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What it means to “(E) into (Q) Max”.

What it means to “(Q) into (E) Max”.

You would only ever start with (Q) into very specific matchups which is
discussed in their matchup sections, ideally Riven, Tryn, etc.

What it means to “(E) into (W) Max”.

You max (E) here and continue with (W) max if you have no need for
the (Q) damage or blind duration. Though it’s better to max (Q).

By level 6 for better CS and Poke damage you’re going to be better off overall with (3) points into (E) and (1) into each of your other skills. This can severely help your early game under tower.
Aatrox Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Aatrox is a high mobility bruiser/fighter. If he locks you down he will win most all trades, the idea is to bait out his (Q) and (E).

His (W) “Infernal Chains” can be blocked by minions. If you get hit, the pull-back area is much longer than it is wide. It is best
to avoid it by activating your (W) and running to the side, as running straight can still result in you getting pulled back, even if
you flash at the final tick of the skills duration, never risk it and always rush to the side exits.

Why these specific runes?

Ideally “PTA” because of it’s high mobility and ability to shred through heavy bruisers. Itemization wise it will offer a lot of
defensive options and a ton of sustainability with high attack speed to keep kiting your targets with ease.

Other runes can be useful if you don’t like the specific playstyle that “PTA” offers. Fleetfoot for mobility and a more safer
approach, while “Electrocute” offers a more aggressive burst style for the early game and “Grasp” offering a very passive style.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him most of the time?
Unless he is currently in his (R) “World Ender”, he will mostly use abilities rather than his basic attacks. Every 24-12 seconds he
will periodically empower his basic attack, increasing it’s range by 50 and dealing an extra 5-12% of your maximum HP if it hits.
It’s not something you normally are able to time and consistently blind, unless all of his skills are down and he is currently on
top of you running you down. It’s more effective to target someone else with your (Q) who is more of a threat.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Aatrox’s main form of engage and farm is his triple (Q) “Darken Blade.” Aatrox has the ability to deal a ton of damage to you while in stealth, especially in bushes. If he lands his (W) it will pull you out
and reveal you to him and his allies. You can certainly try to avoid his skills by moving around accurately, but it’s advised not to
This skill shown above can hit you from range while also being adjustable if bother doing so because of how wide they are. It’s just not very beneficial to attempt utilizing stealth, unless you’re trying to
he actives his (E) “Umbral Dash.” This allows him to dash in any direction set up an ambush to one-shot him while he is at mid to low HP. You can certainly still try if you wish to do so though!
to realign his (Q) in an attempt to strike you with the highlighted zones.
What kind of ability order should you take?
If struck by these zones you will be knocked up taking an additional 60% Aatrox excels in chasing people down when they attempt to run away from him, especially if he is capable of landing his (W)
extra damage. Wait for him to CS with the first (Q) then trade with him. Infernal Chains. Because he has so much mobility and a dash to adjust where his (Q) will land, it’s very important to be mobile
yourself. This is why you should max your (W) and (E) as early as possible.
The second and third have a short range and less adjustability with his (E).

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Ahri Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Be aware that she can adjust her (E) with her Flash as well. You want to stay mobile against her, since she is a skill shot reliant
champion. Outside of her main catch-out abilities is her (Q) “Orb of Deception” this ability is her main form of farming and
poking within a straight line the orb flies out and strikes enemies, dealing magic damage while the return to her deals true.

This skill can strike you on both the first and the second hit so be certain you do your best to avoid the rebound strike.

Why these specific runes?

Overall safe and decent damage output all throughout the laning phase and into the mid-late game. “Aery” is more on the
weaker side into the late game, but will offer you some solid poke damage through (Q) spam through the early stages.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Ahri is an ability spamming mage, meaning she does not use her auto attacks often. It’s utterly pointless to waste your (Q)
trying to prioritize her in a team fight. You are better off focusing on someone else on their team to fully utilize your (Q).

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Ahri has the ability to charm and spam her (Q) into bushes or into the open. If she knows you are there it’s only a matter of
time before they cast and land a charm which will pull you out of stealth. You can certainly try your luck to avoid said skills by
moving around in the bushes, but it’s advised not to bother. Unless you’re just trying to set up an ambush to one-shot her.

What kind of ability order should you take?

Ahri’s main form of engage is her (E) “Charm.” Whilst Ahri does have a moderate amount of mobility, we can not hope to chase her and catch up with her if such a situation
arises. It’s better to max your (E) and (Q) to do as much raw damage and burst to kill her before she can escape.
If this skill strikes you directly you will be slowed by 65% and forced to
slowly move towards her. You will not be capable of using any skills while If you would like a little bit more mobility you can certainly put 1 or 2 more points into (W) early on, but it really doesn’t help
under the effect of her charm. This skill can be body blocked by minions. all that much as her dash (x3) will always be enough for her to run you down and potentially charm you into her full combo.
At level 6 she can dash(x3) with her (R) to reposition the spell’s angle. If this
happens your best bet would be to circle around your minions in an
attempt to have them bodyblock the skill, though flashing/sidestepping is
also an option if you think you can bait it out with your movement.

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Akali Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Akali can be an extremely oppressive champion to deal with. The idea is to play well around her “Energy” and cooldowns.

If you simply walk forward there is a very high possibility that she will throw her (E) “Shuriken Flip” which will allow her to
dash away from you while sending out a Shuriken which can potentially strike you or minions. This will allow her to dash
towards you or the minion to close the gap to initiate her (W) rotation.

You’ll never trade this engage. Her (R) “Perfect Execution” deals up to 0-200% bonus damage based on your missing health.

“Oblivion Orb” will only be required into the mid game if she decides to take “Riftmaker” instead of a burst Mythic item.

Why these specific runes?

It’s a lot easier to get in a quick basic attack and follow up (Q) when she appears from her shroud, so quick exchange runes are
generally better to take into her. “PTA” offers the best late game defense through itemization to keep yourself alive longer.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Akali will spend the majority of her time spamming her (Q), which is an ability, while hiding in her (W). There isn’t much
incentive to blind her as she isn’t that basic attack reliant. You’re better off focusing someone else to fully utilize your (Q).

Why do you not utilize stealth against her?

Akali can spam her (Q) a ton and also reveal you with her (E) with recent changes her (E) grants her and nearby allies true
Akali’s main form of engage/disengage is her (W) “Twilight Shroud.” vision until she recasts the ability similar to the interaction with Lee Sin and his (Q) interaction. This pulls you out of stealth.

Whilst she is in the shroud, her enemies can not see or target her. What kind of ability order should you take?
You can’t hope to outrun Akali or kite her that well as she has a ton of gap close engage with her (E) and her (R), so a more
She will spend her time safely striking from the shadows, appearing for a burst orientated build rune wise and ability wise is more preferable. You can definitely go with (W) and (E) max if you’re
very brief moment for her targets to retaliate. planning on running Press The Attack, but I would only recommend that to experienced and confident players.

Enemy structures will reveal her location, but a “Control Ward” will not. The reason for this is in part due to the itemization of Teemo with such a build. Later on you can build pretty defensively with
It’s best to activate “Oracle Lens” to track her current location. things like “Wit’s End”, “Spirit Visage” or “Force of Nature” if she gets too strong without suffering too much damage loss.

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Akshan Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Akshan’s kit is that of a mobile-stealth champion, so it can be very hard to track him without placing down “Control Wards.”

His ability to swing into fights with his rapid fire and high AD burst can be devastating. If you or any of your allies have
recently killed one or more of his teammates, a marker will appear above your head. This indicates that if you die to Akshan, he
will revive those allies previously slain by you, regardless of their death timer. He must be taken out of the equation late game
before any attempts of killing his teammates are made, especially if he’s fed. Fights will be in his favor otherwise.

A side note to take into consideration: His (R) “Comeuppance” is a very long range channeling 5-7 shot skill. At low HP these
bullets deal 0-300% bonus damage. Use ally towers, minions and allies to prevent him from executing you at long range.

Why these specific runes?

It’s going to be difficult to deal with him in a long extended fight, so generally speaking a straight up burst style consisting of
either “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” will be the better solution. However, it can be rather difficult to take him out if he
currently has either “Maw of Malmortius” or “Immortal Shieldbow” active in his build, try to play around their durations.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Specifically when he is one of the few remaining enemy champions in a large teamfight. This will lower his overall ability to
execute allies and revive his team. Taking him out as a team, especially with CC and (Q), is a good combo. If you don’t focus
him, he will continue to revive his team and carry the game heavily. Hold onto your (Q) until he shows if possible.

Akshan’s main form of engage/disengage is his (E) “Heroic Swing.” When do you utilize stealth against him?
This skill allows him to swing around structures and terrain for 3 seconds. Stealth can be very useful if you have set up an ambush with the intention of catching him out while he is planning on
sneaking up on you or your allies. He can not see you, but we can see him as his (W) “Going Rogue” allows him to remain
The swing will cease if he bumps into champions, terrain or recasts it stealth indefinitely while near “Terrain” or in “Bushes” but becomes visible once he walks near a camouflaged Teemo.
prematurely. Whilst swinging he shoots the nearest enemy champion
rapidly until they are out of range or killed. What kind of ability order should you take?
Akshan is a heavy auto attack reliant champion. Unlike most champions, it’s better to max your (Q) and then your (E). This
Because of this skill, he has a lot of engage to get in or out if he is allowed grants you the ability to blind him for a longer duration and burst him harder, especially with Electrocute/DH builds.
to close the gap with his invisibility, if the option ever arises, it is a very
solid option to body block his swing to catch him out especially in stealth.

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Alistar Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Minor

In addition to his gap close CC, he is very tanky and offers a lot of “Peel” for his allies. This just means disruption, disengage,
and assistance. If you and your allies are in a big teamfight and he engages, focus on anyone other than him for 7-8 seconds.
The reason for this is due in part to his (R) “Unbreakable Will” which grants him 55-75% damage reduction for 7 seconds while

Don’t let him get behind you! Alistars enjoy flashing and knocking you back under their towers and pushing you into or away
from their allies. It’s really just about respecting these players and keeping your distance from him while not getting caught

He’s relatively easy to take down after he has exhausted most, if not all, of his engage skills with allies. So keep that in mind.

Why these specific runes?

Alistar doesn’t really do too much damage himself, he is a disruption support. Ideally you would just play a really heavy poke
style rune. If you happen to for whatever reason find him in a solo lane “PTA” will offer you more to deal with him alone.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

He is not really a basic attack reliant champion. He spends the most amount of his time stomping around applying CC.
However, if you or an ally are affected by his (E) “Trample” at full stacks, you can potentially use blind to disrupt his ability to
consume the stacks and stun them or even yourself. It’s still better to focus priority on his nearby ADC over him.

Alistar’s main form of engage is his (W) “Headbutt” (Q) “Pulverize” combo. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
Because he can reveal you in bushes with his knock-up if it manages to connect with you. If he does try to face check you in
Headbutt would send you flying away from him, but if he combos it with bushes, back off entirely. There is absolutely no reason for you to challenge him. He has the better pressure.
pulverize you will instead be knocked up immediately canceling the
knockback of his (W). So they can gap close engage or disengage you. What kind of ability order should you take?
He is a support and you will never really find him outside of this role. You should mostly be maxing your (E) and then your (Q)
He can continue assisting his allies by being very tanky and offering a lot of to deal with the auto attack reliance of his ally. If you do by some odd chance see him outside of this role, it doesn’t really
disruption to you and your allies. Do not get caught out like this. matter too much on what you take. Just use the same pathing and be mindful of his flash knockback into tower combo.
Alistar is a Support role champ, it is very unlikely to see him in a solo lane.

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Amumu Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Outside of his (Q) engage, Amumu can be either a heavy burst mage or a heavy tank with a lot of damage. His signature move
in team fights is his (R) “Curse of the Sad Mummy.” If he catches someone out from over terrain, in bushes, or by flashing
towards multiple enemy targets, he can then mass stun everyone currently nearby. This can be absolutely devastating and
turn any fight into his and his allies favor, especially if he has gone full AP burst instead of the default tank build.

Grouping up with your allies around him is not the best way to play into him, as it will often end with you being picked off.

Why these specific runes?

It’s a good choice to play builds that have high MR in the off-chance he decides to go mainly AP burn damage, rather than pure
tanky. “PTA” has one of the best defensive late game builds without sacrificing too much damage, while the other runes offer
more of a bursting playstyle with “Electrocute” or safer playstyle with “Aery” and a very defensive one with “Grasp.”

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He is not an auto reliant champion. He will spend the entirety of the game running around with his AoE and (Q)/(R) engage.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

If you attempt to use stealth to survive him, you will literally be burned down by his (W) “Despair” and Sunfire Cape (if Tank).
If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are caught out in the open away from allies/towers - you’re out of options.

Amumu’s main form of engage is his (Q) “Bandage Toss.” What kind of ability order should you take?
It really all depends on what type of build he is going for. If you find yourself up against Tank Amumu, the default (E) into (Q)
This skill allows him to lock a target down for up to 1-2 seconds and dash max is more preferable. If you find yourself up against full AP burst Amumu, the default would be (Q) into (E) max.
towards them before burning them down with AoE. If he lands the first and
you attempt to flash away, he has another to catch up with you. Full AP burst Amumu isn’t seen much outside of low elo, so it would be more suitable to follow the (E) into (Q) build path.
Never be near an Amumu, as it’s hard to disengage him without assistance.
It’s really all about sidestepping and juking the skill altogether. It can take a
lot of time and practice to move around a lot, but everyone starts off
somewhere. Don’t be predictable with your movement.

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Anivia Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

The problem with Anivia is her blatant ability to revive after being killed due to her passive “Rebirth” and disengage.

During the early game this can be pretty annoying and disheartening since you won’t do as much damage as you would like. If
you can, be aggressive and take her passive down at all stages of the game. This will put it on a static 4 minute cooldown.

It is extremely useful to have her passive disabled during the early game because she becomes a big problem at level 6 and

Again… This can be extremely difficult to do because of her other abilities. Her (W) “Crystalize” allows her to create a wall
blocking your advance or even trapping you in certain locations of the map. It’s not wise to flash this ability because of her
follow up (Q), which will stun you on the other side right into her massive (R) “Glacial Storm” which allows her to engulf the
surrounding area in a large hail storm, slowing and damaging enemy champions that stay too long trying to chase her down.

Why these specific runes?

Logically speaking you will never win a match-up against a competent Anivia, so a CS focused and survive style of rune and
gameplay is better suited until you get out of lane or get assistance from your allies during the early game. It’s really up to you
what rune you would like to utilize, just play it safely. I know it can be a really boring lane, but that’s just how some lanes are.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

You are dealing with a long range mage. There are no abilities to blind.

Anivia’s main form of engage is her long range (Q) “Flash Frost.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
Early game you can get away with some bush plays, but once she hits level 6 you don’t have any hope to survive her full (R) aoe.
If you allow her land this ability you will be stunned and quickly bursted by
Unless you stand precisely just out of the range of the skill, but again, it’s best to play normally, since it’s not consistently safe.
her follow up skills. The idea isn’t really to fight her, but more to survive
her long enough to initiate a trade while she is low on mana or waiting on
long cooldowns.
What kind of ability order should you take?
(E) into (Q) max set up. Standard ability path. Your biggest concern will be surviving, poking and trading when you can; but overall
It can be pretty oppressive, but so long as you play patiently and try your you will generally be CSing and waiting for the assistance of your allies depending on how good the Anivia player is playing into you.
best to not mess things up, you can easily outscale her outside of the lane.

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Annie Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Despite being a mage, she isn’t that difficult to deal with because she actually has mechanics that you can visually see and play
around. The idea is to play smart, punish her when she wastes her abilities to remove her stacks which is her only engage.

Remember she can very easily cycle through (Q), wait 3 seconds and rotate into her (W), (E), (R) rotation in very quick
succession to easily stun and kill you. Never underestimate her burst potential. Build accordingly to what you need.

Why these specific runes?

Annie’s late game burst will be pretty heavy, thus “PTA” or “Electrocute” and their different styles of defensive build paths will
benefit you way more than any other style. A burst style will benefit the early game where as on-hit out performs into late.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Annie is a mage. She herself does not have anything to blind, however, her ultimate (Tibbers) will enrage and chase you down if
you or an ally recently killed her while he was still alive. Since he will be auto reliant, you can in certain cases protect yourself
or your ally by blinding him when he enters his enrage to chase down his recent target to avenge Annie.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

She can consistently spam her (W) to slowly but kill you over a long time, since it’s a wide cone. You can certainly attempt to
avoid it in the larger bushes until she runs out of mana or stacks, but isn’t as ideal to utilize compared to other champions.

What kind of ability order should you take?

Annie is a champion that is rather susceptible to burst damage. It’s harder to play PTA into her, because of her stun rotation,
Annie’s main form of engage is her passive (4 Stack) stun, with her (Q) so we normally play a quick exchange rune while her skills are down, leading us more into a (Q) and (E) max more than
“Disintegrate” or most commonly with her (R) “Summon: Tibbers.” anything else. The idea would be to get in toss out a quick (E) + (Q) and back off until your next opportunity, or continue the
assault depending on her mana / current hp levels.
You never want to be anywhere near her while this passive is currently
fully charged. You’re going to want to wait until she ends up using either
(Q) or (W) to CS and then engage her for a few seconds, backing off before
she reaches 4 stacks again, which is in about 4-6 seconds of resetting it
depending on how recently she has utilized her previous abilities.

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Aphelios Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


There are many different combinations he can utilize together. It takes a lot of time to understand him on your own, but
honestly playing him yourself in a practice tool game and looking up video tutorials will give you a stronger understanding of
what exactly you’re walking into. There is nothing better than getting hands on experience due to his skill curve.

But the long story short is:

So long as you have the ability to blind him, it doesn’t really matter too much since he is extremely auto attack reliant.

Due to the fact that he has (5) weapons he actually has no third ability. Once he runs out of ammo the current weapon he is
using is cast away and switched for the next weapon, so don’t worry about being out ranged by his rifle. It’ll pass soon.

Why these specific runes?

Aphelios is a rather easy champion to burst down, so long as he isn’t ridiculously fed while also having “Immortal Shieldbow”
as his main Mythic item. Going either “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” is the better option. If you feel like you’re not going to
be capable of being that aggressive into him then “Aery” is perfectly fine, just don’t expect to be bursting him late game.

Why do you use (Q) priority on him?

He is an auto attack reliant champion, especially while he is channeling his ultimate.

Why do you utilize stealth against him?

So long as he doesn’t have his Chakram or Flamethrower equipped he doesn’t have any skill outside of his (Turret) or his aoe
minion spread to damage you, this allows you to by your time. You can exit stealth to ambush, wait on cooldowns, etc.
Aphelios is very confusing to understand as a whole. He is League’s most
complicated champion ability wise because he has so many weapons. What kind of ability order should you take?
Since you’re dealing with auto attack reliant champion, you will be taking (Q) max into (E). The idea is to burst them before
1: (Scythe Pistol): Allows him to run fast + attack with both weapons. they can react. So long as he doesn’t acquire “Immortal Shieldbow” it makes it much easier to burst him down.
2: (Rifle): Allows him to shoot long range with his off-hand follow-ups.
3: (Cannon): Allows him to Root all enemies slowed by this weapon.
4: (Flamethrower): Allows him to AoE targets and shoot his 2nd weapon.
5: (Chakram): Allows him to place a turret that fires his off-hand weapon.

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Ashe Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Outside of her long range poke and harass, she is actually a very squishy champion to deal with. Once she purchases
“Immortal Shieldbow,” however, she can become a little bit more tankier, making it harder to execute her.

One thing to take into consideration is her ultimate is a long range stun. The further it travels the longer the stun will become
up to 3.5 seconds. This is extremely important to avoid, especially into the late game team fights, if you or an ally gets caught.

If you do plan on trying to sneak up on here, be aware her (E) “Hawkshot” allows her to send out a spirit hawk to scout a very
long distance. This is normally used around Baron, Drake and occasionally around the map for vision purposes.

You would want to predict this and enter stealth before it is cast in your general direction, then utilize your stealth to ambush
her where she thinks it is safe to walk through. If she has a lockdown support nearby, don’t engage her even if you’re fed.

Why these specific runes?

Ashe is going to have a lot of disengage and poke damage with her (W) and you won’t really have much time to get in close all
that often, if she is keeping herself at a safe range. Quick exchange runes like “Electrocute” or “Aery” are much more suitable.
She can be rather burstable if she doesn’t have “Immortal Shieldbow” making it the better rune choice over the other.

Why do you use (Q) priority on her?

While she does spend most of her time spamming (W) especially into the late game where the cooldown reaches 2-4 seconds.
Her (Q) “Ranger’s Focus” grants her a ton of attack speed so blinding her when she crouches and fires a flurry is important.

Ashe’s main form of engage and disengage is her (W) “Volley.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
Because of her (W) volley spam. If she knows you are nearby, she will constantly pellet you with poke damage.
The skill itself can be easily avoided by standing behind minions or allies,
but this skill makes it extremely difficult to move closer toward her due to What kind of ability order should you take?
the low cooldown and slow that it applies, preventing engage. You should take a max (Q) into (E) max. Due in part to the fact that it will be rather difficult to get in close to deal poke damage
with (E) without taking a flurry of damage from her volley and long auto attack range. You’ll mostly be poking with (Q).
It can often feel extremely oppressive, but outside of this and her (R)
“Enchanted Crystal Arrow” she doesn’t have much else to escape with.

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Aurelion Sol Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

If you attempt to get close to him, he has every opportunity to keep you at range with his (Q) “Breath of Light” as he can
redirect it’s direction quickly and effectively. This makes it extremely difficult to get anywhere near him because it will
outrange both your basic attacks and your (Q) greatly, especially into the late game. Long story short, stay away from him.

Rylai’s will constantly apply a 30% slow, making it hard to kite around or even escape if you end up taking too much damage.

Why these specific runes?

It’s impossible to get in close with a basic attack, therefore runes like “Press The Attack” offer more in terms of itemization to
deal with him fully into the late game. If you’d like a more passive aggressive play style you could take “Fleetfoot” which will
allow you to heal and deal damage throughout the laning phase. But this is more of a personal preference based on you as a
player rather than the go to rune. Due to him building high on HP items be is really difficult to burst down in the late game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Because he does not utilize auto attacks at all really, he is a mage.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Because of his AoE abilities. You can’t do anything against him while in stealth besides burn.

What kind of ability order should you take?

You should max (E) into (W). You will be spending a good portion of the game trying to avoid his damage and keeping up with
his (W) mobility in an attempt to get away before he has the opportunity to lock you down with his stun and pull back. I think
Aurelion Sol’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Singularity.” it would be important to note if he is playing with a duo Yorick, the lockdown combo together in an of itself is extremely
difficult to deal with as you will not be capable of escaping either his singularity or Yorick’s (W) “Dark Procession.”
This skill can be used in combo with his (W) “Astral Flight” allowing for
him to traverse terrain to get the jump on you suddenly. This can further
be combined into his (R) “Falling Start” / “Skies Descend” stunning you.

The real problem is once he has acquired “Rylai’s Crystal Sceptre” you
won’t reliably be capable of escaping his (E) or any of his follow up skills.
This is why I recommend a more heavy defensive approach against him.

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Azir Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

I would personally recommend taking a dodge on this match-up as it is one of the most boring and one-sided lanes for you.

You can’t engage him without trading a ton of damage in return. He can dash towards one of his sentinels with his (E) “Shifting
Sands,” granting himself a small shield which is a very easy way for him to set up his flash (R) “Emperor’s Divide.”

This ultimate will knockback all and any minions / champions in its path. You can flash over the wall just make sure not to get
caught in the wall as you are flashing as it will push you back.

Your best bet for dealing with Azir would be to play it extremely safe. Watch out for his mana, and take trades when he is low,
while waiting for your allies to assist when they can. It is a pretty oppressive lane that again is not in your favor. Survive.

One silver lining is that he is a very unlikely champion to be seen as he isn’t very popular nowadays.

Why these specific runes?

Azir is going to be poking you and dealing a ton of damage from range. You’d be better off with “Fleetfoot” to keep yourself
healthy throughout the laning phase, otherwise “Aery” or “Electrocute” can be useful if you understand the basics of keeping
your distance and respecting them heavily, especially when he tries to zone you away from his low HP minions.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Because none of his abilities can be blinded even though he is an auto attack reliant champion.
Azir is a very difficult champion to deal with due to his (W) “Arise.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
The basic concept is: He will summon sentinels which he can command It’s fine to use it for a little during the early levels of the game, but once he hits level 6 it’s not advised due to his (R) engage.
with his (Q) “Conquering Sands,” sending them a rather long distance to
get within range of striking you. It’s also his main form of CSing safely. What kind of ability order should you take?
You should take a max (Q) into (E) max. Due in part to the fact that it will be rather difficult to get in close to deal poke damage
These sentinels are not targetable. with (E) without getting yourself zoned by his sentinels and engage knockback. You’d wanna stay back.
They also can not be blinded even if you (Q) Azir directly.

Because of this, he is considered a terrible match-up to go into willingly.

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Bard Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Bard can be a pain to deal with as he is a roaming support.

The reason for the excessive amount of roaming is due to his passive “Traveller’s Call.” Chimes will continue to randomly
appear across the map throughout the game which he has to run around collecting. They grant an assortment of bonuses one
of them being out of combat Movement Speed, coupled with “Mobility Boots” makes his roams more common and impactful.

His (E) “Magical Journey” allows him to create a portal that allows everyone to travel through to pass through terrain and
structures. He might be low HP, but you’d be walking right into his (Q) stun by following or into an ambush by his allies.

Once he has access to his (R) “Tempered Fate,” he can send out an AoE which puts all structures and targets into stasis for a
short duration. It can be used as engage or disengage. Be sure to toss a shroom at them if they use it on themselves.

Why these specific runes?

Bard is very susceptible to burst, so it’s much easier to deal with him while running “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”. You can
also play a bit more heavy on the poke damage with “Aery” but generally speaking you’ll do more for yourself with the others.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

While he does use a lot of autos that doesn’t really warrant blinding him. He is a support champion, unless he’s got full crit.

Why do you utilize stealth against him?

He doesn’t have much in terms of AoE to kill you while stealth. If he ults you while you are stealth it will not reveal you or pull
you out. It’s a special interaction with stasis, so don’t panic, stay calm and make some plays around it if it ever happens.
Bards main form of engage is his (Q) “Cosmic Binding."

If this ability strikes a wall or an target after hitting the initial target, the
What kind of ability order should you take?
skill will stun them both. Don’t huddle together or be around any terrain You should take a normal (E) into (Q) max build path. He isn’t much of a threat, just make sure to not get stunned and you’ll
while engaging around him. always come out on top in all trades with him.

If he misses, you’ll be slowed by 60% for a duration instead of stunned.

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Bel’Veth Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Bel’veth is a powerhouse mid and late game, she isn’t too difficult to deal with during the early game.

I would highly advise having her banned on your team unless your allies plan to first pick her.

Why these specific runes?

Most players tend to go full on-hit AD with little protection so killing her as fast as possible with burst seems to currently be
the best option, since you really don’t win extended fights with her. If she does build some MR the “Void Staff” is a very useful

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

She is heavily basic attack reliant, though she does have other skills to cycle through while waiting for the blind to end, so it’s
depending on the situation. If she currently is channeling her basic attacks you can potentially blind her completely.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

She can reveal you if she lands her knock-up and has a lot of skills that can damage you while you are in stealth. So it’s never
worth to hide from her, you are better off running and keeping yourself at a safe distance near objectives and allies.

What kind of ability order should you take?

You should focus more on (Q) into (E) max, as it’s going to allow you to execute her more frequently and not have to extend
Bel’veths main form of engage is with her (Q) “Void Surge”. into her for too long, unless she has for whatever reason built bruiser. You want to make sure to keep your (Q) up until she
gets close enough to mitigate and burst her down quickly before she becomes a problem.
This ability allows for her to dash up to (4) times before having to wait for
them to refresh, the cooldown is relatively low, and her skills are very
gimmicky. She can dash over terrain multiple times, how saddening.

Escaping her is difficult due to her (W) “Above and Below” knockup.

Generally speaking champions like this and banned until it’s “balanced”.

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Blitzcrank Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

If an ally is unfortunate enough to be grabbed and pulled towards him it would be extremely helpful for you to (Q) him
immediately before they are pulled on top of him. You can potentially prevent him from activating his (E) “Power Fist” effect
which will chain CC you or your ally into a knockup. It isn’t much but it’s something to keep into consideration.

The easiest way to deal with him is shortly after his (W) “Override” has been utilized. He will be temporarily slowed and have
absolutely no ability to escape you or your allies running him down quickly. Take control of the situation when at all possible.

Why these specific runes?

If you for whatever reason see a Blitzcrank in a solo lane “PTA” would be the better rune in general. However, in a duo lane it’s
better to utilize “Aery” or “Electrocute” depending on your overall style of play style. Safer? Aery. Aggressive? Electrocute.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

He is a disruption support. You can blind his knock up the second he pulls either you or any ally towards him, making it harder
to lock his targets down for a longer duration to assist his ADC or allies. Overall you would wanna prioritize his allies with (Q)
over himself, but it’s a good choice to use on him if he does manage to catch someone out.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

All he has to do is land a single (Q) and it’s all over. You can try to avoid it by wiggling around, but he most likely will have
“Oracle Lens” and see temporary red hues of your previous / current location, making it much easier to land the skill.

What kind of ability order should you take?

Blitzcrank’s main form of engage is his “Rocket Grab.” You should take a normal (E) into (Q) max build path. He isn’t much of a threat, just make sure to not get pulled and you
shouldn’t have any problems dealing with him. He is a support and you would never really find him outside of this role.
This skill allows him to grab all targets besides epic monsters and pull
them towards him. It is very common to be invaded early game in an
attempt to catch out and kill allies with their team. Ping it an warn them.

It is a pretty easy skill to avoid as it does have a slight build up before it is

fully cast. Utilize minions to body block the pull if you can.

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Brand Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

His skills have bonus effects while his target is ablaze, but you want to try not to be set ablaze to begin with.

During the laning phase you would want to keep some distance between yourself and your minions, especially the ones that
are ablaze. The splash damage he can apply with his (E) “Conflagration” can hurt you pretty badly while setting you ablaze.

Getting too close to Brand once he has his (R) “Pyroclasm” can be suicidal. This ultimate will send out a bouncing fireball that
will bounce off of himself and nearby enemies bouncing up to 5 times dealing tons of magic damage with each bounce.

If he is capable of hitting all multiple targets then his passive “Blaze”, may become active on many targets. Spread out, direct
your teammates to do the same, otherwise they all risk taking devastating damage from the delayed explosion of his passive.

Why these specific runes?

He will have the biggest advantage in the laning phase just due to his range and poking capabilities. Playing it more safely from
a distance with “Aery” is the better choice over most runes. If you want to be more aggressive with the other runes like
“Electrocute” or “PTA” you’ll be looking towards the mid-late game more than early game where he will have the advantage.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He isn’t a basic auto attacking champion. He is a skillshot mage. You are better off focusing on a more valid target.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

He has a ton of AoE radius skills that can make short work of you. While also having the ability to quickly (E) into (Q) stun you
immediately upon exiting stealth. Don’t attempt to utilize stealth unless you know you have the potential to one-shot.
Brand’s main form of engage is his (Q) “Sear” after setting his target ablaze.

This skill can easily be body blocked or side stepped. It grants him some
What kind of ability order should you take?
disengage if someone decides to get too close to him by stunning them. You should take a normal (E) into (Q) max build path. Just make sure to not get caught out and respect his pressure. Engaging
on him while his stun has been previously used so you don’t end up getting caught out in his high burn and burst damage.
Once caught out, all that’s left is for him to rotate his full combo to burn
down his target in mere seconds. Be mindful and know when to back off.

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Braum Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Minor

Braum is actually a very decent engage & disengage champion with both his (Q) “Winter’s Bite” and (R) “Glacial Fissure.”

His (Q) can be somewhat mitigated if it’s just him or an ally hitting you or your ally with basic attacks, giving you enough time
to escape a catch-out stun and 70% decaying slow.

His (R) has a very big windup, giving you plenty of time to react by sidestepping the initial direction he is targeting. If caught in
this fissure you will be knocked up and slowed for 40-60% in a large open radius.

Why these specific runes?

Outside of his (E) he can be pretty easy to stack “Dark Harvest” or bursted through “Electrocute” during the early game. If you
feel more comfortable playing it a bit more passive with “Aery” this is also an option you can use against him.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Due to his ability to completely negate your (Q) and combo into his (Q) stun, it’s normally a terrible idea to prioritize him or
any of his allies nearby, unless his (E) is on cooldown. Prioritize the ones trying to set off the stun with basic attacks if it is at
all possible. Large teamfights become pointless to attempt to stop it, since it’s best to avoid being hit by it in the first place.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

If he knows you’re in the bushes or nearby, all he has to do is activate his (R) to knock you up and out of stealth followed by his
(Q) stun stacking. Easier due to the skills AoE range and the assistance of “Oracle Lens” tracking your current location.

Braum’s main support is protecting his allies with his (E) “Unbreakable.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
Due to his ability to negate our (Q) we wouldn’t wanna waste too much mana trying. Focus more on (E) max for the most
Any projectile that is trying to get behind him to target an ally will be amount of consistent damage while holding back the use of (Q) until the shield is down as a finisher if he tries to escape.
negated by 100% of the first projectile, all damage afterwards will be
reduced on him by 30-40%. It’s best to wait out the skill before engaging.

It’s often used to cancel out your (Q) from reaching the designated target.

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Caitlyn Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

While entering bushes, especially in the laning phase, always remember: “There are probably traps in this bush.”

Caitlyn is a very long range champion. It can be quite oppressive to deal with her since she will always outrange you.
Even if you manage to get the jump on her she has one skill that allows some disengage or even chase, her (E) “Caliber Net.”

This skill makes her fire a net and fly back in the opposite direction the net slows and damages any target it strikes. So unless
she is directly on top of you, it’s rather hard to get in close to trade with her from range.

Be mindful once she has access to her (R) “Ace in the hole.” While she has line of sight of you, she can channel a tracking shot
that will a massive amount of damage, especially into the late game with her AD scaling. You can use allies to body block it.

Why these specific runes?

Because of her range advantage you would want a rune that would give you the quickest burst or quickest exchange and
highest damage output. In this case “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”. You can alternatively play a bit more passively aggressive
with “Aery” though don’t expect a massive amount of damage into her compared to the other runes into the late game.

Why do you use (Q) priority on her?

She is an basic attack reliant champion especially while her (Q) “Piltover Peacemaker” is on cooldown.

Why do you utilize stealth against her?

Caitlyn’s main form of catch-out is her (W) “Yordle Snap Trap.” Due to her long range it’s near impossible to actually get close to her without taking the first hit of damage, followed by her
dashing backwards out of reach. It’s much easier to set up ambushes while your passive when you can, while poking with (Q),
She can lay down 3 traps at once, if an enemy champion steps on one they she will normally walk right on top of you, where you can effortlessly burst her down due to how squishy she tends to be.
become revealed to her, allowing for a follow up long range “Headshot.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
A very common strategy used by her is: Placing a trap down at her targets Since we can’t do much with our low range (E) you will mostly be maxing (Q) and poking as hard as you can while dipping in
feet the second they enter “Stasis” or in combo with a stun from her allies. and out of bushes, so you have an extra layer of protection if she tries to attack you while dipping back into the “Fog of war.”

This locks you down for a long time and is often why I recommend never
utilizing “Zhonya’s Hourglass” anywhere near her. It’s guaranteed suicide.

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Camille Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


The biggest annoyance with her is her (W) “Tactical Sweep.” It’s her main form of poke and CSing outside of her basic autos.

It can be somewhat difficult to learn how to bait it out, but it’s pretty much a wide and frontal cone she strikes with while
being capable of slight movement while it’s being cast. The skill functions similar to that of “Aatrox” and his (Q) spam.

Try your best to avoid the tip of the cone or take extra %HP damage, this will also cause her to gain a little bit of sustain.

The lane can feel a little difficult to deal with, especially once she has access to her (R) “Hextech Ultimatum” where she will
lock you down in a designated arena. You can not escape this arena unless you force her out or kill her.

Why these specific runes?

Camille has a really high amount of damage and self sustain if she has gone “Grasp” making it overall better to take it aswell to
at the very least go even with her. She can be quite difficult to deal with when she lands an empowered basic attack that is
also empowered with the sustain and damage from Grasp.

If you feel comfortable into this lane, instead you can take either burst with “Electrocute” or “PTA” for high 1v1 ability.

Why do you use (Q) priority on her?

She is a very basic attack reliant champion once she has initiated her main form of engage. It would be a good choice to (Q) in
big teamfights, especially if she is fed and has locked down an ally or yourself in her ultimate. This would help survive the
assault allowing for an ally to rush in and CC her out of the arena if at all possible, as her single target damage is huge. Never
Camille’s main form of engage is her (E) “Hookshot”. engage with (Q) as she becomes invulnerable with her (R) activation, hold onto it until the ultimate have been activated.

This skill allows for her to hookshot terrain, latching onto it before dashing Why do you utilize stealth against her?
towards the specified location. Try to predict this and bait it out. I recommend keeping yourself around nearby bushes once she hit’s level 6. If she decides to engage you all of a sudden rush to
the nearby bushes. The idea is to allow her to activate (R) so that you can (Q) her follow up basic attacks to enter stealth while
If you know for certain that you are going to be struck, prepare to active in the ultimate. If she strikes you with her (W) as you are about to enter stealth, this will not work, so be absolutely certain her
your (Q) the very second she connects with you. This will give you enough skills are on cooldown before you attempt to pull off this tactic, otherwise you’ll be caught out and die easily.
time to mitigate any basic attacks she may throw at you while you recover.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". We aim for the typical (Q) max strategy if she is being a pain. The idea build would be (E) into (Q) max, however, don’t worry
about changing it up if you need more burst or mitigation. There’s nothing wrong with diversifying yourself when needed.
Cassiopeia Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

This lane is absolutely in no way in favor of you. Cassiopeia is one of the hardest mages to deal with, once she has “Liandry’s
Torment” and “Rylai’s Crystal Sceptre,” it’s basically over for you to even consider fighting her on your own, unless she’s bad.

Once she has access to her (R) “Petrifying Gaze” you will now have a harder time dealing with her due to her disengage /
catch-out. The skill has a very pronounced indicator where she curls inwards towards her chest, immediately turn your back
to her, to avoid turning to stone for 2 seconds, you will be slowed, but you will be able to flash away or try and escape.

Why these specific runes?

Basically you don’t really have much of a choice in runes during the laning phase. You want to survive her onslaught of landing
her abilities while staying high on HP. The best way to do that is to play “Fleet” with an item like “Rapid Fire Cannon” if they
are really good at landing their skills, otherwise “Aery” with a (Q) poke mentality is better overall but lower sustainability.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She is a skillshot mage. She does not rely on auto attack.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

She has an awful amount of AoE poison. It is extremely easy for a competent player to track you once you’ve been poisoned.

What kind of ability order should you take?

You wouldn’t be fighting her so it doesn’t matter what type of build you decide to play into her. It’s going to be a rough lane
regardless. I recommend staying safe, waiting for her mana to be low enough to trade evenly and take a (E) into (Q) max.
Cassiopeia’s main form of engage is with her (W) “Miasma” followed by her
(Q) “Noxious Blast” follow ups while chasing. She is a poison champion. The idea is to farm safely and either poke with (Q) or just wait for ally assistance. Once she starts to run you down it hurts.

Once she has poisoned her target she can then spam her (E) “Twin Fang”
rapidly until the poison subsides. This is her main form of damage.

A side note: Teemo can help an ally Cassiopeia spam her (E) indefinitely,
since your (E) doesn’t use mana with a long duration it’s more effective.

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Cho’Gath Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


He is a tank that applies a lot of disruption through knockups, slows and silences but can also be played as a burst mage.

Once you are low HP he can very easily flash forward to activate his (R) “Feast” dealing true damage. True damage is
something that is not mitigated by any form of item. The longer the game, the more damage this skill can do, especially as a
full AP Cho’Gath.

During the early game, he can be either a nuisance or a walk in the park to deal with. It’s all based on your overall ability to
avoid his skills. You do not want to be behind minions while he is auto attacking them, as his (E) “Vorpal Spikes” will send out a
blast of spikes behind each minion hit (up to 3 times) slowing anything hit on the other side. Think of it as his ranged auto.

Once slowed you have very little chance of avoiding his (Q) knockup engage, so be mindful and stay alert.

Why these specific runes?

Ideally “PTA” due to his constant attempts to land his (Q) while also being less reliant on having our main damage through your
(Q) basic attack and follow up Ignite. Since you’re 100% reliant on basic attacks you can just face tank his silence.

If you normally see these types of players going 100% full AP and not tank then “Electrocute” is perfectly fine, but still the
other rune is much more suited into the overall playstyle around him due to the high mobility to kite him effectively.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

You want to focus someone else due to his disruptive playstyle. He’s normally all about running people down with slows and
AoE burn from “Frostfire Gauntlet.” You’re better off finding a more suitable target to blind.
Cho’Gath’s main form of engage is his (Q) “Rupture.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
If you allow yourself to be struck by this skill you will be knocked up for a You can certainly utilize your stealth against him to wait out his (Q) giving you some counterplay to escape him (since he won’t
second. This grants him enough time to walk over to silence making it have his knockup.) But outside of that you’d not want to bother due to his AoE skillshots and itemization burns.
impossible to activate your (W) in an attempt to escape, especially once he
has acquired “Frostfire Gauntlet” applying an AoE slow once you’re hit. What kind of ability order should you take?
Due to the preferred rune build and itemization, it’s much more effective to go for a (W) into (E) max into Cho’Gath.
Click here for a "Video Reference". The reasoning is simple: He has a lot of skills we need to avoid, and we can do this better by putting 3-4 points into (W) early
on in the game, once you purchase your tier 2 boots, the ability to sidestep and avoid his skills become that much easier.
Corki Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Despite being an “ADC” and building “AD” items, Corki’s main damage type is Magic. Which is Teemo’s weakest resistance.

It’s advised to build at least one MR item against him early game in an attempt to lower the amount of damage you receive.

There isn’t much to him, he is a champion that excels in long range combat due to his (Q) “Phosphorus Bomb” and (R) “Missle
Barrage.” You can utilize minions to bodyblock his (R) which after firing 2 will fire a “Big One” dealing 100% increased damage
and having a larger splash radius. So make sure to not be too close or you run the risk of taking splash damage.

Why these specific runes?

Playing it a bit more safely from a distance with (Q) spam through “Aery” is often the better approach for the laning phase,
however, if you’re like most and would rather go for a more damaging build like “Electrocute” or safer damaging approach
with “Grasp” then that is also acceptable. Aery will simply give you more through the early game to help you deal with him.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Depends on the type of playstyle he is playing. He will spend most his time shooting missiles and bullet sprays, which can not
be blinded. If there are no suitable targets you can focus him when his skills are down or if he is going for an exclusive basic
attack reliant playstyle. He has strong auto attacks when he’s been doing well, but most of his damage comes from his skills.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

He has too much AoE and skillshots to warrant attempting. It can useful for ambushing him, but not for waiting him out.

