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Exercise 4 1

1. On the base of a rectangle draw a parallelogram equal

and having an angle equal to 60°.
it in area
to it in

2. The base of a triangle is I cm. another side is 1.3 cm. and area is 2 al
sq. cm. Draw the triangle.

3 The base of a triangle is 1.6 cm. one base angle is 30° and areais
sq. cm. Construct the triangle.
Pivide a triangle into five equal parts.
If the mid-points of the sides of a triangle be joined, it is divided
into 4 triangles of equal area.
Divide a right-angle triangle into two equal isosceles triangles.
7. In a quadri lateral ABCD, the diagonal AC bisects the diagonal BD
Prove that AC bisects the quadrilateral.
*8. In the AABC, R is the middle point of AB and P any pt. in AC. BP
is produced to S so that ARPS and ARCP are equal in area. Prove that
SC is parallel to AB.
*9. Divide the area of a given square into four parts from which two equal
squares can be made up.
N*10. Construct a rhombus equal in area to a given rectangle and having a
side equal to a side of the rectangle [ Traces only required ]
11. Show that the square on any straight line. is four times the square on itsS
12. Show that a parallelogram is bisected by any st. line passing through
the middle point of its diagonals.
12. Show that a parallelogram is bisected by any st. line passing through
the middle point of its diagonals.

13. Show that a trapezium is bisected by the straight line which joins the
middle points of its parallel sides.

4. In a parallelogram ABCD any point the diagonal AC.

O is taken on

If O is joined to B and D, show that the AAOB and the AAOD are
equal in area.

A5. Prove that the four triangles into which a parallelogram is divided oy
its diagonals are equal in area.
16. The straight line joining the middle points of any two sides ofa trang*
is parallel to the third side.
17. The triangle formed by joining the middle point of one of the opil
halfthe la
Sides of ä trapezium to the extremities of the opposite side is

C is an isosceles triangle, of which B is the vertex. BA. BC are
in D. E respectively : AE. CD intersect at F. Show that BDE
= 3 ADEE

ABCD is a parallelogram and X, Y are points in DC and AD


show tnat A" ABX and BYC are equal in area.
a/ABCD is any parallelogram and O is any point within it. Show that
the sum of the Ad AOB, COD is equal to half the area of the
parallelogram. [ M. P. *79, "80]
1. If two triangles have two sides of the one respectively equal two sides
of the other and the included angles are supplementary. then the triangles
are equal.
I f a diagonal of a quadrilateral bisects the quadrilateral it also bisects
the other diagonal.

23/ Two A ABC, DBC on the same base BC and on the same side of it
are equal in area. If the AABC be isosceles. prove that the perimeter of
the AABC is less than that of the ADBC.

24 Describe a rhombus equal to a given parallelogram and standing on

the same base. When does the construction fail ?

25.'On the base of a given triangle draw an isosceles triangle of equal


of an isosceles triangle
26. The st. lines bisecting the angles at the base
meet the other sides at D and E. Show that
DE is parallel to the base.
27. In AABC, P is any point on AB. Through P a st. line PR is drawn equal
that AAQR and ABRQ are
and paralel to BC, cutting AC at Q. Prove
equal in area.
Prove that
28 X and Y are the middle points of AB and BC of AABC.
in the base of
29. Prove that the sum of the perpendiculars from any pt.
sides is equal to the perpendicular
an isosceles triangle on the equal
from one of the base angles to the opposite side.
the base
isosceles AABC let AB AC and P be any point on

In the
andAC respectively
BC. From P draw PQ and PR perpendicular to AB
and from B draw BSLAC.
BS. Join A and P.
To prove that PQ+ PR =

I Proof: The area of a triangle =xbase x altitude.


Again. AABC = { AC.BS.




or. AC{PQ + PR} =AC.BS.

PQ+ PR =
BS. ]
30. If any point be taken within an equilateral triangle, the sum of the
perpendiculars drawn from it to the sides is equal to the perpendicular
from any vertex to the opposite side.
Hints: AABC is equilateral: P is any point within it. From Pdraw
perpendiculars on the sides and from A draw a perpendicular on BC.
Join A. P ; B, P; C, P and prove after the above example 29].
31 The sum of the distance of any point within a rhombus from its sides
is constant.
*32. Two triangles of equal area stand on the same base but on opposite
sides of it; show that the straight line joining their vertices is bisected
by the base.
33. The area of a rhombus is equal to half the rectangle
contained by the diagonals.
34. If two triangles have the same altitude, but unequal bases, tnat

which stands on the greater base has the greater area.

35. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if its diagonals divide it into rou
triangles of equal area.
36. Side AB and DC of the trapezium ABCD are parallel and AD
DC. From BA the portion BE is cut off equal in length to CD. rio

thatAACD = quadrilateral at BCDE.

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