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Runnin Head:Overview on exploitation

Exploitation of Call Center Workers: What Recent Developments Have Allowed It

and Who Benefits?

Dayanara Pena

South Texas College

ORGL 3332: Behavior/Ethic/Leadership II

Dr. Scott Sparrow

February 28, 2023

The exploitative practices of call center workers have become an increasingly pressing

issue in recent years. Even though call centers are a cornerstone of the modern economy, the

workers in these establishments are often subject to long hours, low wages, and poor working

conditions. This exploitation has been made possible by a variety of developments, from lax

labor regulations to the increased use of technology. In addition, many of the businesses that

benefit from these practices are large and powerful corporations, such as telecommunications

companies. We will examine the recent developments that have allowed for the exploitation of

call center workers, exploring who benefits from it and what can be done to improve the


The exploitative practices of call center workers have become an increasingly pressing

issue in recent years. Even though call centers are a cornerstone of the modern economy, the

workers in these establishments are often subject to long hours, low wages, and poor working

conditions. This exploitation has been made possible by a variety of developments, from lax

labor regulations to the increased use of technology. In addition, many of the businesses that

benefit from these practices are large and powerful corporations, such as telecommunications

companies. This essay will examine the recent developments that have allowed for the

exploitation of call center workers, exploring who benefits from it and what can be done to

improve the situation.

The exploitation of call center workers is made possible through a number of factors.

One of the most important of these is the weakening of labor regulations in many countries,

which has made it easier for companies to take advantage of workers. In addition, the rise of

technology has allowed for more efficient and cost-effective exploitation, as companies can now

more easily monitor and control the work of their call center employees.

“One of the most important developments accompanying industrialization in the

nineteenth century was the rise of labor unions and their conflict with management over wages

and working conditions (Dubofsky & Dulles, 2010) ” Another factor that has enabled the

exploitation of call center workers is the increasing

outsourcing of call center operations to countries with less stringent labor laws. This has allowed

companies to take advantage of cheaper labor costs and lax regulations, as well as to reduce their

overhead costs by avoiding paying certain taxes or benefits. Finally, the increasing prevalence of

“work from home” arrangements has also enabled companies to more easily exploit their

employees, as they no longer need to provide a physical workspace.

The primary beneficiaries of call center exploitation are the companies themselves, who

are able to increase their profits by cutting costs and taking advantage of workers. This includes

both large and small businesses, as well as multinational corporations. In addition, certain

investors may also benefit from the exploitation of call center workers, as they can make a profit

from the increased profits of the companies that are exploiting their workers.

The people who benefit the most from call center exploitation, however, are those in

positions of power within the companies. These are the executives and managers who are able to

use their positions to take advantage of workers and ensure that their company is able to

maximize its profits. In addition, these people are also able to benefit from the increased profits

of the company, as they may receive bonuses and other forms of compensation for their role in

the exploitation.

The exploitation of call center workers has a number of negative consequences for

workers. One of the most obvious is the effect on wages and working conditions. Call center

workers often earn much less than other workers, and they are often subject to poor working

conditions, such as long hours and inadequate breaks. In addition, the exploitative practices

of call centers can lead to increased stress and burnout, as workers are expected to meet

high standards of productivity and service.

Regarding on the video of Great Minds, Marx and the Problem of Alienation and

Ideology, it shows how Marx argued that under capitalism, individuals are alienated from their

own human nature, as they are reduced to mere cogs in the capitalist machine, rather than being

able to express their full potential as creative and social beings. “Marx also believed that under

capitalism, workers are alienated from each other, as they are forced to compete with one

another for jobs and resources, rather than working together for a common goal (Social

Problems: Continuity and Change, 2015).” This can lead to feelings of isolation and

estrangement from others.

The exploitation of call center workers can also have a negative impact on their mental

health, as they are often exposed to verbal abuse and have to deal with difficult customers on a

regular basis. This can lead to feelings of frustration and anger, as well as depression and

anxiety. Finally, the exploitation of call center workers can also have a negative impact on their

physical health, as they are often exposed to long hours of sitting in a confined space.