Corki’s main form of engage is his (W) “Valkyrie.” This skill becomes
What kind of ability order should you take?
upgraded into “Package Delivery” if he picks up his “Package” in his base, You’d want to go for a (Q) into (E) max. Corki has a lot of range, so poking with (Q) is often the most you can do. Otherwise you
which can be heard by the tell tale horns blaring in the background. risk taking a ton of damage from his (E) “Gatling Gun” when you get too close to him and his dash engage.

This upgrade causes him to drop a larder and wider payload than his base
(W) and resets his (W) for a second dash after the initial engage. This gives
him a lot of gap close and chase, so be sure to respect him when needed.

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Darius Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Darius is a bleed champion and excels greatly after stacking 5 times or executing targets with his true damage (R) “Noxian
Guillotine” dealing 0-100% bonus damage based on how many stacks have been applied to his target.

Everytime he lands an auto or a skill he will apply a stack of his passive “Hemorrhage” which increases bleed damage. Once
fully stacked or (R) execute he gains “Noxian Might” instantly applying 5 bleed to any target or targets he strikes.

In large teamfights this can be absolutely devastating if he is capable of flashing in with his (Q) “Decimate” swing AoE. If you
allow him to strike you with the blade, everyone struck will take bleed stacks and heal him for 15-45% of his missing health. If
possible avoid it or get struck by the hilt, as it will not apply bleed, and do less damage overall.

Why these specific runes?

Once you get caught by Darius you will have a very difficult time getting away or dealing with him. “PTA” or “Phase Rush” both
offer solid mobility and damage to deal with him effectively. High mobility allows you to kite him efficiently while also dealing
a relatively large amount of damage the second he misses his (E). Yes, I know it’s the same range as your basic attacks, but you
must understand that you have to bait it out by making it look like you’re going in for a basic attack.

If you’re overall confident in your ability to play into him you can attempt to go for a “Dark Harvest” burst approach.

Why do you use (Q) priority on him?

You need only blind him if and only if he has pulled you or your allies towards him. The normal strategy for average Darius
players is to pull you towards him and immediately activate his (W) “Crippling Strike” which slows for 90% for 1 second.
Darius’s main form of engage is his (E) “Apprehend.”
This allows him amply time to angle his (Q) to strike you upon the blade.
This skill is exactly the range of Teemo’s basic attack and is normally the
reason so many people get caught out by it. You need to “bait” him.
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
You can do this by moving towards him just within auto range and His (E) can pull you completely out of stealth even while in bushes. If you are currently taking bleed damage you will not be
immediately turn around. If they are incompetent they will utilize it. able to enter stealth until the bleed subsides. This is what makes him so annoying to deal with at times when he is ahead.

Once it’s down, he has very little outside of his “Flash” or “Ghost” chase. What kind of ability order should you take?
Your would be much more effective in this matchup with a (E) into (W) max. Darius excels in high mobility due to his runes
Click here for a "Video Reference". and his overall stats as a champion. If he catches you, you have very little in your skillset to escape him, staying high on
mobility to bait out his skills is one of the most effective ways to handle him.
Diana Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

You’re going to want to try your best to avoid her initial (Q). The idea is to treat it as it is, a curved slash that focuses at the tip.

If she casts it, it will always come from her right side, run to the opposite side of the arch not away from it, in an attempt to
avoid her ability to combo her passive into her engage. Once on top of you with or without the bonus she can lock you and
everyone down with her (R) “Moonfall.” The more champions she pulls the more bonus damage she will apply to everyone.

Absolutely devastating in a large 5v5 teamfight. You can flash out of the ultimate or active an item like “Zhonya’s Hourglass” to
avoid the damage altogether. This is the most effective method of dealing with it, alternatively an ally can knock her back.

If Diana activates any ability her passive “Moonsilver Blade” will grant her (x3) her normal attack speed passive of 15-40% to
45-120% bonus attack speed. This allows her to quickly burst down her targets if they happen to get caught out by her.

Why these specific runes?

She is going to be rather heavy on burst damage. “PTA” into the late game has a very good defensive build path while being
high on damage output. “Electrocute” can be very good if she isn’t stacking MR like “Banshee’s Veil”. If you just want to auto
path and be tankier all around “Grasp” is also a great option, but don’t expect huge damage numbers.

Why do you use (Q) priority on her?

She is pretty exclusive to utilizing her basic attacks once she has gotten on top of you. Once you have a max (Q) you will
counter her late game 3 second burst of attack speed. You still wouldn’t want her to be on top of you in the first place.
Diana’s main form of engage is her (E) “Lunar Rush” after landing her (Q)
“Crescent Strike” in an arcing slash in the shape of a crescent moon. Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
Her (R) can pull you out of stealth entirely if the radius reaches you. It’s a rather large radius so not worth risking. She has a lot
If she can land (Q) before she dashes, she can activate her (E) again after of AoE in the rest of her skills making it hard to survive when all she has to do is wade through the bushes until her (W) “Pale
closing the gap on her target. It would be wise to not panic flash, run with Cascade” strikes you, notifying her of your current location. Which is all she would need to pull you out or (Q) spam you.
(W) activation if possible and flash after she dashes again.
What kind of ability order should you take?
This type of engage grants her and absolute ton of burst damage, which Since she is going to be mostly rushing in with a large burst of attack speed it’s much more effective to max your (Q) into (E).
can be very difficult to deal with due to our weakness to gap-close and AP. You will be a huge counter to her late game if she isn’t an absolute powerhouse killing targets with her (Q) and (R) combo.

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Dr. Mundo Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


He is a very mobile and high sustain champion if you can’t manage to kill him in time due to his (R) “Maximum Dosage.”
During the duration of 10 seconds he injects himself with bonus health, attack damage, mobility and health regeneration.

If you have “Ignite” up and ready, be sure to use it immediately while he is on low HP, otherwise he can and will regenerate
back upwards from 20-60% of his maximum health. The idea is to kill him before this kicks in long enough. It’s not too much of
an issue, nowadays since he has much lower MR scaling than he used to before his mini-rework.

Alternatively you can pick up “Morellonomicon” but ignite is usually good enough to prevent his sustain when you want to kill
him or prevent his ability to heal back damage with his (Q) by purchasing “Oblivion Orb” early on in the laning phase.

Why these specific runes?

Mundo will spend the majority of his time hiding under his tower while throwing cleavers. He is actually really easy to shred so
a “PTA” approach will do more for you than most runes, since you basically have to wait for him to make a mistake and move
closer into your basic attack range. Since he is also rather mobile the mobile approach from this rune offers more.

If you wanna go for a burst playstyle then “Electrocute” is better overall since he is a heavy sustain champion, making runes
like “Dark Harvest” sub-optimal since he can easily sit back and heal back up over a short duration. “Phase Rush” I wouldn’t
really recommend, because it’s basically a rune to make up for your inability to respect champions properly and run away.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He will spend the majority of his time spamming (Q) trying to CS and poke from range, he isn’t much reliant on basic attacks.
Mundo’s main for of engage is his (Q) “Infected Bonesaw.”

This skill allows for him to CS and poke from range, making it difficult for Why do you utilize stealth against him?
champions to come close to poke, each cleaver costs 50 HP to cast, but You can at times use stealth again him since he has a really small (Q) hitbox. If he wastes his time spamming (Q) enough he will
will restore 100% of the cost if striking a champion, 50% for minions. deplete his health over time, he also does not have his old channeling flame AoE anymore, just his new (W) “Heart Zapper” so
you won’t be taking infinite burn damage, it’s instead a long cooldown AoE that lasts for a short duration. Easy to avoid.
You can bodyblock them by sitting behind minions, or attempting to bait
them out so he wastes 50 HP every time he casts it. If he strikes you, you’ll What kind of ability order should you take?
become slowed, he will often attempt to run you down once you are. You’re looking at a high mobility bruiser / tank. You’ll do much more with a (E) into (W) max. If he attempts to run you down,
slam your (W) and run. Sidestepping each cleaver he throws in your direction, so long as he can’t hit you and you respect his
Click here for a "Video Reference". presence when he is getting too close you shouldn’t have any issues.
Draven Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

The idea is to try your best to bait out the knockback. Once his main skill is down you have 18-14 seconds to trade with him
before it comes back up. You would always want to initiate a fight with him by activating your (Q) first to mitigate his damage.

Draven’s all about catching his axes as they fly off targets he strikes. He can gain stacks by doing this which will be 75% lost on
death, you do not want him having a ton of stacks. When he kills a champion he will consume all stacks currently acquired and
gain 25+ (x2 stacks) bonus gold, which if is high enough, can be devastating.

Into the mid game and well on into the late game, be mindful of his (R) “Whirling Death”, as it can be cast from across the map
to very easily execute you if your health falls below his current “Adoration” stacks. It can strike you both on the initial pass and
when he recalls it back to his position, which is a ton of damage.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with each match-up. The first is very consistent while the second is inconsistent if you
can’t manage to stack 25 stacks by 30 minutes to outscale Electrocute.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

Why do you use (Q) priority on him?

One of the most basic attack reliant champions in the entire game. If he is nearby, you would want to always prioritize him.

If he by chance purchases a “QSS”, the only thing that would save you would be “Plated Steelcaps”.
Draven’s main form of engage / disengage is his (E) “Stand Aside.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He will send out a fan of axes in his selected direction knocking back and His (E) will knock you out of stealth if it strikes. If it misses - you’re fine, but it’s got a wide range so it will nearly always hit.
slowing everyone that gets struck by them. This can make it rather hard to
get close to him or to get away from him due to his (W) “Blood Rush” What kind of ability order should you take?
which grants him bonus attack speed and mobility for a short duration. Since you’ll be dealing with a basic auto attack reliant champion with next to no skill shots outside of his (E) and (R). You would
be best off maxing (Q) into (E) for the most amount of damage and damage mitigation through blind duration.
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Ekko Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

The biggest problem with Ekko is his ability to get in deep to execute targets with heavy burst while also having the ability to
recall back to a previous location with the same HP he had before the engage even started with his (R) “Chronobreak.”

It can extremely difficult to deal with him once he is fed, it’s more about team effort locking him down with hard enough CC
and bursting him down quickly to prevent the activation of his (R). This of course can be near impossible to his long range
pokes from his (Q) “Timewinder” which applies a 32-60% slow if it strikes a target as it moves forward before returning.

Why these specific runes?

You want to survive his all in burst damage which is really easy with a full defensive build like “PTA” so you have the ability to
burst and shred, but also to survive his all in burst without dying the second he hits you.

If you prefer to attempt to blow him up with a rune like “Electrocute” be mindful that you can’t build as heavy defensively,
while also being more easily countered if he decides to build “Banshee’s Veil” to make it impossible to activate your (Q).

“Grasp” if you just wanna be generally more tanky to survive him, but you’ll do less damage in comparison to the others.

Why do you use (Q) priority on him?

If you can possibly blind him before he engages on you or an ally, more specifically late game then you can completely negate
his (E) “Phase Dive” & “Lich Bane” combo. Saving yourself or your allies the trouble of taking massive burst damage. It can also
prevent (or at least delay) his passive from activating, which is another huge chunk of damage removed from a quick engage.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Ekko’s main form of engage is his (W) “Parallel Convergence.”
Mostly due to his (Q) spam. It will consistently do a lot of damage to you and can reach the full length of the bushes, even if it
doesn’t strike you on the first pass, it’s more than likely going to hit on the second pass and vice versa.
When he activates this skill his “Echo” bats a device to the target location.

If targets are still inside the upon activation they will be stunned for 2 What kind of ability order should you take?
seconds, enough time for him to cycle through the rest of his rotations You can really go either (E) into (Q) max or (Q) into (E) max. It’s up to your personal preference. Ideally I would recommend you
and kill squishy targets, granting himself a decent shield in the process. go max (Q) to execute him quickly before he actives his (R) so a (Q) burst playstyle is more suited for this match-up.

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Elise Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Minor

She isn’t much of a tanky champion, so it’s not difficult to burst her down, so long as she doesn’t acquire “Banshee’s Veil” you
will still be capable of (E) + (Q) bursting. The idea is to hold off on doing so until her spider form (E) has been used, usually in an
attempt to close the gap between you and her.

She gains “Spiderlings” in spider form based on how many times she has struck with abilities in human form, gaining from 2-5
minions when transforming, but a well placed (R) “Noxious Trap” at your feet or in her path can make short work of them.

Why these specific runes?

Due to her ability to become invulnerable, it can be difficult to target her until she is on top of you. She will often have
“Banshee’s Veil” into the late game, making (Q) focus builds difficult to activate on her before she attempts to burst you down.

“PTA” will make you tankier into the late game, so long as you’re building properly to survive her. It shreds her relatively
quickly since it’s basic attack focused and not reliant on utilizing (Q) for anything but a finisher or mitigation.

“Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” are both fine if you would rather take the burst approach into her, just remember you’ll be a
lot easier to one shot if she is doing really well since your only defensive options are “Banshee’s Veil” and “Hourglass.”

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

While she is more of an auto attack reliant champion, she is mostly about burst and locking champions down with her cocoon
Her skills can not be blinded, she can very easily avoid the (Q) altogether with a well timed rappel. Focus on a better target.
Elise is a transformation champion so there are different forms of engage.
Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
Human Forms: main form of engage is her (E) “Cocoon” stun. She can on one hand, use her human form (W) “Volatile Spiderling” to direct an exploding spider into the bushes on a rather
low cooldown. While holding her human form (E) on standby for when you attempt to run. You can certainly avoid the spider
The skill itself is blockable by minions and can be easily side stepped. as it will not run towards you, just in the direction she casted it. So long as you’re not near it, you’re fine to wait out her skills.

Spider Forms: main form of engage/disengage is her (E) “Rappel.” What kind of ability order should you take?
Better off maxing your (E) into (Q) as it’s often difficult to properly use (Q) into her. If you planned on going into a full burst
This skill allows her to become invulnerable, and descend further in playstyle an item like “Lich Bane” would help you penetrate through her “Banshee’s Veil” since it isn’t considered and ability.
towards her target to strike or away from them, don’t waste your burst.
Otherwise it can be rather difficult to deal with her do to her multi-layer defenses.
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Evelyn Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Dealing with Evelyn during her level 1-5 is relatively easy, since Evelynn gets her so to speak "power-spike" later once she has
her stealth advantage level 6. Once she does hit level 6, remember to respect her, using wards on her camps will allow you to
properly track her and sacrificing control wards to reveal her location when she is near top lane will keep you alive.

Why these specific runes?

You don’t have much time to react when dealing with an Evelyn. You’ll get at most 2 or 3 shots off on her before she charms
you with her (W) “Allure”. This makes Electrocute or Dark Harvest the better option to other runes, since she is squishy.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She’s not a basic attack champion. Her whole kit revolves around staying invisible until her ultimate “Last Caress” is available
so she can sneak in behind her opponents to charm rotate her full combo and escape / execute her targets with her (R).

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

While she doesn’t have anything heavy to damage you with it’s not advised to attempt to hide from her. If minions start to
come nearby as she is striking you with her (Q) “Hate Spike” then she can continue to channel it in an attempt to strike you
through the nearby minions. If you’ve been charmed before entering stealth she can hit you with either her ultimate or her (Q)
to reveal you as you walk towards her.

What kind of ability order should you take?

A (Q) and (E) max is better suited to deal with her quick exchanges. Once she has “Banshee’s Veil” it will be near impossible for
Evelyn’s main form of engage is with her passive “Demon Shade”. you to blow her up unless a shroom removes the shield prior. She is a very squishy assassin, making a (Q) burst playstyle more
suited to dealing with her as opposed to a long trading playstyle like Aery or Press The Attack.
The problem with her, is her innate ability to stay concealed after she hits
level 6. This makes it extremely problematic to track her, allowing her to
get in your lane even behind you without your knowledge to kill you.

The easiest way to track her is by placing wards on her camps, shrooms all
around your entrances and exits to your lane and control wards.

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Ezreal Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


The problem with Ezreal is that he is a long range skill-shot champion. If you don’t know how to side step or utilize minions to
your advantage, you’re going to take a ton of unnecessary poke damage losing to him over time.

Keep yourself behind minions at all times, and try to bait out his skills before attempting to trade with him. All he has to do is
mark you, (Q) you and (E) to dash away. Making it very tedious to deal with him, if he doesn’t let you get close enough.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately rather than running
after them, especially an Ezreal who does nothing but disengage the second you get too close.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

While Ezreal is considered an “ADC” with tons of basic attack damage, most general Ezreal players don’t even seem to bother
abusing his strong auto attacks, while weaving in between his (Q). He is most often going to attack from range behind tanks.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

His (Q) is on a rather low cooldown, it doesn’t take much to spam and hit you a few times to kill you in a short duration.

What kind of ability order should you take?

You’re going to want to go for a max (Q) into (E) due to his long range nature and difficulty getting close, since your (Q) has a
Ezreal’s main form of engage is his (W) “Essence Flux” into his combo of (E) much larger range than your (E).
“Arcane Shift.” If you get marked, you can’t avoid his follow-up dash.

Outside of this he is extremely squishy, if he does utilize his (E) as a form of

engage / poke. You should do everything in your power to engage on him,
as his only form of escape outside of “Flash” is down.

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Fiddlestick Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

One thing to take note of is his passive “A Harmless Scarecrow.” Throughout the entire game he will place down effigies,
which act like vision and confuse players since he himself can stop moving and pretend to be a scarecrow.

These grant 3 gold per take down. These effigies can reveal your (R) “Noxious Traps.”

I recommend at some point to purchase “Oblivion Orb” into “Morellonomicon” to deal with his massive sustain done through
his (W) “Bountiful Harvest” otherwise it can be rather difficult to deal with him into the late game when he gets beefy.

Why these specific runes?

He has a lot of burst and a lot of sustain, so keeping yourself alive more with a defensive shred build like “PTA” is generally the
better option of most runes. However, if you don’t want to and would rather attempt to one shot him, he is rather squishy
champion when he isn’t trying to sustain or locking you down with fear so “Electrocute” is also a decent option to into him.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He is not a basic attack reliant champion. He will spend the majority of his time standing in the middle of a teamfight with his
engage of (R) into (W) sustaining and leeching HP from all nearby targets. There are better targets to focus your blind on.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

You can not hope to deal with him while he is nearby, you can not stay stealthed. The second he activates his (W) it will
completely reveal you to him and his allies. It would be best to back off as quickly as possible and avoid a stealth playstyle.
Fiddlesticks has 3 main forms of engage depending on the situation.
What kind of ability order should you take?
His (Q) “Terrify” is used when you can see him with vision / nearby. It really depends on what rune you’re running, but in an ideal sense you would be going for a more (E) into (Q) max playstyle.
However, it’s passive grants him fear on all abilities, when not seen. While switching it around into a (Q) into (E) playstyle if you’ve decided on going full burst damage into him or his allies.
His (E) “Reap” is used when you do not see him so he can fear, slow and
silence you, allowing him to get close to combo his (Q) into his syphon.

His (R) “Crowstorm” is used when he wants to engage a large teamfight,

causing tons of AoE and disruption, you want to see him at all times.

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Fiora Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Keep your distance from her resetting her vitals, while being mindful of her engage with (Q) and follow-up with (E)
"Bladework.” If she does engage, make sure to keep your vital pressed into a wall / structure.

Her (W) "Riposte" allows her to block every source of damage and CC for the entire duration of the ability. This includes runes,
summoner spells as well as champion abilities. As such, you should hold your (Q) and burst until after she has used her (W).
The strike of her (W) will slow and cripple you by 50%, so make sure to avoid it or risk being run down.

Why these specific runes?

Fiora can’t parry “PTA” stacks, so it’s often the better choice into her since burst play styles can be rather difficult to play into
the players that play her well. However, if you manage to get parried the rune is basically useless since you will have both no
movement or attack speed. She is basically going to be a heavy bruiser into the mid to late game. Don’t get parried.

“Grasp” is also a really good rune both offensively and defensively, since she does have a high amount of sustain herself.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

You should prioritize her with (Q) only after you are certain she cannot use her (W) to negate it. Blinding her will severely
hinder her ability to proc all the vitals during her (R) "Grand Challenge" allowing you and your team to kill her or avoid her.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

She doesn’t need to see you to deal a ton of damage, all she has to do is activate (Q) nearby and the skill with automatically
Fiora’s main form of engage is her (Q) “Lunge” into vital points. target you if you are nearby in stealth. Since it gets lower and lower on cooldown as the game progresses it’s not advised.

If she strikes a vital point, she will deal 3% of her targets health scaling What kind of ability order should you take?
with her AD as bonus true damage. This will also heal for a decent amount. You’re looking at a more (E) into (Q) max. Fiora is still more of an auto attack reliant champion while her (Q) is on it’s short
cooldown, but again she has a lot of mobility and ability to reposition / negate the blind if you do not time it correctly.
These vital points should always be force reset. Walk back towards you
tower and return to her. If the vital is BEHIND you, stay and fight. You’ll do more damage with (E) than you would with (Q) if you can’t manage to time it correctly.

However, if it is facing her, immediately turn back around and reset it. You
never want a vital point to be facing her. It’s a free engage for her.

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Fizz Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

During the very early game he is rather easy to deal with since he doesn’t have access to all of his skills.

Normally throughout the later early game, he will mainly be dashing around making it difficult to keep up with him due to his
(Q) “Urchin Strike” dash through minions / targets, especially in combo with his (E) “Playful/Trickster” untargetable dash.

Due to his high mobility gap close nature, it’s not advised to play too hard into him after he has reached level 6, otherwise you
risk being caught out and bursted in seconds. This doesn’t mean his level 1-5 is any easier to deal with, he’s very annoying.

Why these specific runes?

It can be really difficult to burst him down since he often has both his stasis from “Hourglass” and his leap available to him,
countering most of your engage damage. So you never want to start with (Q) until it’s all down. This makes “Electrocute” a
good choice, unless again you are simply incapable of holding back until his skills are down, then “PTA” is better defensively
into the late game while also being more basic attack reliant allowing you to shred him the second he comes out of stasis.

“Grasp” is a defensive and passive play style which will keep you alive and dealing decent damage all throughout the game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Due to his high use of abilities and being more of a burst champion, he’s not exactly the best target to prioritize in teamfights.
However, once his (R) - (Q) - (E) combo is over, you can potentially blind his (W) to prevent the bleed damage he would apply.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Fizz’s main form of engage Is his (R) “Chum The Waters.” Early on in the game you can get away with utilizing stealth, despite his (E) AoE damage spam, but once he has (R) don’t
bother, the radius of the ultimate can easily strike you, pulling you completely out of stealth as an easy target to burst.
He will toss out a fish in a straight line, striking any champion hit, using
them as bait for a large shark that bursts and knocks them into the air. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’re looking at a more (E) into (Q) max, focusing mostly on occasional pokes with (Q) when his (E) is down.
If the skill misses it will activate on the ground after a short duration,
unless a target steps over it, then they become marked for the ultimate. You’ll do more damage with (E) than you would with (Q) if you can’t force him to use his untargetability.
Distance yourself to give yourself more time to flash or sidestep it.

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Galio Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Throughout the laning phase he will mostly rely on his (Q) “Winds of War” for long range poke and CS. If the ability itself is
about to strike you, prepare to move from it’s AoE location, or take damage over time for a short duration.

Galio is a disruption tank, unless he decides to go full on AP burst.

So you really do not want to be focusing on him exclusively in team fights unless you have a solid amount of lockdown CC to
prevent his massive AoE (R) “Hero’s Entrance”, which allows him to target a nearby ally as he flies into the sky before crashing
down at their location knokcuping up all targets in the center of a massive team fight granting all allies within the radius a
magic shield, which can drastically change the tide of a team fight immediately into their favor with chain CC.

Why these specific runes?

Since you’re dealing with an AP tank or AP bruiser / burst champion when it comes to Galio you can’t go wrong with “PTA”
especially into the late game while building correctly through defensive MR items and situational shred items.

“Aery” and “Grasp” are both great for a more passive and defensive approach keeping you at a distance spamming either (Q)
for poke or you (E) for stacks and sustain for the relatively large amount of poke damage he can apply through laning phase.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You can blind his periodic passive basic attack, which allows him to deal tremendous damage to his target and anyone nearby.
But due to the nature of it being a passive on a 5 second cooldown, it can be difficult to time. There are better targets overall.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Galio’s main form of engage is his (E) “Justice Punch.” Due to the radius of his (W) and the fact that if it strikes you it will pull you out of stealth completely, it isn’t wise to attempt
utilizing stealth around him. Even if he manages to miss it, he still has his dash and AoE abilities to disrupt / deal damage.
He will attempt to dash forward, to impact you with a knock-up followed
by his (W) “Shield of Durand” taunt. This makes it impossible to escape. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’re looking at a more (E) into (Q) max. There isn’t much to it, into tanks it’s often the best choice unless they are high on
So long as you can predict his dash forward and get away from him in time mobility and not gap-close. However, if you find yourself facing off against a full AP burst Galio try (Q) into (E) max instead.
with your (W) you shouldn’t have much issues with this engage.
This will attempt to help stop his passive from activating after he has caught you out, giving you a bit more time to run.
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Gangplank Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

It is your duty as a scout to make sure he can not combo these kegs because you are ranged. This is his whole kit in terms of
damage. You must time your auto attacks perfectly to last hit them as they tick down from 3 HP. The higher level he gets the
faster the timer goes making it ever increasingly difficult to last hit them before he does.

Done correctly you can prevent yourself or an ally from taking 80% of their HP on one single barrel into the late game where
he scales like a monster.

Throughout the laning phase he reigns supreme in terms of high poke and sustain output while playing with Grasp &
Corrupting Potion. If he for whatever reason does not take Grasp and instead takes First Strike, you shouldn’t have any
problem during the laning phase, since you will naturally have the better sustainability and damage.

Why these specific runes?

Gangplank will dominate you during the early game simply due to his ability to sustain back to full after every trade through
his (Q) which is on a very low cooldown of 4.5 seconds it only takes 4 seconds for him to hit another Grasp stack.

Take “Grasp” with “Second Wind” or you will be backing to base repeatedly. This allows for you to be really aggressive trading
him with a basic attack and (Q) which will lower him more than he can lower you, especially once you have anti-sustain.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Due to his (W) “Remove Scurvy” he can cleanse himself of your blind. Meaning he can still activate and apply his passive to set
his target on fire. It’s not worth wasting it on him in any way, shape or form because his (Q) can not be blinded by your (Q).
Gangplank’s main forms of engage/disengage is his (E) “Powder Keg” and
(R) “Cannon Barrage.” His (R) blasts a massive area with a barrage of
cannons slowing and damaging all targets within the radius. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He can very easily chain combo his (E) into bushes covering the entire area to deal massive damage to you along with utilize
His (E) places down a keg that starts with (3) health and slowly ticks down his (R). Don’t bother trying to utilize stealth into him later.
to (1). All he has to do is follow up with his (Q) “Parrrley” his range poke to
explode the keg. He can chain combo up to 3 kegs at a long distance. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’re looking at a more (E) into (Q) max since you will be constantly trading Grasp or FleetFoot stacks with him throughout
It is imperative that you do not take damage from kegs into the late game, the laning phase. You’ll always want to engage with (E) followed by (Q) while dipping in and out of bushes to potentially negate
as they shred armor and can deal upwards to 80% of your HP on one keg. his (Q) if he is too slow to follow up or has used his (Q) for CSing purposes.

Click here for a "Video Reference". His (Q) is on a 4.5 second cooldown. So never stay in the lane, and never extend into him for more than 3 seconds.
Garen Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Few players especially new players tend to have problems with Garen, but in all honesty he is very tame to deal with. If he
moves forward to engage on you with his (Q), then all you have to do is immediately turn and start walking away from him.

Due to the movement speed decay after a few seconds and so long as you have enough range distance on him, he will not be
capable of reaching you before going back down to base movement speed at this point you would turn on him activating your
(W) “Move Quick” to punish him, doing as much damage as you can for the next 6 seconds, before his (Q) comes off cooldown.

The only real problem with Garen is when he uses his “Flash” (Q) combo to immediately silence you and run you down. It can
be difficult to deal with, but remember, the combo is on a really long cooldown of 5 minutes so it’s not too difficult to manage.

If you fall below 40% HP he can very easily execute you with his true damage (R) “Demacian Justice”. However, if you happen
to be near bushes or flash over a wall before the skill is activated fully you can actually cancel the entire skill briefly.

Why these specific runes?

Garen normally builds pure movement speed and attack speed these days, rather than building really defensively, so a very
high poke play style or burst play style is favored more than other builds. “Aery” is generally very good to keep his passive
from activating since you’re effectively able to keep him in indefinite combat, unless he backs far away under his tower.

“Electrocute” and “PTA” do this less effectively, but have really good bursting and shredding ability so long as you respect his
ability to flash in with his (Q) silence to run you down. That’s really the only problem with Garen.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Garen’s main form of engage is his (Q) “Decisive Strike.”
Remember his main form of engage? Well it just so happens it’s one of the easiest skills in the game to counter with your (Q).
You will negate the damage applied by the skill, but also remove his ability to silence his targets. If you can stop him from
This skill grants him a decaying burst of movement speed while removing
silencing an ally mage or support they can retaliate their their ultimates or skills without being blown up.
all slows (like your shrooms.)

If he is capable of striking his target, they will be silenced allowing for him Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
to combo into his (E) “Judgement” rapidly spinning and dealing massive You don’t want to be on top of him at any point in the game due to his (E) AoE shred and potential (Q) silence if you try to run.
physical damage to everyone nearby.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". You’ll be looking at a more mobile approach with (E) into (W) since he can get rather high on mobility, unless you’re taking
another rune other than Press The Attack, which in that case you’d be taking the normal (E) into (Q) max.
Gnar Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Throughout the laning phase Gnar will consistently attempt to strike you with his (Q) “Boomerang Throw” to build up his rage
meter. Once he reaches max rage he can then prepare to transform which I highly advise for you to get some distance on him.

Mini Gnar has very squishy base stats and is susceptible to burst damage.
Mega Gnar has very high base tank stats and is more capable of surviving burst.

Knowing this, you should try everything in your power to abuse his weaker form, while respecting and backing off from his
stronger form. Attempting to face off against Mega Gnar will most likely end up with you perma stunned and on top of him.

If you and your allies are around him in the jungle or near terrain and he is near max rage, don’t even attempt to be anywhere
near the frontline. The second he gets the chance he can easily vault over a target an combo into a massive AoE (R) “Gnar!”
stun. Pushing all targets in his chosen direction stunning all targets that hit any form of terrain into his (W) “Wallop” stun.

Why these specific runes?

So long as you’re fighting Gnar in his “Mini” form, he is very squishy making “Aery”, “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute” really
good runes choices to deal with him before he can transform or hop away to safety.

If you fight him more often as “Mega” form then he will be less burstable and more shreddable with a rune like “PTA”.

Why do you use (Q) priority on him?

You can prevent more rage stacking from his basic attacks if he can’t manage to hit his (Q). Though while being primarily a
Gnar is a transformation champion.
basic attack champion in Mini Gnar form, he becomes more of a skill shot champion as Mega Gnar.
Gnar’s main form of engage / disengage is his (E) “Hop”.

This skill allows him to leap forward a short distance while also potentially Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
bouncing over targets for an even larger distance to close the gap. It can He’s got a lot of AoE damage while in Mega Gnar form, however, it’s possible to wait him out while he is still in Mini Form. That
also be used on his own minions to disengage bounce away when possible. is so long as he doesn’t keep striking you with his (Q) to gain more passive rage stacks outside of minions.

Mini Gnar: Hops and bounces over the target. What kind of ability order should you take?
Mega Gnar: Hops forward and damages all targets nearby. You’ll be more suited for a (Q) into (E) max playstyle into him. Since you’ll want to deal as much burst damage in quick
exchanges to prevent large rage stacks, your engage would be (E) (Q) (E) and backing off avoiding his boomerang.
While transforming he can bounce as Mini Gnar into his Mega Gnar.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Gragas Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

During the early stages of the game Gragas isn’t that much of an issue. He only becomes an issue once he has access to his (R)
into his (E) combo. You want to be ever mindful of his (E) engage, as it’ll normally be used as his way to help his ally gank you.

His main form of CSing and zoning is with his (Q) “Barrel Roll.” Avoid the radius and don’t stand in it as it charges up the
longer it’s left and not reactivated by him. If struck by this ability you will be slowed, giving him easier access to landing (E).

He has a slight amount of sustain for himself in lane with (W), but it’s not enough to warrant “Morellonomicon.”

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” is often the better play style since it can easily shred him or mitigate a lot more damage than another rune / build. If he
goes full burst you can build some MR and defensive items, where if he goes tank you can just build “Void Staff” to shred.

Alternatively you can just play runes like “Electrocute” or “Aery” to have more consistent poke and burst damage to him
during the laning phase. You can’t go wrong with any of these runes to be honest, it’s really all about your personal comfort.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

When you see him drinking from his cask with his (W) “Drunken Rage” he can be blinded to prevent him from applying his
empowered auto attack. If he’s gone full AP this skill can do a devastating amount of burst damage, so it is advised to (Q) him.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Due to the nature of his skills (Q) and (R) it’s not advised to bother trying to escape him through stealth. It’s only a matter of
Gragas’s main form of engage is his (E) “Body Slam.” time before he lands his skills and chain CCs you to your death, even while trying to set up an ambush. He has too much CC.

This allows him to dash forward stunning targets for a few seconds. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be better off maxing out your (E) into (Q) as it is quite common to see Gragas players taking anti-burst items like
Once he has access to his (R) “Explosive Cask” he can then chain CC from Banshee’s Veil, making it very hard to get in close to execute him if the shield isn’t already down, and what with runes and
range to engage with his (E) if he manages to strike his target pushing cooldowns making the item have a 28 second cooldown, can be annoying when all he does is back off to reset it. If this
them towards him. He can also use this skill as a form of disengage by becomes the case, I’d just recommend taking a Lich Bane burst playstyle, as it will go through the shield, unlike (Q). If he goes
throwing is between him and his target, so be mindful. full tank, (E) and (Q) is still fine.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Graves Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Graves is a reload champion, meaning he shoots twice, then has to reload for a short duration before continuing his attacks.

The idea with Graves is that you do not want to be anywhere near him. His basic attacks fire 4 shots in a spread. Due to the
fact that he is equipped with a shotgun, you will be struck by all 4 bullets, taking bonus damage if you are right up on him.

Keep your distance and avoid his (Q) “End of the line” which is a straight line “ T “ fired forwards a good distance. it has a long
delay before it actually activates giving you plenty of time to not take damage by constantly scurrying about in lane.

He can then easily reload with his dash forward (E) “Quickdraw,” so he has a 4 auto attack burst before he actually needs to
reload in most cases, not including his (R) “Collateral Damage,” which does massive damage to the first enemy struck, before
exploding outwards dealing 80% of the original damage in a cone radius to any other champions hit.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” tends to be the better rune so long as you stay out of his initial (W) engage, otherwise the other runes are better suited.

If he can’t manage to get going or you are capable of outscaling him before he gets his main defensive items, then you can
certainly get away with playing a more burst orientated build like “Electrocute” and sometimes “Dark Harvest”.

Grasp for the more safer approach to dealing with him with high sustain and mitigation, through itemization.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Grave’s main form of engage/disengage is his (W) “Smoke Screen.”
You “CAN” use (Q) priority on him to possibly prevent his auto attacks from hitting their designated targets, but the problem is
that there is a special interaction with Graves, in that he can not actually be blinded. He will spin around and shoot in a
He fires a smoke canister that explodes at his target location, causing a
random direction, potentially hitting someone nearby and in extremely rare cases hitting you anyways.
cloud of smoke to appear, obscuring targets vision to within the radius.

This will also slow them by a fair amount until they leave the skills radius. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He’s got a lot of AoE spread with his (Q) and (W) spam along with the possibility of utilizing (R) burst to easily execute you.
This can make it very difficult to engage him or escape him when you have
no idea what is around the corners of the river or jungle, potentially What kind of ability order should you take?
setting you up for a team fight. Since graves is a basic attack champion outside of his skills that is, you’d be more successful with a (Q) into (E) max. It can be
pretty difficult to deal with a properly built Graves, especially when they build Hexdrinker in unison with Death’s Dance. This
Click here for a "Video Reference". grants them a ton of burst resistance, so if you see this, just go for a (E) into (Q) max.
Gwen Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Minor

Play around her stacks, she is bound to eventually utilize her (Q) to clear minion waves, She’s generally an easy lane but if you
continuously allow her to engage with her fully stacked combo she will have very little effort dealing with you early game.

The biggest problem people have with her, is her pesky (W) “Hallowed Mist.” If you are not inside the mist with her then she
become untargetable to all attacks and abilities, including ones fired before activation. It doesn’t stop DoT already in progress.

Depending on how well the player is playing, it can be difficult to execute her if she has been holding onto the skill for escape
purposes, rather than engage purposes. She gains bonus MR and AR, she can move the mist away once which can potentially
cause you to be outside of the radius after you managed to auto her, causing her to immunity the damage.

Once she has access to (R) “Needlework” you should be extra careful of her ability to run you down with a massive amount of
ranged slow and magic damage, dealing increasing damage after the first cast. She can recast this 2 times.

Why these specific runes?

Gwen is very easy to deal with since he doesn’t have much outside of her (E) and (R) range / engage. This makes poking her
from a safe distance with (Q) and (E) relatively easy to do, for free stacks of “Dark Harvest” throughout the early game.

“Aery” does this way easier since it’s not relying on getting stacks to be relevant, while “Electrocute” can be a little bit more
difficult to actually set off due to her constant invulnerability through her (W) rotations.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Gwen’s main form of engage is her (E) “Skip ‘n Slash” into (Q) “Snip Snip!”
When her (W) skill is down, otherwise she can simply invuln the activation, and dash forward to continue her snipping spree.
Her (Q) grants her a passive stack of “Snippy” which allows her to combo
Hold onto your (Q) for the moments you need it specifically blinding her (E) empowered auto attacks, since her (E) also
her (Q) activation to exude the # of stacks stored as snips up to 4/4.
increases her attack speed. If you don’t have your (Q) up, she is just going to stack it on you after her initial engage.
Each attack that hits in the center of the snip deals true damage instead of
magic damage and applies her passive “A Thousand Cuts,” letting her deal Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
bonus damage based on the targets HP and healing her for a small bit. She has too much AoE, especially with her (R) to very easily kill you while trying to escape through stealth.

If needed she can adjust her position or dash forward quickly with (E). What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking at a more (E) into (Q) playstyle focusing on dealing as much damage as you can to her.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Hecarim Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Hecarim is a very mobile champion, both item-wise and skill-wise. The more movement he has the more damage he does due
to his passive “Warpath” scaling his AD by a % of his current movement speed.

Dealing with Hecarim can be tricky, but the idea is rather simple.

Ward & respect his pressure. That’s it, unless you’re ridiculously fed and able to hold you own, just back off when you can.

If you can see him before he gets in position to gank your lane or run you down, then you have amply time to back off and wait
for him to appear somewhere else on the map. I know it doesn’t sound that helpful, but believe me, playing it safe when they
have a good Hecarim is going to do more for you than constantly pushing with no vision and being burned down by AoE.

Why these specific runes?

There really isn’t much you can personally do to a Hecarim on your own, especially if he catches you out in the open away
from allies or away from structures, because he is a really good disruption tank but also have a ton of scaling damage.

“PTA” offers the best defensive and offensive approach, to take less damage overall and deal a ton of damage if you manage to
get rolling before he becomes a huge threat. He will always have the better mobility, so focusing on killing him quickly is best.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He doesn’t rely on basic attacks, he relies exclusively on running you down with massive AoE scaling damage.

Hecarim’s main forms of engage is his (E) “Devastating Charge” along with Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
his (R) “Onslaught of Shadows”. You can actually flash his (E) knock back. If you attempt to avoid him with stealth you will die very quickly. Due to his (Q) “Rampage.” This skill cleaves all nearby targets
and subsequently raises the damage while also lowering the cooldown of his next rampages. You will not survive.
He will often attempt to run behind you to knock you back into his allies or
away from towers and your allies, separating you from safety with (E). What kind of ability order should you take?
Just take (E) into (Q), he becomes a raid boss in terms of tankiness into the late game if he is good enough, but you’re going to
If you’re able to get away, he can very easily close the gap by charging want to focus on your CS and damage output more so than mobility, since again, you will never be able to escape him if you let
forward with his (R) fearing you away in the process while dealing a ton of him get on top of you. Once on top of you, you’re as good as dead even if you have flash it takes him little effort to chase.
magic damage.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Heimerdinger Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Heimerdinger is a lane bully. He is an extremely oppressive and succeeds by constantly placing down turrets to permanently
shove a wave away from his tower or under yours. You can (Q) his turrets and kill them with 2 (E) auto through poison level 2.

So your objective is to focus on this and avoid his skillshot abilities. You want to deal with him once he has run out of turrets,
since they are on a long cooldown. You want to prevent him from setting up shop to permanently push you under tower.

If you do max (Q) you can kill his turrets in one (Q) so long as you have the AP early game. But a simple (Q) and (E) after you
have “Amplifying Tome” or “Blasting Wand” does the trick as well. If your ally wants to gank your lane, be sure to ping them
danger if he still has turrets up, if you attempt to fight him in the center of all (3) turrets, you’re going to die 90% of the time.

Be careful of his (E) stun. If you get stunned he will blast you for massive damage with all nearby turret charged up lasers.

Why these specific runes?

You’re going to be spending your entire time under your tower suffering from his constant spam of turrets perma shoving
your lane. You want to keep yourself high on HP while doing your best to drain his turrets until you can push him back.

“Fleet” does this the best, while keeping you high on mana, so long as you’re trading with him once most of his towers are
down, this rune can also heal off his turrets when you’re empowered. If you feel more confident in your abilities as a player
you can also attempt to play “Dark Harvest” because he is squishy, but it can quickly become a terrible rune if you play bad.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Heimerdinger’s pressure comes from his (Q) “H-28 G Evolution Turret.” You do not (Q) him. You exclusive want to prioritize blinding his turrets. Especially if he has upgraded his (Q) with his (R)
“Upgrade!!!” since it does a ton of damage, if you’re in range to disable it for a few seconds it can really aid your team.
He will place down turrets throughout the laning phase which target
nearby minions, prioritizing enemy champions in range. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He has a ton of poke and AoE spread with his (W) “Hextech Micro-Rockets” and (E) “Ch-2 Electron Storm Grenade” especially
There are two types of Heimer players, ones that STACK turrets and if he activates his (R) to grant his (W) a large upgrade of rockets that deal a ton of spread damage.
others that SPREAD turrets out to cover more ground.
What kind of ability order should you take?
You can easily deal with the spread, but are hard countered by stacking. (Q) into (E) max. You need (3) points into (E) and (2) into (Q) early game to safely blind and take his turrets out with one basic
attack while the poison slowly does it work to take it down over time. Outside of his turrets he is actually an extremely squishy
Click here for a "Video Reference". champion, it just takes a bit to actually get close and deal damage while managing his turret placements.
Illaoi Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Illaoi is played mostly through her passive “Prophet of an Elder God” which spawns tentacles passively throughout the game
on nearby terrain. If these tentacles hit a target, they will also heal her for a % of her HP.

