You are on page 1of 13

SELECT logs.

* FROM psslai_logs logs JOIN psslai_account member ON

member.psslai_member_number = '01-0197167' WHERE LEFT(logs.date_logged, 4) = '2023'
AND logs.account_id = AND logs.method IN ('updateCustomer',
'createAccount', 'createCustomer', 'putUbpAccountDetails', 'putCardAssignment',
'lockUnlockCard', 'replaceCard', 'postMemberActivateCard', 'activateCard',
'changePIN', 'linkCard', 'postMemberActivatePersoCard', 'activatePersoCard') ORDER
BY logs.account_id DESC \G;

*************************** 1. row ***************************

log_id: 43032669
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"080912"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:47:06
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 2. row ***************************
log_id: 43032594
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:44
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 3. row ***************************
log_id: 43032595
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:44
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 4. row ***************************
log_id: 43032596
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:46
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 5. row ***************************
log_id: 43032597
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:46
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 6. row ***************************
log_id: 43032604
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:49
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 7. row ***************************
log_id: 43032605
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:49
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 8. row ***************************
log_id: 43032608
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:54
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 9. row ***************************
log_id: 43032609
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:54
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 10. row ***************************
log_id: 43032657
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: NULL
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:46:43
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 11. row ***************************
log_id: 43032668
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:47:06
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 12. row ***************************
log_id: 43032593
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: NULL
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:45:41
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 13. row ***************************
log_id: 43037549
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 13:57:01
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 14. row ***************************
log_id: 43037550
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 13:57:01
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 15. row ***************************
log_id: 43147056
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-14 11:58:51
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 16. row ***************************
log_id: 43147057
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-14 11:58:51
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 17. row ***************************
log_id: 43207956
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-15 16:27:33
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 18. row ***************************
log_id: 43207957
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"080912"}
date_logged: 2023-05-15 16:27:33
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 19. row ***************************
log_id: 43209127
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-15 16:56:41
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 20. row ***************************
log_id: 43209128
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-15 16:56:41
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 21. row ***************************
log_id: 43209132
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-15 16:56:48
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 22. row ***************************
log_id: 43209133
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-15 16:56:48
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 23. row ***************************
log_id: 43031469
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:23:55
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 24. row ***************************
log_id: 43030471
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/replace_card
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: replaceCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:05:24
activity: replace card
response: {"code":300,"description":"Success"}
*************************** 25. row ***************************
log_id: 43030528
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 0
code: 200
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:06:17
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 26. row ***************************
log_id: 43030715
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:08:48
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 27. row ***************************
log_id: 43030716
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:08:48
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 28. row ***************************
log_id: 43030724
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:09:16
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 29. row ***************************
log_id: 43030725
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:09:16
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 30. row ***************************
log_id: 43030758
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:10:31
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 31. row ***************************
log_id: 43030759
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:10:31
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 32. row ***************************
log_id: 43030929
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:12:06
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"14 - Invalid card."}
*************************** 33. row ***************************
log_id: 43030930
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970801162091","atm_pin":"042714"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:12:06
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 34. row ***************************
log_id: 43030463
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 0
ext_api_route: /EnableACQCardService
status: 1
code: 400
message: Unexpected warnings.
method: lockUnlockCard
params: "<soapenv:Envelope
xmlns:card=\"\"> <soapenv:Header/>
<soapenv:Body> <card:EnableACQCardService>
b885c6d7d09d1b4a9e162f69c0793f9</encryptedCardNo> <masterCIF>11226998</masterCIF>
<updateCode>06</updateCode> <chId>40</chId> </card:EnableACQCardService>
</soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>"
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:05:18
activity: lock/unlock card
response: {"EnableACQCardServiceResponse":{"return":
*************************** 35. row ***************************
log_id: 43031470
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:23:55
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 36. row ***************************
log_id: 43031472
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:24:10
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 37. row ***************************
log_id: 43031473
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:24:10
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 38. row ***************************
log_id: 43031758
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:29:13
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 39. row ***************************
log_id: 43031759
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:29:13
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 40. row ***************************
log_id: 43032479
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:42:25
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 41. row ***************************
log_id: 43032480
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:42:25
activity: [WEB] activate card
*************************** 42. row ***************************
log_id: 43032565
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: NULL
ext_api: 2
ext_api_route: /apiprod/eon/account/activate_pp
status: 0
code: 200
message: Success.
method: activateCard
params: {}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:44:58
activity: activate card
response: {"code":310,"description":"Card activation error
encountered","details":"148 - PIN Reset Not Allowed 1"}
*************************** 43. row ***************************
log_id: 43032566
admin_id: NULL
account_id: 107231
http_method: 1
route: /members/0f1c7da0-ed52-11ed-b925-8b10ff009606/activateCard
ext_api: NULL
ext_api_route: NULL
status: 1
code: 400
message: Card activation error encountered
method: postMemberActivateCard
params: {"visa_card_no":"4162970800162091","atm_pin":"011217"}
date_logged: 2023-05-11 12:44:58
activity: [WEB] activate card
43 rows in set (0.00 sec)

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