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Capítulo 3. Sistemas de Transporte Industrial

Parte de esta presentacion esta basada en: “Conveyors.
Application, Selection, and Integration” (Patrick M. McGuire)

M.R.Pelaez-Samaniego, Ph.D.
9/27/2022 1
What Is Material Handling?

• Material handling is all about movement. Raw materials,

parts, boxes, crates, pallets, and luggage must be moved
from one place to another, from point A to point B, ideally in
the most efficient manner.

• The material being handled is virtually limitless in size, shape,

weight, or form.

• Material can be moved directly by people lifting and carrying

the items or using hand carts, slings, and other handling
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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
What Is Material Handling?

• Material can also be moved by people using machines such

as cranes, forklift trucks, and other lifting devices.

• Finally, material can be moved using automated equipment

specifically designed for mechanically handling the items
such as robots and conveyors.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
What Is Material Handling?
The Material Handling Institute of America offers the
following as one definition of material handling: “Material
handling is the art and science associated with providing the
….. materials to the ….. place in the ….. quantities, in the
…… condition, in the ….. sequence, in the …... orientation,
at the ….. time, at the ….. cost using the ….. methods.”

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
What Is Material Handling?
The Material Handling Institute of America offers the
following as one definition of material handling: “Material
handling is the art and science associated with providing the
right materials to the right place in the right quantities, in the
right condition, in the right sequence, in the right orientation,
at the right time, at the right cost using the right methods.”

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Conveyors. Do they add value to the product?

Conveyors, as with all material handling equipment, do

not add value to the parts, products, or pieces that are
being moved. They do not shape, form, process, or
change a product in any way. They are totally processes
of service and as a service they have an indirect bearing
on product cost as part of the overhead.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Objectives of using conveyors:
1. Reduce actual manual handling to a minimum.
2. Perform all handling operations at the lowest reasonable
3. Eliminate as many manual operations as possible.
4. Ease the workload of all operators.
5. Improve ergonomic considerations for each operator.
6.Improve workflow between operations.
7.Provide routing options for intelligent workflow.
8.Increase throughput.
product where it would be unsafe to do so manually 7
Processes in which conveyors are required:

• Canteras (quarries)

• Puertos (ports)

• Aeropuertos (airports)

• Plantas de producción (production plants)

9/27/2022 8
Classification of conveyors:

1) Transportadores, donde el movimiento se transmite al

material a transportar por medios mecánicos

2) Instalaciones de transporte neumático, en las cuales el

desplazamiento de material se realiza en una coriente
de aire

9/27/2022 9
Tipos de Sistemas Transportadores

• Transportadores de banda
• Transportadores de tablillas
• Transportadores de arrastre
• Transportadores de tornillo
• Elevadores de cangilones
• Transportadores de rodillos
• Transportadores vibratorios
• Transportadores de techo

• Transportadores neumáticos

9/27/2022 10
Tipos de Sistemas Transportadores

• Transportadores de banda
• Transportadores de tablillas
• Transportadores de arrastre
• Transportadores de tornillo
• Elevadores de cangilones
• Transportadores de rodillos
• Transportadores vibratorios
• Transportadores de techo

• Transportadores neumáticos No existen medios

9/27/2022 11
Los transportadores donde el movimiento se transmite al
material a transportar por medios mecánicos se dividen,
entre otros, en:

1. Transportadores de banda, destinados al transporte de

materiales movedizos, en polvo, materiales grandes y
medianos, así como cargas por piezas en dirección
horizontal o con pequeñas inclinaciones

2. Transportadores de cangilones, para transportar material

en dirección vertical o muy inclinada
9/27/2022 12
3. De tornillo, para transportar materiales movedizos, así
como materiales húmedos y viscosos en dirección
horizontal o inclinada y, a veces, en dirección vertical.

4. Vibratorio, para el transporte de materiales movedizos

5. De rodillos, para el traslado de carga por piezas en

direccion horizaontal o con pequena inclinacion
(normalmente de forma descendente).

