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1- Well Educated (Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering, Position Holder in University)

2- Technical Skills
3- Quick Learner
4- Team Leader
5- Manage Multiple Tasks at same time


1- Emotional
2- Believes Quickly
3- Weak in Anger Management
4- Weak in Relationship Management
5- Sometimes become more Reactive


1- Improvement in Management Skills

2- Window for Educational Improvement (PhD)
3- Improve Interpersonal Skills
4- Improve Self Organization
5- Opportunities for Professional growth


1- May Loose Relationships

2- Motivational issues in pursuing higher education
3- Professional Challenges
4- Less focused on technology development
5- Time constraint

Why Select as Trainer

1- I am interested in training peoples. Training people also helps in building confidence and
enhance interpersonal skills and knowledge. I have good communication skills and knowledge
to share with others. I have also worked as Lecturer in University after my Graduation.

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