Kill all nearby tentacles that you can safely reach as they spawn to grant yourself (5g) and prevent her from chaining abilities.

It is imperative that you do not allow her to land her (R) “Leap of Faith” or you to be anywhere near her if she does strike an
ally or your entire team in a 4-5 man ult, each enemy struck will spawn an extra tentacle that can lead to devastating damage.

This skill can be avoided with “Zhonya’s Hourglass” or simply flashed before it has time to strike you. If it strikes your spirit,
just run as you do not want to fight her or you’ll take double the damage due to her tentacles hitting both you and your echo.

Why these specific runes?

High mobility is important to avoid the majority of her skills and skill shots. High attack speed helps with taking down her
tentacles as they spawn due to higher attack speed than normal runes due to “Berserker’s Greaves”.

You can get away with playing a more poke orientated play style into her like “Aery” or “Grasp” but don’t expect to do too
much into her late game once she gets rolling and tankier. You’ll be lower on mobility and lower on damage output overall.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She will spend the majority of her time spamming her (Q) “Tentacle Smash” while trying to grab your spirit with (E). However,
if you know all of her skills are down, you can time your (Q) to blind her (W) “Harsh Lesson” which is an empowered auto.
Illaoi’s main form of engage is her (E) “Test of Spirit.”

She will pull your spirit from your body and attack it. You will take a % of Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
the damage your echo takes. If your spirit dies or you run away you will She has a lot of AoE that can easily kill you over time, but the biggest thing is if she lands her (E) you will be immediately
become a vessel and start spawning tentacles on all adjacent terrain. revealed to her and if you attempt to enter stealth while your spirit is out of your body you will still be visible to her.

This skill can be body blocked by minions and does no damage, but if she What kind of ability order should you take?
hits you then get the hell away from her. It’s a death sentence unless you’re You can go with either a (E) into (W) max, or a (E) into (Q) max, the biggest thing to understand if you want to be mobile
doing really well and can shred her down quickly. This skill essentially is a enough to avoid her skill shots and to avoid having your spirit pulled. You do this more effectively when you put more points
25-40% damage increase to all of her AoE abilities. into (W) early on in the game especially if you decided to play Press The Attack instead of another rune.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Irelia Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Irelia can be an absolute pain to deal with, as she is very overloaded in sustain and catch-out / lockdown potential.

Try your best to close out the game before late game arrives because she will scale into a monster.

Early game it's all about avoiding her stun as mentioned previously. You’ll want to rush “Oblivion Orb” due to her build path of
“Vampiric Sceptre” which will grant her an insane amount of sustain after clearing a full wave of minions on low health.

If you get hit by her (R) “Vanguard’s Edge” her best form of lockdown engage don't touch the blades or you will be slowed by
90% for 1.5 seconds. Flash or sidestep her (R). If you get stunned she will win every trade so it's pretty much dodge or die.

You will not win a 1v1 with her into the late game unless you’re insanely fed. Take her on with hard CC allies and respect her.

Why these specific runes?

Regardless of what rune you take, she is still overwhelming. It’s often the better choice to play a more poke and defensive
approach with “Grasp”, this will allow you to have high damage output and self sustain to compete with her power spike.

If you want to play more aggressively “Aery” can be helpful, but if you plan on playing “Electrocute” she can easily mitigate a
large portion of the burst damage by channeling her (W). So long as you hold your burst, until it’s over it’s a fine choice.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

While Irelia is technically a basic attack champion, we can not blind her (Q) dash or any other ability. So when it comes time to
blind her, you want to blind her when the swords on her back are glowing white, this means she currently has bonus on-hit
active from her passive “Ionian Fervor.” This lasts for 6 seconds, refreshing on each successful basic attack hit on champions.
Irelia’s main form of engage is her (Q) “Bladesurge” gap-close in combo
with her (E) “Flawless Duet” stun.
Why do you utilize stealth against her?
The easiest way to avoid this combo is to never be near low HP minions. She doesn’t have anything that can reveal you or really do that much damage to you over a long duration. If you plan on
This just sets her up to drop her first (E) down, dash forward killing said entering stealth while she is on top of you, remember: blind her after she hits you with her (Q) dash. We can’t blind it.
minions and refreshing her (Q) dash to reach you potentially stunning you.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". You want to start with (Q) to prevent her level 1 and rushed level 2 all in cheese. You’ll be aiming for a max (Q) into (E). So long
as you respect her when needed and build properly you shouldn’t have many issues until late game rolls around.
Ivern Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Ivern’s whole playstyle is revolved around supporting his allies through shields, spawning bushes and lockdown CC.

He himself isn’t too much of an issue to deal with so long as you avoid his snare. He becomes rather tanky late game.

He isn't really seen that much these days since, there are just better champions to play in his place, but his synergy with
Rengar is terrifying. Running from daisy is a good choice due to her constant knock-ups if you fight with her around you.

Watch out for Ivern invades by placing vision around your jungle and rivers as well as placing shrooms. He doesn’t have to kill
jungle camps, he just has to activate his passive “Friend of the Forest” and smite or wait a few minutes to “Free” the monsters
gaining gold and exp while also sharing Red buff and Blue buffs to his allies once he reaches level 5.

Why these specific runes?

Ivern tends to become more of a bruiser support than a full on tank into the late game, so “PTA” offers more for you to deal
with him effectively, shredding him before he can combo his skills while supporting his allies.

You can also get around him easily with (Q) spam and keeping your distance with burn damage with an rune like “Aery”,
alternatively if you think they aren’t going to be too much of an issue, he can be easy to burst through “Electrocute”.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He is a support tank, he doesn’t rely too heavily on doing a ton of damage through his autos. He tends to leave his allies to do
the heavy lifting for him. You can however blind his (R) “Daisy!” but it will not stop her from stacking the knockup meter.
Ivern’s main form of engage is his (Q) “Rootcaller”.

If this ability strikes you he can recast it to dash forward to your location, Why do you utilize stealth against him?
if his allies are nearby but just out of reach they can also dash forward to He doesn’t any anything to reveal you or damage you enough to warrant not utilizing stealth against him. If you need some
get in range by clicking on you to auto attack. time to have some skills off cooldown or an ally to come to your aid you can wait him out and plan your next move.

Not many people know about this interaction because you’re going to be What kind of ability order should you take?
clicking your target, rather than thinking about it so you don’t see it too The normal (E) into (Q) is perfectly fine to take. If he goes full support and doesn’t take any tank items you can get away with a
often, but if your target is marked and goes over terrain, you can dash (Q) into (E) max if you’re playing a burst playstyle.
towards the marked enemy over terrain rather than wasting a flash.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Janna Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Some players have been taking Janna top, but it’s not seen too often. The match-up itself can be pretty difficult if she is
playing properly. Utilizing tornados, slows and shields to mitigate your damage, it’ll be mostly a farming lane.

The reason she is such an extreme matchup is due to her slows, knockups, heals and shields. You can’t chase her or she will
target slow you with her (W) “Zephyr” activating her passive (E) “Eye of the Storm” to grant her a bonus to sustain and shield
power based on if she has recently slowed / knocked up an enemy champion, letting her shield herself on (E) active.

You can’t get close, you can’t poke due to her shields and slows preventing you from getting closer and if you do manage to do
so she can very easily activate her (R) “Monsoon” to push you an all targets away channeling a large sustain area.

Why these specific runes?

Due to her high sustain / shielding ability and slowing capabilities it’s mostly going to be a “Aery” heavy poke play style or full
on burst damage with “Electrocute”. I do not recommend runes like “Dark Harvest” because it’s inconsistent into sustainers.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She isn’t an auto reliant champion. There is no reason to blind her as the damage will be mitigated on her shield activation.

Why do you utilize stealth against her?

All she has to do is charge and land the right tornado to pull you completely out of stealth to slow and poke you from range or
assist her allies to kill you.
Janna’s main form of engage / disengage is her (Q) “Howling Gale.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
This skill allows her to summon a tornado that grows larger with time. The normal (Q) into (E) is perfectly fine to take, focusing mostly on the CS aspect of the laning phase while poking her with
every opportunity you get, only fighting her when an ally is present. You shouldn’t have any problems keeping her low HP.
She can recast the skill immediately or wait for it to naturally grow to full
strength, which casts the tornado in the direction she cast it towards.

You will be knocked up taking bonus damage for each second the tornado
was charging for. A common tactic used is she will enter bushes to hide
the tornado building up towards your direction, don’t get caught out by it.

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Jarvan IV Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Jarvan himself isn’t much of an issue unless he builds straight burst damage with “Eclipse” over his tanky alternatives.

If you happen to be fighting him in the laning phase, he is an absolute pain to deal with if he goes for his (E) long range AoE
poke. You can’t avoid it because it has a very long range and a rather low cooldown being 12 seconds.

He deals a lot of disruptions through his knockup, slow and of course the lock down with his (R) so kiting him can be rather
difficult. So long as you have flash up while he is around you’re safe to play a bit more aggressively, but once it’s down you
want to play a lot more respectfully into him. Hugging tower, waiting for minions to come forward, otherwise you lose.

Why these specific runes?

Jarvan can either go full burst or moderately tanky. So mitigation and shred or mitigation and burst are often the better
choices since you will at some point be locked down with him in his ultimate while your flash is on cooldown.

“PTA” offers solid 1v1 potential, high sustain play style to stay alive longer and shred him faster. “Electrocute” offers a more
brunt burst play style attempting to erase him before he can even do anything to you or before his (R) activates.

Alternatively, you can play “Grasp” but note it’s more for passive play styles, making it harder to kill him immediately since
you’ll do less damage overall, but stay alive a lot longer while he is near with or without “Riftmaker” as a mythic item choice.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Jarvan CAN reveal you from stealth, but only due to Riot Games’ shoddy programming. If you are knocked up by his (E) into (Q)
Jarvan’s main form of engage is his (R) “Cataclysm.”
combo you will NOT be revealed. But if you are knocked up by his (E) into (Q) combo and slowed by his (W) “Golden Aegis”
after the knock up has made contact you will be pulled out of stealth.
He can leap forward or combo his (E) “Demacian Standard” into his (Q)
“Dragon Strike” to dash forward to get in activation range of his (R).
Note: The interaction issue is; if you are knocked up or feared/slowed or any other form by ANY champion. You immediately
Flash the initial leap, the leap will not follow you. It will lock down the area get pulled out of stealth if you are slowed right after. Stupid iteraction, and not worth testing your luck on avoiding.
you were previously before the flash. This will avoid the skills damage.
What kind of ability order should you take?
You do not want to be trapped in the impact zone. You can’t kite him while You’ll be going for a more (Q) into (E) if you notice him building pure burst damage. If you notice him building a bit more tanky
stuck inside, and take so much unnecessary damage in the process. with items like “Goredrinker” you can go for (E) into (Q) instead. The normal build path would be (E) into (Q).

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Jax Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


There are two types of jax players. One is simple to deal with while the other is aggressive and has very little counterplay.

Jax players normally tend to engage with their (E) into (Q) to stun you and then run you down. All you have to do is (Q) them a
few seconds after they land and counter strike is about to stun you. Don’t auto him in this state or he will deal increased
damage based on how many auto attacks he has evaded (up to 100%). Once stunned you mitigate the rest of his autos.

The difficult jax players to deal with are the (W) “Empower” into (Q) engagers. No matter how much you try you can not blind
his (W) into (Q) unless you are capable of blinding him before he leaps. Once on top of you, if you did attempt to blind him
before he leaped all he then has to do is channel (E) until the duration is over, stun you and run you down fairly easily.

If he does play like this, it is advised to get yourself “Steel Plated Caps” to mitigate as much of the damage as possible.
The changes to his damage type warrants “Mercury's Treads” if he decides to build AP and maxes his (E) for engage damage.

Why these specific runes?

Depends on your experience with your average Jax players and their types of engage.

“Electrocute” is good overall, solid burst to deal with him during the early game, scaling rather well into the late game.
“Aery” is really aggressive early allowing you to (Q) poke him for burn (E) counter strike. “Grasp” is a solid build to both deal
some decent damage and stay alive, however, the damage in comparison to his late game drastically falls off with both runes.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Jax’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Leap Strike.” Whenever he engages in on a team fight shortly after he has utilized his (E). This will prevent empowered damage once you or
an ally are stunned. However, if he is again using (W) into (Q) into (E) you will have a very bad time since you can not blind that
This allows him to leap forward to allies, wards, minions and enemy initial combo, forcing you to tank that damage and holding onto your blind for when he begins to channel his (E).
targets. This makes it very difficult to run away from him into the late
game when the cooldown of this ability becomes 3-6 seconds. When do you utilize stealth against him?
The best thing to do against a Jax player that is currently in the open running you down is to either find a nearby bush or
Unless you’re baiting him, respect his pressure with his leap forward stand still, wait for his (E) and (Q) to have been recently used while not taking damage from nearby minions. You can then (Q)
especially in combo with his (E) “Counter strike.” Stunning you and him to enter stealth as he tries to basic attack you. Once in stealth he can do absolutely nothing to you.
catching you out as he runs you down. This ability does AP damage now.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". Start with (1) point into your (Q) and go (Q) into (E) max. This helps you survive his early game cheese by blinding his engage.
Jayce Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Jayce has has range, gap close, CC, mobility and better wave control than you can hope to compete with, but is relatively
squishy. Since the majority of his skills are skill shots, it’s not too difficult to avoid the brunt of his ranged poke.

Avoid getting into an extended fight with Jayce, keep your distance and use minions to body block his (E) into (Q) range
combo. You don’t want to be close to your minions as the radius of the explosion is quite large and can hit you if you’re close.

Once he leaps forward to you, run! Never let him get behind you, he will attempt to get behind you to (E) “Thundering Blow”
CC you back into lane cutting off your only route for escape. This skill can also be used as disengage to get away from you.

Why these specific runes?

Jayce tends to be really squishy and normally goes for a full burst play style. It’d a good choice to go with “Electrocute” due to
its consistency and good scaling throughout the entire game, where as “Dark Harvest” can be played, but is generally less
effective if you’re playing into competent players who know how to respect you. “Grasp” if you just wanna auto path farm and
build or play a bit more defensive if you tend to have problems dealing with his massive bursts of poke damage from his (Q).

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

His (W) Cannon can grant him a large amount of attack speed and his first Cannon form basic attack will shred your armor /
magic resistance, this is the best time to blind him, but timing it can be tricky, that being said it’s normally better to focus
someone else in a large team fight due to his ability to fire from long range engage and poke.

Jayce has a transformable weapon, shifting from both range and melee Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
forms when he desires. This changes his abilities up to match his weapon. He has a lot of AoE electricity and his empowered (Q) hurts a ton and can cover more space trying to hit you through bushes.

One of Jayce’s main forms of engage is landing his Mercury Cannon’s (Q) What kind of ability order should you take?
“Shock Blast!” through his (E) “Acceleration Gate” increasing the You’ll be better off going a (Q) into (E) burst playstyle. Overall you’d be trying to blow him up before he can blow you up. The
projectile’s range, speed and AoE damage also his Hammer (Q) leap. extra duration in blind helps out if he ends up swapping back into his cannon due to the bonus attack speed he gains upon
swap. Overall he is rather squishy unless he purchases “Maw of Malmortius” in which case “Void Staff” will be your friend.
If this skill lands, he often will try to run forward to flash into his weapon
swap (Q) “To the Skies!” leap. Once on top of you it’s pretty hard to get
away from him without being executed at range when he swaps back.

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Jhin Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Since Jhin is an “ADC” you might think it easy to face him, but most ADC champions have a ton more basic attack range, which
can make it rather difficult to actually get close enough to trade unless they are preemptively blinded. He has 50 more range
than you, so he will most often get the first auto out before your blind is able to activate.

Another thing to look out for is his (Q) “Dancing Grenade” bounce as this skill can target you in stealth if they bounce near you
from minions or allies giving away your position if you were attempting to ambush him. His (Q) and (W) snare combo makes it
hard to not get caught while using bushes to harass Jhin.

He’s actually a very mobile champion once he gets to late game, but really you just need to learn to side step or body block his
(W) with minions the same thing with his (R) “Curtain Call” which shoots a long range cannon that deals bonus damage on the
4th shot, this skill can not be body blocked by minions, but can be blocked by allies. Take the bullet to save an ally if you can..

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately rather than running
after them, especially an Ezreal who does nothing but disengage the second you get too close.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Once he is about to utilize his 3rd shot, blind him to prevent the 4th. If you engage him on his 4th shot you will in most cases
just take the damage fully since we need a little bit of time for the blind to travel and take full effect.
Jhin is a reload champion, once he has fired 4 shots he has to reload.

Jhin’s main form of engage is landing his (W) “Deadly Flourish” after Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
hitting you after taking damage from any of his skills or allies recently. During the early stages of the game you can most certainly utilize stealth against him, but once he reaches level 6 and has
access to his (R) it can be really difficult to avoid the onslaught of his cannon shots. It can be avoided, but it’s risky.
The skill itself is rather easy to side step, however, once rooted he can very
easily close the gap with his passive “Whisper” in an attempt to strike you What kind of ability order should you take?
with his “Fourth Shot” which deals massive bonus damage. You’ll be maxing (Q) into (E). It’s a basic attack reliant matchup so you can counter him hard unless he purchases “QSS.”

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Jinx Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Chasing after a Jinx can be a challenge, due to her range and rune choices, if you let her fully stack up “Lethal Tempo” you
have absolutely no chance in actually escaping her do to her ability to run you down with massive range increase.

Minions can body block her (W) but make sure you’re not hugging them closely, as her Fishbones can deal AoE splash damage.

Jinx can easily execute targets on the other side of the map with her global (R) “Super Mega Death Rocket” especially around
objectives, be sure to keep an eye on your health and make sure to watch for her if in vision while backing. It deals more
damage based on your missing health and distance travelled. Choose somewhere inconspicuous to recall to base.

A big problem is when she gets takedowns (which is not limited to kills, this means turrets, epic monsters, etc.) Doing so
grants her bonus movement speed and attack speed, resetting the duration takedown after takedown. Be mindful of this.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately rather than running
after them, especially an Ezreal who does nothing but disengage the second you get too close.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

It’s best to blind her while she is equipped with her minigun, we can’t blind her Fishbones splash AoE, the direct damage itself
Jinx is a weapon swap champion, she can choose from “Fishbones” her is blindable, but not the splash damage, unfortunately.
long ranged rocket launcher or “Pow-Pow” her close range minigun with
(Q) “Switcheroo!” You should be respectful of her rocket launcher, since When do you utilize stealth against her?
the range is increased by 80-200 which is well over your (Q) poke range. You’ll want to abuse your stealth as much as possible around her, but in spots she normally wouldn’t expect you to be (in the
center of the lane behind minions) otherwise she can flush you out pretty quickly by laning her (W) where she thinks you are.
Jinx’s main form of engage is her (W) “Zap!” slow.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Even if she doesn’t walk forward to engage you, this is her main form of You’ll be going for a more (Q) into (E) burst playstyle. Your goal is to execute her before she can get her passive “Get Excited!”
long range poke outside of her (Q) rocket launcher. activated on kills. She is one of the only ADCs to not really rely on “Immortal Shieldbow” for anti-burst. Making her a very
squishy target to assassinate.
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Kai’sa Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


The biggest rule of thumb with Kai’Sa is to never be alone with her or her (Q) “Icathian Rain” will shred you, especially when
it’s upgraded. Be nearby 5-10 minions if possible so that this skill spreads evenly to 6-12 targets rather than directly into you.

Her shield is annoying with her (R) engage when it comes to late game. You're not going to really get the most out of your (Q)
until she has utilized her (Q) which is held until her full passive stacks.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately rather than running
after them, especially an Ezreal who does nothing but disengage the second you get too close.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

It’s best to blind her while her abilities are down and she is nearby, as she is a basic attack champion once she gets on top of
her opponents or by landing her (W) and dashing forward with her (R) “Killer Instinct.”

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Her (W) can reveal you if you let it strike, but it can be body blocked by minions if they are nearby. It’s not advised to attempt
using stealth with her nearby anywhere away from your own minions as the potential for her to reveal you is high.

Kai’sa is an evolving champion based on her current stats. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be going for a more (Q) into (E) burst playstyle. Your goal is to execute her before she can become a problem, the quicker
Kaisa’s main form of engage is her (W) “Void Seeker.” If this skill is you get the game over with the less of a powerhouse she will become into the late game. Early game and mid game she isn’t
upgraded into “Living Weapon” the cooldown will be 77% reduced upon too problematic, but once minute 30+ rolls around it will be near impossible to get close enough to one shot her.
striking her target champion giving roughly 6-10 CD into the late game.

If her allies CC or her (W) lands she can then immediately activate her (R)
“Killer Instinct” to dash to the champions location, granting a massive
shield. This can make it really tough to execute her most of the time.

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Kayn Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Depending on which form he takes, his skills and play style will change as well. Darkin is a bruiser while Shadow is squishier.
Kayn will constantly engage and gank from over terrain due to his “(E) “Shadow Step.” He will also heal while passing through.

Placing a ward in the tri-bush will prevent a blind gank from this side, while a ward over the rivers wall near the blast cone will
prevent him from getting the jump on you. You can tell when he is ganking through terrain by the black AoE moving around
the outer perimeter where he is heading, so if you don’t have vision keep your eyes peeled for the indicator.

Shadow is easier to burst & Darkin is all about CC and tankiness. You can side step and avoid most of his skill-shots, the
second he hits you or smites you, he can ult into you. Zhonya’s Hourglass is mandatory to stasis his ult, this will help you to
survive his sudden all in burst, so hold zhonya til the ult is almost over like Zed. You can enter passive during his (R) duration.

Why these specific runes?

It all depends on your current composition and their composition. If you have a lot of squishy champions on your team with
no tanks or at the very least a severe lack of lock down CC, he is more likely to play Shadow form. This makes playing runes
like “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” much more reliable, because of how easy it will be to execute him and survive his burst
with “Hourglass” activation if he activates his ultimate on you. So make sure you check out your current composition.

If his team has no CC or tanks on his while your team has a few allies that can apply some disruption, he will most likely run
Darkin form, thus “PTA” or “Grasp” helps you more, while being a little more difficult to deal with him due to his sustain.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Kayn is a form changing champion. His “Darkin” bruiser form (Red) and his He is a burst champion while in Shadow, while being disruption when he is Darkin. He doesn’t actually use his basic attacks all
“Shadow Assassin” burst form (Blue). that much, since he will for the most part be getting in with his engage, hiding inside of you and being on his way.

Kayn’s main form of engage consists of him landing any skill or summoner Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
on you to following up with his (R) “Umbral Trespass.” He’s got too much AoE on both his (Q) “Reaping Slash” and (W) “Blade’s Reach.” It would be better to just back off when you
see he is coming if you can to not get caught out and killed over time.
While in his (R) he can not be targeted until the the ultimate ends in which
case he will rend himself from his targets body dealing damage and healing What kind of ability order should you take?
himself as Darkin, or massive damage with Shadow. If you’re planning on playing “PTA” then a (E) into (W) is more effective, giving you a tiny bit more mobility to side step his
skills. This is normally the go to for his Darkin form, however, if he is Shadow I would recommend the (Q) into (E) ability path,
Click here for a "Video Reference". since he will be arguably a lot squishier and easier to burst so long as he isn’t stacking MR and spell shields.
Kalista Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Minor

Kalista is all about kiting and basic autos. Each basic attack she executes allows her to lunge in any direction so long as the
player knows how to properly kite between winds ups. Once fully stacked up on her basic attacks, spears that are embedded
into her targets upon successfully landing an auto, she can follow up with her (E) “Rend” ripping all spears lodged in her target.
The more spears, the more damage she will do, though each spear will deal 50% less damage from the first.

She is an extremely squishy champion, so long as you don't get into a position where she is kiting you into oblivion or near her
tethered ally. She needs a support to do well in the laning phase past level 6. If she doesn’t have one it’s a pretty free lane.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately rather than running
after them, especially an Ezreal who does nothing but disengage the second you get too close.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

You can blind her auto attacks, but she can easily keep up with you if she decides to chase. If she has Lethal Tempo it’s best to
blind her while it’s fully stacked, the reason being you’ll mitigate the most amount of her damage / spear stacking as opposed
to when she doesn’t exceed attack speed cap.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Kalista’s main form of engage is her (R) “Fate’s Call.” You’ll be better off using stealth against her when her ally is somewhere else, not when they are together, due to her (R) as
previously mentioned. They can potentially miss the knock up if they have no idea where you are, but it’s honestly not worth
She doesn’t have access to this skill until level 6 but whilst nearby her the gamble, unless of course you are ridiculously fed and have the potential to one shot her before she can react.
linked ally, she can cast the skill to allow that champion to dash towards a
position, knocking up enemy champions.
What kind of ability order should you take?
She is one of the most basic attack champions in the game so it’s highly recommended to go for a (Q) into (E) max, allowing
It can be exceptionally annoying if that champion is a Malphite, who can
easier access to executing her through raw burst damage.
then double knock up with his follow up (R) but thankfully people don’t do
this very much since she isn’t really that popular due to her low win rate.

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Karma Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Every 8 seconds Karma can empower her abilities to gain additional effects. If her abilities hit her targets the cooldown will be
reduced by 5 seconds per each champion hit by her abilities.

Karma is a pain due to her mobility/shields and her root, which only becomes more annoying as the game goes on longer. She
can either go full AP or Tank, the second one being annoying as hell to deal with due to her already tanky nature.

It's very hard to chase her or trade efficiently, you can utilize your minions as a way to prevent damage from her (Q) or (R) >
(Q) combo, but don't be overextended. If you end up shoving your lane under her tower, you will simply be ran down.

She can easily clear the entire wave and run after you or get a gank and lock you down with her mobility and root. Try your
best to match your waves through wave control so you're by your tower for allies to gank and stack some MR.

Why these specific runes?

You’re generally going to have a hard time dealing with her during the laning phase, two of the best runes to deal with her
consistent poke damage are “Fleet” for more in lane sustain, without having to actually fight her, while “Aery” will offer you
more damage through your (Q) spam. Though her shields make it kind of pointless to bother giving up so much good sustain.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Because she is a mage. She supports her allies and deals massive damage from range with her empowered abilities.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Karma’s main form of engage is with her tether (E) “Focused Resolve.” While attempting to enter stealth she can easily cast (W) to reveal you while trying, then follow up with her AoE (Q) spam or
just auto attack you preventing you from entering stealth. It’s not advised to attempt to use stealth against her in any way.
It’s next to impossible to avoid the lockdown CC due to her (E) “Inspire”
granting herself a shield and a boost of movement speed to keep up with What kind of ability order should you take?
you while she is attempting to run you down. Since she is going to be a massive pain in the ass to actually fight, it’s better off not fighting her at all. She will win most all
engages if they actually know how to play her. The matchup is in her favor, so focus mostly on CSing and respecting the fact
This skill is often an indicator that she is assisting her allies ganking the this matchup is favored against you. A max (E) into (Q) is fine to help you CS and poke when it is wise to do so.
lane, since she doesn’t really need to be close to you to deal the most of
her damage, she will poke and CS from range with her (Q) “Inner Flame.”

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Karthus Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

This matchup can go either way, depending on your ability to bait out his (Q) spam and his ability to properly lead each (Q) to
counter your kiting. A good Karthus is an absolute pain in the ass to face off against, because you can’t get close enough.

It’s extremely important to NEVER stay around with low HP once he has access to his (R) “Requiem”, because you will be
executed and Dark Harvest fodder for him to scale late game.

If you do manage to kill him stay away from his corpse, as he can still cast all his abilities due to his passive “Death Defied,”
which upon death leaves a spirit and automatically activates his (E).

If you are having trouble avoiding his (Q) which requires more of a baiting and juking playstyle, while kiting him around you
will need to practice more. He may deal a shit ton of damage but he is very squishy so long as you can avoid his damage
entirely by side stepping you shouldn’t have any issue dealing with him on your own.

Why these specific runes?

Raw burst damage is the best into Karthus because he is a glass cannon that will do everything even suicide to get more kills.
“Dark Harvest” is relatively easy to get off on him, where as “Electrocute” can be a little bit more difficult. If you’re more of a
passive player in most games then “Aery” is fine, but you’ll be getting lower overall kills and outgoing damage than the others.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He’s a caster, and has no use for his auto attacks since his main form of damage and CSing is his (Q).

Karthus’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Wall of Pain.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
It’s pointless to attempt stealthing against him to avoid his damage or hide from him. If he knows you’re there you’re easily
This will allow him to slow you significantly for 4 seconds while also going to be bursted / burned down with his ability spam. You can certainly try to use stealth to get the jump on him, but it’s
lowering your magic resistance by 15% if you touch or cross over it. usually going to be in his favor if you mess it up and he lands his (W) and every subsequent (Q) follow up.

This will make it much easier for him to combo the slow into hitting his What kind of ability order should you take?
main form of damage with his (Q) “Lay Waste” AoE. This ability has (Q) into (E) max. Upside to Karthus is that he is very squishy and has absolutely no form of sustain. He is one of the most glass
practically 0 cooldown, effectively zoning you from getting close to him. cannon champion in the entire game, utilizing hourglass to survive, but normally purposefully suiciding for more kill potential.
You can safely poke from range in between his (Q) spams, dwindling his HP down low enough for you to execute him.
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Kassadin Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Kassadin’s is a natural AP counter champion. Due to his innate passive “Void Stone” he is granted a 10% reduction to all magic
damage and is permanently “Ghosted” making it very difficult to chase or run away, especially once he has access to his (R).

You can't really do anything about Kassadin's mobility, nor his abilities. It’s best to play around your allies since he is very
capable of getting in quickly to burst and disengage with his (R) over terrain.

The more you spam abilities around him the more he his (E) “Force Pulse.” So you’ll mostly be relying solely on on-hit reliant
builds. You can slightly utilize your (Q) to prevent his Lich Bane activation but overall stay with your team when he is around.
You do not win 1v1's in the late game.

You need the assistance of your teammates in the late and mid game, his early game (1-5) is very weak but the longer the game
goes on and the more he scales, the more of a threat he becomes. It's pretty important to shut him out and close games as fast
as you can. There isn’t much you can really build to survive his all in burst outside of stacking MR and Anathema’s Chains.

Why these specific runes?

During the early game he is relatively easy to deal with, but into the late game things can be extremely difficult to deal with.
Because of his (E) it’s better to go for a more basic attack play style to help with not letting him have more access to it.

“PTA” has the best transition into the late game, the early can be rough but it’s better than the others due to itemization.
“Electrocute” offers some decent burst damage if he isn’t really fed, while “Aery” is a more passive way to dealing with him.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Kassadin’s main form of engage is his (R) “Riftwalk.”
You would never choose him as your main target for blinding. However, he is a spell caster with an empowered basic attack
through his (W) “Nether Blade.” You can tell it’s active when the blade changes color from purple to a bright orange. This can
Allowing him to consecutively phase forward to target location dealing
also prevent his Lich Bane activation but most importantly could prevent his massive mana sustain (20-30% missing mana.)
damage to all targets near while also being able to pass through terrain.

This makes it near impossible to deal with him because Teemo has no Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
disengage. Once he is on top of you, you have to fight unless you are near Pre-level 6 it’s alright to utilize your stealth since he doesn’t have anything outside of his barely useable (E) but once he has (R)
towers or allies, that would be your main target to get to in that situation. don’t bother. He will be capable of killing you in just a few moments of consecutively landing his (R).

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
Even if you tried you would never be able to outrun him so (E) into (Q) is the best bet. Focusing entirely on punishing him early
with basic attacks and backing off and respecting him once he has access to (R) unless you have been dominating against him.
Katarina Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Katarina is ability reliant. Never stand around her fallen daggers, I advise you to play more defensively.

She can reveal you with her (R) “Death Lotus” when in range. It would be wise to purchase a Zhonya's Hourglass against her,
otherwise magic resist will help you out a great deal. But ideally the stasis will prevent her full form of burst.

Her daggers land behind you so run to the side rather than into them. So long as you avoid the gap close of the daggers
damage, and keep your distance and poke/harass her, you should be fine as to not feed into her throughout the early game.

Why these specific runes?

A big problem with Katarina is when she gets snowballed into a lot of kills. You don’t have much chance at fighting her in an
extended fight so attempting to burst her or locking her down with your team is your best bet in dealing with her.

“Electrocute” does this the best, since it doesn’t require anything other than building your items. “Grasp” is good if you just
want to auto path and farm while staying on high HP while she gets in close for poke or burst. It scales your HP well.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She is an ability spammer and mostly going to get in to burst you with AoE from her (R) which is a massive flurry of blades that
will shred you in no time.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Pre-level 6 it’s not really alright to utilize your stealth since she can drop a blade at her feet to AoE. Once she has access to her
(R) unless you utilize Zhonya’s Hourglass while in stealth to negate all the damage from the full effect of the assault,
Katarina’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Bouncing Blade” in combo (it won’t reveal you). You’ll just die in seconds due to it’s damage and range. So it’s not worth stealthing against her.
with her (E) “Shunpo” dash, making it very difficult to not be engaged on.
What kind of ability order should you take?
You want to be clear of her blades fallen position before she dashes to it, You’re be going for a more (E) into (Q) max to focus more on poke when she gets too close and CSing respectfully near your
otherwise it will deal AoE damage in a large radius. It will normally fall side of the lane, as being extending into a competent Katarina is often times going to lead with her leaping forward to you the
behind you, which means running to the side is better than running away. second her ally is nearby to prevent you from getting away from them both.

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Kayle Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Close out the game as soon as you possibly can, denying her drastically early game by punishing her with poke after poke.

Kayle is a late game scaling champion, if you don’t take advantage of this and close out the game quickly and let her level by
letting her free farm and split all game, you are likely to lose. You dominate this match-up early game by punishing her hard.

Her “Win condition” is getting to the point where she doesn't have to rely on stacking her passive “Divine Ascent” turning her
from a close melee champion into a mobile, ranged champion. Once she is level 16 she doesn’t have to stack her passive and
instead will ascend gaining permanent range increase and mobility/attack speed bonuses.

Push her out of lane and keep her stuck under tower all game. You have to be super aggressive against her. You completely
counter her early game due to her reliance on getting passive stacks to get slightly longer range, through auto attacking.

It can be annoying to deal with her (R) “Divine Judgement” which makes her or her ally targeted by her immune to all damage.
You would want to wait until this skill is used if you wish to kill her, she can easily back off and (R) the poison ticks.

Why these specific runes?

You’re trying to punish her as hard as you possibly can early game. “Aery” does this best, but scales poorly into the late game,
while “Electrocute” and “Dark Harvest” while a bit more difficult in the early, scale really well into her late game spikes.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Her basic attacks become empowered with an AoE effect along with being devastating to anyone trying to 1v1 her. You will
counter her “Lethal Tempo” stacking unless it is already fully stacked, in which case it will prevent the rapid attacks to her
main target. You unfortunately can not blind the splash damage AoE, so in teamfights it becomes more unreliable if everyone
Kayle’s main form of engage is her (Q) “Radiant Blast.” is just sitting on top of each other taking the splash damage head on.

This skill can be sidestepped by baiting her to use it. If struck you will be When do you utilize stealth against her?
slowed, have your resistances shredded for a short duration. Allowing her It’s a good idea to utilize stealth when you feel like you’re about to be run down and killed by her and her allies ganking the
to get close to run you down with her long range late game scaling. lane. She can still hit you a few times with (Q) when off cooldown, but it’s relatively easy to side step and hide from her poke.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be doing well with a (Q) into (E) burst playstyle. This will prevent her passive from stacking early and do a decent chunk
of her HP. If built correctly you can sometimes execute her before she has time to activate her (R) to become immune.
Kennen Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Play aggressive against him early and shoving him under his tower. He suffers from the same effect you have when pushed in
during the early stages of the game. This makes it harder from him to engage you from range due to the build up of minions
and the difficulty clearing and killing minions due to the lack of skills during the early levels of 1-3.

You will want to be mindful about his passive “Mark of the Storm,” if you get hit by his abilities 3 times you will be stunned.
You’ll also want to be mindful of his (W) “Electrical Surge.” If he attacks with 4 basic attacks he can deal bonus damage and
apply one stack of his passive, making it very easy for him to dash forward with (E) activating the final stack stun with (W).

If you are under your tower, and he decides to all in you with his (R) it would be wise to have a stopwatch in the early game, if
you wanna be extra cautious, especially if he himself already has purchased a stopwatch with the intention of diving you.

When he uses hourglass when you’re in the position to do so shroom his feet immediately as he enters stasis. This will allow
for you to execute him if he is low HP or catch him out with a slow to chase him down after the majority of his skills are down.

Why these specific runes?

“Aery” tends to be the better choice in terms of dealing considerable amounts of damage to him from a safe distance,
however, more people prefer “Grasp” due to safer approach to this match-up. “Electrocute” tends to be the more favorable
rune for most players, because he does get rather squishy unless he is stacking magic resistance, which in most cases he isn’t.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Unless he’s gone some weird off meta on-hit attack speed playstyle he isn’t really worth prioritizing due to the nature of his
engage being primarily abilities and dashing in with his (R) to catch out large groups of targets for his allies to follow up on.
Kennen’s main form of engage is his (R) “Slicing Maelstrom.”

This skill is often used in combo with his (E) “Lightning Rush” allowing him When do you utilize stealth against him?
to dash forward to get in range to AoE and stun you or multiple targets While he is squishy and it is a very decent strategy to utilize stealth to ambush him it’s never a good option to really utilize
before running them down with range. stealth to hide and waste time while being ganked by an enemy if he is level 6, due to the massive AoE from his (R) and follow
up skillshots. You wouldn’t really survive too long, but it’s an okay thing to do pre level 6, while waiting for allies assistance.
Most players will activate Hourglass the second they get into a large team
after activating (R) to support their allies in a massive catchout. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking at a (Q) into (E) max playstyle, he is squishy and thus susceptible to being one shot. You’ll be using (Q) as your
Click here for a "Video Reference". main form of poke as getting too close to him can result in him dashing forward to apply 3 stacks to stun and lock you down.
Kha’Zix Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Once he has his (R) “Void Assault” he can get in real close and (E) in an attempt to execute you before you can respond.
Evolved: The invisibility lasts for 2 seconds and can be recast twice.

It can be near impossible to deal with a fed Kha’zix, especially when he decides to build “Edge of the Night” which will prevent
your ability to (Q) and blind him or slow him down with a (R) shroom slow. You can't reliably fight against him alone, especially
while he is protected by this item. If you can get him to step on a shroom first, it will lower his defensive shield for bursting.

He is a very squishy champion when he doesn't have the element of surprise on his side. Go for ambushes to catch him out
before he catches you out as you should be able to win most trades, so long as he doesn’t get the jump on you and isn't fed
with a spell shield, or heaven forbid both the spell shield and “Maw of Malmortius,” otherwise play around your allies.

Why these specific runes?

“Electrocute” for the ability to catch him out and potentially one shot him before he has the time to properly react in time.
“Dark Harvest” is more of a gamble if you can’t stack it high enough, but is equally as good, if not better. “Grasp” can be very
helpful to keep you high on Hp before he has a chance to burst you down, but generally has worse late game scaling.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

You wouldn’t really focus on him especially while isolated. Unless he has no spell shield and has exhausted most of his skills
engaging on you and your allies, it’s not worth to blind someone that’s just going to utilizing his skills more than his autos.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

Kha’zix is an evolving champion. Gaining bonuses to the skills he evolves Early game it’s fine, because his (W) “Void Spike” has low range and is easy to avoid through bushes. However once he has
throughout the game based on his choices. evolved this ability the width of it becomes more of a spread and thus is much easier for him to strike you and follow up with
his (E) leap AoE to do consistent poke damage until you are low.
Kha’zix main form of engage is his (E) “Leap.” Evolved: Refreshes on kills.
Note: If you are slowed by him, while his ally hits you with a Fear or Knock-up you will be revealed, due to a stupid interaction.
This allows him to get in close quickly to deal massive damage, especially if
you are alone with him and get jumped on while having no vision of him. What kind of ability order should you take?
You would be good going (Q) into (E) max. But only if doesn’t have the item or his spell shield is down. Otherwise, going for a
Due to his passive “Unseen Threat” granting bonus damage while unseen. (E) into (Q) will net you more damage overall throughout the early and mid game. Late game you’ll want to be around allies
with your hourglass ready for when he tries to leap forward after getting closer with his (R) invisibility.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Kled Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Kled’s passive “Skaarl, The Cowardly Lizard” allows him to ride his steed into battle. Skaarl will take damage for him which is
indicated by his orange portion of his health bar. Once depleted Kled's abilities change as he dismounts, but he can easily
re-mount if he hits an enemy champion enough times or by killing enough minions over a longer duration.

Save your burst for his dismounted form, as he becomes temporarily untargetable while being forced to dismount Skaarl.

You want to be as aggressive as you can to dismount him. Poking him with (Q) from range once he is, to avoid his (Q) “Pocket
Pistol” as it will grant him a good chunk of courage back to remount Skaarl while also knocking him backwards out of your
range. If you can’t dismount him, he will normally have the upper hand, due to his ability to dash through you twice with his
(E) “Jousting” while grappling you with his (Q) “Bear Trap on a Rope” pulling you towards him.

Why these specific runes?

Bursting him down to dismount him from Skaarl is rather easy with “Electrocute” whilst “PTA” is handy for long extended
engages with him, when he is forced to dismount, giving you the mobility to chase after him. If you tend to have problems
dealing with him in general “Grasp” can help you survive him long enough to transition into the late game.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If he is mounted, you want to blind him the second you get pulled by his (Q) as this is when their (W) “Violent Tendencies” will
activate on his first basic attack against targets to deal 3 very quick basic attacks followed by an empowered 4th strike.

If he is dismounted, he doesn’t have access to his mounted (Q) and thus you’d want to blind him when he is on top of you.
Kled’s main form of engage is with his (R) “Chaaaaaaaarge!!!”
Since he still has access to his (W) for quick basic attacks to deal bonus damage and stack his courage meter back up quickly.
This will boost his and his allies movement speed towards the designated
location, but not gaining any movement speed back through the ultimate. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
Due to his mounted (Q) revealing you if you get struck by it. You can’t reliably stay stealth for long, as it’s only a matter of time
You will hear his audioque from a distance when he has activated this before he strikes you. However, into the late game if he activates his (R) you can enter stealth to avoid the skill altogether.
ability, giving you and your allies little time to react accordingly.
What kind of ability order should you take?
If you hear him (R) you can go into stealth. He won't be able to target you, You’ll be going for a (Q) into (E) max, in an attempt to deal as much damage as you can to dismount him and keep him low HP
excellent if you need or want to execute their main backline squishy. from range, getting too close with (E) reliance will often get you caught out and locked down due to his gap close.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Kindred Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

You can very easily track where they are going to be soon based off of their passive “Mark of the Kindred.”