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Otra forma de clasificar transportadores:

Transportadores para grandes cargas, medianas o

pequeñas cargas.

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Conveyors schematics

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Schubin, V.S., Pedred, C., Diseno de maquinaria industrial

Conveyors schematics

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Conveyors schematics

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Conveyors schematics

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Transportadores de banda
Estos transportadores funcionan mediante una banda sobre
la cual se transporta el producto.
 El vaciado es completo y se utilizan para transportar
materias primas a grandes distancias (de 30 a 150 m o
más) a relativamente bajo costo.
 La banda puede ser metálica o cubierta con algún material
antiderrapante para evitar que el producto se caiga.

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 Se emplean diferentes materiales como: textiles,
fibras sintéticas o seda artificial, bandas de acero
laminado, bandas textiles impregnadas con goma,
cables de acero.
 Las bandas tienen reducido peso propio
 Ausencia de articulaciones que se desgasten
 Trasladan las cargas con gran rapidez (eje., 2 a 4 m/s)

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Esquema de transportador de banda

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Trazas de transportador de banda

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Schubin, V.S., Pedred, C., Diseno de maquinaria industrial
Opciones de montaje:
a) Bandas Sobre Planchas:
Estructura: Una plancha o lámina soportada entre dos perfiles
La banda se desliza sobre la lámina.
Es una buena alternativa para el transporte de grandes mezclas de
pequeños productos que no necesariamente van empacados.
Más económica que la banda sobre rodillos
Normalmente se utiliza en tramos relativamente cortos y con cargas de
liviano a mediano peso debido a la fricción entre la banda y la lámina

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
b) Banda sobre rodillos

 La banda se mueve sobre una superficie de rodillos

 Gran capacidad para el transporte de materiales pesados

 Los rodillos ofrecen una superficie estructuralmente fuerte y su libre

rodamiento permite transportar cargas más pesadas en forma más
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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
c) Rodillo Vivo:

La banda corre por debajo de los rodillos dándole tracción a los mismos.

Principal ventaja: Diferentes niveles de acumulación en los materiales a ser


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c) Rodillo Vivo:

Ajustando la presión que realiza la banda contra los rodillos se puede lograr
desde sistemas con muy poca posibilidad de acumular hasta sistemas
donde los materiales pueden ser frenados muy fácilmente.

Útil para cargas medianas o pequeñas en cajas, bandejas o tarimas.

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Alimentadores y cambios de direccion (inclinacion)

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Alimentadores y cambios de direccion (inclinacion)

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Alimentadores y cambios de direccion (inclinacion)

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Alimentadores y cambios de direccion (inclinacion)

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Inclines and declines: Avoid angle steeper than the product can safely navigate.
Although it varies among manufacturers, a maximum slope of 22 degrees has been
proven to be a good practice for handling most products. The relationship of height to
length of a product is important in determining the maximum slope it can handle
without toppling. A good rule is to make the angle of incline such that a vertical line
drawn through the center of gravity of the unit load will fall within the middle third of
its length. Keep in mind that if the product could be top heavy, the maximum angle of
incline will be less.

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Incline conveyor configurations: MOTOR LOCATION

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Metering belt

•Two short sections of complete conveyors next to each other running at

different speeds.
• They share a common drive with the slower belt feeding the faster belt.
•The slower belt acts as the brake section, and the faster belt acts as the
meter section.
• The metering belt is designed to hold unit loads back for accumulation,
but then pull a gap between them as they are released over the metering
portion. The speed change creates a gap between products as they
transition between the two sections. This gapping is an important feature
so that control devices can identify individual products as they enter a
process or sortation system.
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 Gapping, by adding an intermediate conveyor, can be
used for helping the metering process.
 Speed needs to be increased to allow gap between
boxes (which allows metering).

