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Technology and gadgets has paved their way into every aspect of life.
Technology is getting more faster, high-powered than ever before, which has made
the lives of people easier, faster, better and more fun. However, the infiltration of
technology has been gradual in the lives of people and the extent to which it has
become part of our every waking moment. People are now so dependent on
technology that it is controlling the thought processes, ideas and preferences. People
are spending more time on their gadgets that physical workout is getting minimal,
which is affecting the health of people. Marketers are now using technology to motivate
people to do exercise like yoga. Let’s see how marketers use technology to target
customers to exercise more.

Yoga is a holistic exercise which has incomparable peaceful and calming
sensation. Yoga is all about achieving perfect experience with the correct balance and
posture. Technology has been used in both; moving forward through science and
seeking ancient wisdom and inner experience. There are a lot of people who are trying
to find a balance between work and peaceful living.
Technology has paved its way into the roots of our lifestyles. It has made lives
simpler with technology infused yoga. The recent pandemic has changed lifestyle of
people. It has changed the perception of people that being thin doesn’t mean you’re
are healthy. Also, some people used to think that yoga and exercises can only be done
in gyms and yoga centres. At the time of pandemic, people found strong alternative of
them at their home. Many people started exercises and yoga to stay fit and continued
it till time.
Many tech companies invented products and services to assist every generation
of people to workout at home without going to gyms. There are so many ways in which
marketers use technology to make their customers exercise more such as:

1. ‘Tech yoga’ has become an influential word which has pursued many people
to join yoga since the support is constantly available.
2. Short videos and reels – Short videos on social media made by different
influencers, celebrities doing yoga and keeping themselves fit will attract more
people to follow the regimes in order to remain fit.
3. Wearable tech gadgets – Wearable gadgets like smart watches monitors
calories burnt, heart rate and blood pressure while exercising gives an
appealing form to yoga. These gadgets attracts more people to compete with
each other while doing exercises and yoga.
4. Mobile applications – Marketers use different types of application which gives
reminders to do yoga and shows different poses of yoga, so that people can
exercise at home without going anywhere.
5. Shows and events – Many celebrities are asked to host events where they
can teach yoga and encourage their fans in doing yoga.
6. Techy yoga clothes – Today’s generation follows fashion trends precisely. So,
to target young generation there are sensors in garments like yoga pants, t-
shirts which is connected with their smartphone and gives a mild vibration
during yoga practice to inform about alignment and correcting postures.
7. Virtual yoga assistant – This is for every category of customer where virtually
yoga instructors can teach yoga. Every generation of people are guided with
exercises suitable for their age groups.
8. Campaign – Yoga campaign with prize distribution motivates people to join
yoga sessions. In these campaigns, people can learn and teach and help others
to exercise.
9. Virtual competition – Social media trends where people can challenge each
other virtually and can do yoga competition is a great way to motivate people in
doing yoga.
10. World Yoga Day – The UN declared June 21 to be celebrated as Yoga day,
where people can join and do yoga for about half an hour, there are also events
where all the tech and yoga related clothes, accessories are exhibited and sold.

Technology is revolutionizing Yoga too. The COVID pandemic gave a great hit
to do exercises and yoga to stay fit and healthy in order to recover from the disease.
Tech companies in collaborations with Sports fashion and accessories
companies introduced many products and services to motivate people to do exercise
more often. Some of tech companies are also trying to bring in many products to
motivate people to do yoga such as interactive mats. In coming future, companies are
making interactive mats which has sensors to assist people in yoga flow and fixes
balance and posture discrepancies. This technology will enable people to monitor their
yoga practice and enhance and monitor it. People look forward to exercises which are
technologically equipped. Therefore, marketing is mostly dependent on technology.



Consumer behaviour is an analysis of how consumers make decisions about
what to buy, when to buy and how to buy. They spend time researching about the
product or service and comparing multiple products before actually buying anything.
For example, when a person want to buy a phone, he/she will carry out research and
compare the products about the specifications of the mobile phone, the cost and other
services. This is a typical consumer behaviour and perspective while buying any
product. Therefore, marketers have to keep in mind this perspective of consumers
while advertising any product.
McClelland gave such theory called ‘A trio of needs’ which explains the process
of motivation by explaining how human needs are to be approached. He developed
his theory of needs which revolves around three important aspect such as; Power,
Achievement and Affiliation.


Trio of
Achievement Affiliation
The trio of needs is explained as:

i. Need for Power – The need for power is an individual’s desire to hold control over
another person and other objects. It is influencing and changing other’s decision in
accordance with his/her own needs and desire. There is a need to enhance one’s
own self-esteem and reputation drives them to implement their ideas over others.
Competition motivates them.
ii. Need for Affiliation – It is the urge to have interpersonal and social relationships with
others or a particular set of people. These people are socially dependent on others
and often buys product that are approved by their friends. For example; teenagers
will consult their friends and are influenced by them to buy a product.
iii.Need for Achievement – People with a strong achievement needs, work hard and
struggle for the objective. These people avoid low-risk situations because of lack of
a real challenge and also avoid high-risk situations because they perceive that it is
more about luck than one’s efforts. They value feedbacks, enjoy taking calculated
risks and actively research.

