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Money Blocks #3—Fear of Money

If you are one of those people who finds they have negative feelings about wealthy people—they are
selfish, crooks, evil or lucky—then you have a fear of money. Why? Because you fear that if you
GET too much money it will turn you BAD. Money changes you, after all. Isn’t that what “they”

But, we are sure that if we gave you a million dollars you would probably help a lot of people with it
through sharing your expertise and contributing to society. Of course, you would have fun with some
of it, but realistically you would put it to good use. Money doesn’t change people; it just magnifies
who they are.

We know many people that are extremely financially abundant. For example, we met Bert Jacobs,
the founder of the T-Shirt company Life is Good, and his company brought in 100 million dollars last
year; not bad. He was very humble and definitely heart-centered. More importantly, he understood
that the more he created wealth the more he could contribute to the things that he is passionate about.

For example, his foundation and partners have helped millions of people around the world. He lives
what seems to be an amazing life, but at the same time because of him the quality of life of others

Do you find that you have negative feelings about wealthy people—they are selfish, crooks, evil or
lucky? Like what? __________________________________________________________

Do you believe that getting too much money makes people turn bad? Explain (even if it’s an
unreasonable unconscious belief):

Where does this belief come from? Is the source credible?


In what way do you fear having money would change you or impact you in a negative way?

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