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Course Syllabus

MD Program- MDN4211 Business of Medicine

Winter 2021 Semester

Course Instructor
Mr. Milo D. Pinckney

Phone: 1.678.269.4707
Office hours: by appointment

I. Course Details.
Semester Dates Class time Instruction type Credit Hours Duration

MD4 Week 5 - One session Interactive small group sessions; 1; 14 Total hours 7 weeks
11 of 2hrs /week Live and as GoToMeetings

Course Hours:
Thursday Afternoons: 3-5pm Barbados Time
Please refer to the schedule of classes
● Some minor changes in the schedule may be made by the course director if it is deemed necessary
during the progress of the semester.

Location: AUIS MD4 Virtual Classroom,

AUIS MD4 Live Remote via
Attendance required in virtual classroom
Recordings available

Attendance and Participation in Class Discussions is Mandatory. Recordings will be made


Winter 2021 Course Syllabus-MDN4211 Business of Medicine 1

II. Course Description.
Healthcare is structured as a nontraditional business in the world of transactional commerce. The
course serves to provide the student with a working knowledge of this complex structure and tools
to successfully navigate it. The focus of topics covered will include the healthcare delivery
landscape, the three sectors of insurance, financial planning and other physician investment tools
including effective leadership strategies. This course will enable students to develop attitudes,
skills and behaviors to function in a complex and dynamic healthcare marketplace.

III. Course Prerequisites: None.

IV. Detailed outline of program

The course is offered in a very interactive learner-focused format. A total of 6 instructional sessions
will lead the learner through the healthcare delivery landscape resulting in a better understanding
of their roles and responsibilities by giving them a fundamental working understanding of the
nuisances that govern clinical services in the US. Thus, preparing them for the practical application
of these skills in their careers as physicians.

The subject material covered in the course is relevant to EPA 1, EPA 3, EPA 4, EPA 5, EPA 6, EPA
11 and EPA 13, as outlined and adopted by AAMC (details to follow).

EPA 1: Gather a history and perform a physical examination

BOM Content: Liability Mitigation
EPA 3: Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests
BOM Content: Rule out Practices
EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions
BOM Content: Impact of Moral Hazard

EPA 5: Document a clinical encounter in the patient record

BOM Content: Electronic Medical Records (EMR)

EPA 6: Provide an oral presentation of a clinical encounter

BOM Content: Prophylactic Liability Defense

EPA 11: Obtain informed consent for tests and/or procedures

BOM Content: Legal Best Practices

EPA 13: Identify system failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement
BOM Content: How business practices impact Physician decision tree

Winter 2021 Course Syllabus-MDN4211 Business of Medicine 2

V. Course Goals.
• The student will develop an understanding of the economic map of health care delivery in the
• To develop a familiarity with the nomenclature and function of the market systems.
• The student will understand the transactional nature of medical economics and the
components of healthcare.
• The student will be familiarized with the various clinical practice structures available in the
United States of America, and provided a familiarity to fundamentals of contract relationships.
• To understand the role of malpractice litigation on healthcare delivery.
• The importance of the influence of payer mixes and insurance on practice decision making.

VI. Program Goals and Outcomes

AUIS MD Program Goals and Objectives

AUIS Mission-Specific Objective

The goal of AUIS School of Medicine MD program is to make competent physicians that
may be entrusted to make Health Outcome-Centric clinical decisions.
Graduates must demonstrate Cultural competence, Social Accountability, with a
commitment to the Integrative practice of Medicine.

AUIS General Objectives

While all AUIS SOM students will be introduced to EPAs at their current stage in the
program, those students beginning the MD program in 2018 must exhibit Entrustable
Behaviors in all the following 13 Core EPAs in order to graduate.
Each EPA is mapped to the competencies that are critical to making an entrustment
decision. Each competency, then has milestones associated with it that represent
behavioral markers of increasing levels of performance.
These core EPAs therefore define the outcomes desired at the end of the educational
pathway at AUIS.
These EPAs support AUIS’s Mission-specific objectives and serve to guide the
educational program planning, administration and evaluation, thus forming the foundation
of the AUIS educational curriculum. Each basic science course, clerkship and learning
experience is aligned to corresponding objectives.

EPA 1: Gather a history and perform a physical examination

EPA 2: Prioritize a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter

Winter 2021 Course Syllabus-MDN4211 Business of Medicine 3

EPA 3: Recommend and interpret common diagnostic and screening tests

EPA 4: Enter and discuss orders and prescriptions

EPA 5: Document a clinical encounter in the patient record

EPA 6: Provide an oral presentation of a clinical encounter

EPA 7: Form clinical questions and retrieve evidence to advance patient care

EPA 8: Give or receive a patient handover to transition care responsibility

EPA 9: Collaborate as a member of an interprofessional team

EPA 10: Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care and initiate evaluation and

EPA 11: Obtain informed consent for tests and/or procedures

EPA 12: Perform general procedures of a physician

EPA 13: Identify system failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement

EPA and General Physician Competency Framework adopted by AUIS SOM is best described in the AAMC’s
Publication: Core Entrustable Professional Activities for Entering Residency Curriculum Developers

VII. Learning Resources.

A. Required Subscriptions: Firecracker, AccessMedicine

B. Presentations, Handouts, Additional Materials.

Students will be provided with complete set of PowerPoint presentations.

