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A line is drawn from point P to point Q, where P

is along line AB and Q is along the line AC of the
1. In triangle BCD, BC = 25 and CD = 10. Compute
triangular lot ABC. If AP:PB = 3:1 and AQ:QC =
the probable perimeter of the triangle.
2:5, what is the proportion of the area APQ and
2. The area of an isosceles triangle is 36 cm2. The
included angle between the equal sides is 30
17. Given triangle ABC, point E is along side AC and
deg. Determine the length of the unequal side.
point D is along side BC. Line BE and AD are the
3. The area of a right triangle is 88.48 m2 and its
angle bisectors of angle B and A respectively. If
perimeter is 46.37m. Find the sum of the
the angle BEC = 75 deg, and angle ADC = 84 deg,
shorter leg and the longer leg.
find the angle ACB.
4. P is a point on BC of the triangle ABC such that
18. A point O is inside an equilateral triangular lot
AB = AC = BP. If PA = PC, find the value of the
ABC. Point O is 3m from A, 4m from point B
angle ABC.
and, 5m from C. Compute the area of the
5. Determine the length of the angular bisector
triangular lot in sq.m.
from vertex A to side BC of triangle ABC if c =
19. ABC is a triangle having an angle A equal to 80
14cm, a = 28cm, and b = 18cm
deg. Point D is a point inside the triangle. If BD
6. In triangle ABC, c = 40m, angle C = 70 deg and
and CD are bisectors of angle B and C
angle A = 45 deg. Determine the length of the
respectively, find the angle BDC.
median drawn from vertex A to side “a”
20. A corner lot of land is 122.5 m on one street and
7. Two angles of the triangle are 103.2 deg and
150m on the other street, the angle between
43.3 deg. The side opposite the obtuse angle
the two streets being 75 deg. The other two
has length of 2.7m. Find the other angles.
lines of the lot are respectively perpendicular to
8. ABCD is a square. A point P is inside the square,
the lines of the streets. What is the perimeter of
which forms a triangle PDC an equilateral. Find
the boundary of the lot?
the angle between sides AB and PB.
21. A circle having a radius of 4cm is inscribed in a
9. Solve the triangle with sides 4, 5, and 12.
square section. A smaller circle is also tangent
10. The three sides of a triangle measure 36 cm, 18
to the sides of the square and to the bigger
cm and 24 cm. What is the length of the median
circle, which is inscribe in a square. Compute
drawn from the longest side to opposite vertex?
the radius of the smaller circle.
11. Given the sides of a triangle ABC, a = 36.3 cm, b
22. In triangle ABC, c = 30, a = 36, and b = 18. Find
= 23.9 cm, and c = ? The angle opposite side a is
the radius of the circle tangent to the side c and
77.3 deg. Compute the value of side c in
escribe outside the triangle.
23. A right triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius
12. The three sides of a triangle measure 36 cm, 18
7.5 cm. One of its sides is 15cm long and its area
cm, and 24 cm. What is the length of the
is 54 Compute the perimeter of the right
median drawn from the shortest side to
opposite vertex?
24. Points A, B and P are points in a circle. TA and
13. Find the base x of the triangle DBE as shown
TB are tangents to the circle with A and B as
that its area will be one half that of triangle
points of tangency. The angle between the
tangents angle ATB = 50 deg. Find the angle ABP
14. A square section ABCD has one of its sides equal
if P is father from the point T than A and B.
to a. Point E is inside the square forming an
25. AB is a diameter of a circle. BC is a chord 10cm
equilateral triangle BEC having one side equal in
long. CD is another chord. Angle BDC = 18 deg.
length to the side of the square. Find the angle
What is the area of the circle in sq.m.?
26. Two circles are tangent to a third circle
15. A square section ABCD has one of its sides equal
internally and tangent to each other externally.
to x. Point E is inside the square forming an
If the distances between their centers are 10cm,
equilateral triangle BEC having one side equal to
7cm, and 5cm respectively, find the radius of
the side of the square. Compute the value of
the biggest circle.
angle DEC.
