively look for assistance, support, or advice

It's important to seek help when you're feeling overwhelmed.

19. to feel blue

to feel sad or unhappy

When I feel blue, I like to listen to music that makes me happy.

20. keep calm

to remain calm and composed, to stay relaxed and composed

in a difficult or stressful situation

Remember to keep calm in difficult situations so you can think clearly.

1.2 Проходимо два тести
за вивченими словами

Тест 1

Тест 2

1.3 Виконуємо вправу Word formation

(поставити слова в правильну форму таким чином, щоб
утворилися логічні речення)

1. _____ (anxiousness) can be overwhelming at times.

2. _____ (depressive) is a serious mental disorder that requires

professional help.

3. _____ (counselor) can provide support and guidance during

difficult times.

4. It's okay _____ (overwhelming), just remember to take things one

step at a time.

5. When feeling stressed, it's important _____ (breathe deeply) and


6. _____ (psychological health) is crucial for overall health and


7. A _____ (optimism) can make all the difference in how we

approach challenges.

8. _____ (to hit rock bottom) can be tough, but it's also an
opportunity to rebuild and grow
9. Sometimes it's good _____ (cry it out) and let our emotions out.

10. Feeling _____ (unwell) can affect our mood and energy levels.

11. Being constantly _____ (stress) can negatively impact our mental
and physical health.

12. _____ (sadness) is normal, but it's important to seek help if it


13. Learning _____ (anxiety management) can greatly improve our

quality of life.

14. ____ (to come up with) solutions to problems requires creativity

and critical thinking skills.

15. ____ (felt blue) from time to time is normal, Щоб подивитись
відповідь, тикни сюди
but it's important to practice self-care.

2.1 Виконуємо завдання Dialogue task
Put all the sentences below in the right order to form a

Good for you. It takes courage to

admit when we need support. Don't
hesitate to reach out if you need
Feeling down or blue from time to
time is normal, but if you're worried
about your mental health it might be
helpful to seek help from a
Samantha’s professional
words: Hey, Kate. You sound a bit under the
weather today. Is everything okay
I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried
anything to manage your anxiety
Well, sometimes it helps to come up
with a plan of action. Maybe start by
making a to-do list or prioritizing your

шукай продовження

вправи нижче
That sounds scary, but maybe you're

right. I'll take a deep breath and try

to keep calm while looking for help

Not really. I don't know what to do

Kate’s Not really. I'm just feeling quite

stressed out and overwhelmed with

my workload

That's a good idea. But sometimes I

feel like something is wrong with me.

Like maybe I have some kind of

Щоб подивит

відповідь, тикн
и сюди
mental disorder.

2.2 Читаємо статтю про «‎

Mental health» ‎
та виконуємо

завдання до статті


шукай завдання до

статті нижче

Виконайте завдання до
статті про «‎Mental health»

1. What are some common stressors that can make life


a) Friends, hobbies, and travel

b) Health, work, money, and family

c) Pets, exercise, and cooking

d) Reading, watching movies, and listening to music

2. What is the connection between clutter and depression?

a) There is no connection

b) Clutter can cause depression

c) Depression can cause clutter

d) Clutter and depression are unrelated

3. Why did the author start simplifying their life?

a) To impress their friends

b) To save money

c) To deal with family illness, bereavement, relationship problems,

and job stress

d) To have more time for hobbies

4. What is one way to counteract the feeling of guilt
when getting rid of belongings?

a) Keep everything

b) Donate items to a charity

c) Sell items online

d) Throw everything away

5. How can meal planning and bulk-cooking help

simplify your life?

a) It can save time and money

b) It can make you gain weight

c) It can be stressful

d) It is not helpful

6. What is the benefit of having a tidy house?

a) It can make you more stressed

b) It can make you less productive

c) It can bring a sense of peace and calm

d) It is not important

7. Why is it important to use your nice things?

a) To impress others

b) To save money

c) To avoid wasting money

d) To keep them in good condition

8. What is the author's suggestion for appreciating the
simple things in life?
a) Go shopping

b) Eat out at restaurants

c) Listen to the morning birds with a good cup of coffee

d) Watch TV

9. What is the benefit of having less stuff?

a) You will have more stress

b) You will have more decision fatigue

c) Your day will run more smoothly

d) You will have more free time

10. What is the author's suggestion for dealing with

minor irritations?
a) Say something

b) Bite your tongue

Щоб подивитись
c) Ignore them
відповідь, тикни сюди
d) Complain to others

2.3 Читаємо електронну статтю та робимо завдання.

Стаття Завдання

3.1 Дивимось відео та виконуємо завдання.
Відео Завдання

3.2 Дивимось відео та робимо тести.

Відео Тести

3.3 Слухаємо подкаст.


4.1 Відповідаємо на питання в голосовому повідомленні
самі собі:

What is mental health

Why is it important to take care of our mental health

How can we recognize if someone is struggling with their

mental health

What are some ways to support a friend or family member

who is experiencing mental health issues

How can we improve our mental well-being?

4.2 Читаємо цитати відомих людей, висловлюємо свою

думку щодо них (наприклад, погоджуємося з
твердженням чи ні та чому) самі собі в голосовому

Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It's about

how you drive, not where you're going
- Noam Shpancer

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from

your own actions.
- Dalai Lama
Answer Key
Вправа Word formation

1. anxiety
9. to have a good cry

2. depression
10. under the weather

3. counseling
11. stressed out

4. to feel overwhelmed
12. feeling down

5. to take a deep breath

13. to manage anxiety

6. mental well-being
14. coming up with

7. positive mindset
15. to feel blue
8. hitting rock bottom

Завдання Dialogue task

Samantha: Hey, Kate. You sound a bit under the weather today. Is
everything okay?

Kate: Not really. I'm just feeling quite stressed out and
overwhelmed with my workload.

Samantha: I'm sorry to hear that. Have you tried anything to

manage your anxiety?

Kate: Not really. I don't know what to do.

Samantha: Well, sometimes it helps to come up with a plan of

action. Maybe start by making a to-do list or prioritizing your tasks.

Kate: That's a good idea. But sometimes I feel like something is

wrong with me. Like maybe I have some kind of mental disorder.

Samantha: Feeling down or blue from time to time is normal, but if

you're worried about your mental health it might be helpful to seek
help from a professional.

Kate: That sounds scary, but maybe you're right. I'll take a deep
breath and try to keep calm while looking for help.

Samantha: Good for you. It takes courage to admit when we need

support. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything.

Тести до статті «‎Mental health»

1. b
6. c

2. b
7. c

3. c
8. c

4. b
9. c

5. a 10. b

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