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ENVS 1301



MARCH 07, 2023


Air pollution is a major environmental issue that is causing immense damage to both human
health and the environment. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that every year,
air pollution causes 7 million premature deaths globally. Furthermore, air pollution is also
responsible for significant economic costs in terms of healthcare expenditures and crop
damage. Therefore, it is crucial to address this problem urgently. In this essay, I will be
discussing my findings on the main air pollutants and possible causes of air pollution in my
community and how it compares to others. I will also consider my skills and interests and suggest
two ways in which I could contribute to improving air quality in my community.

Main air pollutants and possible causes of air pollution:

To identify the main air pollutants in my community, I contacted the pollution control
authorities. They provided me with data on the levels of different air pollutants in the air. The
main air pollutants in my community are particulate matter Carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen
dioxide (NO2), and ozone (O3).

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a flammable poisnous gas that is colourless and odorless and its dense
than air, its main source in my community are vehicular emission from trucks and cars and also
industrial activities

Nitrogen dioxide is a toxic gas that is formed when fossil fuels are burned at high temperatures.
The main sources of NO2 in my community are vehicular emissions and industrial activties.
Exposure to NO2 can cause respiratory problems and increase the risk of asthma and other lung

Ozone is a gas that is formed when nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) react with sunlight. The main sources of NOx and VOCs in my community are vehicular
emissions and industrial activities. Ozone can cause respiratory problems and damage crops.
Comparison with other communities:

According to the State of Global Air report 2020, the levels of PM2.5 in my community are
higher than the national average in my country. However, they are lower than the levels in
some other urban areas. The levels of NO2 and O3 in my community are also lower than the
national average. This suggests that while air pollution is a problem in my community, it is not
as severe as in some other areas.

Skills and interests that could contribute to improving air quality:

There are several ways in which I could contribute to improving air quality in my community.
For instance, if I had expertise in urban planning, I would work with local authorities to design
and implement policies that reduce vehicular emissions and encourage sustainable modes of
transportation, such as cycling and walking. This could include designing bike lanes and
pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, promoting public transportation, and introducing incentives
for electric vehicles.

Another way in which I would contribute is by promoting awareness about the impact of air
pollution on health and the environment. I would use social media and other platforms to
educate people about the sources and effects of air pollution and encourage them to take steps
to reduce their carbon footprint. This would include simple measures such as turning off lights
and electronics when not in use, using energy-efficient appliances, and reducing meat


Air pollution is a significant environmental problem that is causing immense damage to human
health and the economy. The main air pollutants in my community are particulate matter,
nitrogen dioxide, and ozone. While the levels of these pollutants are high, they are not as
severe as in some


State of global air. (n.d.). Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

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