27. Two perpendicular chords both 5cm from the intersecting the circle. If CB = 16cm and PA =
center of the circle, divides into four parts. If 15cm, find the value of PC.
the radius of the circles is 13cm, find the area of 39. A circular lake is located at a certain barangay in
the smallest part. Tagaytay. An existing road runs tangential to a
28. Chords AB and CD intersect each other at O circular lake. Twelve kilometers from point of
inside the circle. AO = 8cm, CO = 12cm, and DO tangency, along the existing road, a new road of
= 20cm. If AB is the diameter of the circle, 8 km in length is constructed to the periphery of
complete the area of OCA.’ lake at B. The new road is extended to cross the
29. A circle is inscribed in a triangle ABC, and it lake. Compute the length of the bridge needed
touches AC at P. I f AB = 14, AC = 10, and AP = 4, to cross the lake.
what is the length of side BC? 40. Secants PB an PD are drawn from point P having
30. The length of the common chord of two circles an angle between them equal to 20 deg. The
intersecting each other is 48cm long. The secant intersects a circle at points C,B,D and A.
distance between their centers is 17cm and the C is along the secant PB while A is along the
radius of one circle is 25cm, compute the secant PD with C and A nearer to P. The angle
diameter of the second circle. PBA is 40 deg. If AB is a diameter of a circle, find
31. A line PT is drawn tangent to a circle at point P the angle ACD.
Triangle PQR is inscribed in the circle with chord 41. PA and PB are tangents at A and B of a circle
PQ making an angle (theta) with tangent line having a diameter of AC. If AC and PB is
P.T. In triangle OQR, if < P : < Q : <R = 2:3:4, find prolonged, it will intersect outside the circle at
the value of theta. Q. If the value of the angle PQA is 20 deg, find
32. AB is a diameter of a circle having its center at the value of the angles BAQ.
O. Points P and Q is on the perimeter of the 42. One side of a rectangle, inscribed in a circle of
triangle. The ration of the arc AP to that arc PQ diameter 17cm is 8cm. Find the area if rectangle
4:3. Compute the angle AOP if the value of 43. It is 4.2 km from point A to the north end of the
angle PAQ = 24 deg. lake and 6.1km from A to the south end of the
33. Triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle with side a = lake. The lake subtends an angle 110 deg at Q.
60cm, and angle BAC = 20 deg. If the angle ABC The length of the lake of the from north to
= 40 deg, find the diameter of the circle. south is nearest to?
34. Two chords AB and AC are equal and OB is also 44. A, B, and C are three points in a horizontal
equal to OC where point O is the center of the plane. AB = 25m and PA is a vertical pole. The
circle circumscribing triangle ABC. If the angle angle of elevation of P from B and C are 20 deg
BOC is 2298 deg, the final value of angle ABO. and 30 deg, respectively. If A, B and C lie in a
35. In triangle ABC, AB = 15m, BC = 18m and CA = circle with AB as diameter, find the area of
24m. How far is the point of intersection of the triangle ABC in m2.
angular bisectors from side BC? 45. Given a triangle ABC with sides AB = 25cm, BC =
36. In triangle ABC, AB = 30m, BC = 36m, and AC = 32cm , and AC = 47cm. Find the distance of the
48m. The perpendicular bisectors of the sides point of intersection of perpendicular bisectors
intersect at point P. How far is P from side BC? to side BC. Hint: The point of intersection of
37. Two tangents were drawn from T to a circle and perpendicular bisectors of any triangle is the
has its points of tangency on the circle and has center of the circumscribing circle
its points of tangency on the circle at A and B. (circumcenter), and its distance from any vertex
The angle between the tangents 54 deg. Point C is the radius of the circumscribing circle.
is along periphery of the circle and is nearer to T 46. A road is tangent to a circular lake. Along the
than A and B. If the lines AC and BC are road and 12 miles from the point of tangency,
constructed, determine the angle between the another road opens towards the lake. From the
lines AC and BC at point C. intersection of the two roads to the periphery
38. A, B, and C are three points on a circle. PA is of the lake, the length of the new road is 11
tangent at A and PCB is a straight line miles. If the new road will be prolonged across
the lake, find the length of the bridge to be 58. ABCD is a square of side 10m. PQRS is a square
constructed. inside the square ABCD. PQRS, QRCB, RSDC and
47. The perimeter of a sector is 9m and its diameter SPAD are identical trapezia each of area 16cm2.
is 6m. Compute the area of the sector. What is the height of each trapezium? PQ is