Technology has played an important role in the exploitation of call center workers. One

of the most significant ways in which technology has enabled exploitation is through the use of

“big data” and analytics. Companies are able to monitor the performance of their workers and

use this data to determine who is most productive and efficient, and who is not. This allows

them to reward the most productive workers and penalize those who are not meeting


In addition, technology has also allowed companies to automate certain aspects of the

call center process. For example, they can use automated systems to route calls to the most

efficient workers, or use AI-based systems to monitor customer interactions. This automation

allows companies to reduce their staffing costs, as they no longer need to employ as many


Companies are able to use the exploitation of call center workers to their advantage in a
number of ways. One of the most obvious is that it allows them to reduce their costs, as they are

able to pay their workers less and avoid certain taxes and benefits. In addition, companies can

also use the exploitation of workers to increase their profits, as they are able to increase their

productivity and efficiency. Finally, companies can also use the exploitation of call center

workers to increase their market share, as they can offer lower prices and more competitive

services than their competitors.

The exploitation of call center workers is a violation of labor laws in many countries, and

as such, it is subject to legal and regulatory challenges. In the United States, for example, the

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) prohibits employers from taking advantage of their employees

and sets minimum standards for wages and working conditions. In addition, many states have

their own labor laws that are designed to protect workers from exploitation.

However, these laws are often difficult to enforce, as companies are often able to find

ways to circumvent them. In addition, some countries have lax labor laws that make it easier for

companies to take advantage of their workers. As such, it is important for governments to ensure

that labor laws are being properly enforced, and that companies are held accountable for any

exploitation of their workers.

“Employers should also take other measures to improve worker morale, including

improvements in wages and working conditions (Social Problems: Continuity and Change,

2015).” There are a number of strategies that can be used to address the exploitation of call

center workers. One of the most important is for governments to strengthen their labor laws and

ensure that they are properly enforced. This includes setting minimum standards for wages and

working conditions, as well as providing better protections for workers. In addition,

governments should also work to ensure that companies are held accountable for any

exploitation of their workers, and that workers are able to seek redress when necessary.

It is also important for companies to take steps to ensure that their workers are not being
exploited. This includes ensuring that they are complying with labor laws and providing their

workers with fair wages and working conditions. In addition, companies should also ensure that

their employees are given adequate breaks and rest periods, and that they are not subject to

verbal abuse or other forms of harassment.

Finally, it is important for workers to be aware of their rights and to speak up if they feel that

they are being exploited. Workers should also be aware of any laws or regulations that may

apply to their situation, and should be willing to seek legal advice if necessary. Ultimately, it is

up to workers to ensure that they are being treated fairly and that their rights are being


Many call center workers are not aware of the extent to which they are being exploited.

This is because they may not be aware of the labor laws that apply to their situation, or they may

not be aware of the ways in which their employers are exploiting them. In addition, many

companies are able to conceal the extent of their exploitation by offering workers low wages or

benefits that are not commensurate with the work they are doing.

In order to protect workers’ rights and to ensure that they are receiving fair

compensation, it is important for governments to strengthen their labor laws and ensure that they

are properly enforced. This includes setting minimum standards for wages and working

conditions, ensuring that companies are held accountable for any exploitation of their workers,

and providing better protections for workers. “Closing the loopholes will have real benefits,

including a fairer tax system, reduced federal budget deficits and more resources to improve our

roads, bridges and schools—things that are really important for economic development here in

the United States” (Kocieniewski, 2011, p. B1) (Social Problems: Continuity and Change,

2015)” In addition, companies should also ensure that they are complying with labor laws and

providing their workers with fair wages and working conditions.

Finally, it is important for workers to be aware of their rights and to speak up if they feel
that they are being exploited. Workers should also be aware of any laws or regulations that may

apply to their situation, and should be willing to seek legal advice if necessary. Ultimately, it is

up to workers to ensure that they are being treated fairly and that their rights are being


The exploitation of call center workers is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

There are several recent developments that have enabled this exploitation, and the primary

beneficiaries of these practices are the companies themselves. The exploitation of call center

workers has several negative consequences, including lower wages and poorer working

conditions, as well as an impact on workers’ mental and physical health. Technology has played

an important role in enabling this exploitation, as companies are able to use “big data” to

monitor and control their workers. In order to address this issue, it is important for governments

to strengthen their labor laws, for companies to comply with these laws, and for workers to be

aware of their rights and to speak up if they feel that they are being exploited.

1. Social Problems: Continuity and Change. [Author removed at request of original

publisher]. University Of Minnesota Libraries publishing edition, 2015

2. (“Great Minds - Part 4 - Marx and the Problem of Alienation and Ideology”)

3. Price, T. (2020, April 17). Inequality in America. CQ researcher, 30, 1-30.

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