If you notice a swirl icon on a specific camp be it in your own jungle or in theirs, that is where they’re going to go to complete
the next hunt. If you are in the area, and can do so, killing the camp will prevent them from gaining damage increase. You can
also use this as knowledge to ambush them while they are trying to take camps if you’re healthy and fed enough to do so.

If they complete (4) hunts their attack range will also raise, making them very difficult to kite the more hunts completed. If
they mark you, notify your allies as this will give them better knowledge as to where they are going to be heading next.

If you happen to be caught out by them and they activate their (R) “Lamb’s Respite” stay inside the radius.

All champions inside the radius will be immune to death until the effect is over (4 seconds). It’s pointless to use things like (Q)
until the duration ends, because you’re already going to be immune to death, you’d be better off holding your skills until the
last second to survive. Healing is disabled if you fall to 10% HP and everyone is healed a bit at the end of her (R) duration.

Why these specific runes?

Being in an extended fight with Kindred is bad, you want to catch them out more than anything to blow them up before they
can activate their (R). Both “Electrocute” and “Dark Harvest” are great choices, since their not going to be really defensively.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Your (Q) won't always save you once her (R) ends if they activated their (W) which sends Wolf out to damage and finish you off.
They are also going to engage with abilities, and then proceed to run you down with slows and long range basic attacks. You
Kindred’s main form of engage is their (Q) “Dance of Arrows.” can still blind them when most of their skills are down. But try to find someone more reliably blindable.

Allowing them to tumble forward a short distance to strike up to three When do you utilize stealth against her?
nearby targets. The skill itself is on a rather low cooldown. You can utilize stealth to survive them at every stage of the game. They have nothing they can do to reveal or damage you.
Unless you are pulled out of stealth completely by their allies, you’re fine to waste their time, or wait out for allies assistance.
Kindred can keep up with you with very little difficulty while also hopping
over walls, if you flash away while this skill is still up, so be mindful of that. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking at a (Q) into (E) max to mitigate as much damage as you can through your blind duration when most of their
Click here for a "Video Reference". skills are down, specifically their (Q) dash and (E) slow, once those are down you can reliably engage them.
Kog’Maw Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Kog’maw isn’t really too much of an issue to deal with when he is playing normally, that being on-hit with “Lethal Tempo.”
However, if he decides to go full AP with his (R) being his main form of damage, there is very little you can do to survive him.

The reason being his (R) can be cast rapidly due to it having a 2-1 second cooldown. Each costing more and more mana, but
only taking 2 hits to execute you, while also having upwards to 1800 range, which is in no way manageable with your maximum
of range of 680 on your (Q), if he goes AP, you’re not going to have a fun time or any reliable way to execute him.

Once he dies, he will still be able to chase you and explode on top of you, dealing true damage which can finish you off, in
most cases it will not. The damage can be avoided by running away with your (W) activation unless he is on top of you.

You don't often see full AP Kog'Maw, but watch his item build and adapt your build into MR when needed.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately rather than running
after them, especially an Ezreal who does nothing but disengage the second you get too close.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If his support is nearby, and he is getting ready to engage with his (W) it would be very wise to get in close to stop him from
stacking his runes and range. Otherwise you will all be in big trouble when he is peeled by his tanks / frontliners.
Kog’Maw’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Void Ooze” which will slow
targets and damage them if they step in the radius.
When do you utilize stealth against him?
This gives him more ability to land his follow up (R) “Living Artillery” or Kog'maw's (R) can’t reveal you, but it has a very low cooldown if he is playing full AP. It is not advised attempting to hide from
run them down with his (W) “Bio-Arcane Barrage” which grants him bonus him. However, it’s a good option to utilize if you want to get the jump on him while he is playing normally, with a burst build so
damage based on their % HP and range, which can be absolutely long as there are no lock down supports or allies nearby to prevent you from doing so.
devastating if he is fully stacked with the rune “Lethal Tempo” and buffed
by champions like Lulu, who can boost his attack speed even further. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking to go into a (Q) into (E) max. This will grant you a lot of mitigation and burst damage to execute him before he
Click here for a "Video Reference". becomes a problem through his stacking attack speed and range. However, if he goes full AP you don’t really want to be
anywhere near him, especially if he is fed by your allies, since you can’t hope to get anywhere near him to deal with him.
K’Sante Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Early game he plays similar to that of a Yone or Yasuo with their wind flowing around them when they are charged up.

Into the late game he’s more difficult to deal with as he is a scaling tank that can also deal tremendous amounts of damage.
(Surprised?) Once he is level 6, stay away from terrain, as he can grab you and throw you through them to the other side.

Warning: If he is killed before the ultimate finishes you will get bugged and be unable to move for 6-8 seconds.

However, the second he uses his (R) “All Out” he effectively cuts his HP in half (or percentage) of his Max HP along with his
defensive stats, making him easier to kill but also allows for him to deal more damage until the effect ends.

Why these specific runes?

PTA grants you that extra pressure early game to potentially get a lead on him more so than other runes, allowing you to scale
into the late game to have a chance at dueling him more effectively when or if you get caught out by him.

You can play other runes if you wish, but it’s going to be a lot harder to deal with him due to his damage output and defense.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

It’s best to use your (Q) as soon as he lands his (R) this can help prevent his increased damage and sustain through his
empowered basic attacks. It won’t mitigate any of his actual abilities, so it’s best used in this situation.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

K’santes main form of engage is with his (Q) “Ntofo Strikes” which will Because of his (Q) which while empowered is a large AoE knock-up and slow. The knock-up is not what reveals you, but rather
slow targets and damage them while also applying 1 of 2 stacks each hit. the slow that is applied as you are thrown into the air. It’s a dumb interaction that most likely will never be fixed on most
This empowers his next (Q) to instead of damage and slow, pull his targets
towards him and stun them for a brief moment. What kind of ability order should you take?
A standard (E) into (W) max is more preferred. You’ll be spending the majority of your time positioning and trying to avoid his
This can be devastating while near his tower as you will be forced to take knockup / charged dash forward.
two tower shots while he continues to follow up with even more lock
down. The clarity is there, when you see this wind affect, respect him.
Leblanc Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

One very important thing to keep in mind is if you deal enough damage to her and she falls below 40% HP, she will become
invisible for a short duration and create a mirror image that will last for 8 seconds. It can be difficult to figure out which one is
the real LeBlanc, so it’s best if you attempt to execute her after you have put her passive “Mirror Image” on cooldown.

Laning against Leblanc can be tough, as she is able to gap close into you and immediately return to her previous location.

If possible you would want to try to get close to her previous location, tossing a shroom down to prevent her ability of
recalling to escape. This would give her one of two options, return and become slowed or stay and fight/escape elsewhere.

This can be absolutely crippling for her, if you are able to catch her mark out in a flank or a team fight. Especially if your allies
chase her through the jungle. Despite this she hurts a lot when she gets her full combo off, especially if she roots you.

Why these specific runes?

She’s a burst mage so early game can be rough. You can attempt to match her burst with “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” but
they tend to be difficult to pull off until the mid to late game. Playing passive with “Aery” poke is also a solid option.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She is an skill shot and ability spamming champion, she rarely uses autos. You won’t be able to mitigate anything by focusing
her with blind. You’re better off targeting a completely different champion if at all possible to do so.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Her (E) tether can potentially reveal you if she is allowed to land it. Her follow up burst damage will kill you, even if she can’t
LeBlanc’s main form of engage is with her (W) “Distortion.” land the tether she can still spam her (W) to do some AoE damage to kill you slowly over time. If you’re trying to ambush her
with a burst playstyle you’re fine to attempt using stealth to get close to her, but be mindful she deals a ton of damage.
This allows her to dash forward to a target location, dealing damage and
rotating her abilities before recalling to her previous location to escape. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. She can hit you with her (W) and follow up with her (E) if you don’t attempt to use minions as a body block or
It can be difficult to deal with due to her follow up (E) “Ethereal Chains” simply side step the chains entirely. Once she locks you down you don’t really have much of a chance to survive her burst.
which will lock you down if you can’t break the tether by getting away.
If she ends up building “Banshee’s Veil” she will be a lot harder to trade with on your own, so unless you’ve been doing well in
Click here for a "Video Reference". your lane, wait for outside assistance from your allies to lock her down and take her out together.
Lee Sin Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

It can be rather hard to keep your distance from him due to his range/gap-close, but his (Q) can be body blocked by minions.
Make sure you try your best to be behind a nearby minion, but never on top of it directly, it doesn’t take much effort for a
good Lee to gap to the minion and dash to a ward placed behind you into his (R) combo. You can pretty effortlessly sidestep
this ability altogether if you are capable of juking out his attempts. Weaving in and out of minions body block.

Flash his Flash (R) in order to prevent being kicked into his allies, and rather kicked into the opposite direction, preferably into
your tower/allies where you can try to turn the fight into your favor. But try not to be kicked directly into an ally, since he will
knock-up any targets struck by the target he has kicked.

That's really the only real issue, his gap close CC and burst while you're incapacitated. He is a powerful early game champion,
who falls off pretty hard into the late game, if he hasn’t been dominating early. You will eventually outscale him if played well.

Why these specific runes?

He’s got a really solid early game, but falls off hard into the late game. “PTA” offers some solid late game shred, but fighting him
in basic attack range can put you at risk of his all in (R) engage. If you’d like to attempt to snowball and scale throughout the
game from early to late game “Electrocute” offers a consistent way of doing just that. “Grasp” if you just want to be safer.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Ideally you would want to prioritize him while his main abilities are down. If he activates an ability his next 2 auto attacks gain
bonus attack speed and restore his energy. Blinding him while he is on top of you after his initial engage is a good way to
mitigate his energy restore and quick autos. Although it can be difficult since his initial engage can potentially one shot you.
Lee Sin’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Sonic Wave.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
If he is capable of landing this ability he will then be able to gap close to While in a bush and stealthed, Lee Sin's (Q) doesn't actually break your stealth. It will only grant him vision of you until he
the location of the target, even if they flash or move. activates the skill again to dash forward. This will re-enter you into stealth like nothing ever happened. However, he can cast
this skill multiple times in short durations. He can attack and even (R) you completely out of stealth if he is competent.
Allowing for him to follow up with his (W) “Safeguard” to dash to a ally,
ward or ally minion to get behind his target knocking them back with his What kind of ability order should you take?
(R) “Dragon’s Rage” into his team or away from objectives or himself. It can be rather difficult to execute him due to his diverse itemization making him tankier or heavier on burst damage. If you
pay attention to his itemization and he goes “Goredrinker” which is his normal meta build you’re better off with (E) into (Q)
Click here for a "Video Reference". max. However, if he ends up going into an “Eclipse” playstyle, he will be very heavy on burst damage and more likely to be
blown up with a burst playstyle with (Q) into (E) max.
Leona Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

There really isn’t much to mention about Leona outside of a few of her interactions.

This isn’t much of a thing to mention but don't place wards on her while she is in a bush, as she can combo her auto with her
(Q) to reset her next auto for a very quick 3 hit combo, quickly taking out any wards placed on top or near her.

Leona's are drawn to wards like a moth to a lamp. Easier to engage on her or her allies after her (Q) stun is used to clear it.

It often can be difficult to deal her while she has her (W) “Eclipse” active, reducing damage taken by 50% for 3 seconds.

Why these specific runes?

You’re often going to be playing into her exclusively in the bot lane, so you’d be taking a rune that can deal with her ADC along
with her. “Aery” is a very passive aggressive rune and solid all around, but scales poorly into the late game. “Electrocute” if you
want to attempt to burst her down and scale well into late, and “Dark Harvest” for a more inconsistent but better scaling if
you manage to get fed. Wait 3 seconds when she has here (W) active or it can easily mitigate a ton of your potential burst.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

The very second she catches you or any one of you allies out, you can blind her so she can’t land her follow up (Q) empowered
auto stun. This can save you an even your ally especially before she reaches level 6 and has access to her AoE (R) stun. That
being said, you can oftentimes make them use this skill by placing a ward directly on top of her, allowing you to save your (Q)
for their ADC instead of the follow up stun she will land upon activation.

Leona is a very heavy lockdown and disruption support. When do you utilize stealth against her?
Unless she has an item like “Sunfire” and is dealing consistent AoE burn damage after striking you with her AoE from her (W)
Outside of her main team fight engage with her (R) “Solar Flare,” she tends “Eclipse” which deals damage in a rather large radius you are perfectly fine to sit in stealth while in bushes. She has nothing
to engage on targets with her (E) “Zenith Blade” allowing her to dash to that can reveal you, and once all of her skills are exhausted you can attempt to run while attempting to flash her (R) stun.
the targets location, following up with her (Q) “Shield of Daybreak” stun.
What kind of ability order should you take?
If she misses this initial engage, they will either follow up with (R) or back A simple (E) into (Q) max is fine. She isn’t going to be your main focus in big team fights anyhow due to her tankiness and
off until the combo comes back off cooldown. Once caught you’re dead. disruptive playstyle. So long as you prioritize her with blind when you need to if she catches someone else. This is fine.

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Lillia Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Lillia can be an annoying champion to deal with. If you get hit by her (Q) AoE she gains a ton of bonus movement speed making
it near impossible to actually trade with her since she can hit you for % HP on every (Q) on a 4 second cooldown.

The edge of her (Q) deals true damage instead of magic. Her (W) “Watch out! Eep!” deals triple damage in the center. It's pretty
pronounced when she raises her weapon spinning the lantern.

Side step and do not stand behind minions when her (E) is cast, this is how she can start an engage on you from a distance
with her (R). Despite her high mobility and high damage output she is extraordinarily squishy and easy to burst down
especially with a “Luden's Tempest” & “Lich Bane” build. You will want to get yourself some MR against her she does hurt.

Why these specific runes?

Lillia is a high mobility champion when she gets rolling, while also often playing a bit on the bruiser side. Unless she goes
straight up into a burn build. “PTA” is really good for dealing tremendous damage to her, while also keeping you high on
mobility to keep up with her skills and builds exceptionally well into the late game with proper itemization to not get killed.

Alternatively you can just play a burst build like “Electrocute” only going in for a trade when the rune is ready. “Aery” is a good
passive aggressive approach, but these runes tend to fall off into her late game scaling defensive wise.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Because she is a spell caster and ability champion. She never utilizes her autos as she will be busy spamming (Q).

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Lillia’s main form of engage is with her (R) “Lilting Lullaby.” She has very low cooldowns and tons of AoE with her abilities, so it’s suicide to attempt to hide from her, unless you’re simply
trying to ambush and execute her.
Which she can activate after striking her targets with any of her abilities.
However, it is most commonly used in combo with her long range (E) What kind of ability order should you take?
“Swirlseed” which can hit you from across the map if it doesn’t hit terrain Because of her mobility it’s very difficult to land your (E) without taking damage from her (Q), so a (Q) into (E) max is more
or minions, or with her (Q) “Blooming Blows” in a massive 5 man ultimate. suitable for this match-up. Once she’s low on HP you can go all in to execute her quickly. Remember to be mindful of her (R).

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Lissandra Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

You might have problems dealing with her during the early game, due to the fact that she is a mage and that’s one of Teemo’s
biggest weaknesses. But once you start getting items and properly building to mitigate her with MR, you’ll transition well into
mid or into the late game, so long as she hasn’t been fed ridiculously.

You really want to position yourself away from behind your minions, if you stand too close she will simply deal splash damage
through her (Q) “Ice Shard” hitting you on the other side, the skill will slow you if you take damage from it directly or through
the splash damage. Once slowed, she can easily close the distance between you to follow up with her other lockdown skills.

Try not to get into a position where she is under her tower and you are about to burst her to death, she can simply (R) herself,
heal and become untargetable or wait for you to deal damage while under tower to catch you out with (R) to stun you under
tower allowing her to turn the fight into her favor.

If she does enter (R) toss a shroom at her location, it will help to slow her when she tries to (E) and get away from you/allies.

Why these specific runes?

Since you’re mostly going to have a better time early game with (Q) poke, “Aery” offers the most in this situation. You can play
a few other runes, but generally it’s better to keep yourself around the poke and burst play styles like “Electrocute” or if you
feel a little more comfortable having a better late game defense into mages “PTA”.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Because she is a spell caster. She will never rely solely on basic attacks. While also utilizing her stasis to avoid most damage
and skills while he allies back her up in a big team fight. Focus on someone who you can be more impactful towards.
Lissandra’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Glacial Path.”
When do you utilize stealth against her?
This allows her to close the gap on her targets which puts her in range for During the early game you can utilize stealth against her for a bit, so long as you avoid being struck by her main AoE abilities,
an immediate follow up of her (R) “Frozen Tomb” or (W) “Ring of Frost” but it isn’t advised to do so once she has access to her (R) since she can very easily AoE you down after that. If you do plan on
lockdown. This can be devastating if you manage to get caught out, there using stealth it’s best to use up until her (W) and (E) have been used in an attempt to damage you, then you can escape.
isn’t really any reliable way to mitigate it outside of Veil or Hourglass.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". The majority of her main skills have a long range, so a (Q) into (E) max will be very helpful to poke and burst her from range.
Lucian Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Lucian is an amazing quick trade champion. You’ll want to be around and in bushes, coming out to poke him while he is
attempting to CS, especially if he has just utilized his (E) to quickly get in to finish off a cannon minion.

He has a lot of range and abilities that let him trade very quickly before your (Q) reaches him without getting the jump on him.

Outside of being a very good quick trade poke champion, he is rather squishy. If you can play the lane well you can scale
quickly to deal with him on your own without the need for allies assistance. Properly placed shrooms can wreak havoc on him.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately.

“Aery” is also relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

He is quite difficult to actually (Q) reliably in the open due to his kit allowing him to hit you (3) times very swiftly. If possible
you want to have him blinded through ambush. This will help mitigate his dash combo. If you can’t that’s fine, but outside of
his initial dash engage he will follow up with a few basic attacks and into his follow up skills. So it can be hard to time when to
blind him, especially if he decided to unleash his (R) during the blind duration.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

Early game up until he’s 6. Once he has access to his (R) “The Culling” he can very effortlessly flush you out with his torrent of
shots which he can move around to find where you are. If the majority of them strike you, you’ll be killed rather quickly. You
Lucian’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Relentless Pursuit.” can possibly survive it, and once you do he won’t have much to do but twiddle his thumbs as you wait for assistance.

This allows him to dash to a short distance to get in range, which activates What kind of ability order should you take?
his passive “Lightslinger” allowing him to shoot an additional basic attack Lucian is one of the few ADCs that do not tend to build shieldbow or really defensive playstyles, so a (Q) into (E) burst playstyle
on his targets. This makes it very easy for him to activate runes like PTA. is a great choice for him. You’ll have to utilize bushes and stealth a lot more than most match-ups to mitigate or avoid his dash
triple basic attack combo, it’s not possible to blind the dash engage, unless you get the jump on him first.
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Lulu Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Lulu can be quite annoying due to her abilities to increase allies mobility, attack speed and damage through her (W) “Whimsy”
and (E) along with (R) “Wild Growth” granting bonus health and AoE knockup to all nearby enemy targets, as well as slowing
aura. If she is near her ADC, it’s unwise to attempt to fight them on your own, especially if her ADC is Kog’maw, who will
effortless shred you with ease.

Her support skills can also be used to disrupt her targets, most commonly her (W) which will turn her target into a fuzzy little
creature. Polymorph makes it impossible to attack or cast spells for a few seconds leaving the target vulnerable and slowed.

However, once most of her skills are down she is a rather squishy champion to face despite her slows and poke range.
So dealing with her personally, isn't really that much of a big deal, it's when she is supporting a good ranged champion that she
becomes a huge problem, by granting them additional damage and protecting them with her (R) while also disabling you.

Why these specific runes?

Lulu is a squishy champion, the only thing that makes her tanky is her (R) but is easily one shot with a full burst build utilizing
“Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” if you can manage to stack it throughout the early game. You can never go wrong with “Aery”
in terms of consistent poke and burn damage, but don’t expect massive burst into the late game, it’s a poke and burn build.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

If you happen to be fighting a full on-hit Lulu you’d want to prioritize her over her ADC if she is an actual threat, but in most
cases you want to focus your (Q) on the target she is supporting the most, which is mostly always going to be her ranged ADC.

Lulu’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Glitterlance.” When do you utilize stealth against her?
You can utilize your stealth against her whenever you feel like you’re going to be run down by her jungle or allies that also
This ability can be cast from an ally affected by her (E) “Help, Pix!” so she have no ability to deal a ton of damage to you in stealth or any form of pull that will pull you out of stealth. It’s a great idea to
herself doesn’t need to get close to you, when the ability lands it will slow use stealth to ambush her if she isn’t right on top of her ally to force her (R) and potentially execute her.
all targets hit by it. She can then follow up by supporting her allies.
What kind of ability order should you take?
She often isn’t played anywhere outside of the support role these days Since she is so easy to potentially burst you’ll want to take a (Q) into (E) max. Since it’s the best way to do consistent and quick
though you might see her every couple months in MID or TOP running a burst damage that any other ability pathing. If you can’t get close to her due to her allies or herself being respectful of your
full on-hit playstyle, which is very annoying to deal with. presence you can instead go for an (E) into (Q), but you’re better off with a range (Q) poke playstyle if you hope to reach her.
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Lux Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Lux is an AP carry support champion, while her role is support, she can still deal a devastating amount of burst damage once
she has acquired “Luden’s Tempest.” Her late game presence is something you want to either avoid completely or ambush.

Her (E) is very pronounced so you'll want to guess where it is being sent and avoid the location as it is usually being projected
behind you and not on top or in front of you. Despite everything she is very easy to burst when you are close enough.

She will often times purchase an hourglass and try to survive through stasis, but if you drop a shroom at her stasis location,
and avoid her follow up (Q) root, you shouldn’t have any issues dealing with her. If you don’t have one or don’t have (Q) up
before she comes out it wouldn’t be wise for you to continue the fight, unless of course she is on low mana.

Why these specific runes?

So long as you are not taking follow up skill shots to complete her full combo “Second Wind” is better overall. Since she has a
lot of lock down “Unflinching” can be very useful with “Mercury’s Treads” tenacity combo to help reduce the overall length of
her (Q). “Aery” is a good all around heavy poke rune to keep her HP low through (Q) spam. “Electrocute” can be really good if
you can get it going into the late game, since she isn’t very defensive.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She is a mage, and as such will be spamming her abilities all throughout the laning phase more than utilizing her basic attacks.
You’d never want prioritize blinding her but you can save yourself or an ally from her passive activating on her basic attack.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Lux’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Light Binding.” It’s not really smart to go stealth to avoid her, because of her skills all being skill shots. If he lands her (Q) she can very easily
follow up on your current location by casting (E) and executing you with her follow up (R). If you’re utilizing stealth it will be to
If this ability hits a target it can pass through them before stopping at the execute her when you get close to her, however, be ready to flash or hourglass her catch out.
second target struck. Both targets will be rooted in place for 2 seconds,
which is a very long duration. Once she catches someone she will follow What kind of ability order should you take?
up with her (E) “Lucent Singularity” and (R) “Final Spark.” Since she is so easy to potentially burst you’ll want to take a (Q) into (E) max. Since it’s the best way to do consistent and quick
burst damage that any other ability pathing. If you can’t get close to her due to her zoning skills or her allies peeling her well
She no longer gains 50% CD refresh if she kills with her (R). This is just in then you would be better off with a (Q) poke playstyle while focusing more on playing around your allies or split pushing.
reference to any returning players who knew of her old skill.

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Malphite Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Depending on what build the Malphite is going (Comet AP) you would want to be utilizing bushes to avoid poke, and only
poking when you see him use his (Q) to CS as this will slow you, sending the comet down and there is no way to react to this
without (W) active and Mercury's Treads.

Once you have a full stack of either Grasp or Fleetfoot you would want to trade with him to heal the damage he deals back and
out trade him. He will be pretty annoying early game, because of his Biscuits and Corrupting Potion. Play smart to take as
little damage as possible while also constantly rotating your (E) and (Q) into keeping him on low HP.

You really shouldn’t overextend after he is level 6 nor have your lane shoved. This is just asking for you to be ganked and
locked down by his engage, so it's much better to try to keep the lanes even or pushed up towards your tower.

Why these specific runes?

You have no ability to properly lane against him through the early game without these runes. “Grasp” is the best rune because
it keeps stacking your health slowly so into the late game his (R) is less likely to one shot you, especially if you’ve been building
defensively. “Fleet” keeps you high on mobility and sustain which can help you avoid his (Q) “Arcane Comet” spam.

Taking other runes will just lead you to being put down on low HP very quickly and much more susceptible to his engage.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He isn’t a basic attack champion. He will spend his entire time poking with (Q). Once you’re low enough on HP, he will follow
up his engage with his (R) into his (E) “Ground Slam” which will slow your attack speed making it impossible to fight and kite.
Malphite’s main form of engage is with his (R) “Unstoppable Force.”
When do you utilize stealth against him?
This will always be his main team fight or catch out, especially if he has an Early game. Once he hits level 6 it’s not worth due to his immediate pressure from his (R).
ally like Yasuo to combo into his knock-up getting him right into the fight
even if he is really far away. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking at a (E) into (Q) ability max. Since you’ll be playing either Grasp or Fleetfoot to mitigate and sustain through
You can either hourglass this or time your flash correctly to flash out of his consistent Comet spam through his (Q) you won’t survive long around him unless you’re perfectly utilizing bushes to cancel
the target location. It’s really just reaction time. it.

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Malzahar Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Malzahar can be a pain due to his passive “Void Shift” which grants him a damage reduction shield and immunity to CC.

Before you even attempt to burst him down or waste your (Q) poking him, poke him with a (E) first, then follow up with (Q)
when his shield is down. This is why he becomes such a threat into the late game, as you can’t get close without getting caught
out by his (R) lockdown and his (Q) “Call of the Void” silence, making it hard to follow up with burst.

Once locked down, you’ll be swarmed by his follow up (E) “Malefic Visions” which allows for him to command all current and
follow up summoned Voidlings from his (W) “Void Swarm” to immediately target you, dealing a ton of damage.

Malzahar will periodically summon a Voidling after every 4 spells cast. Killing them grants you extra gold, if you see that he has
2-4 currently summoned, it means he has recently used his (W) and is slightly weaker for a very short duration so long as his
shields down and you kill the currently active minions, which aren’t that hard to kill, one auto or shroom will do.

Stay away from your purple glowing minions or his (E) will bounce to you, making it very easy for him to flash forward to
combo his lockdown with his minions into his silence (Q).

Why these specific runes?

“Aery” for consistent poke to keep his passive disabled. “Electrocute” is great if you get fed just watch out for his passive & (R).

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He isn’t a basic attack champion. He is a spell caster utilizing his minions and (E) to safely CS from a distance. He also has his
Malzahar’s main form of engage is with his (R) “Nether Grasp.” passive which will completely negate your attempts to blind him, even if his passive is down it could suddenly come up off
cooldown the second you try to land it. Focus on another target.
This will lock one target down for a few seconds, preventing them from
doing anything. The only real way to avoid this is to buy a “QSS” to break When do you utilize stealth against him?
out of the Suppression, otherwise he will melt you over the short duration. You can certainly utilize stealth against him throughout all stages of the game, especially in the early game where he has a
smaller mana pool, making it hard for him to continue his (Q) spam, allowing for yourself to come out when he’s low on mana.
Note: If he doesn’t have his minions up and ults you, you will enter stealth
mid-way through the channel. This can be useful if you’re in bushes, What kind of ability order should you take?
allowing you to reposition and wait for his follow up skills to be down. You’ll be looking to go for a max (Q) into (E) if you can properly utilize your (E) to take down his shield throughout the laning
phase, otherwise, you’ll be better off going (E) into (Q), both playstyles are perfectly fine into him, depending on your overall
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Maokai Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

One big issue with Maokai is his (E) “Sapling Toss.” These saplings zero in on nearby targets, blowing up and slowing them.
You can typically outrun them very easily by activating your (W) and running away, unless you get caught out without vision.

They gain bonuses while in bushes allowing them to stay active for 30 seconds, while dealing double damage as opposed to if
it was placed in the lane. This ultimately prevents you from attempting to use bushes as a form of safety if the Maokai player
you are going up against is competent enough to place them down in a way to deter you from them all game.

Maokai can be a real pain to deal with, just keep your distance and do not allow him to get too close, as he will constantly
knock you back, sustain and deal a ton of damage through his tanky item build. If you suddenly see him coming forward it’s
often the case that you are being ganked and he wants to get closer to lock you down long enough for his allies to assist.

Overall it's a pretty hard CC match-up where you don't want to be extended into him all game, due to gank pressure and his
lockdown. Despite this, he is rather easy to poke from a distance with (Q) spam, so long as he doesn’t flash (W).

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” can be very useful in shredding him, while also staying high on HP and sustain through itemization. “Grasp” is also a
good option if you want to simply auto path farm and poke when it’s up for stacks, since you’ll be able to take a beating against
him while he’s knocking you around. “Aery” is alright, but doesn’t really offer much defense if he dashes towards you.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

While he is kinda basic attack reliant outside of his gap close, the only thing you can really blind is his passive “Sap Magic”
Maokai’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Twisted Advance.”
sustain which is on a 30-20 cooldown, and isn’t really something you need to worry about. Focus a better target to blind.
He will become untargetable and dash underground to the target, even if
they flash he will follow to the designated targets location. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
The second you enter stealth in the open or even while attempting to use bushes he can easily toss his (E) sapling at you,
Alternatively for teamfights he will engage with his (R) “Nature’s Grasp.” which will target you the second you come out of stealth, effectively deterring you from using it against him. He also isn’t
Sending out a wall of vines to and through terrain for a short duration really a champion you can blow up, unless you’re ridiculously fed and he’s behind.
before coming to a halt. The further away you are from the vines the
longer you will be rooted for. If one vine strikes a target a path will open up What kind of ability order should you take?
for everyone else to safely pass through without being rooted. You’ll be looking to go for a (E) into (Q) max, unless you’re more comfortable going into a (Q) into (E) max. Due to his ability to
always keep up with you and slow you, there isn’t any real reason to invest too much into (W) even if you planned on playing
Click here for a "Video Reference". “PTA” as your main rune of choice, since his slows and hard lockdown counter your mobility.
Master Yi Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


There really isn’t much to say about Master Yi. You counter him in every way so you want to be around your allies as much as
possible when he is too much for them to handle, otherwise he will constantly be capable of easily 1v4ing your team.

He’s got a lot of mobility and attack speed with his (R) “Highlander” which heavily scales with his (Q) passive and “Navori
Quickblade.” This means if you are not around him when he is fighting your team, he can spam his (Q) very frequently.

You want to burst him down after he has utilized his (W) “Meditate”. If you waste all of your skills and ignite on him during this
channel he will take 60-70% reduced incoming damage. You can still poke him with (E) to remove his ability to sustain but hold
onto the rest of your abilities and be careful of his follow up (Q) which he will use to avoid the next follow up burst.

Why these specific runes?

“Dark harvest” can be a very good rune when properly being stacked, it also has very good control of it’s burst since it will
only activate one the target has fallen below 50% HP. “Electrocute” is great if you can get it going but it’s difficult to control
your burst since it will activate after striking an enemy (3) times, but it’s arguably more consistent in it’s late game scaling.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

The second he comes out of his (Q). If you do it will mitigate all of his damage from landing on his targets. While also
preventing his itemization from granting him massive cooldown on his (Q) to continue becoming untargetable.

He will be the main target in most every teamfight to negate his ability to stack his cooldown reduction on basic attacks.

Master Yi’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Alpha Strike.” When do you utilize stealth against him?
If you find yourself caught out alone, with nobody else around and you have no ability to actually fight him and win, you can
He will enter an untargetable state while dealing damage to all nearby simply wait for him to land his (Q) in which he will become immune to being targeted. (Q) him after he exits the ability to
targets. This skill can critically strike, making it his main way of executing prevent him dealing damage to you while in bushes or even in the middle of the lane to safely enter stealth.
his targets while running a “Duskblade” or “Eclipse” build with “Collector.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
“Hourglass” his engage, or take 70% of your HP before you can react. Once You’ll be looking at a (Q) max to maximize your ability to render him useless into most all fights and 1v1’s, into (E) max.
he is out of his (Q) use blind to fight him. Enter stealth if he is too much for However, if he gets rather fed or purchases “QSS” he will be a lot more difficult to deal with even if you manage to “Hourglass”
you to deal with. He has nothing outside of his (Q) to stop you. his initial one shot (Q).
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Milio Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Because it's nearly impossible to get close him or his teammates that he's backing up, he's a formidable laner or even a support
to deal with. Your best bet is to keep your distance and respect him, or to go anti-sustain and try to poke him out of lane until
he runs out of mana. You won’t really have much ability to deal with him outside of poking with your (Q).

Why these specific runes?

Because you'll be at a disadvantage with poke with your (E) basic attacks, a build that focuses largely on your (Q) as damage
output alongside items like Liandries or even burst would be much more effective at dealing damage and keeping you safe.

Why don’t use (Q) priority on him?

You would never use your (Q) on him because his range is greater than your ability to counter it. While he may use basic
attacks frequently and successfully, the majority of his time will be spent aiding his teammates, which you should prioritize.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?


What kind of ability order should you take?

A (Q) max into (E) max for maximum ability to do damage at a safe distance while avoiding being hit by his long range
knockbacks and empowered basic attack range. Even with the quickest kiting builds, it's quite tough to be mobile around him
unless he's an unskilled player.
There are a lot of issues with Milio. He is a very strong enchanter that can
distance you with his long range poke and his support for his allies which
increases their range even further into the late game with his (W).

If that wasn’t enough, he can also increase their mobility, heal and remove
crowd control for whoever is nearby when he activates his ultimate.

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Miss Fortune Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Miss Fortune will spend the majority of her time zoning you with her (E) and attempting to land her (Q) double bounce while
you’re standing behind her minions, so avoid being behind minions/allies, since her (Q) will seek you out even in stealth.

This makes it hard to move forward, due to her ability to use her (E) slow to disengage. If you’re planning on going in for a
trade do so after her (E) is down, this will make it easier for you to get close while making it harder for her to disengage.

One of her biggest threats is her (R) “Bullet Time”. Allowing her to channel a cone barrage of bullets in front of her which can
be devastating while fighting around objectives or when cornered in the dense jungle. If you can’t flash or avoid it, hourglass is
really your only way to avoid it. Depending on how fed she is, each hit can deal massive critical damage and execute you.

Pay attention to her item and rune build. She can be played as a full AP support which hurts, so build to what she is building.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach otherwise you’ll run into problems.

When do use (Q) priority on her?

You can’t really blind her reliably, since she can just channel her (R) while the blind duration is still up. She doesn’t really spend
much time using her basic attacks outside of her range poke. If you do see her skills are down and she is coming closer to
continue her engage with basic attacks, that would be the best time to blind her. But he main form of killing is with (Q) and (R).

Miss Fortune’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Make it Rain”. Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
Early game it’s okay to some degree, since her (E) isn’t going to deal as much damage as it will into the late game, and not
If she is building full AP it will be her main form of damage outside of her having access to her (R) until later, but you wouldn’t want to abuse it that much. She still has a ton of AoE and the potential to
(Q) “Double Up” double bounce, especially with the rune Dark Harvest. bounce her (Q) off of a minion or ally that could potentially hit you if you’re too close. Once she has (R) don’t bother.
You can definitely utilize your passive to help you get closer to her to poke out and burst her.
This skill does a moderate amount of AoE slow and damage, allowing for
her or her allies to catch-out their targets for easy engage. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking at a (Q) into (E) max. This will help you poke from range dealing a significant amount of damage to her, while
Click here for a "Video Reference". potentially mitigating any basic attacks she may send out. But be sure to watch out for her follow up engage with her (E) since
it does have a longer reach than your (Q), you’d want to time it in between her (E) CS usage or when attempting to poke you.
Mordekaiser Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Mordekaiser can be quite a pain to deal with if you’re not familiar with the idea of consistent kiting, he isn't that bad to fight in
lane against when you actually know how to play around his cooldowns. He is a catch an lockdown type of champion. Keep on
your toes and try to dodge all of his skill shots especially his (E), if he lands this ability you have lost the trade entirely.

You only lose once you are caught by Mordekaiser's pull ability. You always want to try your best to bait it out giving you more
freedom to get closer to poke and trade with him while avoiding his (Q) spam.

Why this specific rune?

It’s the best rune period, to fight him effectively. “PTA” offers solid 1v1 capabilities and the ability to build both offensively and
defensively into heavy AP compositions. So long as you are avoiding his main form of engage and not being caught out in the
open with his ultimate you shouldn’t have any issues melting him in a few seconds of combat at full build.

Why don’t use (Q) priority on him?

Because he is going to spam his (Q) more than anything else, it’s his main form of CS and poke damage, since it’s within your
basic attack range. That being said, using your (Q) as a form of poke can be useful, but his (W) “Indestructible” can mitigate the
damage entirely due to it granting him a small shield and healing himself for a portion of the shield.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

Once his (E) pull is down, and if he has access to his (R) you want to bait him out while standing near bushes. “Why?” because
it is the best way to get around his ultimate. If he tries to pull you into another dimension, let him he can’t do anything while
Mordekaiser’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Death’s Grasp”. the skill is channeling, this gives you ample time to enter the bushes and stealth to wait out the duration. Once it’s over you
will be back at an even advantage against him. However, if you try to do this while he still has his (E) up, you can potentially be
If he lands this ability at any stage of the game he will have the upper hand pulled out of stealth entirely, which is not something you want happening. The alternative to this is buying “QSS” to break out
immediately, as this ability pulls you to his location, allowing him to quickly of the skill but that’s a waste of gold unless he also has a mid lane “Malzahar” warranting the item more than anything else.
follow up with a basic attack and his (Q) “Obliterate” to activate his passive
“Darkness Rise” dealing damage to all targets near for a few secs. What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll do more with a (E) into (W) max. This allows you to stay high on mobility to side step abilities and to chase him down
He can then or alternatively pull you into another dimension with him in when he has the majority of his skills down since he is one of the slower top lane bruisers, while also being more of an ability
his (R) “Realm of Death” stealing 10% of your stats in the process. Once spammer, farming and poking with his (Q) more so than walking forward to hit you, he relies on pulling you in more than
trapped in his (R) you normally don’t stand a chance unless you’re fed. anything, so this build path is the best way to avoid that happening.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Morgana Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Morgana is a lockdown support, supporting her allies heavily, unless she is playing in the JNG or MID where she becomes
more of a threat due to her ability to easily one shot you with a full burn playstyle with “Liandry’s Anguish”.

It’s pretty mandatory to get some forms of magic resistance including “Mercury’s Treads” or even the subrune “Legend:
Tenacity” to lower her ability further to stun or root you for very long if you’re comfortable not taking “Legend: Alacrity”.
Try not to play too aggressive with her you risk being caught out and burned down the second you allow her to land her (Q).

It doesn’t help that she will often flash into a large team fight with her (R) while entering stasis with hourglass to disrupt
everyone nearby allowing for her allies to follow up with a beneficial engage.

Why these specific runes?

“Aery” lets you keep your distance from her to give you more time to react to her ranged stun, it can be shielded by her, but if
you keep spamming it off cooldown she won’t be able to consistently use her spell shield to mitigate it. ”Fleet” is alright if you
want to stay healthy throughout her annoying AoE burn spam. “Electrocute” can be solid once it has started moving, being
capable of bursting her into the mid-late game since she is rather squishy. Morgana has a ton of lock down. “Unflinching” with
“Mercury’s Treads” can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend in her (Q) or (R) combo.

Why don’t use (Q) priority on her?

She can very easily utilize her (E) “Black Shield” to completely negate the effect of your blind. It’s important to not attempt
trying to blind her or really any basic attack reliant champion while she is nearby, a good Morgana can completely cripple any
and all attempts, making her one of the most dangerous champions to deal with when playing around her in team fights.
Morgana’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Dark Binding.”

It might not seem like much, but into the late game this root can last When do you utilize stealth against her?
upwards to 3 seconds, which is a hell of a long time to be immobilized. You can not hide from her. Her (R) becomes highlighted while near you alerting her to your presence. Revealing you the
second she decides to activate it so there is no reason to attempt trying to ambush her or her allies while she is nearby. So
What makes things worse is her ability to follow up with her (R) “Soul don't go for any of those stealth plays while she is nearby unless she isn't too bright as it is going to end poorly for you.
Shackles” potentially stunning you for an additional few seconds.
What kind of ability order should you take?
During this duration her (Q) will come off cooldown allowing her to once You’ll do more with (E) into (Q) utilizing your (Q) only once her spell shield has been utilized, which most players will use
against follow up with another 3 second root. Her (Q) can be bodyblocked. immediately as you get in range to attack her or an ally with your basic attacks. So long as you can avoid her follow up (Q) root
you can simply wait out her spell shield duration and utilize your (Q) shortly after.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Nilah Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Extreme

Nilah gains increased experience while last hitting minions along with the ability to enhance and share nearby healing and
shielding from her allies. Insane with heal/shield supports. Morellonomicon is extremely recommended.

Why these specific runes?

Outside of her (W) “Jubilant Veil” she is rather easy / difficult to burst down while it is on cooldown. This ability will allow her
and any allies she touches to gain the ability to dodge all incoming attacks for a brief moment. So holding onto your (Q) until it
is down is highly recommended. Going into a long extended fight with her is ill advised, she will win extended fights.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

The second her (W) is down you would want to prioritize her she can do some heavy damage through her basic attacks.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

If you’re planning to ambush her, otherwise don’t bother once she is level 6 an onward. She can very easily reveal you with her
(R) pull, which is essentially just Diana’s ultimate, with a different effect.

What kind of ability order should you take?

(Q) into (E) max. You want her to be dead as fast as possible due to her large sustain / shielding. The longer she stays in a fight
the harder she becomes to kill, especially whilst being supported by a sustain / shielding ally.
Nilah’s main form of engage/disengage is with her (E) “Slipstream”.

Allowing her to dash towards her target enemy to follow up with her (R)
“Apotheosis”. You should not underestimate this ability as it can deal
devastating damage to you and everyone inside as it scales heavily.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Nami Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Nami is a support champion that will do her best to heal and protect her allies while attempting to lock you down with her (Q)
and keep you at bay with her (R) pressure into the mid and late game. It’s not that she herself is a massive threat in a fight, it’s
that getting close to her can be next to impossible when she has a good team with peels and disengage to follow up with hers.

She’s got a decent amount of sustain and damage. It can be tricky to deal with, especially when she is with a long range ADC.

You can't reliably poke her until her (W) “Ebb and Flow” has been used as it will simply bounce between allies and enemies,
both healing her allies and damaging enemies. Due to your (W) losing all bonus passive movement speed upon taking damage
this can be really annoying to deal with if you attempt to get closer to her or her allies.

Despite this, she is very squishy. So bursting her down when she does get caught out by you or your allies is rather easy.

Why these specific runes?

Nami tends to be very squishy to burst damage, this makes “Electrocute” great rune to utilize into her, however, “Dark
Harvest” is something I would advise against if you’re directly facing her, the rune is very inconsistent against sustain
champions and will often not scale consistently as the other. “Aery” for (Q) focused poke from a safe distance.

Why don’t use (Q) priority on her?

