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Building A Stronger Mind:

The positive impact of working out among the students of BPNHS on their mental health

Jayden Josh Diaz

Arran Bell Bugarin
Johann Timothy Valdez

Background of the Study
“The body achieves what the mind believes” to create a positive attitude and belief towards
reaching your fitness goals, can help a person overcome physical limitations. Going to the gym to
exercise is more than a workout pr a physical hobby for everyone, it requires a right mindset to be
consistent and discipline for doing it daily. strong and a well-defined physique that every students
aims to acquire and use it as an influence or to inspire other students, this can be achieve through
being committed on exercising regularly. This does not only improve the physical set of skills but also
lowers the risks of negative effects on the mental health.
Furthermore, students are also found going through the gym every weekdays after their
school sessions every week days also, these teen agers are slowly progressing in reaching their dream,
their fitness goals. The dilemma of students working out are sometimes fueled by negative energy and
thoughts some of the students experienced heart broken and use it as a fuel through motivate
themselves to go into the gym as their daily basis. Which can either make good or bad intentions that
may bring down others, or to hurt other people through, physically, also, one of the factors that
students are facing right now is their personal barriers and lack of guidance or professionals to teach
them because most of the students are scared that they might be judge and unwelcomed and might
hurt themselves. So, this signifies the local issues of students that goes to the gym and facing these
such problems indicates that we must put attention for these negative and positive effects of the
Meanwhile, several studies may have already been made to further increase our awareness
and knowledge about the benefits of going to and being in the gym, however, only a few studies have
been professionally conducted that would prove several effects of what this specific “gymbro”
mindset would do to our everyday lives and the positive impact it gives to our productivity, efficiency,
and relief of stress. The only observations that have been made during this modern time that can be
considered remotely close to a professional study are social media videos that cover this topic along
with recorded proof and results, but the concern still remains that an increase in actual research needs
to be upheld especially in this specified area of Brooke’s Point, Palawan.
In connection with this, the publishers from LIFE, The Philippine star featured “fitspiration”
Culver Padilla (celebrity fitness coach to names such as Iza Calzado and Markki Stroem) to promote
that people should “Act on it” and move towards their goals and actively try to better themselves and
their mental condition as supported by some of his partnering gyms such as AWAKEN, also
emphasizing that securing one’s mental state and improving mental health is one of the key factors
into starting off and being consistent in your gym life . Moreover, several promotions, authorities, and
big names in the fitness community from overseas has adamantly voiced their recommendations for
the widespread of information and highlight of learning the basic disciplines and improvement of
“gyming” to our current lifestyle and needs of every practitioner.
Significance of the Study

This study aimed to provide valuable information on what are the positive impacts for doing
physical workouts on Brooke’s Point National Highschool (BPNHS)

For the Students, this study will help them to try physical workouts for theirselves since this study
will provide Information about the benefits of doing physical workouts. The students will improve
their mental and physical health. They would become healthier.

For the Teachers, they could help the students to motivate themselves doing such workouts and to
lessen the percentage of having stress for their students.

For future generations,


What does the workhorse lifestyle of a gym practitioner do in favor of a person’s mind?
Understanding this relation of the body and mind has not been easy, and the gap between clarification
and confusion has only been increasing especially in this new information age that has caused a rise
im skepticism in the reputation of the “Gym Life”.
This study was conceived to understand a specific part of a “GymBro’s” life, and that is the positive
impact it manifests for the practitioner’s mental health.
Specifically, this investigation seeks answers to the following question.
1.What does a “GymGoer” do to keep themselves disciplined?
2.What kind of objectives make people go to the gym in the first place?
3.How does going to the gym benefit the mental health of a person?
4.Why do people put so much time and effort into going to the gym?
5.What kind of long-term benefits does going to the gym have for your mental health?
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The general intent of the study is to look into the benefits of gym work out on mental health
and academic performance at Brooke's Point National High School (BPNHS), with a particular
emphasis on the students who go to the gym.
This investigation will mainly assess the positive impact of doing gym workouts, it also
includes in this study for how the students doing gym workouts will affect their performance in
school. This study yearns to help not just the students but also the teachers, seeing the selected
students of Brooke’s Point National Highschool doing physical workouts; The goal of this study is to
investigate and to know the general benefits and techniques came from the selected students of


Review of Related Literature And Studies
Theoretical Framework
The following theories of learning served as the background of this study:
First, Bahrke and Morgan’s Distraction theory (1978); Second, Ransford’s The Social interaction
Hypothesis(1982); Third, Bandura’s Self-efficacy theory (1997).
Bahrke and Morgan’s distraction theory implies that any time spent away from, or out of
one’s daily life brought by physical activity is responsible for any type of benefit brought from
exercise. The main idea or theme of Bahrke and Morgan’s theory is that exercise acts as a temporary
breaking away point for a person to relax and calm his/her sense of self or even quote escape from
reality. This serves a fundamental focal point for gymgoers today and those in between a rock and a
hard place in currently in life. The mental health of gymgoers and certain practitioners of body
building, powerlifting, calisthenics, and others require time and focus being alone or to not stress
about the struggles of life, nonetheless this type of action that the theory supports may lead to positive
and/or negative impacts towards the gymbro/gymgirl as it only theorizes a temporary state of
“zoning”. Boutcher (1993) also stated that activities such as yoga and psychotherapy had similar
effects. There Is little support that this mechanism is responsible for chronic bouts of activity but
Paluska and Schwenk(2000) suggest that this mechanism maybe responsible for the antidepressant
affects from an acute bout of exercise.
In addition, the self-efficacy theory by Ransford C. P. proposes that an individual’s
confidence to exercise is strongly related to their ability to perform the behavior. Therefore, the
successful adoption of exercise may lead to increases in mood, self-confidence, a sense of ability or
self-efficacy, which impacts on a person’s autonomy and their ability to cope with life.
The people nowadays especially adolescent males and females generally treat their appearance or
image to others as one of their highest concerns and if needed, is there highest priority to change or
Hence, the idea is that while your confidence in exercising and working out increases so does your
interpersonal morale. In modern society’s case, the self-efficacy theory also applies to someone’s
everyday struggles. The ability to be confident in decision making, task performance, and
intrapersonal conduct.
Lastly, the social interaction hypothesis (Ransford,1982) suggests that social relationships and
mutual support from other people in an exercise setting provides a significant proportion of the effect
of exercise on mental health. However, there are mixed responses to this hypothesis because research
into home based and community programs have found social interaction to be unnecessary for the
elicitation of mental wellbeing (Glenister,1996). However, according to Biddle and Mutrie (2001), for
some socially excluded groups, such as older people or people with depression, the opportunity for
social interaction maybe particularly important for their mental health. Biddle and Mutrie concluded
that consensus on the mechanism responsible for physical activity and mental health benefit is still
inconclusive and unclear. Although very limited and unlikely in this generation, to console and
conform with others in a gym or exercise facility, the implication of this concept or action suggests to
be what is one of the key benefits of Gymgoing to a person’s mental health. Increasing solidarity
among age groups and even peers, going to the gym and exercising the body alongside partners who
possibly share the same interests, in theory, boosts significance and causes a change for the

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