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The Absent Without Leave (AWOL) phenomenon in the Marine Basic Course can have severe consequences
on the training and readiness of the affected Marines. Identifying the root causes of this problem and
addressing them appropriately is critical in mitigating the risk associated with AWOL.

Problem Tree Analysis

Problem tree analysis is an effective tool used in root cause analysis. The diagram below represents the
various factors contributing to the AWOL problem in Marine Basic Course.

Below are the root causes identified from the problem tree analysis:

1. Insufficient pre-course orientation: Wherein the orientation or introduction provided to trainees before the
start of a course or training program is not thorough or comprehensive enough to adequately prepare them for
the upcoming training. It means that the information, guidance, and familiarization provided during the
orientation are insufficient to give trainees a clear understanding of what they can expect and how to navigate
the training successfully.

2. Inadequate pre-course briefing: The pre-course briefing may fail to cover essential information about the
course, such as its objectives, curriculum, schedule, and expectations. Trainees may be left with gaps in their
understanding of what the course entails and what will be required of them.

3. Personal issues: Personal issues can also be a contributing factor in the trainees' absenteeism. Personal
issues such as family problems, financial difficulties, and other personal issues that may affect the trainees'
mental and emotional health could lead to absenteeism.

4. Inadequate support system: The support system provided to the trainees may not be enough to help them
cope with the course's demands. The trainees may suffer from physical fatigue, emotional exhaustion, and
stress. The absence of adequate support mechanisms could lead to some trainees opting to go AWOL.

Root Cause

A lack of managerial and administrative aspect can have detrimental effects on an organization's functioning,
productivity, and overall performance. It can create an environment of confusion, inefficiency, and
disorganization, which may lead to various challenges, including decreased morale, decreased satisfaction,
and potentially increased risks of issues such as AWOL incidents in a military training

The AWOL problem in the Marine Basic Course can have severe consequences on the Marine Corps' overall
readiness. Identifying the root causes of this problem and addressing them appropriately is crucial in mitigating
the risk associated with AWOL. By acknowledging the root causes identified above, the Marine Corps can
develop strategies that address these issues, thereby reducing the occurrence of AWOL in the Marine Basic

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