48. ABO is a circular sector having a central angle of parallel to AB and SR is parallel to DC.
30 deg, with O as the center. If point M is 59. A lot has a frontage of 120m along a road. The
located midway between OB, determine the other sides, which are both perpendicular to the
area of ABM if the radius of the circle is 4cm. road are 90m and 60m, respectively. If it is
49. AOB is a sector of radius 23 cm and has a desired to subdivide the lot into two parts by
central angle of 60 deg. A circle having a radius r another perpendicular line to the road such that
is inscribed in the sector. Compute the radius of the area of the lot that adjoins 90m side is equal
the circle. to one-third of the whole area. Determine the
50. A prism has a cross-section consisting of a length of the dividing line.
square section ABCD and a circular arc APB. APB 60. The parallel sides of a trapezoidal lot measure
is a circular arc with center at M, the midpoint 160m and 240m and are 40m apart. Find the
of CD, having a radius equal to AM. If one of the length of the dividing line parallel to the two
sides AB = 15cm long, determine the length of sides that will divide the lot into two equal
arc APB. areas.
51. A swimming pool has the form of two 61. Triangle ABC is inscribed in a circle with angle B
intersecting circles of equal radius of 30m, If the = 82 deg and C = 40 deg. Point M is the
center of the circles lies on the circumference of midpoint of arc AB. Determine the value of the
the other, compute the perimeter of the angle MAC.
swimming pool. 62. Points A, B, C, D, and E is on the periphery of
52. A sector is bent to form a cone. If the angle of the circle. AB = BC = CD. If the value of the angle
the sector is 60 deg. With a radius of 6cm, what BAC is 25 deg, find the angle DEA.
would be the radius of the cone if it has a slant 63. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle with
height of 6cm? point O as the center of the circle. If AB is a
53. ABC is a circular sector with a central angle of diameter of the circle and angle CAB = 39 deg,
40 deg at its center at A and a radius of 20cm. find the value of angle BCO.
BC is an arc. From point B, a line is drawn to 64. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle
point D, the midpoint of AC. Find the area of having a diameter AD = 8.224cm. If AB = 2cm,
BCD in BC = 4cm, and CD = 6cm, find the area of the
54. The center of two circles with radii of 3m and quadrilateral.
5m respectively are 4m apart. Find the area of 65. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a given
the portion of the smaller circle outside the circle. The angle ADC = 75 deg and angle ACD =
larger circle. 45 deg. If the arc BC is only one-half of arc CD,
55. Find the area in square centimeters of the find the value of angle BCA.
largest square that can be cut from a sector of 66. A quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle with
a circle radius 8cm and central angle 120 deg. CD as diameter. AB is parallel to CD and AB is
56. Two sides of a parallelogram are 68cm and shorter than CD. If the value of the angle ABD =
83cm, respectively. One of its diagonals is 42cm 40 deg, determine the value of angle ADB.
long. Determine the biggest interior angle of the 67. Determine the area of a circle inscribed in a
parallelogram. regular hexagon having an area of 240
57. A trapezium ABCD has a smaller side AB parallel 68. ABCD is a square of side 10cm. Four congruent
to the bigger side CD. Side AD makes an angle of isosceles triangles are cut off from the four
45 deg from the side CD while side BC makes an corners that the remaining portion is a regular
angle of 60 deg with side CD. If AD = 1, compute octagon. Compute the equal sides of the
the value of side BCA. isosceles triangle.
69. A regular octagon is to be cut out from a square 82. An ice cream cone is filled with ice cream and
having a side of 16cm. Determine the sides of more ice cream in the form of a hemisphere is
the octagon. placed on top. The diameter of the hemisphere
70. A circle is inscribed in a square and is equal to the diameter of the cone. If the
circumscribed about another. Determine the hemispherical surface is equal to lateral area of
ratio of the area of the larger square to the area the cone, find the total volume of ice cream if
of smaller square. the radius of the hemisphere is 2cm.
71. The perimeter of a small rectangular industrial 83. Find the volume of a spherical wedge having a
lot is 140m and its diagonal is 50m. Find the radius of 2cm and a central angle of 71.62 deg.
area of the lot in sq.m. 84. The capacities of two hemispherical tanks are in
72. The base of a spherical pyramid is a bi-triangular the ratio of 64:125. If 4.8kg of paint is required
triangle whose third angle is 23 deg. If the to paint the outer surface of the smaller tank,
diameter of the sphere is 90cm, find the volume then how many kg of paint will be needed to
of the spherical pyramid. paint the outer surface of the larger tank?