From trio of needs perspective, let us take example of 3 customers from each need
group and see what they would like in a smartwatch to buy it.

• Customer with need for power – As these customers wants to hold control
over objects and wants to be superior then a smart watch which looks
expensive, sleek, modern, have a variety of colour options and a high-quality
construction would satisfy the reputation drive of the customers. A big brand
name backing up the smartwatch with an easy-to-navigate interface will fit the
description that a customer would want in the smartwatch. The customer
would also want to monitor their fitness using the smart watch and keep track
of their sleeping habits. Additional features like taking calls and sending texts
through smart watch would be a major reason they will buy the watch.

• Customer with need for affiliation – As these customers are socially

dependent on friends and family, they would be interested in a smart watch
which can facilitate communication with their family and friends such as
making phone calls and sending texts, getting call and text alerts. A
smartwatch which is synced to social media apps with features like sharing
content, receiving updates and interacting with friends would be a greater fit
for this category, as they like to be connected to other people.

• Customer with need for achievement – These customers involve themselves

in research and reviews. Therefore, selling a product for this category is quite
a difficult task. A smartwatch which is low-priced and have ability to pair itself
with other devices like laptop, tablet, computer or mobile phone and transfer
data between them would attract the customers. These customers would want
a smart watch with a lot of smart features like monitoring sleep time, quality
of sleep, mini calculators. The availability of different price points for the
watch, and special offers and discounts would attract the customers under
this category.

Consumer perspective on buying a product solely depends on the trio of needs.
It is essential to categorise customers and approach them on the basis of their needs.
Every customer behaviour is different and there should be different approaches for
marketing a single product.


Just Noticeable Difference (JND) also known as Differential Threshold refers

to the smallest difference that may be recognized between two different stimuli. JND
varies from product to product. It is a widely used technique which can be applied to
any element of the marketing mix like packing, price, product modification, logo or
promotion. It is a perception threshold in consumer behaviour, if the change is above
the threshold, consumers will recognize it and if not, they probably would not spot the
difference at all. JND has great importance in marketing such as:
• It is done to hide the negative changes like reduction in product size or quality
or increase in product price. This should remain below the JND.
• It is done to demonstrate the product improvements such as improved or
updated packaging, lower price of the product or larger size of the product. This
should remain either at or just above the JND.
• Marketers use JND to demonstrate the amount of improvement they made in
the original product.
• Marketers also use JND to improve the logo and the packaging of a brand. It is
done below JND level because any bigger change can cause resentment from
customers, therefore, small changes are made so that consumer perceive only
minimal difference between succeeding versions.
For example, starbucks logo in 1971 was of a mermaid who was twin-tailed, as the
company’s customer base grew, they changed their logo and name a few times,
and the changes were minimal and widely accepted by the consumers.

Another example is of a negative JND. Tropicana is a very famous brand which

sells fruit juice. It’s best-selling product was orange juice. In 2009, the company
decided to replace the packaging. The new packaging was such a failure that it
was criticized so much by the consumers. The company had to take back all of the
product and changed it to the original version of the packaging.

Same was the case for GAP which is a clothing brand, after one week of
introducing its new logo, the company had to immediately brought back all the
products and changed them to the original logo. This was because the customers
gave negative comments and resented the brand for the new logo.

Weber’s Law also called Weber Fechner Laws states that consumers can spot the
change in a stimulus based on the relative change in the strength of the stimulus.
In simple words, the stronger the change in the initial stimulus relative to its original
strength, the more likely the change in the stimulus will be noticed.
For example, if one light bulb is brighter than another light bulb, it will take twice
as much increase in the intensity of the second one for the two bulbs to appear
equally bright.
Another example is of Dairy Mill chocolates, it used Weber’s Law to cut weight
of the chocolate from 49 grams to 45 grams and maintained the same price. This
change is not noticeable but if the difference was 10-15 grams, consumers would
have noticed.

The low cost pressure cooker is priced at Rs. 1800 for 3 litres. There are two
group of consumers based on their income, therefore, discount will be calculated
on the pressure cooker for two sections i.e. Family earning Rs. 10,000/month and
family earning Rs. 15,000/month.

If we assume that people with lower incomes are more price conscious, then
for the families earning Rs. 10,000 per month, discount of Rs. 200 for the 3 litre
pressure cooker, Rs. 300 for the 5 litre pressure cooker, and Rs. 400 for the 6.5
litre pressure cooker is given. Similarly, for the family earning Rs. 15,000 per
month, discount of Rs. 100 for the 3 litre pressure cooker, Rs. 200 for the 5 litre
pressure cooker, and Rs. 300 for the 6.5 litre pressure cooker is given.

This discount offer would make them aware of the discount, and encourage
them to buy the pressure cooker. This discount would be sizable enough to grab
the target market's attention without being so sizeable that the business is losing
money as a result.

The JND concept is used to suggest a price reduction for a product targeted
for customers with lower incomes. By offering a discount as mentioned earlier,
they would be encouraged to stand up and notice the discount. People would be
more likely to buy pressure cookers as a result.

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