She isn’t going to be doing damage, and if she is it’s going to be because of her abilities hitting you, not her basic attacks. Focus
on her ADC or someone else who is being a major threat to your allies or even to yourself.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Nami’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Aqua Prison.” You would want to utilize stealth whenever there is a big fight about to happen while you’re waiting around or when you know
she is about to turn a corner while you’re roaming her jungle, get the jump on her but be prepared to dodge the her follow up
Which allows her to send out a bubble to her targeted location, knocking (Q) if you can’t one shot her with a (Q) into (E). All she needs to do is land the knock up to put you in a bad position.
up all enemies upon impact.
What kind of ability order should you take?
If she manages a good knock up with her (Q) she can easily combo her (R) Since she is relatively a squishy champion a (Q) into (E) max will be more suitable than anything else since you want to execute
“Tidal Wave” committing her team to an all out engage to run you down. her before she can react. It can be really difficult to poke her from range since her skills are all at a relatively high target range
above your (Q) and (E) ranges. If you’re going to poke her while in lane, you’ll want to do it when at the very least her (Q) is
Click here for a "Video Reference". down on cooldown, while attempting to cancel her skills by diving back into the bushes out of vision before she has time.
Nasus Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Nasus players either max (E) and deal a ton of magic damage with “Corrupting Potion” or build “Spirit Visage” and focus on
trying to max out as many stacks as they possibly can with (Q), while maxing (W) to slow you for 95% (over a duration).

You should be focusing all of your efforts on preventing him every single cannon minion stack by blinding him before they die.
You don't counter him outside of laning, he counters you severely late game if you’ve got no pressure or control over his early.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” is a very good rune coupled with “Mercury’s Treads”, this helps mitigate the slow effect and the duration, depending on
which build you go for. “Legends: Tenacity” with the resolve secondaries “Second Wind” & “Unflinching” helps deal with his
poke damage and also turns his 5 second 95% slow late game into a 2 second 67% slow at max effect with the boots.

“Phase Rush” does the same but at the expense of losing out on damage while also granting temporary immunity to his slow
so long as you can hit him (3) times. This doesn’t make this rune worse than the previous one, but due to interactions with
slow resistance and Cloud Drakes offering solid slow resistance if you do manage to get one or 2, tenacity just works better.

“Aery” is real solid if you know the majority of your opponents tend to take “Grasp” and not (E) max poke to bully them hard.

When do use (Q) priority on him?

Every opportunity that you get, especially into the late game when he has engaged you or your allies with his (R) “Fury of the
Sands” which effectively makes his (Q) turn into a 1-2 second cooldown. If he’s got a massive amount of stacks through his
passive, there really is nobody else you would want to prioritize blinding. He will one or two shot everyone with one (Q).
Nasus’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Wither.”

If you are not building properly both with items and with runes you will When do you utilize stealth against him?
never be able to deal with a competent Nasus. This isn’t season 5 anymore, He has absolutely no way to reveal you or to prevent you from stealthing. Even if he hits you with his main form of long range
he isn’t as easy as he was back then, a good Nasus will destroy you. poke (E) “Spirit Fire” or if you’re currently taking damage from his (R) the AoE damage will not prevent you from entering
stealth, it’s only if he hits you with a basic attack or lands a successful (Q). You can just stand still and enter stealth at any time
Thankfully, most Nasus players these days don’t seem to bother going (E) This becomes exceedingly useful into his late game state. Once his ult is down he will become more manageable to deal with.
max with “Summon Aery,” “Scorch” in combo with “Corrupting Potion.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
So you shouldn’t have any issues dealing with him through the early game. You’ll be looking for a (Q) into (E) max. You have to try to prevent as many stacks as you possibly can to prevent his late game
scaling from being too impactful. It can mean the difference between 600 stacks vs 300 stacks. It might not seems like much,
Click here for a "Video Reference". but that’s a lot of damage being mitigated simply by utilizing your (Q) at every opportunity you can.
Nautilus Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Keep a respectful distance while utilizing minions to body block his (Q) hooks, while trying to bait it out in the open. You never
want to allow him to get on top of you due to his kit being all about locking down targets with multiple forms of CC.

If he pulls you with his (Q) his first basic attack will root you for a moment, allowing for him to combo into his (E) “Riptide”
slowing and damaging all targets surrounding him. It’s important to note, his follow up (R) “Depth Charge” is a skill that will
chase you no matter how far you manage to get from him after he has cast it.

The shock wave passes through allies if you run between them causing them to get caught in it’s shockwave, knocking them
up into the air before it inevitably hits you as well. If you see an ally running for you or an ally nearby, steer clear of them.

Outside of all of his lockdown skills, he can get rather tanky while he attempts to peel and protect his ADC and carries and
dealing a moderate amount of damage in the process.

Why these specific runes?

Nautilus is a heavy lockdown support, he isn’t really seen anywhere else these days so you’ll be dealing with him in a duo lane.
“Aery” is good for safe long ranged poke, while “Electrocute” can put you in danger if you don’t engage around his cooldowns.

You’ll be mostly focusing on his ADC in all cases, so you shouldn’t be worrying about focusing all your efforts onto him.

When do use (Q) priority on him?

You can utilize (Q) to prevent his passive from activating immediately if you get caught out. He can still root you after the blind
has been exhausted, but at the very least it grants you a few seconds to get some distance or prevent and ally from being
immediately caught out in a team fight if they happen to get hit.
Nautilus’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Dredge Line.”

This sends out his anchor in a straight line, if the anchor strikes terrain or Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
an enemy target he will be pulled towards the target. Once on top of his He can easily pull you out of stealth by hooking you. It doesn’t take him much effort as all he has to do is activate his (E) to see
targets, it’s very difficult to get away from him due to his lockdown slows your silhouette which he can immediately follow up with his (Q) to guarantee a hit. Once pulled out of stealth you are pretty
and root / knock up combo. much dead since the constant follow up CC will prevent you from re-entering.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
(E) into (Q) max. The off-chance that you do see him being played in a different role other than support you can opt into going
(E) into (W) while playing “PTA” since his mobility is quite bad if he doesn’t purchase “Mobility Boots.”
Neeko Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Neeko can be an absolute nightmare to deal with simply due to her range and build diversity. She can either be played full AP
or On-Hit AD. Both have their ups and downs, while having good synergy with her kits lockdown and passives.

If you get rooted you are pretty much dead, as you won’t be able to avoid her follow up (Q) “Blooming Burst” which will
pulsate & splash multiple times, so unless you’re locked down you want to get out of the AoE as soon as possible. If this skill
kills a minion it will pulsate once after the first, be mindful to not take unnecessary extra damage.

She can combo her (R) “Pop Blossom” with her (W) “Shape Splitter” which can be very annoying to deal with. Don't show her
where you've been placing shrooms at because this is what makes Neeko such a nuisance is her ability to use her clone to set
off your nearby shrooms, making it very difficult to catch her with them or set up defenses, for this reason, I recommend only
using shrooms deep in the jungle and throwing them onto minions when she is near to zone her.

If they go full on-hit with “PTA” you're going to have a very hard time dealing with them with your basic attacks as there isn't
much you can do since their range is higher than yours, your best bet is to safely poke with (Q) from the longer range, while
most of her skills are down. Be observant of her basic attacks she deals bonus damage every 3rd auto she sends out.

Why these specific runes?

She has the advantage due to her longer basic attack range and skill shots, so playing safer into her with (Q) poke is best.

When do use (Q) priority on her?

Really only when she is planning on going full On-Hit. It’s less popular than burst these days but still is all about basic attacks,
which you can very easily mitigate with (Q) focus on her. If she is going for her normal burst playstyle you can attempt to blind
Neeko’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Tangle-Barbs”. her follow up 3rd basic attack, but overall there will most likely be a better target for you to prioritize.

She will sling a tangle that can pass through units. If it hits an enemy, it’s Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
speed, size and root duration increases for all additional targets. She has a decent amount of AoE that can potentially kill you over a slightly long duration, especially while building full AP.
Once she has access to her (R) and starts to scale with her AP, it is very unwise to attempt to utilize stealth around her at all
Getting caught out by this ability makes it near impossible to deal with her since her follow up (E) and (R) combo can potentially one shot you.
follow up skills and lockdown. Try your best not to get caught!
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". It’s safer and more effective for you to go (Q) into (E) max, due to her constant range advantage, getting close to basic attack
her can very easily lead you to being struck by her auto, which will slow you due to your (W) passive, making it much easier for
her to walk forward with her (W) granting her bonus movement to get in position to land her root.
Nidalee Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

The further her spears travel the more damage it will do to her targets, so try your best to not get hit at its max range, if she is
relatively fed it can be a potential one shot.

Her Human form (W) “Bushwhack” traps will reveal you if you step over them while stealthed in a bush, and are kind of
difficult to see, so be careful stepping on them if you've been marked by her spear you also become revealed.

She is in general a very squishy champion, unless he has acquired something like “Banshee’s Veil” or “Hourglass”, so as long as
you are keeping your distance and avoiding her spears she won’t have much damage to her abilities to take you on.

Why these specific runes?

Bursting her is the best play style since she isn’t going to be building too defensively. “Electrocute” is more consistent than
“Dark Harvest” so unless you’re confident in you ability to play this rune and stack it consistently every 1-2 minutes don’t
bother. “Aery” is great for keeping your distance with shroom and (Q) distance poke.

When do use (Q) priority on her?

If most of her abilities are down you can attempt to blind her to prevent her Human form or Cougar form from dealing basic
attack damage, however, she will often keep her distance and rotate between forms and cooldowns to get the maximum
amount of damage out especially once a spear has landed.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

You would never want to utilize your stealth against her while she knows you’re nearby. If she manages to hit you with her
Nidalee is a transformation champion. Shifting from her Human form for traps or her (Q) you will immediately be revealed to her an her allies
range poke and back to her Cougar form for gap-close engage.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Nidalee’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Javelin Toss”. Ideally you would want to go for a (E) into (Q) max. She is very susceptible to burst damage, but often times will build to
counter the burst damage with “Banshee’s Veil”. You can get around this by utilizing shrooms or by simply hitting her with
If this spear hits strikes you, then you will become revealed to her for the basic attacks rather than relying on your (Q) at all. But it’s often better to utilize shrooms at a distance to safely remove her
next 4 seconds. During this time, if she switches to her Cougar form her protection before attempting to get in too close.
(Q) “Take Down” and her (W) “Pounce” will gain some bonuses, making her
harder to deal with, so you want to ideally never get hit by her spears..

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Nocturne Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Dealing with Nocturne can be a real pain due to his ability to simply get on top of you without you knowing he is targeting
you, along with his ability to possibly negate most of your kit if he times his (W) “Shroud of Darkness” spell shield properly.

Always assume that you are being targeted, using bushes and entering stealth to protect yourself until your vision recovers
allowing you to see where exactly he is and what is going on around the map before returning to what you were doing.

It’s absolutely important for you to have a shroom placed behind you or in a general location so that when and if he does
target you that you can kite him through one before he channels his (E) “Unspeakable Horror” fear along with his (W),
effectively making it impossible to blind him while you’re incapacitated.

Why these specific runes?

Depending on the skill level of the Nocturnes you fight it’s near impossible to blind him. He will build relatively high on
defenses and bruiser items so you’ll be in a long extended fight with him. “PTA” offers the best survivability and dueling
potential. “Electrocute” can be easily countered if you can’t properly burst him around his spell shield. “Aery” and “Grasp”
both offer good passive aggressive poke damage while keeping yourself at a safer distance around allies and towers.

When do use (Q) priority on him?

Most average Nocturne players will immediately activate their (W) as they land on you rather than waiting for you to (Q) them
to negate it. This makes it very easy to blind them at the final tick of his fears activation, since it takes about 2 seconds to fully
charge up while he keeps himself close to you. Blinding him the second he fears you will negate his bonus attack speed hits he
gains while you are feared and potentially enter you into stealth if you just so happen to be sitting in a bush.
Nocturne’s main form of engage is with his (R) “Paranoia.”
When do you utilize stealth against him?
Allowing him to single out anyone he has visuals on across the map, while If you know he's going to (R) you and you're alone with no enemy champions nearby, especially if everyone is visible
turning everyone vision nearsighted. You will not be able to see anything somewhere on the map, entering stealth with a shroom at your feet can save you the hassle and set you up to duel him.
near you or on your mini-map, however, you can still register pings.
It takes a few seconds often for him to reach you at maximum range, so if you end up caught out in stealth you can fight him
If he is fighting you, warn your allies. Vice versa if your allies ping danger, when he preemptively blows his spell shield, allowing you to come out of stealth with your attack speed bonus to fight and
he is most likely in that specific location with his allies or alone. blind him before his fear takes hold, winning you the duel.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
So long as you know how to wait out the duration of his (W) you shouldn’t have any issues going with a max (Q) into (E).
Nunu Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Nunu is a very mobile champion, expect to be ganked in your lanes frequently, with very little pressure from your allies, don’t
complain to them about how little they are doing, there are very few champions that can keep up with him, it’s not their fault.

Unless you’re very confident in your own ability to play your lane and you do not care about him ganking you then you should
make sure you don’t extend into them all game, once he’s rolling into your lane, you have very few options especially if he’s
coming from their tower and not the river or jungle, effectively making sidestepping and circling him impossible.

It is a very wise decision to obtain a “Morellonomicon” & “Void Staff” into the mid-late game, unless he has gone pure AP and
has not bothered to go tank, you will have a very hard time dealing with his (Q) “Consume”, which can heal him for 50% hp.

Once he has gotten on top of you, or even while hiding in a bush around objectives, Nunu can channel his (R) “Absolute Zero”
slowing and damaging all nearby enemies after he recasts or after the channel is complete. The slow can reach upwards to
95% while dealing an additional 100% AP damage. Notice your movement speed dropping? Immediately warn allies and run!

Why these specific runes?

Depending on if your Nunu opponents tend to go full tank or full burst “PTA” is overall the best rune into him. You won’t be
able to escape him with most runes so you’re often forced to fight him the second he gets on top of you. “Electrocute” has the
potential to one shot him if he isn’t going too tanky, while “Aery” is the passive aggressive approach keeping your distance.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

You would never prioritize Nunu, he is specifically going to rush in, lock people down, sit in his ultimate while his allies back
him up. He very rarely relies on basic attacking enemy champions, unless he’s running them down. Focus on someone else.
Nunu’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Biggest Snowball Ever!”.

This allows him to cover great distance in a short amount of time, gaining When do you utilize stealth against him?
size and speed to strike his targets knocking them up while running them During the early stages of the game, if you’ve been getting constantly ganked by him, and he will not leave your lane you can
down with his follow up slow/root from his (E) “Snowball Barrage”. simply rush to a nearby bush and wait him out in stealth. He himself can not reveal you but if his ally has a slow applied to you
while he knocks you up with his (W) snowball you can be potentially revealed due to Riot Games shoddy coding.
While he is channeling his (W) he loses the ability to turn quickly. The
easiest way to avoid the skill would be to side step & circle around him. Once he has access to (R) it would be unwise to attempt doing this, as he can channel his ultimate in the entire bush.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
You’ll be looking at a (E) into (W) max. This helps you stay mobile to side step and circle him. If you decide not to play “PTA”
you can just take a (E) into (Q) since he’s often times going to be too tanky to execute with a (Q) max. It’s really up to you.
Olaf Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Olaf has a very strong level 1-2 cheese if he is capable of landing his (Q) back to back. You will most certainly have problems,
especially if you’re extended into him and he is getting a gank around the really early game as the lane has started.

Biggest thing you should do is respect him. He has every ability to run you down at any moment, be it through a flash (Q) or
using Ghost with his (R) when it is up. If he misses his axe, he will normally walk forward, it is never a good idea to stay in your
current position, unless you’re capable of dealing a ton of burst damage to zone him off, he will pick it up and try again closer.

You can’t (Q) most of his auto damage or slow him while he is in his (R). He will often run Ghost and simply run you down once
you get hit by one of his axes, if you are extended. He is very tanky and makes utilizing of your (R) and (Q) mostly useless.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” with slow resistance “Legends: Tenacity” & “Unflinching” can be very useful if you’re having problems. “Phase Rush” for
the players that are just terrible at avoiding his (Q) spam, you shouldn’t need this rune, but it helps. “Aery” for safe poking.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

He must be in his (R) active and have recently used his (E) “Reckless Swing” which sends down a thunder strike. Otherwise
you will not really mitigate any of his damage since these skills can not be mitigated, and his (R) cleanses him of your blind.

Once everything is down and he is on top of his target he will gain attack speed as his health lowers through his passive
“Berserkers Rage” while granting even more attack speed and lifesteal through his (W) “Vicious Strikes” for 6 seconds. This is
the best time that you can possibly blind him, helping your allies kill him before the attack speed and sustain kick in.
Olaf’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Undertow” spam.
When do you utilize stealth against him?
If you allow Olaf to constantly land his axe and he picks it up, he can Due to his annoying (Q) spam, he can very effortlessly run back and forth picking up his axe dealing heavy damage over time if
consistently spam you with a ranged 25-45% slow, making escape difficult. he manages to land it on you. However, he only has about 12 attempts, once he has done this his mana pool will have drained
pretty rapidly. After he has no mana it’s easy to fight or run from if you’ve been ganked and haven’t been able to move.
Once close he can follow up with his (R) “Ragnarok” to run you down in
close proximity, gaining tons of movement speed and attack speed, while What kind of ability order should you take?
cleansing himself of all status effects including your (Q) blind and (R) slow. You’ll be looking at a (Q) into (E) max with a burst build. You shouldn’t rely too heavily on your blind activating most of the
times, it’s not because of his abilities and cleanse. So if you’re not very comfortable attempting to learn when to do so, just
Click here for a "Video Reference". take a (E) into (Q) instead. If you’re planning on running “PTA” (E) into (W) build helps to side step his (Q) if you have trouble.
Ornn Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Ornn has the ability to upgrade his allies items, by level 17 everyone will have an upgraded Mythic item. He can also craft basic
items in the lane rather than backing to base to purchase them. You can stop him by hitting him with any form of damage.

One of the biggest issues with facing Ornn is his extremely heavy wave clear and constant pillar spam through his (Q).
This can make it very difficult to engage on him, or continuously siege his tower because he can easily clear a full wave.

If he manages to miss his (E) as he dives towards you into his pillar you have some wiggle room to kite and fight him, especially
if you do decide to run a “PTA” build into him because once he is on top of you, all he has to do is use his (W) “Bellows Breath”
to apply a stack of brittle which allows him to deal bonus damage on his next follow up basic attack.

His ultimate can miss, but it's up to you to juke it out, by pathing when he has sent out his (R) back towards you. If you don't
dodge this, the CC is going to mess you up, especially if he is close allowing him to combo up with his (Q) into (E) knock up.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” is often the best rune to deal with him, but can be very hard to utilize if you’re not familiar with it’s aggressive high
mobility play style. “Grasp” is really solid all around keeping your healthy and alive through the laning phase. “Aery” is also
good, but offers less defense in exchange for constantly poke through (Q) and burn.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

The second you get caught out after he has dashed forward into terrain or pillar to knock you up. Most Ornn players will
activate their (W) to apply brittle to gain bonus damage on his next basic attack. This combo really hurts and it would be wise
Ornn’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Searing Charge”. to focus on him if he does end up on top of you. In team fights it’s not that big of a deal so focus on their basic attack carries.

During the laning phase he will be poking with his (Q) “Volcanic Rupture” Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
his main set up. If you are near his pillar when it rises he can then charge He can potentially reveal you if he lands his (E) into terrain while in bushes or by placing down his (Q) beforehand. He can also
forward ramming into the terrain, locking you down with a knock up. activate his (R) to do the same thing in a larger radius, while also having a bunch of AoE. It would be unwise due to his item
build having a constant burn AoE due to “Sunfire” while he is in combat near you.
His alternative form of engage is with his (R) “Call of the Forge God”,
which allows him to summon a massive elemental ram to his location from What kind of ability order should you take?
behind you, if he rams it back, it will knock up everyone hit. It’s really annoying to deal with him, so a (E) into (W) max is more preferred while playing “PTA” otherwise a simple (E) into (Q)
is fine. Tank champions are often times impossible to kill into the late game so you’ll be more focused on CSing and split
Click here for a "Video Reference". pushing more so than roaming around playing as a team.
Orianna Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Orianna can effectively zone you back with relative ease because of her long range and her (W) “Command: Dissonance” AoE.
It's hard to trade with her, due to her range along with her shields when she calls it back with her (E) “Command: Protect”.

You want to catch her in between casts. The problem is, her (Q) cast time is on a 6-3 second cooldown, based on what level
she is and it’s her go to form of poke and damage, so they will often have it maxed by level 9. You will not be able to deal with
her after that as she will always come out on top in a duel, unless you have the resistances or hourglass to mitigate her burst.

Simply keep your distance, and try your best to survive while doing your best to make her to waste mana in the early game, as
it will allow you to match her lane wise, until you are capable of purchasing some defensive items. You can’t really win this
lane, due to her permanent zoning so rely on allies and focusing on CSing until you get help.

Why these specific runes?

“Fleet” offers the best survivability against her because you don’t have to go anywhere near her, she can already effectively
zone you away from the ability to poke her or CS effectively. “Aery” offers no defense, but can potentially deal a lot of long
range poke through (Q) spam. “Electrocute” can do well if you’re managing to dodge all of her poke and abilities, especially
into the late game where you would rather her be bursted down rather than running you down with mobility and poke.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She is a long range spell caster, there is no reason to waste a blind on her. She doesn’t rely on basic attacking.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

Orianna’s main form of engage is with her (R) “Command: Shockwave”. She has a lot of AoE through her abilities and very low cooldown, once she has access to her (R) she can very easily pull you
out of stealth completely if the skill manages to hit you. Which is most likely will due to the range of it.
In large team fights or even when fighting in the lane, she has massive
reach with her Clockwork Ball. Zoning her opponents effectively with her What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) “Command: Attack” sending her ball to the target location. It’s really up to you, you can get away with both (E) into (Q) max or (Q) into (E) max, focusing on CS or trying to dwindle her HP
down over a duration of time by spamming your (Q) from a relatively safe distance once her first cast of (Q) has missed.
Once her ball is nearby all she has to do is wait for the right moment,
before pulling in all targets caught in shockwave, stunning them. Once again, it’s better to play it safely into her due to her overwhelming zoning presence and damage from being an AP mage.

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Pantheon Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Throughout the laning phase, Pantheon will get stacks every time he lands an ability or hits with his basic attacks. Once he has
5 stacks under his health bar he will gain bonus damage or effects on his next basic ability.

You don’t want to be hit by his (Q) since it will deal a ton of damage, which will often be followed up by a flash (W) stun to
burst you down quickly. So try your best to side step and avoid the empowered spear, once it’s down you can attempt to fight
if you so desire, since he will be down in power until he hits targets 5 more times.

You don’t want to waste any of your burst skills or runes while he is currently channeling his (E) “Aegis Assault”. He will
become immune to all non-turret damage so long as he is facing that direction, this includes your (Q).

Why these specific runes?

You want to burst him down shortly after he has finished his (W) and (E) rotation. The trade will go in your favor because he
does become rather squishy once his main defenses are down. “Electrocute” and “Dark Harvest” both do this rather well. If
you’re having trouble dealing with him then “Grasp” is great at keeping you high on HP and defenses through items.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Pantheon tends to be easier to deal with when you (Q) him as his (W) stun lands, this will mitigate his (3) swift basic attacks
before he switches into his (E) so long as he has full stacks as he stuns you. His (E) will completely mitigate your blind entirely.

You don’t want to be hit by anything other than his (W), since his stun combo can easily be mitigated when empowered.

Pantheon’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Shield Vault.” When do you utilize stealth against him?
Which allows for him to immediately stun and lock down an enemy target. He can very easily kill you over a short duration if he lands his (Q) every single time, since it is effectively on a 4 second
cooldown if he jabs it, rather than throws it. If you do plan on utilizing stealth against him for whatever reason, it would be
Pantheon’s alternative form of engage is with his (R) “Grand Starfall.” wise to do it in one of the larger bushes, as the center bush is basically a death
Which allows for him to channel a short duration before leaping across the
map crashing down as a comet dealing damage to everyone nearby. What kind of ability order should you take?
Despite having a shield that mitigates all damage taken from the front, he is actually a really squishy champion. Unless of
Be mindful about this, as you want to run the opposite way it lands, giving course he purchases “Maw of Malmortius” a (Q) into (E) max is perfectly fine into him, so long as you hold yourself back while
you extra time to escape him, since he will be behind you, not on top. his shield is up, following up with your (Q) and skills / summoners for a quick burst once his main defense is down.
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Poppy Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Poppy isn’t seen that much these days, when she is seen it’s normally in the jungle, since her top lane playstyles fell out of style
back in season 9 among the many meta shifts. She can still appear in the top lane on every rare occasion.

While facing off against Poppy you must respect her while near any form of terrain. It doesn’t matter if it is a tower, wall or
destroyed tower base, if you allow her to set up her (E) dash stun, you will lose every and all trades.

Periodically she will empower her buckler, sending it out on her next basic attack from range, if this kills minions or
champions with her buckler it will automatically grant her a shield. Champions/minions struck cause the buckler to bounce
off and land nearby, you can destroy it by stepping on it before she has a chance to pick it up and receive a small shield.

Once she has access to her (R) “Keeper’s Verdict” there are two possible outcomes, either she uses a fully charged (R) to
remove you and any other targets hit by the AoE away from objectives while you’re taking it or away from major team fights
happening throughout the game. If she uses a non charged (R) it will simply knock up her target appling more CC after her (E).

One thing to mention is if she attempts to dash on top of you to trade, don't stand in her (Q) “Hammer Shock” radius after she
has activated it, as it is a two phase damage ability that will set the ground to explode shortly after it is activated.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” for better shredding. “Aery” is good for distanced poke. “Electrocute” for burst & “Grasp” is very defensive overall.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She isn’t going to be doing much outside of attempting to ram you into terrain and deal AoE damage to you while you’re
stunned or attempting to walk towards her. You can blind her bucklers AD damage but not the AP portion.
Poppy’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Heroic Charge.”
When do you utilize stealth against her?
Knocking back a target, potentially stunning them if she knocks them It depends really. She can eventually kill you while you are sitting in stealth inside of bushes, that is if she is landing her (Q)
against a wall. Once locked down it’s much easier for her to land her follow AoE. Her (R) can knock you away if it’s fully charged, but will not reveal you unless you have been slowed previously by another
up abilities which can deal a ton of damage if she has gone full AD. champion due to Riot Games shoddy programming.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
A (E) into (Q) max is perfectly fine, however, if you find yourself going up against a Poppy player trying to build burst damage
rather than moderately tanky, (Q) into (E) max will make short work of her.
Pyke Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

One of the biggest issues regarding Pyke is his high mobility and invisibility. Making it extremely easy for him to roam across
the map assisting his allies in getting kills through his (R) “Death from Below.” This skill allows him to execute low HP enemies
while allowing granting the ally he assisted 300 gold as if they themselves killed his target. In large team fights this can be
devastating because of his ability to recast the skill each time he gets a takedown.

Even if you do manage to side step his initial (E) stun, you need to be aware and respectful of his follow up (Q) “Bone Skewer”
pull. It’s often his main way of catching targets out, pulling them over terrain or into his team with a follow up (E).

You can avoid his (R) if you side step in between the sides of the visual (X) mark, however, it’s better to not risk it and to
activate stasis if you have it on hand at the time. It’s a massive boost to the enemies economy if you let him execute you.

You can notice when he is going for a gank when you see a few sharks rotating around you with an ominous sound effect
playing so watch out, rush to your nearby allies or get ready to avoid his (E) and (Q) combo.

Why these specific runes?

Being in a long fight with Pyke is bad so “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” burst can make short work of him unless he’s fed.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He will mostly be attempting to rotate between his (Q) his (E) and his (R) rarely will he be getting in close to strike you or allies
with basic attacks. You’ll be better off focusing on his ally ADC.

Pyke’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Phantom Undertow.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
Due to his (Q) pull he can very easily fish you out of bushes, especially if he has “Oracle Lens” showing him your previous /
Pyke will dash forward a moderate distance while attempting to line up his current location while in stealth if you by chance are standing still and not moving around frantically.
phantom from his previous location. If he manages to align it up on top of
multiple enemy targets, they will all become stunned. What kind of ability order should you take?
Pyke is extremely squishy if he hasn’t been building properly with items like “Edge of the Night” making him very susceptible
You can activate “Hourglass” or attempt to sidestep the ability entirely to a full burst build relying heavily on (Q) and (E) max.
before turning to engage him, though he can flash to line it up again.
If he does end up getting his spell shield then a (E) into (Q) max with “Lich Bane” as your amplifier would be better than
Click here for a "Video Reference". anything else, as it’s near impossible to get him to step on shrooms at a distance since he will often build items like the
“Umbral Blade” revealing all shrooms and vision wards currently nearby for a few seconds.
Qiyana Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Qiyana is an elemental shifting champion with high mobility and high damage output. Her abilities do different things based
on what current element she has recently enchanted her weapon into with her (W) “Terrashape” or her (E) dash.

Never escape from her or chase her pressed up against a wall or nearby a wall as she can very easily flash into her (E) to get in
position to knock you into it outplaying you effortlessly.

Make sure you're running right between them giving room for reaction. She can burst you heavily, so grab yourself some
armor specifically “Hourglass” as it can be very useful if you time the stasis right before she activates her (R).

“Brush” element grants her invisibility with her (Q).

“River” element grants her a root and a slow effect with her (Q).
“Earth” element grants bonus damage to enemies below 50% HP with her (Q).

Why these specific runes?

She’s going to one shot, matching it with “Electrocute” burst is good, while building defensively. If you want to go the extra
mile you can take “Grasp” to be generally more tanky. I wouldn’t really recommend it but “Aery” with a (Q) spam can be useful,
since getting close for basic attack poke will often lead to you being dashed and bursted quickly.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Due to her ability to enter invisibility for a short duration and the fact she will be spending her entire time attempting to land
her (R) combo into her Earth element (Q) it’s not really worth attempting to blind her for any reason.
Qiyana’s main forms of engage is with both her and her (E) “Audacity" dash
and her (R) “Supreme display of Talent” potential CC if it hits terrain. Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
She has too much AoE and can easily kill you over a short duration with her (Q) spam. However, her (R) can not reveal you,
If her ultimate strikes you without being pushed into terrain you will unless of course you are slowed by her River element or an ally prior to being pushed into a nearby wall due to Riot Games
simply be knocked backwards, if you get pushed into terrain you will be shoddy programming.
stunned for a short duration allowing her to combo her follow up skills.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Note: If an ally has been pushed into a wall and you’re turning the corner in (Q) into (E), poking her from a safe distance while attempting to follow up with your burst from your runes and summoners
the jungle, the blast radius can strike you stunning you in response. when most of her important skills are on cooldown. Her range from her (Q) is less than yours which is decent to poke with.
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Quinn Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Minor

Quinn will spend the large majority of her time trying to land her (Q) “Blinding Assault” which if hits her target hinders their
vision for a few seconds making it impossible for them to react if she keeps her range. Minion’s can body block this effect.

Some players tend to dash forward with their (E) during your impairment instead of keeping their distance, you can land your
(Q) onto her in this small window when she dashes inside. It can take some time, but it can help negate a lot of her damage.

Once she reaches level 6 expect her to roam quite often, leaving your lane entirely to wreak havoc in your allies lanes. Ping
your missing opponent frequently, nobody likes to be snuck up on by an enemy that is very mobile an unpredictable.

If she is running PTA, you'll wanna do a short trade, so back off before your blind is over, otherwise the trade will go even.
If she is running Electrocute, you’ll want to do longer trades, since you’ll have the upper hand after her (E) has been used.

Why these specific runes?

She is extremely susceptible to burst damage. “Dark Harvest” for the real good late game scaling or “Electrocute” for the
consistent scaling throughout all stages of the game. You can take other runes, but generally speaking she is one of the few
minor threats to Teemo, so long as you’re playing well around her rotations.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

If you know she is about to land her (Q) to blind you, it can be very valuable to get in to blind her preventing her follow up
engage while you are incapable of getting a visual on her.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Quinn’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Vault”. Pretty much as much as you can. Her (W) “Heightened Senses” grants her vision in a large radius of all targets currently
nearby. However, it does not offer “True Vision” therefore no matter where you are, in bushes or in the middle of the lane, you
Dashing forward towards her target, to slow them as she kicks off them can very easily ambush her when she thinks there is nobody nearby. Once her (E) is down you can easily (Q) her and enter
back close to her original position. If you know she is about to dash to you, stealth so long as you didn’t get hit by her (Q) blind in the process. Once in stealth she can’t do anything to you.
be ready to activate your (Q) on her as she can’t use skills or basic attack
while she is dashing forward to kick or when she flips back to her position. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E), blinding her at every opportunity that you get when she gets too close. She is a very easy champion to one shot,
Click here for a "Video Reference". when you are building properly. You can even go for a (E) into (Q) max if you don’t feel like one shotting her and focusing
mostly on CSing and split pushing more.
Rammus Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Rammus is a pretty annoying champion to deal with due to his high mobility and disruptive playstyle.

However, you can simply run in between your minions to cause him to come out of his (Q) prematurely dealing 0 damage to
you and slowing him down, don’t forget to try to get away from him before he gets close enough taunt you with his (E).

If you see him glow with particles encircling him, do not attack him. If you attack him while he has activated his (W)
“Defensive Ball Curl” he will reflect damage back to his attackers, this makes attacking with on-hit builds brutal for you.

Rammus is a hard counter to on-hit builds, especially once he has purchased Thornmail. Stick to the full AP builds with (Q)
max to utilize more of your power into taking him down without killing yourself in the process. Being shoved in while he is on
the enemies team is a sure way to get killed.

Why these specific runes?

Being basic attack reliant is a horrible thing against Rammus, so a more (Q) poke and (R) burn do more for you . “Aery” does
this the best, but offers very little defense to his taunt and run down ability. “Grasp” is similar to the previous rune but offers
really good defense to stay alive a bit longer in longer trades while burning him through shroom damage and (Q) burn.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

His passive grants him enhanced basic attacks, but he himself isn’t going to be focusing on basic attacking targets. It’s not
worth wasting anything on him so focus on his allies that warrant a (Q) focus.

Rammus’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Powerball”. When do you utilize stealth against him?
If he is constantly ganking your lane and you’re not able to run or fight, sitting in the bushes is fine because he can’t reveal
Allowing him to gain a ton of movement speed, until he rams into an you. Unless of course the laner that you are fighting has a form of reveal.
enemy target. This skill is used to follow up with his (R) “Soaring Slam”
which allows him to hop forward to the designated location dealing a ton What kind of ability order should you take?
of AoE damage to all nearby enemy champions. He can hop over terrain. (Q) into (E) max is perfectly fine, you won’t want to be maxing out your on-hit from (E) early on, that just grants him more
potential to deal more damage to over. Bursting him down before he gets too tanky is the way to go about dealing with him.
If he gets close enough he can follow up with another form of CC with his
(E) “Frenzying Taunt” making it very difficult to escape him once caught.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Rakan Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Despite all of the acrobatics he shows off, he is a moderately squishy champion the second he has all of his skill on cooldown.

You shouldn't focus him all the time, his ADC is still the prime target when it comes to fighting. If he is in a solo lane, however,
it's pretty much a free lane to win, since he needs allies to utilize his abilities effectively.

He's just a disruption support with a bit of sustain and shielding, but can be played as a burst AP mage. You’ll definitely need to
build some items like “Banshee’s Veil” or “Mercury’s Treads” or run the risk of being one shot by his (W) knock up combo.

Why these specific runes?

Outside of his disruption he is rather susceptible to burst damage so “Electrocute” and “Dark Harvest” are the best runes to
deal with him effectively. If you feel like you have more problems with him you can take “Aery” into him with (Q) poke burn.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He doesn’t need to use his basic attacks, he will spend the majority of his time lining up his engage. Prioritize another
champion more specifically his ADC if he is supporting an ally.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Once he has access to his (R) he can very easily charm you out of bushes, during the very early game he can’t do much besides
attempt to do some damage to you with his (W), however, if he has an ally apply a slow to you prior to his knock up, you will be
revealed due Riot Games shoddy programming.

Rakan’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Grand Entrance”. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) due to his squishy nature will do more to execute him with relative ease. So long as you don’t let him catch you out
Rakan will dash to his targeted location knocking up everyone currently and lock you down long enough for his allies to finish you off before you can react.
inside the radius. It’s often used in combo with his (R) “The Quickness”.

This grants him the ability to charm anyone he touches for a few moments
while also granting him a ton of mobility to avoid skill shots as he weaves
in between each target before finishing with his (W) as escape or engage.

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Rek’Sai Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Once Rek'sai enters her (W) she can not see very far, her vision become greatly impaired, however, she can actually sense you
while you are moving in stealth in bushes or nearby while underground. Don’t move if you know she has not noticed you.

If you see a bunch of icons on the map these are her tunnels activated through her (E) “Furious Bite / Tunnel”. You can cash
them in for 5g if you stand on them for a few seconds. It’s really important to take them out as you see them, as it will give you
more room to stop her from traversing terrain quickly to engage or even to disengage.

Besides this, she is a rather squishy champion unless she has taken a rune like aftershock or built pure bruiser.

Why these specific runes?

Rek’Sai is good at quick assassination if she can land her (R), outside of this she is pretty susceptible to being bursted or
shredded with “PTA” or “Electrocute” based on her and her overall team composition. If you feel the need to be more
defensive and passive you can take “Grasp” for good defense and offense, while “Aery” is just pure offense with no defense.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

You can blind her, however, she can just (R) and get an untargetable effect and then freely basic attack you afterwards. It’s not
really worth unless she has already utilized the majority of her skills, you’re better off blinding someone else.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

If she senses your location while you’re moving around in stealth she can easily get close and unburrow, revealing you
immediately. Once you’re pulled out you’re not really able to do anything to survive her follow up engage.
Rek’Sai’s main form of engage is with (E) “Tunnel” into (W) “Un-Burrow”.
What kind of ability order should you take?
If you allow her to get close enough she can leap out of her underground Since she mostly goes for a burst build rather than playing bruiser / tank, it’s quite easy to burst her down with (Q) into (E)
burrow knocking up all enemies she is currently under. Once she is on top max, however, once she has acquired “Edge of the Night” it will be rather difficult to do so until the spell shield is removed
of you, there is little you can do to avoid her follow up (R) “Void Rush”. giving you to go ahead to quickly blow her up when you manage to get the jump of her. Remember, if she sees you she has
every opportunity to enter into her (R) becoming untargetable an locked onto you until the channels complete.
You take increased damage the lower you are put down to from 20-30%
extra damage based on HP so you will most likely not survive running.

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Rell Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Rell attacks very slowly with her basic attacks, but makes up for it by stealing a portion of you or your allies MR and AR for 4
seconds, which is her basic passive, the higher the AR / MR stolen the more damage she can deal to her next targets.

She can become extremely tanky if she manages to get in close especially if you have multiple heavy tanks on your team that
allows her to hit them with a basic attack. Void Staff is mandatory against her for late game if this happens to be the case.

If she gets in between you and the ally she is tethered to, you will be stunned upon her activating her (E) “Attract and Repel”.

Ultimately she is slow, and tanky with very little damage when she isn't fed, so it's best to kite her around and focus on the
people she is protecting. You shouldn't have issues with her, so long as you stay mobile and avoid her dismount.

Why these specific runes?

Rell is a support champion, so if you are fighting her you’re most likely playing Teemo Support. “Aery” is the better rune here
since you don’t want to get too close to her with (Q) poke, running her down with basic attacks if she misses her engage.
“Electrocute” can also be useful but can put you at risk of being caught out while trying to set off the rune.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

If you happen to have an ally, specifically a heavy tank like Sion, Cho’Gath or any of those champions and she is attempting to
hit them with a basic attack, it can be very beneficial to blind her preventing her from gaining bonus resistances in a team
fight. However, it’s mostly more effective for you to focus on the ADC she is protecting.

Rell’s main form of engage is with her (W) “Ferromancy: Crash Down”. Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
If she knows you’re nearby she can activate her (R) “Magnet Storm” pulling you out of stealth completely while dragging you
Once she dismounts, she will come crashing down in her armor knocking behind her for a few seconds. Most players won’t waste it on you, since it’s mostly useful for big team fights when she dashes
up enemies while gaining a large shield in the process. in, but it’s good to know this if the moment ever arises.

Note: While she is dismounted, she is extremely vulnerable due to her What kind of ability order should you take?
severe reduction in her movement speed. Vice versa she gains a bunch of (E) into (W) will help you stay a little bit more mobile to escape her gap close engage, however, you’ll do more with a (E) into
mobility while she is mounted. (Q) in most every case. It’s up to you really, whatever you feel comfortable doing.

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Renata Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Renata is all about supporting herself and supporting her allies, more so than fighting. She will use her (R) to make her targets
fight each other, which can be really painful if you happen to have champions like Master Yi currently in his ultimate.

The easiest explanation about how this champion works is, the old "Chemtech" Dragon effect was effectively put into her (W)
“Bailout”. If you try to kill her or any enemy affected by this skill they will be put back at full HP and burn to death until revived
with whatever amount of HP they had left if you die before they die. It’s better to run from them or hide in passive.

This makes her extremely annoying to deal with. Overall she is a pesky support champion, and should not be fought while low
HP due to her skillset.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She isn’t going to be utilizing her basic attacks often outside of hitting you once which applies a mark that her allies can
detonate dealing bonus damage. She will be attempting to land her abilities to deal with you while supporting her allies.
It’s best to focus the ally, rather than her directly.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

If she lands her (Q) she can very easily throw you out of stealth immediately. Once she has access to (R) you will immediately
come out of stealth if the wave strikes you, controlling you to chase after her or nearby allies.

What kind of ability order should you take?

(Q) into (E) max to attempt executing her before she can utilize most of her abilities especially her (W). She is a squishy
Renata’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Handshake”. champion so getting the jump on her while utilizing passive is a great way to catch her out, just be mindful of her catchout.

This allows for her to root and knockback or root and pull forward the first
enemy target struck. This can make it annoying to engage on her.

If it’s a large team fight or she is trying to escape she can also utilize her
(R) “Hostile Takeover” sending out a wave of chemicals that cause any
enemies caught in it to fight the nearest target prioritizing champions.

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Renekton Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Because Renekton doesn’t have any mana or energy, he can freely spam all of his abilities when they are off cooldown. So there
is no playing around a mana or energy pool with him. However, you want to be very wary of his “Fury” meter.

While he is at 50% to max fury which is the red indicator above his head, you want to straight up back away and play it safely,
until he uses a skill to lower his fury back down to 0.

If you get too close when his fury is high, he can dash twice shredding your armor for 4 seconds with his (E) and stunning
afterwards with the empowered (W). He has a lot of kill potential against you while he is on high fury, so respect it.

Why these specific runes?

