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Name: Rayhan Rizky Fitrianto

NIM: 185010107111047

Reading – B.Inggris

II. Read the information again, and choose whether the statement is true, false, or not

given according to the passage!

1. True
2. False
3. Not Given
4. True
5. False

III. Now, identify the keywords that guides you to find your answer, and state which
paragraphs and lines are the locations to your answers

No. Key words Paragraph Lines

1 Conduct Of People 6 3

2 The Code Punishments 11 1-2

3 Law Code Of Hammmurabi 9 1

4 Absence Of Law 7 3

5 Orginated – Reigned Over Babylon 9 1

IV. In two – three sentences, what can you conclude from the passage?

Naturally law was based on the idea that certain basic principles are above the laws of a nation. Law can
be defined as the set of rules or regulation by which a goveremnts regulates the conduct of people
within a society.

V. Please give example of five words from the passage on noun, verbs, adverbs,
adjectives, and modals!
 Noun: Draco, Solon, Debtors, Citizens, Thieves.
 Verbs: Began, Believed, Published, Stated, Revised.
 Adverbs: Very, Almost, About, Many, Why.
 Adjectives: New, Serious, Harsh, Natural, Sophisticated.
 Modals: Could, May, Need, Can, Would.

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