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Belt curves
Curve conveyors: Details

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Belt curves

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Belt curves

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Belt curves

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Ejemplo transportador con grandes curvaturas

9/27/2022 48
Componentes de los transportadores de banda

Principales components son:

1) Bandas
2) Rodillos
3) Tambores
4) Sistemas de traccion
5) Sistemas de tensado

Ver video:

9/27/2022 49
Main components of the conveying system:
1. the belt, which forms the moving and supporting surface on which
the conveyed material rides.
2. the idler, which form the supports for the carrying and return
strands of the belt.
3. the pulleys, which support and move the belt and control its
4. the drive, which imparts power to one or more pulleys to move the
belt and its load.
5. the structure, which supports and maintains the alignment of the
idlers and pulleys, and supports the driving machineries.
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Componentes de los transportadores de banda

1. Bandas

• Bandas de Caucho
• Bandas de Lona
• Bandas en PVC
• Metálicas

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Tipos de bandas y materiales
empleados en su fabricacion

Ver link:
9/27/2022 52
Formas de unir las bandas


grapas son utilizadas para bandas a)
transportadoras de caucho


plásticas son utilizadas para bandas que
transportan alimentos.


a) a) 53
Proceso de union de las bandas usando
grapas metalicas
Grapas para unir con tornillos o
pasadores la banda previamente
preforada, a); y, grapas que
penetran la banda directamente
gracias a sus puntas afiladas, b)



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2. Rodillos

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3. Tambores
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3. Tambores

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3. Tambores (opciones de fabricacion)

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Tambores. Usos y configuraciones

End pulley configuration

Nose bar configuration

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Tambores. Usos y configuraciones

End drive

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Center or mid drive
Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Tambores. Usos y configuraciones

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Tambores. Usos y configuraciones

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In selecting a drive type there are several factors to consider:

 An end drive is less expensive than a center drive.

 Due to its design, a center drive that has the same
diameter pulley as an end drive can pull a higher load.
Thereby longer conveyors can be powered by a single
 With a center drive, smaller pulleys can be used on the
ends of the conveyor to aid in handling smaller product.

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In selecting a drive type there are several factors to

 End drives require the least amount of clearance under the

conveyor so they have a lower minimum conveying height.
 Conveyors with a center drive can be bidirectional.
 Conveyors with an end drive can operate in both directions,
but their capabilities are greatly reduced and belt tracking
can become a serious problem

9/27/2022 64
4. Elementos Tensores:

Permiten alinear la banda y ajustar su tensión según el tipo

de banda que será utilizada y las cargas a manejar.

Común a los tres tipos de superficies que soportan la carga

existen los elementos tensores que se encargan de alinear la
banda y darle la rigidez necesaria según las características
de la carga.

9/27/2022 65
4. Elementos Tensores:
Opciones de ajuste del elemento tensor. Transportador de
corta longitud.

Ejemplo de montaje/tensado de bandas: Ver video.
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Opciones de ajuste del elemento tensor.

Transportador de corta longitud.

Transportador de mayor longitud.

9/27/2022 67
Transportador de gran longitud.

Ver ejemplo en video:

5. Sistemas de accionamiento:
Motor eléctrico (1), sistema de transmisión (con reductor de
velocidad) (2), rodillo motriz (3).

9/27/2022 69
There are three primary types of drive arrangements:

1.Gearmotor: An integral motor and reducer.

2.C-face-mounted motor and reducer: A motor mounted to a
standard input flange of a mechanical gear reducer.
3.Separate motor and reducer: A motor mounted separately
from the reducer but connected to the reducer through the use
of v-belts and sheaves or chains and sprockets.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
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Sistemas combinados bandas-rodillos

Cuando sea necesario mezclar o unir los dos sistemas de manejo de

materiales, se ofrecen soluciones que permiten una transición suave
evitando pos posibles daños en la mercadería.