Renekton is a bruiser, often going in for very quick exchanges, which can be hard to extend into. “Electrocute” offers the best
ability to trade even if it’s just him dashing forward for a quick stun and (Q) combo before dashing away. “Grasp” is really safe
and can help you survive a bit more if you have trouble mitigating his engage. “PTA” is better into his late game once fully built,
but can be a bit rough to deal with him during the laning phase, but generally speaking is the better rune overall.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If he starts glowing then you know he has currently activated his (W) allowing him to stun the next target hit by his next basic
attack. You can mitigate the stun and all bonus damage if you time it correctly. You would want to always engage him with
blind the second he gets on top of you, He will stun longer and deal massive damage if his fury is more than 50 when he hits.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Renekton’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Slice and Dice”. He himself does not have any mana or energy, so he can freely spam his (Q) “Cull the Meek” which does a lot of damage in a
small radius around him. You can try to utilize stealth against him, hiding in bushes and waiting for an ally that is currently
Allowing him to dash forward dealing damage through enemy targets that nearby to come to assist you, but overall, it’s not a great idea to try to hide in stealth as he will eventually be able to kill you.
have been struck, doing so will allow him to dash again with another
activation of the skill, if he doesn’t strike a target he can not dash again. What kind of ability order should you take?
Either (Q) into (E) with a burst build or (E) into (Q) with an on-hit build, depending on which rune you’ve decided to choose.
It’s his main way of getting in close, through a low HP minion to follow up Since he has a lot of mobility to keep up with you even after you flash (potentially) it’s better to forget about trying to max (W)
with his (W) “Ruthless Predator” to stun and lock his target down. with an on-hit build and simply fight him with more raw damage. Be sure you hold onto your (Q) for when he tries to engage.

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Rengar Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Rengar doesn’t use mana/energy. He is a pain due to his (W) “Battle Roar” healing him for 50% of recently taken damage.

You want to never be near him or around him after he has casted his 3rd ability or leap in this case, as it will render his next
ability empowered dealing bonus damage and applying additional effects to help him lock his targets down and burst them.

It's quite simple. Let him win the lane. You can not do anything to him as he is efficiently capable of zoning you out of minion
CS range if you stay directly in the lane. If you do want to compete with him, however, keep yourself near the river and well
away from the center of the lane and the alcove altogether, poking him the second he leaps out to CS minions.

You are safe so long as you don’t go into the lane, but it’s difficult to deal with his ability to zone you from CS. Once he gains
access to his (R) “Thrill of the Hunt” he will then be able to enter stealth and hunt the nearest enemy champion in a large
radius, gaining movement speed while gaining the ability to leap to his specific target without being near or in a bush.

Why these specific runes?

“Grasp” or “Fleet” to survive the laning phase. “Electrocute” is for a more mid-late game focus, giving up early survivability.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Blinding him doesn’t really do much, as he is going to be relying pretty heavily on one-shotting you with his full (R) leap combo
into his abilities, more so than striking you with multiple basic attacks. However, you can mitigate his leap (Q) “Savagery” as it
grants him a large bonus of attack speed for his next 2 basic attacks, but overall it’s not really consistent to do.

Rengar’s main form of engage is with his passive “Unseen Predator”. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
The only thing that would reveal you in previous seasons was his (R) which could be countered by taking “Hourglass” an using
While he is inside of a bush, he gains the ability to leap a tremendous stasis the second he jumped to you while in your passive in bushes or even in the open, as the stasis will not break you out of
distance up to 745 range. Which is well above your (Q) or (E) range. stealth. He would lose vision of you the second his ultimate was canceled. However, with a recent patch they buffed his (E)
“Bolas Strike” with the ability to reveal enemy targets for 2 seconds who are struck by the first cast. Making it suicide to
You do not win this lane or against him while he has this pressure. attempt utilizing stealth in any manner while he knows you are nearby, as most will purchase “Oracle Lens” to track you.
There is nothing you can do but respect it and keep your distance,
otherwise you walk forward and he gaps you in seconds to kill you. What kind of ability order should you take?
You can’t help to properly poke or CS him in any meaningful way, so you’ll mostly be focusing on trying to CS properly while
Click here for a "Video Reference". respecting his zoning capabilities. A (Q) into (E) max is perfectly fine for this reason, giving you enough range to poke him at a
distance if he extends too far away from a bush while also being your range indicator, his leap has more range than your (Q).
Riven Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Riven does not have a mana or energy pool. Allowing her to constantly spam her abilities when they are off cooldown.

It is absolutely important that you start (Q) at level 1, which will help you avoid her all in cheese especially if he is hiding in the
nearby bushes when you enter the lane or come back from assisting your jungler on their very first jungle camp.

Riven is actually quite the enjoyable match-up, because she is a mechanical champion, doing the same combos again an again.

You play in a certain manner to negate the all in damage she does. Make sure you have your (Q) available for when she dives
into you with the final (Q) knock up followed by the stun. A well timed blind will take effect the second she finishes her stun.

Doing this will mitigate her follow up passive “Runic Blade” preventing her from dealing additional damage with her next two
basic attacks. Once you’re out of her stun, active your (W) and start running towards your minions or your tower, kiting her.

You can out-trade her doing this every time, so long as you remember that (Q) should always be held unless her (Q) and her (E)
“Valor” shield dash are both down, preventing her from immediately turning around the second you waste it on poking her.

Why these specific runes?

Depending on your play style as a player “PTA” is good for high mobility and kiting potential, really helps with her late game
beefiness. “Electrocute” to go for early game quick trades to scale late burst damage. “Grasp” simply to stay safe against her.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

The second she tries to land her (Q) into (W) combo, especially if she has her (R) active. In large open teamfights, she should be
Riven’s main form of engage is with her (Q) “Broken Wings”.
prioritized while she is already in and on top of people, otherwise you run the risk of being caught out by her flash engage.
Dashing forward with each activation until finally getting close enough to
strike with her final empowered swing, knocking up all targets hit. Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
It’s okay to use stealth to wait out her (W) stun, but don’t waste time. Her (Q) can potentially knock you out of stealth if you’re
This is when she will follow up with her (W) “Ki Burst” stun and full pushed too close to the edge of the bushes or if you’re slowed by her allies at the same time that she lands the knock up due to
rotation of her basic attacks while in his (R) “Blade of the Exile” gaining Riot Games shoddy programming. She can deal a ton amount of AoE damage before possibly killing you with her wind slash.
attack range, damage and a powerful ranged wind slash.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". (Q) into (E) without a doubt to mitigate as much damage as you can when she eventually does catch you out. If they are playing
rather poorly you could potentially omit this and go straight into a (E) into (Q) but for the general purpose of this matchup and
her mechanics, more time on blind duration would be ideal.
Rumble Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Rumble functions based on how much current “Heat” he currently has by casting spells. If he casts enough to overheat, his
abilities will be turned off for a short duration until his mech cools down gaining bonus basic attack speed & damage instead.

While at or above 50% heat, all of his basic abilities gain a bonus to their normal effects, keep this in mind before trading with

So ideally you do not want to be near him when he reaches half heat. Engaging him when he becomes overheated and has no
skills currently being casted is better but remember he can still channel his (Q) while he is overheating, zoning you away.

Why these specific runes?

Getting in close with basic attacks will put you in range of his (Q) spam and mobility, so a more (Q) focused burn build with
“Aery” is generally better overall to dealing with him and keeping a safe distance. If you prefer a more aggressive approach
“Electrocute” is a good alternative, so long as you respect his damage. If you’re having a lot of issues with him “Fleet” offers a
bit more mobility and sustain to stay healthy enough while also being multi-buildable into burst/burn or on-hit damage.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

You would never want to be in a position where he is on top of you. The only thing you can blind is his overheating basic
attacks, which is very unlikely to happen if you constantly keep your distance and respect his threat.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

Rumble’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Electro Harpoon”. He can very easily burn you to death with (Q) or (R) “You’d be surprised how fast fur ignites…” take that advice to heart.
You can attempt to set up an ambush when you know he is going to be coming towards you, but you’re currently hidden and
This will slow you while also reducing your magic resistance by 10% he doesn’t know you are nearby and you know for certain you have the damage to one shot him. Otherwise don’t even bother.
stacking up to 20% if he lands both stored harpoons. Use minions to body
block them and back off when he rushes forward to get closer to you. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max as he can be relatively squishy if he is building the typical burn build most players are accustomed to as you’ll
His alternative form of engage is with his (R) “The Equalizer”. be able to safely poke him from range with (Q) without getting burned from his (Q) which has a range more than your (E) but
less than your (Q).
Allowing him to fire down a wall of flames at a great distance to catch out
his targets damaging & slowing them if they try to pass through them.

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Ryze Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Ryze will always run Phase Rush into you, making it near impossible to effectively trade with him, if he plays his rotations well.

He will have full control over the waves, making it impossible to siege him once he starts purchasing his main core items,
along with making it impossible to escape him if he purchases the mythic “Everfrost” locking you down even more after his
initial lock down. This lane is mostly a survive lane, so instead of thinking how much you want to kill him, allow allies to help.

You’ll want to keep yourself back, preferably in bushes or to the side of your minions that are not being currently hit by his (E)
otherwise the spell will cascade and transfer to you and nearby minions when he kills a minion. Allowing him to root you.

Max rank your (Q) for poking only. It's often a better option to dodge this match-up entirely instead of having to go into the
hard-counter, but this is personal preference. It's a farming and survival lane mostly, even though he isn’t played that much
these days due to better mages filling the meta better than him.

If you decide to build “Fleet” comboing it with “Rapid Fire Cannon” can be really amazing to give you enough range on your
basic attacks to trade with from a safe distance whittling down his HP over time. The item loses its uses into the late game.

Why these specific runes?

You don’t want to be anywhere near him. So “Aery” burn poke is ideal. If you still have problems you can take “Fleet” can keep
you topped up on HP through the laning phase. “Electrocute” would be late game focused, while playing passive early game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He doesn’t use basic attacks, he is a spell caster and does a tremendous amount of damage if he is allowed to pull off his full
rotation into the late game. Focus your (Q) efforts on a target more suitable of the blind duration.
Ryze’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Rune Prison” especially when
used in combo with his (E) “Spell Flux” turning it’s slow into a root.
When do you utilize stealth against him?
Once locked down, he can follow up with his (Q) “Overload” activating his His only way of dealing damage to you in stealth is with his (Q) spam. Which doesn’t do too much in the easy game, but if
rune Phase Rush gaining slow immunity and mobility to run away before you’re nearby enemy minions that are being killed while affected by his (E) it can potentially transfer to you causing you to
you can retaliate. Once his items get built up this combo can be fatal. take a large amount of damage. You can use it to ambush him in between his ability casts or waiting for allies to help you.

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(Q) into (E) max, poking safely at a distance with your (Q). Since most of his skills have very low range, outside of his (Q).
Remember, you don’t really win this match up by being overly aggressive and up close, poking him from range is best.
Samira Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Samira doesn’t have a normal ultimate. Her (R) “Inferno Trigger” has a 5 second cooldown, but can only be activated when her
“Style” meter have stacked to “S” after using 6 abilities or basic attacks, which then allows her to activate it’s devastating AoE
that can absolutely shred in large team fights while allowing her to sustain back to full health if she isn’t disrupted in time.

She isn't really much of an issue to deal with, she just has a lot of damage output if you don’t force her (W) before fights.

If she is fully styled “S” or close to getting “S” back off and let it reset. You'll definitely want to use (Q) as much as you can while
backing off for a few seconds for your next (Q) to come up. If she uses her (W) you can trade with her shortly after.

Alternatively you can just hold onto your (Q) until she uses her (W) but by that time she would already have her stacks if she
waits until she sees your (Q) animation coming up. You can bait it out by dropping a shroom at your feet to juke her out.

“Oblivion Orb” is going to be your friend, if you don’t you’ll never reliably be able to deal with her on your own or in fights.
“Hourglass” is also a very good item to have if you get caught in her ultimate, however, if your allies aren’t near she’ll most
likely kill you the second you get out of stasis, so use it wisely.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach while her (W) is down.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Samira’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Wild Rush”. Hold onto your (Q) until her (W) is down, you’ll just lose the effect entirely as she follows up with her dash engage.

She dashes through a target (including structures) dealing damage to When do you utilize stealth against her?
everyone she passes through while gaining some bonus attack speed. If you’re trying to sneak up on her to attempt to execute her (if she isn’t fed) you can do that whenever, but in general while in
the lane she can easily spam her (Q) “Flair” on a very low cooldown dealing a ton of damage if it strikes you, while dealing
You can poke her with (Q) safely from a distance to avoid this, but her (W) tremendous damage into the late game when it gets stronger through her crit rate.
“Blade Whirl” can nullify all projectiles. Once down, then trade with her.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". (Q) into (E) max, poking safely at a distance with your (Q). Once her (W) is down wait for your next (Q) to come up so you can
blind her to deal with her on your own backing off when she gets closer and closer to her (R).
Sejuani Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

With her passive “Fury of the North” Sejuani can’t be affected by any slows & gains bonus armor and magic resistance, while
out of combat. So don’t try to rely heavily on your shrooms in your lane or by the entrance to the river to help you too much.

Place your wards and shrooms in deep to make sure her shield and resistances aren’t up by the time she enters the lane. Once
in combat it’s much easier to utilize shrooms to kite her down while dealing more damage to her. She is a disruption tank.

If you manage to get caught out by her while stunned an she still has her passive up you’ll take a massive amount of damage as
she detonates her armor onto you, she herself doesn’t do too much damage but can be very hard to kill when she gets tanky.

“Void Staff” will be a very resourceful item you will want to get later into the game to deal with her resistances, unless your
allies are taking care of her by themselves.

Why these specific runes?

High mobility with “PTA” and tank shred is often the best approach, she herself isn’t that tanky unless she has her primary
rune active. “Electrocute” can be useful while catching her out, before “Aftershock” has been activated. “Aery” is decent for
long range poke and burn damage, but doesn’t scale very well into the late game as compared to the other runes.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

You can blind her to stop her from appling any more of her “Frost” stacks to her target when she hits them with her auto
attacks. Once fully stacked she can activate her (E) “Permafrost” to stun her targets briefly. But it’s better to focus her carries.

Sejuani’s main forms of engage are with both her (Q) “Arctic Assault” and Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
her (R) “Glacial Prison” lockdown crowd control. Tanks tend to build “Sunfire” items which will immediately start burning you the second she lands one of her skills while
standing near you, this will keep dealing a moderate amount of damage over time killing you very quickly. It’s best to not
These skills can be easily avoided by not being in her path when she bother attempting to play stealth around her, unless you are trying to wait out her abilities to have a chance at running.
dashes forward or in the pathing of her thrown bola.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Her job isn’t to do a ton of damage, but rather lock down her targets for (E) into (W) max. You can’t really hope to outrun her if she manages to lock you down, which is why this ability max is more
long durations for her allies to follow up and quickly pick them off. preferred, giving you more ability to side step her (R) or her (Q) engage. If you feel like you can’t just go (E) into (Q) max.

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Senna Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Throughout the entire game Senna will be stacking her passive “Absolution”. While she is nearby units that are being killed she
can attack the souls that drop from them, freeing them and absorbing the mist within them. This mist will infinitely stack her
damage, range and critical chance making her a formidable opponent to deal with into the late game.

Utilize minions to body block her (W), while also making sure to keep away from low HP minions and allies when you or they
currently have the effect ticking down in duration. You might or they might try to flash away into your group, which is bad.

Her (R) “Dawning Shadow” is a “Global Ultimate” that can be used to both deal damage across the entire map and shield her
allies that are struck by its radius. Side step the center, or you will take damage. The outer radius will not harm you. Be careful
while you’re trying to back to base, if she is about to land a center shot you could be potentially killed while recalling.

Why these specific runes?

It’s often very difficult to get in for an extended fight with Senna, so “Aery” is a lot easier to activate on her through the laning
phase, since all you have to do is spam (Q) at a distance. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” can be difficult to activate due to her
disengage and her ability to sustain herself and her allies. Sustain champions are a lot harder to stack off of if you’re not being
consistently aggressive, making it harder for them to slowly regain their lost life over time.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Due to her scaling range, slow and damage late game. Blinding her is often pointless, you can't get in that close to effectively
trade with her, however, she is still extremely squishy to burst down if you manage to get near her.

Senna’s main form of engage is with her (W) “Last Embrace”. When do you utilize stealth against her?
Into the late game it’s next to impossible to get the jump on her to execute her. Once she is down she can’t heal or support her
If this ability strikes a target they will soon after become rooted along with allies with her group ultimate (E) “Curse of the Black Mist” allowing for her and allies to enter camouflage, until they are
anyone else standing nearby for a brief duration. within their targets vision. It can be exceedingly useful to utilize stealth later to pick her off quickly for your allies to converge.

If this ability kills a minion the effect will happen immediately rooting What kind of ability order should you take?
anyone caught in the radius. It’s a rather easy ability to side step unless it (Q) into (E) max. You can’t really hope to outrun her or fight her from range just due to how much she scales into the late game
is cast while she is on top of her targets. due to her constant slows and mobility. Taking her on while she is focused on someone else or has currently entered her
shroud with her allies with you sneaking around in passive is your best bet.
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Seraphine Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Seraphine’s passive “Stage Presence” grants her the ability to empower her 3rd cast basic abilities letting her cast them twice,
while granting them extra effects like stuns, heals and shields. Her cooldowns are on a pretty moderate cooldown during the
early game, becoming much more accessible to her into the late game.

If she misses her first volly then engage her. Back off 9-10 seconds later, before she gets her next empowered basic ability.

The more she casts her spells around allies the more magic damage she will gain on her next basic attack, which is visible by
the amount of shards floating around her. If she is fed they can deal quite a lot of damage.

Overall she does offer some decent sustain to her allies, so “Oblivion Orb” will be recommended into her at some point in the
game, she is a very squishy champion, thus a burst style would be ideal with dealing with her individually.

Why these specific runes?

She is very susceptible to burst damage if you can actually get in close enough to hit her (3) times with “Electrocute” before
she locks you down and runs or follows up her other abilities. “Aery” is really good for consistent poke from a safe distance.
“Dark Harvest” can be difficult to stack due to her ability to sustain herself and her nearby allies, but has great late game.

Why don’t use (Q) priority on her?

She is mostly a spell casting support. While her basic attack empowered with her shards is a basic attack it’s not mitigatable
with your (Q), even if it was it wouldn’t be very effective to focus her while she is next to her ally, since they are bigger threats.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Seraphine’s main form of engage is with both her (E) “Beat Drop” if she has During the early game it’s alright, or when you want to sneak in behind enemy lines to potentially one shot her with a full
cast it as her 3rd basic ability, allowing it to lock down her targets, along burst build, but if she knows you’re nearby she can easily reveal you with (R). Don’t try to hide when she knows you’re nearby,
with her (R) “Encore” which sends out a wave charming all targets struck. it’ll often lead with her activating “Oracle Lens” and sweeping your current location to reveal you with her follow up charm.

You’ll want to be mindful of how many skills she has currently cast as to What kind of ability order should you take?
potentially avoid the initial lockdown and follow up charm. (Q) into (E) max, the majority of her skills have a large range making it difficult for you to get close and poke her with (E)
without getting hit by the majority of her skills. You’ll be poking her from a safer distance with (Q) giving you a little bit more
Click here for a "Video Reference". wiggle room to deal with her 3rd ability when it’s up, while dealing more burst damage when you go in for an all in engage.
Sett Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Sett can in all honesty be a pain to deal with, due to his innate passive “Pit Grit”, the lower his health the higher his health
regeneration becomes, due to this it’s highly recommended to buy an “Oblivion Orb” in the early game to keep his HP low.

All a low HP Sett has to do is sit under tower with his passive until he has 50-100% of his HP restored over a short duration.

The most annoying thing about Sett is his (W) “Haymaker”. The more damage he takes the higher his “Grit” meter below his
health increases, once high enough he can expend all stored grit gaining a decaying shield while also punching forward to deal
true damage in the center of the cone and normal damage on the sides. If he is full grit he will start to glow yellow.

It’s imperative that you don’t go crazy on him while he is on top of you as this will allow him to deal ever increasing damage to
you which will be a lot more difficult to side step as you’re directly in the center as opposed to at the tip of the cone.

So long as you’re staying high on mobility there really isn’t much issue with him, until he starts using his flash to catch you out.
You want to always keep your distance as you punish him from range, but he will win most trades if you can’t kite him.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” offers heavy consistent damage along with high mobility throughout the early and late game. If you’re scared and would
prefer a safer approach “Phase Rush” is decent or “Fleet” for a little boost of mobility and sustain through early game.

When do use (Q) priority on him?

Depends on if he is activating his (R) immediate after he catches you out with his (E). But normally when he is on top of you
Sett’s main forms of engage is with his (Q) “Knuckle Down” into his (E)
and the majority of his abilities are down. This will allow you to hopefully mitigate the follow up abilities while you attempt to
“Facebreaker” as he tries to get close enough to catch you out.
get some distance on him before his (W) gets used to potentially execute you.
If this ability grabs his target(s) they will be pulled towards him, slowing
them or stunning them if another target gets pulled on both sides. When do you utilize stealth against him?
You can safely use stealth to avoid him in the lane. He himself can not pull you or deal too much damage with a 0% grit (W).
His follow up engage utilizes his (R) “The Show Stopper” often used to So long as you’re not on the very edge of the bushes when he pulls you with his (E) you will not be revealed.
either single his target out or launch them directly into their teammates.
High health targets allow him to deal 40-60% of their health as bonus What kind of ability order should you take?
damage in a large radius of where they landed to all nearby targets. (E) into (W) max or if you prefer to do so (W) into (E). This will grant you enough mobility to keep up with his constant
attempts to catch you and help you escape him or to dodge his (W) center radius. Remember to activate (W) if you see him
Click here for a "Video Reference". running towards you with his (Q) active, this helps get away from him before he can effectively get near you to engage you.
Shaco Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Do not let him get behind you, or he can deal massive damage due to his passive “Backstab” granting 100% crit chance.
Despite being an annoying champion due to his invisibility and traps, you can sniff him out by keeping your eyes on the
surrounding area if you have recently attacked him with (E) or (R) as it will give away his current location with his silhouette.

Alternatively you can simply use an “Oracle Lens” in an attempt to track him, while warning you of his nearby traps.

His boxes target everything in range, so if your entire team stepped on one of his boxes, expect everyone to take damage
whilst being feared, ward early because of his very quick early game clear rate in the jungle and aggressive early game plays.

Note: His clone is extremely squishy. If you see one basic attack is dealing a ton of damage to him especially when you’re not
fed, switch to the other Shaco, as he isn’t made of paper, it’s one of the easiest ways to determine if he is the real Shaco or not.

Once killed it will drop (3) boxes in a triangle around him. This is why you don’t want to be anywhere near it even while he is
dead, since he can still control it to potentially kill you if you are at low health. Clones can be “Dark Harvest” stacked.

Why these specific runes?

“Aery” can track him when he is nearby after being poisoned. “Electrocute” for burst and “Grasp” to play defensive.

When do use (Q) priority on him?

Depends on if he has gone full AD or full AP. If he has gone full AP there is no point since his main form of damage will be with
his traps and burning you down until he can execute you with his (E) “Two-Shiv Poison” which deals 30% more damage if
you’re currently on low life. However, if he has gone full AD he will attempt to get in close to stab you in the back, dealing
Shaco’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Deceive” often used in combo
tremendous basic attack damage with both his clone an himself.
with his (R) “Hallucinate” which allows him to summon a clone of himself.

His (Q) gives off a orange puff of smoke which can help you understand Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
that he is nearby if he failed to enter stealth before engaging. Because the second you waste time trying to survive him, you will be trapped in the bushes with him for 40 seconds with each
(W) he places down, cutting off your escape while also being able to drag minions onto them to fear you and reveal you.
His (R) clone does not copy any form of burns, summoners or runes so if
you see one Shaco with a burn or one stack of “PTA” that’s the real Shaco. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max specifically to help mitigate his damage output while he is trying to backstab you. If he purchases “Edge of the
Click here for a "Video Reference". Night” or “Banshee’s Veil” it will be a little bit more difficult to execute him through (Q) activation, so dropping a shroom at
your feet or luring him to one nearby if your best bet at removing it so you can execute him quickly.
Shen Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Shen is a heavy basic attack champion, making it one of the easier matchups for Teemo, however, if he catches you out with
his (E) it will quickly turn in favor for him, as it does for most matchups.

Never stand in between him and his spirit blade or he will activate his (Q) “Twilight Assault” which will greatly increase his
basic attacks, making him hit harder. If you try to run away from him after being hit you will be slowed as well.

You can very easily bully him throughout the early game, until he gets a bit tanky becoming a bit more annoying to deal with
especially with his % HP basic attacks. So long as you keep your distance you shouldn’t have any issues dealing with him.

The biggest problem comes once he has access to (R) “Stand United” allowing him to teleport after a short channel to a target
ally shielding them and himself, making him great for team fights when they break out or protecting an ally who is being
focused. This can make executing squishy targets near impossible if he is always focused on playing around them defensively.

He is going to often roam and help his team out a lot and be right back in the lane shortly after with his teleport, you could
follow after him, but for the most benefit to your team, try to damage him as low as you can before he arrives, making him
very weak or at least half HP for your teammates to pick him off once he arrives.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” is solid for dueling him once his (W) is down, since it’s designed to shred. “Aery” can very easily punish him early game.
“Electrocute” has good scaling and burst damage in between poking. “Grasp” is for those who would prefer a safer approach.

Shen’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Shadow Dash.” When do use (Q) priority on him?
If he dashes forward and catches you or an ally out, you can pretty much mitigate him while he is mitigating you. It’s not wise
Allowing him to dash forward taunting enemy targets in his path. to poke him with (Q) unless you have the wave priority and he isn’t being too aggressive.

It can be difficult to deal with him if you don’t side step it or at the very Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
least blind him as he taunts, to mitigate damage, before running away. If he lands a (E) taunt, you will be pulled out of stealth. So it’s not advised to do it, unless you can avoid the first one, removing
his one ability to lock you down, allowing for you to run.
If you miss your blind, he will mitigate your basic attacks with his (W)
“Spirit Refuge” blocking all basic attacks for a short duration. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max specifically to help mitigate his damage output especially if he catches you out early game. Overall it doesn’t
Click here for a "Video Reference". really matter too much which ability path you go, so long as you play your skill rotation around his engage you’ll be fine.
Shyvana Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Shyvana is going to deal a hell of a lot of damage if she is building pure burst damage.

Magic resistance is important. Try your best to avoid her (Q) “Flame Breath” while she is in her dragon form as this is her
largest form of damage which can potentially one shot, if you aren’t properly building your defenses up it is a large AoE.

She can still build tank as well. Basically try to juke her (Q).

I would suggest just giving a large space if she is extremely fed and respect her while trying to catch her out with your team.

Why these specific runes?

Due to her bursting nature “PTA” offers the best late game, defensively. Early game can be a little difficult to transition out of.
“Electrocute” can be really good unless she is building a bruiser play style. “Grasp” helps you stay alive and defensive, but lacks
the power of the other runes into the late game, since you’re most likely going to be playing a shroom build.

When do use (Q) priority on her?

If she isn’t fully maxed out on her fury you can attempt to stop her from gaining any more from her basic attacks, potentially
giving you and your allies enough time to lock her down and take her out, or enough time to get away before she can engage.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

She has a lot of AoE especially in dragon form and can easily kill you over a short duration.

Shyvana’s main form of engage is with her (R) “Dragon’s Descent.” What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max if she has gone full burst, as to attempt to execute her quickly rather than over a longer duration, as she will
When her fury bar is maxed and red, she will be capable of turning into a be rather squishy while playing this playstyle. However, (E) into (Q) is fine into her tank variant.
dragon to leap forward knocking back targets to set up her engage.

You never want to be anywhere near her when she is fed and in her dragon
form, otherwise you run the risk of just being blown up when she is vastly
ahead and doing well for her allies.

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Singed Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Singed is literally a freelo lane to go into as Teemo. Get your allies to sit in the entrances to your top lane Blue/Red. This is to
prevent a proxy Singed, which is noticeable if he has Teleport and Ghost as his summoners. It’s often times a free first blood.

“Proxy” is a term meaning he's going to farm and prevent your minions from entering your lane, perma shoving his to your
tower. You have to be super aggressive, to prevent him from doing so, while respecting his mobility engage to flip you.

Never chase a singed that's how you die, if he’s blocking your approach with a wall of poison, just back off. He isn’t worth
suiciding over in most cases, especially if he has “Rylais Crystal Sceptre” which will perma slow you.

Why these specific runes?

You want to break his legs and punish him heavily. “Aery” does this the best, putting him at low HP pretty much permanently.
“Dark Harvest” stacking is basically free real estate against him during the early stages of the game, because of how squishy
and vulnerable he is to your poke damage. If you prefer high mobility and shred you can opt into taking “PTA” as it both shreds
and builds really well defensively into the later game, where he can be a handful to deal with if he’s playing properly.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He isn’t a basic attack champion, he will run circles around you burning you with his damage over time poison.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Due to his poison constantly dealing damage to you, you’ll be dead in a rather short amount of time.

Singed’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Fling.” What kind of ability order should you take?
(E) into (Q) max as he is really easy to bully in the early game while being very easy to kill overall, so long as you don’t extend
If you allow him to get too close, he will attempt to flip you over his too hard into him, while his allies are constantly putting pressure in his lane.
shoulders and into his poison trail which is his main form of damage.

If he flings you into his (W) “Mega Adhesive” the ability will root you,
rather than just slow you, making it a really good way for him to engage.

However, most Singed players just throw their (W) as a slow and fling you.

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Sion Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

One of the biggest issues with Sion is his passive “Glory in Death” which allows him to temporarily revive after he has been
killed with rapidly decaying health, but also sustain on each basic attack at a rapid rate. These attacks do a lot more damage
the higher your max HP is, so it isn’t really advised to stack a lot of health into him with something like “Grasp.”

Before entering the lane, it is absolutely important to avoid his bush cheese level 1, usually in the bush near your tower or dead
center of the alcove. Keep yourself near the river, otherwise he can very easily 75% your HP with his fully charged (Q)
“Decimating Smash” which is going to be his main form of CSing and dealing damage to you throughout the laning phase.

While this isn’t seen as much anymore, watch your Red/Blue buffs for your jungler, if they haven’t started them, because he
may attempt to steal them through his suicide passive early game before the lane begins, which can screw your ally over.

This lane is really all about avoiding his initial (E) slow and then avoiding his (Q) charge up. If you happen to get struck by the
slow it makes it so much easier for him to charge up a half charged (Q) which will knock you up, allowing him to get closer.

Why these specific runes?

Sion has a lot of slows and damage, so keeping your mobility high is important. “PTA” is the best rune to deal with him since
you can just invest more into your (W) to avoid most of his skills. “Unflinching” will assist a little in his slow spam if you get
caught out in it often. “Phase Rush” would be for the safer players trying to stay away from him and keep their distance.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

When he dies be ready to blind his revived form. You can enter stealth as he tries to run you down to kill you, you don’t get
Sion’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Roar of the Slayer.”
anything else for killing this form, so it’s not worth really doing anything besides blinding him and waiting until he dies (again.)
This allows him to knock back a minion into his target(s), slowing and
reducing the armor of all enemy targets struck by the knockback. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He can very easily charge up a full (Q) or ram into you with his (R) dealing massive damage and revealing you if his (Q) ends up
If he lands this it makes it much easier for him to follow up with his main knocking you up, especially if he lands his follow up (E) slow shortly after due to Riot Games shoddy programming.
damaging skills. He can also engage with his (R) “Unstoppable Onslaught.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
This skill is easily recognizable as you will hear a loud drumming noise. If (E) into (W) max as it will make avoiding his skills a lot more easier, you’ll only really need your (Q) for his passive when it
you know he’s coming for you, he can’t turn very well so sidestep him. happens, unless you for whatever reason decide to go with a burst playstyle then (E) into (Q) is an option, however, you’ll have
a lot more difficulty kiting and avoiding him overall throughout the early game, especially once you get hit with his slow.
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Sivir Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

One of the worst matchups you could possibly have to deal with would be Sivir & Morgana, if you happen to be playing Teemo
Support. Due to their abilities effectively canceling any attempts to blind either one of them with their double spell shield.

It's also very hard to prevent her from shoving. Because of her general ability to wave clear and shove, with her (Q) boomerang
and her (W) ricochet, it makes it very hard to deal with her or poke her, when you're stuck under your tower.

Along with these things, she has a group movement speed ultimate so outrunning them is impossible. Ideally you want to wait
for the shield to be down, before you burst.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach while her (W) is down.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Sivir will constantly attempt spell shield your (Q), so initially you would want to enter a fight with her with just your basic
attacks, optionally you could drop a shroom at your feet, the animation is similar to that of casting (Q) which can bait it out
prematurely. This will normally fool a bad Sivir, whilst a good sivir will hold onto the shield until the very end if you can’t kill
her quickly enough. Overall once she shield is down it's time to activate your (Q).

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Mostly when you want to sneak up on her to ambush her, since she has a very long range poke with her (Q) and (W), allowing
Sivir’s main form of engage is with her (R) “On the Hunt.” her to safely farm from a distance. However, it’s not exactly a great idea to hide from her due to her ability to keep damaging
you over time with her (Q) spam, which will hurt the longer the game goes on, especially if she has “Dark Harvest.”
This skill allows for her and her nearby allies to gain a large boost in
movement speed, effectively leading her allies into large team fights or What kind of ability order should you take?
simply to chase down fleeing enemy targets. (E) into (Q) max since she has the possibility of spell shielding the whole skill if you don’t time it correctly, this allow for you to
focus more on dealing more basic attack damage to kill her since she is really squishy outside of her initial spell shield. If you
Sivir will gain bonus attack speed if her (W) “Ricochet” is currently active. go for a burst playstyle “Lich Bane” burst build is great as it will focus all your damaging into basic attack burst easily killing
while taking her spell shield completely out of the equation by simply activating your (R) or (W) to activate it’s effect.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Skarner Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Throughout the entire game Skarner will be running around the map trying to maintain his capture points.

Capture points grant him a large amount of attack speed and movement whilst inside, making it important to roam every now
and again to steal them away from him, this will also grant you 15 gold. You can find one in every jungle and one in each river,
Skarner himself will often be running “Predator” with high mobility items, making him very difficult to run away from.

You don't wanna be around him once he hits level 6 or be shoved and extended in your lanes as he has too much lockdown
and mobility. It’s a lot more smart to play safely if you know he’s going to be rotating your lane frequently.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” offers good shredding capabilities and doesn’t fall off too hard if you did decide to purchase “QSS” in terms of defense
or damage. “Electrocute” can be great if he isn’t doing too much defensively and is behind into the late game. “Grasp” helps
you survive being caught out and killed quickly, offering a more defensive and passive playstyle for those who enjoy it.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You can potentially stop him from stunning you during the early game before he has access to his (R), blind him the second
you see his (E) activate. But it won’t last for long as it is on a 5 second duration whilst your (Q) will only last at max for 3.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

He can very easily spam his low cooldown (Q) “Crystal Slash” dealing a ton of AoE damage around him, until he figures out
where you are and continues to slash you until you’re dead.
Skarner’s main forms of engage are with both his (E) “Fracture” allowing
him to slow, while also stun if he lands a follow up basic attack. What kind of ability order should you take?
(E) into (Q) max but overall he himself wouldn’t really be your main target, since he does get rather tanky into the late game,
Along with his (R) “Impale” which allows him to grab his selected target, dealing reflect damage if you do decide to go on-hit rather than burst or burn damage.
dragging them away a short distance before releasing them.

Once you’ve been engaged fully it’s often going to lead with your death
since in you’re often too squishy to survive a collapse from his allies.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Sona Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Teemo doesn’t really handle sustain matchups well, Sona will normally go even, but mostly it will be into her favor since she
can freely poke you from longer range with her (Q) “Hymn of Valor” while healing herself with her (W) “Aria of Perseverance.”

She is actually quite easy to deal with, if you are capable of catching her out in between her (Q) casts.

It’s never a great idea to run up to her, especially if she is playing a full AP burst or her allies are around her while she has
access to her (R) stun. Magic Resistance helps a ton if she goes full AP and purchasing “Oblivion Orb” is an absolute must.

Why these specific runes?

She is very susceptible to burst damage if you can actually get in close enough to hit her (3) times with “Electrocute” before
she locks you down and runs or follows up her other abilities. “Aery” is really good for consistent poke from a safe distance.
“Dark Harvest” can be difficult to stack due to her ability to sustain herself and her nearby allies, but has great late game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

It’s not worth focusing on her since she isn’t a basic attack champion nor a main carry, if she is carrying it’s going to be with
full AP which you can’t deal with in any way by focusing her with (Q).

When do you utilize stealth against her?

You’d wanna abuse your stealth as much as you can, simply try to wait for her to use her (Q) to poke while keeping yourself
hidden in bushes, as this is her main source of poking, before attempting to harass her, she can’t do any damage to you while
you are hidden, outside of her (R) stun. If the bushes have been warded it’s less effective. Since she is so squishy and easily
bursted, it’s a good idea to attempt to ambush her when she has no vision of you, taking her out with a quick (Q) - (E) - Ignite.

Sona’s main form of engage or disengage is with her (R) “Crescendo.” What kind of ability order should you take?
It’s better to take a (Q) into (E) max with a full burst build, as she has no safeguards outside of her (R) stun and possibly a
Sona herself doesn’t have much outside of her supporting skills which heal, “Hourglass” which most players will not build, even if they did you’d just toss a shroom at their feet for them to step on.
boost mobility and grant damage on her allies next basic attack.

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Soraka Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

The single most important thing about Soraka is focusing on avoiding her (Q) “Starcall” poke as to not grant her free sustain. If
you let her land every single one she will continuously regain tons of her HP over a short duration.

You want to focus her down as quickly as you can, but don't be so desperate that you end up flashing into her silence.

You will want to purchase “Oblivion Orb” as soon as you possible can or you will soon be victim to her threat which is her
consistent self sustain and team healing. If she can't land her sustain, she can't heal her allies as much or herself.

That's really all there is to Soraka. You want to stay on your toes, bait out her (Q) and dwindle her down until she can be killed.

During large team fights or even while you’re chasing after an enemy target, you want to be mindful that she can utilize her (R)
“Wish” healing all of her allies across the map a moderate amount. If you’re about to kill your target, you might want to keep
chasing them even if you think they will die, she can save them very easily ruining your kill potential.

Why these specific runes?

She is very susceptible to burst damage if you can actually get in close enough to hit her (3) times with “Electrocute” before
she silences you or strikes you with her healing (Q) AoE. “Aery” is really good for consistent poke from a safe distance. “Dark
Harvest” can be impossible to stack due to her ability to sustain herself and her nearby allies, but has great late game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She is a healing support, she doesn’t need to be blinded because she doesn’t do any real damage with her basic attacks. Focus
her ally she is supporting to prevent them doing some damage while you try to take her out as a team.
Soraka’s main form of engage or disengage is with her (E) “Equinox.”
When do you utilize stealth against her?
This makes it very hard to engage onto her or her allies with summoner You potentially can use stealth to get in deep to attempt to execute her with raw burst damage, once she is down her allies
spells and basic abilities while she is nearby. You would want to engage will have a hard time keeping themselves alive due to lack of her raw sustain. During the laning phase it isn’t really wise to
fully when this ability has recently been utilized to not get caught out. attempt doing this because of her constant spam of (Q) and (E) which can yes, be avoided occasionally but it’s not worth.

If her target lingers too long in the AoE they will also become rooted. What kind of ability order should you take?
It’s better to take a (Q) into (E) max with a full burst build, as she has no safeguards outside of her (R) stun and possibly a
Click here for a "Video Reference". “Hourglass” which most players will not build, even if they did you’d just toss a shroom at their feet for them to step on.
Swain Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Swain can sometimes be a pain to deal with if you’re having problems with his animations. Side stepping his (E) is something
you need to learn how to do. It's pretty visual when he is about to use the ability as he reels back his arm in a swiping motion.

During the laning phase keep your distance from low HP minions as he can shock you through his (Q) “Death’s Hand,” which
will be his main form of poking you outside of catching you out with his pull.

The biggest threat about Swain is when he decides to get in deep with his (R) “Demonic Ascension.” So long as he is draining
an enemy champions he can keep casting this skill indefinitely, draining everyone’s HP who are currently caught inside it’s
radius. He can cast this skill again to erupt exploding and dealing damage to all champions inside the ultimates radius, once.

If Swain kills a target, he gets a soul fragment which can also grant him sustain and increased life, making him harder to kill.

It's really all about positioning and avoiding the initial (E) pull towards his burst while also purchasing “Oblivion Orb” early on
to remove his sustained fighting threat more so than anything else.

Why these specific runes?

Keeping your distance with “Aery” ranged poke and burn is pretty safe and easy to do. “Electrocute” has the better potential
to burst him before he can start channeling his (R). “PTA” is really good into him mid to late game due to the defensive builds
available, while also being high mobility to avoid his initial lock down. “Grasp” is solid for a more passive and defensive lane.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He will exclusively be utilizing his abilities more than basic attacks, so it’s pointless to prioritize him over someone else.
Swain’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Nevermore.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He will turn quickly swinging his arm back before lashing forward sending His (W) “Vision of Empire” which does damage and grants vision of target location will not reveal you nor will his (E) if you are
out a wave of demonic power that will root enemies struck. struck while you are in bushes. He can't pull you out of stealth if you're hit while in passive, so you don’t have to worry about
that, but you would never want to wait him out in bushes once he has access to his (R) it can drain your life very quickly.
Swain can then pull the enemy closer to him to follow up his other skills.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". (Q) into (E) max is a good choice. It’s going to be rough trying to get in close to land a basic attack while his (Q) and (E) are both
up. If you manage to dodge both, it would be a good idea to get in for a quick trade before backing off. He has a ton of sustain,
but he is still relatively squishy if he hasn’t been getting tons of soul fragments.
Sylas Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Sylas can be a pain in to deal with if you do not purchase “Oblivion Orb” very early on in the laning phase, due to his ability to
sustain himself massively with his (W) “Kingslayer” which also acts as a secondary dash, making it hard to escape him.

His main form of poke and CS will be from his (Q) “Chain Lash” in which he will lash out his chains in a intersecting pattern,
while causing an explosion after a short delay to deal damage to any targets nearby. Getting hit by the chains will slow you.

If Sylas decides to steal your (R) he only gets 3 of them to place down, and it’s actually quite effective to make him waste his
ultimate on you if you can, because it doesn’t really offer him any huge advantages as compared to stealing a engage ability.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” offers the most out of all other runes because he is going to be fighting you in an extended fight, healing a lot and
locking you down. Because of the runes ability to build really defensively into the late game item wise, this rune does the most.
“Electrocute” is good all around for executing him before he can get close to pull off his combo, but can fall off in comparison
due to his snowball potential. “Grasp” allows you to play more passive an defensively into him.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He will exclusively be utilizing his abilities more than basic attacks, so it’s pointless to prioritize him over someone else. You
also can’t blind his (W) or anything else.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Sylas’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Abscond / Abduct.” You can hide in the bushes while attempting to avoid his skill spam, but it’s not really worth to do so for too long as he can
easily kill you over time, he can reveal you directly if he lands his chains. You should run once his (E) has been wasted.
Allowing him to dash forward a short distance, he can recast it a second
time to throw his chains, pulling him towards an enemy target he has hit. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max is a good choice. It’s going to be rough trying to get in close to land a basic attack while his (W) and (E) are
It can be really tough trying to side step this skill overall, but it can be both up. If you manage to dodge both, it would be a good idea to get in for a quick trade before backing off. He has a ton of
body blocked by minions, in an attempt to get some distance from him. sustain and can get rather tanky with multiple forms of lockdown through “Everfrost” so it’s best to play it safer if he’s fed.