Learning objectives are made available for leach session on the first slide of each presentation.
Students are urged to review reading materials prior to coming to class.
Winter 2021 Course Syllabus-MDN4211 Business of Medicine 4
Additionally, students will be required to complete assignments in preparation for in-class sessions.

VIII. Institutional Policies.

Institutional policies of conduct, attire, class attendance, absences from examinations and
makeup examinations will be enforced. Please refer to the current AUIS Student Handbook
for all policies relating to these matters.

A. Attendance Policy.
AUIS has a 100 percent attendance policy and requires that students shall participate in all
class, laboratory and small group sessions.
Students may take up to 1 personal days off during this course each semester as an excused
Class time for the course is indicated in the syllabus and may be subject to change.
Attendance will be documented at each session by course instructor. Students are required
to attend all class sessions for each scheduled course and will be considered absent if they
are more than 10 minutes tardy for a class

Special circumstances: The University permits excused absences of a maximum of twenty

percent (20%) sessions in any course. Excused absences are required to be pre-approved
by the Dean of Students. All other absences are considered unexcused. Students with more
than the allowed unexcused absences shall be automatically withdrawn from the
course and will receive an “F” for that course.

Course Schedule (Meeting Days Per Week) 1; for total of 7 weeks

20% Excused Absence Maximum (days) 1

Students are required to submit all documentation in support for request for excused
absences and receive a determination from the Dean of Students PRIOR to taking days off.
Documentation for departures due to emergencies may be submitted on arrival.
Class Instructor shall record all attendance in their gradebook and make it available to
students at the end of each block on request. It is the student's responsibility to keep track of
their absences.
Students absent from classes during quizzes, examinations or any assignments, scheduled
or unannounced, will receive a grade of 0.

B. Examination Policy and Additional Course Completion Requirements.

The course will be graded as following:
A. Final comprehensive quiz (70%)
There will be ONE final comprehensive quiz consisting of a mix of multiple-choice
questions and descriptive answers, with a total of no more than 25 questions.
Questions will be derived from topics covered within class sessions and discussions.

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B. Instructor Evaluation (30%)
Students will be evaluated on
• class preparedness (10%): Demonstrated familiarity with the class material(s) during
• participation (10%): attendance and active engagement during class sessions
• feedback (10%): timely completion of the feedback form
Instructor Evaluation 30%
Final Quiz 70%

IX. Student Responsibilities:

Students will be held responsible for all assignments and announcements made in class by the
faculty. Students who miss a class for any reason remain responsible for any materials announced
or covered. Students will be responsible for filling in a course evaluation. Students are required to
follow all standards of conduct and behavior as outlined in the Student Handbook and will become
familiar with and agree to abide by the Code of Professionalism.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner approximating the expected
behavior of an ethical and professional clinician. Persistent unprofessional class behavior will be
reflected in documented in the student's file and/or referred to the Disciplinary Committee. In this
course, you are expected to maintain a high standard of conduct. Disrespect, outbursts, and
disruption of class or lab sessions will not be tolerated. Refer to the student handbook. Cheating,
non-professional conduct, and any form of misconduct will not be tolerated by the university.

Students must report instances of cheating or other forms of misconduct to the Course Director.

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Business of Medicine Course: Teaching Schedule Summer 2020

Week 1 (Feb 3rd, 2021)

History and Landscape of Health Care delivery in the American Health System

Modules History of Practice Introduction to Health Government programs

Role of Physician Insurance Medicaid and other programs

Week 2 (Feb 10th, 2021)

Health Insurance basics

Modules Basic principles of health Structure and components of Physician-Insurance-Payer

economics Health Insurance relationship

Week 3 (Feb 17th, 2021)

Health Insurance

Modules Providers Disability Malpractice

Week 4 (Feb 24th, 2021)

Finance-Health Cost and Payment Hospitals

Modules Role of Physician and Accounting and Profitability Electronic Health Records;
Hospitals Coding and Billing

Week 5 (Mar 3rd, 2021)

The Physician

Modules Physician Investment Personal and Professional Personal finance

0-28years; Retirement accountability Contracts and Malpractice

Week 6 (Mar 10th, 2021)


Modules Physician Safety Nets Effective Leadership Final Quiz Review

Week 7 (Mar 17th, 2021)

Final quiz

Winter 2021 Course Syllabus-MDN4211 Business of Medicine 7

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