Los rodillitos de transición constituyen un buen enlace entre conveyors y

bandas transportadoras. Las cargas pasan de un sistema a otro sin mayor
9/27/2022 73
Bandas transportadoras de gran longitud

Características técnicas y modelos: Estos transportadores están

construidos para trabajar en condiciones severas de carga y
son modulares en su longitud.
Básicamente están formados por los siguientes grupos:

Cabezal de mando: Tambor motriz bicónico montado sobre

rodamientos oscilantes. Accionamiento por motor eléctrico,
protección, reductor a engranajes , sistema eje hueco con anti-
retorno incorporado. Vinculación entre reductor y motor
mediante poleas y correas.
9/27/2022 74
Bandas transportadoras de gran longitud

Cuerpo: Bastidor reticulado de 600 mm de altura, en tramos

normales de 6, 5 y 4 m y tramos de ajuste de suficiente rigidez
para admitir luces de apoyo.
Cabezal de cola: Tambor aletado montado sobre rodamientos.
El sistema de tensado de la banda es por tornillos y corredera, o
contrapeso según la longitud.
Tolva de carga: Aplicable en cualquier punto de la cinta,
regulable en altura
Rodillos: Los rodillos portantes dobles y los de retorno son de
102 mm, montados sobre rodamientos 6204 con protección
laberíntica. La separación de los rodillos portantes es de 1200
mm aproximadamente y los de retorno de 3 metros.
Banda: Apta para alta abrasión, cantidad de telas y
recubrimientos según necesidad. Empalme vulcanizado.
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Ejemplos de uso de sistemas de
transporte de gran longitud usando
bandas transportadoras

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9/27/2022 81
Mina de explotación a cielo abierto
1x transportador para largas distancias LDC1000x4750/C04 fija,
transportador curvilíneo R=3000 m, mineral de nickel 800 t/h
ancho de la cinta 1000 mm
distancia entre ejes 4750 m
potencia motriz 760 kW (4x190 kW)
9/27/2022 de la cinta 2,95 m/s 82
9/27/2022 83
Mina de explotación a cielo abierto

1x transportador para largas

distancias LDC1000x4750/C04
fija, transportador curvilíneo
R=3000 m

ancho de la cinta 1000 mm

distancia entre ejes 4750 m
potencia motriz 760 kW (4x190
velocidad de la cinta 2,95 m/s
mineral de nickel 800 t/h


Banda acanalada (por efecto

de los rodillos)

9/27/2022 84
• Mina de explotación a cielo abierto

6x transportador para largas


ancho de la cinta 2000 mm

distancia entre ejes 2236 m,
2100/1510/1439/1250/1160 m
potencia motriz 2150 kW
(1250/900 kW)

escombros 8800 m³/h

9/27/2022 85
• Mina de explotación a cielo

1x transportador para largas


ancho de la cinta 1219 mm

distancia entre ejes 1660 m
potencia motriz 1000 kW
(2x500 kW)
velocidad de la cinta 4,69 m/s

cobre óxido 3500 t/h

9/27/2022 86
Construcción de túneles

1x transportador para largas

distancias LDC1000x2000
para tunnel construction, movable y
extendable sections on skids, curved
conveying section on sleepers,
ascent: 27 %

ancho de la cinta 1000 mm

distancia entre ejes 2000 m
potencia motriz 180 kW (2x90 kW)
velocidad de la cinta 2,0 m/s

excavatión material 800 t/h

9/27/2022 87
• desulfuradora de gas de
1x apiladora ST900.18
longitud de la pluma 18,5 m
ancho de la cinta de la
con pluma 1200 mm
altura de la pila 10,5 m
piedra caliza 900 t/h

9/27/2022 88
• Estados Unidos de América

1x cinta transportadora sobre

orugas BW1200.22/28R

longitud de puenteado 50 m
ancho de la cinta 1200 mm
altura de lanzamiento 13,5 m

marga 2300 t/h 1600 m³/h

9/27/2022 89
1x cinta transportadora sobre orugas
reconstrucción y traslado

longitud de puenteado 104 m

cinta de lanzamiento 1200 mm
altura de lanzamiento 22 m

carbón de madera 5900 t/h 4000 m³/h

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Otros usos de bandas

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Montaje de los rodillos

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Aplicaciones particulares. Ejemplos:

9/27/2022 95
longitud de la pluma 60 m; altura de la pila 10 m; ancho de la cinta de la
transportadora con pluma 1800 mm; diámetro de la rueda de
cangilones 10 m

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Usos en otros procesos (reactor de pirolisis, Brasil)

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9/27/2022 101
Pipe Conveyor Operating and
Maintenance Procedures

Examples of software for conveyors

design and analysis
1. Belt Analyst Software | Overland Conveyor
2. FlexLink Calculator Tool
3. Flex Sim (

9/27/2022 102
Bandas transportadoras de corta longitud.
Ejemplos de uso.

Usos: dentro de
industrias diversas

9/27/2022 103
Configuraciones de algunos transportadores de banda de
corta longitud

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Configuraciones de algunos transportadores de banda de
corta longitud (cont.)

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Airport conveyors

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Sistemas automatizados de empaque (o embalaje)

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Otros usos especiales

ISO 1891

9/27/2022 110
Bandas: Seleccion para diferentes usos

Ejemplo de catalogos de bandas para


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Conveyors systems costs:
In addition to the cost of the actual equipment and the associated
electrical controls:
• Mechanical and electrical installation.
• Information technology programming for any interface with a warehouse
management system or host enterprise resource planning system.
• Operator training.
• Periodic maintenance.
• Spare parts.
• Cost of stocking spare parts on site.
• Specialized training for maintenance personnel.
• Maintenance contracts.
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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Equipment selection guide:

Nothing replaces experience!

Even novices can end up with the correct selection,
however, if they tackle the problem in an organized
sequence of steps.

First, make the equipment selection carefully and honestly,

analyzing the problem.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Equipment selection guide:

Second, before settling on a solution, be sure you have

reviewed every product that is to be handled and have
considered all operational features against the productivity to
be gained, as well as the cost of the equipment against the
earnings to be gained through the use of that equipment.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Conveyor Selection
1. Identify the product(s) to be conveyed.
2. Use the following list to identify which selection chart(s) to use.
Baggage Chart I
Bags Chart I
Bundles and bales Chart I
Cans and bottles Chart A
Cans, drums, and pails Chart H
Corrugated cartons Chart C
Crates Chart C
Loose, bulk material Chart B
Metal pallets Chart E
Plastic pallets Chart G
Slip sheets Chart F
Tires Chart H
Totes Chart C
Wheels Chart H
Wire baskets Chart G
Wooden pallets Chart D
3. Review the selection notes and then refer to the applicable chart(s).
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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Selection notes:
1. Corrugated Boxes
• Good condition: Taped or sealed cartons with dry, flat, firm
conveying surfaces and of sufficient strength to support their own
• Fair Condition: Dry, sealed and unsealed cartons with bent
edges or corners and minor nonflat or bulging conditions.
• Poor Condition: Battered cartons that are apparently soft due to
dampness or wetness, or that have irregular bottom surface and
uneven weight distribution, and barely have sufficient strength to
support their own weight.
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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Selection notes:
2. Straps, Binding, etc. on Boxes

To ensure optimum conveying of all products, they must be

free from protruding or loose straps, hardware, and corner
reinforcements. Wire binding and steel straps on cases must
be relatively flush with the carrying surface if a roller or wheel
conveyor is to be used.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Selection notes:
3. Unusual Products
Some of the more challenging products are 5-gallon buckets,
drums, wheel rims, or plastic pallets.

The challenges arise from the shape of their bottom surface. A

bucket or drum has what is known as a chimed bottom, which
refers to a container that is supported by a rim
or flange around the outside edge.

The same holds true for pallets that have bottom boards only
around the outside periphery.

These products will typically travel properly on roller conveyors.

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Chart B – Loose, bulk material

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire
Chart C – Corrugated cartons, crates, totes

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Conveyors. Application, Selection, and Integration. Patrick M. McGuire

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