73. The frustum of a sphere has the following 85. A spherical sector is cut from a sphere whose
diameters, 12cm and 20cm. The frustum is diameter is 24cm. Find its volume if its central
3.6cm thick. Determine the volume of the angle is 30 deg.
frustum of a sphere. 86. Three spheres made of lead have a radius of r,
74. A spherical tank has a diameter of 30cm. If the 2r, and 4r respectively are melted to form a
volume of water in the tank is 1470.265, new sphere of radius R. The ratio of the volume
determine the depth of water in the tank. to the surface area of the new sphere is equal
75. The formula of radius “r” of a sphere with to 4.18. Compute the radius r.
87. A truncated prism has a horizontal base ABC. AB
surface area A is √ . Rationalize the
= 30cm, BC = 40cm, and CA = 50cm. The vertical
denominator of the radical expression of this edges through A and C are 18cm and 27cm long.
formula. If the volume of the prism is 13800,
76. What is the surface area of a sphere whole determine the height of the vertical edge at B.
volume is 36 88. 49.48 sq.m. of sheet metal was used to
77. The volume of a spherical wedge is 6.67 cubic construct a cylindrical tank with an open top.
meters and its radius is 2m. Determine the The height of the tank is 1.5 times its diameter.
surface area of the lune. Find the radius of the tank.
78. A solid spherical steel ball x cm in diameter is 89. The bases of the right prism are pentagons with
placed into a tall vertical cylinder 12cm in each side 6cm long. The bases are 14 cm apart.
diameter containing water, causing the water What is the volume of the prism in
level to rise by 6cm. What is the value of x? 90. The surface area of a regular tetrahedron is
79. A sphere of radius 5cm and a right circular cone 173.2 What is its volume?
of radius 5cm and height of 10cm stand on a 91. Find the volume of a regular tetrahedron with
plane. How far from the base of the cone must an edge of 3m.
a cutting plane (parallel to the base of the cone) 92. A cube of edge 30cm is cut by a plane
pass in order to cut the solids in equal circular containing two diagonally opposite edges of the
sections? cube. Find the area of the section thus formed
80. A light bulb is placed at a certain distance from in
the surface of a spherical globe of radius 20cm. 93. Find the ratio of the volume of a hexadron and
If it illuminates one-third of the total surface of is surface are it it has one of its sides equal to
the globe, how far is it from the surface? 24cm.
81. The area of a lune is 100 If the area of 94. The lateral area of the right circular cone is 634
the sphere is 720, what is the angle of sq.m. If its diameter is two-thirds its altitude,
the lune? determine its altitude in meters.
95. A cone is to be constructed from a sector having
a radius of 36cm and a central angle of 210 deg.
Find the radius of the cone.
96. A hole 100mm in diameter is to be punched out
from a right circular cone having a diameter of
160mm. Height of cone is 240mm. Determine
the length of the hole punched out.
97. A right circular cone is divided into 3 portions A,
B, and C by planes parallel to base. The height
of each portion is h, and the base radius of the
cone A is “r” units. Cone A is the vertex of the
big cone. Determine the ration of the volume of
A to that of B.
98. The height of the cone is h. It contains water to
a depth of 2/3 h. What is the ratio of the
volume of water to that of the cone?
99. The volume of the frustrum of a regular
triangular pyramid is 15 times the edge of the
lower base. The lower base is an equilateral
triangle with an edge of 9m. The upper base is
8m above the lower base. What is the upper
base edge?
100. The lateral area of a regular pyramid
with a square base is 1500cm2 and altitude of
20cm. Compute the side of the square base.
101. A solid pyramid whole altitude is 1.5m
weighs 2000kg. At what distance from its base
must it be cut by a plane parallel to its base so
that two solids of equal weight will be formed.
102. A pit 5m deep was dug out from the
ground. The pit 3m by 4m at the top 2m by 3m
at the bottom. What is the earth removed in
103. A trough, whose ends are isosceles right
triangles with vertical axis, is 20 ft. long. If it
contains 40 gallons of water, how deep is the
water? (1 gallon = 231
104. A swimming pool is rectangular in shape
of length 12m and width 5.5m. It has sloping
bottom and is 1m deep at one end and 3.6m
deep at the other end, The water from a full
cylindrical reservoir 3.6m in diameter and 10m
deep is emptied to the pool. Find the depth of
water at the deep end.

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