Note: If Sylas steals a champions ultimate with his (R) “Hijack” he can gain
access to main more forms of engage or disengage, so watch yourself.

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Syndra Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

What makes her such a threat to Teemo is her high range and ability spam, it doesn’t take much for her to land one ability and
combo chain the rest. Due to this it’s extremely important to build up on your magic resistance throughout the early / mid.

Syndra is she is going to be sending her Dark Spheres out left and right, with the intent to chain her (E) range CC into her
minion tossing (Q) and point and click (R) “Unleashed Power” burst. The more spheres she has, the more damage she does.

Banshee can prevent her initial CC, however, it only blocks one or two of her Dark Spheres from her (R) which makes it less
efficient. It would be much better to activate “Hourglass” to become immune to the full assault after you break free of CC.

Keep on your toes and try your best to predict her CC orb stun as it's the prime source of setting her up deadly combo which
you won't be able to avoid in most cases. If she has a Dark Sphere on the ground that’s all she needs to set it up.

Why these specific runes?

“Aery” allows you to play from a safe distance, poking her with (Q) spam. “Electrocute” has the potential to be really good into
the mid or late game, but offers very little aggression during the laning phase due to her zoning capabilities. “PTA” is similar to
the previous rune, but has amazing late game itemization to keep you alive and able to face tank her full barrage.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She isn’t basic attack reliant and will constantly be spamming her abilities. Prioritize someone else in a team fight.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

A well placed (E) knock back will reveal you, so it’s not wise to bother attempting to play stealth around her, unless you’re
Syndra’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Scatter the Weak.” attempting to get in close to execute her with burst damage before she has time to retaliate. But even that’s too dangerous in
most every situation.
This ability knocks back targets hit for a short duration and can be used in
combo with her (Q) “Dark Sphere” to stun targets hit by the sphere. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max to play from a little bit safer of a distance from her spells, it’s not a lot but it’s much better than relying heavily
Once she catches her target out, she can follow up with the rest of her on your basic attacks which put you at even a bigger disadvantage range wise into her.
rotation one shot depending on how many spheres are available to her.

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Tahm Kench Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

The changes to Tahm have made him a relatively annoying and formidable champion to deal with in the Top lane. You don’t
really have much of a chance going up against him in a head on fight. He has too much in his kit to effectively deal with him.

You really have to avoid his (Q) and (E) otherwise it’s over the second he gets on top of you because of how low of a cooldown
they both are on. A tank champion shouldn’t have the ability to dash behind you and assassinate you. It’s plainly stupid.

Once you get slowed by Tahm there really isn't any escape especially later on when he has acquired “Frostfire Gauntlet.”

Do your best to survive the lane, if he turns out to be a bad player punish him, but it doesn’t take much to play him “well.”

Why these specific runes?

Tahm Kench is a walking raid boss, so survival is the most important thing. “Phase Rush” offers the best in terms of
survivability, granting a large boost of mobility and resistance to his slow spam. “Fleet” offers the same, but minus the
immunity to his slow when activated that is why you would be taking “Unflinching” to mitigate it further. If you’re just sick of
playing defensively into him you can take “PTA” but remember, if you get caught out, you have very little to help you escape.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You can blind his attempts to stack his passive “An Acquired Taste” through his basic attacks which will apply stacks 3 stacks.
Once he has access to his (R) “Devour” he can basically eat you dealing damage over time while carrying you away normally to
be thrown under his tower into his follow up (Q) slow to kill you easily. This is why it’s terrible to be extended into him.

Tahm’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Abyssal Dive.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
Due to his (Q) and (E) he can easily slow you and also deal a moderate amount of damage if he is capable of striking you while
Allowing him to effectively close the gap between you by diving behind you you’re attempting to hide in bushes. You would only want to hide in bushes for when he tries to engage onto you, wait for his
or more commonly directly on top of you, especially while he is hiding in (Q) and (E) to both be down before trying to make a run for it.
the nearby bushes, waiting for you to extend further into the lane.
What kind of ability order should you take?
The easiest way to avoid this skill is to expect it to be cast behind or on top It will serve you well to play a more mobile approach with a max (E) and (W), while also purchasing Swifties to avoid being run
of you, then run through your minion waves in the opposite direction in an down. This matchup is more about survival than it is getting kills and snowballing, you are at an extreme disadvantage here.
attempt to get away from his follow up (Q) “Tongue Lash” slow.

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Taliyah Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Taliyah can be quite an easy champion to deal with. Utilize the browned circles on the ground, to fight her in. She loses most
all damage output because she needs to be standing on the non-patched areas to use her standard (Q) “Threaded Volley.”

If you run from her she will always have a fresh patch of ground to work with allowing her to cast a volley of missiles in her
target direction, however, when she is on a previously used location this will be reduced to one missile rather than a volley.

You want to have vision of her when she is activating her (R) “Weaver’s Wall” which sounds like a bunch of boulders tumbling
and rolling which she can use from a distance to flank or cut you off from your allies or even objectives completely.

Do your best to get on the opposite side of the wall before this happens as it can be absolutely devastating to be caught out
while around objectives or singled out on the opposite side while your allies are stuck on the other side.

Why these specific runes?

“Electrocute” is great for consistent burst, before getting away from her if she is still alive to avoid her follow up volleys. “Dark
Harvest” while more inconsistent has the better late game scaling if you’re often playing longer games. “Aery” is great for a
safer ranged approached at dealing with her, but you would be better off trying to execute her immediately late game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

She will be relying heavily on her ability spam, not basic attacks. It’s not worth prioritizing her as a target.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?

All she has to do is land a wide (E) to figure out where you are currently by showing your silhouette and follow up with a volley
Taliyah’s main form of engage is with her (W) “Seismic Shove.” of her (Q) or simply landing a perfect (W) to knock you out of stealth completely.

This skill can effectively knock targets away or towards her and her allies, What kind of ability order should you take?
making it difficult to engage onto her if she is good at landing it. Despite having a lot of mobility while she is near terrain she is very squishy, until she potentially purchases “Banshee’s Veil.”
This makes executing her with a (Q) into (E) max much more reliable than chasing her down with basic attacks.
She can combo it into her (E) “Unraveled Earth” minefield which will slow
and deal damage for each mine tripped by her targets dash / knockup.

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Talon Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Once Talon hit’s level 6, he will often do a lot of roaming, rather than dealing with you in the lane. There really isn’t much that
you can do to stop him due to his (E) “Assassin’s Path” allowing him to leap over structures or terrain. This makes it very
difficult to chase after him if he is on low health, so in most cases just leave him be and go back to what you were doing.

You will simply lose trades if you rely heavily on your basic attacks as your main form of poke.

Focus poke him with your (Q) and capitalize on his roaming by sieging his tower. Make sure to ping that he is missing and keep
your eyes on where he has run off too, he is after all a roaming champion focused on flanking over walls and catching people
by surprise, you don’t want your allies to constantly berate you for not doing the bare minimum of warning them.

A bit of Armor and HP will go a long way in terms of keeping you alive, “Hourglass” is a big help for when he activates his (R)
and tries to focus you. This can nullify the majority of his main damage output, allowing you a chance of fighting back.

Why these specific runes?

“Electrocute” can offer solid burst to kill him after coming out of stasis if you’re doing well offensively, but if you can’t one shot
him, you’re usually going to have problems. “Dark Harvest” has the best late game scaling, but dealing with him early can be a
real chore, especially stacking the rune. “Grasp” is solid all around for keeping you alive and capable of staying alive.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If his abilities are down and he has just jumped to a target you can attempt to blind his follow up basic attack which will bleed
his targets for 2 seconds. It’s not really much, since the rest of his abilities make him get in an assassinate his targets as
Talon’s main forms of engage and disengage is both with his (Q) “Noxian
opposed to chase them down with basic attacks.
Diplomacy” and his (R) “Shadow Assault.”

His (Q) will allow him to close the distance between his targets by leaping When do you utilize stealth against him?
towards them before stabbing them for damage. If this ability is cast while He has a lot of damage poke from his wide AoE from his (W) “Rake” on a relatively low cooldown. Despite this, you can by some
in melee range he will deal critical damage instead. time for allies to come and assist you if you do happen to get caught out in a gank early on.

His (R) allows him to enter stealth, surrounding the area with a ring of What kind of ability order should you take?
blades that will eventually converge to his current location upon revealing. (Q) into (E) max, since both his (R) and his (Q) are on low range it’s safer to poke with your (Q) only going in with basic attacks
He can converge them onto his target if he strikes them with (Q) after (R). to trade with him once his health has fallen a great deal. If you attempt to get in with a basic attack he has a much easier time
getting in range to leap forward to you.
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Taric Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

You can't reliably dodge his (E) especially if his allies flank you from the side. Be respectful and punish him while it’s down.

The biggest problem about Taric is when he decides to rush in as a team when he has access to his (R) “Cosmic Radiance.”

This skill allows for himself and all nearby allies to become immune to all forms of damage for 2.5 seconds after a 2.5 delay, this
makes it very difficult to effectively fight them especially if you and your allies have a severe lack of lockdown to keep them
busy while the ultimate is in full effect. Ideally you would want to burst their main carries before his (R) takes effect.

Why these specific runes?

Solo lane wise “PTA” will offer the most, though you’ll most likely be dealing with him as a duo lane. “Electrocute” is the best
rune overall to burst him or at the very least his squishy allies before his (R) takes effect making them all invulnerable. “Aery”
can be very good at consistently keeping him at low HP from a safe distance from his stuns.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He himself is a support, you wouldn’t really be able to blind anything worthwhile, so prioritize his allies, more specifically his
ADC. You can attempt to blind his passive which allows him to deal bonus damage after using his abilities with basic attacks
that grant cooldown reduction for his basic abilities by 1 second, but it isn’t really something you need to waste your (Q) on.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

He has nothing he can do to you while in stealth besides attempt to do some minor damage with his (E). Once it’s down you
can run or trade with him, if he has an ally with him that also can not do anything to you in stealth you can wait them out.

Taric’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Dazzle.” What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max, would be ideal as his (E) is a little bit higher in range an can potentially catch you out by him flashing forward
Allowing him to stun a target, so long as the skill hits after a brief delay. while you’re in basic attack range. Poking from a safe distance and trading with him while his (E) is down is the best option.
If he is currently linked with an ally through his (W) “Bastion” then this
skill along with all of his basic skills while also cast off them, allowing him
to potentially catch you out by his allies from a distance.

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Thresh Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


The main reason for his threat level isn’t that he himself does a lot of damage or anything, it’s due to his powerful lockdown.
If you manage to get caught out by his (Q) you will be pretty much incapable of running due to his (R) “The Box.”

“What’s in the Box? What’s in the box!?” A 99% slow for 2 whole seconds if you try to run through the spectral walls. It’s not
terribly difficult to side step or avoid his skills, but sometimes you might get caught over terrain when you have no vision.

Keep in mind while you are trying to kill his allies that he can potentially save them with his (W) “Dark Passage” shield and
dash towards him to safety. He can also use this skill to bring his main tank or ADC to the front line when he goes in.

You can use minions to body block his (Q) hook or allies, but be aware he can still jump into the minion and use his (E) to move
you closer to him and his teammates if you are too close, you’ll normally only find him as a support, but there are occasional
instances where you can see him being played as a full Crit attack speed playstyle, which actually really hurts.

Why these specific runes?

Solo lane wise “PTA” will offer the most, though you’ll most likely be dealing with him as a duo lane. “Aery” can be very good at
consistently keeping him at low HP from a safe distance from his engage. He does eventually get really tanky, so “Electrocute”
can potentially fall off into the late game if you haven’t been capable of getting really ahead.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If he has gone full AD Crit build he is going to be a huge threat. But in most every case, never because he is a support, so you’ll
be often better prioritizing his ally most notably his ADC he is protecting.
Thresh’s main forms of engage is both with his (Q) “Death Sentence” and
his (E) “Flay,” which are often used together once his (Q) lands. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
Because of his multiple forms of CC from his (Q) and his (E) it is unwise to attempt playing stealth around him, the second he
His (Q) is basically a hook, if he lands it he will bind the target and pull lands either one you will be revealed immediately. You won’t be able to escape once pulled out, so don’t bother doing this.
them towards him. He can then reactivate the skill to dash towards them.
What kind of ability order should you take?
His (E) allows him to sweep his chain either towards him or away from him (Q) into (E) max, while hiding behind minions and side stepping his initial (Q). It’s very easy for him to flash forward to land his
knocking all enemy targets away or towards depending on his choice. (E) which is near the same range as your basic attacks, so poking him safely with (Q) is a better choice, to play it more safely.

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Tristana Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

This match up in general gives the advantage to Tristana by default, as she will have better wave clear than your ADC in most
cases. So this isn't good for us, since you need to be even or shoved to abuse your passive harass from bushes.

Teemo fails at supporting a tower freeze. Her gap close and burst damage is deadly. If you happen to be facing her alone,
utilize the nearby bushes to poke her, but step back in so she can't retaliate as quickly

You definitely don't wanna be the prime focus of her (E) into her (R) “Buster Shot” combo, which will be a large amount of
damage if you are not building defensively nor do you want to be near an ally.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach before she can leap away.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

If she has recently activated her (E) “Explosive Charge” you can prevent her from stacking it on turrets or targets by blinding
her and attempting to zone her from it completely by pressuring her. Overall it’s a great idea to blind her at any given chance.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Any given chance especially if she dives you with her (E) and you’re not in a very good position, most notably while getting
ganked by her allies or while low on health or mana. She doesn’t have anything to deal damage to you besides her (W). Once
her (W) is on cooldown you can attempt to either kill her or make a run for it. She is very squishy, so utilizing stealth into the
late game is a very good idea to get in behind her front line to take her out of the equation quickly.
Tristana’s main form of engage / disengage is with her (W) “Rocket Jump.”
What kind of ability order should you take?
She will often use it to engage only when she has an ally is coming to aid (Q) into (E) max, poking her while you have the lane advantage, and holding onto it while she has the larger wave as you don’t
her, as jumping forward towards a target without assistance puts her in a want to be caught out by her while your (Q) is on cooldown. Use it wisely and poke with respect of her ability to all in you.
bad position, if she gains a kill or assist she can immediately jump again.

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Trundle Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Trundle is a pretty straight forward champion. You will often come out the victor during the early game considering he is a
basic attack reliant champion. However, into the later game especially when he hits level 6, he becomes difficult to deal with.

The reason he becomes difficult to deal with is due to his (R) “Subjugate” draining your life, stealing your resistances and
healing himself heavily. You can not enter stealth during this abilities channel, which can be deadly if you waste your (Q).

His damage is very high. He tends to be pretty tanky as well, so a more tank shredding build and mitigation build is favored
more over just pure burst potential. “Oblivion Orb” is a mandatory item to deal with his mid to late game sustain spike.

You can't reliably out-run a trundle because of his pillar and his (W) “Frozen Domain” which grants him attack speed, sustain
and mobility. He's great at running you down, so your best option is to abuse your passive while his skills go on cooldown.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” will help you shred through his tanky and extended fights, so long as you fight him while his main skills are down.
“Phase Rush” lets you play a lot safer distancing yourself before he can run you down but offers very little in extended fights.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Everytime he tries to run you down with a (E) engage, once he is directly on top of you blind him. You will not come out the
victor while he is on top of you with his (R) active, since he will steal your armor and magic resistance while also draining your
health while restore his own. So you’re better off running from him instead of standing your ground.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

During the early game you can heavily abuse your passive against him until he has access to his (R). While this ability is
Trundle’s main form of engage will be with his (E) “Pillar of Ice.” draining your health you will be incapable of entering stealth, so it’s best that you run and keep your distance from him for at
the very least the full duration which is 4-5 seconds. So long as you don't get hit by the direct location of his (E) pillar, he will
This ability will slow targets caught out in the radius around the pillar and not be capable of revealing you from stealth. If you do get hit directly the knock up will combo with the pillars slow, effectively
anyone hit by the direct pillar will be knocked up for a short duration. pulling you out of stealth completely due to Riot Games shoddy programming.

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(E) into (W) max, holding your (Q) for the very second he tries to engage. Remember! He will win most fights in the open and
while he is in his (W). So it’s best to back off, hide in bushes and come out when he has utilized the majority of his abilities.
People might consider this strategy pathetic, but it’s a very effective playstyle into basic attack reliant champions.
Tryndamere Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Tryndamere’s main playstyle is through his passive “Battle Fury.” While he lands a successful basic attack on any target he will
gain fury, which will increase his critical strike rate from 0-40% which in the early game can be absolutely devastating.

You never really want to fight him while he is at max fury, but rather poking him heavily while he is trying to stack, forcing him
to use his (Q) “Bloodlust” which will consume all of his fury and heal himself based on how much fury he currently has.

Dealing with this is very easy as all you need to do is purchase “Oblivion Orb” to lower his overall ability to heal, that’s it.

Once he has access to his (R) “Undying Rage” he can become a real issue to deal with since he will become immune to death
for a short duration. Utilize your passive or wait it out in “Hourglass” stasis. He will often try to tower dive you in this state.

All it takes is for him to spin forward with his (E) and slow you with his (W) “Mocking Shout” and attempt to run you down.

Why these specific runes?

“Aery” is often the best rune for the early game against him, since starting (Q) and constantly spamming it will drain your
mana pretty quickly, taking triple mana sustain will remedy this. The problem is you will often lack late game damage.
“Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” offer the best late game burst damage, which can potentially one shot him preventing his (R).

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

The second he tries to engage you or any ally. He is a basic attack reliant champion, so once his (E) is down you can very easily
land (Q) and deal with him the second he gets on top preventing him from dealing a ton of damage especially once he gets
100% crit rate into the late game. If you poke him with (Q) back off immediately until it comes back off cooldown.
Tryndamere’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Spinning Slash.”

Allowing him to spin towards his selected location, this can be either used When do you utilize stealth against him?
as engage or to disengage especially over terrain through the jungle. The very second he enters his ultimate and tries to tower dive you or run you down in the lane. If you immediately enter
stealth there is literally nothing that he can do besides stand there and hit you for little damage with his (E), which if he uses
Due to this skill being his starting skill, it’s recommended that you start (Q) sets you up to kill him the second he comes out of his ultimate, because your (Q) will be up once you exit stealth.
to avoid his level (1-2) all in cheese, since he will most likely hit level 2
before you can. You can die very easily if you don’t respect this strategy. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max, using your blind only as a form of defense and not so much as poke unless you have lane priority and are
Click here for a "Video Reference". constantly shoving him under his tower with a lot of minion pressure to protect you, once you’ve used (Q) just back off and
respect his ability to run you down before you can blind him again. That’s all there is to it with this specific match up.
Twisted Fate Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Twisted fate isn’t much of an issue to deal with in a lane against him, since it’s mostly about avoiding his (Q) “Wild Cards”
which will expand in a wide spread of (3) cards. This will be his main form of poke throughout the entire laning phase.

The biggest problem lies with his ability to reveal everyone on the map even if they are currently invisible, this is why I highly
recommend getting yourself a “Banshee’s Veil” as it can be very handy, preventing the ability from striking you since it will
cancel out his ability to see you, which can be absolutely huge if you’re currently trying to set up an ambush nearby.

He will often run “Everfrost” as most mid lane mages do these days, so once he teleports to you, it’s often impossible to
escape, pay very close attention to him when you don’t see him in his lane he is most likely attempting to roam for free kills.

Why these specific runes?

You’re going to be utilizing your (Q) rather often while keeping your distance so “Aery” offers a really good early game, but it
does lack late game scaling in comparison to other runes. “Electrocute” can be really good especially late game since it will
allow you to potentially one shot your targets including him.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You can blind his (W) cards before he has the ability to land them, it can be very tricky to do this if he has the card ready when
he teleports in with his (R). But overall if he is nearby and looks to be aiming for a golden card, focus him to prevent it. It does
take some time to get use to it, but you will often be able to (Q) him when he uses his (R) to teleport to your location globally.

Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?

Unless you currently have “Banshee’s Veil” it’s pointless to even attempt playing any form of stealth plays around him or his
Twisted Fate’s main form of engage / disengage is with his (R) “Destiny.” allies, so get your mindset on keeping yourself focused on where he is, and when he vanishes to play a lot more defensively.

Allowing him to reveal targets no matter where they are across the map, What kind of ability order should you take?
this makes it near impossible to make stealth plays, while he is alive. (Q) into (E) max, using your blind only as a form of defense to prevent his (W) card effects from activating. His attack range is
25 less than yours but it’s enough to warrant getting in to aggressively to poke with your basic attacks, since it puts you are
He can roam really well with this skill teleporting in to cut off your escape risk of his other skills. The second you see him flipping through his cards be ready to blind the golden card when it shows.
and locking you down with his (Q) “Pick a Card” golden card.

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Twitch Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Twitch is easily one of the more simple ADC champions to go up against. But depends entirely on if he goes AD or AP burst.

Twitch is a stealth champion through the use of his (Q) “Ambush” so it is very helpful to constantly have “Control wards.”

If he decides to go the normal builds which is AD, he will become a lot more easier to deal with, because all you have to do is
get in close, blind him and take him out quickly due to his squishy nature and lack of disengage outside of his (R) range.

If he goes AP it becomes a lot more difficult to deal with him since he will always try to sneak around with his (Q) to get the
jump on you or your allies. Once he is in range all he has to do is activate (W) and stack his passive (6) times.

Once fully stacked he can easily one shot with his (E) “Contaminate” which does more damage based on how many stacks of
his passive are activate on all targets around him. Building defensively against him when he is fed is exceedingly useful.

Place shrooms around your alcove and near walls to prevent him from sneaking in behind to flank you from the side lanes.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach because he is very squishy.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Twitch’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Venom Cask.” The second he gets too close or when he appears out of stealth while you’re nearby. If he activates his (R) after revealing
himself back of entirely since he can very easily kite you with very little issue if you don’t have the damage to one shot him.
If this ability strikes his target they will be slowed for a short duration.
When do you utilize stealth against him?
This can allow him to make sure he can land his basic attacks from a safer If he’s being supported well by his allies, or you think he might be coming through a specific location you can utilize your
distance, especially while his (R) “Spray and Pray” is currently active. passive to reveal him, but he will not know that he has been revealed by you. This allows you to either pop out and execute
him or signal to your allies that he is nearby to deal with him as a team. If he poisons you, you will show as a white silhouette.
This ultimate will grant him a massive bonus in his range, making it very
difficult to get close to him before he kills you at a safe distance. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max, blinding him every chance you get when he attempts to engage you or when you catch him out in the open
Click here for a "Video Reference". while utilizing your stealth effectively. He really isn’t much of an issue unless he’s being supported well by his allies frontline.
Udyr Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

If you pay close attention to his stance animation above his head, you can see which stance he is currently switching to, as
each have their specific uses, and he will frequently cycle between them all to maintain an his passive bonus.

His (Q) “Wilding Claw” increases his attack speed while granting more bonus AD for 4 seconds.

His (W) “Iron Mantle” grants him a temporary shield. His first and third attacks heal him for 2.5% of his maximum health.

His (E) “Blazing Stampede” there is currently an annoying interaction, we cannot stop his blind and he can constantly dash
toward you while blinded, this is the same issue we had when Garen was reworked and his (Q) kept being reapplied til it hit.

His (R) “Wingborne Storm” pulsates a wave of fire. His first and third basic attacks cause a wave of fire to shoot forward.

The most important one to take note of here would again be his (E) as it will be his main form of engage to keep himself on top
of you as he rotates through his stances to maintain his mobility and keep applying basic attacking pressure.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” offers the most in fighting him head on shredding him quickly. “Electrocute” can be really good if you’re doing well but
is less defensive and harder to avoid his ability to run you down if you don’t one shot him. “Aery” is a good safe playstyle
allowing you to keep your distance while you poke him with your (Q).

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Udyr is a heavy basic attack reliant champion, making it slightly easier to deal with him if he does attempt to engage on you, or
Udyr relies on his passive “Bridge Between” to gain special effects on his simply while you are nearby and he is prioritizing an ally about to be caught out by his stun. (Q) him to prevent the stun.
next 2 basic attacks based on which stance he is currently in.
When do you utilize stealth against him?
Udyr’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Blazing Stampede.” You can utilize your stealth against him at any time to avoid ganks or simply to waste his time, however, if he is currently in his
(R) “Phoenix Stance” and has nearby minions, he can potentially splash damage you with a wave of flames in an attempt to kill
Each skill has an addition cast that can activate a follow up immunity to you. So if you do plan on utilizing stealth against him, it’s best to do it far into bushes away from nearby minions.
stun, bonus movement speed, shields and massive AoE.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". (Q) into (E) max, due to him being 100% reliant on basic attacks putting more duration onto your (Q) will be more effective
overall, it’s pointless to attempt to run away or chase him because both his mobility in his kit and his mobility through his
items will prevent anyone from keeping up with him, unless they themselves have a ton of mobility and lock down.
Urgot Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Urgot isn’t really a big problem to deal with, it really just depends on your overall ability to bait out his (E) and kite him well.

One thing to note about Urgot is his passive “Echoing Flames.” While fighting him you will see directional arrows on each leg,
you want to play around the sides of him that are currently on cooldown. If you get too close to one of his legs that has this
passive active, it can hit you through minions since it is has an shotgun effect, once you’re low enough he will try to engage.

It’s very important to try your best to bait out or avoid completely his poke from his (Q) “Corrosive Charge” as it will slow you.
If you allow him to land this skill, it’s much easier for him to follow up with his (E), to attempt to engage you, so be careful.

If you’re having trouble getting caught out by his (R) you can purchase “Hourglass” to prevent the ability from hitting you, if
you time it well. It’s pointless to use it while it has taken effect since it has a long duration for him to recast and pull you.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” offers the most in dealing with him quickly, so long as you have been doing well to keep up with his bruiser items. “Aery”
is the safer approach allowing you to focus on distanced poking. “Electrocute” offers less since he can mitigate a majority of
the burst through his shield, but can still be okay in certain situations.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You can completely counter Urgot's main ability to spam his indefinite late game (W) “Purge” which turns into a toggle if he
decides to max it out early on around level 9. It’s a basic attack channel that can do a ton of damage. If you are unfortunate
enough to get hit by his (E), you should immediately (Q) him the second you land or while you are airborne with a level 3 (Q).
Urgot’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Disdain.”

This skill allows him to charge in his selected direction while gaining a When do you utilize stealth against him?
shield. If he catches an enemy champion he will hurl them over his head He can’t reveal you with any of his skills or deal a moderate amount of damage to you, so when he wastes his (E) you have
switching places with them, effectively cutting off their escape. more of a chance to make a run for it or fight him after you come out of stealth with your (Q) to mitigate the majority of his
damage. If his allies apply a slow to you while he flips you then you will be revealed due to Riot Games shoddy programming.
His (R) “Fear beyond Death,” can also be used as a form of engage, if he
strikes a target (at a very long distance) and they fall below a certain life What kind of ability order should you take?
threshold he can pull them to him and immediately kill them, fearing (Q) into (E) max is fine if you are taking a burst rune or just don’t feel comfortable taking a (E) into (W) max, which will help you
everyone nearby, which can be devastating in a large objective team fight. stay mobile enough to avoid the majority of his abilities, including his ultimate. So long as you blind his (W) channel and keep a
respectable distance from his legs that are currently up you shouldn’t have any issues dealing with him in lane.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Varus Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


If you're unfortunate to lane against him solo, then he will mostly be prioritizing his long range (Q) “Piercing Arrow” poke
from way back behind his minions, this will also be his main form of CSing if you are effectively capable of zoning him.

That being said, don’t be anywhere near your minions when he is fully charging his (Q), if he decides to shoot it towards you he
will be giving up a large majority of his CSing power, letting your waves constantly crash under his tower. Your going to want
to try your best to avoid these pokes as they do deal a large amount of damage at full charge.

Besides his long range and ability to go AD or full AP, he's still a very squishy champion. He is reliant on being at range in most
scenarios, so getting in close enough for (Q) is usually not a good idea, since he can just disengage with his (E) or (R).

If you notice he is going full AP build to defend yourself against his poke damage. “Mercury’s Treads” as a good option, since
not only will they reduce the incoming magic damage, but will also reduce his roots duration a small amount if you get caught.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach because he is very squishy.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

It depends. If he’s going pure AP, don’t bother attempting to do so as he is more reliant on his skills than he is basic attacks, the
same thing could be said about his AD playstyle. He doesn’t tend to get close outside of his (Q) range poke, unless his allies are
there to peel for him. If he is on top of you, focus him, but if he is sitting far back in his team safely, focus someone else.
Varus’s main form of engage is with both his (R) “Chain of Corruption” and
with his (E) “Hail of Arrows” AoE slow during the early stages of the game. When do you utilize stealth against him?
He can very easily kill you if he can land his (Q) fully charged and hit you effortlessly with his (E). It doesn’t matter if you utilize
If he activates his (R) in a large team fight while multiple targets are bushes to keep you alive for a little bit longer, he does a lot of damage with his (Q) if it hits. It’s not wise to play stealth around
nearby, so long as they stay within the radius of those allies they too will him because of this. However, it’s fine to try to get in deep allowing you the ability to ambush him to execute him quickly.
become rooted after a short duration as the corruption spreads up to (3).
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". (Q) into (E) max, trying your best to get the jump on him especially while he knows you are not nearby or when he loses vision
of you, constantly switching locations throughout the lane either near walls or in the bushes until he gets close enough for
you to engage quickly with a burst combo. He is very squishy so it doesn’t take much to kill him, unless he has “Barrier.”
Vayne Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Vayne is hands down one of the easiest matchups to deal with, due to her entire kit being basic attack reliant, aside from her
(E) knockback. So long as you’re not extending into her for long durations you can effectively play around your (Q) duration.

Throughout the entire laning phase she will be utilizing her (Q) “Tumble” as her way of getting closer to engage you with a
basic attack, the first basic attack doesn’t do too much damage, but if she is playing “PTA” and lands 3 successful basic attacks,
her (W) “Silver Bolts” and the rune will both add up to deal a large amount of single target damage to you.

If you’re going to engage her, you want to always take her on with (Q) ready, otherwise she will always win the fights. Once she
has access to her (R) “Final Hour” you want to not fight her head on, but rather enter stealth and wait out the entire duration.
You will have a difficult time fighting her while while she dips in and out of stealth through her (Q) trying to kill you.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately. “Aery” is also
relatively good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach because she is very squishy.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Vayne is countered heavily by your blind, so regardless of who else is on her team it would be extremely useful for you to
prioritize her. However, if she has the “Cleanse” summoner spell or even purchases a “QSS” she can becomes more of a useless
target to blind, unless your allies can force her to use these things preemptively, otherwise she will remove your blind and
very easily shred you in seconds. “Hourglass” can be useful giving you a few seconds for your next (Q) to come up.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Vayne’s main form of engage / disengage is with her (E) “Condemn.” If you are fortunate to be alone with her, with no minions nearby, you can bait her out near a wall with your (Q). The second
she activates her (E) blind her, you will enter stealth while she tries to basic attack you. This of course depends entirely on if
Allowing her to knock away her targets that get too close, however, if they she has the ability to remove your blind. If she currently has run towards you with her (R) active, just hide in stealth.
get knocked into terrain or objectives they will become stunned.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". (Q) into (E) max. If she extends into you rather than tumbling forward for a free poke every now and again, you would be better
off blinding her and making a run for the nearby bushes, unless you can handle her on your own without hiding. The reason
for the hiding in bushes is so she will come closer, often chasing into the bushes. This makes it much easier to fight her head
on. Once she wastes her (E) and (R) it’s much easier to blow her up with burst damage since she extended.
Veigar Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

You have little room for error if you allow Veigar to trap you in his (E) as you can’t move around as freely as you normally can.

You can barely move around inside, but still have a little bit of wiggle room to avoid both the stun and his follow up (Q)
“Baleful Strike” and his (W) “Dark Matter.” If you get caught out he will normally combo his (R) “Primordial Burst” which will
execute you while on low life as it deals increased damage based on the target’s missing health.

It’s often pointless to “Hourglass” this because he can just wait until you come out to land his (Q) and (W) again, killing you.
Building defensively if he is a huge problem is more effective, depending entirely on which build you’ve decided to go.

If you’re building full burst, it’s better to get helpful items like “Crown of the Shattered Queen” with “Banshee’s Veil” as this
will ultimately mitigate his massive damage by 75% and protect you from his (E) stun if you want to get out of it.

If you’re playing a build like “PTA” it can be very useful after your main core items to purchase “Force of Nature” along with
“Anathema’s Chains” marking him, if he himself is the only threat, or if his team consists of multiple AP champions. Before you
run off to say “Oh that’s troll! Useless items!” the items will protect you from 2 full rotations of his (E), (Q), (W), (R), (Q), (W)
which would put you at a health threshold of around 40-50% instead of being one shot the second he lands his first rotation.

“Anathema’s Chains” is a very useful item if he has “Void Staff.” If he doesn’t you can omit it and build more raw damage.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Because he is a mage and will spend the entirely of the game stacking his passive “Phenomenal Evil Power.” This grants him
more ability power throughout the game every time he strikes a target with a spell or when he scores a kill.
Veigar’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Event Horizon.”
When do you utilize stealth against him?
This allows him to create a cage that will stun all enemies that attempt to While he can continuously spam his (Q) and (W) it’s rather easy to side step and avoid them entirely. Once his (E) is used you
cross through either from the inside or from the outside. can then pop out of stealth and trade with him, especially once he uses up most of his mana pool, run away if he’s too strong.
It can be very useful to sneak up on him with stealth, but be mindful he normally plays with “Everfrost” lockdown, so it really
Once he has stunned a target it makes it so much more easier for him to all depends on if he has gone this item or traditional burst damage with “Luden’s Echo.”
follow up with his skill shot rotations to execute anyone squishy enough.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". It really doesn’t matter which ability you max first. All of his abilities will out range you. So focus on kiting and avoiding the
brunt of his main abilities, once they are down you can proceed to run him down. (Q) into (E) for burst (E) into (W) for on-hit.
Vel’Koz Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Throughout the entire laning phase Vel’koz will be attempting to poke you from a long range with his (W) “Void Rift” and with
his (Q) “Plasma Fission.” His (Q) will shoot forward before splitting into two section forming a (T.) This allows him hit targets
from awkward angles, but thankfully his (Q) is blockable by minions to help mitigate the majority of his main poke / setup.

Often times if you do manage to get hit, he will close the distance between you and attempt to knock you up as getting hit by
his (Q) will slow you for 70% which is a large enough slow to warrant concern.

Vel'Koz vastly out ranges you in every aspect, so you would want to mostly focus on CSing and waiting for his main skills to be
down. Once down, you have more ability to get in quick for some burst damage or run down especially while his (E) is down.

Magic resistance is going to help you out if you fail to avoid skill shots entirely. His (R) “Life Form Disintegration Ray” allows
him to shoot a ray straight forward, but has a very slow turning. If you run straight you will die, so do a tight turn to avoid it.

Why these specific runes?

It can be very difficult to get close with basic attacks to trade with him. “Aery” is the best rune to safely deal with him, while
“Electrocute” can be very good at bursting him quickly, since he is squishy without his disengage. “PTA” offers high mobility to
potentially run him down if you manage to avoid his skills and also builts exceptionally well into the late game defensively.

He can apply a lot of potential with his skills so “Unflinching” can be very useful in escaping him late game. It’s optional.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Vel’koz does not need to utilize his basic attacks all that often, as he will spend the majority of his time spamming (Q).
Prioritize a target you can be more useful towards shutting down, specifically in most cases his ADC.
Vel’koz’s main form of engage / disengage is with his (E) “Tectonic
Disruption.” The skill itself is very pronounced and rather easy to avoid. Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
During the laning phase he just has too much poke and AoE damage to safely hide from him, and into the late game can very
However, if he is able to land this skill then it becomes a lot easier for him easily execute you when you pop out of stealth nearby, so long as he is paying attention to his surroundings, otherwise it’s a
to combo the rest of his skills to execute his target once caught out. good strategy to execute him before he can retaliate.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
It really doesn’t matter which ability you max first. All of his abilities will out range you. So focus on kiting and while trying to
avoid his main poke and knock up. Once they are down you can to run him down. (Q) into (E) for burst (E) into (W) for on-hit.
Vex Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Vex doesn't really have much impact due to her immobility. When her bar is full, you have to be aware of her fear engage. This
engage will also slow you by 60-99% based on how far away she is from you. Deal with her when her bar is reset to 0.

If she doesn’t have her fear, she is very easy to run down, until she gains her fear once more, which you should then back off
from entirely until she wastes it on a minion opening up more opportunities for you to engage her.

When Vex has access to her (R) “Shadow Surge” she will have a little more wiggle room in engaging from a long distance. If
this ability strikes her target, she can recast it to dash towards their location dealing a ton of burst damage. While also
comboing her fear if she is currently available to do so. You can not utilize minions to body block this skill, side step it.

If she kills a target the skill will reset allowing he to recast it again to follow up on any of your allies nearby, so watch out.

If she happens to be fed, her (R) will be the biggest threat to you so having “Banshee’s Veil” to cancel out it’s effect is very
useful. You can also choose “Hourglass” to do the same if you feel more comfortable taking that item instead. You just need to
make sure you use it as she is about to hit you or has hit you and is about to dash to your location to mitigate her other skills.

Why these specific runes?

Vex is extremely immobile once her fear is down. “PTA” offers the most out of any other rune to run down a kill her quickly,
while also being capable of building very defensively into the late game in case she does eventually get really fed. You can play
the other runes if you so desire but I would highly recommend it over the burst or poke damage of the other runes.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Because she is a mage, she doesn’t utilize her basic attacks very often nor are they the main source of her damage output.
Vex’s main form of engage is through he passive “Doom ‘N Gloom.”

She will periodically become empowered noticeable through the red bar Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
below her health. If she lands any of her basic abilities her targets will She can pull you out of stealth with her (W) “Personal Space” since it will fear you and apply a slow which due to Riot Games
become feared, running away. This allows her to safely rotate her other shoddy programming causes a bug that pulls you out of stealth.
skills, before backing off to wait for her next empowered ability.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". It doesn’t really matter which ability you max first to be honest, so long as you engage her the second her fear is down you can
max (Q) into (E), (E) into (Q) or even (E) into (W) depending on which rune you have chosen, an what feels comfortable.
Vi Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Vi is a pain to deal with due to her ability to gap close and point and click you with her (R) knock-up. Making it often
impossible to escape her sudden engage unless you have “Hourglass” to prevent the ultimate from dealing damage.

You have a very small window to get away to your tower, or to your fellow team mates to get assistance. Save your blind for
when she finishes her (R), which can possibly save you while you’re trying to survive her basic attacks under tower.

Vi is never really played in the lane, as she is better suited as a jungler. You will want to play it a bit more passively, because
she does have a lot kill potential on you if she decides to focus your lane entirely.

You don't wanna be behind your minions while she is on the opposite side, she can use her (E) “Relentless Force” to strike you
through her AoE splash from a long distance. Vi’s tend to build really tanky so “Void Staff” is going to be very useful to have.

Why these specific runes?

It can often be impossible to fight her with any rune if she has you currently locked on with her (R). But “PTA” is the best rune
to build defensively but also have the capability of shredding her in a solo fight, so long as she isn’t really fed. “Grasp” is better
at staying alive even if she does manage to pull off a full combo, it does decent damage as well. “Electrocute” can be really
good if you can get it rolling into the mid and late game, making it easy to one shot her before she can do tons of damage.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

The second she gets in close, or specifically after she has landed her (R). You’ll be able to mitigate most of her damage and stop
her from shredding you or your allies armor through her (W) “Denting Blows” which can be very helpful.
Vi’s main for of engage is with her (Q) “Vault Breaker.”

This allows her to charge up her gauntlet, before dashing forward to target Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
location dealing damage and knocking them back. If she lands a direct hit with her (Q) you will be pulled out of stealth entirely, so don’t even bother, unless you feel like you can
take the gamble, but most Vi players will have purchased “Oracle Lens” giving them a read on your location.
Alternatively her other form of engage and most often combo after her (Q)
is with her (R) “Cease and Desist.” What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max to help mitigate more of her basic attacks while he has you locked down, so long as she isn’t stacking
This allows her to run down her selected target down with a targeted dash resistances heavily you shouldn’t have any issue bursting her down after you’ve purchased “Void Staff.”
before knocking them into the air and slamming them back down.

Click here for a "Video Reference".

Viego Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Viego’s main gimmick is that he can kill a target and steal their body transforming all of his basic abilities and items into that of
his current possessed body. This can make it difficult to build around him because he has access to AP, AD at any time.

Fight in the open away from walls / terrain, fighting in the jungle isn’t a good idea vs Viego because of his (E) “Harrowed Path”
turning him invisible so long as he stays within the black mist that creeps around the entirely of the terrain he casts it on.

If an ally has been killed recently, it would be wise to toss a shroom onto their dead body. When he possesses the body the
shroom will catch him out, which can give you and your allies from space to breath until he activates his (R) again, which he
can continue to spam so long as he continues to kill and discard his possessions one after the other.

He has a tremendous amount of sustain, so “Oblivion Orb” is a mandatory item to take against him, you can also take
“Hourglass” to potentially avoid his (R) and or most of his possessed champions CC abilities.

Why these specific runes?

It’s hard to say which rune is best against him because he can use so many different potential builds. But fighting him on his
own without a possession “Electrocute” tends to be the best and then backing off after the short trade because he will win
most all extended fights. “PTA” can be very good at dueling him, so long as you’re building correctly and he isn’t really fed.
“Grasp” just helps you stay alive to get some distance on him making it slightly harder to kill you, but only a little bit.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

Despite being more on the basic attack side of things he spends most of his time getting in to quickly burst his targets down
Viego’s main form of engage is with his (W) “Spectral Maw.” with his stun engage. If he has currently possessed a basic attack reliant ally like “Vayne” or something, yes, you can focus him,
but he himself isn’t really worth to blind unless he is right on top of you hitting you with his heavy on-hit damage.
He will charge up be reaching behind himself before dashing forward,
stunning the first target he strikes. This skill is very pronounced and can When do you utilize stealth against him?
be very easily sidestepped without any problems. If you’re being ganked by him it’s rather simple to hide out in the bushes until your allies come to assist you, or until he
decides to give up and go somewhere else. If you see his Black Mist seeping along the river walls or the alcove you want to
Alternatively he can use his (R) “Heartbreaker” to teleport to his selected back off completely, but this is the tell tale sign that he is nearby or coming into your lane to potentially kill you.
nearby location dealing tons of damage to his main target while knocking
away all of his targets allies in a large radius around them. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max, he can be rather difficult to burst down if he decides to go “Immortal Shieldbow” rather than another mythic
Click here for a "Video Reference". item. But your (Q) max can still be very useful is mitigating most of his damage once he gets in and catches you out.
Viktor Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Viktor can augment his basic abilities to deal bonus effects after he gains a stack of 100 “Hex Fragments” which he can obtain
by killing unites or killing enemy targets. He will get (1) from minions, (5) from large minions & (25) for each takedown he gets.

Viktor is an extremely difficult lane to deal with and effectively trade with as his range and hit box is relatively large and hard
to avoid, since he can control which direction his (E) “Death Ray” comes from. Once he starts getting his main items he
practically becomes immortal without the assistance of your allies due to his “Crown of the Shattered Queen” protection.

When his (R) “Chaos Storm” is activated do not try to fight with him, run away! It will slowly catch up to you if you don’t run
immediately, and is pretty easy to avoid once you activate your (W) and getting some distance.

Magic resistance is going to help you out a lot if you can't manage to avoid his damage. It’s important to note that this isn’t a
match up that you can win most times due to how safe he can play while also dishing out tons of long range poke.

Survive the best you can and get assistance from your allies instead of trying to fight him on your own, unless he is terrible.

Why these specific runes?

You’re going to want to survive. “Fleet” is the best rune that also lets you build into different builds late game, but you will do
very little in actually dealing tons of damage to him while playing “Aery” poke or “Electrocute” burst into the late game, since
he will commonly build “Crown of the Shattered Queen” making him take 75% less damage every 40-28 seconds.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He will rely heavily on his basic abilities as locking you down more so than striking you with basic attacks. There is no reason
to prioritize him, especially due to the fact that he will most likely purchase “Banshee’s Veil” on top of the crown.
Viktor’s main for of engage is with his (W) “Gravity Field.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
If his targets linger too long inside this field, they will be pulled to the He’s got way to much AoE damage, and once he has access to his (R) can very easily kill you with little effort. Don’t bother
center and stunned for a short duration. utilizing stealth around him, even while attempting to execute him through ambush, he will mitigate way too much damage.

Click here for a "Video Reference". What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max to poke him safely outside his maximum range with your (Q). Remember this is a really difficult lane so I would
advise you to do your best to poke when you can but don’t go so hard you end up getting caught out. He has every ability to
burst you in seconds if you’re not paying attention.
Vladimir Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Even

Vladimir is all about sustain. The simple way to deal with Vladimir is to watch his transfusion bar. If he is glowing red, back off
and let him use it on a minion, you don't wanna take the increased damage from his empowered (Q) “Transfusion.”

Once his empowered (Q) has been used, then it’s a good time to get in for a quick trade. Once his bar reaches 60-70% again,
back off and respect his pressure. This skill can seriously do some massive damage while also healing him a ton.

Build “Oblivion Orb” immediately to deal with his massive sustain due to the nature of how the champion is played. It’s
common to see him build “Spirit Visage” which grants him bonus MR and HP. “Void Staff” is warranted into the late game.

Once his (W) “Sanguine Pool” has been used to avoid a skill or as a way of engage, run him down while respecting his (Q).
You shouldn’t waste everything while his (W) is still up, since he can just back off and heal before taking you on next time.

Why these specific runes?

“Electrocute” can sometimes be hard to activate, but offers the best damage overall against him. “PTA” is very solid into his
late game power spikes due to itemization, allowing you to take a full combo of him and stay alive long enough to shred him.
“Grasp is really good while playing passive in between his empowered (Q) pokes. Less damage overall late game, but safer.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He will rely solely on his (Q) empowered poke. There is no reason to focus him with your (Q) in team fights.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

The second he catches you out in the lane and activates his (R) and (W) engage you can very easily duck into the nearby
bushes if you are near it already and enter stealth. This will give you some time to recover your life if you have some left over
Vladimir’s main form of engage is with his (R) “Hemoplague.” potions and give you some time to catch your breath before making a run for it. His (W) doesn’t stop you entering stealth.

This will infect a nearby area with a plague, which allows him to deal What kind of ability order should you take?
increased damage to his targets before draining the life force from them (E) into (Q) max. If you attempt to utilize (Q) as a main form of poke he can just heal back the damage with his (Q) sustain off of
the damage dealt from this ability heals him and deal large damage as well. a minion. You would want to get in to poke him with a basic attack and follow up (Q) when he uses his (Q) on a minion to CS.
Overall he doesn’t do a whole lot of damage if you keep backing off when you need to.
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The only concern about him is when he gets fed up and dives you with his flash (Q) into his (R) and (W) which will activate his
rune “Phase Rush” allowing him to run you down while being untargetable until he comes out of his (W) into a final (Q).
Volibear Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Volibear is a pretty basic champion to deal with. He can build AP, though the more common build is AD / Mobility Tank.

His main form of CSing will be with his passive “The Relentless Storm” effectively turning his basic attacks after striking
minions 5 times in a “Static Shiv” effect. This will bounce to all nearby minions and champions standing nearby minions.

If you see that he currently has his passive active, you would want to keep your distance from minions while waiting for it
stop, allowing you to get in closer without taking unnecessary damage to trade with him effectively.

It's quite easy to keep your distance, however, be wary about his (R) which he can use to close the gap to get on top of you.

Purchasing an “Hourglass” can help you here if you're constantly being tower dove.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” is the best rune to deal with him because it’s high mobility and has the highest ability to shred bruisers. You can get
away with playing a more safer poke playstyle like “Aery” or “Grasp” keeping him under tower during the early game but in
general you’ll do more with “PTA” especially into the late game when he starts getting tankier and harder to deal with.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

The very second he gets close while he is charging towards you with his (Q) active, or shortly after he lands with his (R). This
will prevent him from applying his empowered basic attack stun on his current target, giving them or yourself wiggle room.
Volibear’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Thundering Smash.”
When do you utilize stealth against him?
He gets down on all fours and charges at his target, stunning them with a So long as you’re in a bush he can’t effectively deal a lot of damage to you if you avoid his (E) “Sky Splitter” which has a long
basic attack if they don’t get away from him in time. delay before sending down a lightning bolt to his target location. This will only be avoidable if you’re in one of the larger
bushes, not the center alcove bush, so keep this in mind, otherwise don’t even bother to use stealth against him.
Alternatively his (R) “Stormbringer” lets him leap into the air to his target
location, damaging everyone in a large radius while gaining bonus health. What kind of ability order should you take?
Volibear's main problem is his movement speed. You would do well with maxing your (E) into (W) stun, since by default Teemo
If he is near a tower he will disable the tower from targeting him or allies has one of the lowest movement speeds early game against pretty much every single top laner. This will help you stay mobile
for a short duration. This is often used while targets are low health. enough to evade his attempts to charge directly on top of you if you’re kiting him well.

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Warwick Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max


Warwick is a very mobile champion, especially when there is an enemy target currently below 50% or 20% health due to his
(W) “Blood Hunt” granting him bonus mobility and attack speed towards them. He will also see a red trail leading him to the
champions exact location, even if they are hidden or out of vision, so it is unwise to be extended into him with low health.

The biggest problem when dealing with Warwick is his innate sustain through his passive “Eternal Hunger.” If he falls below
50% or 20% maximum health, he will heal for a portion of the his damage dealt to his targets even through his abilities.

It’s rather important to purchase “Oblivion Orb” early on if he is fighting you as a laner, but he is mostly a jungler, so it would
be more useful to get it later on, unless the current laner you are fighting or their entire composition consists of heavy heals.

Warwick will often enter your lane charging up his (E) “Primal Howl” which reduces all damage dealt to him by 35-55% so try
to hold off your main burst damage until it’s over, he can recast the skill to slow you for 90% and fear you for 1 second.

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” give solid mobility to potentially side step his (R) and shred him. “Aery” is great for passive poke. “Electrocute” for burst.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If he is currently on very low HP it would be best to prioritize him as the main target. Due to his passive granting him a ton of
attack speed and sustain, if you don’t he can very easily go from low HP to 75% is a very short duration.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

During the early game it’s perfectly fine to utilizes bushes to avoid his early game ganks, waiting him out and wasting his time.
Warwick’s main form of engage is with his (R) “Infinite Duress.” However, once he has access to his (R) he can temporarily reveal you for himself and nearby allies. But the skill will not pull
you out of the passive. So long as you don’t leave the bushes entirely you will enter back into stealth once the ultimate ends.
This allows him to leap in his selected direction, the more mobility he has
the further he can travel. Striking a target will suppress them for 1 second. Contrary to what a lot of players assume, Warwick can not fear you out of stealth unless you also become slowed by his allies
as soon as he lands the fear or shortly after. This is due to Riot Games shoddy programming.
The skill itself can be flashed or avoided with “Hourglass” or simply side
stepped entirely, if he isn’t right on top of you as he casts it. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. It’ll do more for you to get as much blind duration off on him due to his basic attacking nature after the
Click here for a "Video Reference". majority of his skills have been utilized. It’s often best to activate your (Q) as soon as his (E) takes effect, to potentially enter
stealth while in bushes, so long as he doesn’t activate his (R) before you can.
Wukong Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Wukong can be a nuisance to deal with if you don’t play into him a little more respectfully once he reaches level 6 an onward.

Start with a point in your (Q), otherwise he will have a much easier time cheesing you level 1 or 2. Don’t waste your (Q) unless
you know his (E) dash is down, otherwise it is free engage and free damage to burst you quickly. Use it defensively.

The biggest problem you will have with Wukong is his clone through his (W) “Warrior Trickster.” Often times you might see
him stand still and not move for a few seconds, this is him often pretending to have recently used his clone, when in reality
he’s waiting for you to move closer so he can either engage you or run the opposite way by entering stealth when it’s safe.

Always keep your eyes peeled to look for the visual queue of your poison to know his current position at all times as he is
running while in stealth. If you recently poisoned him, he will shimmer white per damage tick while attempting to trick you.

“Oracle Lens” can be very helpful later on to track his location when he tries to escape if you don’t like relying on your poison
ticks. You could possibly be tricked and waste your entire burst or summoner spells on his clone rather than himself.

Why these specific runes?

He is a bruiser and “PTA” makes short work of him into the later game. “Grasp” is a very good choice, since he will spend the
majority of his time getting in for invisibility trades, also the stack can give away his current location when it comes back to
you tracking him. “Electrocute” can be screwed over if you hit his clone with your entire rotation, so be very careful.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You would want to engage his with your (Q) the second he dashes forward to mitigate his empowered (Q) “Crushing Blow”
Wukong’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Nimbus Strike.”
since it gains bonus range, damage and reduces his targets armor for a few seconds. This can help you survive his burst.
Allowing him to dash to a target enemy sending out mirror images of
himself to strike enemies nearby the target. When do you utilize stealth against him?
He doesn’t have anything to unstealth you or deal too much damage to you over a long duration, so you would be fine to utilize
If he has access to his (R) “Cyclone” he will often immediately activate it your passive for as long as you need to, to either wait for skills to come off cooldown or wait for ally assistance.
upon arriving to his target. This skill will knock up and deal damage to any
champion hit by his spin. It can be cast a second time to knock up again. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. This will help alleviate his (Q) engage after he dashes to your location giving you ample time to retaliate
Click here for a "Video Reference". before he follows up with his other abilities. He can get quite tanky into the later game making it very difficult to execute him
with burst alone, which is why it is much more suitable to play “PTA” into him and focus more on an (E) into (Q) max.
Xayah Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

Xayah is a very squishy ADC so she is very susceptible to burst damage, however, due to her (R) “Featherstorm” she can
potentially cancel out your full burst rotation, as she sends out a fan of feathers before leaping into the air invulnerable.

Once she comes back down she can activate her (E) to lock you down from a distance as a form of disengage, unless you can
kill her before she tries to flash away and heal it would be better for you to wait out her ultimate before wasting your damage.

Despite her being a basic attack champion, you can’t actually blind her feathers as they will still be left behind you upon a
successful blind. Be aware that the feathers are stacking up behind you, so be mindful of the follow up (E) engage / disengage.

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Dark Harvest” or “Electrocute”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately before she can fly
away. “Aery” is also good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach because she is very squishy.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

You would want to engage his with your (Q) the second he dashes forward to mitigate his empowered (Q) “Crushing Blow”
since it gains bonus range, damage and reduces his targets armor for a few seconds. This can help you survive his burst.

When do you utilize stealth against him?

He doesn’t have anything to unstealth you or deal too much damage to you over a long duration, so you would be fine to utilize
your passive for as long as you need to, to either wait for skills to come off cooldown or wait for ally assistance.

What kind of ability order should you take?

Xayah’s main form of engage/disengage is through her (E) “Bladecaller.” (Q) into (E) max, but be sure to only use your (Q) after her (R) has been used. It’s often better to start with a basic attack to
scare her into preemptively activating this ability so you can quickly follow up with a flash (Q) ignite when she comes down. So
Upon every basic attack that she lands or ability, she leaves a feather, these long as she is not extremely fed and you’ve been doing well you can very easily burst her down quickly this way.
feathers can be recalled to her location rooting targets struck.

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Xerath Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Xerath is very difficult mage to deal with, simply due to his ability to spam all of his abilities from a fairly long and safe range.
Most notably his (Q) “Arcanopulse” which fires a long range beam of energy that strikes all targets in a straight line.

You can use minions to body block this but everything else is either frontal AoE or a circle AoE that can hit all targets in range.

A few more points into your (W) early game can potentially help you with avoiding them if you are having trouble, but overall
he is a hard champion to deal with if you are not accustomed to constantly kiting. You should be playing much more safely.

If he has recently used his (E) he is very susceptible to ganks from your allies, since it’s his only method of protection. It’s
mostly a surviving lane until the laning phase is over, at that point you can play more aggressively around him with catchout.

His (R) “Rite of the Arcane” has a very long global range, allowing him to send out arcane barrages while he himself becomes
immobilized during the channel. You can easily get sniped from afar or he can roam around river and simply use ultimate on
your teammates for free kills or to get a kill secure or an assist. This can be sidestepped, if you know he is level 6 and has left
your lane, immediately ping to make sure your allies are aware that he has disappeared from your lane entirely.

Why these specific runes?

He will be dealing a lot of damage to you throughout the laning phase. You want to survive him so “Fleet” is very good, while
“Aery” grants a bit more offensive poke at the expense of survivability. “Electrocute” is great into late game, but sucks early.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Because he is a mage and does nothing but spam his abilities throughout the entire game. There are better targets to focus.

Xerath’s main form of engage/disengage is with his (E) “Shocking Orb.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
Because all of his abilities have a large AoE along with his ability to spam them frequently. It would not be wise to utilize
If this skill strikes a target, they will become stunned for a short duration, stealth against him, unless you were trying to set up an ambush when he isn’t being too much of a threat.
this skill can be avoided by hiding behind minions or side stepping it.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Click here for a "Video Reference". It really don’t matter what ability max you go for, as stated before this lane is mostly a survival lane when the Xerath is playing
to his strengths making it next to impossible to do anything against him without sacrificing half of your health just to trade
with him. But if you seem to be doing well (E) into (Q) is fine, unless he doesn’t bother to buy “Banshee’s Veil” then (Q) into (E)
will do more raw burst damage, taking him out much quicker.
Xin Zhao Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Xin Zhao is can be a pretty difficult champion to deal with once he reaches level 6 due to his lock down an disengage.

He does get rather tanky into the late game, unless he decides to go pure AD burst with “Eclipse” but he is normally always
going to be building “Goredrinker” with bruiser items to keep him alive and in the front line for a lot longer than most.

If he does decide to go full burst damage, I would advise you build “Hourglass” to mitigate as much damage as possible from
him, but for the most part “Oblivion Orb” and “Void Staff” are more warranted more often.

The single most important thing here is to avoid his (W) from striking you at a distance, otherwise he will gap to you with very
little problem an lock you down. If he doesn’t land it, you can poke him from range with (Q) but not with a basic attack as it
will enter you into his shorter ranged gap close of 650 where your (Q) is 680. It’s increased to 1100 if he lanes (W).

Why these specific runes?

“PTA” is great if he is building normally as it has good shred damage and defensiveness. Unless the ones you normally face go
pure burst damage, then “Electrocute” burst is better overall. “Grasp” can be very good if you want to play more passively.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

You can not blind the majority of his abilities like his empowered knock up from his (Q) “Three Talon Strike.” His main ability is
to gap close on you if he lands his spear then follow up with his lockdown before utilizing his basic attacks to kill you. So only
use your (Q) while he has everything down.
Xin’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Audacious Charge.”
Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
This allows him to dash forward to the targets location. He can consistently spam his (Q) and kill you in very little time especially if you get stuck in the center alcove bush, while also
being capable of knocking you completely out of stealth if he manages to (R) you outside of the bushes, if you get knocked into
He can dash from a much further range if his target has been struck by his the wall of the larger bushes you will remain stealth giving you some wiggle room to plan out your next move. If you get
(W) “Wind Becomes Lightning” which marks them as challenged. slowed while in the air from his knock back from his allies you will be revealed due to Riot Games shoddy programming.

He can alternatively push all nearby targets away from his current location What kind of ability order should you take?
when he activates his (R) “Crescent Guard” becoming impervious to (Q) into (E) max will help you if an when you get caught out, just hold onto your blind until his full rotation is gone through,
damage if you’re outside the radius of his (R). Stay close to him to kill him. because you won’t mitigate anything if you just blind him the second he engages you. All he has to do is rotate his (Q) knock up
and his (R) knock back before the duration is over and he can run you down during the early game while your (Q) is on a longer
Click here for a "Video Reference". cooldown. It gets a little bit easier to deal with him into the late game when you can consistently blind him.
Yasuo Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

The biggest problem when dealing with Yasuo is his many forms of mitigation. The first time he is struck by an enemy
champion while his passive “Way of the Wanderer” is active as shown a white meter below his health, he will take no damage,
instead negating the skill or basic attack entirely. This makes (Q) poke completely useless to start with in every scenario.

Not only this, but he can also active his (W) “Wind Wall” protecting himself from all projectile attacks, so long as he stays on
the opposite side that you are facing him from. This lasts for 4 seconds, giving him plenty of time to gauge his next move.

The most important thing to note is that you should never run away through your own minions, but rather run through the
river/jungle if he decides to all in you while you’re extended. You will not escape due to his (E) dashes. This can yes, be
dangerous, just keep track of your current minion waves and only run through your lane when minions are still a ways off.

While laning or around him keep an eye out for his (Q) “Steel Tempest.” After striking it twice one after the other he will start
to channel a whirlwind around his body, if he activates his (Q) again he will fire the whirlwind knocking up targets hit by it.

Overall this matchup can be missurable. You want to keep poking and keep tabs on his passive / wind wall so you don’t
accidentally waste your full burst rotation. If he places a wall, move in between it to hit him from the side as he hides inside it.

“Oblivion Orb” is going to be huge for you into the mid-late game once his sustain items kick into gear.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

It’s not really that ideal to focus on him since his main form of damage will be through his (Q) on top of that his ability to
Yasuo’s main form of engage / disengage is with his (E) “Sweeping Blade.” negate your (Q) with his passive or (W) make it less than ideal. It’s often better to prioritize a different target.

This allows him to quickly gap between his targets so long as there are Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
enemy minions or targets present letting him get close to land his skills He can easily reveal you with his (Q) when he has charged up for his tornado, alternatively he can spam his (Q) quite often in a
while dashing back through minions not previously dashed through. rather large radius which can be annoying to dodge since it’s on such a low cooldown. It would be better to duck into stealth
when he has his tornado active, just to give you some breathing room once he wastes it and misses, but even then try to keep
Alternatively if he or his allies nearby knock up an enemy target he can it a minimum as you don’t want to be trapped in stealth with him nearby.
blink to their location with his (R) “Last Breath” holding them airborne for
an extra few seconds. This grants him bonus armor pen when activated. What kind of ability order should you take?
(E) into (Q) max while focusing mostly on getting his (W) and passive out of the way before bothering to use your (Q). That’s
Click here for a "Video Reference". really the only pain to deal with when trying to lane against him, a good Yasuo will destroy you in most every cases.
Yone Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Yone is the brother of Yasuo and is relatively similar in terms of his playstyle, but it’s arguable much more easier to deal with
him in lane. All of his abilities are very pronounced and mostly a straight line which are all relatively easy to side step.

While laning or around him keep an eye out for his (Q). After striking it twice one after the other he will start to channel a gust
of wind around his body, if he activates his (Q) again he will dash forward a short distance knocking up all targets hit by him.

The main thing to understand is his spirit forms position. If he catches you out from over terrain or under his tower at a safe
distance you don’t have much of a choice but to run away from him dodging the brunt of his main skills before he recalls.

However, if he is relatively near you want to do your best to rush towards his location if it is wise to do so and toss a shroom
where he left his body. Doing this while the majority of his skills are down after his engage will catch him out with a slow.

You will win all trades with him, so long as you're being mindful of his (Q) combo with his spirit form and his slow animation
(R). He is really weak early, and scales very well into the late game making it very hard to survive him once he is fully built.

“Oblivion Orb” is going to be huge for you into the mid-late game once his sustain items kick into gear.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

While he is in spirit form. If he is allowed to do the majority of his damage while he is in spirit form he will repeat the same
amount of damage to his target when he recalls. So if he catches you or an ally out and deals 50% of their lift the recall will
execute them unless the damage is cut down by you blinding him after his main skills are down that being (Q) and (R).
Yone’s main form of engage / disengage is with his (Q) “Mortal Steel” dash Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
often used with his (E) “Soul Unbound” recall combo.
His (Q) or his (R) can both reveal you if he connects them while you’re attempting to hide from him in bushes. He also becomes
rather impervious to burst damage if he has “Immortal Shieldbow” passive active which grants him a ton of sustain and a
This allows him to get in close with his (Q) dash after stacking it, while
rather large shield. If it’s down you have more of a chance to burst him down by ambushing him, but it’s less than ideal.
rotating his abilities before recalling to his spirit location by recasting (E).

Alternatively he can use his (R) “Fate Sealed” to blink away or towards his What kind of ability order should you take?
targets knocking them up if they get hit by the telegraphed AoE. (Q) into (E) max while remembering to focus your (Q) on him while he is in his spirit form as that will be his main form of
damage output that can be mitigated the most since he will spend the entirety of his laning phase trying to land his (Q) dash.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Yorick Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Even

The number one rule about dealing with Yorick is plain and simple, never leave him alone in a lane by himself because Yorick is
an absolute monster at taking objectives by himself or with his (R) “Eulogy of the Isles” Maiden, which can pretty much act
like an extra champion, helping him spawn more ghouls each time a minion dies while dealing damage to objectives.

“Runaan's Hurricane” will make short work of his Ghouls if you are constantly getting hit by the mist. While granting you a
little bit more mobility in the process which can help greatly. It does yes, fill up an item slot that might be better suited for
something else, but from mid game it helps a lot at keeping his splitting ability in check, once late game arrives you can
replace it with something else you need since it loses most of its value past the 30 minute marker.

“Void Staff” will be mandatory into the early game or mid game when and if he purchases “Hullbreaker” making him a lot
tankier and a formidable split pusher since it will strengthen his cannon minions while he is alone and not grouped.

The match up can go either way depending on your ability to dodge his (E) and his (W). If his (R) maiden is up you want to be
as aggressive as you possibly can in an attempt to kill it as soon as possible lowering his ability to split and fight you.

Why these specific runes?

You’re matching his split potential by going “PTA” or “Fleet” with an on-hit approach. Otherwise he will be nearly impossible
to kill or deal with into the really late game when he locks you down and runs you down with his maiden and ghouls.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

If he catches you out in his (W). You can’t really reliably blind his grave stacking since it’s on such a low cooldown, but you can
Yorick’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Mourning Mist.” mitigate the majority of his damage while trapped within his cage. Focus on getting out and running from him after exiting.

Landing this ability allows him to slow his targets while summoning his When do you utilize stealth against him?
ghouls from his from his (Q) “Last Rites” grave. If marked by his (E) they If you’re about to get run down by him or his ally ganking the lane, you can dip into stealth real quick and wait for allies
will immediately leap and swarm his targets. assistance. He doesn’t have anything to reveal you or deal damage to you outside of occasionally hitting you with his (E) but
this again will not reveal you. You can wait for his skills to be down to make a run for it or trade with him if you think you can.
This makes it easier for him to follow up with his (W) “Dark Procession”
locking down his targets in an impassable wall that he and his allies can What kind of ability order should you take?
walk through freely, his targets must destroy it or flash away. Ideally you want to go for a (E) into (W) max with “PTA” as this will help you effectively dodge most of his skill shots
throughout the early game while keeping up with his incessant split pushing during the late game. He can’t kill what he can’t
Click here for a "Video Reference". keep up with mobility wise, you can yes alternatively go with a (E) into (Q) max, but you’ll get caught more without mobility.
Yuumi Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Yuumi isn’t a normal champion. She is one of the only champions in the game that can’t be directly targeted while she is
currently hiding inside her selected ally with her (W) “You and Me!” so you don’t directly deal with her in most all cases.

You can use minions to body block her (Q) “Prowling Projectile” which can be swerved and controlled while inside her allies. If
cast on her own it goes in a straight line. This skill can slow you allowing her ally to close the distance between you quickly.

“Oblivion Orb” is an absolutely mandatory item to purchase as soon as possible. If you choose to not bother purchasing this
item you will soon regret it when he ally is healed late game for 50% or more of their life. Buy it and use it well.

This makes killing her ADC a lot more difficult because of her ability to lock you down with her (R) and zone you with her (Q).

Alternatively she can bail on her ADC and cling to a much more suitable host like a burst mage or tank making them even more
of a problem if they have been snowballing out of control. She grants her allies bonus damage through her (W).

Why these specific runes?

You won’t be able to hit her very often, since she will be inside her allies all game rarely coming out. “Dark Harvest” is great so
long as you have been able to actually stack it through the early game otherwise “Electrocute” will be your best rune. “Aery”
offers solid consistent poke damage that can help with her constantly sustain throughout the entire game.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on her?

Because she isn’t a target you can focus while she’s inside of her allies. She will also exclusively be using abilities.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Yuumi’s main form of engage / disengage is with her (R) “Final Chapter.” You wouldn’t be hiding from her on her own. You would be hiding from her ally. If the ally has any form of abilities that can
reveal you don’t both to play stealth around them. You can check if they do by searching their name on this powerpoint. It can
If this skill strikes an enemy champion 3 times they will be rooted for a be very useful to use stealth while nearby objectives or the entrance to the river for when she detaches to ward/clear vision.
short duration, she can switch her selected ally while channeling this skill
which makes it difficult to avoid if she plays her ally rotation well. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. If you manage to catch her out in the open without an ally she will melt quickly as she has no defense outside
Click here for a "Video Reference". of hiding within in a tanky ally or fed ally. The problem being she will rarely leave her host making it hard to shut her down.
Zac Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Zac can be a handful to deal with due to his constant pressure over terrain while you’re extended into his ally.

Depending on which side of the lane you are in, keep the wall where the “Gromp” is located warded, since this is the most
common location from where he will attempt to launch himself at you when you’re extended or trying to move forward.

Alternatively the Tri-bush is his other favorite spot to launch from. You want to keep a close eye on these locations, while
trying to track him on the minimap. Once he gets in close you don’t have very many options for escape.

Avoid standing close to minions while he is near. You want to get a lot of distance between yourself and him. If he lands his (Q)
“Stretching Strikes” on two targets he will pull them towards him for a brief CC.

Zac is a high sustain champion due to his passive “Cell Division.” Each time he hits an enemy target with an ability he loses a
chunk of himself which he has to pick up to restore his life. You can step on this goo, to destroy the cell completely.

If you happen to kill him while his secondary passive is active he will instead of dying break apart into (4) bloblets which will
start to converge on his death location. Kill them all before they do or he will come back to life with x amount of health based
on how many bloblets remained. If possible toss a shroom where they are converging to slow him if he is about to revive.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He can very easily wait out the duration of blind with his main abilities and lockdown / knockback. It’s not really effective to
prioritize him as a main target, you’d be better off focusing his main carries that are dealing the most basic attack damage.
Zac’s main form of engage / disengage is with his (E) “Elastic Slingshot.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
He can reveal you by either pulling you with his (Q) or knocking you around with his (R) once he has access to it. He also can
This allows him to launch himself in his target direction in an attempt to
do a ton of damage through his (W) “Unstable Matter” and with his “Sunfire” itemization burning you with AoE easily.
knock up an stun targets from a distance. It is most often used over terrain
where vision is likely lacking so he can surprise his opponents.
What kind of ability order should you take?
Also once he is on top of his target(s) he can activate then use his (R) “Let’s While you’re playing “PTA” a (E) into (W) max can really help you side step his initial engages and get some distance on him
Bounce” to bounce (4) times knocking up enemies and slowing them. before he attempts to slow or knock you around, otherwise a (E) into (Q) max is fine for other runes. He’s not going to be your
main target if he gets really tanky into the late game since you need your allies to help take him down.
Click here for a "Video Reference".
Zed Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Hold off on building “Hourglass” if he isn’t your laner and rather only focus on “Seeker’s Armguard” or “Stopwatch” if you see
he is starting to become more of a threat. You can mitigate his entire combo making him easier to engage once you break free
from the stasis. His entire play style revolves around getting in and out quickly rather than extending in a long fight.

It isn't worth building anything more than this, due to his armor penetration. So long as you avoid the initial all in with stasis
you should be fine to back off or attempt to kill him while he is on top of you trying to kill you with basic attacks.

Throughout the entire laning phase he will keep his distance while trying to utilize his (W) “Living Shadow” to land his basic
abilities on you through his clone. If he activates either (Q) “Razor Shuriken” or (E) “Shadow Slash” the effects will copy to his
clone. This allows him to hit you from awkward angles if you’re not actively trying your best to bait and side step his (Q).

“Void Staff” will be mandatory if he does build “Maw of Malmortious.”

Why these specific runes?

He will get in quickly to burst you, so you have little time to react. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest” offer the best damage
output with the quicker reaction time so long as you have been building correctly. “Grasp” just helps you survive his burst.

When do you use (Q) priority on him?

After his (R) has been activated and the majority of his skills have been used you can focus him with a blind to mitigate his
bonus damage from his passive while you are on low HP. But overall there are better targets to focus since he will mostly be
rotating through his initial engage and backing off, unless you are put to a low threshold.
Zed’s most important form of engage is with his (R) “Death Mark.”
When do you utilize stealth against him?
This allows for him to get in quickly, marking his target for 3 seconds, If he has currently activated his (R) to engage you, and you happen to be either in the bushes or near them, then you can enter
during which he can rotate the rest of his abilities before blinking back to stealth while the ability is channeling. If you happen to also have “Hourglass” at this time you can immediately enter stasis
his shadow(s) to disengage making it very difficult to trade with him. while in stealth to mitigate the damage of his (R) while also mitigating his follow up (Q) and (E). Once everything is down you
can pop out of stealth hopefully with most of your HP still near full to take him on since he most likely won’t run away.
This will be his main form of executing his targets into the late game while
he is either really fed or a moderate threat. “Hourglass” is mandatory. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. Zed is an assassin and as an assassin is rather squishy if he isn’t building defensively with items like “Maw of
Click here for a "Video Reference". Malmortious” or “Edge of the Night”. If he does have either of these you want to be extra careful fighting around him. It’s
going to be very difficult taking him on in a 1 on 1 since it will be near impossible to execute him before he executes you.
Zeri Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Physical Major

Zeri isn't that much of a problem to deal with, the biggest problem with Zeri is her overwhelming ability to be mobile while her
(R) “Lightning Crash” is active and stacking along with her massive range on her (Q) “Burst Fire.”

If she is allowed to auto attack with her ultimate she can simply run you down with ease and there is nothing you can do to
stop her. While also having the ability to traverse terrain. She is very squishy, if she doesn't take “Immortal Shieldbow.”

A burst build is much more prefered to deal with her. Our (Q) will not stop her (Q) spam, it will just turn her in a different
direction similar to that of Grave’s interaction. Engage her with (Q) and quick trade so that she has little time to retaliate.

If she starts to get tanky with an item like “Maw of Malmortious” you’ll be more warranted in getting “Void Staff.”

Why these specific runes?

Generally speaking it’s best to go with a pure burst build while dealing with most every ADC. “Electrocute” or “Dark Harvest”
depending on your overall experience with the match-up. You want the fight to be over with immediately before she stacks
mobility “Aery” is good for the early game, but again you’d do more with a heavy burst approach because she can be squishy.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

You can’t actually blind her (Q) which will be her main form of dealing damage throughout the late game. She can still deal
damage and potentially hit her targets. You can still attempt to blind her so that she has a harder time landing her skill on her
designated targets. She is barely going to use her basic attacks into the late game so it’s not really that effective into her.

When do you utilize stealth against her?

Zeri’s main form of engage is with her (E) “Spark Surge.” She has a lot of AoE splash damage through her (Q) so it is unwise to enter stealth in an attempt to hide from her. You can,
however, use your passive to set up an ambush on her, just be sure to not be near terrain where she can escape over.
This allows her to dash a short distance while energizing her next (3) basic
attacks causing them to pierce through her targets hitting multiple units. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. Utilizing it’s high burst damage to take her out quickly while also making it harder for her to execute her (Q)
If she activates this skill while near terrain she will instead traverse it until ability in the direction that she wants to shoot most of the time. If she is allowed to keep stacking her (R) mobility she will be
impossible to kite and impossible to deal with in every and any situation, so do you best to stop her from landing (Q) when her
Click here for a "Video Reference". (R) has been activated.
Ziggs Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Zigg’s not all that bad to deal with since the majority of his skills are very pronounced skill shots. The issue is trying to get
close to him while he has his (W) currently available. This prevents most engages and allows for him to blast himself away too.

His (Q) “Bouncing Bomb” will be his main form of poke from a rather long distance. This skill is pretty difficult for him to land
directly and he will often try to catch you out while you are near minions. You can use minions to body block it, but don’t
stand near them or you will take splash AoE damage when it explodes.

Don’t allow him to free farm and have lane shoved all game, as he will use his (W) against towers that are below 25% up to 35%
based on skill rank, which will destroy them immediately. You want to play aggressively and do your best to side step his (Q).

One of the most important things to take note of is his global (R) “Mega Inferno Bomb”, as it can easily be used in large team
fights to wreck havok in a large radius, or while you’re trying to safely back to base on low health. You won’t escape if it’s dead
center, so you want to always back to base in uncommon locations rather than directly under your tower.

If he is rather fed “Hourglass” can be helpful along with “Mercury’s Treads” to mitigate his poke or avoid his ultimate.

Why these specific runes?

A burst or poke play style like “Electrocute” or “Aery” is generally the better approach, bursting or poking in between his
abilities, while not getting too close otherwise he will just disengage the second you extend into him.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

Zigg’s main form of engage/disengage is with his (W) “Satchel Charge.”
He is ability spam reliant and doesn’t use his basic attacks often, so there is little incentive to prioritize him.
This ability can knock away any target in its radius in the direction that
they are standing in. This skill can also destroy low HP turrets when they Why don’t you utilize stealth against him?
fall below a certain threshold making him very good at sieging objectives. He has too much AoE and splash damage that can kill you with very little effort. However, you can very easily ambush him if he
doesn’t have “Barrier” as one of his summoners. He suffers from being very squishy to your (3) burst combo, so entering
Alternatively he can zone his targets with his (E) “Hexplosive Minefield.” passive while you know he is coming around a corner is very useful, just make sure you know you have the damage.

This scatters proximity mines slowing and damaging targets that pass What kind of ability order should you take?
through it, which can also help him land his follow up (Q). (Q) into (E) max. It’s going to be rather difficult to get in close to utilize your basic attacks let alone your (Q), so you’ll be going
for more quick pokes and backing off until your (Q) comes back up. Once he is low enough you can plan to flash in or punish
Click here for a "Video Reference". him with basic attacks while your in range. It’s unlikely to happen as again he will mostly play from a safer range while poking.
Zilean Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

The reason for this threat level is due to his many forms of disengage, lockdown and difficulty getting close enough to fight or
even kill him or his allies due to his (R) “Chronoshift” which will prevent them from dying and instead reviving them fully.

If you know you can kill them without risking yourself then follow them until the duration wears off or they will revive with
50% or more HP based on Zilean’s current AP ratio! It’s better to ignore that champion instead of outright killing them, unless
your allies all converge onto their location to single them out in a catch out.

If he does stun you expect him to either slow you with his (E) “Time Warp” or boost his or his allies mobility to run away.

The main problem is trying to chase him or for that matter get close enough to do any form of damage. If you were to chase
him you're more than likely going to be stunned and killed with his allies assist or just end up getting soloed by him since his
full late game damage can be devastating if he has been building full AP. It’s better to farm safely and wait for assistance.

If he misses his first (Q) it can still be picked up by his minions, your minions, himself or yourself. He can also use himself as a
martyr rushing in with a bomb on himself setting it off easily by casting it again while he is near you if he’s getting a gank.

Why these specific runes?

A good Zilean is impossible to lane against (fighting wise) so “Fleet” or “Aery” are the go to runes. You can play “Electrocute” if
you want, since it can slowly scale into the late game, but will offer very little early game unless you’re playing well into him.

Why don’t you use (Q) priority on him?

He is ability spam reliant and doesn’t use his basic attacks often, so there is little incentive to prioritize him.
Zilean’s main form of engage is with his (Q) “Time Bomb."
When do you utilize stealth against him?
If he casts this skill after casting his (W) “Rewind” he can cast it twice He has too much AoE and splash damage that can kill you with very little effort. However, you can very easily ambush him if he
allowing him to lock down his targets that get hit by them both. doesn’t have “Barrier” as one of his summoners. He suffers from being very squishy to your (3) burst combo, so entering
passive while you know he is coming around a corner is very useful, just make sure you know you have the damage.
This can make it very hard to engage him in any manner due to his
mobility, slows and possible lockdown through this combo. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max. It’s going to be rather difficult to get in close to utilize your basic attacks let alone your (Q), you don’t
Click here for a "Video Reference". realistically win this lane in any way shape or form, it’s going to be rather boring as you should prioritize CSing and staying
alive for your allies to come and assist you when they can, especially when his (Q) rotation is down.
Zoe Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Major

Zoe has a lot of range on both her main (E) engage and her poke from her (Q) “Paddle Star”, however, if these skills are cast
over terrain their range will increase even more allowing her to catch her targets out from a much larger distance.

If you happen to get hit by her (E) and there are minions nearby, you want to try to get in between them and her otherwise she
can potentially one shot you if she has the damage to do so. This is her main form of executing her targets quickly.

You can utilize minions to body block her (E) aswell, if she misses most of her main skills get in quick for some punishment.

Zoe is a very immobile champion, especially if she attempts to use her (R) “Portal Jump” to escape. This skill isn’t actually
useful for escaping, but rather increasing her (Q) and (E) reach by a moderate amount. She will return to her previous location
once the skill blinks her back, so having a shroom tossed at her previous location can be very useful to catch her out.

Utilizing too many of your active items or summoners around her allows for her to pick them up and use them against you,
which is certainly not a good thing. Every so often an ally cannon minion will drop her a active item or summoner. So try to
play around her in non-cannon minion waves and a little more respectively while there are cannon minions with balloons.

“Banshee's Veil” can be a massive help with avoiding her (E) catch out, but you'll have to play around it's duration.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Shortly after she casts a spell her next basic attack from her passive “More Sparkles” will become empowered dealing bonus
magic damage. It’s not really something you can effectively blind, especially if you’ve been put to sleep. But it can be used to
mitigate her burst damage if you happen to avoid the first volley of her skills.
Zoe’s main form of engage is with his (E) “Sleepy Trouble Bubble.”
When do you utilize stealth against her?
This ability will activate if it strikes its target directly otherwise it will turn
You wouldn’t want to utilize stealth against her for too long, as she can easily hit you with her skill shots. But she can be
into an AoE that will rest on the ground until it is picked up by a target.
caught out with your passive in an attempt to execute her before she can retaliate. If you have “Banshee’s Veil” it can prevent
her (E) from activating making this a very good option if she is being a problem at a relatively long range.
Once the target has been effected it will put them asleep for a few seconds
or until they take damage from an enemy. The first champion ability that
strikes them will be doubled, so it’s important to avoid this. What kind of ability order should you take?
(Q) into (E) max rotating in between when she casts and misses completely or hits a minion. She will build glass cannon often
Click here for a "Video Reference". while sometimes utilizing “Banshee’s Veil” as well as “Hourglass” to prevent immediate burst damage from killing her.
Zyra Damage Type Threat Preferred Runes Helpful Items Ability Max

Magic Extreme

Zyra is this threat level due to her lockdown and perma slow playstyle which hurts a lot even though she is a support.

The biggest issue is with her passive “Garden of Thorns” and her (W) “Rampant Growth” as these skills allow her to passively
and intentionally summon a seed that can spawn in her plants that will aid her in combat if she uses her (Q) “Deadly Spines” or
her (E) near them. They might not seem like much early game, but late game used in combo correctly can be devastating.

You have a very short time to react if she ends up activating her (R) which will knock you up, and deal a ton of damage coupled
with her seed-plant combo. You can not utilize minions to body block her root. The root must be sidestepped as it will root
everything in the way and damage every target hit.

Why these specific runes?

It all depends on your ability to play into the matchup. She has a lot of skills to zone you away from coming closer so “Fleet”
can offer a lot of sustain to manage her plants while staying high on HP. “Unflinching” is very useful because of her ability to
use her plants as perma slow appliers after or if she purchases “Rylais Crystal Sceptre.” If you want to just go raw damage
“Aery” can offer that the most consistently, while “Electrocute” can be difficult to pull off early game, scaling well into late.

When do you use (Q) priority on her?

Shortly after she casts a spell her next basic attack from her passive “More Sparkles” will become empowered dealing bonus
magic damage. It’s not really something you can effectively blind, especially if you’ve been put to sleep. But it can be used to
mitigate her burst damage if you happen to avoid the first volley of her skills.

Zyra’s main form of engage/disengage is with her (E) “Grasping Roots.” Why don’t you utilize stealth against her?
If you are in bushes, do not step on her purple seeds which are from her (W) as they can reveal you while her passive seeds
This ability sends out roots in a straight line that can not be blocked by which are pink will not. She can also spam her abilities in the bushes with relative ease, locking you down until her nearby
minions. If it strikes an enemy target they will be rooted for a few seconds. plants durations end, if she has access to her (R) she can do massive damage an potentially pull you out of stealth. However,
she is really squishy if she is playing as a support and not a laner, making it very useful to ambush her through stealth.
Alternatively her (R) “Stranglethorns” will summon a twisted thicket at her
target location, expanding until it knocks up her targets within. If she has What kind of ability order should you take?
nearby plants they will become enraged dealing a lot more damage. (Q) into (E) max. You’re looking to poke her from the bushes especially while her plants are currently active as to not be
focused by them too often when you attempt to get in to poke with your (Q). It’s best that you play it a bit more passively, only
Click here for a "Video Reference". going in once most of her skills are on cooldown and she doesn’t have many seeds out to set up a large plant army.

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